Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Trials of the New Fairy Tail (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 18): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 20): [LINK]

Blushing hard, Juvia stood outside the door of Levy and Gajeel’s apartment. The sounds of rough and enthusiastic sex were very audible; who knew that Levy was such a screamer or had such a mouth on her?


At last, the sounds died down. There was a brief murmur of conversation before Juvia heard a shower turn on. Summoning her courage, she knocked on the door. “Gajeel? It’s Juvia; there is something important Juvia wants to discuss with you in private…”


There was a brief pause before Gajeel opened the door, clad only in a pair of tight pants. Well used to seeing Gajeel in various states of undress by now, Juvia just gave him an awkward smile. “Um, hello Gajeel.”


“Hey Juvia; I’m guessing you heard us?” Gajeel snickered as Juvia’s blush darkened. “Gihihi! I can’t say I’m sorry, because damn, was it hella good! Anyway, Levy is in the shower now, so come on in.”


Stepping inside with a nod of thanks, Juvia took a quick look around. “Juvia has never been in Gajeel’s apartment before…it’s is surprisingly clean and nice looking. Levy must be doing the upkeep.”


“I feel like I should be offended by that, but it’s true, so eh.” Gajeel flopped down on the couch, motioning for Juvia to take a seat as well. “So, what’s on your mind that you came all the way here to talk?”


Juvia fidgeted nervously in her seat for a few minutes, while Gajeel patiently waited.


“So…you saw Juvia and Natsu-san at the beach earlier today…”


Gajeel grinned. “Hell yeah, I did. I was actually about to tell Levy when you knocked on the door.”


Juvia paled. “Please don’t! Levy is such a huge gossip! I don’t want her telling others…”


“Why not?” Gajeel asked her, brow wrinkling in confusion.


“I don’t want Gray-sama finding out about Natsu-san and I.”


Gajeel snorted. “Then you probably shouldn’t have been fucking in public where anyone could see you.” He smirked as Juvia blushed again. “Anyway, how long have you two been fooling around?”


“Um…ever since we got stranded on that island together,” Juvia admitted sheepishly.


Gajeel blinked. “Damn, that long? That was awhile ago.”


Juvia shyly nods in response.


“And is it serious between you two?”


Juvia’s face was bordering on crimson now. “M-maybe…Juvia doesn’t know!”


“…you know he’s going out with Blondie, and you’re with Gray,” Gajeel told her, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.


Juvia sighed and frowned, sinking deeper into her chair. “Juvia knows. It’s not right, and Juvia isn’t perfect… Juvia hates herself!”


“You should fess up and tell Gray,” Gajeel told her bluntly. “He might not even care; hell, Salamander sure as hell doesn’t. In fact, I would put pretty good odds on Gray already banging other girls, like Blondie.


WHAT?!” Juvia screeched. “My love rival?! There is no way Gray-sama would ever do such a thing! Juvia knows him, he is not like that!”


Gajeel gritted his teeth, wincing in pain. “Damn Dragon Slayer hearing,” he grumbled under his breath, rubbing his ears. “All right, so it sounds like it would be an issue if he finds out. Tell ya what.” He flashed Juvia a sharp toothed smile. “I won’t tell anyone if you join the new Fairy Tail Sex Guild!”


WHATTTT!? Absolutely not! Juvia could never do something so dirty and perverted!”


Once the ringing in his ears subsided, Gajeel gave her a smirk. “Just think about it: if you join up, you’ll have the perfect excuse to have sex with both of them, even better if you can convince them to join as well.”


“…” Juvia opened and closed her mouth a few times, stunned. That…actually made a lot of sense. “Since when did Gajeel-san become so wise and mature?”


“Feh,” the Iron Dragon slayer scoffed, a small smile on his lips. “Maybe the little shrimp is rubbing her genius off on me.”


Juvia thought about that for a moment before slowly nodding. “Juvia agrees.” She gave Gajeel a sly look of her own. “And it sounds like that is not the only thing rubbing off on Gajeel-san.”


He blinked at her before throwing back his head and roaring with laughter. “GIHIHIHI! That’s the spirit! You’ll fit in great in the new Fairy Tail. But before you join, you gotta ‘TRY OUT‘ first!”


Juvia got very nervous when she saw the grin Gajeel was directing at her. “Try out? How?”


Standing up, Gajeel unzipped his pants. His huge dragon penis, still flacid, dropped onto the coffee table, the head of it reaching to Juvia’s end of the table.


Blood rushed into Juvia’s face as she gaped, mouth wide open. She never seen Gajeel’s dick before, It was huge! nor has she seen one with so many metallic studs. How would that even feel inside of her??!




They both froze before slowly looking around. Levy was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, clad only in a towel and glaring furiously at them both.


“What is going on here?!” she hissed.


Juvia and Gajeel both flinched-


“And why wasn’t I invited to join?!”


