Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

XXX Plus Pleasure

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part IV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VI): [LINK]

Humming a tune, Kisuke Urahara continued strolling down the street, his signature wooden sandals making a dull sound as he walked. Wearing his usual attire of green, his striped hat provided his eyes from the bright sun. He can be described as a man who has as many talents as he does have secrets.


Through aiding the Soul Reapers over the years and living in Kamakura town, he has made many acquaintances and connections. Through this peaceful period both the Soul Society and the human world find themselves in, many people have found themselves with more free time on their hands than they know what to do with.


So why don’t we enjoy ourselves during this time of peace a bit?’ he thought as he arrived at his destination.




“Yo, Goro! How’s it hanging?” greeted Kisuke with a wave in his usual carefree manner, closing the store’s door behind him.


“You know damned well how business is!!! If I didn’t know you, I’d knock you out of my store, you cocky bastard!” the man bellowed back holding a needle in one hand and a bra with cups the size of an adult human head in the other.


Goro was the owner of the clothing store ‘XXXtra LARGE’, which specialized in massive sized underwear, clothing and risqué clothing items. A fairly large, muscular man. The kind you would see owning a ramen shop and shouting at customers


“I’ve still been up to my neck in making clothes for your whore club you damn slave driver! It’s been a week and we’re only 50% done. How can you possibly need so many damned bras?!?!”


Kisuke had met Goro a while ago and commissioned him to produce a very hefty sum of undergarments for his club. These vary wildly in size, color, material and function. He anticipated that there will be a massive variety of both girls and client preferences, and it would be prudent to be able to fulfill all of their desires. Ranging from (relatively) smaller J-cups to ‘XXX-Mega-Milkers’ sized bras and underwear for asses so huge they would likely suffocate the (un)lucky soul of the man the girl is partnered up with!


“Oh, come on, don’t be like that. You and I both know that the types of women who can fill your underwear are uncommon. Business wasn’t exactly booming before you know…”


Goro could feel his eyes twitch, but he knew Kisuke was right. Business HAD been slow as there were not enough ‘qualified’ women he could sell his wares to. To that end he was grateful for the business – though he would never admit it to spare himself from the smug grin he would undoubtedly receive afterwards.


A door that led further into the store was opened and a woman with a bucket in one hand and a mop in the other stepped through, “Phew. There’s way more than I thought. I want to see the size of the dong capable of making this much…” the store assistant wiped her forehead from sweat with the mop i n the other hand. The liquid in the bucket had a viscous substance and an eerily salty smell…


“What’s all that?” enquired Kisuke, his curiosity piqued.


“An orange haired couple came by shopping earlier and made an explosion of cum afterwards. Been at it for an hour but I’ve barely got to cleaning the floors. This is the twelfth bucket!”


“Orange hair, eh?” He looked down again at the bucket. “Both of them?”


“Your good friend Kurosaki and his girlfriend. Seemed cute together.” Goro interjected. “Though the girl – Orihime I think she’s called – I could remember her gazing a lot at my bigger bras. Even started comparing them to her own chest. She’s still got room to grow!” he nodded thoughtfully.


More room to grow eh?’ Kisuke thought to himself with a devilish smile on his face…



(1 week later…)


Kisuke had tracked down Orihime through his information network and found her in a shopping mall, delighting herself with strawberry parfait. She had a few bags on the chair next to her with what seemed to be ingredients for a… something.


Honey, leeks, cacao and jelly?’ Kisuke thought to himself. ‘If that is all for one meal, then Ichigo is in for a treat!


“Oh Urahara-san! Thanks so much for all that you’ve done for us and especially for Ichigo!” said the orange-haired woman as she bowed, head comically hitting the table from doing it too quickly.


“Pfft. Hahahahahah!!” laughed the person who was with the former Captain.


“As kind (and clumsy) as always I see. Glad to see you haven’t changed much. Ichigo must be a lucky man. Speaking of which, I have a proposition for you. But first, allow me to introduce you to a friend of mine.”


The young dark man bowed to Orihime. “Pleasure to meet you Inoue-san. I’ve heard a lot about you from my dear sister and her friends. My name is Yushiro Shihoin”.


“Oh no, the pleasure is mine!” Orihime spluttered and stood up to bow. “My name is Orihime Inoue and I’ve also heard a bit about you from Yoruichi-san. A pleasure to make your acquaintance” she smiled.


