Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Lesbian Nights

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXV): [LINK]

“And now… and now she just alwaysh hangsh out at that club or wiph thad shdupid Ishigo… and… and wawely talksh wiph meh anymohohohohowe!!” Comically large tears streamed down Chizuru’s face as she clung with one hand to a bottle of booze while desperately trying to hug Tatsuki. “It’sh sho unphaaairr!”


TSK! Let it rest already!” Tatsuki replied to her friend’s whining by trying to push her away with her foot against the redhead’s face. “It’s Orihime’s decision, and it’s her life. Let her do what she wants and move on!”


“Bud… bud, bud, bud, bud…” Chizuru brabbled before taking another sip from the bottle. “She’sh gonna work in a club… a whorehoushe!! Don’t cha know what kinda guysh will be there??! Leering at her gorshoush body… her phat diddiesh… and, and her phat diddiesh! She’sh gonna become jushd shome obshect oph lusht phor a bunsh oph haiwy and uggly men who aren’t even worph heheheheherrr!!”


“Damn, if you care so much about it, why don’t you just tell her about it?” suggested Keigo. The red hue around his nose indicated that the brown haired man himself had already looked pretty deep into the cup of sake in his hand. Just not as much as Chizuru, who clearly tried to drown her sorrows in alcohol, “Or…” And a little bit of drool ran down the corner of his mouth as the blush on his face became a few shades darker. “Why don’t you just visit her in the club and book her for a private session? Just the two of you~!”


EEEEEKK!!!! AYE… I would NEVER EVER do shomeshing sho perverted!” The young lesbian protested. She then bobbed her head from side to side as a lecherous grin spread across her face. “Then again… hehehehehehehehehe…!! Sheeing Hime in all thoshe naughty coshdumesh and haphing her danshe jushd for me… hehehehehehehe!!!”


Mizuiro, who was one of the only two sober people, together with Tatsuki, shook his head, “Okay, uh, Chizuru? You seriously make me worry about your sanity.” He then scratched his head as he looked up at the ceiling as a thought occurred to him. “Then again, I wouldn’t mind spending a night or two with that gorgeous owner of the other club! Unohana!”


Next to him, Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, “Her? Out of all of them?” she then shrugged her shoulders and put her hands behind her head. “Then again, it shouldn’t surprise me, given that it’s you we’re talking about!”


YES!” The black haired MILF-enthusiast agreed, “Isn’t she perfect?! How she sits on those posters and DEMANDS the attention of everyone…” He shuddered from head to toe as a barely noticeable tent began to form in his pants. “God! I want to be at her feet so badly!!!”


“Are you sure you’re still sober and can drive me home later?” Keigo asked with concern in his voice. “Cause you clearly sound… hic~* sound drunk to me!”


“As if you’re one to talk, Asano-san!” Mizuiro shot back, “You’re the one who can’t stop gushing over Yoruichi, Mila Rose, and Jackie from Urahara-san’s place, and Harribel from ‘The Palace’!” The black haired youth let himself fall back some more in the black leather of the booth he sat on next to Tatsuki and crossed his legs, in an attempt to hide his growing erection.


Y- YEAH! What about it?! There’s also a clear difference between us!” Slamming his hand down on the table that separated him with his friend, Keigo tried to defend himself. When Mizuiro only raised his eyebrow, he went on to say, “The girls I lo-… ahem… that I like, all have the most exquisite bodies of them all! I mean, have you even looked at them before?” He asked while looking from Mizuiro, to Chizuru, to Tatsuki, and back to Mizuiro. “They can quite literally crush your skull with their thighs or suffocate you with their phat asses! And that’s without even talking about their perfect, soft, plump, round, full, and perfect tits! Also, I told you to stop calling m-!”




This time it was Chizuru’s turn to slam her fist on the table and to interrupt Keigo. Everyone turned her direction as she rose to her feet, “Can you jushd shud up phor a momend and shtop talking!?” she asked, though her tone made it sound more like an order. “ Dish ishn’d aboud your phathedic addempdsh to ged id going wiph a poor innoshend girl who should never lower hershelf do shpend dime wiph you in da phirshd plashe… dish ish aboud me no longer sheeing Hime sho ophden!”


“You know what… I think it’s about time for me to get you home now.” suggested Tatuski as she gently patted Chizuru on the back. “You make less and less sense with each second!”


