Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

BSU Legends 05: Operation Clean Sweep!

Previous Story (Chapter 04): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 06): To be continued…


(11:30 PM, Williams Household, June 24th, 20XX)


After a long day, Xavier and his new goblin recruits, Rumii, Kalada, Poppii and Moka returned home from the Mugen buffet. Each member of the goblin quartet held their stomachs as they entered the home, for they truly got their fill of some of World City’s finest (and greasiest!) Asian cuisine. Kalada relished the smoky flavor of the Korean beef spare ribs along with the sweet yet salty and savory taste of the bulgogi. Poppii indulged in a variety of ramen soups from Miso to Tantanmen and every style in between, with several different meats and veggies as toppings. She used tempura fried chicken wings to dip and scoop the flavorful broth and noodle combinations, eating everything, including the chicken bones. Rumii made multiple trips to the Hibachi grill station, each time asking for extra mushrooms mixed in with the meats, veggies, noodles and eggs; so much so that the kitchen nearly ran out of mushrooms! Moka spent most of her time devouring desserts, especially the strawberry cheesecake rangoons, having consumed four full trays of them! It was a busy night for Xavier, who instead of eating spent most of his time chaperoning the goblins around the restaurant, assisting in making their plates and communicating their orders at the various chef stations.


“You four can stay in the living room. Please go sit on the couch while I set things up for you girls.” Xavier instructed, while pointing at the couches there. The goblins all plopped themselves on the wrap-around couch, while Xavier pulled out three auto inflating air mattresses. Before the blow up beds could finish airing themselves up, Moka, Poppii, Kalada and Rumii were sound asleep, snoring and all. The young man tucked them all into bed and put a light blanket over them. He let out a sigh of relief, having put in so much effort today, he was proud of himself for finally getting recruits and being able to convince Taiyohime not to shut down his plans for his newly minted recruits. After taking a minute to relish the moment, Xavier went upstairs to his room where he was greeted by his dog Jett.


He looked at his TV and video games, tempted to play a little bit of Street Fighter Infinity before bedtime.


I’ll get a few matches in real quick.’ He thought to himself before turning on his playstation and sitting down in his gaming chair.


HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!” bellowed the in game announcer. He saw a familiar name listed as his online challenger, his long time gaming buddy TrueWarrior99. He then grabbed his keyboard and typed a message.


Shoryu_Legend: What’s good, True!

TrueWarrior99: Sup

Shoryu_Legend: bout to give you this 👊

TrueWarrior99: 👢🍑


The two played several games against one another battling to a tie score of 10 wins a piece.


TrueWarrior99: I gotta go 2 💤 soon I have work in the morning. But how about this. We do a last game winner takes all wager?

Shoryu Legend: and what do you want if you beat me?

TrueWarrior99: I wanna see what u look like. We been playing each other for years and u won’t do video chat.

Shoryu Legend: Hmmmmm….


Kinda odd for him to ask that…’ Xavier thought to himself.


Shoryu Legend: You know what, I’ll do it but if I win you gotta get me Bleach: Soul Force when it comes out.

TrueWarrior99: 🤝 3 rounds to win


With an agreement made Xavier and TrueWarrior99 selected their characters, Ken and Chun Li. It was an exciting battle which went to the 7th and deciding round. Truewarrior99 was ahead on health and performed Chun Li’s Hoyoku-sen super attack. She got Xavier dead to rights, having caught him in the middle of an attack.


If I try to block it will kill me because I’m almost out of health… I KNOW WHAT TO DO!’ He thought.


Xavier then started a technique called the “Full Parry” which enabled him to deflect his opponent’s attacks without taking any block damage. The game moved in slow motion, going frame by frame as Xavier parried each strike of the super move.


YES! YES!” Xavier yelled out in excitement, for he could feel victory in his grasp. He successfully countered his opponent’s attack, however when he went for a counter super move of his own, he accidentally hit the parry button again instead of the punch button. This left him open. Truewarrior ended the match with a throw.


FUUUUUUUCK!” The green eyed man yelled after having snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. As the defeat screen showed on Xavier’s TV he received a message from his opponent.


Truewarrior99: We have a deal… Are you a man of your word?


Xavier slowly turned on the camera function with his controller. A window of Xavier appeared in the lower right corner of his TV. After a few seconds he received another message.


Truewarrior99: 😍….Ur cute!


Xavier’s face turned a dark cobalt shade of blue after reading the words that had just appeared in his messenger window. He sat in front of his TV screen with his mouth hung open in disbelief.


Uhhh…..You gotta be kidding me!’ He thought to himself, awkwardly looking at his TV screen.


How am I supposed to respond to that?…uhhhh… Maybe I should just say “I only like girls” or “thanks but no thanks”….’ He pondered, continuing to think about the next course of action. However his thoughts would be interrupted by a video chat window opening on his TV, one for Truewarrior99. He looked at the screen and was astounded by the figure sitting in front of him.


Y-Y-YOU’RE… A GIRL!?” Xavier asked, stunned by the appearance of the individual on screen. His jaw dropped, causing his chin to hit the floor like a ton of bricks! He looked on at the young woman as she giggled in response to his question. The girl on screen was an opulent beauty, a living, breathing goddess if he ever saw one. Her angelic face was a pearl tone which was marked with several tiny brown freckles which ran from one cheek to the other, crossing the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were an azure shade and were as deep and vast as the near infinite seas which washed over the earth for millennia. Although he could only see the top half of her body, it was clear that she was thicc. Her frame was a bit wider than the average young adult woman and her slightly pudgy stomach bulged out from under her top a little bit. She had a little more meat on her bones which made it obvious to Xavier that she wasn’t missing any meals. The woman possessed a mammothly huge, stunning pair of tits up top. Judging by their shape, her breasts were definitely all natural. The tiny white t-shirt she was wearing was holding on for it’s dear life! It was clear to Xavier that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath because he could see the imprint of her nipples under the cotton fabric. Xavier’s face instantly changed color from the darker shade of blue to a blushing red hue.


YEAH!” Answered the silver haired beauty, giggling at the fact that Xavier thought she was a guy all these years they played online together. Jett got up out of his seat and stood on his hind legs


ARF! ARF! ARF! ARF!” (YO! You gotta get her over here and breed her ASAP!) Jett barked to his human while pointing at the white haired girl on the TV screen.


“Calm down Jett…” Xavier remarked back to his dog. Jett immediately obeyed the instruction given and sat back down in his chair. He then looked back at the woman on screen.


MY goodness! Being wrong ain’t ever looked so good! Damnnnnnnnnn!” Xavier remarked while leaning back in his chair, covering his mouth with his hand. Jett copied Xavier’s gesture and leaned back in his own chair, covering his mouth with his right paw. The white haired beauty blushed profusely while also laughing at the fact that Jett mimicked his owner’s behavior. She took about 20 seconds to recompose herself.


“So that’s Jett!” The woman said while pointing at the Pomeranian. “So who are YOU for real…Shoryu Legend?” asked. Nervousness instantly set in as she asked her question. Beads of sweat immediately formed on Xavier’s forehead which clued her in to the fact he was scared. However, drops of sweat ran down her red cheeks as well.


“Uhhhh…I’m Xavier…Xavier Williams…Uhh… Nice to meet you, Miss Warrior.” The scar faced young man said nervously, introducing himself to the woman.


“I’m……Uhhh… Maihime…Nice to meet you too.” Replied the young woman.


“Ya know I wanted to do this for a while… It took me a long time to build up the courage to go through with it!” Maihime confessed.


Keep it together X. She’s just as nervous as you are.’ He thought to himself.


“Sometimes good things take a while. This was worth the wait for me!” the green eyed man quipped back apprehensively. His nervous, off the cuff compliment caused Maihime to blush once more.


“Really?!” Maihime asked.


“Yes, ‘Love Princess’” Xavier answered in a calm yet self-assured tone. Just knowing that Maihime had anxiety about their introduction boosted Xavier’s confidence and emboldened him to say whatever came to mind.


“Ooh, do you know Japanese?” Maihime asked.


“No, I don’t speak Japanese but I know a few words and phrases from watching anime and playing video games. I know ‘Hime’ means ‘princess’ and the ‘Mai’ in your name means ‘love’.” Xavier answered. There was a brief silence between the two after.


“We’ve been friends for years but now we’re finally looking face to face! There’s so much to say, so much to talk about. I don’t know where to begin…” The silver haired princess admitted.


“Well, how about this… Where are you from?”


“I was born in a town called Coral Springs but now I live in World City.”


“World City!?” The young recruiter asked, stunned by Maihime’s answer.


“Yeah, what’s so surprising about that?” Maihime questioned, raising her brow.


“I’m in World City too…” The spiky haired man revealed. The moment he finished his sentence his heartbeat accelerated. It pumped fast and hard as the realization sunk in.


We’re in the same city…at the same time…We can meet in person…!’ He thought as he felt slight discomfort in his chest.


“Whoa!” Maihime replied with wide eyes which matched Xavier’s own facial expression.


“Uhhhh… Maybe we could hang out sometime.” Xavier suggested awkwardly. Maihime sat there silently for several seconds.


Maybe she’s not feeling me enough to meet in person… What if she thinks I’m a weirdo or something!?’ the young main thought to himself, panicked by her apparent silence.


“Yeah. I would like that!” Maihime answered back. She then yawned. “I gotta go to bed tho. I have to be at work early in the morning.”


“I have to work too. We can figure somethin’ out later.” concurred the young man. Then a message containing Maihime’s phone number along with a smiley face emoji appeared on the screen.


“Call me tomorrow.”


“Bet…goodnight Mai.”


“Goodnight X!”


The two ended the chat and Xavier went to bed. He picked up his phone and sent out a text message to Taiyohime.


Xavier: I’ll be back to work in the morning.


After sending the text. He went back downstairs and picked out a spot on the couch. He turned the TV on and started playing a show on one of those streaming services, watching until he fell asleep, which only took 5 minutes.



(5AM, Williams Household, June 23rd, 20XX)


Xavier, Jett and their new found goblin friends, Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppi were all laying strewn about the living room, sleeping on top of the air mattresses he had put out. The TV was still on and displayed the question “Are you still watching?” with options yes and no listed right below. Empty bags of popcorn, candy and chips were spread about the living room floor along with some empty soda cans, indicating they had partied and had a good time watching movies the previous night. Everyone was sound asleep, having filled their bellies with food and drinks…Well, everyone was sound asleep except Xavier himself. He woke up to a tune playing from his cell phone, Ken’s theme from Street Fighter 2 along with the phone vibrating next to him.


“Yaaaawwwwwwwwn…” sounded the auburn haired recruit as he sat up on the couch he was laying on. Xavier stood up and tiptoed his way around the room stepping over still sleeping goblins to get around to where the stairs were. The young man gently made his way up the stairs, went to his room and came back down stairs, now dressed in workout attire. He had on a pair navy blue nike basketball shorts with a small white swoosh symbol embroidered at the bottom of the right leg; and a white tank top. In his hands he carried two pairs of over the ear, studio style headphones, with one pair being smaller than the other. He returned to the living room and maneuvered his way around the goblin girls once again to get to his dog Jett.


“Come on, it’s time to go for a little run.” Xavier whispered while kneeling and tapping his buddy on the top of his head with one finger.” Jett responded immediately and stood up nodding that he was ready to go. Xavier put the smaller set of headphones over Jett’s ears. And the duo made their way towards the front door, however, Xavier accidentally bumped Kalada with his foot while walking by. The dark green goblin woman sat up immediately. Instantly noticing the human K-9 tandem trying to sneak out of the house without her.


“Go!” Kalada said loudly, alarming Xavier and Jett simultaneously. They looked at Kalada and Xavier put one finger to his lips while Jett put one paw to his own mouth. Both then made a shhhhh sound, signaling for Kalada to be quiet and not wake up the other three goblins. The muscled goblin girl carefully tiptoed her way to Xavier and Jett.


“I guess you can come.” the green eyed man answered back before nodding to Jett. The Pommeranian hurried back up the stairs and returned with a third pair of headphones.


“These are for you, but first you gotta get dressed.” The young man said to Kalada while walking over to a row of four boxes lined up against the wall. Xavier stopped at a box that was labeled with Kalada’s name.


“My uncle brought this over from his shop last night, while we were at the buffet.” The scar-faced teen explained while shining the flashlight from his phone on the box. The big cardboard box was full of clothes that Kalada could wear. She rifled through the box and pulled out a pair of black spandex shorts and a matching sports bra and held them up.


“Go ahead and get dressed real quick.” Xavier instructed while pointing to the bathroom. After getting dressed Kalada stepped out of the bathroom and started flexing her muscles, doing body builder-like poses.


“You look good Kalada…You ready to go?” Xavier asked. Kalada nodded back. Jett then nudged Kalada in her leg, headphones still in his mouth.


“Put ’em on.” Xavier instructed. The green fleshed woman put on her headphones while following Xavier and Jett out of the front door. Xavier pushed a button on his phone, prompting music to start booming from the trio’s headphones.


STOP!… DROP…Shut em down, open up shop! Ohhhh! Nooooo! That’s how Ruff Ryders Roll!” Proclaimed the gruff male voice on the song that was playing. The man with spiked hair started jogging with Jett with Kalada following right behind. They ran on the sidewalk, next to each other in a row. As they continued on, Xavier and Jett gradually picked up their pace until they were sprinting at full speed.


“Go!.. Fass!” said the green haired goblin before increasing her pace to a sprint to keep up with Xavier and Jett.


