Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Cock for Club Membership

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXVI): [LINK]

“Mmmmmh… That’s not good!” Kisuke Urahara said to himself. The former shopkeeper laid on his stomach and watched, hidden behind two bushes, as Rukia Kuchiki and Rangiku Matsumoto took care of the Carnal needs of their partners. The black haired girl’s skill and body were especially impressive and he already knew that Unohana would recruit her. No questions asked! Rangiku wasn’t bad but she lacked finesse, which made him doubt that Unohana would recruit her into her roster. “That’s not good at all!”




The combined roars and moans of the four fuck-buddies echoed across the beach, scaring away each and every type of animal within earshot. Urahara had to nod approvingly. Both boys showed a level of expertise that he had never seen before. Especially Toshiro Hitsugaya, the young prodigy Captain who he always assumed to be more stuck-up than the Central 46, proved to be far better than he anticipated at first.


He wasn’t surprised though! He had heard from Orihime about Toshiro’s and Hanataro’s attempt to recruit her several days ago and how rough things had gotten between them, “Ugh…!” groaning in defeat, the blonde man pushed himself off the ground as the four Shinigami prepared themselves for the next round, “You win this time Unohana!” he turned his back towards his newest rival and gave her one last glance over his shoulder. Even from behind he could see how happy the former Captain of the 4th Division looked with how things turned out for her. “But know this: This isn’t over just yet!”


The world around him faded away as he used Shunpo to get back to his club. After a little more than fifteen minutes he arrived at the gates of the now extravagant looking building which he acquired after Yoruichi and Sui-Feng managed to convince some businessmen to grant him a loan. The heat of the sun was gone the instant he stepped through the doors and into the air conditioned halls. Moments like this made him glad that he spared no expenses to build in the best equipment that money could buy. From the lighting in the dance floor, to all the electricity and water mechanics on the 4th floor that he wouldn’t understand in a hundred years, to even the Japanese backyard for the employees to relax or to have some fun with clients if they so choose.


In short, the only thing that was missing for the grand opening were employees!


“…ail again? You really should do better than this, you know?!” Yoruichi’s teasing comments could be heard, even before Urahara pushed the doors into the dance floor open. The dark skinned vixen sat completely naked on top of the stage and let her legs dangle down while simultaneously trying to ignore Mila Rose’s presence near the bar.


Sitting in front of her on one of the many tables that were scattered throughout the room was her younger brother, “I… I know.” he let his head hang while drawing circles on the glass surface of the table with his finger. “It’s sooo hard! I really tried my best, big sis! But… she just didn’t wanna…!”


Mentally already rubbing his forehead again, Urahara came to only one conclusion after listening to Yushiro’s whining and Yoruichi’s teasing, ‘Yushiro also failed to recruit Riruka!


He had sent the youngest son of the Shihoin to give it a try with the pink haired Fullbringer after his sister already failed twice. Sure, Riruka apparently told Yoruichi back in the showers that she wasn’t interested in any club related stuff, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t try to persuade her! Especially since he thought that a guy like Yushiro would be right up her alley. Apparently he thought wrong though! Hence why Yoruichi kept teasing her younger brother about it.


“Oh, hi Urahara-san!” Orihime greeted him from behind the bar. Ever since she and Ichigo finally became an official couple, she became even more adventurous, which would explain the flimsy excuse for clothing that she wore. Red heart shaped pasties were all that covered her nipples and even they failed to conceal parts of her areolas, while a pink tanga dug deep into the folds of her pussy. The orange haired bombshell waved at him cheerfully before sliding another beer over towards the amazoness across from her. Though in this case, the beer also had some crushed ice and a mint leaf floating in it while a lemon slice was balanced perfectly on the rim of the mug.


Weird tastes aside, she really has skill when it comes to making this stuff!’ Urahara had to admit as he greeted her and the other people in the room. Mila Rose simply raised the mug as a salute before downing more than half of the drink in one gulp. “So, I assume that Riruka wasn’t recruited… again?”


“Yes…” came Yushiro’s depressing answer.


