Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Debaucherous Dueling

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXV): To Be Continued

MEN, DO, KOTE!!!!” shouted Uzu Sanageyama as he launched himself at Satsuki Kiryuin. His shinai sword moving with a speed faster than most human eyes could hope to follow.


Most human eyes.


Wielding her own shinai blade, Satsuki countered every strike with utter ease. The sun was beating down on the pair as they stood on the beach, but Satsuki wasn’t even sweating yet.


Most might say it was because the dark haired man was distracted by the fact that Satsuki was completely naked, but the ebony haired woman knew better. They were standing on the nude beach that Satsuki had taken a liking to back when they started everything. Satsuki felt no shame standing before her subordinate completely naked. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was a nude beach and he too was naked, but rather more that Satsuki had completely accepted her own body and sexuality. More than that, Satsuki enjoyed feeling the eyes of others gazing lustfully at her. Though if Uzu looked at her as a woman, he hid it well, considering that his cock wasn’t the least bit hard. Satsuki didn’t know whether or not to be insulted by that.


MEN, DO, KOTE! MEN, DO, KOTE! MEN, DO, KOTE! MEN, DO, KOTE! MEN, DO, KOTE! MEN, DO, KOTE!” Uzu repeated over and over like a mantra. Satsuki didn’t have the heart to tell him, but his constant repeating pattern made it beyond easy to counter every strike. With every called out attack, Satsuki easily parried, though she didn’t counter, even though she had seen multiple chances to do so. Thankfully, when Uzu was being serious in a fight, he didn’t make this mistake.


MEEEEEN!!!!” Uzu shouted, going for her head with a keener focus.


Instead of blocking, Satsuki gracefully moved her body out of the path of his attack, only to see his blade coming at her from the side!




The sound of their shinai colliding echoed across the beach. Satsuki had barely managed to counter in time. She actually felt her heartbeat pick up speed with the sudden rush of adrenaline. Instantly her real guard was up! Her senses sharpened, as the world around her seemed bright as she let everything in, taking in every detail around her. From the clear blue sky overhead, to the feel of the sands beneath her bare feet. The sound of the waves washing against the shore as the tide began moving back in, to the salty smell of the ocean. There was something else in the air too, a scent she had grown to enjoy in recent months.


The scent of a man.




The two fighters instantly backed away from each other as their wooden blades both cracked, splintered, then both shattered at the point that they came in contact with each other! The two stood across from one another in a ready stance, with both hands on the hilts of their ruined weapons.


“Heh, I thought I finally had you there!” Uzu said with a grin as he panted slowly for breath.


“You nearly did. I was genuinely surprised. I did not think you were the type to use a feint like that.” Satsuki replied.


“Oh, you think I didn’t know my moves were that easy to read?” he asked, “I’ve known for a long time that my calling out my movements was a weakness. Or so I wanted my opponents in official matches to think.”


Satsuki raised a thick eyebrow, “Oh?”


Uzu smirked, still holding his readied stance, “That’s right, you never attended any of my matches when we were taking over schools.”


“There was no need when I knew what the outcome would be.” Satsuki replied coolly.


He shrugged, “True enough, though if you had, you would have seen that was how I won in the finals many times,” he explained, “In the early matches, I won with my speed primarily. By the time of the finals, my opponent would notice how I called out my movements and would counter just as you did, until I did a feint and dealt a critical blow.”


“Not exactly sporting,” Satsuki said, “But also not against the rules either. A feint is a well known move, and any who can’t read one coming, deserves to lose.”


“Exactly,” agreed Uzu, “So, shall we call this a draw?” he asked Satsuki.


Dropping her ready stance, Satsuki casually tossed her broken weapon aside before dropping into a stance of her own design. Her hand-to-hand combat style was of her own making, which was a mixture of Karate, Taijutsu, Tae Kwon Do, and Tiger Style Kung Fu. She had never really used it in actual combat, as having Bakuzan at her side negated the need to. But even now, Satsuki kept up with her training.


“I don’t recall that being an option.” she said in the same cool tone.


Uzu smiled and tossed his broken shinai aside as well before dropping into a stance of his own. Satsuki had never seen Uzu fight hand-to-hand before. Though she knew he was capable, as the one in charge of all the sports clubs, he had to have SOME ability of merit.


Uzu moved first, closing the short distance between them and striked with a straight forward punch. Satsumi blocked, using her right arm to deflect it away, she then quickly countered with her own punch. To his credit, Uzu blocked as easily as she had and the two began trading blows in a flurry of rapid kicks, punches, and elbow strikes.


TAH, HIYA, HAI!!!” Uzu shouted, his body moving like a blur, punch, kick, punch, kick, elbow strike. Satsuki smiled, returning every blow in kind, only to have them blocked. The dark haired girl was breathing heavily now, finding herself actually exerting herself a bit. The two moved in a kind of dance, attacking, blocking, and dodging. Sand was kicked up in thick clouds from their swift movements. Satsuki felt a new appreciation for the invention of the bra as her huge tits annoyingly threw off her balance several times. It was only her years of training and skill that allowed her to compensate and continue the match.