WOW! She can keep up!? She’s pretty good.’ Xavier thought to himself. The trio continued running.



(2 hours and several miles later.)


Xavier, Kalada and Jett walked back to the driveway of the family home. The spiky haired human and the green haired goblin girl were drenched in sweat. The trio sat down on the steps in front of the house.


“You did great Kalada!” Xavier praised before catching his breath. Jett nodded to the goblin in acknowledgment. The young man then put his hand up to offer Kalada a high five.


“Me fast strong!” Kalada asserted while slapping hands with her new friend.


AHHHHHHH!! GET OUT OF HERE YOU THIEVES! I’m calling the cops!” Yelled a familiar voice from inside the home. It was his sister Xaria.


FUCK!” Xavier exclaimed while hopping back to his feet, immediately realizing why Xaria was yelling. He walked inside to find Moka, Poppi and Rumi in the kitchen. The trio had raided the refrigerator/freezer, the deep freezer, and several cabinets there. The floor was littered with frozen vegetables from bags the girls had torn open. Empty cans of soup with the tops bitten off were strewn about. Ripped pieces of cardboard from cereal boxes and bits of cereal itself were spread all over the place. There were even mangled, half eaten pieces of silverware laying around. Moka held a ripped open bag of flour in her hands, covered in the white powder. Rumi was holding an oversized glass jar of grape jelly in her hands, its contents smeared all over her face, dipping her hand into the jar for one more round of sugary goodness. Poppi grasped a frozen, completely raw whole chicken, chomping away at the icy pink meat as if it were as soft as marshmallows. Xaria stood in the entrance to the kitchen horrified and incensed by the “intruders” she had just discovered. She had her cell phone in one hand and a broom stick in the other, pointing at the trio that had raided the kitchen.


“Put the phone down Xar!” Xavier ordered firmly.


“These three broke into the house! I’m calling the police!” Xaria yelled back.


NO! They’re with me! They are…My guests!” The green eyed man barked back. Xaria then looked over her shoulder and saw her brother and Jett with Kalada standing next to them.


“What the hell is this Javi!? Why you got four goblins up in our house!?” asked the angry sister.


“It’s a long story, but to make things short. I found them at work. They are my first recruits for my new job.” Explained the elder brother.


“The last thing I need are the police coming out here to arrest them.” Xavier continued while approaching the kitchen. He walked past Xaria and entered the kitchen, grabbing three clean dish rags out of a nearby drawer.


“Com’on girls, we talked about making a mess like this yesterday at Burger Queen!” Xavier chided in a calm, yet forceful tone, while wetting the rags in the sink as he spoke. Poppii, and Rumii looked at one another and then looked down before making eye contact with Xavier. It was as if they knew they had displeased and disappointed their new host.


“Come here.” Xavier instructed. Poppii, Moka and Rumii simultaneously approached him. Xavier then dropped down to one knee and wiped the sticky jelly off of Rumii’s face with one of the rags.


“Y’all can’t be doing this kinda stuff. Look at all of this.” Xavier commented while scanning the room to assess the costly mess in the kitchen.


“You see you can’t just go around getting into other people’s stuff without asking.” Xavier said as he wiped the flour off of Moka’s face, hair and hands. Xaria looked on with interest. While watching she recalled the many times Xavier covered for her throughout their childhood, including instances in which he took the blame and punishment for her mischievous actions.


“If you want something, please just ask next time.” The young man coached while wiping chips of ice and frozen chicken blood from Poppii’s face.


“Sawwwy!” replied the three goblins in unison.


He’s…trying to teach them?’ Xaria thought to herself. The pink haired young woman then had a flashback to their time in elementary school when she often observed Xavier sitting alone on the playground, shunned by their classmates while she socialized and played with her friends.


I see you…Javi…’ Xaria thought. In that moment she immediately understood why Xavier welcomed the four goblins into their home. Upon this silent realization. The frown melted from Xaria’s face and she put her phone away.


“So how about this, ya’ll help me clean this up and then we can have a real breakfast?”


“Melike!” Moka replied.


“Clean…Do!” added the purple haired goblin obediently, fluttering her eyes at Xavier as she answered.


“Poppi…go do.” Poppii joined in.


“Help!” said Kalada while walking into the kitchen. Xavier, the goblin girls and Jett started picking things up off of the floor.


“Put everything you pick up in here.” Instructed the man with the scar on his face while pointing to the kitchen trash can.


He’s making connections…’ Xaria thought as a smile formed on her face. She then joined her brother, Jett and the goblins and assisted by sweeping the floor. After about 10 minutes, the group had restored the kitchen back to the way it was.


“Good work girls. Thank you!” Xavier praised while nodding to each of the four goblins as he grabbed the trash can and headed to the living room.


“The next thing we need to do is clean up the living room. Let’s pick up all of this stuff off of the floor.” Xavier directed before grabbing an empty popcorn bag. Jett walked around stopping at every piece of trash on the floor to show the girls what Xavier was talking about, more specifically Kalada. Poppi, Rumii and Moka picked up the trash while Xavier held up the trash can so the goblins could throw away everything they picked up. The young man then took the trash can back to the kitchen


“I guess I’ll make breakfast for you and your new friends Javi.”




“You think mom is gonna be ok with this?” Xaria asked.


“I don’t know. Goblins don’t exactly have a good reputation, but I think I can make this work.”


“I dunno. Goblins are pretty rowdy. Trying to manage them on a movie set seems like it would be impossible.” Xaria suggested.


“I’m getting them ready for it now. The trick is positive reinforcement. I show them how to do something, ask them to do it and praise them when they are successful. When they fail I keep giving them encouragement and try again. That’s what mom did with me when I was failing in school back in the day. “


“Looks like you’ll make a good big br…”


Before Xaria could finish her sentence she was interrupted by the loud barks of Jett coming. Xavier immediately rushed back to the living room to answer his K9 friend’s distress call.




Xavier entered the living room to find the goblins handling his dog rather roughly. Rumii held Jett while Moka and Poppii tugged on his ears. Kalada stood behind Jett, pulling on his tail. They were all trying to take the dog for themselves. It was clear that they didn’t know what they were doing and weren’t hurting Jett intentionally, however Xavier was still highly irritated by what he saw. As they say, you should never come between a man and his dog!


AY!” Xavier announced in a forceful tone. Moka, Rumii, Kalada and Poppii, stopped struggling with one another over Jett, all focusing their attention on Xavier. Their eyes enlarged in surprise, for they had never heard Xavier raise his voice like that before. He stood there silent for about five or six seconds, to recompose himself.


“Let him go…Put him down please.” the young man requested in a now tranquil tone. Xavier pointed at the ground with his index finger to physically instruct them. Kalada, Poppii and Moka let go of Jett’s ears and tail. Following this, Rumii put him down.


ARF ARF ARF!” Jett barked while running to Xavier’s side.


“He says you’re being too rough. You were hurting him.” explained the man with the green eyes. Xavier dropped down to one knee and started petting Jett on the head.


“You gotta be gentle with him like this. Don’t pull on him and don’t fight over him.” The young man said, educating the goblins on how to properly handle a dog. The goblins slowly nodded to acknowledge his words.


“Ya’ll wanna play with Jett? I got an idea. Follow me,” Xavier directed before walking into the kitchen. Xavier and Jett lead the group to a door in the kitchen that lead to the back yard. The aspiring director picked up a ball and threw it from one side of the massive backyard to the other.


ARF ARF ARF!” Jett barked as he took off sprinting to retrieve the ball. Jett brought the ball back and put it in Xavier’s hand.


“You wanna try?” Xavier asked while looking at the wild quartet.


“Poppii…Wan do.” Answered the blue skinned goblin girl. Xavier handed the ball to Poppii. Poppii threw the ball with the force of a major league baseball pitcher.


Damn. She got a cannon for an arm!




The ball ricocheted off of the fence and bounced diagonally, hitting another part of the fence on the opposite side of the yard. Jett quickly got the ball and brought it back. Rumii and Moka both gestured to get the ball next, while Kalada stared at her reflection on the surface of the swimming pool. Moka took her turn next, followed by Rumii while Kalada continued to stare at the pool. Just as Poppii was going to take her second turn throwing the ball, Kalada ran towards the swimming pool, taking a giant leap off of the concrete.


YEEEEAAAAHHHH!” Kalada yelled as she sailed high above the water in an arcing path.




Kalada landed smack in the middle of the substantially sized swimming pool, which placed her in deep waters. At first, Kalada waved her hands around and yelled playfully to Xavier and her cohorts. However, after a few seconds she lost control of herself and started sinking.


OH SHIT! She can’t swim!” the scar-faced man yelled as he witnessed Kalada going under. He went to grab the rescue pole to pull her back. Meanwhile, Jett immediately dropped the ball he had in his mouth and jumped into the pool to go after Kalada. Kalada sank quickly, but Jett was even quicker! The Pommeranian grabbed Kalada by her sports bra and doggie paddled back to the surface of the pool. Jett continued swimming until he got to the edge of the pool where Xavier was waiting. He grabbed Jett and Kalada and pulled them out of the pool, lightly smacking Kalada on the back. This caused her to cough profusely, spitting up water.


“Are you alright?” Xavier asked while putting his arm around Kalada.




“Guudd…” Kalada answered after she was finished coughing. Xavier let out a deep sigh of relief.


“Don’t jump into the pool like that again Kalada, it’s dangerous!” The young man urged. Kalada nodded her head in acknowledgement. At that point Xaria interrupted them.




The goblins sprinted to the door and started fighting with each other to get through the door first. They all tussled amongst one another rolling around on the concrete. Xavier chuckled and shook his head slowly while jogging to the door.




The green eyed man pounded his fist on the house with a single blow, loud enough to echo throughout the neighborhood. The four goblins immediately stopped fighting and looked up at Xavier, who was waving his finger at them and shaking his head “No”


“Stop it girls. Let’s all go in one at a time.” Xavier instructed them. He held the door open for the girls with Poppii going in first. The others followed and everyone sat at the table.



(1 hour later…..)


After eating, Xaria sat down in the living room and watched TV with Kalada, Moka, Rumii and Poppii while Xavier got ready for work.


IT’S TIME TO GO TO WORK LADIES!!!” the spiky haired supervisor yelled while coming down the stairs from his bedroom. Afterwards he walked into the living room and looked at the four goblin girls with surprise, as he noticed they were wearing new clothes.


”Lookin’ good ladies,” Xavier complimented.


“I looked through the boxes while you were gone last night. I was wondering who these were for. I wouldn’t have guessed it was for your goblin friends.”


“That’s another upside. Clothes shopping for them won’t cost that much, and I don’t have to buy them shoes.”


“You will have to eventually. I never met a girl who doesn’t like shoes!” Remarked the busty blue eyed little sister. Shortly after, Kalada looked down at Xavier’s shoes, a pair of black and white Air Jordan XI sneakers and smiled.


“We gotta go.” The young remarked while nodding his head towards the door. The four goblins got up and followed their leader.


ARF!” (Have a good day at work, Bro!) Jett barked before jumping into Xavier’s arms. The man and his pet hugged and fist/paw bumped one another before Xavier put Jett down.


“See ya sis!” Xavier yelled as the group walked out of the door.


“Kalada, it’s your turn to sit in the front seat.” the man decided after approaching his car. He opened the doors to let the girls get in


“Goooood Mornin Xaviiiierrrr!” called a smooth, sweet sounding female voice. Xavier looked over his shoulder and spotted a buxom and thicc 30 something year old woman with long very light red hair. She was clad in very little clothing. She had a pair of tiny short shorts which hugged her big booty. Paired with it, she had on a small cut off white t-shirt which revealed the lower half of her massive gazongas. She smiled at Xavier as she watered some flowers in her yard.


Suddenly Mrs. Henderson’s water hose stopped spraying water.


“Good morning Mrs. Henderson!” Xavier yelled back to his sexy next door neighbor. The man noticed a look of concern on her face.


Mrs. Henderson then waved for Xavier to come over and assist her. Rumii, Poppii, Moka and Kalada watched from the car.


“My hose stopped spraying. Can you see what’s wrong?”


“Sure,” the young man answered.


“No!” Rumii said with an angry frown on her face. She was clearly annoyed by Mrs. Henderson luring Xavier away. He walked around, following the trail of the hose to its starting point on the side of the home. Mrs. Henderson followed. As he traversed her yard on a fancy marble walkway, he noticed how big it was. He then stopped and looked down, finding the section of the hose that had the issue, it had gotten twisted.


“There’s the problem!” Xavier remarked. He picked up the hose and untwisted it, causing a surge of backed up water to shoot out of the end Mrs. Henderson was holding.


“Ahhh!” Sounded the next door neighbor after being splashed in the face and upper body with the water. Her shirt was soaked which made her huge braless boobs completely visible to Xavier. His mouth dropped as he stared at them for a moment before catching himself. He looked over to Mrs. Henderson and immediately noticed that the busty vixen was looking at him the entire time he was staring at her.


“Uh….uhh…sorry…” the auburn haired man meekly apologized, his face as red as a maraschino cherry.


“It’s ok, no need to apologize for your manly instincts!” Mrs. Henderson replied with a lusty, yet girlish giggling grin. The housewife looked up and down at Xavier and licked her lips as if he were a porterhouse steak.


“Lookin’ good honey. You going to a job interview?” Mrs. Henderson asked, noting the khaki pants, shirt and tie Xavier was wearing.


“I’m about to go to work.”


