Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Level Two Sexcraft

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 64): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 66): [LINK]

“Nmmmmph, guh, mmmph, gweh, hrmmmph…” the purple haired young woman moaned and gagged loudly as she slowly moved her head up and down on Boruto’s length. Sumire Kakei was what Hanabi would have called “barely trained” in sex as far as she was concerned. Honestly, the brown haired woman was genuinely impressed that she could deepthroat Boruto’s dick at all!


For Hanabi Hyuga, it wasn’t much of a challenge at all. In fact, she rather enjoyed sucking his dick. She was still more than a little miffed at Sarada for stealing away Boruto’s virginity before she had the chance. Though it wasn’t too much of a surprise given how they were stuck here. After she calmed a bit, Hanabi had concluded that it would have been a bigger surprise if either of them still WERE virgins after coming here.


Well, it doesn’t matter now,’ she thought as she admired the sight of Sumire’s throat bulging from the girth of Boruto’s gigantic dick. Hanabi idly stroked her own pussy as she watched, with just the barest pangs of jealousy tickling at her heart.


“That’s it, Sumire. Just keep going. Let your throat relax…” Hanabi instructed, “If you choke a little, that’s fine. It just means you’re doing it right.”


“Hmmmhmmmmph…” Sumire moaned, while nodding her head weakly, “Mmmmmmmph… Muh mouph… Pheelsh guuuuud… Aguh, guh, gug…” she said, with the motion and her attempt at speaking making her choke loudly.


“Haaah… This feels great, dattebasa…” Boruto groaned as he lay back on the bed. Like everyone else in the room, he was completely naked, with his huge cock fully erect and throbbing inside Sumire’s mouth.


“Ara ara, you just lay back and enjoy it, Boruto-kun,” Hanabi told him, “This isn’t training for you. It’s training for your cock sleeves.” she said, while giving Sumire’s ass a soft spank and watching it jiggle lightly.


“You know, I’m both excited and insulted by being called that.” said the fourth person in the room. She was a young woman with close cut brown hair and olive green eyes. She had mannerisms not unlike a cat’s sometimes. Her name was Wasabi Izuno, one of the other girls in Hanabi’s regular squad.


“Would you prefer girlfriend?” Hanabi asked with a teasing smile.


“Gheep…” Wasabi choked slightly, with a reddish tint coming over her cheeks. “I uh… Think that might be a bit much.” she said nervously, “Though, being called his ‘Woman’ might not be so bad.”


“Aguh, actually, I wouldn’t mind that… Being his, um, girlfriend…” Sumire said as she lifted her head off of Boruto’s cock, while stroking the saliva slicked length with both of her hands as she blushed a deep red.


Hanabi snickered, “That’s not something you say in such an innocent tone while sucking the guy off!”


Sumire continued to blush as she moved to start sucking his cock again, letting out a soft moan of lustful want. It was as if Boruto’s dick was the best tasting thing in the world. Hanabi noticed she had a lot less difficulty now, as her head moved up and down his length with relative ease. The brown haired woman masturbated a bit harder, seeing Boruto’s cock being worshiped like this turned her on! His big, throbbing, hot, dick!


“Nmmmmmmh…” Hanabi moaned erotically, while stabbing her fingers back and forth inside her cunt. The wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH was louder than the slurping and sucking noises Sumire made as she moved her head up and down a little faster.


“Haaaaah… Yeah… Don’t stop…” Boruto groaned in pleasure at the gentle blowjob meant to please him.


“Cahn’d shtob… Nmmmmmmph…” Sumire moaned, “Dun wanna shtoooooob…! Aguh guh gug gurk guk mmmmmmmmmph… Pheelsh sho guud in muh moooouph…”


“Nmmmmmh, yes. That’s because your body is craving Boruto’s god dick like I told you.” Hanabi said, “Even my pussy wants it so badly right now, I can barely stand it. We’ve become slaves to his dick!”


NMMMMMPH!!!” Sumire moaned, and Hanabi watched as she shuddered in fellatio induced orgasm.