If the future of the club wasn’t on the line, Urahara would have almost felt bad for the dark skinned man. As things were, however, he could only sigh in resignation and move on, “So, do any of you have some good news? Unohana just recruited some really skilled Shinigami, so I really could use something to lift up my mind.” he said it in a jovial tone but there was a certain weight behind each word that made almost everyone in the room, except for Mila Rose that is, understand the urgency of the situation.


Sui-Feng was the first to stand up and walk over to him. She then handed him a single piece of paper with an address written on it. “Well, I did as you ordered and searched for the Sternritter in exile to see if they are willing to join the club. I haven’t asked them yet but they’re definitely hiding there.”


And just like that some of the weight was lifted off the blonde man’s shoulders. If he managed to corner the last surviving Sternritter, he could essentially force them to work for his club, “Thank you, little bee!” he was about to pat her on the shoulder but a stern look from her dark gray eyes quickly stopped him in his tracks. Apparently she still disliked that nickname, even after so many years. Instead he then simply clapped his hands and looked between all the other members of the club. “Any other good news you wanna tell me about? Don’t be shy.”


Orihime raised her hand, “Well, I told Kurosaki-kun that we could really use some more employees but he still refused.” She sat down next to Yushiro and patted his back in an attempt to lift his spirits after his sister’s teasing comments. “And I doubt that his opinion will change.”


Hmmmm… guessed as much!’ Urahara thought to himself while walking in circles across the room. He shook his fan out of the sleeve of his black haori and tipped it against his chin, ‘Maybe I should stop trying to recruit him? Seems like he really doesn’t wanna join so it would be wasted time anyways…’ he then shook his head as he instantly dismissed the idea again. ‘No. It would be such a waste to let Unohana get her fingers on him instead. Hm… What to do?


“Well, as you all know, I managed to recruit… someone into the club!” Yoruichi declared proudly while also avoiding mentioning who she now recruited. Although everyone in the room knew who she was talking about. There was clearly a lot of unpacked stuff going on between her and Mila Rose that she didn’t want to talk about just yet. She instead crossed her legs and laid back on the dance floor, facing the many lights above. “I think I’ve done a pretty good job so far!”


Seeing it as some kind of challenge, Mila Rose drank the rest of her beer before walking over towards the purple haired vixen, “Is that so!?” she asked teasingly while shoving three of her fingers into the past the Shinigami’s crossed legs and into her pussy, making her moan in pleasure as she shot back up. “Maybe I should remind you that I only joined this club because you promised that I would get information regarding Lady Harribel’s whereabouts!


NNNNNNGGGHH!!!!” Yoruichi’s moan echoed through the room while Mila Rose spun her fingers around in the quickly more wet getting pussy. Her vision doubled as her eyes crossed while saliva dropped out of her open mouth and onto her naked tits.


A mischievous grin spread across the amazon’s lips, completely ignoring Sui-Feng’s and Yushiro’s shocked expression. “Seems like someone needs to be reminded about who’s in charge here, don’t you think?!”


Yoruichi arched her back, screaming in both surprise and pleasure as Mila Rose picked her up with only three fingers buried inside her cunt. “AAAAHH!!!


With the former Captain now over her shoulder, Mila Rose walked out of the room, leaving the others back. Urahara silently thanked the Arrancar for at least trying to bring Yoruichi down a notch or two. Not that it would change much though! Mila Rose wouldn’t be satisfied until she found Harribel, who was last seen several days ago when Yoruichi tried to recruit her and Ichigo at the same time. And Yoruichi would undoubtedly still think that she did a good enough job by recruiting the Arrancar, despite all her other recruitment attempts being failures of the highest order!


When Yushiro tried to get up to go after his sister, Urahara put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder to hold him down, “Not so fast young man! We aren’t done talking just yet!” he said while hiding his face behind his fan.


Since Sui-Feng had already left the room to follow her idol, only the two men and Orihime were left. The dark skinned man gulped as he became aware that Urahara’s patience with how things were going for the club so far had reached its limit. Orihime gently squeezed his other shoulder before leaving the room as well, giving him one last warm smile. The door closed and the two men were left completely alone.