“I see…When you have some free time I have some work you can do.” The milf stated with a suggestive smile.



Xavier and Mrs. Henderson were suddenly inside of an expensive hotel suite. The sexy robe wearing housewife stood in front of Xavier who was sitting on the edge of an oversized heart shaped bed. Soft and sultry saxophone music played in the background


“Are you ready to go to work X?” Mrs. Henderson asked sweetly. Xavier stood up and rubbed his hands together.


“My goodness, I’m always ready to give you that work.” Xavier retorted back with a smirk.



“Sheila what the hell are you doing out here dressed like that?! And you, why the fuck are you in my yard!” yelled a male voice. Xavier looked and saw a decrepit looking older man who looked to be about sixty something years old walking out of the front door of Mrs. Henderson’s home. It was her husband, Mr. Henderson.


I guess I know why she married this guy…’ Xavier thought to himself while looking at Mr. Henderson’s lavish house and the Mercedes Benz that sat in her driveway.


“This is Xavier, he’s our new neighbor. He was helping me fix the water hose.”


“You’re done fixing it right, so you can get on outta here!” barked the grumpy old man. Xavier picked up on the not so subtle hint and left the Hernderson’s yard.


“Nice meeting you too…” the young man responded sourly as he walked away.


“Alright baby. I’m gonna be out of town for a few days, business trip.”


“Ok baby, I’ll be here waiting for yoooooou.” Mrs. Henderson replied before giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


“And go change your clothes woman. You got water all over yourself.” the old man instructed before going to his luxury car and driving off. After the man left, Mrs. Henderson waved goodbye and blew a kiss to Xavier while he was getting into his car.


“Ok now we can finally go!” Xavier exclaimed before starting his engine. He turned on the radio and cranked the volume up. The goblins started moving and dancing around to the music in the back seat.


“Now, you can dance in here but don’t tear up the seats again!” The young man clarified before pulling out the driveway.



(20 minutes later….)


Xavier, Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii walked down the hall towards the Headmistress’ office.


“Good Morning! Come on in X!” Yelled the Headmistress from inside of her office. The group walked in. The four goblins looked around Taiyohime’s office in awe of the pictures and beautiful decorations.


“Calm down girls..you can’t touch anything in here!” Xavier instructed in a calm tone, sensing that they might start taking stuff off of the wall and Taiyohime’s desk. She chuckled slightly at Xavier’s pre-emptive warning.


“So what’s the plan for today?” Xavier asked.


“You won’t be in the field today. I have a different task for you, one that your recruits can assist you with.” The headmistress stated plainly. Xavier wondered just what kind of task.



Suddenly, the four goblin women stripped off all of their clothing and pointed to Xavier before charging him.


Wait, no way I can handle all four of them!’ He thought to himself intimidated by the task of having to satisfy Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii at the same time!


LET’S GO HOOOOMAN!” yelled the quartet.



“Xavier, are you alright?” Taiyohime asked, snapping him out of his daydream.


“Yeah, uh… yeah.” answered the young recruit.


“Did you hear what I said?” the Headmistress questioned, knowing he didn’t hear her during his brief stare into space.


“What was that again?” the young man asked.


“Today you and your recruits will be doing some cleaning on campus.”


“Right…bet.” Xavier acknowledged.


“They aren’t ready to assist you in your recruiting work yet, so I figured this is a way you can work on communication with them and they can learn and adjust to taking direction from you.” Ms. Tai further explained. Xavier looked at his four charges and pointed at them.


“Let’s get to work ladies!” Xavier instructed before turning towards the door of Taiyohime’s office. Poppii, Moka, Rumii and Kalada followed him out as he left.


“There’s some supplies downstairs.” informed the silver haired porn megastar. “Hey X! Before you go….” Taiyohime called out. Xavier stopped while the goblins continued to walk.


“Have you seen Sara?” asked the Headmistress.


“No, not since we went to the buffet last night. I just walked past her office, she’s not in there.”


“She must have gone out to the club. She can be a bit of a lush sometimes. And also a slacker when it comes to important responsibilities…” Taiyohime replied with a pouting, disappointed expression on her face.


“Well maybe she’s just running a little late?” The young man suggested optimistically.


“Maybe, maybe not….” Said the BSU Chief Operating Officer, still pouting…Xavier then changed the subject.


“Oh yeah that reminds me, Before I head out, I got a question.” Xavier informed. He looked around to both of his sides to see if anyone else was watching him despite knowing that it was just himself, the goblins and Taiyohime in the building.


“I’m sort of… a big fan….Could I get an…uhh…autograph?” Xavier asked shyly. The Headmistress looked at him and giggled.


“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Xavier. You shouldn’t be ashamed of what you like and your desires.” The Headmistress advised. Xavier turned red in the face, remaining silent because he couldn’t think of a response. Taiyohime dashed back into her office and came out with a poster in one hand and a thin black sharpie marker in the other.


“To answer your question, I’m happy to sign an autograph for you.” replied the silver haired instructor before pressing the poster against the wall to sign it.


“You should stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks!” Taiyohime suggested while handing him the now signed poster.


“Thanks a lot…and I’ll try.” Xavier replied before proceeding with the goblins downstairs.



Once downstairs, Xavier located a bunch of World Mart bags full of trash bags and cleaning supplies along with a couple of brooms, mops and a yellow mop bucket, like the ones professional janitors use to perform their duties. Once the group made it back outside, Xavier surveyed the future BSU campus area, noting the copious amounts of trash and the tall blades of partially dead grass sticking up from the water parched soil on the ground.


“Alright, let’s get started!” the young auburn haired man declared energetically. He opened up a roll of trash bags and ripped off four of them and opened them up, handing one to each of the goblins.


“I want you to pick up all of this trash on the floor, just like at my house earlier.” Xavier instructed while pointing to pieces of trash on the ground.” The group all nodded to acknowledge him but instead of picking up trash, Moka started running around the courtyard area holding up her trash bag as high as her arm could reach. A wind pocket swept into the inside of the bag making it inflate like a balloon. Poppii, Kalada and Rumii all joined in and darted around the courtyard waving their trash bags in the air like they were flying kites.


AY! C’MON! We’re supposed to be cleaning up. Get back here!” The green eyed young man demanded while power walking towards the goblins. This prompted them to run away from him, which in turn prompted Xavier to gradually increase his pace until he was chasing after them in a full blown sprint.


HA HA!” Moka yelled.


“No..Get…Mee!” Kalada blurted out.


“Naa! Nanny boo boo! You can’t catch me!” Rumii taunted in her Xavier imitation voice


“Poppii go way!” Poppii hollered.


Xavier caught up to them but once he did, the goblins split up and ran in different directions.


DAMN IT! C’MON! Gimme a break here!” The scar faced youth pleaded as he zeroed in on Moka, the culprit behind starting this little game..


They’re faster than I thought!


Xavier picked up the pace and dashed at full speed to close the distance between Moka and himself, but just as he was about to catch her….




And just like that, Xavier found himself on the ground with a mouthful of grass, having face planted after tripping over a rock. The goblins stopped to look at Xavier, pointing at their de facto supervisor with laughter as he rose up to his feet.




“Yeah , go ahead, laugh it up.” Xavier remarked after spitting out the grass that had gotten into his mouth during his fall. A single vein emerged under the skin on his forehead as he knocked the grass out of his hair, indicating his annoyance. He stood there watching the goblins, thinking of a way to get them to follow his orders.


The goblins continued to play with the trash bags, albeit in different ways this time. Kalada took her bag and tied it around her waist like a plastic Karate Black Belt and proceeded to throw punches and kicks. Rumii clawed a hole in her bag and put it over her head and hat, wearing it around her neck like a superhero cape. The green mushroom lover then started running around with her arms extended outward imitating the comic book legends she saw on the cover of comic books she saw while raiding stores for loot. Moka put her bag on the ground and stood on it, pushing off with one of her feet to slide atop the grass like a surfer riding the ocean waves. And finally, Poppii turned her bag upside down and put it overself, popping her head out of the top and clawing her arms through the side to wear it. She pranced around and struck poses like she had on the hottest fashion item of the summer! Xavier’s annoyance quickly gave way to amusement as he watched the goblin quartet play around with the plastic garbage bags. He then took off his backpack and opened it, pulling out a big bag of sweet thai chili flavored beef jerky.


AY!” Xavier yelled out while holding up the bag of jerky above his head. Poppii, Moka, Kalada and Rumii all stopped dead in their tracks to see what Xavier was holding in his hand. The young mentor opened the bag.




The sweet, yet spicy aroma of dried beef filled their nostrils, prompting all four of them to walk towards Xavier like zombies pursuing a live, warm human brain! Seeing that he had gained their attention, Xavier reached into the bag, pulled out a piece of jerky and put it in his mouth.


MMMMM! MY GOODNESS! YA GOTTA TASTE THIS!” the young man called out. The goblins all reached out with both hands, palms turned up, waiting for Xavier to share with them. He took a step back and raised his one eyebrow.


“Want sommmmme?” he asked in a slow, higher pitched, exaggerated tone. The goblins nodded their heads in unison.


“Welllll. You need to get some work done first.” the recruiter pointed out before putting the jerky back into his backpack. He grabbed a trash bag and started picking up trash himself. Next, he pulled four more trash bags off of the roll and handed them to the goblins. The four goblins nodded in unison.


The group then proceeded to gather hoards of trash from all over BSU’s massive campus and loaded them into the black trash bags. The young man smiled as he watched the four goblins carry out the mission, for it seemed they were finally starting to listen to him. After a few minutes of watching he approached Rumii and tapped her on the shoulder.


“You’re doing great Rumii. Let’s take a little break and have a snack.” Xavier remarked. Xavier and Rumii walked over the stairs in front of the BSU main office. Xavier sat down on the steps. Rumii sat down right next to him, getting as close as she could to him. Xavier pulled the bag of beef jerky out of his backpack along with a bottle root beer. The purple haired hat wearing goblin held her hands out as Xavier poured the dried beef into her palms. She instantly stuffed the jerky into her mouth.




Xavier opened the root beer and handed it to Rumii.


“So, where are you from?” Xavier asked Rumii. The goblin responded by pointing at the trees and bushes that surrounded the area.


“The woods?” Xavier guessed. Rumii nodded.


“What do you do for fun? What kinda stuff do you like?”


“U!” Rumii answered with a grin. She pointed at Xavier, causing him to turn red in the face. Rumii giggled at Xavier’s discomfort with her answer.


“Well….Uh. What else do you like?”


“Jerky…Give me more Jerky please.” Rumii answered, mimicking Xavier’s voice. The recruiter poured more jerky into Rumii’s hands.


“Besides food I mean!” Xavier chuckled in response.


“Like!” Rumii said while pointing to the red and white spotted hat on her head.


“So are you talking about mushroom hats, actual mushrooms, hats in general or all three?” Xavier questioned. Rumii gulped down the root beer and then bit off the top half of its can. She chewed through the pieces of aluminum like they were mere potato chips. Xavier flinched in response, still not quite used to seeing all of the unique feats a goblin can perform. After finishing off the can Rumii stood up, took her hat off and playfully put it on Xavier’s head. She then jumped off of the steps and landed in some nearby grass. Rumii bent down and pulled some brown mushrooms out of the ground.


DIS!” the purple haired goblin yelled out before tossing all but one of them into her mouth.”


“Here X!” Rumii remarked. Xavier’s eyes widened in shock, partly because she called him by his name instead of ‘Hooman’, but mostly because she offered him a mushroom to eat. His stomach churned at the thought of eating it.


I hate mushrooms!’ the young main yelled mentally.


The goblin looked at Xavier intently for his response.


That shit probably tastes like dirt. What if it’s poisonous? I guess I can’t turn it down. This is her gesture of friendship. If I refuse it could fuck up the process…AND my progress!’ Xavier lamented to himself. With not much of a choice, Xavier reached out and grabbed the mushroom out of Rumii’s hand, quickly throwing it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, agonizing over the fibrous, slimy texture and the soil-like taste of the fungi he was eating. His face gradually turned more and more blue until it was a navy shade by the time he was finished swallowing. Rumii smiled and pulled up another mushroom to offer her leader.


“Moar!” Rumii urged excitedly, happy that Xavier “liked” the first mushroom. The young man bit the bullet once more and ate the second mushroom and it wasn’t any easier than the first one.


“Ok, I’m full now, no more!” Xavier said while puffing out his stomach to appear like he was actually full off of just two mushrooms.


“Alright, let’s get back to work.” the green eyed man said while giving Rumii a high five.



(A few minutes later…)


Xavier was back at the steps, this time with Kalada.


“Here.” He said before pouring some beef Jerky into her hands. The green haired goblin girl quickly devoured the jerky and Xavier handed her a can of soda from his backpack just as he did with Rumii.


“What up Kalada? I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. What kind of stuff do you enjoy doing? What do you like?” He questioned. Kalada immediately started running back and forth like she was doing suicide drills on a basketball court, referencing the run they went on just a few hours ago. The auburn haired youth smiled in response.


“Like… mussssle!” Kalada exclaimed before doing a series of bodybuilder poses.


“That’s some nice flexing. The young man complimented. Xavier chuckled at Kalada’s posing which made her smile as well. The dark green goblin turned to face Xavier and slapped her stomach, rubbing her hand up and down her well defined abdominal muscles. Xavier nodded in approval. Kalada then walked up to Xavier, lifted up his shirt and started rubbing on his six pack abs.