“Bud… bud, bud… bud I don’t wanna go home!” The bespectacled lesbian whined before taking yet another sip from her drink. “I… I wanna shee Hime again! Toush her big tiddies, worship her assh, ligg her cute itsy-bitsy pusshy, and…!!”


More and more blood spurted out of both guys’ noses as they listened to Chizuru’s very detailed description of what she wanted to do with Orihime. Before long however, Tatsuki would bring her daydreams to an end though.


“Of course you want to do all that” She said in an almost motherly tone if it weren’t for the clear annoyance in it. She then somehow managed to guide the other girl out of the booth they were sitting on, “Say, would you go home with me if I’d show you the bikini I wore today again?” Tatsuki suggested with a sly look on her face. “I know you would absolutely love to see it again!”


“Oh, yesh! Yeshyeshyeshyesh!!!” Accompanied by the clapping of her own hands, Chizuru tumbled towards the exit of the little restaurant they had spent the last two hours in. “”Show me! Show me, show me, show me!!”


“Yeah, yeah!” the young martial artist waved her off. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her wallet and from there, a small wad of cash, “There, that should cover the tab. Don’t overdo it, you two.” she told the two men before turning around to follow Chizuru. “See ya!”


Keigo waved after her, “Thanks, Tatsuki! I owe you one!” He called after her, but she had already left the restaurant, leaving both him and Mizuiro behind.


Despite it only having been just a couple of seconds that she stepped outside after Chizuru, the other girl had already managed to get quite a couple feet ahead of Tatsuki. Though it still was the height of summer, the night today was definitely on the more chill side of things, immediately making Tatsuki regret her decision of coming here with only the clothes she had earlier that day when Chizuru, the two guys, and she spent the day in Karakura Town’s water park. Thankfully, things went much more peaceful and uneventful than the last time they went swimming together. No crazy shop owners who gave her body-changing drugs and mind blowing sex that resulted in her getting known as some kind of porn star basically overnight this time!


Tatsuki quickly caught up to Chizuru, who swayed from left to right in a drunken stupor as she stumbled into the town at the center of the time, “Bikini… Hehehehehehehehe!! I’m gonna… hic~* I’m gonna shee Tatshugi in a bikini again!” She giggled with a stupid grin on her face. “Bikini, bikini, bikini, bikini!! Heheheheh, that shoundsh… it shoundsh shtupid iph I shay id sho ophden!”


The black haired girl could only shake her head. She didn’t mind the distraction however. Since it was so chilly today, the two young women seemed to be the only people in the almost completely dark park. Only a couple lanterns here and there bathed the street they walked on in its artificial yellow light, leaving the entire rest of the park shrouded in darkness. If it weren’t for Chizuru’s drunken antics, she would have found it even kinda scary to walk through the park all on her own. After all, who knew what kind of weirdos, normal or spiritual, wander here at this time?


Lost in thoughts, Tatsuki came to an abrupt halt as she then bumped into Chizuru who had stopped walking and instead turned around, “Hm? What’s the matter?” The tomboy asked her friend.


“Aye… I don’t wanna waid anymowe! I wanna shee your bikini now!” declared Chizuru. Though her eyes were spinning in her sockets and her nose glowed in a bright red, Tatsuki could clearly hear the intensity in her eyes. “Come on, show meh!”


“Now, why don’t we just bring you back home first…” suggested Tatsuki with mild annoyance in her voice, “And put you to bed. Then I can show you all the bikinis you want to see. Hm? Doesn’t that sound good?” She put her hands on the drunken girl’s shoulders and tried to push her forward, but found it impossible. It was like trying to move a mountain!


NO! I wanna shee id now!!” Chizuru demanded with the stubbornness of a little child. “Show meh! Show MEEEEHEHEHEHE!!!!


Tatsuki groaned in annoyance, “Ugh! You’re insatiable, aren’t you!?” She looked around to see if anyone was nearby, “Fine. Have it your way!” When she saw that there wasn’t anyone nearby, she began to open the buttons of the shirt she wore. Within a minute or so, she had completely undressed herself, save for the brown bikini she didn’t even bother to drop when they left the water park earlier and her white stockings and shoes. “See? Are you happy now?”


Goosebumps formed all over her arms and legs as she crossed her arms over her subtle, but noticeable, chest. The bikini was definitely on the more modest side of things. At least when compared to the ones most girls tend to wear nowadays. It actually covered her nipples and most of her tits, drawing not too much attention to them. Similarly, her pussy was also completely covered by the beige fabric, giving her at least a little bit of modesty despite being so undressed in public.


