Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Lewd Lunch on Campus

Previous Story (Part XXXX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXII): [LINK]

With lunch starting, Students filed out of the arena and dispersed all over BSU’s large and widespread campus. Some quickly huddled up with their friends to socialize while others went straight to their rooms. Violette Beauregard, Ashani El-Karim and Nicole Wellington power walked away from the arena trying to get to lunch as quickly.


“This way, I have lunch being catered to us.” Ashani said while making an abrupt turn.


“That’s fine with me.” Violette nooded.


“Does it come with wine?” Nicole asked.


“Yeah but you don’t need any. You came in looking like hell this morning.”


“You need to take some eye drops Nikki so you at least look the part.” Violette advised her best friend.


The trio continued to walk, cutting and going to a grassy area off to the side of the university’s main building. There they found tables with a buffet-like spread of food for the three. It was a smorgasbord of different cuisine from burgers to French and even Japanese dishes for them to feast on. Members of Ashani’s security team watched from a distance.


“I wish they would stop doing this,” Ashani sighed.


“The security guards? Violette asked.


“Yes. It’s gonna be hard for me to go to class and try to be a normal college student with them watching me all the time.” Vented the princess.


“Can’t you just call them off?” Nicole asked as they sat down at the table.


“It’s not that easy. The security team was ordered by my mother. I will have to convince her that I don’t need it.” Ashani explained.


“What would you like?” Interrupted a young man dressed in what appeared to be a waiters uniform.


“I’ll take a little bit of everything.” Ashani answered. Violette and Nicole nodded to concur. A second waiter then uncorked a bottle of the most expensive wine France had to offer, one that Violette was quite fond of. He poured 3 glasses, one for each before stepping back.


“So what do you think of the presentations so far?” Ashani inquired, looking at both Nicole and Violette.


“It’s been interesting but none of the people who’ve been up so far are a threat to me..” Violette answered confidently.


“But I have to say, I’m proud of you Nicole. It took a lot to go on stage and put yourself out there the way you did. Maybe there is hope for you after all.” Chuckled the blue and pink haired young lady.


“Thanks Vivi. Like, that came out of nowhere. It only happened that way because I didn’t prepare for my presentation at all. That was the only thing I could think of to do.” Nicole explained.


“But I have a question for you Vivi. Like, what was that between you and that brunette stripper girl?


“It was nothing.” Violette answered curtly.


“That looked like something to me.” Ashani added.


“You can’t bullshit me Vivi, I’ve known you for too long for ‘it’s nothing’ to work. There was a lotta heat between you two during that staredown.”


“Matsunami Shinoda… She’s coming in with a license and a reputation already. Could it be that you have a rival?” Ashani asked. Violette then took a sip of her wine. But before she could respond, Ashani’s waiter served their plates.



Speaking of Matsunami, the highly touted recruit made her way into BSU’s dining hall along with her sister Maihime, her friend Jade and her new next door neighbor, Yuriko Yamazaki. Matsunami, Jade and Yuriko got in line to get lunch while Maihime, who had brought her own lunch, found a table for them to sit at.


“So what was that staredown between you and Violette about?” Yuriko asked, eager to get the gossip on what went down.


“She disrespected and embarrassed my sister while she was at work over the summer.”


“How?” The red haired hybrid inquired.


“Mai is an aspiring clothing designer. She ran into Violette while she was at work at Otaku Palace. Violette said she liked her clothes and Mai offered Violette some of the clothes she designed and created herself. An endorsement from a celebrity like that could have helped her career immensely. However, she said no, but did it in a VERY unnecessary and disrespectful way. She said that she wouldn’t wear designs from someone like Mai. That hurt her a lot, it made her cry.” Matsunami explained, her fist clenching from the memories of that day.


“That’s horrible…”


“Mai has been bullied about her weight all her life so she’s sensitive about her appearance.”


“So you want to put Violette in her place by beating her?”


“Yeah, I wanna teach her some humility.” Matsunami confirmed while nodding her head.


“My sister goes here too. Shikijou is one of the top second year students. She was the first referee during Tigre Blanco’s presentation.” Yuriko revealed.


“Did she give you a recommendation to go to school here?” Jade questioned.


“Nah, I came here on my own. We aren’t very close. She bailed me out of a jam I was in a few days ago.”


“What happened?” Matsunami asked


I work as a food courier for Sonic Eats. I was making a delivery on campus and I didn’t have my school ID. This big security guy caught me and chased me around the dorms because he thought I was trespassing. I couldn’t prove I was a student without my ID so my sister vouched for me and verified who I am.” Yuriko explained.


“One of my deliveries that night was this really hot guy. His name is Han. He was flirting with me when I was dropping off his food.” Yuriko detailed, intentionally leaving out the incident that occurred the next day.


“Han, that’s the guy I heard about! He’s the number 1 recruit for BSU this year.” Jade replied.


“So did you get to hang out with him?” Matsunami inquired with her brow raised.


“Not yet but I’m working on it.”


While Matsunami and the others were in line, Maihime sat alone at the table. Other students stared at her and made comments ridiculing her for her appearance on stage during Elizabeth’s presentation.


Everyone is making fun of me… And I still have to go up there again for my own presentation.‘ She worried to herself. Mai’s breathing accelerated as her anxiety rapidly grew. It seemed everywhere she looked someone was gawking at her. However, one person approached and took notice of Mai’s discomfort in the dining hall.


“Hey Maihime!” Exclaimed a cheerful nasally voice. Mai looked over her shoulder to see Skyla smiling with a disposable coffee cup of coffee in hand.


“Hi Skyla…” Mai said in a low defeated tone. Skyla had already read the room and knew that Mai was feeling down.


“This is such a chemically boring place to go for a lunch break. I have somewhere better we can go to eat.”


“’Where?’ Come with me and you’ll find out……” Skyla answered with a grin.



On another part of the campus Brass, Takiko, Kaede and Kiana were eating lunch at an unoccupied picnic table.


“I’m surprised you managed to get all of those sports cars for your presentation! How much did that cost?” Brass asked.


“I don’t even fuckin know. Voyager contacted me a couple weeks ago and told me they would give me whatever I needed to help me with school on top of the sponsorship cash. They’re going all-in betting on me, knowing very well this adds an extra level of pressure for me to succeed.”


“I didn’t get sponsored but I’m kinda glad I didn’t…Like you said sis, there’s a lot of pressure. I don’t want a record company’s money because they’re gonna wanna tell me what kind of music to make and what to put out.” Kaede admitted. Then all 3 of them shifted their attention to Kiana.


“Girl, you did your thing out there on stage. All the animals coming out, that was dope!” Kaede praised.


“See it I told you, things would be ok up there. Brass asked. With a mouth full of food, Kiana was unable to speak, but she did respond with a head nod while slapping her hands on the table repeatedly to mimic the sounds of the crowd cheering for her. After she swallowed her food, she began yelling incoherent sounds while still banging on the table, causing her newfound friends to laugh. Kiana then looked to her left and pointed out an empty space at the table. He pointed to the empty space before looking around as if she were looking for someone. Takiko picked up on what Kiana was trying to communicate.


“Where is that lil shit?” Takiko questioned as she noticed his absence.



Elsewhere, Xavier Williams quickly sped off from the arena power walking to get as far away as he could from other people. It has been an eventful day so far. He just wanted to have a little bit of time to himself before going back to the arena for the second half of the assembly. He looked around to find a place he could go to but since the entire school was all on lunch break, available areas were few and far between.


There’s people everywhere.’ He thought to himself while scanning the area. While looking he noticed an area behind the parking lot of Passion Tower.


Let’s see what’s over there.’ He thought. Knowing that he had very little time, students were allotted 40 minutes for lunch due to hundreds of civilian spectators being on campus and adding to the already massive amount of foot traffic on university grounds. Xavier sprinted away like Sonic the Hedgehog chasing after a Chaos Emerald. He continued to run far past Passion Tower which took him to a grassy area with several trees. Big bright sunflowers were blown slightly by the cool breeze outside. This land was intentionally undeveloped as it served as a quiet place where students could go to do homework or have a nice romp in the nearby woods if they wanted. Occasionally, this area was used for filming outdoors scenes.


