Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Thousand Hentai Harem Nights

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part XVIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XX): [LINK]

SANJI!!! SAAAAAAANNNJIIIII!!!!!!” Luffy’s voice echoed across the Thousand Sunny, loud enough for even Nami to hear it inside the library. “WE CAUGHT ONE!! WE’RE EATING TAKOYAKI TODAY!!!!!


TA~KO~YA~KI~♪” Usopp, Chopper, and Carrot chimed in with their captain, which only annoyed Nami even further, as she just wanted to get her work done. “TA~KO~YA~KI~♪♪ YEAH!!!


As if someone heard her unspoken wishes, three loud ‘BONKS!’ quickly silenced the overly enthusiastic pirates, “Would you all shut up?! I’ve heard you the first time, alright?!” grunted Sanji, probably after kicking his three male friends. “And besides, Nami-swan wants to draw that map! Your shouting will only distract her! Now give me that octopus so I can get to work!”


Thanks, Sanji!’ she thought at him, grateful for the silence that followed afterwards. The busty orangette leaned over the half finished map in front of her, then reached for her triangle ruler and pencil, and continued drawing.


Every once in a while she glanced over towards the Smartbox she purchased the other day. Its ability to show her the pictures she took with it immediately and whenever she wanted was incredibly helpful. With her now able to look at the pics of Supaima’s shoreline she took when they left the other day, as well as the information she gained from exploring the island itself with Vivi a while ago, it was even easier for her to now fully map it out! It was almost too easy!


In just an half hour, she was able to finish the work that usually would have taken her an hour at minimum. All that was left to do now was to write down descriptions and information about notable landmarks and towns with a feather pen. Afterwards, she just needed to calculate the exact distance between Supaima and the nameless island where they had fought against the Heart Pirates more than a week ago, to get a better understanding about their exact placement in the world.


“Ahhh~!” she sighed, happy with the final product that she got. Holding it up into the warm rays of sunlight that shone through the window behind her, she got one more good look at the finished map before putting it into the atlas with the other maps she’d already drawn. “One tiny step closer towards achieving my dream! Hehehehe!! I’ll do it, Bell-mère, just you watch!”


Closing the atlas, she looked up at the wooden ceiling above her and spun around in the brand new swiveling chair that they bought alongside some other furniture when they upgraded the Thousand Sunny. Now over 25 meters longer and 10 meters higher than before, the ship offered a wide variety of new things for each member of the Straw Hats to enjoy! It was truly a ship worthy of the future King of the Pirates and a current member of the Four Emperors!


Nami pushed herself through the room, as the wheels on the chair rolled smoothly over the wooden floor beneath, until she came to a halt in front of a table with a relatively accurate globus on it. At the very least it depicted all the major nations the World Government was made of and its closest allies. But even islands and archipelagos like Wano and Totland were clearly visible, most likely due to their huge impact on global politics.


“Mhm!” Nami nodded as she stood up from her chair to walk over to the bookshelf next to it. A little chest rested on top of it, too high for any of her crewmates to get their hands on it without using their special powers and tricks, “Zeus, would you be so kind?” she asked the sentient Clima-Tact in her hands.


“Sure thing, Nami!” replied the Homie, stretching out like a snake and snaring around the wooden chest to put it down on the table.


It creaked a little bit as Nami opened the lock with the only key to it, one that rested deep within her cleavage at all times to keep it safe from any prying eyes or thieving hands. She sighed, “But what’s the point of living out one dream if I don’t have any money to enjoy the good life?” asking nobody in particular, tears filled her eyes after taking a look at the almost completely empty chest. Only a handful of 10,000 Belly papers were left inside. “Oh well, I guess that means I simply have to pull through with that plan!”


“I take it that means you’re done with work?” Robin’s voice asked behind her.


The orangette knew better than to freak out at her friend’s sudden appearance, “Yep!” she instead answered as calmly as possible before locking the chest and putting it back to where it belonged. “You mind getting the oth-!”


“On it as we speak!” answered Robin before Nami even finished her question, “We’ll be here with you in a minute.” the older woman said. Then, just as quick as she appeared, Robin vanished in a cloud of pink flower petals again.


Outside of the ship’s library, Nami could hear Robin getting the other girls, leaving her with enough time to clean up the mess that was left after her work earlier. After just a little while, footsteps announced to her the impending appearance of all her female friends in the crew right as she sat down on her chair. Robin, the real one, entered the room again, closely followed by Vivi, Rebecca, Carrot, and Yamato. While Vivi wore a blue slingkini with the two strings only barely thicker than shoelaces and Rebecca sporting a golden bikini top with a checkered pattern and cropped shorts that revealed most of her long and sexy legs, the other two girls were dressed in mostly relatively conservative clothes.


“You wanted to talk with us after you’re finished?” asked Carrot. The blonde rabbit Mink tilted her head slightly to the side, eagerly waiting for her friend’s answer.


They had already briefly talked about the topic back during lunch, but Nami didn’t want to talk about it with all the other men around, “Yes! You remember our shopping trip yesterday, Carrot?” she asked in return.


“Well… yes. How could I not?” A dreamy look spread across the white bunny’s face as she recalled the events, “Usopp piston-fucked my ass so good~! And last night it felt as if he was still inside of me!” she said without a hint of shame on her face.


“Good. Good! And you…” Nami looked over her folded fingers and towards the two blushing princesses. “Vivi here told me that both of you are in love with Luffy, is that right?”