YEEEESSSH!!!!!” faster than she thought possible, Chizuru appeared behind her and immediately began to fondle her tits. “They’re even beddah than I shought they would beh!”


H- HEY!! Stop it!” Tatsuki complained as she felt the other girl’s hands move underneath her bikini to touch her nipples. A blush spread across her face as she quickly got aroused by Chizuru’s touch, “What are you, some kind of old perv from some kind of Shonen Anime?” she asked.


Instead of answering instantly, Chizuru gently bit down on Tatsuki’s neck, causing her to moan girlishly into the cool night sky, “Mnm!!” Chizuru shook her head while moving her hands all over the black haired girl’s tits. “Shome dirty old perv would neva beh able to make you pheel dish ghuuuuuud!”


“Hnnnngh… Chizuru~!!” moaned Tatsuki. Her nipples became hard enough to cut glass as her friend continued to play with them, “We… we can’t do this here!” She tried to reason, even though her pussy began to crave for attention now as well. “Let’s just… hrrrrrrmm~… let’s just get you home and… hm?”


She didn’t finish her sentence as she heard footsteps on the paved street they were standing on. Before either of the two girls could stop with what they were doing, two other people came into the dim light of the lantern in front of them, “Now, now! What do we have here?” asked the man to the right. “Two girls out all alone in the middle of the night, doing all kinds of naughty stuff together…”


He was dressed rather casually. Blue jeans, a gray shirt, and a leash in his hand that was connected to a collar around the neck of the woman at his side. Tatsuki remembered seeing her with Ichigo a few times, but never like this. The woman, Ikumi Unagiya, was walking on all fours with a bashful look on her face, and dressed in nothing more than some kind of latex bikini that actually managed to make her boobs look bigger than they possibly might be, as well as some kind of latex stockings that actually managed to, somehow, cover her pussy, despite not even going over her waist.


“Who are you?” Chizuru didn’t ask. She demanded an answer as she let go of Tatsuki’s tits and walked between the black haired girl and the man. “Shome kinda perv who treatsh woman like animalsh?”


The silver haired man chuckled, “Kinda!” He then squatted down next to Ikumi to gently pat her head, “You don’t wanna know how many strong and bossy women there are who just want to let loose once in a while. To leave the control in the hands of other people and to just get carried along with it!” He explained over Ikumi’s blissful moans.


“You, mishda, haphe clearly no idea whad you’re talking about!” Chizuru told him straight to the face as she took another step forward. She stretched her hands out, “Women… are QUEENS!!!” The redhead shouted into the silence of the night. Her drunken stupor almost seemed to vanish as she continued talking. “They are meant to be worshiped! To be admired! And to be respected! Men like you should be grateful that there even are women who are interested in you!”


ZAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” The man laughed, “Aren’t you a spunky one?” He opened the collar around Ikumi’s throat and gave her a quick spank on her juicy ass, making it ripple like jello, “Then why don’t we ask her? So, Ikumi, what do you want? Do you want to take control, put me on a leash, and be the one who makes all the decisions?” He rose to his feet again and leaned against the lamp post behind him. “Or do you want to show these two what a good and obedient little puppy you have become?”


Ikumi hesitated only for a split second as she readied herself for what she was about to say in front of the two much younger girls, “I… I want you to fuck me! Make me squeal like the bitch I am and break my mind with your cock!” said the shop owner with open desire in her every word!


“Tempting. But I think it would be better if we show this little lady one of the many tricks I taught you!” He said, while ignoring Chizuru’s protest, “Ikumi…” The man pointed at Chizuru. “Lick!”


“…Mhm!” After a little hesitation, Ikumi dropped to her knees again and crawled over to a completely flabbergasted Chizuru.


“Wait! What… what is she doing?” asked the blushing lesbian as she found herself unable to move a thinger while Ikumi pulled down her dress and panties to her ankles. Then, and without wasting a single second more, Ikumi pressed her face against Chizuru’s crotch and pushed her tongue into the young girl’s soaking pussy. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH~❤


Tatsuki watched with a mix of perplexity and growing lust as the MILF licked Chizuru’s cunt. Juices quickly began running down her thighs and Ikumi’s chin. Chizuru’s legs trembled like leaves in the wind as the older woman held on to her ass while darting her tongue in and out in the positively wet hole. Lewd slurping sounds bounced off of the many trees around them, effectively breaking the otherwise peaceful silence of the night. Not 100% sure what to do with the way things turned out, Tatsuki walked over towards the silver haired man.