Her hands are soft!?’ He thought to himself, surprised that a rough and tumble creature like a goblin would have such soft, smooth skin. Xavier then stood up.


“Let’s get it!” remarked the man with green eyes before doing some poses of his own. Xavier flexed his muscles and made funny faces that went against the seriousness of the bodybuilding poses. Kalada joined in, laughing.


“HaHaHaHaHa!” giggled the goblin. After a few poses, Xavier started shadow boxing. His punches were so fast that Kalada had trouble seeing what it was he was doing.


“Yeah! Yeah!” yelled the goblin as she watched him throw a barrage of strikes at the air.


“So you wanna learn to box?” he asked.


“Yeah…Me wan do.” Kalada replied, thrilled by the possibility of Xavier teaching her.


“I’ll teach you.” the man answered. Kalada then started throwing punches of her own, doing her best to imitate the former amateur boxer’s movements. He nodded his head in approval and smirked, as he realized this was a way to further his relationship with Kalada and make her into a capable assistant.


“Anything else you like?” Xavier asked. Kalada then pointed at the sneakers Xavier was wearing, a pair of retro Nike Air Max running shoes.


“So you like sneakers too?..I guess I can get you a pair.”


Her size would be pretty cheap too.’ Xavier thought to himself. He patted Kalada on the shoulder.


“Good work, you can go back now.” Xavier remarked before sticking out his closed fist. Kalada stuck her own fist out and completed the fist bump before returning to work.



(A few minutes later…)


The green eyed recruiter was again sitting on the steps in front of the BSU main office, but this time it was Poppii who was with him, standing in front of the steps.


“Here ya go Poppii, like I promised” Xavier said before pouring the jerky into Poppii’s hands. The blonde haired goblin quickly smashed the beef jerky. Xavier then pulled another can of root beer from his backpack and handed it to Poppii. Unlike Kalada and Rumii before her, Poppii didn’t guzzle down the soda in one gulp. She took sips from the can, like a human typically would.


“You were paying attention when Miss Tai was talking about table manners last night.” commented, surprised at Poppi’s behavior.


“Poppii lissen!” the goblin answered, referring to herself in the third person with her response.


“I got some questions I want to ask…” Before Xavier could finish his statement, Poppii interrupted him.


“Poppii answer…” The goblin girl said as she cut off her supervisor’s sentence.


“What kinda stuff do you like to do? What are your hobbies?” Xavier questioned. Poppii took another sip of her root beer and then sat the can down on one of the steps. Poppii then pointed to Xavier’s phone which was sitting next to him on the steps. He grabbed his phone and held it up.


“So you like–” Poppii swiftly swiped Xavier’s phone from him as he was talking and started playing around with the screen


AY!!! Gimme my phone back!” Xavier ordered, in a panicked tone of voice.


What if she accidentally sends out some of my shit, the private stash!?’ He thought to himself, knowing that he had several adult videos and photos of dragon women, cow maidens, and muscle girls on his phone which would be embarrassing if they were to get out to his contacts. He lunged at Poppii to take the phone back.




Poppii sidestepped him, causing him to fall on his face. He quickly got up and went after Poppii again.


“Give it back! You don’t know what you’re doing!” He yelled. Poppii repeatedly dodged him, showing off her quickness, however she wasn’t able to get the phone to do what she wanted it to do. The theft victim then thought back to yesterday, remembering the photoshoot in front of his uncle’s pawn shop.


That’s what she wants!


“Ay! I can show you how to take pictures!” the auburn haired man relayed, causing Poppii to stop. The goblin handed Xavier the phone back. He then opened the camera app.


“See, look.” Xavier instructed while kneeling down next to Poppii. The screen showed reflections of their faces. Poppii looked at herself on the phone screen and did an array of different facial expressions. Xavier joined in and started making funny faces into the camera along with his goblin mentee, enlarging his eyes and sticking his tongue out. Poppii looked at him, noticing that he had an unusually long tongue for a human man. She grabbed onto the tip of his tongue with her thumb and index finger and pulled slightly and pushed the photo button on the phone’s touchscreen with her other hand.


UWAYY!” mumbled the young recruiter. Poppii snapped several photos of herself holding her supervisor’s tongue between her fingers, smiling and laughing as she did so. After about 10 pictures she stopped and let go of his tongue.


“Funny.” the young man commented sarcastically before spitting into the grass. Poppii then started posing and pointed at Xavier.


“Poppii pickshure!” she demanded. Xavier entertained her request and took several photos of her in various poses. Once she was satisfied with the number of photos taken she sat down on the stairs.


“Poppii….Xzayvyveerr….Pickshure!” the blue skin,blonde haired goblin called out.


“I guess we can do a few.” the BSU recruiter responded, acquiescing to Poppii’s desire to take selfies with him. He sat next to Poppii and snapped several pictures of them. He stopped at 8 photos and then shifted focus back to the conversation he was trying to have. Poppii picked up her soda and finished it off, however, instead of eating the empty can, she put it inside of her trash bag which she had brought with her.


I’m making progress! She’s a little more prim and proper than the others.’ Xavier observed.


“You like phones and taking pictures, I think you will get along with my cousin Xelina. What other things do you like?” asked the amateur photographer. Poppii pointed to her shirt and then her shorts and finally her hair, prompting Xavier to think back to when he saw her looking at clothes in the pawn shop a day earlier.


“Clothes huh. I’ll take you to the mall sometime and we can get some outfits!” Xavier assured. Poppii jumped up and down in happiness causing her big breasts to fall out of her top. Xavier quickly looked away while Poppi adjusted herself and the busty blue haired goblin giggled at Xavier for being a gentleman and turning away. A few seconds later, Xavier felt something on his leg. He looked to see that Poppii’s foot was on his leg and she had her arm extended out showing him the claws on her hand. He looked for a moment and then realized what she was trying to show him.


“You wanna go get your hands and feet done?”


“Yeah! Poppii wants.” replied the yellow goblin woman.


She’s gonna be pretty high maintenance. This might get expensive.’ Xavier pondered mentally.


“We’ll see about it, but for now let’s finish the work for today.” The young man answered. He then grabbed Poppii’s hand and kissed the top of it, causing the high maintenance shortstack to blush and smile back at him.



(A few minutes later…)


Xavier walked back to his makeshift office on the stairs with Moka this time. He gave Moka some beef jerky which she stuffed into her mouth like she had been starving for weeks prior.


“Jerky good…want more!”


Xavier opened another pack and obliged Moka’s wishes. The brunette goblin again tore through the dried meat like nothing and stuck her hands out for a third time.


“Ok, ok, but this is the last time.” the recruiter nodded, giving Moka the rest of the bag after finishing his sentence. She poured all of the jerky into her mouth, making her cheeks bulge out like a puffer fish! She even ate the Ziploc package the jerky came in. Next, she grabbed the soda and opened her mouth to bite through the can without bothering to drink its contents.


“No, no. This is how you do it.” the young man corrected. He then opened the can for her and showed her how to drink from the can before handing it back to her. Moka put the can to her mouth and turned it completely upside down guzzling down the carbonated drink in a single gulp.


“It’s called root beer. It’s my favorite thing to drink.” The recruiter explained. Moka crushed the can between her palms and casually tossed it into her mouth like it was a piece of candy. She crunched and munched away on the aluminum like it was a peppermint. The blue eyed goblin girl reached out to Xavier and pointed at his backpack.


ROOT BEER!” Moka yelled with fervor, wanting another soft drink.


“I guess I know you like food and soda.” He remarked while digging into his bag. He pulled out another soda, opened it and handed it to Moka. She quickly disposed of the root beer.


“What kind of other stuff do you like and want to do?” The recruiter questioned. Moka gestured with her hands and acted like she was holding a video game controller and playing video games. She then pointed to the parking lot, specifically at Xavier’s car and started gesturing with her hands, pretending to turn a car steering wheel.




Moka scowled while pretending to drive like she was in an action movie car chase.


SKRRRRRRT!” sounded the brunette, mimicking the sound of car brakes. Xavier joined in and started to pretend to drive, acting like he was racing against Moka. The two even started running up and down the sidewalk. They were neck and neck until…




Moka rammed Xavier from the side and knocked him down to the ground and kept running, winning their “race”. The recruiter chuckled while Moka celebrated her victory.


“Nice one, you win Moka!”


Moka ran back to Xavier and stuck her hand out.


“Kees” She ordered, pointing at Xavier’s car keys which had fallen out of his pocket when he fell


“I can’t give you those, but here’s what I can do. There’s these things called go-karts. They’re like cars but a little smaller. I’ll take you out to drive them sometime. Is that cool with you?”


“Yeaah!” Moka answered back. Xavier got up and yelled for Rumii, Kalada and Poppii to join himself and Moka. The three of them came back running, trash bags in hand.


“Great work ladies. We’re done out here. There’s another job we have to do.”



(5 minutes later….)


Xavier and his goblin crew walked into what appeared to be some kind of a break room or lobby area. It was in a different building than the main office but still nearby. Inside of the room there were mops and mop buckets, brooms, dustpans, sponges, paper towels and assortment of cleaning chemicals, which had been put there by the Headmistress for Xavier’s use. The room was very dirty with dust everywhere. The windows and glass doors were covered in old hand prints and oil residue from the hands of the individuals who touched them.


“Next task is to clean up in here. Rumii, I want you to clean the windows. Kalada, I want you to dust the area. Poppi I want you to sweep the floors. Moka, I want you to mop the floors.” Xavier instructed. He then showed each of the goblins how to do their assigned tasks. They all put on rubber cleaning gloves to keep the chemicals off of their skin. The girls immediately got to work and all but Poppii seemed unenthusiastic about it. The blue haired goblin rolled her eyes as she swept.


It’s all coming together.’ Xavier thought while nodding his head. Moka, Poppii, Kalada and Rumii made the room look ten times better rather quickly. This is another positive trait about goblins, they have a strong work ethic. They continued for about 10 minutes. Just as they were about to be finished the glass door opened. A tall busty caramel colored figure with long, wild looking sandy blonde hair walked into the room. She was dressed in a navy blue plaid patterned skirt, a white dress shirt which was halfway unbuttoned and a pair of suede, navy blue, white bottom platform high heel shoes. Once inside she looked at each of the four goblins before looking at Xavier.




DIOS MIO! Javito! What is this? Why do you have GOBLINS on the campus?! What are THEY doing here?!” Mei asked, dumbfounded by the sight of this.


“These are my first recruits. They’re helping me get this place done.”


“This ain’t what I meant when I told you to get some chicas at BSU! Goblins have a bad reputation. Theft, fights, and property damage. I don’t need these four tearing up my campus. This doesn’t work for me, hijo. Estoy decepcionado! (I’m disappointed!)” Mei said while slowly face palming. Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii stopped what they were doing to watch the mother/son dispute unfold.


“You don’t get it mom. Goblins are hard workers. Yeah, I know their reputation but I think I got somethin with these four. I want them here and I wanna work with them. Look at how clean it is outside mom. THEY did this!” The son protested.


“Javi, even if they are trustworthy and good workers. We need students, students that can PASS the courses here. Do you think they are capable of that?” Asked the BSU Chief Executive Officer. Xavier hesitated for a moment, unsure what to say.


“Contestame! (Answer me!). This is not a rhetorical question.”


“Uhhh..Ummmm..yeah. They can.”


“Bullshit. It took you too long to answer! You don’t believe what you’re saying. I’m sorry but I’m saying no to these recruits…” The mother said reluctantly. Xavier lowered his head, knowing that his efforts were being thrown away. But then someone else walked into the room. It was Taiyohime, Headmistress and Chief Operating Officer of BSU.


“Hello Mei-chan! I see you met our new recruits!”


“You signed off on this?!” Mei questioned.


“Yes I did…” Taiyohime answered before pulling Mei off to the side. Xavier and the goblins watched on as the two officials stepped outside.


“We can’t have this Tai. It’s not gonna work. Goblins are too primitive and wild to control.”


“I knew you would say that, but look at what Xavier is doing. He’s trying to make it work. You wanted him working here. I think you should trust his judgment. There is a lot of time before the school year begins. I think he can get them ready.”


“What makes you feel this way?”


“Faith. Sometimes you just have to believe. Goblins can be a benefit to us.”




“Goblins are a protected class. The government offers financial aid to businesses who employ them and to schools that enroll them as students. We will get paid for having them here.” Taiyohime explained. The CEO’s eyes lit up, with her pupils turning into big green dollar signs. She flashed a cartoonish grin, showing all of her teeth while her clenched fists shook uncontrollably.


WE’RE GONNA GET PAID!? SI! SI! Que maravilloso! (YES! YES! This is wonderful!)”


“So, are you going to change your mind?” Asked the Headmistress.


I APPROVE! Those four can work and go to school here!” the caramel blonde proclaimed loudly. Taiyohime simply smiled, knowing that government funding would change the CEO’s mind.


“I need to talk to my son for a bit, Do you think you can watch these four for a little while?” Mei asked.


“Sure.” Taiyohime answered. The two then walked back into the building.


“Javito! I changed my mind! Your recruits can stay and attend school at BSU!” Mei announced.


YES!” Yelled the son, raising his arm fist pump immediately after.


“There’s some stuff we gotta talk about.” Taiyohime looked at the goblins and smiled.


“You ladies have worked up a pretty good sweat. How about we take a bath?” Suggested the Headmistress.


“Yeah!” Said the four goblin girls simultaneously, as they recalled that Taiyohime had treated them to a buffet the night before. They flocked to her like ducks to women tossing pieces of bread.