“Now, let’s just go over your last few recruitment attempts, shall we?” asked Urahara. He swapped the fan in his hand with a remote controler.


With the simple press of a button, a large white screen came down from the ceiling while a projector right above the door started working. A soft buzzing sound filled the room as a film started to play.


“Wha-??” Yushiro blinked in surprise as he saw himself walking down a narrow alley with Sui-Feng and Tier Harribel right behind him. The footage was from above, meaning that whoever operated the camera followed them on the roofs of the surrounding buildings. “Wasn’t that when… when Sui-Feng and I had a date and met Harribel? Did you film us during all this?”


Sensing that the young Shihoin was now focused on the clip, Urahara sat down on the seat next to him and pulled out a bag of popcorn out of nowhere. “Ssshhh!! Just watch the show and learn.”


The two men watched as the Sui-Feng on screen gradually devoured more and more of her partner’s dick, cumming over and over again with each inch that disappeared behind her lips. Yushiro’s head began burning in a bright red as he saw his past self’s from lust twisted expression while Harribel found herself another guy to fuck.


YESSSSSSSSS! MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE OF YOUR LOVE JUICE, YUSHIRO-SAMAAAA!!!!!!!!” Sui-Feng’s scream blasted out of the speaker right at the same time as the dark skinned man released his load inside her ass.


The other man that joined them on that day roared in a mix of pain and pleasure as Harribel fucked him with an unmoving expression, “OOOOHH GOOOOOODD!!!!! FUCK! FUCK!!!! YOU’RE CRAZY, BITCH!!!” her hands clenched tighter around his ankles as she moved him up and down, with his cock making all kinds of wet sloppy sounds in the process due to the cum that he blasted into her ass a second earlier. The man gritted his teeth while sweat kept streaming down his face. “SLOW DOWN! PLEASE!! FUUUCK!!


But Harribel didn’t slow down! She instead kept hammering his dick into her until he shot again! A weak watery drizzle of cum oozed out of her massive ass and dropped onto the ground below. For a moment it looked as if he was dead but an unsteady rhythm in his chest showed that he was still alive. The clip went on for several more hours during which Yushiro had to hide his face in embarrassment whenever he heard his recorded voice.


At the end of the clip, Yushiro was sweating just as much as that man that day, “W- Well, that was…” he began to say weakly but was quickly silenced when Urahara raised his finger.


“Not yet! There’s still more to come!” he said. And as if on cue, the next clip started to play.



A few hours later, it was already 11 o’clock, leaving the city bathed in the artificial light of a thousand streetlights, Yushiro was on his way down the streets of Karakura Town. Urahara’s words still echoed in his mind, “Focus on the girl you want to recruit! Make her the priority! Not your own pleasure! You can do this, Yushiro!” he continued saying to himself.


Buildings flew past him as he came closer towards the spot where he decided to meet up with Jackie Tristan. He had gotten her phone number ever since his attempt at recruiting her a few days ago while everyone else was at the club, trying to make Ichigo join yet again. Both attempts obviously failed, which was the reason as to why he was out to meet up with her once more. While he didn’t succeed at making her join the club, he did manage to strike a bond with her which he now intended to use to his advantage.


He spotted the brown haired girl at the edge of the park, dressed in a really short, black skirt that didn’t even cover half of her long legs and boots of the same color that went well above her knees. Rather contrastingly to that attire however, she also wore a red hoodie with a random sport club’s emblem printed on the back. The entire outfit succeeded at highlighting her sexy legs while hiding her equally sexy breasts from the sight of the many people who still wandered the streets.


“Hi, Jackie!” he greeted her once he was within earshot. He raised his hand and waved at the dark skinned Fullbringer girl, trying to get her attention.


She put the phone that she stared at until now into the pocket of her hoodie and waved back, “Yushiro!” she simply said. Her face showed a mix of feelings as she didn’t know what to make of the situation.


