Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Bomber Boy Bangs Bunny Butt

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXIII): [LINK]

GRAAAAAAAAH, NOW DIIIIIIIIE!!!!!!” Katsuki Bakugo shouted as he thrusted out with his left hand, “FLASH BANG!!!


The pulse of light and sound that rang out from his palm echoed in his ears as he directed it towards his target. The Flash Bang was a weakened version of his Stun Grenade, one he’d had to develop after doing semi-permanent damage to the hearing of one would-be villain that had a hearing type Quirk. The incident was several months ago, back during the beginning of their 3rd year.


He hadn’t been trying to permanently harm the thief, only incapacitate him so the police could handle the rest. The investigation afterwards found him guilty of no wrongdoing, though he did get a lecture about holding back a bit more. Something that he already had to do a LOT because of his Quirk. It was far too easy for him to use lethal force if he wasn’t careful. Something he knew all too well from a deeply personal level now.


Thinking about it made the scar on his chest itch, but he pushed the memories aside before they could distract him from the here and now. When the flash faded and he could open his eyes, he could see the purse snatcher covering his eyes with one arm while flailing about with a knife in his other hand.


His “skill” was so pathetic that it was an insult to the most unskilled knife fighters to even think of it as skill. Katsuki caught up to the man, a 30-something punk in disheveled clothes who was likely living in the slum areas. More than likely he was one of the leftovers from All for One’s cronies. There were a ton of them, people who swore to serve that asshole in hopes of getting a powerful Quirk someday. Now all of them had been reduced to petty crooks and scammers since rounding all of them up had been superseded by the recovery and rebuilding efforts.


“Just give it up, punk.” Katsuki shouted, easily avoiding the man’s blind swings. His eyes would recover in a moment, so the young blonde would need to make this quick. Once he could see again, his threat level would go up exponentially.


The thief didn’t listen and continued slashing at the air with his knife. Katsuki suppressed a sigh, it was so pathetic, he couldn’t get excited at taking down such a weak opponent. Before he could move though, a flying kick came out of nowhere and collided with the cheek of the man with a solid THWACK sound and sent him flying!


“What the…!?” Katsuki shouted.


When his eyes managed to catch up with the movement of the foot’s owner, his confused expression gave way to anger. “HEY BUNNY BUTT, THAT ONE WAS MINE!” he shouted at the Rabbit Heroine, Mirko.


The white haired tanned woman turned to look at him with a smirk, “Too slow, bomb boyo!” she said, her smirk turning to a wide and cheeky grin as he seethed. The purse snatcher was completely unconscious and likely wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon. Still, Katsuki wasn’t gonna take any risks, he’d learned that from a special class back in his first year at UA where the teachers played a bit of a prank on them. Pulling out a pair of titanium handcuffs, Katsuki secured the thief’s hands behind his back.


While he did that, Mirko called the local police to come and arrest the idiot. He then waited with her for them to arrive and filled out a quick incident report. Five minutes later, he stood on the sidewalk as the police drove away, their prisoner in tow. Katsuki leaned back against the side of a building as the patrol car drove out of his line of sight. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick report back to the Endeavor Agency. This was the part about being a hero he wasn’t so fond of, the paperwork. He could have a million sidekicks, and still he’d have to do this part himself.


“So what’s up, Bomber Boy?” Mirko asked him, “You usually don’t hold back so much.”


“Got chewed out by the commission for excessive force.” he said without looking up from his phone, “Did some semi-permanent harm to one punk not too long ago.”


“Oooooooh, the “Talk” eh?” Mirko asked, the mirth in her tone clear, “Man, that takes me back!” she said, “I must’ve gotten that speech a couple dozen times in my early days. Don’t worry about it.”


“Huh?” Katsuki asked, looking up from his phone after turning the screen off and stashing it back in one of his many pockets.


“They don’t really care if you rough ‘em up too badly. Just so long as you don’t kill ‘em without cause. Bad PR for the New Commission.” Mirko said to him. “A couple of the guys I caught have permanent limps now. Now, I COULD have held back more, but then, I’d have more than a few missing limbs to show for it.” she said, flexing her left arm. The skin there then rippled and her arm turned a metallic silver color as the hologram of a normal arm was disabled.


“In the heat of battle, holding back too much can cost you.” she told him. “Not that I was when I got these,” she said, flexing her prosthetic limbs, “Still, the point remains.”