“This is the spot!” Decided the scar faced teen to himself as he looked toward the trees in the distance. As walked closer, he noticed something or someone on the ground. Xavier continued forward until he was close enough to identify. The figure….. It was a woman and from what he could see, she wasn’t wearing any clothes!


MY GOODNESS!…LOOK AT HER!’ Xavier thought as he stopped dead in his tracks to stare at the woman. To describe her as beautiful was to do a disservice to the word! The woman’s skin was completely flawless, a smooth, rich, vermillion-like brown; the color of gourmet red cacao chocolate. The kind a couple ounces would cost over a hundred bucks and would be worth every cent! Her hair was a platinum white with dark highlights. She had it cut short in a spiked style with a single tail that was bound with a leather ribbon which hung from the back of her head.


Now that he was close enough, Xavier could see she was indeed completely naked aside from some African-style jewelry around her ankles, wrists, and neck. It was easy to understand why, clothes were unworthy of her body and would only serve to mar her beauty. Her momentous, perfectly shaped breasts moved up and down slowly with her breaths as she looked up at the sky. The pink nipples were stiff from the cool soft breeze blowing across the lawn. Her waist was slender, yet athletic, with the well toned abs of someone who worked out regularly. Her thighs were those of a championship marathon runner, thick and powerful, yet soft and squishy like . Her hips were wide and stocky, perfect for grabbing a hold of while giving backshots. Speaking of the stranger’s backside, it was just the right combination of fat and muscle. When she adjusted her position it jiggled so much that it put Jello to shame. At the small of her back there was a tattoo of what appeared to be a flower with roots that extended to her hips. The woman had a second body marking over those perfect breasts, expertly done tattoos of some kind of butterfly that Xavier hadn’t seen before. He continued to gawk at the mysterious woman, admiring her alluring, celestial looks.


The woman’s pouty lips and eyelids were painted a platinum that matched her hair and glinted in the afternoon sun. She sat cross-legged on a large blanket with a meal spread out around her. Xavier was no stranger to seeing beautiful women, he’d met his fair share of them since being accepted to BSU, but this woman caught his attention in a way no one had before. If there were such a thing as divine beauty, then this woman was an embodiment of it.


Lying next to her on the blanket was a silver cloak trimmed in gold. Xavier saw the BSU logo embroidered on the fabric and a golden medallion attached to the clasp. He recognized it instantly as being a yin yang pendant of some sort.


And she’s a fighter?!‘ Xavier guessed to himself, imagining that the red hued woman had some kind of a martial arts background.


She definitely has the body for it…Good god almighty, she’s fit and thicc as hell!‘ The young man thought while eying the woman’s bare heavenly curves once more.


“You know, it’s rude to stare.” the woman said, her voice held an accent Xavier couldn’t place, it was like a mix of British, French, and German all blended perfectly together. Her English was perfect, and the sound of her voice was like someone pouring honey in his ears. When she turned to look at him, Xavier felt like his heart was going to stop! The steady tone of a flatline played in his head as he met her gaze. Her eyes, they were like sapphires of the deepest blue that were made brighter by the platinum lashes that surrounded them. They reminded him of the sky when it shifted from dusk to nightfall, just just before twilight.


“I, uh, um… Sorry?” he stammered, turning quickly and beginning to walk away, trying hard not to run.


“Xavier, right?” her voice asked in that same honey sweet tone. Xavier stopped in his tracks and slowly turned back to face her.


She remembered my name!‘ The auburn haired young man thought to himself with a mixture of excitement and panic.


“Yeah, I’m Xavier, but you already knew that.” he said to her with a smile, trying to sound confident


The woman smiled slightly, and he could feel her eyes all over him, sizing him up slowly. He got the feeling this woman knew exactly how to judge a person at a glance, which made him feel even more edgy and self-conscious. “You look terrible.” she told him.


“Not sleeping well?” The unknown woman asked.


“Uhh…umm..No.. The last few days have been pretty rough.” Xavier stuttered before answering honestly.


“Hmm,” she said with a nod. “I could guess that much from your presentation.” she said, “But you were very honest, and I like that. Not everyone has the courage to acknowledge who they are, especially in front of hundreds of strangers.” she said as she moved aside on the blanket she was sitting on top of. She then patted the space next to her, “Please, come have a seat.” she offered.


Still nervous, X walked over and sat down, trying hard not to stare at her beautiful body, but it was hard to say the least, no pun intended.




The sound of his stomach rumbling was so loud that the woman actually flinched back, looking down at his stomach with shock. After a moment of awkward silence, the beauty laughed, a delightful sound that made him smile in spite of the situation.


“You hungry?” she asked rhetorically. “I’m about to have lunch anyway, so please join me.”


“Oh, I uh… I couldn’t, I… Sorry for bothering you” he said, scratching the back of his head as he tried to get up; only for her to grab his wrist and stop him. Her hand was soft, but her grip was like a vice!


“Please, I don’t bite,” she told him, then with a smirk she added, “Unless you want me to.”


Xavier chuckled nervously as he shrugged off his backpack and pulled out a lunchbox from within. It was one of those new self-contained refrigerant types that kept the contents at a constant temperature until the battery ran out. There was a soft hiss as he cracked the seal and opened the lid. Inside were a few simple Dominican dishes that his mother had made.


“Oh, that looks tasty.” the sexy lady said.


The naked beauty nodded and smiled back, leaning over to look closer at the meal he had. Her big heavy looking tits shifted with her, drawing his eyes to her perfect pink nipples. He gulped lightly and turned his attention to his lunch. Inside the box was a large silvery container that held some of his mother’s sancocho made with beef, chicken, pork, lamb and shrimp.


There were also some Tostones, rice, a salad and a big thermos full of homemade Morir Soñando, a popular dominican beverage. Xavier cracked open the sancocho and poured the contents into the large cup that covered the lid.


“Oh my,” said the woman, “That smells heavenly.”


“Thanks, it’s my mom’s recipe, though even if I had it in a thermos, it can’t keep it piping hot which is the best way to enjoy it.” he told her.


“Oh? I can help you there.” she said as she reached over to her cloak and pulled a small device from one of the pockets sewn into the inner lining. It looked like a laser pointer, but thick like a D-Cell battery. There was a dial on the base with several temperatures etched into it. Twisting the dial, the platinum haired woman smiled and snatched the thermos away from him before pointing the laser inside. There was a brief buzzing sound and a second later, there was hot steam wafting out from the thermos.


“Here.” she said as the air became filled with the scent of hot stew and spices.


“How did you…?” Xavier asked her with surprise. She held out the device he’d used and he picked it up. It was a lot lighter than it looked, even a pencil would be heavier!


“Think of it like a handheld microwave, though it’s a bit more complicated. If I took the time to explain it, all the food would go cold again.” she told him.


“Thank you.” Xavier said, pouring another cup for her.


“Please, have some.”


“Gladly, mmmmmmh, this smells absolutely delicious.” she said with a happy smile. The curvy blue eyed young woman took in the soup’s aroma once more, picking up the notes of cilantro, peppers and onions that had been used to season the stew.


“It’s called Sancocho de Siete Carnes. It means ‘seven meat stew’, though mom only used 6 because goat meat can be difficult to find.” he explained.


“Sancocho?… Say that again…” Requested the tattooed beauty, intrigued by the sound of Xavier’s Spanish.


SANCHOCHO DE SIETE CARNÈS!” Xavier replied energetically, rolling his tongue as he spoke to put extra emphasis on his accent.


“Ooooooh…” sighed the chocolate bombshell. “So what dialect of Spanish is that? What country does your family come from?” The woman asked curiously.


“I’m half Black and half Dominicańo. My mom came to America as an immigrant from the Dominican Republic when she was a kid. She taught me spanish and at the same time I learned English from my dad.” Xavier explained. The woman nodded before raising her cup. She sipped at her soup after blowing on the surface with her pillowy lips. A look of utter bliss washed over her face as several hot and cool spices hit her tongue.