“Yeah, sorry for calling you out here so late.” Yushiro apologized before she even brought it up, “I had a talk with my boss and he said that we really could need some more people in the club.”


Jackie rolled her eyes, “That again?” the two walked into the park, away from the buzzing sounds of the city and into the peaceful silence of the many trees and bushes there. “Like I already told you once before, I’m just not interested in selling my body like that.”


Having already anticipated such an answer, Yushiro knew what to say next. “But you don’t need to sell your body in any way, shape or form! There are still other roles to fulfill in the club besides working as a call-girl, you know?! Like operating the bar or being a dancer on stage.”


“Really now? Hm.” she raised an eyebrow, not having thought about that before. When Urahara tried to recruit her the first time, he only kept talking about how much he needed some more girls to work for him as escorts. “Regardless, I’m just not interested in any of it. Sorry, Yushiro.”


The purple haired man came to a halt directly in front of the tall woman, ready to use the last ace he had up his sleeve, “Awwww… come on!” he gave her his best puppy-eyes, a technique that he mastered over the years since his sister had left Soul Society. “I have to recruit at least one person! Otherwise my big sis will always keep making fun of me!”


A blush spread across Jackie’s face as she tried not to look into his golden, hopefully shining eyes. She put both hands on his shoulder, “Look, I really like you Yushiro. I find it really admirable that you want to impress your sister that much but… yeah. Working in a club just doesn’t feel right with me. Sex should be between two people who know each other, who have something in common, who like each other!”


But… didn’t we already fuck on the live stream before?” he asked her, desperately trying to come up with a way that would make her give in.


“Yes, we did. Because I like you.” she finally looked into his eyes, holding his gaze as she continued talking, “You’re really cute and doing all those kinky scenarios with you was really cool. I won’t deny it. But that was a one-time only thing! I felt obligated to help you out because of all the stuff we Fullbringers did back then.”


Ignoring her flattering words, Yushiro came to a decision, “Then let’s have sex here! You said that the stream with me was cool, right? I’ll do everything you want and in exchange you will join the club, okay?”


Completely baffled after hearing the man’s leap in logic, Jackie actually thought about his proposal for a minute. She then shrugged her shoulders, “Okay, fine by me.” before he got the chance to celebrate though, she calmed him down by raising her finger. “BUT, you’re still not allowed to deny any of my requests and if I’m not satisfied with how things turn out, I’m still allowed to go my own way afterwards! No exceptions! Deal?”


“Deal!” Yushiro’s eyes beamed up with excitement, happy to hear that he finally got a real chance at proving to his sister that he has it in him!


The two of them silently walked over towards a bench with a single lamppost behind it. A myriad of fireflies flew in the golden light under which Jackie sat down after stripping out of her clothes. She folded them together and put them right under the bench. Yushiro took a moment to appreciate her absolutely massive tits that dwarfed even those of his sister. And that’s even without the use of the size enhancement Kido!


“What are you waiting for?” she then asked him while patting on her legs in a silent invitation for him to rest down on them. “I thought you wanted to fulfill my every desire… So just come over here and rest for a bit.”


Yushiro ripped his clothes faster to shreds than she could blink before laying down on the bench, his head resting on her lap while his quickly growing cock pointed straight into the night sky above.


“Now there’s my big boy.” she cooed softly as she began stroking his length with one hand while caressing his purple hair with the other. The meat sword felt hot and rigid between her fingers, pulsating in a quick rhythm as if it had its very own heartbeat, “Mmmmmh, and what a BIG boy it is!!” she added before kissing his now fully erect dick.


Stroking the cock with just one hand was nigh impossible as it now was twice as thick as her thighs and easily as huge as her entire body from her waist upwards, “Grrrrroah!” Yushiro groaned softly, greatly enjoying the feel of her warm lap against the back of his head as she kept playing with his hair and cock.


Occasionally, Jackie would stop stroking his dick, to instead fondle his coconut sized balls. Each of his nutsacks was filled to the brim with such hot jizz that she could feel it through his skin, just begging to be released. During all of this she kept kissing the tip of his cock; the musky smell that emanated from it was almost enough to clog her nose.