They nodded at once, with Rebecca being the more abashed of the two about the subject. “Mhm!”


“Nami? What exactly is it that you want to do with this information?” Vivi took a step forward, with her head glowing in a pink light of embarrassment. “You’re usually not someone who intervenes in other people’s private space unless there is something for you to gain. I assume you have a plan of sorts?”


“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Nami laughed nervously in an attempt to hide her blatant lie, “We’re friends and I just want to help you! Is that so weird?” She pushed herself up from her chair again and stared out of the window where the ocean kept glittering under the afternoon sun. “Same with you, Carrot. As you’re probably aware by now, Carrot has… a little mating problem throughout the month that keeps her from performing as well on this crew as she otherwise could.


Listening to the navigator’s explanation, Yamato crossed her hands in front of her muscular chest, “I think I know where this is going!” the tall woman said after a while. “But what does this have to do with me? I don’t really have any of those problems.”


“I’m glad you asked!” the tattooed girl clapped in her hands as she turned around to face the other girls again. “You’re quite the well-versed girl, having read Oden’s journal and, for better or worse, having grown up in the crew of an Emperor. I had hoped you could assist m- I mean, us. You could help us with all your knowledge and wisdom when it comes to how the really big names in the pirate world operate. No offense, Robin.”


The black haired archaeologist shrugged her shoulders, watching the interaction from her seat on the green couch that circumnavigated most of the room, “None taken. Baroque Works functioned way less than a pirate crew anyways, so Yamato is easily the smarter one between me and her in that regard.” she replied.


“Wait! Wait! Time out!” Rebecca cut in, “What are you talking about here? What does this Oden-guy or Yamao-chan being the child of Kaido have to do with our situation?” she asked, with the bashful expression having been replaced by one of utter perplexity.


“To get straight to the point, I want you girls to be in a harem for Luffy!” Nami answered, much to the surprise of anyone but Robin and Yamato, who had either already known about this plan or, at the very least, had their guesses about it. Before any of the other girls could reply, she raised her hands, gesturing to them to wait with any questions. “Let me explain: Luffy… is dumb! Stupid! Ignorant in regards to any romantic feelings you might have towards him! If you want to come together with him by any “normal” means, it will never work!”


“She’s right!” Robin chimed in, “He told us about his brief stay on Amazon Lily and how Boa Hancock constantly asked him if he would marry her.” A warm smile graced her soft and plump looking lips. “It was actually quite funny, since Sanji cursed nonstop for two days and didn’t cook anything for him the entire week afterwards.”


Nami chuckled, “Yeah, that was hilarious!” she cleared her throat and waited until the other girls also calmed down after giggling at that little story. “Anyways, the point is that you won’t get anywhere with Luffy if you do things the normal way! So, my idea was that you form a harem, and we tell him that all the bigshots in the pirate world have one as well, and that any pirate without a harem will get looked down upon by his contemporaries. That way, your chances of actually getting together with him will rise drastically!”


“That… makes a surprising amount of sense!” was Vivi’s only remark, having grown more fond of the idea now that she heard her friend’s reasoning.


“I’ll take all of you as the kind of girls who don’t mind sharing one bed with one another, so why not extend this to Luffy as well?” Nami went on to say, now further encouraged by her friends’ slowly growing enthusiasm. “I’m sure he has more than enough energy to keep up with three, four, or even more girls, so at the very least, it would be well worth a shot.”


“I mean, you’re not wrong.” agreed Rebecca. The pinkette glanced towards Vivi. “And it’s not like we haven’t slept with one another before. As long as I can get the opportunity to spend more private time with Lucy, I’m more than okay with giving this idea a chance!”


Next to her, Carrot jumped up and down in her place, with her tits bouncing and jiggling erotically with the motion of her whole body. “Me too! Me too! I wanna get fucked by his thick dick all day long! I wanna have my womb stuffed to the brim with his babybatter!”


“I… I wouldn’t have said it like that, but I’m all for the idea as well!” Vivi joined the other two girls, with a little pearl of sweat rolling down the side of her head after listening to Carrot’s very direct wishes.


“Great!” Nami couldn’t help but smile brightly at how smoothly this whole thing was going, ‘And I thought I’d had to try way harder to convince them…’ she turned her attention towards Yamato. “How about you? You wanna be part of Luffy’s harem as well?”


The Oni Princess shook her head, “Sorry, but I have to decline! As it stands, I’d like to follow in Oden’s footsteps and create a harem of my own!” she told the young navigator. “And listening to your explanation just now made me realize just what I have been missing the entire time so far!”


“Oh, is that so?” Robin raised an eyebrow, “If you want your own harem, then I’d suggest you to start with Sanji. I’m certain that he wouldn’t mind spending some time in private with you, though I’m not too sure about how he feels sharing you with other men.” she joked, much to the delight of the other girls in the room who all giggled in response.


“Then it’s set!” decided Nami. “Tonight, when Luffy and I are on guard duty, I’ll tell him that we have to discuss something in our sleeping quarter and then…”



(That night…)


Waiting for Luffy and Nami to come into the girls’ room was one of the hardest things Rebecca ever had to endure in her young life! And she lived through Doflamingo’s reign of tyranny on Dressrosa! Every minute that went by felt like an eternity, the steady and silent ‘tick tack tick tack tick tack’ of the clock right above the door making it even more tortuous! Robin and Yamato had offered to take Luffy’s and Nami’s place guarding the ship today, so that those two could “talk” inside the girls’ room with Vivi, Rebecca, and Carrot about the Cat Burglar’s newest idea.