“Hmmmmmmn, fuck that looks so hot…” Wasabi said, “I don’t know if it’s that Kami Chinpo thing or just that I love fucking though, but I’m so wet right now!”


“Probably a bit of both.” Hanabi told her with a grin. “What makes that technique so powerful and dangerous is it acts almost like a drug. Only unlike a drug, you can’t build a tolerance that requires higher and higher doses to get the same effect. But your body CAN become almost dependant on it. According to the stories, your pussy will begin screaming for more the longer you go without a… I think the colloquialism is ‘hit’, but the longer you go without it, the more you’ll crave it.” she explained. It was why she wasn’t all that worried about Sarada storming out earlier. Hanabi knew she’d be back sooner or later, and besides, she was already carrying a torch for Boruto, even if she didn’t want to admit it even to herself. So it wasn’t really a bad thing that she was his slave now.


As for Hanabi herself… That night she saw him in the bath, she had no other choice really. Someone had taught Hana a powerful Injutsu that had at least briefly enslaved Hanabi to her as her “bitch”. The desire to submit and act like some kind of pet dog was overpowering. No matter how much Hanabi tried to resist, she couldn’t stop herself. Until she spied Boruto’s big dick in the bath and saw how his chakra was already naturally flowing through it. She figured being his slave was better than being some lesbian bitch whore.


Her gamble fortunately had paid off. Though untrained, Boruto’s natural talents had broken her bitch conditioning, and she was free of Hana’s influence. One could argue she just traded one collar for another, but Hanabi was perfectly fine with that. Also, the kinkiness of the whole set-up kind of turned her on!


Wasabi shrugged her shoulders, “Whatever. When is my turn?” she asked, while she watched as Sumire managed to throat all of Boruto’s huge dick! The young blonde groaned in pleasure as Sumire began moving her head up and down faster, choking and gagging loudly as the thick pole of flesh moved in and out of her stomach. Hanabi masturbated harder, moaning with him as she watched.


“Ahhhn, Nee-chaaan, this feels, so goooood…” Boruto groaned.


Hanabi licked her lips slowly, then crawled up the bed to kiss Boruto full on the lips, with her tongue invading his mouth and thoroughly feeling around the inside. “Mmmmmmmn…” Hanabi moaned, while moving her hand to rest against the back of Sumire’s head, steadying the pace of her motions.


“Goh ahead an’d cummmh, Bohrutoh…” she slurred into his mouth, “Led Shumiair hav’ id…”


“Yesh!” Sumire agreed, “Ghimme ur cum, ghimme ur cuuuummmmmugh, guh, gug, gurh, gweh huguh…” she begged, while choking loudly again, “Aye wand id…”


“Nmmmmh, mmmmmh, ahhmmmmh… Uhhhmmmh!!” Boruto groaned, his body stiffening for just a moment before Sumire made a strangled gagging sound, her eyes going wide as cum flooded her belly, filling her guts with his thick seed. Hanabi couldn’t stop herself from feeling jealous at the sight and held Sumire in place, forcing her to take in every drop.


“Nmmmmh, that’s it Sumire. Take it all in and don’t let it go to waste!” Hanabi cheered her.


“Fuuuuck,” Wasabi moaned, while masturbating herself now as she watched, “So much cum…!”


“I know…” Hanabi moaned, while moving her hand from Sumire’s head to her stomach which was now gurgling from all the cum inside.


“Aguh, guh, aguh, gug…” Sumire gagged loudly, with her eyes rolled back in her head as her pussy gushed from pleasure. “Aguh guh guuh…” she then choked loudly as Boruto stopped cumming finally and Hanabi pulled her head free. Sumire then coughed violently, gasping for breath.


“You’re gonna need more practice, but you can be Boruto’s blowjob cum dumpster!” Hanabi said teasingly.


“Ye… Yes, captain…” Sumire said weakly, then falling flat onto the cum soaked sheets, barely conscious and completely spent.


“Okay, my turn!” Wasabi said happily as she ran over to the bed and jumped up onto it with the grace of a cat.


“Someone’s eager.” Hanabi giggled.