“So… what’s that supposed to be?” She asked. “And who are you anyways?”


“Oh, right! I didn’t give you my name yet. Sorry about that! The name’s Oze!” He introduced himself. “You see, I’m an old friend of Ikumi over there and just wanted to help her out when she told me about all the stress she had to deal with, like running a shop and raising a kid all on her own.”


“And you’re doing this by making her walk around like an animal, dressed in almost nothing?” She replied with a raised eyebrow before focusing back on the two women in front of her.


By now, Chizuru had to sit down on one of the benches at the side of the street as Ikumi licked at the swollen red lips of her clit, “OH GOOOOOOODDD!!!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!!!!” screamed Chizuru as she clenched her legs tight around the older woman’s face. “I’M CUMMING!! I’M CUMMING FROM HAVING MY PUSSY LICKED BY ANOTHER WOMAAA~~AAN!!! THIS… IT’S DRIVING ME INSAAAAAANEE!!!!!!


“In a sense.” Oze scratched his chin as he listened to the perverted sounds, “You see, people have to deal with all kinds of stress in our modern day and age. There’s so much to do. So much going on! Taxes, war, poverty, crises everywhere,… the list goes on!” He then looked at Tatsuki and smiled. “Don’t ya think it’s nice every once in a while to just… shut off and do nothing? To let others do the work and think while you simply give in to the pleasure?”


“Can’t say that I agree with you, but it seems like you’re right.” Tatsuki said with a nod towards Ikumi, who currently dipped her own fingers into her cunt.


MMMMMMMHH… U’RE SHO SHWEED…!!!” The MILF moaned into Chizuru’s pussy, “PHORGIPHE ME, KAORU… BUD DISH MAKESH MEH PHEEL SHO GHUUUUDD!!!!” Her voice was filled with wanton lust as her own pussy sprayed its juices in every direction. “HRRRM, GUUUGH, GUUUGH, NNNNMNHOO!!!!


AAAAYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! DON’T STOP!!!!!” Chizuru screamed from the top of her lungs as she held onto Ikumi’s hat with everything she got. Her gray eyes rolled back in their sockets as actual hearts began to throb in them. “PLEASEEE!!!! YOU GORGEOUS QUEEN MILF!!!! YOU’RE MAKING ME CUM SO MUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUCH!!!!!!


MMMMMMNNNH!!!!!” Ikumi’s moans became muffled as Chizuru clenched her thighs even tighter around her face, “HRMOOO, UMMMPH, MUUUUUOH!!!!” She gurgled as her mouth was flooded with the lesbian’s overflowing nectar!


YEEESSSSSSS!!!!!” arching her back, Chizuru grabbed the hat as tight as she could. Tears rolled down the side of her face, “PLEASE, DRINK MY JUICES!!!! ALLOW ME TO FEED YOU THE ESSENCE OF MY LUUUUUUUUUUUSTTT!!!!!!!!” Her tongue lolled out of the corner of her mouth as orgasm after orgasm hit her like a train.


Oze nudged Tatsuki with his elbow. “Your friend sure is a crazy one!”


“Yeah, please don’t remind me.” Tatsuki rubbed her forehead. “She can be… quite the handful!”


“Oh, no doubt about that!” Oze agreed.


The two of them continued watching for a couple more minutes. With each passing second, Ikumi’s face changed colors from red to blue as breathing became increasingly harder for the shop owner. Ultimately though, after an additional six to seven orgasms, Chizuru opened her leg lock around the older woman’s face. Oze used this opportunity to walk over and to put the collar back around her throat. Her face was bathed by a plethora of juices that now sparkled in the light of the lantern above them.


“I hope that showed you just how much this little doggy loves this!” Oze told Chizuru, who was far too lost in pleasure to even give a reply, “Anyways, it was nice catching up with you! But this little doggy and I have to continue with our walkies for a bit longer before we can finally bury a bony in her backyard!” He squatted next to Ikumi and scratched her chin. “Ain’t that right?”


ARF! ARF!!!” Ikumi answered without hesitation. If she were an actual dog or had a buttplug with a fitting tail, it would undoubtedly wag from side to side right about now.