“This is delicious. I like it!” The woman remarked with a smile before.


“My mom used to make this a lot when I was little. Makes me think back to the good ol days.” Xavier reminisced briefly. The black and silver haired woman watched as Xavier briefly discussed the past. Xavier grabbed a spoon and looked toward 2 other metal bowls that came from his lunchbox.


“Can you heat these up too?” Xavier asked the woman while pointing to the 2 other metal containers.


“Of course…” The woman answered before using the device to heat up the two containers. Once they were done Xavier grabbed one and removed the lid to reveal some thick cut, round chips that looked like a cross between potato chips and french fries.


“You should try this!” Xavier suggested while picking up a chip. The lunch companion obliged and grabbed a chip of her own.


“These are called Tostones. They are fried plantains…Plantains are a type of banana. They have a different taste and flavor profile than the sweet bananas everyone in this country is used to. These are more like potatoes.” Explained the little man. Xavier then stuck the chip in his cup of strew, scooping up several pieces of meat and absorbing the tasty broth.


“I like to dip them in the Sancocho, it’s good as hell.” Xavier pointed out. The stranger followed suit, scooping the stew with a tostone. Xavier looked on as she chewed, lusting after the girl’s luscious lips


“That IS pretty good!” She complimented, purposely licking her lips because she knew he was watching.


The two of them then dug into the rest of his meal. It was only a small meal when split between two people, but Xavier was happy to spend time with such a beautiful woman who seemed to have no problems with being naked in public like this.


The woman especially enjoyed the drink and was surprised when he told her it was just a simple mixture of orange juice milk and vanilla extract.


“Uhh…uh wh….” Before Xavier could finish asking the girl for her name was cut off by a loud sound. His stomach rumbled again, even louder this time. The tattooed woman laughed and smiled again.


“Still hungry?” she asked, then without waiting for his reply she reached into the pocket on her cloak again, pulling out a small pill shaped capsule around the size of a roll of quarters. One end was capped with a button that she quickly depressed and set down at their feet. There was a low humming noise again before a massive plume of steam burst forth and surrounded them. A gentle wind blew and quickly cleared away the cloud and X gasped at the virtual feast laid out around them.


“Ay.. What was THAT?!” he asked her, visibly stunned from what he just witnessed. As Xavier awaited the answer, he thought of the first comparison to this his mind drew.


“There’s a character in Dragon Ball Z named Bulma who had capsules just like this!” Xavier yelled excitedly.


“It’s the latest gadget from my country. Like you mentioned, the idea came from some old cartoons from Japan. Though figuring out molecular compression was a pain. Even with Infinium, shrinking the space between atoms is hard.” she told him as she opened a box of Pizza that was still piping hot as if fresh from the oven.


“Fun little trick, the decompression effect has a fun way of reheating foods, or in this case, cooking them fresh.” she said as she lifted a slice from the box, the cheese stretching out in long strings that didn’t snap for nearly two feet! The woman smiled over at him and held the slice out to him, reaching toward his mouth with it.


Without really thinking, Xavier took a bite out of the pizza slice.


WHOLLY SHIT!” Exclaimed the green eyed young man with a mouth full of food, causing his companion to giggle.


This was the kind of pizza you could only get from a high end pizzeria. The sauce was just a little spicy with a sweet aftertaste, and the meat toppings were all cooked just right, soft where needed, and just the right amount of crunch!


“Yo, what kind of metal is that!? Such a small amount of it but you can fit all that stuff inside? Sounds like somethin’ out of a sci fi movie!” Xavier remarked.


“It’s a rare metal from my homeland. It can do a bunch of ‘special’ things..” The woman answered briefly before holding the slice of pizza to Xavier’s mouth once more.


The young woman hand fed him another bite before letting him take the slice away and grabbing one for herself. He watched, eyes wide as she took a large bite and chewed slowly. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan before swallowing with a quiet gulp.


How she could make something as simple as eating a bite of pizza look so erotic Xavier would never know, but that’s what she did as she took another bite. The two of them ate together quietly, listening to the sound of bird’s song and the rustle of wind through the trees. Xavier smashed through the pizza, several hamburgers, BBQ chicken, Shrimp fried rice and several slices of pie. The mystery woman was amazed by the sheer volume of food he could put away and how quickly he was able to do it.


He’s so small, but he has the appetite of a full grown lion!‘ The woman thought to herself.


Before long, they had eaten nearly all of the meal that she’d seemingly produced from nothing. Xavier felt so full he thought he might need to loosen his pants to give his belly room to breath. He let out a light sigh and playfully smacked his stomach over and over.


“Thanks for lunch. I really needed that.”


“You’re welcome… The pleasure was mine.” Replied the blue eyed woman, causing Xavier to blush slightly.


Sitting across from him, the woman leaned back on her elbows and looked up at the sky overhead. She looked so serene, like one of those nude paintings you’d see in a museum even with all the food still around her. She then slowly raised her right leg up, stretching languidly.


“Mmmmmh…” she purred, then looked over at him again.


“That was nice.” she said before rolling onto her side towards him. Her huge breasts mashed atop one another in a most beautiful way. “Think you could help me with some dessert?” she asked.


“Uh, well, I didn’t really bring anything else…” he said. The chocolate skinned woman rolled onto all fours and crawled towards him suggestively. She looked like a lioness slowly stalking her prey as she approached, stopping only when her head was next to his, her big, soft, and very warm breasts resting against his lap.


“That’s not the kind of dessert I want…” she breathed into his ear before slowly licking the end of his earlobe. Xavier stiffened in more ways than one as the woman smiled and moved to kiss his cheek, then his lips. Her tongue easily invaded his mouth and he tasted her. A sweet flavor that he couldn’t identify as she began sucking on his tongue gently.


Almost on their own, Xavier’s hands moved to grasp her perfectly rounded ass. It was softer than he expected, but still very fit, the muscle tone of someone who exercised religiously. The woman cooed into his mouth, sliding her tongue against his as she pressed her body against his. He then felt her hand rubbing down the thigh of one pant leg, feeling the growing stiffness underneath. She chuckled softly and broke the kiss, playfully licking the tip of his nose.


Xavier then moved his left hand up to one of her breasts. It felt so heavy and so soft at the same time. Her nipple was like a small stone against his thumb as he gave her tit another squeeze, enamored with the feel of it in his hand. He moved his other hand to grip both breasts at once, squeezing and kneading them gently.


“Mmmmmmh, yeah, just like that…” she moaned, pressing her breasts into his hands. She then took a small oblong bead from one of her bracelets and set it against his shirt. It beeped once and suddenly X found himself lying naked beneath her! Before he could even begin to panic, the woman sandwiched his dick between the soft buns of her and slowly stroked his now gigantic, rock hard dick.


Xavier groaned softly at the feel as she explained what had just happened


“It’s like those other capsules, just for clothes, stripping takes too long, that’s one reason I love being naked.”


“Oh. I get it…” Xavier said after the initial shock wore off. The woman smiled at him and cooed as he gave both her breasts another squeeze, this time pressing his fingertips into her meaty mammaries. She moaned slightly louder than before, loving the feel of her tits in Xavier’s rough, boxer’s hands. Xavier slowly traced his thumbs around her areola, listening as she let out a low moan. The dark haired youth then leaned forward, taking one pink nipple between his lips.


“Haaaaahhmmmmmmmmmh…” she moaned, moving one hand to the back of his head, pressing his face into her breast. X took the hint, opening his mouth wider and taking in more of her breast, swirling his tongue around her nipple as he sucked at it roughly. He groaned around her nipple as she began rubbing his cock with her ass slowly, grinding her pussy against the upper side of his cock.


Xavier moved from one breast to the other, tracing the nipple with his tongue slowly before sucking it into his mouth. He loved the feel of it against his tongue, the rough feel of her areola and the stiff nub of the nipple itself. Xavier nibbled on the nipple lightly, holding it between his teeth while paint brushing it with the tip of his tongue.


“Hmmmmmh, bite harder!” she hissed as he nibbled on it gently.