“Hmm,” Katsuki said with a nod, “How are those working out anyway?” he asked, “I keep forgetting that they’re there.”


“Kinda the point.” Mirko said, reactivating the hologram on her arm, “They work fine. Mel keeps adding new little upgrades. It’s practically to the point where I don’t even realize that this isn’t my real arm. That girl’s gonna make a killing in the limb replacement market with the patent.”


“Glad my telling you about her worked out well.” Katsuki said.


“Better than well.” Mirko said with a grin, “Though I wish she’d give herself some more free time. That little project of hers is almost an obsession now.”


“Eh?” Katsuki asked.


“Nothing, come on, I’ll buy you a drink to make up for taking your catch.” she said, slapping a hand on his back.



“You’re fucking serious?” Katsuki asked, “She wants her own dick?!


“Serious as a heart attack!” Rumi Usagiyama replied, taking a large swig of her beer. “Not that I’ll complain. A girl’s softness and tenderness, plus a man’s rock hard bitch breaker dick? That’s a perfect combo in my book.”


“Heh, think you know someone.” Katsuki said, “I always had Melissa pegged as a more sane version of Hatsume. That’s why I sent you to her.


They were inside the Busteez Hero Agency. Not that Katsuki was surprised, Rumi could get an employee discount on drinks here. Technically, Rumi DID work here, though he couldn’t really recall seeing her dancing or anything. But then again, a lot of the visits here had begun to blur together. After their first round of drinks, Rumi had insisted Katsuki call her by her first name when they were off duty. Her reasoning was that they had already fucked once, and she wasn’t one of his teachers, so that made them equals as far as she was concerned.


Able to follow her logic, Katsuki agreed.


The two of them sat inside a booth inside the internal restaurant and bar. There wasn’t any stage in here, but the purpose here was to be able to enjoy a meal while getting serviced under the table by a girl. Katsuki remembered the last time he’d sat here, Rumi had been there then too, and Star & Stripe had paid for a “Spitroast Special” service from Ochaco. That girl was seriously a lot more freaky than he expected. But then again, she was also a much better fighter than he gave her credit for. She’d fought in a death duel with that Toga chick, and even beaten her in spite of being stabbed in the gut!


Thinking of that night, Katsuki felt his dick getting hard at the memory of both fucking the girl’s tight cunt and the session with Star & Stripe and Rumi after. Trying to push the memory aside, he took another drink from his “beer”, though his was the kind that didn’t have any alcohol in it. Still, once you got past the taste, it wasn’t so bad.


The two of them talked about various things, and eventually, Rumi’s girlfriend Melissa came up. The platinum haired rabbit woman freely admitted she was seriously dating the blonde young woman. Which surprised him, until she told him about her little pet project. Katsuki had heard of several research companies working to put that old fart’s research to good use, lest all those people he experimented on have suffered for nothing. The blonde man had mixed feelings about it, but so long as they weren’t using the same methods, he guessed he was fine with it.


“Pwaaaah, yummy!” Rumi sighed after downing the rest of her mug of beer. “Come on Dyna Might, drink up! How often you get to drink with a hot piece of ass like me?” she asked, while grinning at him from across the table. “Oh, I can get you something a little fruitier if beer isn’t to your liking?” she offered.


“Shut up! I don’t need no girl drink!” Katsuki snapped back at her, taking a long swig from his own mug.


“That’s the spirit!” Rumi said with a laugh. She then waved her arm to get the attention of the girl working this area. “Another round, Moe!” she called out. Moe Kamiji stood behind the bar that was part of the small restaurant area cleaning a large beer glass. She was dressed in some rather sexy underwear of a black cupless bra that left the nipples of her big tits exposed, matching crotchless panties, and garter stockings.


“Coming up!” called back the flame haired woman, and Katsuki could hear her mutter, “Geez, where does she put it all? Wish I could drink like that and keep such a nice figure…”


Katsuki looked at the table and took note of the three other empty mugs of beer. The bunny girl could really put it away! More impressive was that she still looked stone cold sober, and her cheeks weren’t even a little red yet.


