Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Blacked Bleach Bimbos

(Note: This story is part of an short series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXVIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part 0): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXX): [LINK]

“Thanks for looking after my Gigai, Isane.” said Rangiku as she adjusted her Shihakusho so that her Zanpakuto hung more securely around her waist.


“It’s no trouble at all. Honest.” Isane replied, “Though why couldn’t you ask Ichigo and the others to take care of it?”


“You know how much trouble Gikongan can be. Also, I don’t want Ichigo fucking my cunt unless I’m attached to it!” Rangiku said with a grin.


“I never took you for the jealous type. Especially when you and two others are gonna marry the same guy.” Isane said with a giggle.


“It’s not about jealousy. I just don’t want him falling for some mod soul bimbo while I’m away. That’s all.” Rangiku said.


“Heyyy!!! I’m not a bimbo, pyon!” Rangiku’s still naked Gigai spoke up as she stood up abruptly, making her huge tits jiggle and bounce as she did it. She then put her hands over her head with her fingers pointed upwards, “I’m a bunny, pyon!”


Isane giggled again and Rangiku shook her head in annoyance. “Look. Just keep her outta trouble for the day. This shouldn’t take all that long. The Captain Commander has had the paperwork ready for a couple years now. I just gotta sign a few forms and be debriefed.”


“So you’re really gonna go through with it? Being decommissioned?” Isane asked.


The strawberry blonde nodded, “Yeah, I’ve honestly been thinking about it for a while now, actually.” she told Isane, “The family life was good for Captain Shiba. Shunsui offered him back his position in the Gotei 13, but he said he was gonna live out life as a human and look after his family. I… I think I’d like to have a taste of that too.”


“If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Especially after everything you’ve given to serve the Gotei 13.” Isane told her with a smile. Rangiku smiled back as she drew her sword and stabbed it into the air itself, opening a gate to the Soul Society. A Hell Butterfly fluttered out and moved around her as she turned to look back at Isane.


“By the way, I really like that look on you. You should wear your hair like that more often. Well, I’ll be back soon!” she said before waving at her and stepping through the gate, which then shut behind her and vanished.


Once the gate was gone, Isane then turned her attention to Rangiku’s double, “So, what should we do now?” she asked her.


“Pyon?” the Chappy Gikongan replied.


“Hmm, Chizuru is with Orihime, Ichigo, and Nel until tonight, and the Cap-, I mean Retsu, went into the city to take care of some personal business. Is there anything you’d like to do while we wait? Isane added.


“Pyon! Let’s find some manly man and have some fun! I’ve been listening inside that stupid tube, and I’m sooooo horny now, pyon pyon!!!” Chappy replied. It was strange hearing Rangiku talk like that, but it was also kind of cute as well. It actually made Isane wonder how her Gigai acted when she wasn’t in it. Isane normally just used Yuki the Duck herself, and she’d never bothered to really talk to it all that much.


“Hmm, are you sure you’re not Momone?” Isane asked her.


“Nhooo, Momone is all pervyyy, pyon!” Chappy replied, “But we Gikongan have needs too, you know!”


Isane chuckled, “Alright. Come on.”



“Ooo, ooo, ooo, how about that guy, pyon!” Chappy said, pointing to a man further down the street from where they stood. The man in question smiled and struck a pose when he saw Rangiku’s sexy figure pointing at him excitedly. Isane had taken Rangiku’s Gigai, which was currently occupied by a Chappy the Rabbit Gikongan, to the local park.


The goal was to find a hung stud to fuck both of them. But so far, Isane hadn’t seen any that were even remotely acceptable. The man Chappy Rangiku pointed to was handsome, sure, enough even to call him pretty. But his dick wasn’t even half the minimum size she was willing to accept! She didn’t know how, but she could tell at a glance how big he’d really be, which would be barely even a foot long and not even as thick as her wrist. No, Isane wanted something BIG! Something huge! Something massive! Something that would stretch her body like it was made of putty! Anything less and she might not even feel it at all.


“Nah, too small.” Isane said, then stifled a laugh at the devastated look on his face. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings, she was just being honest. While he might be considered hung among the normal humans, Isane wouldn’t even feel it! Isane’s carnal urges had been awakened, and she wanted only the best to satiate them. Something like Captain Hitsugaya again, or even that Gigai copy of Ichigo. Better still would be Hanataro or…


“Pyon, there’s one!!!!” Chappy Rangiku said, jumping up and down, making her huge tits bounce wildly.