MMMMMMMMH!” she moaned as he did just that. She then leaned back, making him pull her breast with his teeth as she chewed her lower lips in pleasure.


Somehow, the woman managed to shift her position without breaking him away, moving to rest his head in her lap as he continued to suck at her nipple. She then moved her hand to grab his dick, making an approving noise as she trailed her fingers along his length. She then gripped the underside of his cock with one hand, her fingers unable to fully grip his shaft as she began stroking him slowly. His dong grew even more and more in her capable hands, rising up past her face and head.


KUBWA!” (Swahili for ‘He’s Huge!‘) Exclaimed the woman in her native tongue, impressed with his hulking horse cock.


“Mmmmmh…” he groaned, sucking at her nipple more as he tried in vain to get more of that gigantic tit into his mouth. The woman smiled down at him warmly, still pumping her hand up and down his length, stopping every so often to caress his backs with her delicate fingers.


The two of them changed positions again, the woman pulling him on top of her so that he straddled her waist. His cock fell neatly between those massive flesh pillows that she then pressed around his cock. They felt so incredibly warm and soft as she used them to rub his cock up and down slowly. She smothered his beastly cock with her meaty mammaries forming a pussy-like hold on it as she stroked him.


Xavier savored the feeling of her breasts as he leaned back and moved his left hand between her legs. He could feel the raw heat coming off her pussy as his fingers settled over it. The platinum haired woman spread her legs wider for him so he could access her hole easier from the awkward position he was in . He felt the neatly trimmed hairs of her pussy as he slipped his middle and ring fingers inside her. Her hot pussy was absolutely soaked! His fingers slipping in and out of her with the greatest of ease.


MMMMMMM, deeper, shove them in deeper!” she moaned as she slowly ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, “Ahhhh, so tasty…”


AHHMMMMPH!” she moaned, taking the top few inches of his cock into her mouth and slurping at it noisily.


GUUMMMPH, GUG MMMPH, GUG MMMPH, GUG MMMPH…” she loudly slurped and sucked at his cock, her silvery lips leaving rings of lipstick all over his length.


Xavier groaned at the feel of her wet and warm mouth, the pressure of her lips pulling against the tip of his cock. The way her lips looked as they pulled back was so incredibly erotic as he began gently thrusting his hips, fucking her tits and mouth slowly. The woman moaned her delight, humping her pussy against his fingers faster; her pussy making wet sucking and squishing noises as he dipped his fingers in and out of her.


MMMMMPH, MMMPH, GUG GUG GUG… SHOOO PHIICK AN TASHTY…” she moaned, still slurping at his cock before releasing it.


“Ahhh, my jaw aches so much, I love it!” she moaned, kissing and licking at the underside of his dick, her lips leaving even more kiss marks.


Grunting softly at the feeling, Xavier smiled back at her as he moved his fingers in and out of her faster and faster. The woman let out a long low moan as she gyrated her hips against his hand, her pussy letting out hot juices which ran down her thighs.




“Mooore, play with my pussy more!!!” she called, still thrusting her cunt against his fingers.


The scar faced recruit grinned, thrusting his cock at her face between her breasts, watching as she kissed and licked it. She took deep heavy breaths in between Xavier’s long, slow thrusts; He poked her in the back of her throat with the tip of his lengthy soul pole with each repetition! Xavier grunted with approval once more, supremely enjoying the sensation of her moist mouth and slippery tongue against his dick. Eager to please the thicc stranger even, Xavier turned his body around, putting himself on top of her in a 69 position. He leaned his head down in between her legs, spreading the lips of her pussy with his fingers. Even though he only had a month or so of sexual experience, Xavier had been recognized by his peers as well as professors for his ability and enthusiasm when it came to eating the pussy. Excited to get a taste of the exotic beauty’s goodies, Xavier slipped his tongue between her glistening pink folds. She tasted even sweeter than her lips as he began lapping away at her pussy.


Oh my goodness! She tastes like black cherries!


“Oooohh, yeah, don’t stooop…” she moaned in pleasure.


AHHHMMMMMPH!!!” she gagged as she took his cock down her throat.


Xavier shuddered at the feel of his dick slowly sliding down her moist throat. He didn’t feel the least bit of resistance from her as she buried her nose in his balls. She then moaned around his cock, vibrating her throat and making Xavier shake again as he began sucking directly on her clit. The woman shuddered beneath him, moaning even louder around his cock. The young bull assumed a push up position, gradually lowering his thick, meaty meaty dong down her throat. Each time he went down, he gently bit her clitoris just enough to leave her longing for more as he pushed himself back up.


The young bull increased the speed of his push ups gradually, slapping her chin with his balls as he probed further down her throat.


MMMMMMPH, DHON’T SHTOP…. SHO PHICK! ‘DIS IZ DLISHISH!…” she gagged around his pole. Her cheeks puffed out and saliva ran down her chin as she took more and more BBC into her mouth. Xavier grunted as he nibbled on her swollen clit, propping himself up on his elbows and using his fingers to spread the lips of her pussy wide before sliding his tongue between them. He felt her moaning louder around his cock, her tight throat vibrating around his meat. Sweat ran down Xavier’s face as he held himself up.


At that point, Xavier spun away and moved in front of the red chocolate beauty. The young bull reached out with hands, caressing the sexy stranger’s inner thighs. She purred lightly while slowly winding her hips, presenting her moist, glistening slit to Xavier once more! He then covered her pussy with his mouth, moving his tongue in long slow strokes, savoring the sweet taste of her juicy nectar.


“Mmmmmmmh, yesssss…. Keep going…” she moaned happily, “Ahhhnn, that feels amazing…” she said as she ran her slender digits through his hair.


“Hmmmmph…” Xavier groaned into her pussy, locking his arms around her creamy thighs and pressing his face against her slit harder. He then began delving his tongue deep into her pussy, lashing it against her clit occasionally as she bucked and moaned against him.


“Mmmmmmmh, ahhhh, yesss, don’t stop… Oh god… Hah, ahhh…!” the woman panted, her fingers clawing at the blanket now as she gripped it in her fists.


MMMMMMMMMH, SO GOOD!!!! AHHH, THAT FEELS AMAZING!!!!” she cried as Xavier smiled and began sucking directly on her clit like a vacuum.


PFFFT PFFFT PFFT!!!” his lips smacked against her clit as he dragged his tongue against her clit.


HMMMMMMMMH!!!!!” she moaned happily, moving to wrap her legs around his shoulders as Xavier pushed himself up onto his knees, pulling her up with him until he held her waist up high.


AHHHHNNN, YESSSS!!! OOOOOHHH BAAABYY, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING!!!! DON’T YOU DARE STOOOPPPP!!!” she screamed, as her head turned from side to side.


Xavier then moved his fingers to pry open the lips of her pussy again, fully exposing her clit as he blew a sharp, pointed, cool breath against it. A little trick he’d been thinking about for a while now. The platinum haired woman squealed loudly, her nails digging deep into the fabric of the blanket, actually tearing holes in it and gouging the grass beneath!


CUMMINGGGG!!!” she moaned again, “OH GO~D!!!” she screamed as his mouth was flooded with hot juice tasting of black cherry.


HMMMMMMMMMMH!!! SO GOOD, I FEEL LIKE I’M GONNA GO CRAAAZY!!!” Screamed the thicc two tone haired vixen.


Xavier smiled and redoubled his efforts, picking up speed. He absolutely loved the way her voice sounded when she moaned. It was an almost musical sound as he felt the soles of her feet against his back as her toes curled inward. He then reached out with his tongue, slowly brushing it against her now dry clit, making it drag against it roughly as it took in the moisture of his saliva. This triggered yet another steady flow of love juices from the African beauty’s pussy!


MMMMHHMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” she moaned again, biting her lower lip gently with her eyes shut tight!


“Mmmmm, you taste wonderful…So sweet..” he whispered to her, and she moaned again, reaching up to pull his face back into her crotch. Xavier took the less than subtle hint and began pushing his tongue deep inside her folds once again!


HMMMMMMMPH!!! RIGHT THERE! GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO ME!!!” she bellowed loudly as he ever so gently tongue lashed her clit. Xavier could feel her tighten and tense up even more as her meaty thighs pressed up against his cheeks.