“Well yeah,” Wasabi said, “I wanna feel this thing making me his slave like you said!” said the short haired brunette as she shamelessly moved to begin licking Boruto’s saliva and cum slicked dick. She had the right attitude for a properly trained sexcraft kunoichi! Hanabi made a note to give her some more intense training than she had originally intended if this was how she was gonna be about it.


“Technically, you already are. Well, unless when Boruto fucked you he was too spent to use it unconsciously. In that case, this could be dangerous.” Hanabi warned.


“Meh, fuck it!” Wasabi said, “Or rather, fuck me!” she added, standing up on the bed. She moved to stand over Boruto, with his still fully hard dick reaching up back her waist. “I still can’t believe Sumire had this whole thing down her throat!”


“The human body is more elastic than people think. A shinobi’s body is even moreso.” Hanabi said. “Just look at the stuff Mitsuki can do.”


Wasabi nodded and looked back down at Boruto’s dick. Hanabi couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited from the look on her face. Though she could easily tell she was definitely aroused! The young short haired brunette moved to place the tip of Boruto’s cock against the entrance to her cunt. The insanely wide head slipped into her with a soft wet sound and Wasabi’s knees chose that instant to stop working.


NYAAAAAAAAAGH!!!” she mewled like a cat as Boruto’s cock plunged into her in an instant, tenting her belly up high. The phallic lump easily reached up between her tits, and Wasabi’s teeth gritted together as she lightly foamed at the mouth.




“I knooooow….” Hanabi moaned, while shoving three fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy, with her slender digits making wet squishy noises as they moved. She didn’t know how much longer she could wait, as her pussy was practically BEGGING for his cock and cum! But she made a promise to let Wasabi and Sumire go first. Also, it was good to let Boruto work out all of the stress her older sister’s training must have put on him.


Though outwardly timid and meek, when Hinata got serious, she was practically sadistic. Which would have been fine if she didn’t get all regretful about it after she had a chance to cool off. Boruto had a fuckton of raw talent, sure, but without having begun his training at an earlier age like he should have from the start, jumping right into full scale orgasm resistance training was fucking torture!


Next to Hanabi, Boruto groaned again, with his eyes shut tight at the feel of Wasabi’s tight cunt clamping down on his dick. She giggled, since he looked so cute like that. Hanabi then turned to look at Wasabi, pulling her hand from her pussy and slowly tracing her fingers along the dick shaped lump in her abdomen. Wasabi’s pussy was being spread so wide, Hanabi was jealous.


“Go ahead and start moving like I said.” Hanabi told her.


“R-right…” Wasabi said, straining slightly. She’d just taken over a meter of dick into herself in a single go, so it was no wonder she was struggling a bit.


Hanabi watched as Wasabi moved her legs into a squatting position, her hands pressing down on Boruto’s slim chest. Then, using her legs like springed hinges, she began moving herself up and down. Boruto’s cock made a soft and wet squishing, sliding sound as it was pulled back out as Wasabi moved herself upwards. The distinctive lump in her stomach moved back down with her movements.


NYAAAHAAAAAAH…!” she mewled, “IT FEELS LIKE I’M BEING PULLED INSIDE OOOOOUT, BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD! IT FEELS TOO GOOD!! I’M GOING CRAZYYYY!!!” Wasabi caterwauled as she lifted herself up by more than two feet, then plunged herself back down again. “HOOOOOOOOOOOOGH!!! I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M… CUUUMMMINNNGH!!!” she moaned from deep in her throat as she began repeating the motion, bouncing herself on Boruto’s cock with wet squelching noises.


SO GOOOD!! MY PUSSY JUST WANTS MORE EVERY TIME IT FEELS THIS COCK MOVING IN AND OUT! AHHHN, I CAN’T STOP NOW! MY PUSSY’S IN CONTROOOOL!!!” Wasabi wailed in pleasure as she bounced herself up and down faster. Her face, once looking strained and even foaming at the mouth slightly, was now locked in an expression somewhere between madness and ecstasy. Her olive colored eyes rolled back in her head and drool ran down both sides of her chin as she panted heavily.