Isane licked her lips slowly, feeling her pussy clenching just at the memory of the huge dick she saw just a dozen meters away! “Good eye!” she praised the Gikongan woman, “Come on.” she said, gesturing to her to follow.


The two naked women took off at a brisk run! Enormous tits bounced up and down and turned the heads of every man and several women that they passed on the streets of the colony. The two of them closed in on the young man wandering near the beach area looking somewhat lost. He had deep purple, nearly black hair done up in a ponytail. His lithe and wiry figure was almost feminine in its build, and his delicate features gave him the classic bi-shounen or “Pretty Boy” look.


The only thing really masculine about Yushiro Shihoin was the huge dick hanging down between his legs! Even in its soft state, it hung down past his knees. It was no wonder he had a penchant for baggy pants! Chappy Rangiku quickly began outrunning Isane, then rapidly closing in on Yushiro in a few quick strides.


“Pyon pyon!!!” Chappy Rangiku said cheerfully as she hit Yushiro with a flying tackle hug, pulling his head between Rangiku’s gigantic tits!


WHAHMMMPH AHMMMPH HNMMMPH!!!” Yushiro yelled in a muffled voice as he flailed his limbs.


“Pyon pyon, hihi Mister Big Dick, would you mind fucking me and my friend, pyon!?” Chappy Rangiku asked as she stroked the top of Yushiro’s head.


“Pwah, huh, Rangikuuuuuph!!!” Yushiro said before Chappy Rangiku hugged his head between her tits again, their sheer size completely engulfing it.


“Pyooon! Not exactly. She had to go back home for a bit, so I’m looking after her Gigai, pyon.” Chappy Rangiku said as Yushiro managed to push his head up from between her tits, and gasping for breath.


“Huh? Another Gikongan?” asked Yushiro.


“A Chappy the Rabbit Gikongan, to be precise.” Isane said as she caught up and pulled Yushiro out from between Chappy Rangiku’s tits then hugged him between her own huge mammaries. The bubbly and cutesy persona of Rangiku instantly got down on her knees in front of Yushiro, grabbing his thick cock and kissing it up and down.


“Nmmmmmmh, so big and yummy looking, pyon!” Chappy Rangiku cooed happily. Isane then watched as she opened her mouth wide, swallowing Yushiro’s soft length down her gullet with a moan of absolute relish.




“Haaah, ahhh, wait, stop that… Haaaaah…” Yushiro groaned as he struggled in Isane’s grip. The platinum haired woman couldn’t help but grin as she watched Yushiro’s cock swell like a limp fire hose when it was filled with water! She could actually feel his pulse through his chest, one, two, three beats of his heart and his cock was fully hard and HUGE! She felt herself getting wet just by looking at the thing. The sight of the veins bulging along the shaft, with each one as thick as her finger. The shaft itself was easily thicker than her thigh. The wide pink tip at the end of the enormous pole stood out against the mocha colored skin.


NMMMMMMMMPH, YEAAAAH, SHO BHIG AN’ YUMMYYYYY…” Chappy Rangiku moaned as she sucked and slurped at Yushiro’s cock happily. Isane watched as the other woman’s throat swelled from his girth as she took Yushiro’s cock down into her stomach. Isane breathed heavily as she watched Rangiku’s face moving back and forth along Yushiro’s cock. Distantly she wondered what Rangiku might think of the Gikongan using her Gigai like this. But as she felt Yushiro shudder in her arms as he groaned with pleasure, she decided that she didn’t care.


“Ahh, haaaah, ohhhh…” Yushiro groaned.




“Haaaah…” Yushiro groaned again, while reaching his arms up and wrapping them around Isane’s massive tits. She giggled, while pressing her breasts around him some more as he began slowly thrusting his hips, gently fucking Chappy Rangiku’s mouth.


PYOOOON, GUG, GUH, GUG!!! PYONYONYON!!!! AGUUUGUH, MMMMMPH!!!” Chappy Rangiku choked in pleasure.


“Ahhh, yes, suck it deeper…” Isane breathed, her voice heavy with lust as she watched. There was something so beautiful in watching this unfold. Such as the way Rangiku’s lips glided along Yushiro’s cock, the sound of his groans, and even the way he shuddered in pleasure. ‘I think I finally understand why you love it here so much, Captain!’ she thought.