Juvia froze again, this time in confusion, while Gajeel relaxed, now grinning ear to ear. “Sorry about that, Shrimp. Juvia stopped by, and she decided to join the new guild. And of course, that means she has to try out.”


Levy huffed, though much of the anger left her face. “You’re lucky I came out when I did; I would not have been happy if I had missed out on this.” She dropped the towel and walked forward, smirking at Gajeel’s leer and Juvia’s gaping. “But I’m here now, so let’s get this part started. Juvia, you get Gajeel hard with a handjob, and I’ll get you naked, turned on and ready to go!”


Juvia blinked in bewilderment before suddenly finding Levy behind her, hands slipping under her clothes to grab her ripe juicy melons. “AH! L-Levy-san-!”


“Oh yeah, I’m going to have a lot of fun with these,” Levy whispered in her ear, tweaking Juvia’s nipples and giggling at the resulting squeal. “Now come on, get going; we don’t want Gajeel to be left out.”


Wondering if this was all a dream, Juvia reached out, her hands looking quite small next to Gajeel’s dragon cock. She grabbed it and rubbed it, immediately feeling it swell and harden under her fingers and palm. All the while, Levy slowly stripped her of her clothes while groping her all over.


“Fuck yeah,” Gajeel groaned, eyes heavy-lidded as he watched his incredible girlfriend strip and tease his gorgeous best friend, who was giving him a great handjob. “This is one of the best nights ever!”


“Oh? even better than that night with Lucy?? Well we’re just getting started,” Levy promised, giving Juvia’s tits one last squeeze before giving her a push towards the bedroom. “You two go ahead and get started; I’ll be right there once I get my toy.”


By now, Juvia was resigned to what was happening and was just going along with it. Entering the bedroom, she took a moment to admire the heart shaped pillows, giving Gajeel an amused look.




Gajeel blushed a little, but grinned. “Yeah, not really my style, but Shrimp loves them, and that makes her even better in bed.”


Shaking her head, Juvia got down on her hands and knees on the bed, looking back slightly nervously at Gajeel as he took up a position behind her. And when he pressed his massive dickhead against her tiny asshole, her eyes got very wide.


Gajeel paused, looking at her questioningly. Juvia bit her lower lips before nodding. As soon as Gajeel slowly pressed the tip of his dick in her, she can feel the intense sensation of her asshole gaping wide.


“Ooooohhh!” she moaned as Gajeel’s cockhead was buried in her ass. “Gajeel-san is so big and hard…”


“Gihihi! You’re probably used to dragon dicks by now, after fucking Salamander so often!”


WHAT?! Juvia and Natsu are together like that?! Why am I just now hearing about it?!” Levy pouted.


Juvia whipped her head around towards Levy’s voice, gaping at the huge metal strap-on her fellow bluenette was sporting. It took her a moment to realize where Levy was headed, and by then, it was too late: Levy was already pushing the dildo into her mouth. “ACK!


“Keeping juicy information like that from me, Juvia? You’re going to have to be punished for that,” Levy informed her, giving Juvia an evil little grin while burying one hand in Juvia’s hair.


Juvia moaned and then squealed when Gajeel began reaming out her ass. She began sucking on the dildo in her mouth, only to gasp when Levy lightly slapped her. “MPH?!


“You call that sucking, you dirty whore?! If you’re going to be having sex with my man, you’re going to have to do better than that.” Giving Juvia another light slap, Levy used her grip on her hair to pull Juvia’s head forward. “Now deepthroat this metal dick, you fat assed slut!”


Opening her jaw as wide as possible, Juvia did her best to keep from gagging as the smooth metal slid down her throat. Despite her coarse language, Levy wasn’t being too rough in throat fucking her, which Juvia could appreciate.


“That’s right, get it good and wet bitch,” Levy ordered with a smirk. “Because this big guy is going right up your gaping ass next! I’m going to train your body to handle these gigantic dicks!”


Juvia whimpered, but kept sucking. Juvia’s ass is going to be so sore!


When Levy judged the dildo to be wet enough, she and Gajeel both pulled out of Juvia. Levy sat herself on the bed and pointed at her strap-on. “Time for your second anal fucking of the night, slut!”


Pouting slightly at the name calling, Juvia nonetheless got up and walked over to Levy. Bracing herself, she slowly lowered herself, biting her lip to hold back a moan as her butt was against plugged with a hard cock, this one pure metal.


“Gihihi! And I’ll pound your pussy!” Gajeel told her gleefully, his dick still rock hard as he got ready to fuck her again. He waited until her eyes widened before thrusting it all the way in.


AAAIIIIEEEE! JUVIA’S ASS AND PUSSY ARE BOTH GETTING FUCKED!” Juvia wailed, writhing as she was double penetrated. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before! She had been pounded by Natsu’s huge cock before, but not two at once!