For this, the three girls had decided to wear only the most sexy and erotic outfits they could find, although Rebecca kinda doubted that Luffy would appreciate it all that much. Vivi’s consisted of black fishnet stockings that were held in place with a garterbelt while her pussy was left completely exposed. A lace top of the same color as the stockings hid her breasts behind an intricately woven flower pattern.


Carrot on the other hand opted to almost completely commando! Two red heart-shaped pasties were the only thing that covered her nipples, and even then Rebecca could still clearly see her bright pink areolas! Her pussy gushed in wanton need and anticipation, drenching the dental floss-thin thong that failed to cover it with love juices!


Meanwhile, Rebecca had chosen something akin to the dancer dresses that women in Arabasta wore sometimes. The only real difference was that this one was a whole lot more revealing, with the veil that was meant to hide her breasts and pussy so thin that everyone could see what was behind it! A similarly thin veil covered the lower half of her face, framing her elegant features and yet somewhat covering the beet red blush that would normally make her face glow in the dark of the room. The drumming of her own heart within her chest felt so loud in her ears, Rebecca was sure that her two friends were able to hear it as well!


What’s taking them so long?’ she thought, while catching herself staring at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time. Sweat began running down her back. ‘Was it really such a good idea?’ she looked at herself at the large and opulent mirror that adorned one of the walls. ‘I look ridiculous like that!


“Calm down, Rebecca!” the pinkette perked up. Somehow Vivi managed to appear behind her without getting noticed. The blue haired desert princess put one hand on Rebecca’s shoulder, giving her a light squeeze. “Everything’s alright! There’s no reason to worry about anything!”


Though Rebecca could sense that the other girl mostly wanted to calm herself down with this, she was glad about her friend’s support nonetheless, “Th- thank you!” she stuttered, leaning back against Vivi for support. The warmth of her body and the softness of her tits helped in making her feel more relaxed and at ease already.


“Yeah! Just think about all the fun ways that Luffy will fuck us once he’s in here!” Carrot called out to them from her place on a plush purple armchair in the middle of the room. “It’s gonna be a blast!”


“-nd remember, every big pirate that wants to become the Pirate King has at least one or two girls at all times. It’s sorta what separates the run of the mill captains from the really important ones!” Nami’s voice rang through to them from behind the thick door that led to the deck of the Thousand Sunny. The door was pushed open, followed by Nami shoving Luffy into the room. “Some might even say that it’s one of the things that determine what really makes the future King of the Pirates!”


Looking over his shoulder, Luffy watched as Nami closed the door behind her again, locking it with a key that she promptly put into the pocket of the hotpants that she wore, “So that’s why the Bird-Woman is sailing with Tra-guy nowadays and why she acts so strange around him… I see!” concluded the young captain.


“Oh, yeah… probably.” replied Nami, looking as if she hadn’t even thought about that possibility before, “I mean… ahem! Of course that’s the reason! It just means that Law is one step ahead of you already!” she said, playing Luffy like a fiddle by further bringing one of his rivals into this, all too well aware of how childish Luffy can react in such situations. “And do you really want to get outclassed by him?”


HELL NO!” Luffy answered, “I’ll show him that it’ll be me who will become the Pirate King!” he declared before leaning his head to one side, a visible question mark appearing above his head as something crossed his mind, “But who will be my… ramen girl then?” he asked.


Nami shook her head, “It’s called a harem, not ramen!” she explained matter of factly, “And I’m glad you asked, cause we have three lucky and willing girls here who wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with you. Isn’t that right?” The navigator put her hands on Luffy’s shoulder and spun him around, bringing him face to face with the three girls that were waiting for their time to say or do anything.


“You?” Luffy beamed at the two princesses and the bunny Mink, “You really wanna help me with this?” he asked before any of them had even the chance to say anything.


“Of course!” jumping out from the armchair, Carrot was the first to seize the opportunity. She took Luffy’s hand and pulled him further into the room. “I was waiting far too long for something like this! Getting fucked by Robin only helps so much! I need more!”


With surprising skill, Carrot pushed her captain into the chair and pulled away his red vest in one swift motion, revealing his muscular and scarred chest. The blonde then climbed on top of him, sitting down on his crotch and nibbling on his left earlobe. Her lipstick, from the set they bought way back in the Mushroom Kingdom, left behind a red mark as she kissed her way further down his neck.


Encouraged by the Mink’s actions, both princesses nodded at one another before silently agreeing to kneel down in front of the armchair. Only vaguely did they hear Nami say, “This is going even better than expected!” as they both unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his ankles.


His cock sprung free, almost hitting Rebecca in the face as she laid eyes on the many veins that ran up and down its length, “Ooooooooaahh~!!” she cooed, with her pussy greedily begging to feel this thing inside of her! Even while flaccid, Luffy’s dick was already thicker than her entire arm and as long as her arm from the elbow to the tip of her fingers!


HMMMMMMMOO!!!!” Vivi moaned next to her, gradually getting closer towards the young captain’s cock while Carrot continued grinding her ass against it.


“Feels so big already…!” mewled the white bunny as she clasped her hands around Luffy’s shoulder, “I want it inside of me!” she said, her pussy gushing against her captain’s chest. The clear juices ran down Luffy’s waist in small rivulets, their smell making it only more easy for Vivi and Rebecca to know what to do next!