Such a nice person!’ they both thought at the same time and together with Kisuke they sat down around the table again.


“Well now that introductions are out of the way, let us get down to business” laughed Kisuke as he brought out a silver box. He turned it toward Orihime and Yushiro before opening it to reveal… a single red pill. It’s labeled as ‘XXX+’.


“The truth is that I’m opening up a… club of sorts. Thanks to Yoruichi’s efforts, we have been able to secure a good amount of capital for it too. I would love for both of you to work there and for Orihime here to first try this new concoction of mine.”


“What kind of club is it?” Orihime inquired “Will there be dancing?”


“Oh, certainly! But to be frank, this club has a need for both of your… assets. From what I understand, neither of you are lacking.”


“U-ummm” Orihime began fidgeting. It’s true that her M-cup breasts and her big ass were something she took pride in, though she was still slightly embarrassed about it “I’m not sure if I follow. Do you… Does this club require us to… have sex? With other people?”


“Among other things, yes!” confirmed Kisuke matter-of-factly “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do and there are many benefits to it of course. A substantial salary, great home cooked meals, guaranteed security, flexible hours and… these pills.” Kisuke said as he held one up. “These pills are designed to increase your asset sizes to the size labeled on the pill. A little bird told me you would love to have bigger titties apparently.” he continued, causing Orihime to blush harder.


“And you Yushiro!” Kisuke shouted dramatically, startling the young man who so far was too occupied smiling from ear to ear upon hearing the benefits. “I can already predict your answer since we already talked about this when you came to the human world but let me tell you this: There are many lovely people in the world just like Orihime here who you can make friends with! Maybe something more too.” he added with a wink.


“To that end, I would like you, Orihime, to take this pill as an interview of sorts and to… know each other more.”


Understanding Kisuke’s intent, Yushiro and Orihime were practically tomatoes with how red they became! After a mild silence, Yushiro was the first to speak up. “If my sister is truly working for you, then I’ll gladly do so as well. However, I will not have sex with Inoue-san if she objects t-“


“I don’t mind!” Orihime interjected loudly, causing Yushiro to face her head on. “As long as it’s simply for work and Ichigo doesn’t find out… I’m sure he will appreciate the added skill. Count me in!” she said with a smile and flexed her arm.



(1 hour later…)


The two were instructed by Kisuke to move to a love hotel with ‘spacious rooms’. They were also advised to undress before they took the pills. Yushiro and Orihime couldn’t stop blushing the whole time and barely said a word to each other as they made their way to the room.


“It’s about half the size of our manor’s garden. Very impressive indeed!” Yushiro nodded. He then looked over at the quiet Orihime.


Realizing that he should take the lead here, he steeled himself before undressing. His top revealed well toned abs and well defined biceps. His pants then set free his large dick which went all the way down to his knees!


Orihime was able to get a good look at the dark brown man. ‘Wow!’ she thought. ‘Not quite as big as Ichigo but he certainly is impressive.’ she noted before starting to undress herself slowly, her large boobs bouncing free after undoing her bra.


Both were now naked and staring at each other. She then took the pill from the Box Kisuke had given her before swallowing it with a loud gulp.


Immediately, the pill began to work and it did so even better than Orihime dreamed of. Within a second, her previous M-cups started to get heavier, bigger and even more sensitive than she could have ever imagined! They were well beyond the size of her torso, with her perky and head-sized nipples pressing against Yushiro! His cock peeked out between the two mounds and almost seemed tiny in comparison.


“Yup, taking off our clothes first was definitely for the best!” she giggled and began admiring her new boobs with her hands. Her nipples seemed to be more sensitive to the touch than ever before. Just touching them sent a surge of arousal through her entire body “How about you Yushi- WOAH!


She stopped as she suddenly found Yushiro’s enormous black dick growing even faster than her own tits did! The massive meat popped out between her boobs and stopped right in front of her face. A musky smell came from the head-sized tip of the cock and made her hazy just by smelling it.


“W-well…” he stuttered. “This is my real size. I usually suppress my size with Kido when I’m in public or around others because as you can see, it makes moving difficult!” explained a fallen Yushiro, laughing as he rubbed his head.