Hanabi was a bit confused. Was this her first time feeling this technique? If it were, then she hadn’t been addicted before this moment. She supposed it WAS possible that Boruto ran out of chakra after his time with Sumire. After all, he wasn’t really doing it CONSCIOUSLY until now.


Oh well,’ Hanabi thought, ‘It’s too late now. If she wasn’t enslaved before, she certainly is now!’ she thought with a wry grin.


AHA AHH HAH HAAH, THIS COCK, IT’S MESSING UP MY INSIDES! MY PUSSY IS BEING TOTALLY WREEEECKED!!!” Wasabi screamed, while bouncing herself up and down almost frantically now.


“Ahhhn…” Boruto groaned, while moving his hips with Wasabi now, with his hands reaching up to grab the girl’s enhanced tits. His fingers sank deep into the tit flesh, digging deep grooves down into them. Hanabi then watched as he shifted his grip on Wasabi’s left tit, and then pulled it to his mouth and sucked her nipple.


AHHH YES, YES, YESYESYES, SO GOOD, SUCK MY TITS, FUCK MY CUNT, PLOW ALL OF MY HOOOOOLES!!!” Wasabi begged, with her pussy gushing on both the in and the out strokes. Her skin was so flushed from orgasms that she looked feverish.


AHHH, I’M STILL CUMMING! I FEEL AMAZING! I’M COMPLETELY HOOKED ON THIIIIIS!!!” Wasabi moaned in ecstasy as Boruto groaned again as he began cumming again inside her.


AHH, I FEEL IT! I FEEL YOUR CUM FLOODING MY WOMB WITH GALLONS OF YOUR HOT SPUUUUNK!!! IT’S FILLING ME UP!” Wasabi wailed in pleasure, while leaning back as her body shook with ecstasy almost as if she were having a seizure.


Boruto groaned beneath Wasabi, while still thrusting his hips, making his cum slosh around in her womb. Hanabi watched as the girl was bounced up and down slowly by his movements.


Slowly, Boruto’s thrusts came to a halt, and he lay still, panting heavily with his body covered from head to toe in sweat. His golden blonde hair was practically plastered to his scalp from the perspiration. The whole room stunk of sweat and sex, but Hanabi loved that smell! She leaned over Boruto and kissed him again, swirling her tongue in his mouth.


When she finally broke the kiss, Hanabi turned back to Wasabi, who was still straddling his hips with his giant dick buried inside her. Her stomach was bigger than a beach ball now as she shuddered in continuing orgasms. Hanabi rubbed her hand over the younger girl’s gravid belly with a grin.


“Mmmmmn, so much cum. You’ll need to rehydrate first.” she told him, while licking her lips slowly.



Well, that explains why Ino was acting so weird.” Boruto said as Hanabi finished explaining things to him. He’d again asked what she meant earlier about saving her, so she’d told him in detail about being subjugated by Hana’s Injutsu. They were walking together through a large complex that turned out to be a modern shrine. The actual place of prayer and worship was traditionally built, but the housing and other buildings were much newer in their aesthetic. All of them were naked aside from sandals to protect their feet from stray pebbles and the occasional litter. Hanabi could see more than a few jealous eyes watching Boruto moving around with three beautiful girls.


It was the morning of the next day, and Hanabi had decided to take Boruto out along with Wasabi and Sumire to explore other sights on the island. As they moved about, she spoke with all of them about her own Injutsu training. She could only tell them so much as a few techniques would be for Boruto’s ears alone, unless of course he formally took Wasabi and Sumire as his “slaves” for lack of a better word. Mistresses didn’t quite fit, and calling them girlfriends was too light in weight. But if and when they were recognized as “his”, she could tell them more without incurring her father’s wrath.


Likely when one or both of them get pregnant,’ she thought quietly.


“From what you told us though, it sounds like your family is one of the last in Konoha to really train in this stuff.” Sumire said.