“Alright! We’ll… get him ready for you!” said Rebecca with a side glance towards Vivi, who had already started to lick the side of Luffy’s cock.


The bluette’s eyes shimmered with lust as she undoubtedly savored his manly taste on her tongue, “MMMH… SHO RWICH AND… MANWLY!!” she slurred, letting her tongue dance over the head of Luffy’s dick before opening her mouth as wide as she could to get it past her lips. “ItadakimasuUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMPH!!!!!!!


HEY!! That’s not fair!” complained the other, pink haired princess as she watched Vivi’s neck bulge outwards due to Luffy’s size and girth, “I wanted to suck him first!” As she said that, she already lowered her head to get closer to his groin and to go for one of his fleshy family jewels instead.


SHISHISHISHI!!! That actually feels kinda good!” commented Luffy, giggling as Carrot started to kiss and lick on his collarbone, whereas Vivi bobbed her head back and forth on his cock in slow and steady motions. He turned to Nami, who had set up a tripod with her smartbox on top of it at the corner of the room. “I am allowed to cum this time around, right?”


“What? Why shouldn’t you be allowed to cum?” the tattooed Cat Burglar asked back, taken completely aback by her captain’s sudden question, “That’s where most of the fun comes from, isn’t it?”


Luffy shrugged with his shoulders, which caused his now half-hard cock to stir around inside Vivi’s mouth, forcing her to gag ever so slightly, “Dunno. Last time I had sex was because of Brook’s song, so I don’t know how it works normally. And before that, Hammock said that it’s some kind of training where the one who doesn’t cum wins. I thought that not cumming was the point of sex in general…?”


AGUGH, HMMUPH, GULLGWE, GUG, GUG, UGGGGH!!!!” Any response that Nami made went unnoticed by them as Vivi choked more and more around Luffy’s steadily growing dick. Her neck ballooned outwards as she struggled to get past the halfway point!


“Don’t worry~!” Carrot moaned against Luffy’s neck, brushing her wet nose against him, “You can cum as many times as you want to! I want to be full of your seed!” To further emphasize her words, Carrot pressed and grinded her fluffy butt even harder against Luffy’s cock, causing it to slip within its crack!


AMMPH! ID DIGGLSH MUH NOSHE!!” moaned Vivi, who was unable to swallow more of his cock than what she already held in her mouth, due to Carrot’s soft behind blocking her way.


SHO PHULL WIPH CUMMMM…!!” Rebecca slurred around one of Luffy’s balls, feeling all the cum stored inside of them sloshing around as Vivi went on with her blowjob as best as she could.


She closed her eyes in order to focus even more on the taste of Luffy’s cock in her mouth, “MMMNH, HRMMMPH, GURRRL, GRUUUGH!!!” she gagged and slurred repeatedly, making sure that her lips dragged behind the rest of her face erotically whenever she pulled back. “AYE WUV DISH TASHTE… AYE COUWD SHUGG DISH CAWK FOWEVAAAH!!!!


“Good thing I let Franky make the sleeping quarters soundproof!” Rebecca distantly heard Nami whisper.


Switching from one nutsack to the other, Rebecca moaned in pure bliss, “MMMMMHH…!!” she felt the warmth of Vivi’s body pressing against her own, ‘How did I live my entire life without this?’ she asked herself before mewling in surprise as she found one of Vivi’s arms around her back and the hand attached to it on her left tit. “IIIIIIIIEMPH!!!


At long last, Vivi finally ended her blowjob and gasped for air for only a few seconds before kissing the other princess on the cheek, “MWAH!!” Just like how there was a perfect yellow circle left on Luffy’s dick, a yellow mark of her lipstick appeared on Rebecca’s face after Vivi broke the kiss.


“Vivi…!” Rebecca licked Luffy’s nut one last time before letting the orb plop out of her mouth. She then pressed her chest some more against Vivi’s hand as she pulled her into a kiss. “HMM!!!


“Hnnnnnm!!” Vivi moaned softly into her friend’s mouth, allowing her tongue entrance into her own little mouth, while simultaneously probing her own tongue past Rebecca’s lips. “Re- Rebecca… I love this!”


“Meh too!” replied the pinkette. She could still taste Luffy’s cock in the other girl’s mouth as they began dueling tongues. From the corner of her eye, she saw Carrot pulling her thong down so that it wouldn’t get in her way once she rode Luffy. Without breaking the kiss, Rebecca held the base of the captain’s now fully erect cock as best as she could, so that her friend had a much easier time getting down on it!


“Thank yOOUUUUUUUUUUUHHH!!!!!” Carrot’s reply turned into an elongated squeal of pure bliss as she sat down on Luffy’s dick. Her normally flat stomach stretched out while she remained still for a short while. She rested her head on Luffy’s shoulder and panted lewdly, having climaxed already just by having his cock so very deep inside of her, “MMMH, Lu- Luffy… fuck me! HARD!” she then whispered, loud enough that both Vivi and Rebecca could hear it as well.


It sounded so hot, hearing their friend beg for something like that so desperately and with so much need in her voice!


The scarred pirate captain put both his hands on the bunny’s hips and grinned, “Gladly! Gear Second!” Luffy’s skin glowed in a pink light as steam came out of his body. “I hope you can keep up!”


