Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Of Sluts and Studs

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXVII): [LINK]

“Haa… haa, haa, haaaaa…!!” Hanataro panted and wheezed on the ground.


“Aaaah, aaaaaaaaahhh…!!” Isane moaned with him, shaking with every breath she took. Her body was covered in sweat, tears, saliva, Hanataro’s cum, and her own orgasmic fluids. She turned her head over to the side, to take a look at her partner. ‘Good… he’s gotten smaller!


Hanataro’s previously so massive and towering dick had shrunk down to an almost human size again! She giggled drunkenly at that thought! “Human size”! The cock was still four times thicker than her arm and hung down all the way to Hanataro’s ankles! To call this size “human” would be laughable to anyone who hadn’t seen just how big he was a couple of hours back!


At least… it’s over!’ She thought to herself, closing her eyes again and feeling her consciousness drift off. She had so many mind shattering orgasms in such a short time, she couldn’t believe she was still awake!


The two just laid there for a couple more minutes, enjoying the silence between them after Unohana had left, having said something about her needing to go get something. Then, they were already accustomed to them being all alone, the door creaked open and two heads poked into the room.


“So that’s where all that smell comes from!” said Nelliel, while pinching her nose with her index finger and thumb as she looked around the cum-filled room.


“And what exactly were you two up to?” asked the woman next to her, who was the beautiful and exotic looking Tier Harribel.


The dark skinned blonde wore a pair of ripped, tight sitting jeans that showed plenty of her muscular legs. To go along with this, she also wore a white tank top that left her stomach and her underboobs open to be seen by anyone. By the way her stiff nipples poked against the white cotton fabric, it became clear that she didn’t even bother to wear a bra. On her head rested a ray ban. Golden painted toenails that matched her fingernails and the lipstick she wore, were visible due to the sandals she wore.


Nel, meanwhile, decided to go with a cyan sundress that was so thin, one could practically see her neatly shaven pussy underneath as it billowed gently in the wind. She wore a rather big straw hat that shielded her from the sun that probably blazed down outside.


“Oh… hi, you two!” Isane greeted the two Arrancar without much pathos. If it weren’t for the fact that she just fucked for the good part of five hours, and was thus thoroughly devoid of energy, she probably would have felt ashamed to be all naked and covered from head to toe in cum. As it stood however, all she could do was to wave weakly at her two coworkers. “We were just… training?”


“Training?” Harribel raised an eyebrow as she walked into the room, all while carefully avoiding every puddle of jizz on the floor. “Well, if that’s the kind of training you two do, count me in! You’ve been fucking with that ramrod of a cock all day now or what?” She asked, while poking against Hanataro’s dick with her foot.


“Uuuuuuuugh… please… stop!” groaned the young man, with his cock shooting to full erection in the very next second.


WOAH!!! I’ve never seen him so big before!” Nel chimed in. Unlike her fellow Queen, she didn’t care whatsoever if her high-heels got smeared with cum on her way over to the two Shinigami. “He looks even bigger than Toshi-chan now!”


THAT’S STILL CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA TO YOU!!!” they heard Hitsugaya’s muffled voice from an entirely different floor.


“So, how did that twerp get so big?” asked Harribel, leaning forward as she slipped her foot out of her sandal and started to rub the black haired man’s cock with her foot. “Don’t tell me we have similar pills to the ones that Urahara-guy has made?


“Ahhaaaaaah…!! Hanataro winced, automatically bucking his hips slightly against Harribel’s foot.


“It’s a Kido to optimize the size of any girls’, or guys’, assets.” a new voice from behind them explained. Nel and Harribel turned around to see Rukia, dressed in a basic black latex bikini with her name written on it, leaning against the doorframe, “Captain Unohana told me she developed it for someone else, but didn’t tell me for whom exactly. Given your intense special training, I assume it has to be one of you two.” She said with a nod towards Isane and Hanataro.


“Optimize a girls’ assets.” echoed Nel. She let out a happy squeal as she hugged herself against her fellow queen. “That sounds fun! Do you think we could learn that one as well?”


With her eyes still locked on Hanataro’s fully erect and throbbing dick, Harribel simply shrugged her shoulders, “I doubt it!” She then licked her lips as Hanataro kept whimpering at the way her bare foot slid up and down the wet side of his schlong. “That being said, I do like what I see! He’s such an adorable mess!”


“God… please… Aaaaaaaaah…!!” Hanataro whined with tears rolling down his cheeks. “Please… do it faster! I’m… uuuuugh… I’m about to cum again!”