AHHHHHAHHA, MMMMMMPHH! MOAR BABY!…” Howled the thicc, curvy stranger. Xavier then sat up and wiped some sweat from his forehead. His heart pounded in his chest with anticipation as he spread her legs open. His eagerness to “feed” the stranger rivaled what he had felt during his first date with his ex girlfriend, Maihime Shinoda weeks ago!


“I got a lot more to give you baby! Relax…Get ready!” Xavier warned with a big smirk on his face. The chocolate hottie panted in lust as Xavier took hold of his dick and leaned forward. However, just before he could split the stranger’s pussy lips and go deep inside… a loud bell rang out, signaling the end of lunch break!


Xavier stopped dead in his tracks, recalling that he had already been late earlier in the day. He couldn’t afford the consequences of being tardy a second time. The young man.


DAMMIT!” Xavier yelled while scooting away from the stranger.


“Shit.” the woman cursed as Xavier pulled up onto his knees, looking around for his clothes before remembering the gadget she’d used to remove them. She tossed the little bead back to him and he pressed the button on one end as she packed up her lunch again, returning everything to the strange capsule she’d gotten them from. She then wrapped her cloak around her shoulder and smiled at him as his clothes popped back into existence on the ground.


“See you ‘round lil X.” she said in that same honey sweet voice, “Gimme a call some time.”


“You damn right!.” Xavier said while struggling to get his underwear on again. The platinum haired woman blew him a kiss before taking off ahead of him. He scrambled to get dressed as quickly as possible. After getting dressed, he grabbed his backpack and took off like a bat out of hell, sprinting to get back to the arena on time. Suddenly it occurred to him that she never gave him her number, or even her name!


“Fuck!” Xavier said as forged ahead. Along with failing to get the stranger’s name and number he realized he left his lunch box and containers in the grass. He looked ahead picking up the pace in an attempt to catch up to the blue eyed stranger but didn’t see her in the thick crowd of bodies rushing to get to the arena. He took a deep breath as he inched closer to the building.


So…tired, I don’t know if I would have been able to keep up with her if there was time to smash!’ lamented the auburn haired young man, his breaths growing more labored with each step.


Only a couple of hours left and I finally get to go to sleep. Hang in there X!‘ He thought to himself, looking forward to the end of orientation.


Having been caught off guard, Xavier was put to the test once again. With lunch time expired, it’s unknown how well he would have fared against the new challenger. Who is this mysterious naked woman? Only time will tell. Find out the answer to this and many other questions on the next action pack episode of Welcome to BSU!!!

(Story by User: Strider_Seiryu)

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3 years ago

I feel like Xavier’s story is gonna be a combination of Creed’s and killmonger’s minus the whole being a bad guy thing. so does that mean he will eventually step back into the ring one last time to face a monster connected to his and his family’s boxing past, will he face his own version of Viktor Drago?

Last edited 3 years ago by Flinchin
3 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

Kinda yes, When the time is right, we will explore a certain individual from his family but thats a ways away

3 years ago

Yo Lizardon here

Absolutely loved the chapter, It was so awesome. I Saw How you guys did different focus and insight of different group of characters from X’s group to Matsunami group. And the introduction of this New girl was truly Amazing

First we start the Chapter with Vivi’s groups chatting about what is comming, we have information of some of the girls diet and they like things that rich girls like, i find this detail kinda funny lol

The most interesting part here of this group was definetly when they brought Matsunami’s subject to Violette, There’s some bad blood between us that i’m Very interested to know why Vivi dislikes Matsu this much, we know about Nami’s reasons involving Violette humiliating her little sister, but i’m curious about Violette having this dislike for Matsunami.

Well about Matsunami’s group i don’t have much tô say this can be integrated on what i talked about Vivi, because the Topic was still pretty much the same one that the Rich girls talked about. Matsunami and Violette’s beef

Still was Very Sad to see that Maihime was still being misjudged by people so close minded about her looks. I hope She can overcome this

Now with X’s group, i really love their dynamic, Takiko is definetly the standout girl for me, her personality is so funny lol, we don’t have much tô talk here because they were mostly asking where the heck X was lol

Now talking about our MC he’s definetly the luckiest son of a gun ever, no wonder Eric is so jealous of him, the guy has his ways with women and keep running into the hottest girls that you can possibly meet,by accident or intentionally, i Hope this keep in the story lol

But definetly the star of the chapter Was Anya our Wakandan style girl lol, it’s Very nice tô add an African Technologicall country in the story, reminded me a lot of Wakanda, the girl screams this, isn’t a coincidence, She even talked about a special metal that only exists in her country. Vibranium? Lol

Her character design is also beautiful, a hot chocolate Wakandan beauty, and she reminded me a lot of Elena from Street Fighter.

And she already got interested on X, the sex scene was really good, and i’m Very curious to learn If she hás any experience with sex because looks like It, By the way is Very cool seeing X becoming more confident in himself in dealing with women, He was Very shy in the beginning of the story. Now he’s definetly on his Path to become the King of Porn hehehe.

Anyways, awesome chapter guys, Can’t wait for the next one, and i Can’t wait to see more of the remaining girls, Hope to see Kaede’s design soon

And i Hope we can have more frequent updates of this story, is by far my favorite in the website 🤗

3 years ago
Reply to  Lizardon888X

Ay Lizard! Welcome Back to BSU my friend. I did the early parts of the chapter to the first day of school when you’re starting high school. People are figuring out who they want to hang with and who their friends are. Also usually when a school year starts there’s that awkward moment that happens to some people where they are sitting alone in the lunch room worried about what other people are thinking about them. This is what’s going on with Mai. Aside from Matsunami and Jade whom she grew up with, Mai doesn’t really have any friends. Skyla represents a potential friend for her. You will get to see more of what happens with Maihime in the next chapter.

But back on topic. I wanted to show a little bit of how the newly formed cliques interact with each other. I have stated in other comments that Xavier retreated to eat by himself because he was tired and needed time to himself. However, there is another reason he did this. He is used to being somewhat of a lone wolf and eating alone. This initially wasn’t by choice in middle and school but he’s grown used to it. He’s comfortable doing this.

However today he was caught of guard lol. The scene with him getting caught watching Anya eat was meant to be an accidental peeping moment. Despite have slept with several women since moving to World City he’s still shy and uncomfortable around them. This is why he shied away from her despite her being nude in a public place and wanting to be seen.

Anya wanted to be seen and was intrigued by Xavier’s reaction when she caught him peeking. Although her reaction to Xavier’s presentation was not shown, It was this that got her interested in him to begin with. They fortunately happened to run into each other the same day lol.

I tried to make him uncomfortable here. He hasn’t built up his confidence to properly approach yet but this worked in his favor this time.

With the sex sequence I tried to do as much as I could without having them fuck lol. Sex wise I wanted him to make a strong impact on Anya, even without intercourse to build Anya’s anticipation for their next fated encounter. Anya is no slouch herself with her paizuri and hotdogging.

Between being tired and having a lot on his mind, Xavier fucked up and forgot to get Anya’s phone number. Overall I’m happy that you and most of the others like Anya and want to see more of her. I’m looking forward to doing more chapters with her.

3 years ago

It would be so freakin cool if you connected whatever they call BSU’s wakanda to Xavier, maybe his father, ehhhhh. He becomes his worlds equivalent of the black panther minus the panther habit and fighting supervillains and more about being a leader with concubines and consorts and eats a supernatural herb created by the ‘Infinium’ affecting the soil causing physical change(colossal dick growth) and mental change(becoming more assertive, dominant, and rough like naruto’s A but to a lesser degree). P.S, I feel like this world’s version wakanda will be more sexual in nature due to it taking place in the BSU universe.

Last edited 3 years ago by Whitis
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

interesting and fun suggestion. I can tell you that plans are already in motion for Xavier’s future. However you are not off base with some of the things you said. You are on to something with the superhero suggestion.. Xavier will increase the size/strength of his dick, however it won’t be from eating an herb or something. He wouldn’t want to get stronger from something like that because he would view it as cheating. He want to become stronger and win because of his own effort. I personality wise Xavier isn’t like the Raikage, he is more of the romantic, cuddling type. However I could see him behaving in that dominant way If he is fucking one of his known female enemies. For example Koko or Violette.