His previous 12-inch cock had also grown exponentially, enough to cause him to tumble backwards from the new imbalance of weight! Pre-cum was already oozing from the top and onto the orange haired woman’s giant boobs.


“Looks like we’re all ready to start!” she purred and walked closer to Yushiro. After a deep breath, Orihime started working the dark mega dick before her. She began kissing and licking the top of the head before moving her tongue down the shaft, coating it in her saliva. At the same time, she used her hands to try and work her boobs around it. Thankfully this was easier than she thought due to the sheer size of her newly acquired milkers.


“It’s wider than my thighs” she murmured in rapture, bringing her face closer to get a better view of the pulsating beast.


“I hope it’s not too big for you.” Yushiro answered with a strained voice. He could barely control himself after all. His clenched fists and in delight closed eyes told Orihime that she was doing a good job.


“It’s definitely my first time working with a beast like this but…” she put her lips over the tip of the head “I think I can try to manage this!” she said before taking as much of the beast down her throat as she could!




Saliva and pre-cum started flying everywhere as she became more feverish in her attempt to pleasure Yushiro. No, not just him. She was also burning up from having her throat bulge in ways she never knew could. This new feeling of a truly massive dick was truly making her mind go wild.


A large grunt from Yushiro brought her back to her senses followed by an eruption of cum down her throat and out the sides of her mouth. The sheer volume of cum overwhelmed her senses and caused her to cum from the sensation. Her soaked pussy made a small puddle on the carpet. The cum never seemed to end however, with more and more flowing out of Orihime’s mouth. Sensing she was choking, Yushiro flash stepped away from the young woman with the rest of his cumshot flying across the room, painting the walls in a new coat of white!


*Cough* *Cough*


“Inoue-san! Are you ok??” asked Yushiro in a panicked voice patting her back. “Let me get you a towel or water or-“


*Cough* “I’m fine Yushiro-kun, really. Ichigo blew a load like this too, so I have to learn to get used to them. Although… Wow!” she looked around “You really ended up decorating the place white!” she giggled, causing Yushiro to sigh in relief.


“Thank goodness! I wouldn’t know what to have done if I caused my first human friend to be in pain.”


“Aww, you’re so sweet Yushiro-kun!” the woman smiled before crawling onto the bed and turning on her back, “but I want you to also feel good too and relax. After all…” now spreading her legs open with a finger in her pussy “That’s what friends are for!” she said with a wink.


In an instant, a smiling Yushiro was before her, his afterimage of where he was a split second ago slowly fading. He lined up his dick with both hands against her entrance. He looked at Orihime nervously one more time. She nodded.




Orihime cried out in pleasure, bending her back cumming instantly upon having her pussy invaded by his massive cock, pussy juice blasting out of her hole and landing on the bed sheets. Yushiro looked down on the slightly convulsing Orihime, a tinge of worry on his face.


“Please… don’t…. stop…” she panted as if replying to the question on his face in a begging tone.


Yushiro smiled before grabbing as much of her massive breasts with his hands before continuing to fuck the pussy before him. What he lacked in experience, he made up with enthusiasm. The same enthusiasm that was causing Orihime to experience the fucking of a lifetime!


IT’S SOOOOOOOOOOOO BIHHHGGGGGGGG! I CAN FEEL MY INSIDES BEING MESSED UP!!!!!” she howled, now grasping the bedsheets for dear life as she laid there being pounded. “YOU’RE SO BIHHHGGGGGG YUSHIROOOHHHH!


“And you also feel incredible Inoue-san! You’re sopping wet and hugging me inside so tight!” a grin now appeared on his face before he dug his hands into the bedsheets to anchor himself. “Let me make you feel even better!” he exclaimed before picking up the pace and moving his hips deeper and faster into her, becoming a brown blur with his ponytail swinging wildly.


AHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! ISHH TOO GUHHHDDD!!” Her words because slurred from her body becoming drunk on the pleasure. “I CAN’T SCHTOP CUMMINNNNNGGGGHH!!!


The SMACK SMACK SMACK of his balls slapping against her body felt like music in her ears as he drove his giant cock deeper into her with every thrust ‘This feeling… I can’t… think…’ she thought, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her eyes started to roll back into their sockets “I’M LOOOSHING MY MIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!!!!