“Mmmmnh~! So eager?” Harribel slowed down the movement of her foot as she looked down on him, her eyes as unforgiving as the gray waves of the ocean. “Where’s the fun in that? Learn to control yourself, boy! You are not to demand such things from the Queen of Hueco Mundo!”


AAAAAAHH!!! NO!!! PLEASE… I’m sorry!! But… but I’m so close…!”


As Hanataro kept pleading for his chance to orgasm, with Isane simply watching the whole thing with a bright red face, Rukia turned towards Nel. “So? How was your trip to the beach?”


Nel’s eyes lit up instantly, “It was awesome! The guy wasn’t anything special, quite ugly now that I think about it. And, gods, was he fat and vulgar…” She trailed off for a second, describing his appearance in detail, something that Rukia definitely could have lived without, before shaking her head. “But the reaction of the people on the beach was really fun! The way their eyes were all over Bel-chan’s and my body… Aaaaah… it was such a thrill! I LOVED it! So much better than when I’m naked in a house or something!”


“Well… I’m glad you enjoyed it then.” Rukia replied with a nervous chuckle.


“I totes did!” affirmed the teal haired beauty with several nods, before asking. “And what brings you here, Kuchiki-san?”


“Oh, I just heard some noises on my way to some exercises with Captain Hitsugaya. Captain Unohana theorizes there would be a lot of people interested in seeing the two shortest members of her roster together on stage. And also because she thinks our powers would look good next to each other.” the short noblewoman said. “On that note, I think I made him wait for long enough. Have fun, you guys!”


Rukia waved her goodbyes and then turned around to leave the room. Isane followed her juicy ass swing with each step until she was out of frame, “Special training with just her and Captain Hitsugaya?” the tall maiden pushed herself up, only to instantly regret it as her sore muscles screamed in mild anguish. “Haaaaaaaah… For her sake, I hope it’s not as terrible as the training Hanataro-kun and I had to endure!”


“Come on, whatever you two had to endure, it can’t be that bad!” Nel exclaimed over Hanataro’s continuous moans of increasing frustration.


“You have no idea!” Isane exclaimed. A shudder went down her spine as she remembered all the things she had to do in order to make Hanataro’s cock grow from ‘impossibly huge’ to ‘gigantic’.


“Probably for the better!” Harribel said with a shrug of her shoulders. She stepped away from Hanataro and over to her fellow queen. “It was nice catching up with you, but we have a couple of things to do ourselves. Apparently some other Arrancar were complaining that they weren’t allowed to join the fun yet.”


“Right!” Nel agreed as she followed the dark skinned woman. “I think Grim-chan said that Apacci and Sung-Sun were particularly pissed that Mila-chan hasn’t returned, or hasn’t made any effort in letting them in on what was going on here.”


Isane sighed in relief as blissful silence once again returned to the room. The only real noise was Hanataro’s soft whimpering as he stroked his still raging boner, having been left so close to the edge by Harribel. She was just about to give him a hand, before taking a shower to wash off all that musky smelling cum, when the door to the Busteez Diamond Room opened once more.


This time however, the person stepping through the doors caused the hair on both Shinigami to stand completely on edge. It was Unohana! And she wasn’t alone. On her shoulders, as if he was nothing more than a sack full of potatoes, she carried a chocolate skinned and purple haired young man who looked just as frightened as both Isane and Hanataro, if not more.


“Please, please let me down! I promise that I’ll leave and never come back here!” Yushiro Shihoin pleaded with the owner of The Palace as she entered the room. “I swear, I will never come back or bother you again!”


“Now, now. There’s no reason to panic!” Unohana said in a sweet and motherly tone, while putting him down on the bed next to Hanataro. She patted his head. “Why would I want such a precious little guy like you to leave?”


“Eh… erm… Because… because I lurked outside your club in order to see what things you were doing in order to impress my big sister?” Yushiro answered, though it sounded more like a question.


Unohana shook her head, “As if this were a reason to let you go.” argued the older woman. “In fact, wouldn’t it be much more beneficial for your sister and Urahara-san, if you were able to tell them in detail how I run my club?”


“I… guess?” Yushiro stuttered. He then yelped in surprise as she tore his clothes to shreds with a simple gesture of her perfectly manicured hand. “EEEEEPP!!!!


“Mmmmnh~ I like that answer! And the fact that your little friend down there also seems to agree with me!” Unohana purred with a glance at the pulsing veins on Yushiro’s length.


“U- Unohana-sama, you can’t expect us to fuck a complete stranger!” Isane chimed in, already having a pretty good idea of what her boss wanted of them.