“Hey Deku, Rie, sit wherever you like, I’ll be there in a sec.” Katsuki heard Moe say. The young blonde looked up and towards the entrance to see Deku and one of his many girlfriends walking in. Both of them were dressed casually, with Deku in a plain green t-shirt with a blue stripe down the center, and some black slacks. Linking arms with him was the Paizuri Heroine Tetas, Rie Horie. SHE was dressed far more provocative in a tight fitting purple tube style dress that was barely holding in her huge tits. Her hair looked like it had just been to the salon, and she was wearing dark colored make-up that worked fairly well for her.


YO! Deku, Titties, what’s up!?” Mirko called out to the pair.


The two of them looked over in their direction and waved. Rie said something to Deku, but Katsuki couldn’t hear and the angle didn’t allow him to even attempt to read her lips. The pair then came over to the booth where they sat.


“Heya Rumi-san, Dyna Might-san.” Rie said to the two of them, “Are you two on a date too?”


WHAT!?” Katsuki yelled, and Rumi laughed heartily.


“Nah, just drinks between colleagues. I’m apologizing for snatching a catch out from under him.” Rumi said. And while it was the truth, for some reason, it annoyed Katsuki!


Deku nodded, but didn’t say anything. He seemed a little embarrassed with how Rie clung to his arm, hugging it between her giant juggs, which meant nearly half his body mass was enveloped in them!


“So, how’s the whole harem thing working out, Deku?” Rumi asked bluntly. “Any catfights yet?”


HAH!THAT made Katsuki laugh.


Rie was the one who replied, “We’re all getting along great, I’ll have you know!” she said, seemingly annoyed at the suggestion that the girls would fight each other. “It’s like having a bunch of little sisters really.”


“Kinky, little sisters who make out with each other while waiting their turn.” Rumi teased as Moe came over with another big mug of beer for Rumi. The flame haired young woman heard the last bit and snickered.


“Some guys like that kind of thing, you know.” she commented, “It’s a common harem comedy trope.”


Deku chuckled nervously and turned a shade of red as Rie hugged herself against him. “Well, tonight is OUR date night!” the dark haired young woman said, “Tsu got her’s the other day, now it’s my turn.


“Heh, and you guys came here?” Katsuki asked.


“Well we…” Deku began, but his date cut him off again.


“Whaaat!? The food’s good here! Inko kaa-san’s cooking is great.” Rie said.


“Eh, alright, you got me there.” Katsuki relented on that detail. Deku’s mom WAS a good cook. Better than his own mom at least. It wasn’t something he’d advertise, but he and his father did most of the cooking in their house. Not that his mother COULDN’T cook, just that the two of them had more skills in that department. His father was kicked out of some super competitive cooking academy when he was Katsuki’s age. But even surviving a semester there apparently was enough to put you on par with a professional chef.


“Well, it was nice talking to you!” Rie said, “You two have fun! We’ll be over there.” she told them before dragging Deku off before he could utter more than the two words he’d said.


Katsuki stifled a laugh with some difficulty, “What?” Rumi asked.


“I almost feel sorry for that loser.” Katsuki told her, “I just realized it, but he’s the one with the least power in that whole dynamic! It’s hilarious, HAHAHA!!!” he explained, finally laughing hard.


Rumi laughed with him, “Isn’t that the usual joke in a harem comedy?”


“Don’t know. I don’t read that shit. I prefer straight up battle manga and complex strategy stories.” he commented. He liked reading the story and seeing if he could correctly predict the plots and plot twists in them. He was right maybe 60% of the time. The times he was wrong were usually when he missed something early on in the story. Or when the writer was shit and didn’t know how to do a proper plot.


Deku and Rie took a table a respectable distance from them and went about their business. He couldn’t hear their conversation, but the two of them obviously were getting along well, and having a fairly intense conversation about something. If he were to guess, it was Hero Trivia. The dark haired girl was just as big a nerd as Deku in that department.


“Tch,” Katsuki clicked his tongue, then started drinking more of his bitter tasting beer which was actually starting to taste better now.


“Was that jealousy in your tone?” Rumi asked with a sly expression, “You could probably get a girlfriend or two if you wanted.”


“Fuck you, Bunny Butt.” Katsuki said.


“You can’t afford me.” Rumi shot back.


“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” he snapped, and she laughed. “Besides, I don’t have time for that shit. If I need to bust a nut, then that’s what this place is for.”


“Me thinks thou doth protest too much.” Rumi said, feigning a Shakespearean accent. “But on that note, I’m actually feeling a bit horny. Wanna go fuck?” she asked, making a circle with two fingers on one hand and pushing the index finger of the other through it. “You can take out your jealous frustrations on my ass!”