That’s the only warning that Carrot got before Luffy began bouncing her up and down on his dick, matching the speed of his arms with that of his hips to drive his cock as far as he could over and over and over and over and over deep into her cunt. “WEAAAAAAH… MAAAAAH, HAAAAA…!!! MY PUSSY… YOU’RE SPLITTING ME IN HALF WITH YOUR THICK MONKEY-COCCCCCCCKKK!!!!!!!!


“Mmmmmh… she shoundsh sho cute shquealing like dat!” Vivi moaned into Rebecca’s mouth, pulling her even closer and playing with her rock hard nipples some more, “HMM!!” she then moaned even louder as Rebecca reached between her legs with one hand and pushed her middle and index fingers into the blue haired girl’s soaking pussy.


“‘ou’re sho whett…!” cooed Rebecca, a smile curling around her lips as she dipped her fingers in and out of the other girl’s hungry twat. A soft ‘squish squish squish’ echoed in her mind as Vivi reflexively clenched her hand harder around Rebecca’s tit. “Mhaaaaah!!”


HEHEHE!!!” Luffy cackled as he looked past Carrot’s shoulder to see what was going on between the two princesses, “Seems like you two are enjoying yourselves as well! Good!” He continued ramming his dick back and forth in the white furred girl’s ass. “Wouldn’t sit right with me if Carrot and I were the only ones having a fun time!”


“Oh, we awe enshoying ouwshelvesh!” slurred Vivi into her female partner’s mouth. Several thin threads of saliva connected their plump lips with one another as they made a show for Luffy with their intense and passionate tongue wrestling!


AH!!! YESSSS!!! POUND MY SLUTTY RABBIT HOLE EVEN HARDER!!!!!!!” shouted Carrot, her large tits pressed tightly against Luffy’s chest as she hugged him, “KEEP MAKING OUT WITH ONE ANOTHER!!!!!! IT MAKES HIM FUCK ME SO VERY, VERRRRRYYYY ROUGH!!!!!!!!” The rabbit Mink’s toes curled inward while her red painted fingers drew blood on his back as they sunk into the toned flesh. “CUMMMMMMMMINNGH!!!!!! I’M CUMMING SOOOOOO FUCKING MUUUUUUUUCCCH!!!!!!!


Finally breaking the kiss, Rebecca crawled towards the chair, making sure that her large tits scraped over the floor like a pair of oversized cow udders, “But just because we’re enjoying ourselves by our own, doesn’t mean that Carrot here can hog you all for herself!” she chided Luffy as she pushed her tits against the Mink’s soft and fluffy back. With one hand she reached around Carrot’s body and caressed the somewhat noticeable distention in her usually flat stomach. “I want to get pounded next!”


With the other hand, Rebecca cupped one of Luffy’s slippery and wet balls and squeezed it playfully. It was impossible to tell at first glance if they were so wet because Rebecca showered them with her tongue earlier, or because of Carrot’s umpteenth orgasm! He felt so hot, his body still glowing pink and steaming due to that trick of his!


“Alright! I’ll do you next!” promised the black haired youth, while rolling his hips and causing his cock to stir around inside of Carrot’s clit. The slightly off-sounding ‘PLAP… PLAP… PLAP…’ of Luffy’s one free nutsack smacking wetly against the blonde’s thighs and ass felt like the most beautiful thing any of the two princesses had ever heard. “Right… NOW!!!!


CUM!!!!! CUUUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!” Carrot suddenly screamed. In her hands, Rebecca could literally feel all of Luffy’s cum being pumped through his dick and into the other girl’s tight pussy, “SO MUCH MONKEY-SPUNK IN MY RABBIT HOLE!!!!! I’M LOSING MY MIND!!!!! SPUUUUUUNK! SPUNK, CUM, SPUNK, CUM, SPUNK, CUMCUMCUMCUMCUM!!!!!!!!” she repeated as though she were possessed.


Rebecca could feel Carrot’s stomach ballooning outwards even more as all that cum kept rushing inside of her, ‘Lucy’s painting her insides white!’ thought the former gladiator, with her own pussy twitching in raw, primal lust just by hearing all that cum being churned inside of the Mink!


AHRAAARGH!!!!” groaned Luffy. He lifted a near unconscious Carrot off of his dick while still more cum kept erupting out of it like magma from a volcano!


The viscous and salty fluid rained down on Rebecca’s tits, face, and hair, spreading a smell that Rebecca couldn’t quite put into words. Only one thing was clear! She wanted to feel this inside of her as well! Together with Vivi, she laid the still climaxing and cock-drunken Carrot on her bed, “Okay, now do me!” begged Rebecca as she laid down on her own bed on all fours and spread the folds of her ass. The dancer outfit she wore earlier laid as a messy pile on the ground, “And don’t you dare stop until I look exactly like Carrot!” she demanded, now at that point sick of waiting so long for her own turn to experience her savior’s cock!


“Okay!” was Luffy’s only response as he climbed on bed with her. He took hold of her wiggling butt and simply FORCED his entire cock into her!


AYEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!” squeaked the pink haired beauty. Her eyes crossed the same moment that the tip of his dick vanished inside of her tight butt. If it weren’t for his own cum, the abundance of Carrot’s orgasmic juices, and Vivi’s saliva all over his shaft working as some kind of lube, this probably would have hurt way more. “GODDDDDDDD!!!!! I’M ALREADY CUMMING!!!!!!


Cum dropped from her naked body in every direction as Luffy began thrusting into her with the same vigor as he did with Carrot just moments earlier, “You’re right, Nami… this whole ramen-thing is a really fun idea! I like it!” grunted Luffy through gritted teeth.