TAH!!!” Uzu yelled as he threw a roundhouse kick which Satsuki countered with her own. Their shins collided with a powerful THWACK and the two stood, their legs up high. They were only supported by each pressing their weight into the other, otherwise such a pose couldn’t be sustained for more than a few seconds. Those images of martial artists holding this pose unsupported were a bit of a misnomer, it could be done, but not for any protracted length of time. It wasn’t a skill issue, but rather one of body structure and balance. The human figure simply wasn’t intended for this whatsoever.


The dark haired man smirked at Satsuki, clearly enjoying himself. Satsuki grinned back, as it had been a while since she felt challenged in a hand-to-hand match. Uzu’s eyes then drifted downwards, and she saw his face redden slightly as they zeroed in on her widely spread legs.


“Hmm, it seems you’re a red blooded man after all.” Satsuki said as she saw his dick finally get hard! She surmised that he had managed to avoid an erection all the time by keeping himself from looking at her naked body. True, since this entire time he had either kept eye contact or respectfully looked down at the ground. It bothered Satsuki, if only slightly, that she felt better knowing he got aroused at the sight of her naked flesh.


Uzu loudly cleared his throat, looking away as the two broke their locked stances and backflipped away from each other. He then stood straight and proud (in more ways than one) a few feet from her. The dark haired woman had to admit, his size was impressive, not quite approaching Gamagori’s, Rei’s, or Jai’s level, but still well above average. Satsuki could feel a familiar and now welcome heat between her legs as she tensed an inner muscle. Her stance shifted away from a combat readiness form to a more casual one.


“It would seem we’re fairly evenly matched.” she admitted formally. She then moved her left hand to rub over her thigh, slowly dragging it up her body and grabbing her own tit. She hefted the heavy mound of flesh upwards, bouncing it lightly in her grip. “Might I suggest a different form of combat going forward?” she asked, spreading her legs a bit and openly rubbing at her pussy with the other hand. Just seeing Uzu’s hard dick was getting her engine going, she could already feel her pussy getting damp and letting out a slow trickle of juices.


She suppressed a laugh at the way he gulped and his dick jounced up and down, twitching with the desire to feel her cunt wrapped around it. Satsuki slowly licked her lips, smiling inwardly at the reaction she got as his cock seemed to grow even bigger right in front of her. Ryuko had been right, after all. During a dinner together a few nights ago, her little sister was telling her about something she’d noticed in the Porn Anime club’s many movies. How the way a woman licked her lips could be one of the most erotic things shown besides tits, dicks, and cunts. She even demonstrated for her. At first, Satsuki found it silly, but context was everything, as there was clearly a practical use for such a gesture.


Satsuki began rubbing at her pussy harder, her fingers making a wet squishing noise as they pushed in and out of her hungry hole. Her other hand squeezed and kneaded at her breast, the nipple going stiff from the attention. The dark haired girl’s deep blue eyes remained on Uzu’s still throbbing dick. She felt her arousal only grow at the sight of the bulging veins along the shaft as she imagined how that thing would feel moving in and out of her. She then turned her eyes up to his and smiled.


“Come!” she yelled.


HUURAAAH!!!!” yelled Uzu as he charged Satsuki, closing the distance between them in the space of a single heartbeat. He grabbed both her wrists as he pushed her up against a nearby boulder, pinning her to the side of the stone.


AAAHAAAAH!!!!” Satsuki moaned as Uzu wasted no time with foreplay, jamming his cock inside her with a swift motion. Her legs moved instantly, wrapping around his waist, locking that fat dick inside her.


YESSSSS!!!!” she hissed, bucking her hips against him as he began pumping his cock in and out of her. “HMMMMMMMMMH!!! FUUUCK!!!” Satsuki moaned, loving the feeling of a thick, hard, throbbing cock moving in and out of her. She clamped down with her inner muscles, forcing Uzu to thrust into her harder.


HURR, HURR, HURR, HURR, HURR…!!!” Uzu grunted again and again, swinging his hips wildly. His big cock making a visible lump in her abdomen, although it didn’t stretch her stomach up like Rei or Gamagori, but it still felt amazing!


YES, HARDER, HARDERRRR!!!” Satsuki moaned, rolling her hips into his thrusts as he kept her arms pinned up against the side of the boulder, “RAVAGE MY PUSSY!!!! AHHHHHH, FUUUCK!!!


“Hmmmph, hmmmmph, hmmmmmph!!!” grunted Uzu as he slammed his cock into her over and over. Satsuki could feel her pussy clinging to his cock every time he pulled back, then gushing with juices when he slammed it back inside.


NMMMMMMMMMH, MMMMMMH, HOOOOOOH!!!!” moaned Satsuki, “FEELS GOOD, SO HAAARD!!! AHHH FUCK, KEEP GOING, POUND MY HOLE HARDERRRR, RAVAGE MY CUNT WITH THAT FAT DIIIICK!!!!!” she howled in pleasure. Uzu then let go of her wrists, moving his hands to grab her rounded ass as he pulled away from the boulder. Satsuki wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders, keeping herself upright as Uzu held her aloft, bouncing her up and down on his cock. The SMACK SMACK SMACK of his balls slapping against her ass was nearly as loud as her screams as she felt her entire body shaking in pleasure.