“I can and I will.” said Unohana in a tone that left no room for any backtalk. “And since you two are already both so eager again after that long break, I think it’s time we continue your training. Hanataro-kun, please be a dear and take the lead! Show Yushiro-kun here how we handle girls in this club!”


In an instant, Hanataro jumped up and behind Isane. His hot erection slid in between her ass cheeks as he moved his hips back and forth, “YES, UNOHANA-SAMA!!!” With newly found energy and an unstoppable urge to FUCK, he then put his arms around her waist and effortlessly lifted her off the ground, only to then promptly impale her on his cock!


AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! MY ASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!” Isane squealed in a perfect mix of both pain and pleasure. She came the very instant she felt his black pubic hair against her bubble butt, shaking and quivering in his arms as heady smelling juices ran out of her soaking pussy. “TOO FAST!!!! FUCK, I’M CUMMING ALREADY!!!! IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!


“Such a good boy! You learn fast!” Unohana commented with a satisfied smile on her face. The black haired Captain then patted Yushiro on the shoulder, “And what are you waiting for, young man?” she squatted down next to him and pressed her huge tits against around his arm, while whispering into his ear. “Her gushing pussy is right there! Don’t you wanna put your big friend in there and destroy her insides? She’s waiting for you!”


Sweat ran down Yushiro’s face. Shaking his head, he looked into Unohana’s deep and warm eyes. “I can’t just…!”


“You will!” She interrupted him with an uncanny tilt of her head to the left. It made her look unhinged and far more dangerous than it should be possible.


Yushiro jumped up and hurried over towards the other two Shinigami, “OOH!!! ANOTHER BIG COCK!!!! I… I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THIS!!!” Isane moaned in bliss as Yushiro already pushed the first couple inches of his member between her wet folds. “AAAAAAAHHH!!!! TWO DICKS AT ONCE!!!! I CAN FEEL THEM INSIDE OF ME!!! THEY’RE RUBBING AGAINST ONE ANOTHER IN MY PUSSY AND ASS!!!!!!!


“Mhmmmm~ what a vulgar little slut you are! Don’t tell me you actually love getting your hungry holes stuffed with big and meaty cocks?” Unohana mewled from her place on the bed as she watched the two men fuck her protege.


While uncoordinated at first, the two quickly matched one another and soon found a perfect rhythm in which they fucked Isane, “AAAAH!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I LOVE BIG COCKS IN ME!!!! THEY FEEL SO GOOD, I’M GOING INSANE WITH PLEASURE!!!!!!!!” the silver haired girl screamed from the top of her lungs, her eyes rolling back deep in their sockets.


“Hnnngh… Why… how is she so tight?” groaned Yushiro, while holding on to her hips while she locked her legs around his back. “It’s like she wants to decapitate my dick!”


“Her ass… it’s sucking me in so much…” Hanataro moaned with Yushiro as he tried to pull his hips back a bit. “I can’t get it out!”


NO!!! NOT OUT!!!!! DEEPER, FUCK ME DEEPER WITH YOUR TWO COCKS!!!!!! I WANT NOTHING BUT YOUR FAT COCKS IN ME!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!!!!” Isane begged. She pressed her tits tight against Yushiro’s chest, while plastering his face full with kisses. “AND CUM!!!! GIVE ME YOUR CUM!!!! I WANT IT!!! NEED IT!!!! ALLLL OF IT!!!!!!!


As if she ordered it, both men slowed down with their thrusts as a pressure build up inside their balls, “OAAAAAAAAGHH!!!!! FUCK, SHE’S… SHE’S MILKING ME DRYYYYYY!!!!!” both of them shouted at the exact same time.


On the bed, Unohana smiled as the two men pumped her beloved pupil full with their hot batter, “Seems like she finally awakened her inner slut!” She mused to herself with a satisfied smile on her face.


CUM!!!! SO MUCH CUM!!!!! AND IT’S ALL INSIDE OF ME!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH~❤!!!!!” Isane’s tongue lolled out of her wide open mouth as she squealed in perverted pleasure. Yushiro quickly took the opportunity and covered her mouth with his own, pushing his tongue past between her pillowy lips to suck on her tongue. ‘I love it! This feeling… I don’t want it to ever stop!


In a display of perfect harmony, and after Yushiro broke his kiss with the buxom slut, the two men lifted her off their dicks and traded positions. Hanataro now stood in front of Isane, while Yushiro seesawed his cock between her thighs. A gallon’s worth of cum ran out of her wide open holes and covered both their dicks. In an unspoken agreement, Yushiro grabbed her big and soft butt before RAMMING his cock into her still gaping ass! Before she had time to scream however, Hanataro already grabbed her by her silver hair and SHOVED his cock into her open mouth!