3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

I mean it makes sense when you think about it. Xavier’s voice actor is Micheal B Jordan a person who played Adonis creed(Xavier was a boxer) and killmonger a person who play a big role in the black panther mythos(both comics and movies) and the black panther is always associated wakanda and vibranium and this universe has an equivalent of both(infinium and an unnamed secret country). Although Xavier isn’t bad like killmonger because like Adonis creed(his adopted mother) he had family(Xavier’s mother and his relatives) to keep him from going down a dark path and unlike creed and Xavier, killmonger sadly only knew his father for most of his entire life and he lost his father as very young boy and that only served to make him hateful in life. Also like xavier killmonger was born in the regular mundane world and killmonger only learned about wakanda, vibranium, the black panther, and etc later on in life and from his father. So you can see why I draw parallels and why I see and imagine Xavier’s future going in a certain direction and why I think and believe he’s tied to certain major big places and major big things to come.

Last edited 3 years ago by Whitis
3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

I mean it makes sense when you think about it. Xavier’s voice actor is Micheal B Jordan a person who played Adonis creed(Xavier was a boxer) and killmonger a person who play a big role in the black panther mythos(both comics and movies) and the black panther is always associated wakanda and vibranium and this universe has an equivalent of both(infinium and an unnamed secret country). Although Xavier isn’t bad like killmonger because like Adonis creed(his adopted mother) he had family(Xavier’s mother and his relatives) to keep him from going down a dark path and unlike creed and Xavier, killmonger sadly only knew his father for most of his entire life and he lost his father as very young boy and that only served to make him hateful in life. Also like xavier killmonger was born in the regular mundane world and killmonger only learned about wakanda, vibranium, the black panther, and etc later on in life and from his father. So you can see why I draw parallels and why I see and imagine Xavier’s future going in a certain direction and why I think and believe he’s tied to certain major big places and major big things to come.

3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

I mean it makes sense when you think about it. Xavier’s voice actor is Micheal B Jordan a person who played Adonis creed(Xavier was a boxer) and killmonger a person who play a big role in the black panther mythos(both comics and movies) and the black panther is always associated wakanda and vibranium and this universe has an equivalent of both(infinium and an unnamed secret country). Although Xavier isn’t bad like killmonger because like Adonis creed(his adopted mother) he had family(Xavier’s mother and his relatives) to keep him from going down a dark path and unlike creed and Xavier, killmonger sadly only knew his father for most of his entire life and he lost his father as very young boy and that only served to make him hateful in life. Also like xavier killmonger was born in the regular mundane world and killmonger only learned about wakanda, vibranium, the black panther, and etc later on in life and from his father. So you can see why I draw parallels and why I see and imagine Xavier’s future going in a certain direction and why I think and believe he’s tied to certain major big places and major big things to come.

3 years ago

What is anya’s home country called? Like it’s this worlds equivalent of wakanda but it really isn’t called wakanda, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

I’m actually still working on that. It was inspired by wakanda.

3 years ago

As always, I’m glad to see a new BSU chapter, even though this chapter didn’t advance much in the story I still enjoyed it since it allowed to see interactions between various characters, foreshadowing some of the different conflicts between the characters we may see once classes start.
About the star of this story, Anya, while I’m not the biggest fan of her design, I’m really interested in knowing more about her background and the origin of all that technology she uses, since I assume that if Xavier was surprised by it, those technologies must not be very widespread in the BSU world.
In general I liked the story, I wish we could have BSU more often, even if it meant shorter chapters.
PS: Why blue ball poor X?

3 years ago
Reply to  xfuski

Ay! What up fuski. My main goal was to show off the Anya character. I was excited to debut her. I will detail more about Anya and her technology as she appears more. Hopefully once the orientation arc is over BSU chapters will be posted more frequently. Between health issues, an intense work schedule and the enormous difficulty level of writing the character presentation chapters its been taking me longer to write chapters. Once this arc ends I will go back to writing more traditional chapters all the time. Easier content to write will translate to more BSU releases. Thank ls for your support

3 years ago

Ayo good to see another chapter of BSU, very happy to see a chapter this month. I really liked how Anya was both somewhat considerate about X’s wellbeing but also acknowledging he should unwind and take it easy. Love the design, reminds me of storm from X men but also black panther with the tech? Fucking sick and I find her to be really hot. Not much I can complain about in terms of the design but the story itself felt a little short, it’s like both me and Xavier got blue balled a little with the bell ringing. All in all I’m very curious to see how she turns out to be since there seems to be a lot of female characters acquainted with Xavier, and I’m wondering how each will distinguish themselves as different people other than Xavier’s female friends with benefits. I look forward to what’s in store for the next chapter and for more anya too. Good job strider and RT, You two did well with this chapter.
(Side note the only criticism I have for the art is Anya’s eyelash when she has her eyes closed looks a bit off.. but apart from that it’s great.)

3 years ago
Reply to  DracielGT

Ay GT! Long time, no see. Good to have you back in the comments. Good that you caught on to the fact that she Anya is concerned about Xavier’s well being here. Although she didn’t tell him specifically she has a feeling his problems go beyond the bits and pieces he shared in presentation. That rap made Anya want to get to know him which is why she made her move and invited him to lunch.

This is one of my shorter stories, but I think it accomplished its purpose of giving you guys a glimpse at the Anya character. There will be more as the story unfolds.

I’m looking forward to revealing more about Anya and her character as the story goes on.

Welcome back to BSU friend!

3 years ago

And here I thought Xavier was going to eat one of those special foods in a future chapter that will cause him major massive permanent dick growth.

3 years ago

I’m guessing she’s Kenyan or Tanzanian? Just assuming from the Swahili usage, if so then her design is kinda meh for me…the hairstyle just isn’t it man

3 years ago

I want Xavier to become the izuku and A of this story, to remain shy but get his dick so big it rips through his pants and also makes animals like elephants envious of him but when he fucks a switch goes off and he changes and when he has sex he does so to completely dominant and destroy their minds and to leave them a mess afterwards who beg for more while treating them like pets and property who wants to make women nothing more than a cock sleeve.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Lol I wouldn’t go that far but you will see Xavier develop further in size, skill, personality and overall as a man. X is not the type to just use women for sex and make them his pets so to speak. There are elements of his personality that haven’t been seen yet so stay tuned.

3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

But after Xavier’s enchantment will he have the biggest dick in the series?

3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

I’m not saying treat them like a pet but to fuck them until their mind broken, ya know act more A from the naruto series.

3 years ago

She should of had normal curly black hair man, what is this😭😭

3 years ago
Reply to  Answer

What you see now might not be her only hair style/color.

3 years ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

Good because I have no idea what that is on the top of her head😂😭

3 years ago

The only thing I dislike about her is giving her the silver/white hair or whatever hairstyle that is, it doesn’t work for her man.

3 years ago

Ain’t even read it yet and i’m already loving the character.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nobody


Citizen V
Citizen V
3 years ago

Interesting little filler chapter and new character introduction. Somehow I think she is a bigger deal than she is letting on, but I’m sure will find out when the time comes. This chapter really did layout how the students clique up during their free time. It’s going to be more interesting to see when they are put in groups with their rivals/enemies. So X man found himself a new person of interest, who seemed eager on getting to try him out herself a damn shame they couldn’t really get going, but I’m sure that was to be expected it was only a lunch break and with how good she was I’m pretty sure she would have been mind breakingly more experienced then X was ready for. I definitely can’t wait to see what Anya is really made of when she finally gets to cut loose and I have a sneaky suspicion she’s either not a student or very high ranking upperclassmen if not a 3rd year or possibly rarely seen fourth year, maybe a high level second year at least, but no way she’s a freshman. Time will tell if I’m right or not and we will see.

Nice surprise chapter, can’t wait for the next.