“Let’s go!” Taiyohime yelled while pointing to the glass doors. She then departed the building with Moka, Kalada, Rumii and Poppii following her. Mei then sat down on one of the couches in the room.


“So how’s progress?” She asked.


“Well I got these four.” Answered the son.


“But you’ve been working for a few days. Have you recruited anyone else? And what happened the other day when I couldn’t get a hold of you?” Mei questioned curiously. Xavier then started pacing the room nervously.


“Uhhh.. It’s not been going great. And about that day…It’s a long story, but I’ll be brief. I tried to recruit this one girl, a brunette, Japanese girl. I met her at Jake in the Box on my first day recruiting. I almost had her but she turned me down. After that I ended up jumping off of a cliff into the ocean to purge my fears. The next morning, this seafolk woman, a cuttlefish found me. She took me underwater and showed me around her world. We ended up, you know and I asked her to come back to the surface with me. I thought I had her too but she declined as well.


“A Seamaiden? Dios mio! I heard rumors but I thought they were just that.” Mei commented.


“No they’re real, but I guess it doesn’t matter. I couldn’t get her.”


“Don’t be so negative, Javi. You might just see her again. The ability to be persuasive isn’t something that we’re born with. Getting good at it will take time and repetition. I wasn’t expecting you to become El Fuerte at recruiting overnight. You have time to figure things out and get the hang of it. With that said, let’s go!” The busty blonde proclaimed, rising back to her feet as she spoke.


“Mom, where are we going?” Xavier asked apprehensively.


“You’ll see….”



(15 minutes later…)


Mei and Xavier were now in the Uptown section of the city. She pulled up to a temporary pay parking station and swiped her debit card.


Why are we here?’ Xavier wondered to himself as they got out of Mei’s car.


“I did say getting better at your job takes time and repetition. Today you’re gonna get some reps in.” the BSU CEO said with a sly smirk on her face.


“What do you mean?” Xavier enquired. Mei scanned the area for a moment before responding. A little further down the street she spotted something, well someone. Waiting at the bus stop ahead of them stood a tall, statuesque feminine figure. Her skin was completely white, like the purest grade of cotton found in Egypt. Her long green hair blew in the cool breeze that was sweeping through the area. The woman had striking hazel eyes which paired perfectly with her pine-colored locks. It was clear she wasn’t human due to the small black horn coming out of the middle of her forehead. Her body was a masterpiece, one that could rival the work of medieval Italy’s greatest artists. The clothes she had on drew plenty of attention to her magnificent figure. The demihuman’s big balloon breasts were nearly falling out of her American flag print micro bikini top. Her coochie cutter shorts put her long legs and meaty thighs on full display. The horned beauty had on a pair of hoop earrings so big that they hung down to her shoulders. The choker around her neck had a golden charm piece that read “HOE”. Her outfit was completed with a pair of american flag colored flip flops that matched her bikini top. Men who walked past the bus stop nearly broke their necks trying to get a glimpse at her.


“Her!…That woman at the bus stop, I want you to go recruit her! Get her to attend BSU!” Mei ordered. Xavier’s eyes enlarged, as he was taken aback by the impromptu challenge his mother issued. The young man started to walk away from Mei, trembling in fear.


How am I gonna get this done!?’ He asked himself while approaching the bus stop. His hands shook more and more with every step closer he got to the woman at the bus stop. The ivory colored lady raised her head from looking at her phone and glanced in Xavier’s direction, looking for a bus to arrive. It was then she made eye contact with the young recruiter.


Don’t look away from her! Be confident! Shy guys will often break eye contact immediately with a cute girl!’ he thought. Xavier used that split second of acknowledgment to engage.


“Ay! How are you doing?” Xavier asked as he walked up to the woman.


“I’m good. How about you?”


“Well… you see…” Xavier began as his mind started frantically formulating dozens of possible conversation starters and responses to her potential answers.


“Ya lookin for a date?” The green eyed woman asked. Before he could answer the woman resumed talking.


“I think ya need one honestly…”


“I’m doing ok…I’m actually here on business. My name is Xavier.” The young man said in an attempt to get back on track with the conversation.


“And my name is Shuga. Wanna know why?” The woman asked with a sexy grin.




“Because my pussy is the sweetest you’ll ever taste…For a hundred I’ll put in your face!” the oni woman remarked, rhyming as if she were reciting poetry to Xavier. The young man was flabbergasted by Shuga’s offer.


She’s a working girl!’ he thought to himself.


“I’ll let you hit it and split it. My cooch is so tight. I’ll make you bust ten times…I’ll get you right!” rhymed the sexy white oni leaning in close and pushing her big gazongas up against his face. She put her arm around him and grabbed him on the ass, causing him to jump slightly.


“So how about it cutie?” Shuga asked. Xavier thought about the offer momentarily but remembered that his mom was watching him from a distance so he had to complete the task. He stepped away from her. Xavier quickly gathered his thoughts and prepared his next statement.


“As much as I would like to, I have a lot of work I have to get done today so time is of the essence.” The young man answered.


“There are some things we need to talk about though, Shuga.”


“If you don’t want a date what do ya need to talk to me about?” Shuga asked.


“I see you’re a working girl. I noticed you only were going to charge me $100. I think a woman of your absolute beauty and charm should command more money than that. I think I can help you with that.” Xavier proclaimed, feigning confidence in his words.


“How are you gonna help me cutie?” Shuga questioned.


“I represent a new Adult Entertainment Establishment for higher education, a college. Busteez Slut University to be specific. I’m offering you the opportunity to attend BSU.”


“Why would I want to go to school for being a hoe when I’m already working the streets?” the oni woman challenged.


“I have a question for you. Do you have any adult entertainment training?” Xavier asked.


“Imma be real witcha. I don’t. I’m what ya would call self taught.”


“Then you haven’t reached your full potential. At BSU we have the best performers in the world working as professors. They can teach you how to use your body like a pro and get the best out of it, as well as an AEWA sex worker license. This will get you more money from clients and studios and it will keep the cops off of you for working without a license.” Xavier explained to Shuga. He raised his eyebrow when mentioning the cops and working without a license. Just as Xavier finished his statement the bus pulled up.


“Hmm… I’m interested. Give me your number and we can talk about this a little more.” Shuga said Xavier pulled out one of his business cards and handed it to her. She looked at the card and smiled. Meanwhile, the city bus began to pull over.


“I look forward to meeting you again Xavier Williams.” Shuga remarked before kissing him on the cheek and getting on the bus. He grinned as the woman departed away on the mass transit vehicle.”


“That’s one!” Mei commented before scanning the area again. She looked towards a nearby clothing store and saw a woman stepping out. She was short, about Xavier’s height with milky brown skin and long blue hair which was cornrowed, but with a free hanging high ponytail in the back of her head. Her tits were rather small in size and pressed down tightly by the form fitting white tube top she had on. However she more than made up for her small breasts in the ass department. The woman possessed a big, rotund rear end, one of the biggest Xavier had ever seen in his life. It was so big it stuck out from underneath the yellow micro miniskirt she was wearing, leaving nothing to the imagination. Tiny white fabric could be seen between her ass cheeks, which was a near-dental floss thin thong she had on. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful with violet purple eyes. She had several tattoos all over her body including on her arms, across her chest, on her thighs and ankles and even on her face, underneath one of her eyes. She, just like the first recruit Shuga had on big earrings however hers were golden hearts. The most noticeable feature about her besides her huge booty and the tattoos was the fact that she was pushing a stroller. The young woman had a baby that appeared to be infant age.


“There! The girl pushing the stroller!” Mei barked. Xavier let out a sigh as he walked across the street.


“Excuse me miss!” Xaver yelled while power walking towards the big booty blue haired young woman. “You need some help? I got those bags.” Xavier offered before taking several bags she was carrying.


“Thank you.” Replied the blue haired woman in a grating, high pitched voice. She pushed the button on her keys to open the trunk of her car so Xavier could load the bags in there. The girl then took the baby, a little girl out of her stroller and put her into the baby seat in the back of the car.


“You’re welcome.”


“So, why you come help me? What you want? You tryin’ to get some of this aintcha?” said the blue haired girl before turning around and showing Xavier her almost bare ass.


“I was just trying to help you out.” Xavier answered with a smile.


“Boy, you lyin’. I can tell by that look you got.” The blue haired mom remarked while giggling slightly.


“Alright, you got me.” Xavier said semi-flirtatiously, learning from his encounter with Shuga just minutes earlier.


“Lookin this good, I couldn’t just let you struggle getting all this stuff to the car. I’m Xavier, nice to meet you miss…”


“LaShandria. Nice meetin’ you too Xavier.”


“I see you’re busy and all, but do you have a minute?”


“Yeah I have some time to talk.” LaShandria obliged. But then her phone rang. La Shandria answered.


“Hello….Why you callin’ again?! You been blowin’ me up all day!”


Xavier listened as LaShandria went back and forth with whoever she was on the phone with.


“Where you at? You need to take yo ass home ‘Shandria!” Demanded the male voice on the other end of the phone.


“You don’t own me *****! I got a baby by you but that don’t mean you control my life. I don’t live wit you and we ain’t even together. You don’t pay no bills around here and I can’t get a dime from you to get the baby some milk and diapers. So don’t be callin’ and textin’ twenty times a day to see what I’m doin. Save that for dem otha hoes you fuck wit!” LaShandria said firmly before hanging up the phone abruptly.


“Sorry about that. It was my daughter’s father checkin up on me, as if he has the right to do that shit.”


“Sounds like you have a lot going on. Maybe I should just go. Sorry for bothering you.” Xavier said strategically.


NO.” LaShandria demanded.


YES!’ thought the young man in his mind.


“You wanted to talk to me so let’s talk.” She said adamantly. The phone call with her ex boyfriend angered her and therefore made her want to give her time and attention to the auburn haired recruiter even more.


“I’m out here working actually. I’m looking for potential students for a new university that’s starting up.” Xavier explained while pulling out one of his business cards. He handed it to LaShandria.


“Check it out.”


“Busteez Slut University? Never heard of em before.” commented the blue haired woman.


“Yeah we are pretty new. BSU is an up and coming AE university.”


“You mean like one of those pornstar schools?”




“I don’t know about that.” LaShandria said skeptically.


“So where do you work at right now?” Xavier asked.


“Well…Uhhh…I’m kinda in between jobs right now.” LaShandria answered honestly.


“And what about your daughter’s father? What is he doing to help you and your baby right now?”


“Not a damn thang!” LaShandria answered harshly.


“Then this could be helpful for you. Adult Entertainment is a growing industry and it’s gonna keep growing. That means the performers in the industry are gonna make more money than ever…And they’re already doing pretty good right now. You will be learning from the best in the business, including my personal favorite, the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu.”


“Tell me some more!” LaShandria urged, now intrigued by Xavier’s words.


“You will be able to earn money while you’re a student and be able to accept assignments to make even more money. I personally think you could bring in some nice payouts. Let me ask you another question. Do you like the attention you get when you’re in public?” the young man asked. Lashandria smiled but didn’t say anything.


“You don’t have to answer that, that pretty smile tells me all I need to know…Think about this you’re gonna get a lot of looks and attention from men as a BSU student, and you get paid for that attention. Imagine this, you could have dudes paying you hundreds of dollars just to talk to them on a video chat for a few minutes. That’s easy money right there.


“This sounds good but there’s one problem. I don’t think my baby daddy will like this.”


“He doesn’t have to. This is your life, your career, your future. You just told me you’re not together and he’s not giving you any money to help. His opinion is irrelevant.” Xavier pointed out. Lashandria nodded her head in agreement.


“You know what you’re right. I think I’m gonna go ahead and give this BSU thing a try.”


“I think you’re making a wise decision, LaShandria.”


“There’s some paperwork I have to sign to make this official right?”


“Yes there is, but we can meet up later to get that done.”


“I’ll call you tonight after I put my daughter to sleep.” the blue haired girl replied with a seductive grin.


“Looking forward to it.” Xavier commented back with a smirk on his face. He folded up the stroller for LaShandria and put it in the trunk before opening the driver’s side door of her car for her.


“And such a gentleman too…”


“I try…” the young recruiter humbly replied.


“See ya soon!” Yelled the single mother as she pulled away.


“Yeah! I killed that shit!” the young man exclaimed while doing a fist pump. Mei walked up to him again.


“That was some nice work. I could tell you got here without hearing anything you were saying. But now ain’t the time to celebrate Javi. I’m picking one more target for you to recruit.” The mother informed as they walked further down the street. Mei looked around once more as they walked down a few more city blocks. After a few minutes she found someone she liked. Walking out of the Goldwater Saxon building there was a busty, yet conservatively dressed woman who stood about five foot nine in height. She appeared to be caucasian with a slight tan. Her hair was a mixture of pink and orange like a grapefruit better yet the sun at dusk and was styled in a rather simple bun on the back of her head.. Her bright scarlet colored eyes were behind the lens of a pair of glasses she was wearing. The lenses were big and round in shape, almost identical to Xavier’s own glasses. She wore a women’s pantsuit which was gray in color along with a white button up dress shirt and a black tie. She carried a briefcase in her hand.


“I want you to get her next.” Mei confirmed.


“What? She just walked out of an investment firm. She already has a career! I can’t pull that off!” Xavier panicked.


“You heard me. Handle it! Find a way!” The mother growled. This told Xavier she meant business.


He quickly walked up to the woman and tried to get her attention.