“Harem, Luffy! Harem!” corrected Nami somewhere to their left. “And I can see that you’re having fun!” From out of nowhere, the sound of a cash register could be heard by everyone. “Damn… this will make up for the renovations in no time!


Before Rebecca could ask what the orangette vixen meant with this, Luffy made her cum all over again, “MMMMNH, Fuck…!!” she moaned, biting down on her lower lips as the dimly lit room disappeared in front of her, due to her eyes rolling more and more back in their sockets!


YEAH!!! Take that! And that! And that! And THAT!!!!!!” roared Luffy with childlike glee as he pistonfucked her ass harder than she ever thought possible!


“Hard… to think…!! SO… hard! And BIIIIIIIGH!!!!!” The world around her vanished completely as she had her second orgasm of the day not even two minutes after the first one. “I’m… I’m losing my mind!!! IT JUST FEELS SO GOOD!!!!!!


“Mmmmmhh… yes! Fuck her slutty ass more!” encouraged Vivi. While Rebecca got her ass DESTROYED by Luffy’s frantic fucking, the former Baroque Works Agent had taken a seat on the now already awake Carrot’s face. She didn’t see it, but from the lustful expression on Vivi’s face, Carrot already did good work with her tongue. “Luffy, feel free to spank her as well! I’m sure she’ll love it!”


“Spanking?” For a dreadfully long moment that couldn’t take longer than just a few seconds, Luffy stopped pounding her ass. “But I thought only bad girls and boys get spanked…?”


Throwing her entire body back against his, Rebecca took Luffy’s schlong all the way to the base again, “Oh, yes! I’ve been a very naughty and bad girl!! And you need to punish me, Lucy!” she said, though it somehow only seemed to confuse him more. She shook her head, “C’mon! Just spank me already, please! It’s all part of the game!”


Luffy’s eyes lit up. If it was due to the desperate tone in her voice, or because he thought the prospect of a game to be fun, she didn’t know! Nor did she care as he finally lifted his hand, “Is that so? Well, in that case…!”




AHAYEEEEE!!!!” Rebecca’s ass wobbled and jiggled like jello after Luffy’s hand connected with it. She clawed the bed sheets even harder as yet another orgasm crashed down on her body and soul.


HRRGH!!” Luffy groaned. “Your ass suddenly got tighter… Is that a good thing?”


She nodded, “YESSSS!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!! SPANK ME MORE!!!!! TURN MY ASS RED!!!! PUNISH MEEEEE!!!” Rebecca begged, gyrating her hips against his in a way that caused his cock to rub all over and against her insides. “I DON’T WANNA BE ABLE TO SIT FOR AT LEAST TWO DAYYYYYSS!!!!!!!


“You sound so slutty, Rebecca! Like a whore!” said Vivi, with her voice full with delight as she kept massaging and kneading Carrot’s butt like dough, while also circling her tongue slowly around the other girl’s dripping pussy. She scooped up a large piece of Luffy’s cum and made a show out of gulping it. “Hmmmm… it tastes so good! Luffy, make sure that you give me a creampie later as well!”


NNGH!!! Come on, you guys… You know that I’m not a cook!” complained Luffy, spanking his current sex partner’s other ass cheek, “If you want some kind of pie, you’ll have to ask Sanji!”


GHEGHEGHEGHEGHEGHEGHE!!!!!” Carrot’s muffled giggle vibrated through Vivi’s body as she kept licking her asshole. “Shomeshing tellsh meh dat he wouldn’t mind dat!”


HRRRRMM!!!!!” Vivi locked her legs tightly around either side of Carrot’s face as an orgasm of her own washed over her, “Agaiiiiiiiiinn… Do it again, Carrot!!! Feels so gooooooooddd!!” she cooed, while the juices of her love trickled down the blonde girl’s chin and red flushing cheeks.


“Ash ‘ou wish, muh prinshessh!!”


FUCK!!! SO DEEP!!!!! YOU’RE SERIOUSLY MESSING ME UUUUUUPP!!!!!!” screamed Rebecca in a mix of pleasure and pain as Luffy kept spanking her butt every other second or so. “I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!!! I NEVER CAME SO OFTEN IN MY LIFE BEFORE!!!! I DON’T WANT IT TO STOPPPP!!!!! DON’T STOP, LUCY, YOU HEAR ME!!!!! CUM WITH ME!!! FILL ME UP WITH YOUR MONKEY-SPUNK!!!!!!!!!


“You got it!” he grabbed her hips tight and shoved his cock all the way into her ass!


For a moment Rebecca thought that he would try to get his balls in there as well. But he stopped and simply kept his cock there. Not even a second later, after he stopped moving, Rebecca was rewarded by the blissful sensation of something hot and sticky being pumped straight into her stomach!


CUMMMMMM!!!!! SO MUCH CUM!!!!!!!” she couldn’t help but smile like a madman, with her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth, as gallon after gallon of jizz left Luffy’s dick. “ALL THAT SPUNK… IT’S MAKING ME CUM AS WELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!


TAKE IT ALL!!!!!” roared the young captain.


BLORP, BLOOOORGH, GLOOORP!!! Cum sloshed around in her insides, she could feel her stomach being filled to the brim. When Luffy pulled his cock out of her ass again, it felt as though he pulled her innards with it as well, making her cum all over again as she fell forward as a motionless pile. The only sign that she was still alive was the twitching and trembling that followed as Luffy’s jizz oozed out of her ass afterwards, running down her thicc and creamy thighs!


