My Hero Academia
This page contains a collection of My Hero Academia fanfictions.
Some stories might be one shot individual chapters and others might be part of a larger series!
Comment and share your thoughts!
Ongoing Series
Written by Sailor Io
Written by Mr. Arkrononym
Written by Sailor Io
To those wondering what happened to the old fanfic series, please check out this post: [LINK]
Can you make a fanfic about demon slayer
Given that I know how the Manga ends, unlikely. For the same reasons I turn down AoT requests/commissions.
What if you repost the old fanfic series on or ArchiveOfYourOwn?
Can I share my opinion about this series without fear of being banned?
I’m afraid I’ll miss out on other series on the site.
Can you do some more fanfictions with Shoto x other girls too please? Maybe even a harem series or a few oneshots for him with certain girls. Even Momo as his main lover.
I really miss the one with mineta riding tsuyu out at see after paying for a ride
I’ll try and recycle that one at some point if Enzo gives the go ahead
I liked of the most recent chapter of mha fanfic, can you write the new chapters on this format? you know, with a focus on deku and the other girls, and you add new girls for the harem, I think the story will be better if it’s in this format
When you gonna post a new chapter?
Hey I m a your fan. I dont have money. But I have a idea for good mha fanfiction au in the stone age .
Is about about deku try to find some girls too make children’s. He find momo, yoga, and uraraka. Making a a bath in a small lake. After got the attention. He take the girls attention of the girls, and flirt with them. He take the girls too his cave. And start all the fuck star. For star the girls suck his cock. And then start too fuck first fuck uraraka sitdown. Then doggy style momo. And then toga taking her by the legs from behind and putting her on. And then all ending with deku sleeping.
So this is my idea I just wanna tell you this because I like your art and stories.
Can you do overlord fanfics?
No sorry, never seen it
I know the old stories were deleted but can you please tell me where the old stories with nana shimura are?
I’m wondering of how we can go back to those old fanfics
You can find the stories on SailorIo’s patreon
The entire first season of my old MHA series can be found here:
Can you make art of jojo bizzare adventure girls , it’s just a suggestion btw.
Please what?