After pounding her for several minutes, making her climax time and time again, Yushiro sensed that he was reaching his limit. He felt his dick swell as cum was on its way to be released. However, he realized he didn’t have a condom on and it would be bad news if he got his new friend pregnant. He pulled out just at the last second before a torrent of cum showered the orange-haired girl and coated her multiple times in thick, dropping, bubbling cum.


TAKE IT ALLLLLLLLL!” he bellowed in a powerful voice.


GUGGHHGGHHHHGHHGH!!!!” Orihime’s face, body and throat became overwhelmed again by the cum hitting her. She laid there with a blissful expression, basically swimming in the white fluid that continued erupting out of his cock!
After a good 60 seconds of cumming, he finally stopped and flopped back onto the floor, fulfilled and exhausted. He had never cum that way before nor had he ever thought that sex with mortals could feel so good.


Surprisingly to him, Orihime was the first to recover and without saying a word headed into the shower room to clean herself up, her boobs already returning to their usual size. Upon exiting the shower a few minutes later, Orihime found that Yushiro’s cock had also reverted back to its public size – which was still larger than average.


“That was great!” she exclaimed with a smile. How she was strong enough to go from convulsing wildly on the bed to being just fine after a minute was something Yushiro couldn’t believe, and respected.


“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked quietly. “You seemed to have taken in pretty hard there.”


“Oh I’m fine. Admittedly, I am still quite sore! your dick is MASSIVE!” she looked up and smiled “Even Ichigo, when we fucked in the clothing store was only half your size! And I really struggled to keep up with his cock back then.” a look of satisfaction spread across her face.


She then turned back to face Yushiro who was still catching his breath “But you were incredible too! You should have confidence in yourself, Yushiro-kun. I’m sure with speed and power like that, you could surely make a girl you like submit to your dick!” She chuckled, “Just be careful you don’t break them!”


Eyes going wide for a second as one lady did come into his mind after hearing those words. “You know…” Yushiro said, slowly getting up from the ground “You really are a lovely girl. This Ichigo guy’s really lucky to have you!” breaking out into a pure grin.


He then held out his hand. “Looking forward to working with you, Orihime-san.”


She ignored his hand and hugged Yushiro, her boobs squishing against him and once again causing him to be startled. “Looking forward to it too, Yushiro-kun!” she chuckled, glancing at the dark skinned man’s slight blush.



(Meanwhile nearby…)


‘So it only expired after his second cumshot? Or was it because they both came at the same time during sex? Hmm…’ from a building opposite the love hotel, Kisuke was taking notes on the performance of the pills and observing his new employees.


The formula needs a bit of tweaking but…’ a twinkle in his eyes forming ‘Looks like things are only going to get better from here on out!

(Story by: Azzlover)

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2 years ago

I’ve been around for a few years and after missing so much of the old fanfiction, I decided to get into it myself and help Rtenzo and the other authors out. I’m new to this so i’m bound to get some stuff wrong but I hope you look forward to how this story turns out! I know I am!

Sauce am
Sauce am
8 months ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Hey do you do free requests? If so I have a story Idea for you!

2 years ago

Very nicely done with your first attempt! Especially with how you connected things to the last chapters.

Not only that, I really liked how you handled the characters here, especially Yushiro. That was the highlight of the chapter in my opinion!

And finally, how you worked the sex sequence with him and Orihime was very well designed too. It was great to sit and visualize from start to finish.

Overall, well done! Can’t wait to see more from you. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thank you so much Hiryu! Very happy to hear you enjoyed the character portrayals and I’m also looking forward to see where this goes!

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
2 years ago

Why in every fic is Orihime a slut who constantly is cheating on ichigo. Can we get one fic where that doesn’t happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

I tried to emphasise the fact she isn’t a slut and that she isn’t cheating on Ichigo – she was just being pleasured and getting experience FOR Ichigo. The two of them were very cute together last chapter so it wouldn’t make sense for such a drastic change. Her and Yushiro also end up as friends here, not secret lovers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

I’m not bothered by this like the other guy, since things like this will always happen in these fanfics, but isn’t this literally cheating since she’s doing it behind Ichigo’s back? She even says that it’s okay as long as Ichigo doesn’t find out.

