Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Embracing the Fucking Culture (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXIII): [LINK]

After leaving Hanabi and her team behind once their mission was complete, Ino Yamanaka couldn’t get her clothes off fast enough! She practically ripped them off bit by bit, turning her undergarments into so many rags in the process. Grinning softly at her, Hana only watched as Ino went from being a senior Jonin to a loyal bitch in just a few seconds.


“Ahhh… Arf arf!! Arf!” Ino barked happily as she squatted down on the ground like a good dog. Hana handed her some special gloves, socks, and kneepads so she could crawl along the ground like she was meant to without injury. She then moved behind Ino and stuffed a tailed buttplug up her ass, making Ino howl happily at the feeling.


With the transformation now complete, Ino felt herself again. She was such a good little bitch! She wagged her tail happily as Hana put a collar and leash on her and the two of them proceeded to walk through the city. Ino didn’t know if she should have been relieved or worried when all she got were a few extra glances from everyone as they went down the street. As they walked through the streets, Ino noticed that porn was on practically every TV screen. Even the jumbo screens on the sides of buildings.


It was on one of those screens where Ino saw Naruto buck naked and boning Tsunade from behind while the former Hokage wailed in pleasure. She knew from Hinata’s boasting that Naruto was huge, but damn! Hana smirked at the recording and then looked down at Ino, licking her lips.


“Did seeing such a big dick put my little bitch in heat?” she asked rhetorically. Hana could no doubt smell how wet Ino’s cunt was even before they saw the images on the TV. Being paraded around like the bitch she was made her so horny she could barely even think now! She could feel the warm wet lines of juices trickling down her thighs in steady streams.


“Ahhh, ah, ARF!!!” Ino barked, panting like a dog with her tongue hanging off her lips as she gazed up at Hana’s naked body. She had stripped down to just a pair of sandals to protect her feet, leaving her beautiful naked body exposed for all to see. Still panting, Ino crawled closer to the other woman, moving to sit up in a squatting position with her legs spread wide, exposing her dripping cunt. She then held her hands out in front of her like a begging dog should.


Hana grinned at her, moving closer and pulling Ino’s face into her crotch! The powerful smell of the other woman’s pussy made Ino’s head spin as she instantly began licking and lapping at her pussy, moaning happily. She moved her tongue in long broad strokes, focusing on Hana’s clit at first before pushing her tongue into the dark haired woman’s pussy as deep as it could go.


“Hmmmmmmh! Yeaah… That’s a good girl!” Hana growled, praising Ino as the blonde’s pussy let out a soft gush.


HNMMMM NMMMH AHMMMMH HMMMMMH!!!” Ino moaned, licking Hana’s pussy harder, loving the taste and smell of her cunt! She wanted to cover herself in this smell as Hana let out a long moan.


“Yessss, lick that pussy, you horny bitch!” Hana told her, “Ooooohhh…” she moaned, her voice deep with pleasure as she growled at the same time.


ARPH ARPH!!!” Ino barked obediently, dragging her tongue over the delicate pink folds of the other woman’s cunt. She tasted so good, Ino couldn’t have made herself stop even if her son walked up to them right now!


“Oh, well, this is interesting…” said the familiar voice of her husband somewhere behind her. Ino felt as though her blood had turned to ice, but she still couldn’t stop! She let out a soft moan and barked into Hana’s pussy again.


“Oh, hello Sai-san, Nanadime-sama.” Hana said as though she were just casually greeting them when running into them at a supermarket.


The Seventh Hokage too!? ‘Ah, this is bad!’ thought Ino, ‘So why? Why am I getting even hornier!?’ she thought in a panic.


“I see you two have fully embraced the island culture.” she heard Naruto say.


“Nmmmmh, something like that, ahhh…” Hana replied, “I don’t see any point in hiding it at this point. I’m training your wife to be my personal bitch, Sai.” Hana said, grabbing Ino by her hair and pulling her face away from her crotch. “Speak, girl!” she commanded.


“Ahh, hah, ahh…” Ino panted, looking over to see Sai and Naruto standing about three meters away. The current Hokage was dressed in an ill-fitting speedo that looked like it was straining to contain his dick, while her husband wore nothing other than a pair of flip flops and an open floral patterned shirt. Sai held a colorful drink in his hand while Naruto was eating what looked like ramen noodles stuffed into some kind of roll. The two of them must have run into one another at a food stand somewhere. Naruto looked surprised, which was a normal reaction, but her husband just seemed to be… Was he amused?