“Nmmmmh, does it feel good?” Isane whispered huskily into Yushiro’s ear.


“Ye… Yes… Ahhhah…” he replied as Chappy Rangiku bobbed her head back and forth faster, trying to get the titan sized dick all the way down her throat.


NMMMMMPH GUG, MMMMMMMPH GUH, PYON!!! AHHHH, CAWK, SHO GUUD PYON!!!!” Chappy Rangiku moaned as she throated Yushiro’s entire cock for a moment before pulling her head back and away, taking a deep breath as she pulled free. Isane let go of the young man, while moving to kneel beside his cock as Chappy knelt in front of it, pressing Rangiku’s giant tits up against the tip.


“Ahhh, such a big coooock…” Isane breathed, while laying her hands on the huge length before dragging her tongue over its surface. “It’s so big and hard, and smells so good!” she moaned, not even trying to hide the lust she was feeling, “Ahhnnn, I wanna feel this cock stretching my woooomb!!!” she moaned before moving to kneel down on all fours.


“Ahhh, hurry Yushiro-san!!! Take me from behind! Take me! TAKE ME!” Isane pleaded, surprised at how slutty she sounded, but she couldn’t stop as she reached her hands behind herself. Grabbing the edges of her pussy, she pried the folds open, exposing the glistening pink insides. Chappy Rangiku giggled, while moving to lay overtop of Isane, with her huge tits hanging around the platinum haired woman’s shoulders.


“Me too, me too pyon!!!” the Gikongan woman pleaded and Isane felt Chappy Rangiku’s groin grinding against her ass.


Ahhh, I just wanted to find and spend time with my onee-san!!!” Yushiro lamented, while bringing his hands down on Isane’s hips, “This place is NUUUUUTS!!!!” he howled before driving his cock into Isane’s cunt with a loud wet SQUISH!!!


HWEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!!” Isane squealed through clenched teeth as drool ran down the sides of her chin. Her entire pussy was completely and totally OVERSTUFFED with cock! Her stomach stretched forward from Yushiro’s immense size and length as the platinum haired woman let her weight rest mostly on her giant tits.


“Haaaah, the women here are all crazy!!! I can’t take it anymore!! You all want my dick so bad, then HERE!!! TAAAAKE THIIIIS!!! AND THIIIIIS!!! AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS, AND THIIIIISSSS!!!!!!” Yushiro screamed, while slamming his cock in and out of Isane’s completely stretched out cunt! The unbelievable thickness was spreading her pussy so wide it hurt! But it also felt so good, it made the pain feel good as well!


YEEEESSSSS!!!! HARDER, POUND MY PUSSY MOOOOOORE!!! OH GOD, I’M CUMMING ALREADY!!! MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOOOOD!!! I… I LOVE THIS FEELING!!! IT’S SO GOOOOOD!!! CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING!!! I CAN’T STOP CUMMING!!! MY PUSSY KEEPS SQUIRTING SO MUUUCH!!! AHHHHHH!!!” Isane screamed, now not even feeling a trace of shame at her slutty behavior anymore. No, in fact, she felt free!! As if something that was kept caged up inside her was finally let loose to run wild!!! She finally understood Retsu now, like really understood her!!!




“Me too!!! Ahhh, me too pyon!!! Chappy wants to be full of dick too pyon pyon!!!” Chappy Rangiku begged from her place on top of Isane.


ARRRRGH, FINE, TAKE THIS YOU BUNNY SLUUUUUUUUT!!!!” Yushiro roared, while pulling his cock out of Isane and then quickly shoving it into Rangiku’s Gigai. Isane felt the phallic lump Yushiro’s cock made in her body pressing against her back and moving back and forth as he began slamming into her next.




HAAAAAH, TAKE THIIIIIIS!!!” Yushiro yelled, while slamming his cock all the way inside Rangiku’s Gigai again, making Chappy howl like a beast as he came inside her! “AND YOU TOOOO!!!!” he yelled at Isane before pulling out his still ejaculating dick and stuffing it back inside her. Isane screamed in ecstasy as she felt thick, warm, sticky cum basting her insides! There was so much flowing out so fast that it gushed back out of her stretched out pussy, rubbing back down over her long creamy thighs as Isane wailed in pleasure.