“Good girl!” He rose to his feet again and walked past Tatsuki. “See ya!”


Tatsuki watched as the strange couple disappeared into the darkness of the night, ‘Hm… Maybe there’s a point in these two clubs after all!’ She thought to herself. ‘Ikumi, at least, really seemed to enjoy this kind of roleplay…


A pair of slender arms then appeared out of nowhere and began to fondle her tits. She felt something soft press against her back as Chizuru rested her face on her shoulder, “Mmmmmnh… now… shall we continue where we left off?” she suggested before beginning to nibble on the martial artist’s ear. “Ta~tshu~ki~chaa~n!”


“Oh, COME ON! You’re still horny after all those orgasms!?”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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11 months ago

I feel like I’ve seen this photo like 5 times now

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago
Reply to  Melon

It is an older pic. Though, I never used it for a story before.

11 months ago

Chizuru is just one of those people I don’t think I can ever get along with regardless of sexuality even if I am the object of her attention. Because she has what i call clingy arrogance.

Heck in this chapter she tells a man to “respect women” even though she can’t accept orihime’s choices when they have nothing to do with her BECAUSE they have nothing to do with her.

She sounds like the type of person who during sex demands gratification from the person they fixate on but is incapable of delivering back because all the affection needs to be gravitated around her.

Take orihime in this case, despite all the lust Chizuru projects towards orihime everything just feels inward. She sounds like someone who only wants out of someone but never seems willing to provide. She always wants to grope orihime and have her way with orihime but never sounds like she wants to actually help orihime.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago
Reply to  Kielian

I made Chizuru so hypocritical for a reason. It’s meant that people would find her annoying/questionable and maybe even funny that she can’t accept Orihime’s decision.

11 months ago

Okay! Now I’ve seen everything this past weekend! 😳

It was also a change of pace too, given who was involved. But let’s start from the top with what happened with Ichigo and Orihime’s human friends, who really don’t get as much attention as they really deserved in the canon story. But two of those friends were completely drunk. LOL 😂

Seriously, this was a hilarious way to start the chapter off. Seeing Tatsuki, Chizuru, Keigo and Mizuiro together was actually nice, with them talking about the Urahara and Unohana run clubs, their preferences {namely from the guys} and Chizuru going on a tangent about Orihime, then on women in general, much to Tatsuki’s annoyance. LMAO! Seriously, that was pretty well done. Although, I don’t think the guys know what they’ll get themselves into if they ever visit the completed clubs. Least of all Mizuiro thinking about getting with Unohana herself. XD But it doesn’t stop here. 😮

Frankly speaking, I don’t know what I enjoyed more: The fact the Chizuru was getting more than a little hands on with Tatsuki during her quick show of her bikini, or her getting her pussy eaten out by Ikumi, who was doing some unexpected roleplay as a dog due to her friend and master Oze, with him and Tatsuki watching from the sidelines. All that said, that was hot. 🥵 Not only that, it really reminded me of how Sailor’s using that aspect in his current Naruto Ranko storyline with Hana and Ino. Only far different. On a added note, I really liked how Oze was used here, as well as his chat with Tatsuki and counterargument with Chizuru. 🤓

Though in my opinion, if anyone would really benefit from those two clubs, it would certainly be the ladies shown here. But again, that’s just me. 😅

Overall, I liked what I saw here. Can’t wait for more. 😎👍

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Any guy who dies because of a crushed pelvis after fucking Unohana is a lucky guy! Mizuiro would have lived his life to the fullest XD.

I’m a big fan of kinky stuff like pet play, so it was only natural to somewhat integrate it into one of my stories sooner or later. Glad to read that you liked it!

11 months ago

Really nice and sexy, love the Ikumi x Chizuru scene and how it was shown. I thought that Tatsuki will join Ikumi to help her release some stress and control Chizuru lust, but maybe in the future. Orihime should be careful if certain redhead book some time with her.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago
Reply to  shadowdragon

Yeah, that could definitely happen in the future, that Orihime finds herself at the “mercy” of Chizuru. Then again, Chizuru is probably more the kind of girl who would worship Orihime, if she has the opportunity to do so.

11 months ago

Drunk intensive lesbian sex. Never thought i’d ever enjoy that. Not because it’s weird, but because I never thought of it until now

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hahahaha. Glad to read that the chapter resonated with you!