More… I want… mo-!” darkness came over her as she passed out, fucked to unconsciousness by the man she loved!



-EED ME!!!!! GIVE ME LOTS OF LITTLE MONKEY BABIEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!” Rebecca heard another woman shouting in ecstasy. She blinked, only slowly remembering where and who she was, and what she was doing before she fell asleep.


A striking smell hit her like a Sea Train! The scent of sweat, sex, and all kinds of other bodily fluids filled the room in which’s center Carrot laid on a bed. Her legs were clenched tightly around Luffy’s waist to keep sure that he couldn’t get away as he mating pressed her deeper and deeper into the soft mattress! Her expression was one of utter pleasure as she bit down on her lips while her eyes kept rolling back into her skull!


“How… how long was I gone?” she asked nobody in particular and thus was even more surprised when somebody answered her.


“Not for long.” replied Nami. The orange haired Cat Burglar sat right under one of the windows. The red light of the early morning sun illuminated parts of the bedroom while keeping the others shrouded in darkness, “Vivi got her filling an hour or so ago…” she said while pointing at the young princess, who sat on another chair with a satisfied expression, with cum still rushing out of her pussy, “And Carrot wasn’t quite satiated yet, so she went for seconds!” A smile curled around her lips as she checked something on the Smartbox that she kept aimed at Luffy and the Mink at all times. “Good thing Luffy can keep up with you three, right?”


BRRRREEEEEEEED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” Rebecca winced slightly upon hearing the other girl’s guttural scream, followed soon after by the sound of cum once again getting pumped out of Luffy’s balls and straight into her womb!


Entranced by the sound, Rebecca pushed herself up and went over towards her lover. “Mnnnnnoh…!!” she knelt down next to Carrot and began lapping up all the cum that now trickled out the side of her pussy as Luffy slowly pulled his cock out again.


“Aaaaaahh… that felt good!” moaned Luffy, letting himself fall on his back for only a second as Carrot’s own body went limp and her leg lock opened around him, “Hm? You’re not satisfied yet?” he then asked Rebecca who kept lapping away his cum straight from the source. She simply shook her head, as she was far too busy enjoying his salty taste on her tongue. Despite cumming so often today, his cum stayed viscous and rich, as well as the amount staying almost the same the whole time. “Okay! One last time! But then it’s over! I’m getting hungry!”


Before Rebecca had even the chance to blink, Luffy jumped out of the bed. He wrapped his rubber arm around her waist and pulled her to him, spearing his cock into her wet pussy, “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” in an instant, new energy surged from her cunt through her entire body as Luffy began throwing his hips back and forth again.


“I’ll change it up a bit cause it’s getting kinda repetitive, okay?” Luffy informed her, with his body already getting a bit less warm as the pink glow disappeared and steam stopped coming. He bit on his thumb. “Gear Third!


“!” something snapped in Rebecca’s head as her lover’s dick suddenly doubled in size and girth! She let out a silent scream as her pussy got spread wider than she ever thought possible. Covered in cum as she was, and with more cum still oozing out of her pussy due to Luffy never actually having stopped cumming, she could only come to one conclusion, ‘Yeah…’ she distantly thought, and was already getting dizzy and drunk from the pleasure again. ‘This harem… is a good idea!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

Great work!

I know Shyarly is next, so could Usopp be one of the guys banging her in that?

Also, could Reiju appear soon? Like using one of the older Reiju works vy Rtenzo to make a story of her banging Usopp?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Thanks for enjoying this chapter.

And yes, Shyarly will appear in the next chapter. How did you know?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Rtenzo’s twitter.

And can Usopp be the one to actually bang her even though everyone gets blown by her?

Usopp deserves to bang more ladies IMO

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Ah, that makes sense, learning about it from Twitter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

If you can have Usopp bang more women and not just Carrot, I’d greatly appreciate it!

2 years ago

Rtenzo making this pic: Is this to much?… Nah more cum.

*10 minutes later*

Rtenzo: MOR CUM!

*dramatic music plays*

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

The more, the merrier lol. really outdid himself with this pic!

2 years ago

I can’t believe I made it through all of this. One of the longest chapters I’ve ever seen. 😳

But this was good. Really good.

So without getting into way too much detail, this really makes things really interesting. And also very opportunistic if you’re in the group of women (except for someone like Yamato and probably Robin). Still, I enjoyed reading this.

And it only got better when we made it to the second half. Especially how things were handled sexually speaking. And honestly, I don’t really know who enjoyed it the most. 🤣

So now I can only imagine what would happen next. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for next time.

Keep up the good work. 😃👏

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Come on… it’s not that long… XD. But yeah, I admit that I got a bit carried away with this chapter since One Piece is really my passion project here. This chapter, in my opinion, suffered more from this than benefited, but I still hope it came out alright.

The next one is already in progress and I hope I can make that one a bit better.