Yushiro then began to slow his thrusts little by little before his cock began going soft and he fell back onto the ground. His eyes were swirling in their sockets as he foamed at the mouth.


“Awwww, I still want more!!” Chappy Rangiku whined, “It was just getting good, pyon!” she said with a pouty expression.


“His stamina definitely needs work.” Isane said as she got up. “But I think he’s over the hardest hurdle.”


“Megami-sama?” the now familiar voice of Chizuru said from behind Isane. The platinum haired woman turned to see the redhead walking with Orihime and Nel. The two other women were surveying the scene with a smile on their collective faces while Chizuru looked almost on the edge of tears.


“I… I know you like boys too. I know… But…” Chizuru began, but Isane cut her off by grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her into a deep kiss! She lovingly sucked on the young woman’s tongue as she moved her other hand to grab Chizuru’s tit and give it a firm squeeze which made the girl moan back into Isane’s mouth.


“Mhmmmmh…” Isane purred into the kiss before breaking it slowly. “Hush now. I can’t have my pet being so mopey and sad looking like this.” she said to her. Chizuru’s eyes turned to throbbing hearts at being called Isane’s pet.


“Now, can you help us take him back to Retsu’s apartment?” she asked. In a flash, Chizuru had Yushiro’s unconscious body draped over her shoulders, carrying him effortlessly.


“Yes, Megami-sama!!!” she said happily.


Isane then turned to Orihime and Nel, “Just in case you’re wondering, that’s not Rangiku, ladies. It’s just her Gigai.” she said, while pointing to Chappy Rangiku, who happily snapped off a salute.


“Oh, I know.” Orihime said, “Even if it were her, I don’t think my husband would mind. Well, not too much anyway.”


“Speaking of Ichigo, where is he?” Isane asked.


“We ran into those girls from the Western Branch again, and they wanted to talk to him for a while about something. So Nel and I are heading back to the hotel again.” Orihime answered.


“Yep! Orihime is gonna teach Nel how to make Daddy’s favorite food!!!” Nel said excitedly.


“Ah, alright. Well, should I leave Rangiku’s Gigai with you guys then?” Isane asked.


“Pyon?” Chappy Rangiku said.


“Nah. If she’s expecting her to be with you when she gets back, I think it’s best to leave her here. And besides, it might help having an extra pair of hands to carry that…” Orihime said while pointing behind Isane. Isane turned to see Chizuru struggling to carry Yushiro’s still unconscious figure. It wasn’t so much his weight that was the problem, but rather, it was that she was trying to keep his dick from resting against her side!


“Ugh, so gross!!!” Chizuru complained. “But it’s for Megami-sama!!!” she said, steeling her resolve.


“I see. Good point. Well, let me know if you guys want any help with planning the wedding!” Isane said, “I think I might really stick around a while longer.”



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

I hope Toshiro fucks Harribel
and more Ichigo and wives excellent

2 years ago

Will work with what I get

2 years ago

i was wondering since all the other fanfics were removed/being rewritten will the one punch man stuff come back?

2 years ago
Reply to  dingus

No idea, I wasn’t involved at all in those stories.

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

Excellent historie i hope Ichigo,Hanataro or Toshiro fuck Chizuru
enserio esa chica necesita una buena COCK

2 years ago

I know damn well if Chizuru had a dick, she would be pounding Isane like no tomorrow, and maybe make up fucks with Orihime, she wanted that ass for a while haha

2 years ago
Reply to  mndhanson017

Yup, there’s even a doujin along those lines I really like.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Interesting choice with the Gigai/Gikongan, ngl. Makes me seriously wonder if there was a greater point behind it, like Rangiku’s action in Soul Society actively affecting the main plot here, or if it was simply to have her not get fucked by Yushiro directly (though I can’t really think of a good reason as to why that would be the case). Anyways, I think the Gigai was a nice and funny concept that made sex with Yushiro a whole lot more interesting. Also, the idea of Rangiku laying on top of Isane as Yushiro switches from fucking them was pretty interesting. It was nice seeing Isane finally learning of the reason behind Unohana living in the Resort.

Nice chapter as always. Big fan of Yushiro, so it was quite the treat to see him in action again. I like his funny side in this sensual and carnal situations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, you pretty much nailed it.

2 years ago

I want to be Isane’s pet to😩

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Who wouldn’t?