“Excuse me! Excuse me miss.” Xavier called out. At that point something fell out of the woman’s purse. Based on its compact size, rectangular shape and the hard plastic outer shell, it was more than likely her smartphone. She stopped after hearing the sound of plastic clashing with the pavement, with the phone slightly grazing the back of her foot.




As the woman was turning around, the recruiter reached down to pick up the phone. It was then that the multi-color haired woman finally noticed him, or was forced to.


“Excuse me miss. You dropped this.” Xavier informed while handing the professionally dressed woman her phone. He flashed a rather cute, yet not overly flirty smile while giving the phone back. The young woman returned the smile.


“Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.”


“You were calling me before I dropped my phone. Have we met before?”


“No, but I did want to talk to you if you have the time. My name is Xavier.”


“Nice to meet you Xavier. I’m Tina. What did you wanna talk to me about?” The woman asked.


“Well Tina, I wanted to ask you, do you like your job?”


“That’s an odd question but it’s ok. I’m a paralegal.”


“Ok, I see. That’s a decent living but I think feeling just “ok” about what you do and the money you make isn’t good enough. You didn’t sound very convincing when you answered my question. I think I can help you change that.”


“What’s your angle here?” Tina questioned.


“I’m a college recruiter from Busteez Slut University. I’m trying to recruit new students for the upcoming school year.” The green eyed young man explained.


“AE college judging by the name. Is BSU taking over the old abandoned college campus? I think I heard something about that on the news recently.”


“Yeah that’s us.”


“You have my attention. Tell me why I should stop what I’m doing now and enroll at BSU.” Tina asserted, crossing her arms in an interested yet skeptical fashion.


“At BSU, you have a number of career options. You said you are a paralegal now, you can pursue your law degree with us if you’d like. We will have courses to prepare you for whatever career you want to pursue. And if you’re interested in becoming a professional AE performer we can get you ready for that as well.” the young man explained.


“Say I am interested in joining. There’s already a few AE schools in the city. There’s Whoremore Academy and of course Harlot State. Why should I go to a new school that is just starting up when there’s other ones that are already here? I mean, Harlot State is the biggest university of its kind in the country. Why should I choose BSU over Harlot State? They’re the first AE university to exist,”


Xavier hesitated for a moment, trying to think of an answer to give. Tina could tell by the look on his face that he was flustered.


Don’t look confused X…C’mon! Think of something!’ He thought to himself, knowing that time was not in his favor. After a few seconds of silence he thought of something.


“I know Harlot State is a bigger name and there’s some powerful people behind it. But it’s a massive school with so many students that you could get lost in the shuffle. Yes, BSU is a smaller school but that means you will get more attention and more focused assistance from the professor cadre. With less students attending, professors will have more time for more personal instruction… Speaking of professors, we have some of the best in the business, including Amataerasu, Sara Reed and a host of other porn greats.” Xavier detailed, adding the ‘host of other porn greats’ lie because there were no other professors hired yet.


“And who would I be working with? What kind of male students will be there? I wanna work with some tall handsome studs like the ones on the calendars.” Tina remarked. She then looked at Xavier, paying particular attention to his small stature.


“Are they gonna be like you? You’re on the tiny side, and that scar..That’s not really my style!” Tina said while giving him a rather unimpressed look. He didn’t know how to respond to this insult while still maintaining his professionalism.


“You know what…I think I’ll pass. Sorry.” Tina commented sarcastically before walking away. Xavier stood there speechless, as he felt he could have brought about a different outcome if he just knew what to say.




Xavier looked behind him and saw his mom approaching, but with Shuga and LaShandria walking on the sides of her. He looked ahead and saw that Tina turned around and started walking towards him as well.


“What’s goin on Mom!?” A surprised Xavier asked while turning around.


“Ya did well, hijo!” Mei replied.


“You had me Javi!” Said Shuga in a different, more familiar voice which Xavier immediately recognized.


“Aunt Xenna!?” Xavier exclaimed in confusion.


Shuga then peeled off her “face” and removed her green hair which was really a wig.


“How did you make your skin white!? Is that body paint?” the young man asked.


“No, this is a Skinsuit your uncle made. It’s made out of a light, breathable material that mimics the feel of human skin. Your uncle uses it to disguise himself when he goes out on missions.” Xenna answered before giving him a hug and pressing his head into her nearly bare breasts.


MMMM OUUU GMMMPF!” yelled the nephew, his voice muffled by Xenna’s melons. He flailed his arms wildly as struggled to get out of his aunt’s grip. Eventually he broke free. He was mortified by this, his face red with embarrassment. He took a few breaths and then shifted his attention to LaShandria, taking notice of her body type, one she shared with someone else Xavier knew.


“So, if Aunt Xenna is Shuga, then you have to be…..”


SURPRISE!” LaShandria yelled while peeling off her face to reveal she was really his cousin Xelina.


“Xelina! AY! Where did you get the tattoos from!? And what about the baby and the car?!”


“These tattoos are fake. They’re press ons. The baby belongs to one of my friends. I asked to borrow her son and her car to do this while she shopped at a nearby clothing outlet. I just returned her kid and keys before this reveal!” Xelina explained. Xavier then looked towards “Tina”


“Xaria. I should have known that was you.” He said in an annoyed tone.


“I couldn’t help it. I had to fuck with you!” the sister teased.


“Xaria wasn’t actually fuckin with you Javi. While recruiting, you will run into people like Tina who will challenge you, ask questions and resist your efforts. Your sister represented that type of target.”


“We got you good!” Xaria added with a hearty laugh.


“You almost made us kissing cousins!” Xelina teased while puckering her lips and making loud kissing sounds directed at Xavier. His face turned blue, eyes turned into completely white circles and his stomach turned as he thought of the idea of “Kissing Cousins”.


“Not funny Xelina…” grumbled the green eyed recruiter.


“I’m offended that you couldn’t recognize me and I’m your twin. My disguise wasn’t even that different from how I actually look.” Xaria pointed out, causing Xelina, Xenna and Mei to laugh. Xavier’s eyes turned into tiny black dots and his mouth took the appearance of a single black line as his family members continued to crack jokes.


“You can can call me aunt Shuga from now on.” Xenna added.


“C’mon now…” Xavier commented in a deadpan tone, practically begging for the jokes to stop.


“Alright everyone, Let’s go get something to eat and then we can go home.”


“Ay mom, can Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii stay at the house? Just until the dorms are ready.” the scar faced youth asked.


SI! Your goblin friends are welcome to stay with us. Tai really changed my mind on everything.” Mei answered. The group walked back to Xavier’s car and they took off to go get some lunch.



(11 PM….)


The TV in the Williams’s living room was on and playing a twenty four hour loop of heavy rain and thunderstorm sounds. Xavier was sound asleep on an air mattress positioned in the front of the massive living room. Rumii, Kalada, Poppii and Moka were spread out amongst two other inflatable mattresses in the room. Kalada’s eyes suddenly opened and she got out of bed because she had to go use the bathroom. The dark green goblin remembered what Taiyohime had taught her and her comrades about restroom procedure the last two days, at the buffet the previous day and at BSU earlier in the afternoon. Recalling that there was a bathroom nearby after seeing Xavier go in there a few hours ago, she went in and handled her business. She stepped out of the room and looked toward where her spike haired supervisor was at, noticing that he was knocked the fuck out, stone cold asleep. Jett was asleep as well at the opposite end of the air mattress. Kalada thought back to working at BSU earlier today and how much fun they had playing outside while picking up the trash. The green haired goblin then looked toward the front door of the house, which gave her an idea. She tiptoed over to gently shake each of her cohorts to wake them up. They each opened their eyes one by one and looked at Kalada. Moka gave a look of utter confusion, Rumii was still half asleep with smile on her face as if she were having a good dream and Poppii’s expression was one of utter annoyance at the fact she was forcefully removed from slumber.


“Go!” Kalada whispered while pointing to the door. It took a few seconds to register with the three groggy goblins but they eventually caught on to Kalada’s meaning. Moka, Poppii and Rumii got out of bed. Following Kalada’s lead, they sneakily tip-toed towards the front door of the house, taking exaggeratingly slow steps, like an early animation age cartoon villain. They moved carefully and deliberately to avoid making any noise that might wake Xavier and Jett, however this didn’t stop Xavier from getting out of bed. The goblins hid inside of a coat closet as their leader got out of bed and stumbled his way to the bathroom, walking right past their location.




Each of their hearts pounded as Xavier walked past them and went to the bathroom, feeling a familiar rush similar to the one they experienced at World Mart on their last shoplifting outing, before being caught by security and subsequently rescued and taken in by their green eyed savior. They waited impatiently in the closet for several minutes. Eventually Kalada grew impatient and opened the door, leading the way to the front door. Just as she was about to take hold of the door knob she heard the bathroom door open.


SHIT!” whispered the pine haired goblin while pressing her back, legs and arms as flat against the wall as she could get them. Rumii, Moka and Poppii followed along and pressed up against the wall as well. After coming out of the bathroom, Xavier walked past them and didn’t even notice they were there and made his way back to his air mattress. Kalada fist pumped briefly, believing that pressing their bodies against the wall made them invisible.


“Go!” Kalada said before opening the door and stepping out. Moka was next, followed by Rumii and Poppii. The quartet wandered out of the driveway and looked at the house next door. As Rumii scanned the area, she saw some movement on the other side of the window of the house next door.


LOOK!” Rumii yelled before sprinting over to the window, her tits bounced underneath her shirt smacking her in the chin as she made her way to the window. Kalada, Poppii and Moka arrived at the window shortly after and what they saw stunned them. Inside the living room. It was Mrs. Sheila Henderson, the milf next door neighbor from this morning locking lips with a man that was CLEARLY NOT her husband. The man in question appeared to have just gotten off from work, which was indicated by the BQ Crown logo on the upper right corner of his button up shirt. In the upper left corner there was a plastic pin-on name tag which read “Terrell” on it.


“Hmmmmh, nmmmmmh…” Mrs. Henderson moaned against Terrell’s mouth as she locked lips with him, her tongue forcing its way between his lips. Her hands rubbed up and down his chest, her fingers finding their way into the seam of his button-up shirt and YANKING it open. Buttons scattered in all directions, making a clattering sound.


Once his chest was exposed, she began kissing and licking it all over, letting out a low purring, growling sound. She traced her fingertips along his chest, gasping and giggling as he made his pectoral muscles bounce. Sheila moved back to kiss the young man on the mouth, letting out another low moan as he sucked on her tongue. She then pulled his shirt off the way off, exposing his bronze colored upper torso and thick well muscled arms.


Sheila’s hands then moved to the younger man’s belt, undoing the buckle with practiced deftness, then yanking it off with a zipping sound. Tossing the belt aside, Sheila took a step back to admire Terrell’s physique. He was fit, yet not overly muscular with a decent build. Terell was quite handsome as well, complete with a chiseled face with a squared off jaw. His skin was a bright brown that looked like he was made from perfectly mixed bronze, and it went well with his dyed blonde hair.


“Hmmmhmmhmm!” Sheila giggled in a husky tone as she closed in on the man again, her hands undoing his pants next, opening the front with that same practiced skill. The salmon pink haired woman then dropped into a squatting position as she pulled his pants and underwear down together, freeing his dick!


“Ahhhaaah!!!” she gasped in surprise at the lengthy rod that was unleashed! Thick veins bulged from from his dick, pulsating from blood running through them.


Grabbing onto the massive length with both hands, Sheila shuddered at the raw heat she felt coming off it. Slowly, gingerly, she began peppering the man’s length with kisses, her lipstick leaving behind a number of swatch marks. She then leaned herself in close, inhaling deeply the manly odor coming off his balls. It was thick, cloying, and felt like it was clinging to the inside of her nose. Having worked all day prior, the musk had built up. She loved it!


“Ahhhaah…” she moaned, opening her mouth wide and dragging her tongue over those heavy looking balls. He groaned at her attentions, moving to place his hand on her head, thick, muscular fingers running through her hair.


“Nmmmmmh, yeaaah…” he groaned, looking down at her with those dark sexy eyes that made her wet!


“Haaaaaaaaah…” she moaned, again dragging her tongue along the bottom of his cock from the fat balls to the thick mushroom shaped tip. She teased the thick opening with her tongue, then kissed the tip of his cock gently. Exercising her jaw for a moment, Sheila opened her mouth wide and engulfed the long, thick, dick meat in her mouth. She instantly felt her jaw muscles aching in protest, but she ignored them, slowly taking his cock farther into her mouth and down her throat!


HUGUUPPH! AGUMMMPH, HMMMMPH!!!” she gagged lightly.


“Oooh fuck yeah…” the man groaned, both his hands on her head, “Yeah, take it deep!” he groaned, pulling her head closer, shoving his cock deeper down her throat.


GUURGH GUK, NBUUH MMMMMPH…!” Sheila moaned, a sound of utter bliss as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, “HAWGER!!! WOUPHER!!!” she demanded.


“Ooooooh…” the man groaned again, pumping her face back and forth faster, her drool building up around his cock and hanging off it in long stalactites. Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii watched on from the window with their eyes enlarged, stunned by Mrs. Henderson’s oral feats. However there was only so much room in front of the window. The four goblins pushed and shoved one another out of the way, jockeying for position to get a better view of the action.


GURG GUK HURGH GUPH GUG GUH MUUUGH GOOPH GUK GUK GUK…!” Sheila gagged and moaned, her throat bulging dramatically every time the man’s thick cock was forced through it.