“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” he asked dryly.


“It’s an open relationship since we both work here. Also, I got a hall pass recently. Seems Mel had a little encounter with the new girl.” Rumi said.


“The Pop Idol chick?” Katsuki asked. He’d heard about her from Kyoka. Apparently, the two of them were collaborating on some songs to be done between dance routines in the main ballroom. After offering a barely sympathetic ear, she felt comfortable talking to him more often now.


“That’s her. Mel said she used up her other prototype on her, and felt bad about it because she still hadn’t been able to show me.” Rumi said. The rabbit eared woman then shrugged, “I can wait though. I prefer a dick that can go for longer than one shot. Like that time with Cassie.”


“Ugh, don’t remind me! That fucking hurt, you know!” Katsuki said. The time she was referring to was when Star & Stripe had used her Quirk to keep both him and Deku from cumming until the ladies were ready. He never really understood the term blue balls until then. He then downed the remainder of his mug, “Fuck it, let’s go.”


“Heh, that’s better.” she said before lifting her mug up and pouring the contents down her throat! Katsuki’s red eyes were wide, since he didn’t hear her gulp even once! It was like she’d just poured the stuff straight down into her stomach!


GAAAAAH!” Rumi gasped, having drained the entire thing in one go!


“How the fuck…?” he asked.


“Cassie showed me how to do that. It’s good when you’re in a hurry and don’t wanna waste good booze. Just never do it with the hard stuff unless you want a bitch of a hangover.” she explained.



“Thought you wanted to fuck, not take a bath.” Katsuki commented as he found himself on the fifth floor of the agency building where the baths were located. Most of the rooms here had a basic bath or at least a shower, but the ones on this floor were meant to really relax in.


“Who says we can’t do both?” Rumi asked him, “There’s a reason the tubs here are cleaned daily, you know.”


“Gross.” was Katsuki’s only reply as Rumi casually stripped out of her clothes. He was surprised she didn’t just use her quickband, as he knew that one was built into the wrist of her left arm.


“Get my back?” Rumi asked, pulling her long hair aside and exposing her back to him. He could see the mostly hidden zipper there inside the seam. He reached a hand up to grab the lever and pulled it down with a soft zipping sound. The smooth skin of her back was a creamy milk chocolate color with a healthy muscle definition that showed off how much she worked out without being bulky like Star & Stripe’s. But he could understand why. Rumi had focused on speed and agility over raw power with her workout routine, as they really complimented her Quirk.


Rumi slipped the front of her costume forward, letting her big tits free. He could see them clearly in her reflection on the mirrored wall. They were quite a bit bigger than from before Busteez opened, meaning she made regular use of Rie’s bust enhancing Quirk. Or she just altered her diet to keep her tits this big. He remembered Deku mentioning that in passing. Either way, they looked nice. So he reached around her waist to grab them both in his hands!


“Nmmmmh, and here I thought I was gonna have to be the aggressor.” Rumi cooed happily. Katsuki grinned at her through the mirror as he gave her tits a firm squeeze, with her nipples peeking out between his fingers. He then lightly bit down on the side of her neck and she craned her neck to one side, making a soft sound. She then pushed her costume down, fully exposing her naked torso beneath.


Katsuki moved one hand down to the woman’s neatly shaved crotch, finding it already soaked. He easily stuffed two fingers inside her with a wet squish!


“Ahhhnmmmh!” Rumi moaned, rocking her crotch against his hand. Katsuki bit down on the side of Rumi’s neck a little harder, plunging his fingers in and out of her pussy, making the platinum haired woman squirm in his grip. His other hand continued gripping and squeezing her tit roughly as she pressed her toned ass back against his crotch.


Still nibbling her neck, Katsuki began moving his fingers faster, until a soft SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH noise filled the changing area of the bath. Rumi grinded her body back against his, letting out a soft moan every few moments. The younger blonde then moved his head up to gently bite the edge of one long and furry ear.


HMMMMMN!!!” Rumi cooed roughly before twisting herself around in his arms until she was facing him. Shoving Katsuki back against the far wall, she covered his mouth with hers in a fierce kiss that had the fury of an animal in mating season. He grinned at her when she broke the kiss a moment later, her face flush with open desire as she breathed heavily. Seemed her ears were a trigger point for her.