“Ahh, hah… ARF!” Ino barked. She could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment and arousal. Her pussy was drooling now, and it was taking all of the training Hana had given her to not start masturbating right then and there!


“I see,” said Sai, still giving his usual calm smile. He then walked over to where Hana and Ino were, kneeling down in front of the blonde. Ino half expected Sai’s expression to turn to one of disgust and for him to slap her and call her a deviant. Instead, he reached a hand up to pet the top of her head like one would one of Hana’s dogs!


“You make quite the lovely bitch, Ino.” he said to her.


“Ahhn… ARRRF!!!” Ino barked, feeling herself cumming instantly, her pussy gushing as her entire body shook with pleasure.


“‘Kay, can’t say I saw that coming.” Naruto said.


Sai only smiled back at him before looking at Hana, “What else would be involved in her training?”


Ino turned her gaze back up at the brunette to see her showing off a wide grin that showed off her fanged canine teeth. “Well, I could use a couple well hung men like yourselves to help with that.” Hana said.


Sai’s usual smile didn’t waver in the slightest as he tilted his head to one side. “Alright.” he said to her, “What did you have in mind?”


“Why don’t the two of you give my horny little bitch a good double stuffing?” Hana suggested.


“Eeeh!?” Ino yelped in shock, which earned her a disciplinary smack to the back of her head.


“As part of her training, I would need her to seduce men on command.” Hana explained before looking at Ino, “I was planning on doing as much while we were here.” She then pushed Ino’s face back into her crotch. The overpowering scent of her pussy made Ino forget everything as she began licking at her pussy again, moaning and barking into her cunt.


She could hear Hana speaking with her husband and Naruto still, “Naruto, would you be willing to join my wife and I for such a threesome?” Sai asked plainly, making Naruto choke slightly on the bite of his noodle wrap suddenly. Sai’s bluntness was still no surprise to her! Even after all this time, tact was something he still had difficulty with. But then, his open candor was one of the things she loved about him. That, and how he had just accepted this entire situation without question!


“No pressure or anything.” Hana added quickly as Naruto composed himself. “I doubt Hinata would mind, in fact she’d probably want to watch!”


The blonde man managed to swallow his food and composed himself before he nodded, “Yeah, you should have seen her when she found me with Samui.” he said.


“Oh, this sounds juicy!” Hana said, rocking Ino’s face against her crotch, “Dish dish!” She then listened as Naruto recounted some of his time here on the island. Encounters with Sakura on several occasions, then his widely televised romp with Tsunade the other day. Then his evening with Samui just last night.


Hana laughed hard, “I always knew Sakura would be a size queen!!!” she said, still laughing. “Poor thing’s probably on the last legs of her sanity by now from what you’ve said.”


“Will she be okay?” Naruto asked her.


Hana waved her hand dismissively, “She’ll be fine once she works it all out of her system.” she told him, then added under her breath, “Probably.” she then smiled at Naruto and asked, “So, about Sai’s question, in or out?” she asked bluntly, noting with a smirk the really bad pun in that question.


“Uhhh…” Naruto began, seeming somewhat torn on it still.


“Please…?” Hana asked, giving the Hokage an expression Ino had never seen on her face; puppy dog eyes! “Better a friend than some stranger.” she then added.


“I agree.” Sai added.


Naruto put a hand over his face and sighed, “Really got more than I expected on this trip dattebayo…” he muttered, then sat up again, “Sure, why not?”


Hana grinned and moaned as her pussy gushed all over Ino’s face. The heady smell of her juices made Ino forget everything else as she was once again reduced to just a bitch in heat! Her own pussy was dripping steadily now as she continued dragging her tongue over Hana’s hot and delicious cunt, unable to get enough of it. Her mistress, husband, and Naruto continued to talk about things like Naruto’s Kage summit, other encounters he had with Sakura, etc. Ino barely paid attention to any of it. All that mattered was pleasing Hana like the good bitch she was!


NMMMMH, HMMM, MRMMMN, AHHH… ARF ARF!” Ino barked, moaning happily as she made Hana cum all over her face again in front of the two men.


“Good girl, now, let’s go somewhere more comfortable.” Hana said, and Ino crawled on all fours ahead of Hana while the brown haired woman walked with Ino’s husband and Naruto. She led the four of them into the forest nearby. The air here was thick and humid, filled with the smell of the leaves and flowering shrubs. It basically smelled just like a forest. There thankfully were no bugs to be seen or heard anywhere! Not that it was a bad thing as she hated biting insects, especially since she was walking around naked, but it did stand out to her.