“Ahh fuuuck yeah, take it, take it… Ahhhh!!!” groaned Terrell, shoving his dick all the way into her mouth as he grunted. She felt his balls constricting and relaxing several times before he let go and she pulled her face back. As his dick “popped” free of her mouth, three more thick streams of cum shot out from the tip of his cock, soaking the woman’s face and exposed cleavage.


“Ahhh, hah, ah, hah, ahh yes…” she moaned in a throaty voice, using her fingers like a squeegee and scooping the cum onto her mouth. When she got the bulk of it, she licked the remaining bits that were dribbling along the man’s still rock hard schlong.


“Mmmmmmn, I love your BIG BLACK COCK!” she said in a thick and lusty tone, all but ripping her top open and exposing her huge tits! Sheila was rather proud of her girls. All natural and bigger than her fucking head! There was no sag at all in them and both were capped with a perfect coral pink nipple. Some women complained how big tits hurt their back and shoulders, not her though. Of course, it helped to have big strapping young men to massage her all over on the regular, even if they were just being handsy. It was a trick she’d learned from one of her best friends who had even bigger tits than hers. Almost ridiculously big!


Hefting the twin orbs of soft squishy flesh, Sheila pressed them around the hot and slick chocolate dong! The young man groaned at the feel of her big soft udders enveloping his shaft. She smiled up at him, slowly licking up the underside of the length of penis jutting up from her cleavage as she began moving them up and down. Their mixture of cum and drool made everything all nice and slippery, which made stroking his cock with her tits easy.


Sheila moved her body in a sort of wave-like motion, stroking his meat again and again, stopping only when the tip was right in her face. She then licked and slurped at it, making wet sucking and smacking sounds with her lips. The pink haired woman also moaned at the taste, savoring it for as long as she could before spitting it back out and moving her body back down.


“Fuck I love this big dick!” she moaned, “This size, this shape, this smell…” she moaned, moving up and sucking half his cock back into her mouth, “MMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!” she moaned.


“Ahhh fuck, Mrs Henderson…” Terrell grunted.


MMMMMMMMH!” Sheila groaned, loving it when the boys called her that! She deepthroated his fat black dick again, loving the feel of it pushing down into her stomach! She held it there for almost a full minute, then very slowly pulled herself free again. Long ropes of drool stretched away from the tip of his dick to her pillowy pink lips. She slowly licked those lips, making long eye contact with the young man.


He then growled almost like a wild beast as he grabbed her under her arms and lifted her up. It was like she weighed nothing to him, a detail that only heightened her arousal! She could feel her own hot juices dripping down her thighs as she was placed on the bed and Terrell began stripping off her remaining clothes. When she was down to just her panties she grinned back at him.


“Let’s go!” she demanded.


Her panties were tossed away to the side of the room like trash. She then yelped and giggled as Terrell rolled her onto her stomach, grabbing her hips and pulling her up into an all fours position before stabbing his cock into her with mighty force!


AWWWW YESSSS!!! STUFF MY CUNT!!! FUCKING MATE WITH ME LIKE A BEAST!” she screamed, cumming the instant he felt that that, hard, big, black cock invading her womb! Terrell stood at the edge of the bed, his hands grabbing her hips firmly, holding her fast in place as he began ramrodding her like a cannoneer loading his weapon.


“Hoooooooh!” he groaned, pistoning his cock back and forth, a wet SQUISH SLAP SQUISH could be heard as his cock moved in and out of her.


AHHH YES! HARDER! FUCK ME LIKE YOU WANNA BREAK MEEEE!” she hissed through her teeth, hands gripping the sheets hard enough that if she still had her longer nails they’d have ripped through the fabric! Terrell did as told, slapping her ass with a loud spank as he gripped her waist tight with his big hands.


OOOOoooooOOOOOoooooOOOOH FUUUuuuUUUuuuCK!!!!” she wailed in pleasure as the loud SMACK SMACK SMACK of their bodies echoed in the bedroom. “HMMMMMMMMMMMH!!!” she moaned, biting down on the topsheet covering the bed, her pussy gushing everywhere every time he slammed his cock inside. Still peeking in through the window, each of the four goblin girls began to quiver. Their bodies’ shook uncontrollably from arousal.


YES YES YES YES!!! MOOORE!!! HARDERRR, DEEPERRR!!! POUND MY PUSSY INTO A HOT PINK SLOPPY MESSSS!!! YESSSSS!!! CUMMING! I’M CUMMINGH!!!” she howled loudly. Terrell groaned above her as he leaned over her body, reaching his hands up to grab her luscious tits which were swaying under her wildly. She could feel his hot hands squeeze them tight, his fingers sinking in deep, with her titflesh peaking out between the digits.


“Ahhhaaah, yesh, dhon’t shtoooob!!!” Sheila moaned as she suddenly found herself laying on her left side, her right leg high in the air as Terrell continued plowing her pussy. Her whole body felt so much like Jell-O, all she could do in that moment was hold on for the ride! Terrell had turned her head to one side and was leaning over her shoulder, kissing her fiercely.


“Awww yeah Mrsh. Henderson, ur pusshy ish BOMB!” he slurred back into her mouth, still thrusting into her from behind. She rested one hand over her flat stomach, and she could just feel his cock moving in and out of her under her fingers.


Fuck that cock is so fucking huge! My pussy might not close all the way later!’ she thought, ‘Ahh, he’s shoving it all the way into my womb! He’s using my womb like a pussy, and it feels fantastic! My shitty husband’s tiny dick will never reach this deep!




HURR, HURR, HURR, HURR…” grunted Terrell, pumping his hips harder, one hand on her tit, his fingers pinching and pulling her nipple. She rolled her body back into his thrusts as she let out a long low moan.






MMMMMMMMMH!!! YES! AHHH, IT FEELS INCREDIBLE! OOOOHH!!!” Sheila moaned, rolling back so that she was on top of Terrell, moving to a reverse cowgirl position. She used her knees and hips like a spring to bounce herself up and down. Terrell rested his hands on her hips, just above her ass. He then moved his hands down to grab her shapely posterior, giving it a firm squeeze as he moved his hips with her.


AHH FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCK!!! YOUR DICK FEELS SO GOOD INSIDE MEEEE!!” Sheila screamed. The four spectators outside reacted strongly to the sights and sounds they were witnessing. Rumii’s pupils became big red exclamation points, Steam rose from Kalada’s head, blood shot out of Moka’s nose and Poppii’s hair stood up and went all over the place like she had been shocked by electricity!


“Fuuuck, I’m gonna bust a nut!!!” Terrell groaned.


YES!!! DO IT! SHOOT IT INSIIIDE!!!!” Sheila screamed as she felt his cock throbbing inside her. The warm thick liquid heat spreading through her womb sent another wave of orgasms through Sheila’s body as she let out a long wailing moan. She then fell backwards, landing in a sweaty heap on top of Terrell. The two of them laid still for several long minutes, both panting from the exertion. The goblin girls shared in this exertion from a distance, as they had been taken for a ride just by watching. Kalada leaned on the side of the house on one end of the window for support. Poppii did the same on the other side of the window, while Moka and Rumii held on to each other. They each let out deep breaths like they were the ones who had just got done fucking. They looked at one another, each noticing their shorts were wet in the crotch area.


A few minutes before either had the energy to move again, and Sheila listened as Terrell used her shower to hose himself off.


“Make sure to use the deodorant soap on your dick!” she called out. “Don’t want that crazy baby mama of yours figuring out where you’ve been next time you fuck.” she called out as she sat up on the bed and began filing her nails while she waited.


“Tamika’s not crazy. She’s just a little clingy.” he said in the girl’s defense.


“Her name is Greek for Harbinger of Disaster.” Sheila countered.


Terrell had no counter to that. She waited for him to finish cleaning up then helped him get dressed again. Thankfully, she had a spare shirt of a similar make to replace the one she’d ruined earlier.


Sheila then walked Terrell to the front door and saw him out, “Come again soon.” she said, kissing his cheek as he left. After she closed the door, Sheila grabbed a can of air freshener and sprayed it through the house as she made her way back to the bedroom to clear the smell of raw and raunchy sex from the air.


After that was done, Sheila went into the shower to clean herself up next, still basking in the afterglow. Once she finished, she went into the massive walk-in closet in the master bedroom and began rifling through other outfits. A glance at the clock showed she still had some time before her next “appointment” was due to arrive.


In the end, she selected a simple nightie that was a teal color with green fringes. It was made of an incredibly sheer silk fabric that left absolutely NOTHING to the imagination. While the design was plain, the sheerness of the material more than made up for it. Once dressed again, Sheila dabbed herself with perfume before heading down to the living room and laying on her side across the couch, making sure that the curves of her hips were especially noticeable. The goblins resumed looking into the window but saw no one in there anymore. The sound of a vehicle pulling up and the bright headlights shining in the driveway got their attention. They quickly hid behind some trash cans on the side of the home to avoid being seen by whoever was about to get out . Rumii mimicked the grumpy facial expressions and lip synced re enacting his run in with Xavier from this morning, causing Poppi, Kalada and Moka to giggle.



Outside the house, a slightly beat up looking Toward Bento, an older model car noted for its low maintenance and high reliability, was now sitting in the driveway of Sheila’s house. Anyone who knew cars would think the engine sounded too good, and that was because it was a custom built one by the car’s driver. A Fishman named Greg. Like Terrell from earlier, he was well built, but even more so than Sheila’s previous visitor. He looked like a Greek God, with big muscles and a broad chest that was only covered by a loose fitting yellow vest. His long black hair was styled in a low hanging ponytail. Most of his skin was a deep gray color, except for a white section that ran down from his mouth to his thighs. His eyes were two jet black circles surrounded by white sclera. He did have iris’ like a normal human, they were just as black as his pupils.


Not a surprising coloration given that his fishman heritage was akin to a Great White Shark! Most people were frightened at first by this fact, but running counter to that detail was a fairly kind disposition to anyone he called a friend.


Greg stepped out of the car and shut the door before moving to the other side to open the passenger side for the other occupant. It was a human woman with long straight brown hair that was tied up in a youthful ponytail that was held in place by a rose shaped hair band. That wasn’t really what stood out most about her though, it was her GIGANTIC knockers! No one who looked at her would have failed to notice them, as each one was easily as big as her body’s torso.


“So wait, THIS is the place you mentioned?” asked the brown haired woman.


“Yep, babe that lives here is insatiable.” Greg told her with a grin.


“Oh, I know.” the woman replied, walking towards the door with the confidant stride of someone who had been there many times before. “Sheila! I’m coming in!” she called out so her voice would be heard inside the house.


Greg followed his female companion up to the door and watched her open the front door and simply walk inside.


“Maki?” Sheila asked when the giant breasted woman walked inside.


“Hi Sheila, nice nightie.” Maki replied with a sweet smile, “Up for a threesome?” she asked plainly as Greg came into the living room behind her. After seeing the two people enter the home, Poppii walked around to the front of the home and noticed that Mrs. Henderson was now in a different room in the house which was why her bedroom was empty.


HEY!” Poppii called out to her cohorts. Moka, Kalada and Rumii joined her at the front of the house. The four then looked into the living room window which was much larger, luckily for them the trio inside weren’t paying attention to the window and didn’t even care that the curtains were fully open.


Sheila sat up from her spot on the couch as Greg walked over to her. The pink haired woman smiled seductively as she responded by simply slipping out of the nightie she had on. It slipped down her naked body with a soft swish sound of fabric against human skin.


Across from her, Maki undid the white belt that was keeping her dark green dress from looking like a tarp draped over her huge tits. Once freed, her sexy figure all but vanished as the dress hung off her titan sized tits. The brown haired woman then hooked her thumbs into the spaghetti straps of her dress and pulled the garment off easily. As Sheila expected, Maki wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath. Not that a bra existed in her size, but she often didn’t bother with panties unless they specifically complimented her outfit. Her massive mammaries were perfectly shaped, with almost no sag at all to them. Each one was capped with a dinner plate sized pink nipple that was already stiff as a rock.


“Awww, dayum!” Greg said as he was suddenly confronted by two beautiful and very naked women on either side of him. Sheila and Maki both closed in on him like a pair of sharks. Sheila moved first, grabbing Greg’s vest and pulling it off him before pressing her face to his in a lewd kiss. Her big tits pressed against his chest, his skin was rougher than a regular person’s, almost like sandpaper.


At the same time, Maki moved to relieve Greg of his pants, letting his thick dick spring up and out. He wasn’t as big as Terrell, but damned close! Maki knelt down to take his pants off more, her massive tits almost touching the floor as she did.


Maki then crawled around to kneel next to them, her tits sliding across the hardwood floor. Grabbing his cock, she pulled it to her mouth. Maki moaned as she swirled her tongue over Greg’s thick cock before she throated the entire thing like it was absolutely nothing! Her slender throat bulged from the thickness as she began moving her head back and forth slowly. Her plump pink lips made slurping sounds as they glided along the man’s length.


Sheila watched, openly jealous, “How do you do that so easily?” she asked.


“Yearsh uv pwacktish…” Maki said, not stopping for even a moment. She moved her head in long, slow strokes, and Sheila watched her expanded throat bobbing up and down as the tip of Greg’s cock moved through it.


Sheila then knelt down next to Maki, sliding one arm around the other woman’s waist, hugging their naked bodies together. Next, she leaned in close, moving to lick and suck on Greg’s fat balls. The thick stench coming off his balls was distinctly fish-like, and it only served to excite her again as she managed to fit one fat nut in her mouth. The goblins gawked, dumbfounded by what they were witnessing once more, occasionally ducking their heads down below the bottom of the window to avoid being spotted.