Of course she’s doing it to gain more experience for him. But it’s hard to really find that genuine when she’s talking about how much bigger Yushiro is and acknowledges that she doesn’t want Ichigo to know. Not hating on the story since the way you handled Yushiro’s character was so much better than what we usually see. I just see the other guys point since what she did here was indeed cheating.

2 years ago
Reply to  ShrimpGod

You’ll have to keep reading to find out where that leads. I don’t intend to write Orihime as a cheating slut however, so do keep that in mind.

Also, i’m very glad you picked up on Yushiro. Wanted to give the character a goal and a kind personality – like how I view Orihime.

2 years ago

Are Ichigo and Yushiro going to go through some kind of growth? Maybe be test subjects for a male enchantment product that Kisuke is going to make.

Last edited 2 years ago by Whitis
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

We’ll have to wait and see! They’re already pretty big but who knows.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
2 years ago

Are we going to have Slutty Orihime!?! I hope so! Only thing missing are the pills Tatsuki got instead for her to have real “Mega Milkers”. She is conformed in this to already have M(ILK)-cups after all XD

Well done, Azzlover. Curious to see what other stories you get in on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Thank you very much!

I’m not sure about necessarily ‘slutty’ Orihime honestly. There would need to be way more development from here for her to become a slut (in my opinion) and I don’t think that’s the direction the main writer intends either. Enjoying sex though, is another story.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
2 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

I concur. I don’t think that slutty Orihime or Ichigo would be a good fit. It would need at ton of finagling but if it happened it would be definitely interesting. But I think there would need to be like a decent where they tell each other as otherwise it wouldn’t seem or feel right.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

For your first chapter here, this one was written quite good. I like the personality you gave Urahara’s new business partner (the tailor/shop owner) and how you handled Yushiro. He definitely reads himself different from the way he was in S22132’s and my earlier Bleach story. I like it! It’s a nice brezze of fresh air and his goal to get new friends (and maybe more as Urahara mentioned) is also rather cute. For a small nitpick though, the room doesn’t really seem to me like that of a love hotel and more like a “typical” teenager. Aside from that, pretty good. Especially the sex scene between Orihime and Yushiro and how Orihime went from completely dick-crazy to completely normal in a matter of minutes. They mesh quite well and I wonder how they’re relationship will develop in the future.

Again, great first chapter. I hope you will stick around!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Thank you so much for your review! 8/10 is high praise indeed!

I wasn’t sure what room the background would be (something I should have asked beforehand).

I’m happy you picked up on Yushiro’s personality! I wanted to give him a sense of a protagonist with character development on the way. Ori and Yushiro come across as good people to me and wanted to emphasize that a bit. I also have a thing for old, cranky business owners like the old ramen shop owners in Japan – they’re really cool to me.

I also look forward to seeing where the story goes! This was very fun to write!

2 years ago

Good chapter for a new writer

Enjoyed it ngl

Definitely looking foward of how the story progresses

2 years ago
Reply to  Han

Thank you for your kind words! This was the first time i’ve written a story before so I was worried about how it turned out but both Rtenzo and another author were really helpful in ironing out some parts. Really wanted to capture the fact that Ori and Yushiro are polite, nice people whilst also adding some good sex.

I’m also looking forward to how the story progresses!

Last edited 2 years ago by Azzlover
2 years ago

How can I contact with the writers of this new story?

2 years ago
Reply to  Wotno

Hello there!

2 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

First of all, the story is great, this new series looks really promising, thanks!!
Second, I was waiting Rtenzo for publish stories with a good ammount of body expansion for so long, and I have a lot of ideas I like to share with you, so I don’t know if we can talk on discord or any other platform.

Thanks a lot

2 years ago
Reply to  Wotno

Thanks for the compliment!

If you have ideas/suggestions for the story just post them here

2 years ago

I hope we get a chapter between yoruichi and kisuke either banging for the fun of it or in some form of personal competition with one another like they did in their youth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

That sounds like fun. We’ll have to see where the story goes!

2 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Also imagine if each faction had their own fashion of genitalia. For example male shinigami having thick dicks, male quincies having long almost flexible dicks, and male hollows having larger testicles while their female partners are relatively built to take their male counterparts. And ichigo having a part of every faction shinigami Quincy and hollow would then pretty much inherit all of these qualities like some Frankenstein monster.