2 years ago

I love Viví’s character and I think it would be a great idea that in some future chapter she communicates with Igaram, Pel and Chaka, to tell them how she is doing because after her own father they are the few family she has besides the strawhats and also because she has a feeling of wanting to show how much she loves the three of them as much as her father, so it occurs to her to send the location of the next island where they will be and thus be able to see them and share a tender family moment, everything was fine at first but brook was so touched by the hug they give each other and it inspires him to sing a song but he didn’t get the right intonation which caused everyone to get horny and both i lived and his three guardians and they tried to resist the lust to no avail and soon their bodies respond on their own and Vivi letting herself go decides that this is the moment in which she can show her gratitude and love to her guardians/protectors

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous28

As much as I like reading your own personal little head-canon, and I really do that, things won’t necessarily turn out that way in this series. I appreciate all the thoughts and effort you put into this, but if you want me to actually include something, how about trying to bribe me first with some well-thought-out criticism (good or bad) about THIS story!

Reading comments that are purely about “will X happen in the next chapter?” or “wouldn’t it be cool if X happens to character Y?” makes me seriously wonder if you actually appreciate the time and effort I put into any given that you happen to comment underneath.

2 years ago

At last, I have returned!

So, lots to catch up on. First things first, HOLY SHIT YOU ACTUALLY TOOK MY ADVICE AND GAVE USOPP MORE SPOTLIGHT! Honestly it’s a little sad to think that nowadays listening to reviews and trying to incorporate them has become surprising. Then again, after what I put you through I kinda doubted you’d try to have Usopp play a more prominent role not out of spite but more so that I don’t get what I originally wanted. To be fair, I did originally want Usopp x Ulti but since you’re adamant on shipping her with Kid, c’est la vie.

I wonder if that harem thing Usopp talked about 4 chapters ago is going to be him and 4 giants? I mean, it makes sense that he would get 4 dommy mommy gfs since he’s basically a celebrity on Elbaf. I do hope he actually gets a harem in this story though (and if it isn’t too much to ask, put Ulti in there too).

All that Usopp stuff aside, I actually really like how you’ve been writing the characters (aside from the drastically different characters like Marguerite). No seriously, you actually seem to have a good grasp on most characters without needing to flanderize them. A feat that apparently even Oda can’t do!

One more thing; Vegapunk. How are you going to handle them? You don’t have to get into spoilers, you can be vague if you want to.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  way2dumb2live

Of course I include Usopp in the sex scenes. Would be weird if every other Straw Hat (aside from Brook and maybe Chopper for obvious reasons) would get into sex scenes but not him. It made sense in the story for Usopp to end up where he ended up and I’d never do something like this out of spite.

Also, I think I already said this before, but aside from maybe Sanji X Pudding or Mihawk X Perona, I don’t actually ship any couples in One Piece. Ulti is part of Kid’s crew because it made the most sense in my opinion. He’s the one who dealt the final blow on Big Mom, so it makes sense that Ulti looks up to him or wants to follow him since he did what she couldn’t and “avenged” her dear Pay-Pay.

Also also, the part where Usopp talked about “his” harem in a previous chapter was mostly meant as just a nudge/hint to the events of this chapter. If he’ll ever get his own harem, I do not know.

As always, I’m very happy to read your comments and see that you enjoyed the last few chapters!

2 years ago

One of my favourite chapters yet loved all of it would love for luffy to get his own harem like deku has hopefully nami and robin are in it would love to see them with luffy also the new artwork has been fantastic 10/10 great job

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hey

Already explained this in a previous story, but Nami doesn’t have any (romantic) feelings for Luffy. I assume the same goes for Robin as well. They will still have sex with him (and the others) from time to time, but they won’t join the harem.

2 years ago

Loved this chapter very satisfying seeing my favorite MC fucking a bunch of girls all at the same time too! Usually I’m not the biggest fan of harem related plotlines but I can definitely make an exception for this one.

Also I wonder how Yamato’s own harem would work out, either it involves her with a bunch of guys or she outright goes full futa mode (honestly hoping for the latter)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

To be honest, the whole harem is just an excuse to explain why Vivi, Rebecca, and all those other girls that would be scattered all over the world and who normally don’t necessarily know about one another are at the same place. I’m personally not the biggest fan of harem plots as well, given that it seems to make the girls somewhat one-dimensional (at least in my opinion).

Also, Yamato’s own harem was mostly just an excuse to keep her out of Luffy’s harem. Maybe she will get her own harem with Sanji or so though. I haven’t thought about it all that much yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

My main problem with most harem plots is the MC sadly I don’t think much are very interesting characters. If they acted more like Kazuma from Konosuba or Rance i’d like the genre more

2 years ago

Vaya haci que un Harem para el futuro rey, ojalá una mujer kuya forme parte del harem de Luffy :3

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Mishifu

Hope you’ll stick around to find out what’s up next.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Ojala aparesca Sandersonia, menuda mujer para follar… a esperar :3

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

Luffy siendo el rey teniendo a tremendas chicas
next black clover i need asta fuck noelle

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

What girls would be better fitted for the future Pirate King, than two princesses? XD
No need to look forward to anything Black Clover though. Rtenzo doesn’t seem interested in it.

2 years ago

A harem for Luffy? I love the idea! how many girls do you expect to join?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Asmodeo

Stick around to find out!

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

This was a great chapter and can’t wait for the other chapters and I wonder how Hancock will react to this and I hope luffy will fuck nami or Yamato or Robin in the next chapter but I will see it in the next chapters if you have information for it and I really enjoyed this chapter

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Happy to read that it resonated with you! Don’t know when Hancock will appear next, but I doubt that she’ll be aware of the events here by then.

Gustavo Silva
Gustavo Silva
2 years ago

Next Black clover

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Silva

If Rtenzo wants to draw it, then sure. I’d be happy writing some kinky adventures with the Black Bulls.