The forest path branched in several directions at one point, and Naruto pointed to the one that headed north. He told her that this path led to a scenic clearing where he had done his morning training. Not seemingly picky about it, Hana decided it was as good as any other place to watch her bitch get double stuffed. Ino could already picture it, two big cocks plowing into her, making her scream and moan in pleasure!


The clearing was fairly big, easily enough room for a group of twenty or more people to hang around and still keep everyone at arm’s length. In the center of the area was a large tree stump from what must have been a massive tree at one point, but was now little more than a natural wood table. Hana led Ino over to the stump and had her climb on top of it. She gave Ino’s ass a spank, making it jiggle from the impact as she took off the blonde woman’s collar. Naruto walked up to Ino’s right, Sai on her left. Both men were already so hard! Did seeing her as Hana’s bitch really turn her husband on that much!? The thought of it made Ino’s already wet pussy even hotter. She began wondering if this could be something they could make work at home. Just picturing herself as Hana’s full-time bitch made Ino so happy! She licked her lips slowly as she turned to Naruto, staring at his huge erection.


No turning back now,’ thought Ino as she reached her hand down to grab his dick! Naruto grunted at her touch, and Ino gasped at how quickly his dick swelled in her grip. The damned thing felt like a metal shaft wrapped in soft leather and was at LEAST as long as her entire forearm! Ino’s mouth watered as she parted her lips and leaned forward to lick him from the bottom of his balls to the tip of his dick.


At the same time behind her, she could feel Sai caressing her ass gently with his pale hands, pulling the cheeks of her perfectly rounded butt apart before she felt his tongue against her already dripping cunt! Ino moaned, her body shaking in a tiny orgasm from being so revved up already.


“Oooooh…” she moaned, closing her eyes to relish the feeling as she ran her tongue all over Naruto’s cock, loving the smell and taste of it. She then opened her mouth as wide as she could, her jaw aching with the effort as she took his cock down her throat slowly.


“Guuuuuummmmmph…” she gagged lightly as she felt the rigid shaft of fuck meat sliding into her mouth. Naruto groaned again, his hand on top of her head but not pushing as she held his dick between her plump lips.


“Ohhhh, yeah… fuuuck…” Naruto groaned in pleasure as Ino began bobbing her head up and down slowly, her lips making wet smacking sounds every time she lifted her head upwards. Ino smiled to herself as she pressed her tongue against the underside of his cock, loving the way she nearly gagged every time it moved down her throat.


Behind her, Ino could feel Sai’s nimble tongue exploring the folds of her pussy, teasing her clit by flicking it back and forth, then up and down. Ino felt her body shaking in pleasure as she moaned loudly around Naruto’s cock, making him groan even louder.


“Fuuuuck, your wife really knows how to suck cock, Sai.” said Naruto.


Sai lifted his head to reply, “Yes, she is quite skilled.” he agreed, and Ino suppressed a giggle at that. She then moaned sharply as she felt Sai’s fingers probing at her pussy, pushing the middle and ring fingers deep inside her as she took Naruto’s cock down to the hilt! His balls pressed against her chin as she felt her neck bulging with his sheer girth.


HMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Ino moaned around Naruto’s cock as Sai began teasing her asshole with a finger from his other hand. Her hips rolled in slow circles out of sheer reflex as she began moving her head up and down even faster now.


“Yeah, just like that…” Naruto groaned, his hand adding a little pressure to the back of her head now. Ino let her throat relax as she let Naruto take over, pushing her head back and forth on his cock harder.


MMMMPH, GUG, MMMMPH, GUH, MMMMPH, GURG, MMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Ino moaned, gagging and choking around Naruto’s cock, loving the feeling of being serviced by two men at once. From a few paces away, Hana watched her as she was ravished by her husband and the Hokage. She could only gag and moan around Naruto’s cock as he fucked her face while Sai teased both her ass and pussy with his fingers. Her pussy poured hot heady smelling juices like a faucet, hot rivulets running down her thighs as Naruto groaned and pushed his cock all the way into her mouth before cumming straight into her stomach.


