This page contains a collection of Bleach fanfictions.
Some stories might be one shot individual chapters and others might be part of a larger series!
Comment and share your thoughts!
Ongoing Series
Written by: Mr. Akrononym and Azzlover
Written by Sailor Io
To those wondering what happened to the old fanfic series, please check out this post: [LINK]
When’s the next chapter coming out for the first series?
You gotta ask SailorIo, he writes it
Please more unohana
I had the idea of Ichigo x harem for a series, but not sure. That’s just one of my ideas. Other idea was boy and girls stuck on an abandoned island.
I wanna see more Whorehime!
There will be more Orihime for sure
Can there be more isane as well
I originally planned to post Isane this month but plans changed and I had art from other series that needed to be posted
Been a minute since that story was continued lol. It’s been what 10 months now lol.
That ain’t happening anytime soon. It’s been a year since anything happened.