He kissed her back and the platinum haired woman quickly helped him out of his clothes which they left on the floor before heading into the main wash area of the bath. The two of them fumbled around the green and white tiled floor, gripping and groping at one another’s bodies. Katsuki eventually found himself on his back as Rumi sandwiched his cock between her big tits. They felt soft, warm, and a little sticky with sweat from their time out in the field. To combat that, Rumi doused them both with hot water, making everything a lot smoother. He then reached around, grabbing a bottle with a pump on the cap. With a single squirt, Rumi’s cleavage was filled with suds and everything became far more slippery!


“Ooooh…!” he groaned at the feel of her rubbing his fat dick up and down with her chocolate colored melons.


“Ahhhmmmmh, your dick smells so strong, ahhn… I’m fucking wet!” Rumi moaned, moving her tits up and down faster, making Katsuki groan again, his cock throbbing between her soft tits. He thrust his hips upwards, fucking the smooth and slippery valley between her tits with a wet squish squish, squish squish sound!


He grinned at her, moving his hands to grab her soft pink nipples, which felt almost like pebbles, and twisted them in his grip. Rumi moaned again, an animalistic sound that she followed up with moving her entire wet and soapy body up his. They kissed again, and he felt his cock slip up between her toned, but so very smooth thighs. The soap he’d used early lathered up easily, and soon both of them were covered with a layer of thick suds.


Katsuki sucked on Rumi’s tongue hard, making her moan as she grinded her crotch against the upper side of his dick. He didn’t know if it was the soap or her own arousal, but her pussy felt slippery as hell, and very, VERY hot! Rumi raised her hips up high, reaching between them to grab his dick. Her dainty hand couldn’t wrap its slender digits around his entire cock because it was too thick. Katsuki heard her chuckle into their kiss at that, before she pushed his cock inside her pussy!


Soft, tight, and warm wetness enveloped his entire dick! Rumi broke the kiss to tilt her head back and let out a deep moan of pleasure.


HMMMMMMN YEAH, SO THIIIIIIICK!!!!” she moaned, while taking every centimeter of his cock in at once. He could see a soft outline of his cock in her flat stomach as his length pushed all the way up into her womb! The young blonde man then grabbed Rumi by her curved hips, using them for leverage as he began pumping his cock up into her.


Rumi’s reaction was immediate as she let out a loud moan and began rolling her hips against his. “NMMMMMMH, YEAAAAH, HARDERRR!!! I WANT IT ROUGH! FUCK MY BUNNY CUNT HARD LIKE YOU’RE TRYING TO FUCKING BREED ME!!!!” she said, her voice almost growling.


“Yeah?” he asked, “Just remember, you asked, Bunny Butt!” he told her, while giving her ass a slap that was combined with the smallest explosion he could do. It was more noise than anything else, though it did put out a puff of smoke.


NMMMMMH! YEAH! HARDER!!!” Rumi growled at him.


He grinned up at her and began SLAMMING his hips up and down. A loud and wet SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP filled the entire washing area of the baths, a sound only outdone by Rumi’s screaming moans.




“Yeah, then how about THIIIIS!?!? HURRRAAAAGH!!!!” Katsuki roared, grabbing her hips harder and pounding his cock into her cunt wildly, his heavy balls slapping against her ass.


YEAH! YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!! CUMMING!!! YOU’RE FUCKING MAKING ME CUMMMMMM!!!! HMMMMMM I LOVE IT!!! POUND MY PUSSY INTO A SLOPPY MESSSSS!!! OHHHHHHH!!!” Rumi moaned then yelped slightly as Katsuki moved to grab her shoulder, rolling the two of them over on the floor so he was on top of her. Her legs instantly wrapped themselves around his waist, locking his cock inside her as he continued pounding his cock back and forth. He could feel her pussy clenching every time she came as she looked up at him with a lustful grin. They kissed several times, both their tongues wrestling for dominance over the other.


HMMMMMMH, NMMMMMMH, HOOOOOOH, WOOOOOOOOH, AHHHHA, HAAH AHH AHHA… YESSSS!!! DON’T STOOOOOOP!!! MAKE. ME. FUCKING. CUM!!!!” Rumi grunted and moaned, rocking her body against Katsuki’s as he managed to unlock her legs from his waist and rolled her onto her stomach. The athletically flexible heroine did a perfect split for him as he slammed his cock into her from behind. He brought both hands down on her sexy ass, gripping it tight. There was more baby fat than he expected as his fingers sank in noticeably.