3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen V

Ay what up V! Yeah Anya is meant to be a mystery in this chapter. At this point in the story Xavier is mentally and physically exhausted and doesn’t know how to feel given his break up and getting exposed by koko. This was much a surprise to him as it was to the readers. Some people liked his presentation, Anya included. Him being exposed like he was isn’t all bad because some women will be curious to try him out anyway.

Xavier was not in shape to fuck because he is exhausted and not really in the right state of mind. So him being Interrupted by bell was actually good fortune lol.

Anya is not a 3rd or second year student btw but she will be appearing more in the next story arc. Thanks for the support

3 years ago

Not gonna lie, this came out of nowhere! Both the picture and the chapter! And since there isn’t a MHA chapter this weekend, anything could have happened, but this is a more than welcome surprise. 🙂

But before I dive into the story, let’s talk about the picture itself and the design of X’s impromptu hookup for today, the very surreal nudist and exhibitionist Anya. Good God, look at her! She’s quite honestly the most radical design I’ve ever seen here, for the series and otherwise. Looks like she’s a fusion of Street Fighter III’s Elena and Bleach’s Harribel, but with this otherworldly flair and touch to her. Truth be told, I really love her design, and her mysterious yet welcoming attitude only adds to her beauty. But I’ll get to that in a bit, don’t you worry about that! XD

With that said, let’s start talking about the chapter itself. And be warned, it’s long. XD We see various viewpoints from some groups of students we’ve already come to know. First, it’s the rich girl trio of Violette, Nicole and Ashani. Their lunch was due to catering they set aside, but more importantly, security was also near them, which Ashani really didn’t appreciate at all. Not only that, Nicole got commended for being honest on stage, but she and Ashani questioned Violette about her heated stare off with Matsunami earlier in the day, as they figured they clearly had some history.

Speaking of Matsu, this was where we transitioned to her with Mai, Yuriko and Jade having their time to eat, which looks like it’s in a more public setting. From there Matsu explained exactly what happened with them two and Mai, as she was being both disrespected and insulted by Violette earlier on for her clothing and costume work. As well as explaining how Mai was, and still is, being targeted and shamed for her appearance constantly by other people. Unfortunately it’s a fact that really didn’t help during Elizabeth’s presentation in the last chapter. Though this lead Yuriko to talk about her own relationship with her sister Shikijou and how she wound up in BSU in the first place, or at least up until she had her fight with Shiki on her would be date with Han, which she chose not to mention yet. But this ends with Skyla popping and getting Mai to come with her elsewhere, which I’m gonna assume that this is where the next chapter might pick up from. :O

We then get a quick look at Xavier’s crew of Brass, Takiko, her sister Kaede and Kiana, who just had her on-stage showing, and a really secluded picnic table spot. They were really impressed with her turn, as well as Takiko’s presentation, thanks mostly to Voyager. This already confirms that Kaede would have a tough act to follow as she isn’t sponsored herself, but her drive and determination is definitely pretty strong, more so given that she really wants to make it in the music world, especially in her own way. But this also brought up the trillion dollar question. Where’s X himself?

Well, this is where we get to the main event of the chapter. He was getting his food dealt with when he came across the very mysterious African beauty we readers now know as Anya, who took notice of him staring at her right then and there. She didn’t reveal her name to him, but at the moment he could tell that she wasn’t like most of the other people who has already given him a rough time. In fact, she could tell he hasn’t slept or had a real chance to properly relax, but she commended and complimented him for standing firm and keeping it real and honest as not many would do it. This was how they started to get acquainted with each other, with food and otherwise. I really liked the Dragon Ball and Bulma reference with the capsule technology, which implies she’s from a very highly developed country, as well as her unique accent. But her sexual skills really are something else entirely, especially with how she did her blowjob and boob job! She could very well be one of the most skilled girls in the entire school. O_O Unfortunately we didn’t get much of a opportunity to see what else she could do, as lunch time was already up, but she definitely made a huge first impression to X and me as the reader! If only they had their numbers exchanged. Hahaha.

Well, overall I personally really liked what I saw and read. I can’t wait to see what’s next for Welcome to BSU. Keep up the good work! 😀

P.S I don’t know about everyone else, but I want to see more of Anya. Much more. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Ay! What up Hiryu! How you been? I’m really pleased to hear that you like my new OC Anya! Most of my OCs were designed by RT and I adopted the design and made characters out of them by giving names, Personalities and what not. Anya is one of the a small few girls that I designed myself, so it’s cool to hear that people are feeling the character.

Her look is a mixture of some of my favorite ladies from anime, video games and American comics and you guessed right with naming Halibel and Elena. I was going to give her all black hair originally. The white parts of her hair and the blue eyes come from storm of the Xmen, the version from the old 90s Saturday morning action cartoon. Her eyes were blue whenever she wasn’t using her powers.

The tattoos on her chest and lower back connect to elements of her character which you all will find out more information about as she gets featured more. I was inspired make this character a couple of years ago. I have a fascination with Africa, and I some day want to visit some of the countries there. Princess Ashani is from Egypt which is a part of Africa, but it’s more like a middle eastern/Arab country than a part of Africa but I wanted to make an OC that is more like the traditional tribal based indigenous black Africa that I’m used to seeing as described by people I met from Africa while in the Air Force and what I’ve read in books and seen on TV. Wakanda was one of the influences in terms of infinium, the metal that comes from her country.

I also used countries in Africa such as Eritrea and Ethiopia which are known for their beautiful women, Nigeria which is known for producing skilled fighters both in boxing and more recently mixed martial arts.

This encounter was meant as a quick introduction which is why there isn’t any intercourse. Xavier needs time to do his thing with the ladies. This meeting is to set up an official date where they have more time to hang out.

The other objective here was to show some of the cliques and crews within the freshman class and the beginning of the characters getting to know each other.

There will definitely be more of Anya in the future so stay tuned.

The third objective here was to show Mai in aftermath of Elizabeth’s presentation as she worries about her upcoming presentation. Her going on stage for this confirmed her fears.

Thanks again for all of your support the last couple of years!

3 years ago

Another one for your harem x. This one is a keeper

3 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Lol I agree that Anya is a keeper.

3 years ago

Neat chapter. I agree with one of the other comments as this sort of feels like filler, but at least it sort of introduced a new character. Sort of in the sense that we didn’t even learn her name and what not.

I’ll say this, from her visual appearance and the statement that she’s a fighter shows a very clear inspiration from Elena from Street Fighter. That combined with her nationality yet super advanced technology implies a mix of Elena and Black Panther. It could be neat but at the moment doesn’t feel too unique since the connections are far too similar. She’ll need more to make her feel more like a unique character with a unique background than, “I wanted Elena but as if she was from Wakanda.”

I sense a bit of favoritism from the writer as well with this character. There is a lot of emphasis put into how God Gifted, Amazing, Perfect she is in both looks, personality, and impression. How X is instantly smitten with her and how she seems custom built to be his ideal woman. That’s fine, most writers have a favorite character when it comes to their own series, but with the clear connections to X feelings for Mai spoken during the scene, its clear that she feels like she’s meant to be a new love interest. Or that she’s at least being set up to be so from the text shown here.

As for Anya herself, she’s okay. Visually and personality wise she’s fine, nothing that I’m personally into myself though. I’m sure she appeals to a lot of other people though, which should be obvious as Elena has a lot of horny fans too hahaha.

Side note, this has nothing to do with the chapter mind you. I just feel odd knowing there is dragon ball technology in this world. Such an odd little community hahaha.

Oh also, I feel like I need to point this out since it seems to be this character’s ENTIRE story arc. Mai is barely chubby, so I find it a little odd how much everyone gives her shit for her looks. In a world with animal people, weird tech, and tribal people, you’d think someone having a little bit of a gut would be totally fine with folks. Who knows, maybe the response to Mai’s appearance is meant to be a jab about how with porn everyone is so artificially beautiful that even someone with a normal body is viewed as a disgusting freak of nature that must be mocked publicly and apparently openly. I mean hell, most women in this series have more fat in their tits and asses than Mai does on her belly but for some reason she’s the abomination according to the text.