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPH!!!!” Isane ended up gurgling around Hanataro’s cock, unable to form even a single coherent sentence. A wonderful ache and soreness instantly spread from her mouth and ass all throughout her body, making it tingle in all the best spots!


Both her hands and tits swayed back as Hanataro pushed his cock even deeper into her throat, only to sway forward when he pulled back and Yushiro shoved his length all the way into her butt. She felt completely helpless between the two men! And she loved it! Their musky smell in her nose, the way her throat and belly distended in a perfect outline of their dicks, and the way her orgasmic fluids creamed down her thighs every other second as one mindblowing orgasm after the next broke her mind! She never wanted this to end!


“Very good, boys!” Unohana praised them. She clapped approvingly , though neither of them could hear it over the even louder SLAP SLAP SLAP of the men’s balls smacking wetly against Isane’s legs and throat. “Be rough! Force yourself upon her! Put her in her place! Make her cum like the depraved slut she is!”


AAARGH!!! Y- Yes, Unohana-sama!!” nodding, Hanataro let go of Isane’s hair, knowing full well that she couldn’t and wouldn’t pull away!


“Heeh, heh, heh… seems like she really can’t get enough of our dicks, eh?” Yushiro asked, while squeezing her fat ass even tighter. His fingers all but vanished in the creamy folds of her butt as he leaned forward a bit. “Right?”


UUUUUUUUUUOOOOGH!!!!! AYE… IT’SH DA BESHT!!!!! TWO CAWKSH AT ONSHE… IT’SH!!! DA!!! PHUGGING!!! BEEEEEEEEEEESHT!!!!!!!!” Isane’s words vibrated through Hanataro’s entire body, causing him to get to the edge all over again. “‘OU’WE BOPH SHO BHIG AND HAWD… AYE’M CUMMING!!! AYE CAN’D SHTOP CUMMMMMMMING!!!!!!


“Me… TOOOOOAAARGH!!!!!” the both of them growled as they came again as well.


Their white seed flooded her insides! Both men pumped every last drop of cum they had into her, even with their bodies shaking and trembling as though they were having a seizure. Before long, all the cum shot out of her still stuffed orifices again. Unohana watched as all three Shinigami moaned, squealed, groaned, and cried in obscene pleasure as they quite literally came their brains out!


After five minutes or so, Hanataro collapsed, having been forced to cum for over ten times that day already. Next was Isane. With Hanataro’s dick no longer in her mouth, supporting her weight, she sled off of Yushiro’s. A lewd PLORG sound filled the room as even more cum oozed out of her ass, forming yet another new puddle on the floor. Then there was Yushiro, who managed to hold himself on his own two feet, having been the one with the least amount of orgasms today.


Unohana walked over to him and patted his shoulder, “And? What do you think of my club?” She asked him innocently, while massaging his shoulders and making sure that her tits pressed tightly against his back. “Care to join me instead?”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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Justa Maan
Justa Maan
6 months ago

It’d be fun if the kido has a side effect of permanent growth on Hanataro and he now has the opposite problem of being too gigantic without a shrinking kido

Last edited 6 months ago by Justa Maan
6 months ago

Quite the follow-up to the last chapter, if I say so myself. 👀

Not just with Isane and Hanataro again, but also with Yushiro, who got thrown into it by Unohana and was forced to take part. That was quite the turn of events. 😳

On a related note, she is really trying to tempt him to switch his loyalties from Urahara to her. I’ll give her credit for making bold calls and moves. 😏

In addition, I really liked how the Arrancar Queen duo of Harribel and Nelliel and even Rukia came in to visit, and the funny bit with Toshiro. Haha. I also really liked how their clothes were described, especially Rukia’s being very reminiscent of the Busteez uniform. Nice move.👌

Lastly, the sex overall was just insane, as well as it being very well done. More so considering it was a threesome. 😁

Overall, nicely done. Can’t wait to see what happens next. 😎

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I really wanted to show Unohana’s cunning side in this chapter, with her capturing Yushiro and wanting to recruit him. Well, that and to show Isane’s increasing slutiness, as well as the overall interactions between Unohana’s employees.

6 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Makes a lot of sense there. Still you did a really good job with it. 😄

6 months ago

I hoped there is a chapter where Unohana uses that Kido to optimize Ichigo’s already extremely generous assets? That would be so dope!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Maybe once I get a pic with them. Don’t see the reason though. Ichigo already has the biggest dick in the verse.

6 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

It would be fun and amazing to see Ichigo absolutely destroy someone by using that Kido on top of his already big dick.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I thought his son Kazui did