“You probably ask why I’m doing something so boring.” she then said after a while, breaking the silence that surrounded them for the last ten minutes or so. Upon seeing the questioning look in his eyes, she couldn’t help but smile. “You know, I once had a younger brother who I held very close. We didn’t have very much growing up but we had each other…”


Her voice cracked as a single tear rolled down her cheeks. Seeing this, Yushiro was about to jump up and say something but found himself silenced by Jackie covering his mouth with one of her breasts. The rockhard nub of dark flesh was pushed into his mouth and he instinctively began sucking on it. “Hmmm, mmmph, hummm, moahhh!”


After gathering her thoughts again, Jackie took a couple of deep breaths. “Actually, you remind me quite a lot about him! I loved him more than everything in the entire world! He was my one and only. And even though we didn’t have much when we grew up, he always brightened my mood with everything he did…”


During her exposition, her stroking became faster and faster, causing Yushiro to accidentally bite down on her nipple as smoke from the friction rose from her hand. “Gwooorgh!!!”


OAAAAAAAHH!!” she arched her back as a jolt of pleasure ran from her breasts through her entire as he bit down on them. She stopped stroking for a second, giving his cock some much needed time to cool down again, “I’m sorry. It’s just…” wiping away tears and snot from her face, she looked down into Yushiro’s eyes, “He died so young and I never got to be the older sister that he deserved! So…” tears swelled in her eyes again while a weak smile curled around her lips. “Just… just let me do this right now!”


Yushiro nodded, understanding her pain to a great extent as it was similar to the one he felt when his sister suddenly disappeared from Soul Society. His world had broken into pieces in a single night. Only over a hundred years later he found out that she was still alive.


MHMMMMM!!!” he groaned around the dark nub in his mouth and swirled his tongue with newly found vigor. He felt her legs clench under his back as all his focus towards her nipple brought her closer and closer towards an orgasm.


At the same time, she started moving her fingers along the veiny length of his cock again, “MMMMMMMH… Such a good, big boy!” she moaned hoarsely, her breath steaming out of her mouth and into the night. “Your sister should consider herself lucky that she has such a caring and sweet young brother.


MMPH!” his groan vibrated across her nipple as he gently bit down on it. His teeth sunk into the stiff nub of flesh, causing both their lust to skyrocket in an instant as he suckled on it like a newborn would do on its mother’s chest.


While wasn’t the best sex that he ever had (that honor still belonged to the very first sex he had in the Human World with Orihime), it still was the most intense one. There was a connection between them on an interpersonal level that made each of Jackie’s strokes feel tighter than he had ever imagined. Likewise, everytime he bit down on her nipples it felt as if they were inside a vice, stimulating her in such a way that brought her to the brink of orgasm in just a few seconds. Their moans and groans echoed across the otherwise completely silent park as sweat rolled down their bodies.


HMMMPH, MAAAPH, OHMMM!!!” Yushiro’s tongue kept flicking over every part of his partner’s breasts that he could reach, coating it in his saliva while he savored her sweet, yet somewhat salty, taste.


Arching her back once more, Jackie knew that it wouldn’t take long now for her to cum. “HMMMM…! That’s good! Keep sucking! More! More! MOREEEEEEEEE!!!!


A literal gallon of cum erupted from the dark skinned Shinigami’s cock, covering her face and tits in the viscous fluid. She climaxed at the same time as well. Her legs clamped as much as Yushiro’s weight on them allowed them to while they both roared and screamed their joy into the sky.


Only after several minutes had passed did they find the energy to move again. Jackie gently caressed her partner’s cheek, admiring his soft and graceful features. “So, about that club…”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

Hey thats pretty nice

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Thanks for the kind words.

2 years ago


Their affinity for each of their is pretty sweet. Intimacy is almost always a great touch but not a necessity. Maybe recency bias but might be one of the better character pairing in terms of relationship and sex. Not just the latter. I don’t remember each on to mind it’s like 3 in particular this besting one.