Uzu grunted like a beast, swinging his hips and slamming his cock into her even harder. Bending his knees and using them like a spring, he made Satsuki fall down onto his cock even harder every time his cock moved inside. Satsuki leaned herself back, with her arms falling away from his shoulders to hang from her shoulder like limp noodles.


AHHHH FUUUCK!!! FUCK MEEEE, FUCK MEEEEEE!!!!” she moaned, looking down at the phallic shaped lump in her abdomen as it became more pronounced from the angle. It didn’t reach as deep as she was used to, but it still spread her pussy wide, and she loved it! Satsuki then leaned herself back, her body leaning away from Uzu’s at a ninety degree angle. She used her arms to keep herself upright as Uzu grabbed her thighs, holding onto them as he pounded his cock in and out of her pussy.


HURR, HURR, HURR, HURR…” Uzu continued grunting, his cock moving in and out of Satsuki easily.




HEEH, HEH, HEEEEH, HIYAAAH!!!” Uzu roared, and Satsuki let out a loud squealing moan as he grabbed her left leg and pulled her into a splitz position as he spun her around on his dick until she was facing down towards the ground. The feel of his cock turning inside her pussy made her eyes go cross for a second.


Satsuki quickly found herself bracing herself upright on her arms, with her huge tits rubbing against the sand as Uzu pounded her from behind in a wheelbarrow position. She could feel her butt rippling with every impact of his pelvis against her as he began pushing her forward. Satsuki walked on her hands as Uzu began moving them along the beach.


HAAAH, AHHH, AAAH, OH FUUUCK, SO GOOOOD!!!!” Satsuki moaned in a deep throaty voice as they continued moving down the beach. “KEEP GOING, FUCK MEEEE, AHH SHIIIIT, GONNA CUMMMM, YESSSSS!!!!” Satsuki howled in ecstasy.


HRMMM, HRMM, HRMMMM!!!!” grunted Uzu as he began slamming his cock into her even faster as they began running across the beach.




HRAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Uzu howled as he slammed his entire cock inside again. Satsuki’s deep blue eyes closed at the familiar and welcome sensation of thick, hot, and sticky cum filling her cunt. The volume wasn’t enough to bloat her stomach, but that didn’t matter as Satsuki let out a long wailing moan of pleasure as she came hard. Her toes curled in so hard that they actually began to cramp slightly.


The two of them came to a stop on the beach and Uzu fell over in a heap on top of Satsuki. She barely even felt his weight however as she panted hard from cumming so hard. She didn’t know how long they laid like that, nor did she care. Uzu was the one to move first, pushing himself up and off of her before rolling over to lay at her side. Satsuki then pushed herself up on her elbows, grimacing slightly at all the sand that now clung to her sweaty naked flesh. Luckily the ocean was only a few paces away and she could rinse off the worst of it.


“Hah, hah, so…” Uzu began, “Who wins?”


She smirked, “I suppose we’ll have to call it a draw, this time.” she told him.


“This time.” Uzu agreed, and the two of them laughed.


Story by Sailor Io

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1 year ago

Amazing and hot. It’s good to see Uzu getting some attention and credit too and I really like him as a character.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

He was the only one I could think of who fit the body type for the man in the image. 😛

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That’s cool and Uzu is underrated, so I think that he deserves more credit and appreciation. Nice character interaction and conversations between Lady Satsuki and Uzu too.

Nice battle as well and sorry for the late reply btw.

Looks like Satsuki has enjoyed Uzu’s cock as well and he’s no small guy himself that’s for sure.

1 year ago

I can’t get tired of that pose. Does it have any name?

1 year ago
Reply to  someone


Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

I hope more Ryuko

1 year ago

Can’t say either way

1 year ago

My first thought upon reading the title: “Finally! A worthy foe! Our battle will be LEGENDARY! *Satsuki shakes her fist angrily*”

1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

lol, I hope you enjoyed it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Man, it’s been ages since I’ve seen this story the first time. I do like the idea of how their initial sparring match turned into sex. I also enjoyed how it was somebody else than the usual futa girls this time around.

Neat chapter as always.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I’d like to use Marcus again as I wanted to build something between him and Ryuko.

1 year ago

Been a while since we had a KLK entry in here. Like a really long time.

But it doesn’t change the fact that it was a fun little chapter. More so considering it’s a Satsuki focused one.

Not just with the match up she and Uzu had, but also the sex they had afterwards. I personally think it was handled well. Not to mention the pacing.

Hope to see more sometime. 😎

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I look forward to doing another KLK in the future as well.

2 years ago

Didn’t sanageyama get over his mantra dependency ages ago?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian


1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

During the kill La kill ova sanageyama fights and defeats a doppelgänger of himself of the past not only declaring that he has surpassed his old self but then tells that doppelgänger to shut the hell up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielian

Read the fight more closely, he was doing that to try and throw her off