“Officially, yes. Unofficially however…” Hanabi let it hang there. The brunette had no more doubts there were still SOME families still training in the old ways aside from her own. She didn’t know WHO trained Hana, but they were VERY skilled, whoever they were. Her own training had made her ready to take on any Injutsu trained man with only a minor degree of difficulty depending on his skill. Male techniques weren’t as widely varied as kunoichi techniques after all. Mainly due to the fact men had a critical weak spot between their legs. If worse comes to worst, a sharp kick or punch there was all it took to get away if needed.


Though even Hanabi admitted that wasn’t a very sporting thing to do.


She then smiled when she caught Boruto stealing a glance at her naked tits. It was hard for him not to, as after all, his height put him at the perfect level to stare. Still smiling, Hanabi skipped ahead of their group to stand in front of him.


“Go on, look as much and as long as you like!” she told him. “AND, when we get home, you can see them anytime you want. Just say the word and I’ll bust these beauties out for you.” she told him, hefting up her heavy tits enticingly.


“Same here!” Sumire said, while moving to stand beside Hanabi and copying her movements.


“Me too,” Wasabi said, staying at Boruto’s side and just grinning.


“Also,” Hanabi added, “All you need to do is ask and we’ll empty those big balls of yours whenever you want!”


Wasabi and Sumire nodded in agreement with her.


“You’re serious?” Boruto asked, with a mixture of surprise and mild disbelief playing over his face.


“Totally.” all three women answered together. Boruto leaned his head back and looked like he was about to sigh in exasperation. But after taking a deep breath, he looked back at them with a wide and cheeky grin that made him look so cute!


“Alright, then gimme a blowjob right here and now, Nee-chan!” he commanded. He was trying to be smug and serious at the same time, but Hanabi could tell he wasn’t serious, or at least, not entirely. Grinning back, she decided to call his bluff and closed in on him, getting down on her hands and knees in front of him. She then gently grabbed both his balls in her hands.


“Eh, what…?” Boruto gasped, “Nee-chan!?”


Hanabi ignored him and triggered her Byakugan so she could see his chakra pressure points. Many people knew about the regular pressure points used by Byakugan users as well as the Gentle Fist techniques. But what Hanabi wanted was in her family’s Injutsu arsenal.


With a single touch, she saw Boruto’s dick go from half hard to fully hard in the space of two heartbeats! It was a special pressure point that forced an erection instantly. The technique was developed as a countermeasure against shinobi who had mastered bodily control to the point where they could stop their own erections. As well as a VERY effective treatment for Erectile Dysfunction!


“Wow, that’s cool.” Wasabi said.


EEEH!?” Boruto exclaimed in shock as Hanabi quickly grabbed his length and pulled it into her mouth and down her throat!


GMMMMMMPH! NMMMPH! HMMMMMMPH!” she moaned, taking his cock deeper and deeper down into her stomach.


“Onee-chan, ahh, wait… Hold oooon…!” Boruto groaned, while placing a hand on her head in a feeble attempt to push her away. She held firm though, while moving her head back and forth in long even strokes.


HMMMMPH, GUH, MMMMPH, GUG, HRMMMMMPH!!” Hanabi moaned, already dripping wet as she savored the feeling of his cock filling her throat.


“Hey! No fair! I’M supposed to be his blowjob cumdumpster!” Sumire whined.


“Aaagh!” Brotuo groaned, and Hanabi only smiled inwardly!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

When it is the new chapter?

1 year ago

Man, that was great! Overall, Hanabi’s team is probably my favorite from the story because I like the kind of slutty girls Hanabi and Wasabi are, and I already liked Sumire since way earlier so seeing her becoming used to being slutty herself is beyond great. On top of that, them not really caring much about being called slaves, cocksleeves and cumdumpsters is a pretty big turn on for me.

1 year ago

I’m sure I commented here before? Anyway, love seeing more Boruto, would love more comments on him having a bigger dick than Naruto to make him more arrogant lol.

I’m looking forward to A and Hinata too, will she get more than she bargained for?

Last edited 1 year ago by Bougois
1 year ago
Reply to  Bougois

Can’t give spoilers

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

When will the Hinata x A chapter be?

Also why has no one besides me commented on this chapter? It’s a great one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bougois

See image

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ok, don’t do it at all then.