“That’s right, whore!” Levy shouted over Juvia’s squeals, admiring the bright hand prints appearing on Juvia’s pale butt cheeks. “Double penetrated and you’re loving it, you dirty bitch! Now bounce! I want to see this bubble butt shaking and jiggling!”


AGH! MMPH! GNGH! HAH!” Juvia moaned, doing her best to move with both dicks. It was surprisingly easy, as Levy and Gajeel seemed to be on the same wavelength, moving in unison as they pounded the hell out of her.


Another squeal, bordering on a shriek, erupted when Levy suddenly slapped her breasts together, causing them to jiggle and bounce wildly. Then she was moaning as the smaller but dominant girl grabbed them both in her tiny but surprisingly strong hands.


“Just look at these naturally slutty water balloons you call tits, Juvia,” Levy whispered in her ear, groping said tits with enthusiasm. “I’m so jealous, I just want to squeeze them until they pop!”


It felt like she was about to pop them right now, she was squeezing so hard! It didn’t hurt though; on the contrary, Juvia couldn’t stop moaning with pleasure. Her moans became deeper when her nipples were seized and twisted.


“And your big nipples are hard as diamonds!” Levy giggled. “All that time chasing after just Gray, and you could have been fucking so many different people! Well, don’t worry: I have a feeling you’re going to be one of my favorite fuck toys in the new guild!”


Juvia thought that she probably should protest that, but her breasts were swollen orbs of pleasure, her ass felt amazing, and her pussy was so hot and wet, she was surprised she hadn’t came yet.


“Damn, Shrimp: you’ve become such a slutty whore yourself! I LOVE IT! GIHIHIHI!” Gajeel cackled, changing the angle of his thrusting so that he was really rubbing his studded cock through Juvia’s pussy.


That was the tipping point for the water mage. “JUVIA IS CUMMMMMMMINNGGGGG!!!” she screamed, thrashing around like a wild cat, her mind blasted with pleasure, nearly overwhelming her.


ME TOO—HUH!?” Gajeel eyes widen as Levy suddenly pulled his dick out of Juvia’s pussy. Any protests on his part died when she began to furiously suck him off. “FUCK!


Levy’s cheeks ballooned out as her mouth filled with Gajeel’s cum, but she didn’t swallow it. Instead, she pushed Juvia off her strap-on, spun her around, and locked lips with her.


Juvia’s eyes flew wide open, and then got wider still when cum started flooding into her mouth. Swallowing as fast as she could, face crimson, she managed to get it all down, but the kiss went on and on, with Levy grabbing her tits with one hand and her ass with the other.


Panting, Gajeel watched them make out with a leer, feeling his dick start to stir yet again.


At last Levy pulled back with a smirk, looking right into Juvia’s shocked blue eyes. “Enjoy your meal; thick protein shakes are healthy for you.” She looked back at Gajeel, licking her lips. “I drink at least four or five of them each day.”


Gajeel cackled, Levy giggled, and Juvia buried her burning face in her hands, a reluctant smile appearing on her lips. When the couple had calmed down, she lifted her head. “So…does Juvia pass?”


Exchanging glances, Gajeel and Levy nodded, though Levy gave her an assessing look. “You need some more experience, but don’t worry.” She darted forward and gave Juvia quick peck on the lips, a grope to her boobs, and a quick spank on her ass. “I’m a very thorough teacher.”


“Hmmph. Juvia is a quick study; perhaps someday, she will be the one teaching Levy.”


The shorter bluenette grinned. “That’s the spirit!”


Juvia smiled back before climbing slowly to her feet. Her entire body was sore, in a good way, as strange as that sounded. “Juvia needs to go back home and sleep now.” She looked over at her best friend. “Thank you, Gajeel-san; we haven’t been able to spend much time together since the days we were both in Phantom Lord. This has been…nice.”


The Iron Dragon Slayer gave her a sincere smile. “Welcome to Fairy Tail, Juvia.”


Official Fairy Tail X Guild Roster:
Mavis Vermillion (Guild Master)
Erza Scarlet
Levy McGarden
Gajeel Redfox
Wendy Marvell
Jellal Fernandes
Juvia Lockser (NEW!)

(Story by User: S22132)

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Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
10 months ago

Not the usual dragon D I enjoy seeing Juvia take, but I’ll be damned if her ass in that position isn’t worth it!

Definitely can’t wait to see the other great booty lady of the series eventually join in on the fun.

10 months ago

Good job, can’t wait for Irene to join!

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

You know I’ll be there whenever I see a new chapter, you never disappoint!

(P.S. I know Cana isn’t getting any artworks, but will she be involved in the story? I mean she is basically bisexual in canon [mainly as she gropes Lucy several times], so she’d be a good fit for the sex guild).

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

That’s why I am hoping for her appearances.

(Plus she’s got a killer body, I mean look at her)