For Jackie, if she commits but does want to do anything involving sex maybe theres a cabaret A.K.A. Host/Hostess club kinda thing. No sex but girls/guys will pay loads of money to talk, drink, and simply spend time with someone or number of Host/Hostess. Not too sure how these clubs will work so I’m just guessing.

lastly, can someone get my boy some help. He about to solo the entire female population. Atleast the ones that come through Urahara’s. Lol

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the kind words. I really enjoyed writing these two, although I don’t really care about the pairing myself. Also, thanks for the input. We’ll see the outcome on friday.

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

Excellent another history this ship Yushiro and Jackie best couple please more

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Happy to hear that you like it.

2 years ago

Another one of my requests sees the light of day, as well your writing. I appreciate the continued relationship between Yoruichi and Mila Rose happening in the background, but the main thing I was very pleased about was the direction you went with Jackie’s feelings toward Yushiro.

When I had initially had the pairing of Yushiro and Jackie in my head, I immediately thought about Jackie’s little brother and began thinking “she would absolutely treat Yushiro in a sisterly way.” Im glad you picked up on what I was going for with the pairing. The sex scene itself as always was great, and its always a pleasure to see you give life to these scenes. Another 10/10 from me. And here’s to hoping we see another mix-up with the chocolate gals soon.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  TropicPanda

Man, your requests are always a treat for the eyes! And yeah, I definitely wanna expand the relationship between Mila Rose and Yoruichi some more.

2 years ago

What are the chances jackie is going to join now and this chapter was short and great

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

50/50. Either she joins or not. I haven’t decided on any idea that since both have lots of potential. If you have a preference, then just tell me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I think having Jackie join the club in a less sex role would be a good middle ground. Have her work the bar or be arm candy.

It’d work better that way if you wanna keep her as sex is meant to be intimate.

2 years ago

That was beautiful work! I really enjoyed editing this as much as I did reading it.

I’ll cut to the chase and start from the top. This had a fitting start with Urahara watching exactly what happened in the last chapter. Unohana has really stepped up her game, thanks to the inclusion of Rukia. But I like how he critiqued Rangiku’s performance too.

Which takes us back to Urahara’s club. This was quite a segment. But it not only showed Mila Rose putting Yoruichi in her place again, it also shows that Sui-Feng is working on finding a suitable candidate for the club in a rather unexpected place and Orihime might be a bartender in the making, crazy taste aside. Hahaha.

This leaves us with Yushiro. He unsurprisingly had the most to prove and he knew it. Still, he received some much needed criticism and encouragement and soldiered on. That’s how we wound with the sexual segment we got here with Jackie, which was a very good part. And a nice change of pace too. Including how their connection really grew as well as Jackie’s story. I really enjoyed it.

But I wonder what her decision would be… Hopefully we’ll find out next time.

Either way, truly well done. 😎👍

Last edited 2 years ago by Hiryu
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks for the kind words as always! I left the ending deliberately open because, to be honest, I’m still not sure if Jackie should join or not. Could go either way since both options bring some nice dialogue potential, so… who knows? Any preferences?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well… In my personal opinion, I think Jackie should remain as something of a wild card. But honestly I can definitely see her ultimately joining Urahara’s lineup, even if she’s not a escort.

From what I’ve seen and read here so far, Jackie isn’t a woman who wants to be held down and perfers to do things her own way, similar to where Ichigo and Riruka are.

That said, I really love the direction she’s going in, even her deepening bond with Yushiro.

That’s how I view it anyway! 😀

Last edited 2 years ago by Hiryu
2 years ago


Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I appreciate the support!

2 years ago

WOWIE did not expect to see Jackie so soon again, love this pairing with Yushiro a fuckton too 😀

Last edited 2 years ago by JTfnt32
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  JTfnt32

Happy about the support and your love for the pairing. I really wanted to do something more slow and sensual this time around instead of the usual hard and rough fucking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Not a problem, always welcoming more intimate moments!
Would be fun to one day see a banging threesome with Yushiro X Jackie X Isane <3

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  JTfnt32

Let’s wait and see what can be done about that…