SSSSSSSSSSS… YESSSSSS, IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! HARDER, HARDERRRRRR…” Rumi hissed and moaned. Katsuki laughed, slapping his hands down on her ass again with a pair of tiny pops as he set off little explosions against her rump. He then leaned forward and bit the tip of her right ear, hard this time. Her reaction was instant as he felt her pussy clamping down on his cock like a vice!


I’M CUMMMMMINGH!!!!” Rumi screamed, letting out a squeaking moan as she bounced her ass back against him, her vice-like pussy stroking his cock hard.


Katsuki groaned with her, his cock throbbing as he began cumming inside her hard! His hands gripped her ass tight as he kept his length buried inside her as she took in a hissing breath through clenched teeth.


The two of them then collapsed in a slippery wet heap. Both panting hard. He wasn’t sure how long they lay like that, but it couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes before he pushed himself up. He pulled his still hard dick out of her and she rolled onto her back, laying in front of him, her legs splayed wide. Her pussy was still gaping wide from before, his cum slowly leaking out of her.


“Hope you got more ammo in the tank, Bomber Boy!” she said with a cheeky grin. “Cause I ain’t nearly satisfied yet!”


“I’m not near done either Bunny Butt!” he shouted back, mounting her again and shoving his cock back inside as he kissed her hard!



(Three Hours Later…)


“What the hell happened in here!?” asked Mina Ashido as she surveyed the devastation that was once the luxury bath on the fifth floor. The place looked like a bomb had gone off! There were actual scorch marks on the walls with clear handprints in the center of them.


“No idea, but I think we’re gonna need more than a mop and bucket for this…” said Ochaco, “I’m glad my date with Deku wasn’t today. This is gonna take a while…”


“Oh, whose turn is it right now?” asked Mina as she began wiping at one of the scorch marks on the wall to little effect.


“Rie’s. I’m after her.” Ochaco replied.


“Heh, still can’t believe you guys are doing that.” Mina said with a grin, “I’m too greedy to share my man. Well, when I get one I can call my boyfriend at least.” she admitted.


“It’s actually a lot of fun. And honestly, I kinda like playing with the other girls when we do things in a group. I like the way Deku looks at me when we do stuff in front of him.” Ochaco admitted.


“Girl, you’re a lot more kinky than I gave you credit for!” Mina told her, “I had you pegged as the wholesome “Wait until I get married for sex” type. Wow, was I wrong.”


Ochaco only smiled bashfully, “Well… I like sex. Is that so wrong?”


“Gnope!!” Mina said instantly, then tossed down the rag she was using to try and clean the wall. “Well, I give up. I think Midnight-sensei will need to call in contractors to remodel this place again.” she said when the cleaner she was using did eventually begin removing the soot stains, but only at the cost of some of the paint beneath it.


“Man, I liked the baths on this floor!” Ochaco said, while setting down her bucket of cleaning supplies.


“Come on. I’ll get you one of Inko’s parfaits after we tell Midnight this place is a lost cause.” said Mina as she slapped Ochaco on the back.



Later, Katsuki Bakugo growled as he got the bill for repairs to the Busteez Hero Agency Baths!


“Would have been cheaper to just rent Bunny Butt out for the night!” he shouted.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago

Man really havent been catching up on the series but seeing Miruko and Bakugou basically trying to one up each other was pretty fun to see.

Also extremely hot take im sure but hoping that Bakugou gets paired up with Uraraka again even if just as a Busteez’s patron lol

Last edited 10 months ago by souljamantwn
10 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Depending on pic, I’ll do what I can

10 months ago

Ahora que lo pienso…. aparecera el gran Mineta con una escena de sexo?…. xd

10 months ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

Mineta has some issues that make him difficult to use

10 months ago

Nice chapter!

Any chance of getting a chapter with Mineta banging one of the chicks/women (or maybe a chapter with the pic where he bangs both Inko and Mitsuki)?

10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Huh, what pic is that?

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Maybe this one? I vaugly remember this chapters years ago maybe S22132 wrote it tho

3376648 - Inko_Midoriya Minoru_Mineta Mitsuki_Bakugo My_Hero_Academia rtenzo.jpg
10 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Ah, well, that one can’t be reused I believe

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Aw, man, how come?