“Nmmmmmmmmh, ahmmmmmh…” Sheila moaned as she and Maki moved together. Maki let out a low throaty moan as she continued moving her head back and forth.


“Ahhhh fuuuuck…” groaned Greg, his hand resting against Maki’s head. “Yeeeaah, suck it!” he groaned, gripping her by her ponytail as he began moving his hips, fucking her mouth and throat rougher.


URGUH GUH GUH GWAH GUG GURK HUK GUG…” Maki gagged lightly, more from the movement of his dick than her airway being obstructed.


“Yeah, fuck her mouth…” Sheila moaned, loving the sight of that huge thing pumping in and out of her soft lips.


GUG GUH GURGH GWEH GUG…!” Maki gagged and moaned as Greg began fucking her face harder. Her eyes rolling back in her head slightly as Greg pumped his length back and forth.


“Haaah, ahh…” Sheila gasped, watching as Maki’s saliva dripped off the length of his cock. “Ahhh, my turn!” Sheila gasped, grabbing Greg’s cock by the base and pulling it away from Maki when only the tip was in her mouth.


HAAMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned as she quickly took his cock down her own throat. She instantly gagged, the thickness making her throat bulge again, but she loved this feeling so much, she couldn’t stop! “NMMMPH, GUH, MMMMMPH, GUG, HRMMMPH, GWEH…” she gagged and moaned.


She moved her head back and forth several times, savoring the feel of his cock moving through her throat before passing the cock back to Maki.


“Aww yeah, ahhh…” Greg groaned, gazing down at the two women as they passed his cock back and forth between them. Maki would take his length all the way down her throat, moaning in utter bliss for several moments while Sheila licked and kissed his balls. The women would then trade places, again and again. The goblins stood captivated by the epic display of lust playing out before them.


Several minutes of this went by before the ladies got bored of it and switched positions. Maki moving to kneel on all fours, sort of. Instead of resting on her hands and knees, she rested on her enormous tits and knees, her ass high in the air as Greg buried his huge length inside her! Sheila sat in front of Maki, the brunette’s head between her thighs. Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii looked at one another with expressions that were a mixture of arousal and confusion because they were seeing three people engaging in sex instead of two.


“Ahhhh, yessss… Stick your tongue in deeperrr…!” Sheila moaned, gripping Maki’s ponytail as the woman let out muffled moans. Behind her, Greg held onto her slender waist with his hands, swinging his hips rapidly. A loud SLAP SLAP SLAP could be heard as his pelvis smacked against Maki’s sexy ass, sending ripples across the baby fat.


AHMMMMMMMH! HARDER!!! POUND MY PUSSY LIKE THERES NO TOMORROWWW!!!” Maki moaned, lifting her head from between Sheila’s legs. The pink haired woman then shoved her face back down into her crotch, letting out a wordless moan of raw lust.


“Nmmmmmh, you bitches just can’t get enough, can you?” Greg groaned.


“Nmmhmmhmm, nope!” Sheila admitted freely, “Now, fuck her harder, she licks my pussy better when you do!”


Greg let out a low roar, slapping a hand to Maki’s fat ass, pounding his cock back and forth even rougher than before. The trio then shifted, with Maki crawling over top Sheila as the latter laid back. Greg then stuffed his fishman dick into Sheila, making her moan beneath Maki while she grabbed and fondled the woman’s oversized tits. She took one stiff nipple between her lips, sucking it roughly.


“Mmmmmh fuuuck, MILF pussy is the best!” groaned Greg as he shoved three fingers into Maki’s pussy. The brown haired woman let out another sexy moan, rocking her body back and forth on his fingers while Sheila sucked on her nipples. He then leaned down over Maki, sliding his tongue along her spine, tasting her.


“Mmmmmmn, yeah? You like fucking our child baring pussies?” Maki asked with a moan, “I really should introduce you to my daughter someday!” she said, then moaned again as Greg began finger fucking her even harder.


“You’re such a perv Maki, a mother/daughter threeway?” said Sheila.


Maki only winked and stuck her tongue out. To which Sheila responded by grabbing her face and pulling Maki into another lewd kiss. The three of them switched positions again after that, with Maki riding on Greg’s dick in a cowgirl position, her giant tits bouncing up and down wildly. Maki’s body wasn’t hindered in the slightest, almost as if those huge tits weighed nothing to her!


YESSS, HMMMMM! I LOVE FEELING A BIG, THICK, HARD COCK STUFFING MY CUNNNT!!” Maki moaned, a look of wild pleasure on her face.


“Mmmmmh, you look so slutty and hot right now Maki…” Sheila said as she straddled Greg’s face, her face flush with pleasure as he ate out her pussy. The two women bucked and rolled their bodies atop the young fishman, all moaning and grunting like some wild beast. Maki and Sheila then began kissing each other again, their tongues swirling and dancing around one another.


It wasn’t long before they tired of that position and moved over to the couch. Sheila found herself laying back with her legs splayed wide as Greg drilled his cock into her pussy again and again. The salmon pink haired woman moaned in ecstasy, her feet bobbing in the air with her toes curling inward.


Next to her on the couch, Maki leaned against the armrest, one hand holding up one giant tit. It was so soft her fingers sank in so deep they all but vanished from sight. Her other hand was set firmly between her legs, the middle and ring fingers slipping in and out of her hot little pussy. Slick juices glistened on her fingers as she watched the pair while sucking on her own huge nipple.


“Nmmmmmh, yeah…” Sheila moaned, looking right at Greg, “Shove that fat dick into me harderrrr…” she said in a low voice, “Ohhh, oh yeeaaahhhh… Ahhh, make me cummMMM!” she begged, her voice rising as Greg shoved his length back and forth, a small but noticeable dent rising and falling in her flat stomach.


OHHH FUUUUUUCK!!!” Sheila then screams, her pussy gushing hard now as Greg grunted and groaned, slamming into her again and again, making her big tits jiggle and bounce with the force of his thrusts. Sheila grabbed onto her own tits, squeezing them tightly as Greg kissed her, their tongues wrestling one another’s. He held the kiss with her a long while, Sheila’s overflowing juices dripping off his balls and thighs every time he made her squirt!


“Ahhhn, me next!” Maki moaned, “Me next!”


Greg groaned, pulling his cock out of Sheila’s cunt, long strands of their mixed fluids stretching away from her pussy, keeping her connected to his dick for just a few seconds longer. Greg then climbed up onto the couch, standing over Maki and shoving his cock between her lips, standing over her in a sword swallowing position!


GUUGUUUPH!!” Maki gagged loudly as he began fucking her throat from that pose. Her eyes rolled back in her head again as bubbles of her saliva gathered around her lips! Sheila, not happy having her cock taken away again, crawled over and began licking at his balls once more. Both women moaned like a pair of prostitutes as Greg slowly pulled his cock back again, then grunted as he busted his nut all over both their face. Rumii, Moka,Kalada and practically climaxed again watching Greg’s money shot! All four of them slowly slid down to concrete, sitting down to catch their breath.


“Ahhhh…” Poppii sounded in an exhausted tone.


“Whooo…” Rumii let out, overwhelmed by what she saw.


“Annnnahhh….” Kalada cooed.


“Ahhhhn, so hot!!!” Sheila moaned, rubbing the thick white spunk all over her face.


“And it stinks so good!” Maki added, moving to lick the cum off of Sheila. The other woman made a plaintive sound as both of them began licking the cum off of one another! Afterwards the trio got dressed. Moka stood up briefly and looked into the window, seeing that Greg and Maki were fully dressed and about to walk out of the door.


GO!” Moka blurted out before running around the corner and behind the trash can she and the other goblins used to conceal themselves before. Kalada, Poppii and Rumii followed. They hid behind the trash cans until the visitors were gone. They left Mrs. Henderson’s yard and wandered down Victory Drive, peeping into windows to see if they could catch anyone else having sex. Along the way they pillaged the insides of dumpsters, leaving trash and torn remnants of the bags that contained it scattered in the streets.



(Back at the Williams’s residence….)


Xavier tossed and turned in bed over and over. The BSU recruit knew he needed water for his mouth was parched and dry. Xavier got out of bed and walked to the refrigerator. He grabbed eight bottled waters and drank them back to back in rapid succession.


“Ahhhh…!” Xavier sighed, feeling some relief from his thirst. He stretched his arms over his head, let out a yawn and walked back to the living room. Now completely alert, Xavier noticed that Poppii, Moka, Kalada and Rumii weren’t in their beds.


“Fuck!” grunted the frustrated recruiter. He tapped Jett to wake him up.


“The girls are missing. They snuck out while we were sleeping…” Reported the young man. Jett hopped to his feet.


“I don’t know how long they’ve been gone. It’s not safe for them to be out.” Xavier remarked with a look that was a mixture of stress and worry. His imagination began running wild with possible scenarios…



Rumii, Kalada, Moka and Poppii ran for their lives as several pick up trucks chased after them. Passengers of the trucks fired rounds from shotguns and rifles at them. Other passengers in the truck yelled anti-goblin slurs and waved flags around.



Xavier power walked out of the door immediately after his fearful thought ended.


ARF!! ARF! ARF!” (I got you bro. Let’s bring em back.)


Xavier and Jett ran down the street looking for them. Jett sniffed around tracking their scents. The man and dog duo saw the trash in the streets as they advanced further. After walking several blocks and making numerous turns, Jett stopped walking and barked loudly.


ARF! ARF! ARF!” (The scent is getting stronger. I think I found them!)


Jett shifted to his left and ran diagonally toward a park. Xavier followed, eventually arriving at a local playground. There he saw them all playing. Rumii was on one of the swings, Kalada was hanging upside down from her legs on the monkey bars, Moka was going down a slide and Poppii was building a castle with sand. Xavier immediately let out a sigh of relief. As he walked up, all four of the goblins took notice of him and stopped what they were doing. They all approached Xavier with their heads down as if they knew they were caught doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing.


“You can’t just sneak out of the house at night like that. It’s not safe. You could have been hurt or kidnapped by somebody, especially with how people treat goblins in this city.” The young man spoke calmly, looking each of the four goblin women in the eyes as he explained his point. All four nodded their heads, noticing the look of worry in Xavier’s face.


“Alright let’s go home. Y’all should still be asleep right about now. And let’s pick up all this trash on the way back to the house.” Xavier ordered. Moka, Poppii, and Kalada followed his instructions as they walked back.


“You really came through for me today Jett. First saving Kalada this morning and now tracking them down for me. I appreciate it man.” Xavier said to Jett gratefully.


ARF! ARF ARF ARF!” (They’re a little rough, but I like em. The goblins are cool with me!) Jett replied. Both Xavier and Jett nodded their heads, in sync with one another.


With a long day behind him, Xavier could finally get a few hours rest. But what’s in store for him next? Find out on the next exciting chapter of BSU Legends!




Story by Strider_Seiryu


Special Thanks

(An IMMENSE THANK YOU! to our Patrons)

💧 Emiya 💧
💎 Marorin 💎
💻 Matthew Lewin 💻
💥 Myku Nailenne 💥
🍑 Prince Noctis 🍑
💫 Racerx9 0 💫
🍌 Rex 🍌
🍄 Sannin of Shadows 🍄
💯 Shwoopy 💯
🍪 Strider 🍪
Tahj Mitchell
☄️ Velajuel ☄️
🍔 Zaz Mazaz 🍔
clinton nguyen
Joey Ellis
Nan Shu
Peter Hyjek
Tim Tim
Warenz da Walruz
陳 伯麟
Dani Ramos
Michael Bartone
맨 비스트


If you enjoy the series, please consider supporting it on the Welcome to BSU Patreon: [LINK]

We have a discord where you can interact with the writer (Strider-Seiryu) and the artist (Rtenzo) and we are always on 👍

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5 months ago

I don’t want to be rude, but when will the next BSU chapter be out?

5 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Could we expect to see it tomorrow? It’s been eleven days.

6 months ago

How do you think a chapter with Matsunami X Sara as the focus would go? Assuming you’re down for more BSU Yuri.

They seem like they’d have a fun dynamic, given their personalities.

6 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Impress? You mean in bed?

She’s gonna do the same thing Xavier had to do in the first chapter, isn’t she?

I could see scissoring and double dildo’s being used as a stand in for penis-to-vaginal acts.

7 months ago

When is Mei gonna get some action?

7 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Lesbian action?

7 months ago

You’re an amazing writer. Probably the best one on the site. Yet you only write for this one series.


7 months ago
Reply to  Anon

Thank you for the compliment. To add to Rtenzo’s answer, I find it easier and more fun to write for my own and Rtenzo’s original characters than it is to work with established canon characters. I have more creative freedom in terms of character personalities, traits and behaviors.

7 months ago

Great chapter.

How old is Mrs. Henderson? What are her kid(s) names/how old are they?

7 months ago
Reply to  Bougois

She’s in her mid to late 30’s. She has a daughter that is college age, 18. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for the support!

7 months ago

nice story and nice to see some shortie. Hope to see one day cow girl like marguerite ~

7 months ago
Reply to  Ikana

There is a cow girl in the BSU cast. Her name is Elizabeth. She has art on the site. Thank you for reading!

7 months ago
Reply to  Strider_Seiryu

thanks ! but am still searching the visual of her and haven’t found it yet ^^’