There was no choice on whether to swallow or not as it all just went right into her belly. Ino could decide if that was bad or not. After all, she rather enjoyed the taste of cum! Naruto then let go of her head and Ino slowly pulled her mouth free. Long glistening ropes of drool stretched away from her lips as she gasped for breath. She then moved to kiss Naruto’s still rock hard dick all over, her ruby lipstick leaving marks all over his shaft. The blonde woman then sat up on her knees and turned herself to face her husband before mounting his cock with a smile! The familiar feel of his dick made her moan loudly as his long shaft plunged deep into her pussy. She wrapped one leg around his waist and began rolling her hips against him, stirring his length inside herself. Naruto then moved up behind her, his arms reaching around her body to grab her fat tits and squeeze them hard.


“Yessss…” Hana growled, “Do it Nanadime-sama, shove that fat cock up my bitch’s ass!” she said in a voice thick with lust as she stood there masturbating with one hand and fondling her own big tit in the other. “Plug both her slutty bitch holes!”


Naruto didn’t need to be told twice and Ino let out a long howl as she felt her asshole stretching wider than it ever had been before! Naruto’s cock was at least twice as thick as Sai’s, and Ino’s vision doubled as her eyes crossed from the sensation.


OHHHAAHH…! ARF!! ARF ARF ARF, AWWWWWOOOOOO!!!!” Ino barked and howled, loving the feeling as both men lifted her by her thighs and began pumping her up and down on their dicks.


“Nmmmmh, yeah… Seeing my Bitch getting stuffed in both her holes, barking and howling, so hot…” Hana moaned, fingering herself even harder. “Keep going, don’t either of you stop even for a second!”


WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! ARF ARF!!! AHHHHHHWOOOOOOO!!! ARF ARF AAARRRRRF!!!!” Ino barked, howled, and moaned, cumming so hard every time she felt the two men pumping into her, she could barely even think anymore. She was just a bitch in heat, being bred for her mistress!


AHHHH, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, I’M FUCKING CUMMING FROM HAVING MY BITCH HOLES PLUGGED WITH FAT COOOOOCKS!!!!’ Ino screamed in her own head. “WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! ARRRRRRF!!!” she then barked at the top of her lungs. She didn’t care who heard her. Her son could have walked in on this and she would still scream for more as the lower half of her body began to feel numb of any sensation other than pleasure. She was grateful that Sai and Naruto were holding her up, as she knew she’d never have the strength to keep herself upright on her own now.


She pressed her mouth to Sai’s, sucking hard on his tongue as she was bounced up and down between the two men. She could barely even think anymore as her body shook with one long powerful orgasm! She never even noticed when the men set her down on her side atop the stump. Ino only became aware of it when their thrusts suddenly changed rhythm. Sai would thrust in as Naruto pulled out, then vice versa.


“Hurrrrrrrgh, yes!!! Ravage my Bitch!!! Fuck her holes, stuff her fuller than full! Fuuuuck!” Hana moaned, her pussy gushing around her fingers. Ino could smell the powerful scent of Hana’s cunt, and it made her dizzy.


WOOF WOOF, ARF ARF AAAARRRRF!!!” Ino screamed, cumming non-stop now as her tongue hung out of her mouth while she panted. She could only imagine how depraved she looked, and it only excited her more!


“Damn Ino, it’s so tight…” she barely heard Naruto say.


“Don’t stop! My Bitch can take it all! I haven’t trained her for nothing!” Hana said, “Keep plowing her ass, she can take it, can’t you girl?”


ARRRRRF!!!!” Ino barked affirmatively. This was the best, being Hana’s bitch was the best!!! “ARF ARF ARF ARRRRRFFFFF!!!!” Ino barked, cumming again and again as the edges of her vision began to grow dim.


It all felt so good, Ino couldn’t think of anything anymore. All she wanted was to get fucked and fucked and fucked like the nitch she was. She felt dizzy, the world seemed to spin around Ino as everything began to get blurry. She distantly heard the two men grunting and moaning as a hot liquid feeling filled her ass and pussy together. She could hear some animal howling in the distance, it was Hana! She was cumming with Ino! The blonde woman’s throat began feeling raw, she realized the sound was coming from her as well! She could feel her entire body going stiff as one final massive orgasm rocked her to her very core before she promptly passed out.



Ino awoke back in her hotel room, her entire body still feeling numb as she struggled to sit up. She was lying in bed naked and under some thick, but comfy blankets. There was a tray next to the bed with a plate of sliced fruits on it.


Ino smirked and plucked a bit of apple cut to look like a flower and popped it into her mouth. She chewed slowly, the juices soothing her raw throat. She swallowed and looked around the room to see Hana sitting in a chair, her arms crossed over her naked chest as she held a leash and collar in one hand.