If that’s the case (I hope it isn’t), there’s another one of him banging Tsuyu.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dan

There’s issues with Mineta

10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hehe, he’ll be calling Rumi “Bunny Butt” from now on.

10 months ago

Wow… 👀 This was quite a chapter… 😳 In fact, this could be one of the best chapters in the current MHA story thus far. But why, you may ask? Let’s talk about it! 🤓

Let’s start with the main duo for today themselves, Rumi/Mirko and Katsuki. They surprisingly compliment each other almost perfectly. This applies in virtually every part of the chapter, including its start with them in their hero work. All that was very well done. Not only that, while it shows how similar they are, it also displays how different they are too. Very nice work. 👍

Next, I really liked seeing how Izuku had his date day with Rie/Tetas was displayed a little, as well as Kamiji making an appearance in the chapter as the bartender for the day. And all this happening in the BHA building, where both of our main duo went to drink and socialize, banter and all. Though the whole comedy harem part was definitely a bit too on the nose there, even though it was the point. 😆 On the other hand, I like the bit of Katsuki liking battle stories and even complex stories, but not shitty writers or bad stories in general. I saw what you did here. 👀

Which leads me to sexual side of things. A lot happened in that segment, but here’s the short version for you: That was great! It was really rough, but it exactly what Rumi wanted, with or without the use of Katsuki’s quirk. Though he was more than happy to oblige her. That was all excellent! 👏 But it came with a huge price. They single-handedly leveled the entire bathroom! And Ochaco and Mina had to be on clean up duty, with Katsuki now having to foot the repair and remodeling bill! Massive oof! 🤯

Suffice to say, I really liked how it came out. Like I said, this is definitely one of the best chapters in the current storyline yet, with and without its flaws. But I’m hoping we see more of the insatiable dark skinned chocolate bunny girl sometime. 😁

Truly excellent work. Until next time. 😎

– Hiryu

Last edited 10 months ago by Hiryu
10 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks, and yes, Rumi and Bakugo have decent chemistry thanks to their similar personalities as far as liking a good fight. Though Rumi’s reasons for fighting are way different than Bakugo’s. I’ll cover her reasons later.

As for being too on the nose, I’ll try to do better next time.

And the stuff about wrecking the bathroom, I took a note from 90’s Star Trek with Klingons and how they go rough and tumble, I just left out the obscene injuries.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I get it. I really do. And it’s pretty sensible, if I’m being honest.

Especially now that there’s a bit more context there.

10 months ago

Habrán más chicas en el creciente harem de nuestro querido brocoli?

10 months ago
Reply to  Evildark

Spoiler: Yes

10 months ago

Le doy un 8/10… ojala veamos a Izuku junto a sus chicas en los próximos capítulos amigo jeje

10 months ago
Reply to  Kimchui

In passing we might, but we will see them directly soon!

10 months ago

Buen capitulo entre ellos dos amigo, una pregunta… Midnight llegará a estar en el harem de izuku?

10 months ago
Reply to  126jojo


10 months ago

Boruto x Tsunade chapter is when?

10 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

Likely never?

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

If you want to commission such a story exclusively, you can at my patreon.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
10 months ago

Will bakugou have his own harem?

10 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Unlikely, if he does, he won’t acknowledge it

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago

Mirko and Bakugo make for a surprisingly interesting couple. I like the dynamic those two have, both in and outside the bedroom. Midoriya’s inclusion in this chapter came a little bit out of nowhere, but I like how it made Mirko say that Bakugo could have his own harem if he just tried. Now, for something that I don’t like! I’m just no fan with how on-the-nose all that talk about how all the stuff that happens to Midoriya are just “typical generic harem-comedy” tropes. It kinda broke my immersion a little bit after the second time or so. Spelling it out to the reader that it’s generic harem-stuff doesn’t make it any less generic, in my opinion.

Cool chapter one way or the other, though. Always a fan whenever some guys other than Midoriya get some time to shine as well.

10 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Actually, I like the whole bit of hanging a lampshade over the cliché tropes bit. They did it all the time on Stargate, which was one of my favorite shows. I mostly included Deku to set up the next time we see him in a chapter. Also I couldn’t decide what to have him say, so, I went with showing off how he’s at the bottom of the totem pole in his harem, which I find hilarious.