Anyway, that’s it. The chapter was fine. Not much happened, but we met someone new. She’s personally not my cup of tea but I’m sure she’ll get her own small fan base soon enough. I’m actually pretty interested now in hearing who are fans like top 3 characters in this series. Maybe a future poll, granted there are a lot of girls to keep track of.

3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

What’s up Unskilled! Been a while. While you feel this is filler, I respectfully disagree. These kinds of chapters exist to break up the the constant stream of character presentations to show the audience something different and also to give myself a change of pace as the writer.

As far as Anya’s inspiration goes. It comes from a combination of things. Some of you in here have known me for a while and are aware of my love of Capcom and all things Street Fighter. Yes Elena is one of the inspirations but not the only one. Storm from the X men was also an inspiration as well as bulma and Halibel. This chapter here is just a start and meant to be a quick introduction to her. There will be another encounter between Xavier and Anya that will have more to it than what you saw today. I will have more leeway to do more stuff and have more scenarios once orientation is completed.

Xavier is somewhat smitten with Anya at this point which is solely based upon physical appearance currently because he hasn’t gotten to know her yet.. However, him giving this kind of over reaction to a new woman he’s seeing for the first time is normal for his character.

In regards to Mai, I’d say that the people in the BSU world are somewhat shallow in general. She is on her own journey of self discovery right now. Part of that journey is dealing with her own insecurities and self esteem/ Self consciousness about her weight/Appearance. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

3 years ago

The first thing I wanna say is DROOOOOOOOOL!!!!! Fuck Anya is gorgeous!!! I loved her techie aspect. From the text it sounds like she’s an inventor of some kind, like that handheld Microwave laser. Something that does exist, but a handheld one is about fifty years away, if not more.

What really wins though is she seems a completely unabashed nudist! I mean, the part where she spots him looking at her, but doesn’t freak out in the slightest. Meaning she is completely at ease with her own body and doesn’t care who is looking.

I love her overall design.

She comes off as a bit of a seductress, though that might not be the case as we only saw inside her head for a few seconds. For the moment she seems just very friendly and playful. Though I can see her butting heads with some of the other girls possibly. Part of me wonders what kind of workout regimen she follows to maintain that body?

The sex was fun, rare for any of the stories on here to just focus on oral. Off the top of my head (meaning chapters I’ve read personally) I can count on one hand how many were like that.

The early parts with Violette and Rich Girl Squad shows how seperate they see themselves. Not exactly a bad thing, money buys privilege, but gourmet fast food and wine? Reminds me of the scene in Kingsmen with Sam l. Jackson and Harry. I liked how Anya had some regular foods packed away in that capsule thing, but more how she enjoyed just eating home cooked stuff with X first!

I really like this girl and hope to see more of her soon!

As to X in this chapter, it’s easy to see what had him so flustered! Anya is the first fellow student he’s encountered since his own presentation. After the mess with Mai and such his confidence took a blow. Anya seems to really hold nothing against him, seeming to want to judge for herself first.

3 years ago

I was trying to be discrete last time but was not getting a response, so I’ll be blunt this time. There was a post on a discord not too long ago containing a lot of information pertaining to this series. At the time I wasn’t understanding what I was reading, but since I’m seeing a clear pattern recently with these stories and the timing. What happened to Auron?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Out of the entire arc so far, this is probably the weakest chapter. Not that it’s bad, but the focus on Xavier and Anya eating, combined with the overall lack of progression made that chapter feel more like a filler. The different scenes, where we got to see Violette’s, Matsunami’s, Maihime’s and Takiko’s group prepare to eat was nice and showed their differences quite well. Rich girls eating away from others, while the two unexperienced girls (Maihime and Skyla) going to an interesting spot. I wonder if that comes up in the next chapter. It felt pretty weird for Xavier to not ask the girl for her name or anything else about her, ESPECIALLY after all the sci-fi stuff she does. I mean, we know her name and her country was mentioned when she commented X’s dick in her mind but I thought that Xavier would be more eager to learn more about others than that. The eating scene was… nice. It didn’t showed us anything new (other than the technology, which made me think that she perhaps came from Wakanda) so I wasn’t as interested in it as, let’s say the stuff we got at the presentations. So far, Anya seems to have the weakest introduction and her sexual skills also seemed pretty standard. I also feel kinda cheated that it’s mentioned how Xavier likes her more than any other girl, without giving us a real indication as to why he does that. For now I trust him though, although I don’t really see what set’s her appart from other girls. The sex scene was nice and I liked that the cockblock was established beforehand instead of coming out of nowhere. Anya seems kinda like a dick, for letting him pack of his stuff all alone while she skedaddles. Perhaps we get an explanation for that later on, other than that she’s a little bit of a dick XD.

Weakest chapter of the arc but still pretty enjoyable.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Really? I didn’t get that impression at all from her, she’s the mysterious woman right now. We aren’t seeing inside her head at the moment.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I mean, it makes sense from a story point to hide her name but there are several issues I have with this. We as readers already know her name so it would have made sense that Xavier would have at least asked for her name. Not much would change and even if she would be perhaps the top scientist of her country known all throughout the world, who developed these crazy shrink capsule-things and the mini-microwave, it wouldn’t change much since Xavier knows very little about this world. He didn’t even know that Beast Maiden were a thing until a few weeks/days ago, despite living in New York his entire previous life! So him not at least asking for her name, yet alone her country (she mentioned that the stuff she used was developed in her homeland) seems pretty out of character. Especially because he’s a person who’s eager to learn more about other people and cares great lenghts about them (as shown with Maihime during their first encounter, Matsunami, Brass and Kiana).

As for simply leaving the scene, which makes her seem distant and mysterious: Yes, I get were you’re coming from. But in that moment it feels like she only has eyes for the Orientation with no regards to the man who just brought her to orgasm. But that’s what I meant by saying that we need an explanation. Perhaps her presentation is next in line or that of some friend of hers. We don’t know.

So far she’s the most uninteresting character for me and I hope that this will change soon.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Hello, I’m sorry you feel that way about the chapter and it being “filler”, but thanks for reading and responding. This Chapter’s purpose was to introduce Anya to the audience and Xavierin a sample sized serving. Xavier had time constraints on him due to only having 40 minutes. Also he is tired and in a somewhat Him not asking her name was meant to be a blunder on his part. He’s been awake for about 2 days straight and is still shell shocked from the breakup with Mai and being doxxed and humiliated by koko. He’s a bit mentally drained from his own presentation as well so he isn’t as sharp as he would usually be. Things were moving very fast for him and he was caught of guard so its easy for him to forget to ask for her name given all that was going on.

I know her name was revealed for the purpose of the post title. I was trying to convey the idea of mystique about her. I was trying to imply that there will be another encounter between the two in the near future in which Xavier can have a proper date with Anya without the time constraints of being on a lunch break and having to be somewhere else in said time limit so they can chat and get to know each other better.

As for Xavier’s reaction to seeing Anya for the first time, I don’t think it’s was anything outside of his normal behavior. He typically over reacts/oversells the ladies’ looks when seeing them for the first time and I generally give similar descriptions to one for Anya when I’m introducing a new female character. He doesn’t like her more than any other girl he’s met, he doesn’t know her yet so he can’t make such an assessment at the current time. This is his first significant non teacher evaluation interaction with a woman since the Maihime breakup. Anya awed and bewildered yes but another reason for his reaction is because he was not expecting her to invite him over for lunch, praised him for his presentation and showed interest. This was a surprise unexpectedly and unexpectedly positive meeting for him.

I appreciate the feedback and thanks for the continued support of my writing.

3 years ago

I wish you updated BSU more regularly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

I’m hoping to be able to release chapters more frequently after completing. In real life I work 2 jobs and right now both are understaffed so I’m working 100+ Hours a week and it’s slowing me down with my writing. My schedule will be decreasing to normal hours in August.

3 years ago

After Xavier’s enchantment(the one you mentioned before) will he have the biggest dick in the series?

Last edited 3 years ago by Whitis
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Funny you’re asking this, as this information was also important to what I was asking