“Someone’s been a good little bitch.” she said as she held up a new collar. “Your husband and I had a talk, then we picked this out for you.” she told Ino. “He and Naruto are waiting for us down in the hotel cafe.”


Ino shuddered as her pussy gushed a little as her eyes looked at the collar. It was a pastel blue with a golden buckle and matching plate on it. Ino felt her pussy gush again as she read her name on the plate!


“Ah… ARF!” Ino barked happily!


After eating a few more of the fruits on the plate, Ino crawled down from the bed, putting on her knee pads and some gloves again. Hana then secured the collar around her neck, informing her that it would be her only clothes from now on. She then took Ino out of the room and led her down to the first floor of their hotel. They quickly spotted Naruto and Sai sharing a meal together at a table for four.


As they approached, Ino could hear their conversation over the quiet chatter in the rest of the cafe, “…the Kage Summit was held here, though that was all over a few days ago, but then all travel got suspended for some reason.” he explained.


“I believe it has to do with the upcoming festival,” said Sai with his usual deadpan smile. “I overheard from some of the hotel employees that it’s to keep some group called ‘The Returned’ from leaving before it was over.”


“The Returned?” Hana echoed as the two of them reached them, Ino had only heard a bit about it so far. Hana took a seat next to Naruto while Ino squatted in the other chair next to her husband. It was awkward sitting in a chair like a dog, but she was quickly adjusting.


Her husband shrugged, a gesture she had taken great pains to explain to him. “I only caught the last few bits of conversation before the workers went back to their duties.”


Now it was Naruto’s turn to shrug, “Guess that’s something to ask locals about. But I’m guessing this also means the boat you guys came on won’t be leaving soon?”


“Not for a while.” said Hana.


“The crew was rather adamant about everyone leaving the ship after arrival.” said Sai, “And I saw some fairly tight security setting up on our way out.”


“Huh, I wonder what exactly is gonna happen?” asked Naruto as he sipped at the tea he was drinking. One of the scantily clad waitresses came over and Hana ordered a cup of green tea as well. Ino smirked at the way Naruto tried poorly NOT to look at the collar Ino was now sporting, to say nothing about her own naked body. The blonde woman then leaned forward slightly, showing off the way her big and heavy tits hung from her body, retaining their shape and wobbling erotically with her movement.


“Woof…” she said quietly, unashamed of her new role in life.


“It’s called The Festival of the Dead,” said Sai, “I remember a country far to the south that had something of a similar name. It was a day of remembering and honoring the dead, I venture it is something similar here.”


“Huh, that’s probably it then,” Naruto agreed, “Though I don’t see the reason for preventing people from leaving.”


“Maybe the local’s see it as disrespectful to the dead to leave during the celebration?” Hana offered.


Ino nodded, she could see that. Some villages could get pretty hardcore about customs after all. The four of them sat together for a while, Ino listening as they chatted about this and that. When they had finished, Naruto said he had somewhere to be and excused himself. Ino then looked up at her husband from where she squatted on the ground.


“I’m glad you’re being so understanding Sai,” Hana said, “Your wife makes such a nice bitch, it’d be a shame to lose her.”


Sai nodded, “I understand, and if it makes her happy, I fully stand with her and give my permission. Will you be moving in with our family Hana?” he asked.


“We’ll figure out the living situation later.” Hana said, “For now, let’s take my bitch for another walk.”


ARF!” Ino barked happily.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

Boruto x Tsunade chapter is when?

9 months ago

will we ever see the feeble chapter of Hana founding or getting the futa jutsu?? who to say, all is a good chapter, and I wonder if we get more chapters of Naruto during October due to the whole festival of the dead?

9 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

Eventually, yes, the woman who made it will be among the returned

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

cool! i wonder if it is just Hana or if others will learn the futa jutsu?

9 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

I planned for a few to learn it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

i can only guess who the few will be, there’s a pair I would hope to see and that is kushina and hanabi with either one learning the futa jutsu

9 months ago

I hope for a wholesome scene between Ino and Inojin, I like the contrast between her being a good mom and a whore.

9 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

Can’t make any promises

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Don’t tell me she might want to go after Inojin’s cock too?

9 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

That would depend on images

9 months ago

Sai lowkey a real one being so open to sharing his wife with someone else like this (the absolute opposite of what Sasuke is going through right now lol) Of course he also benefits from this aswell with a the crazy threesomes they’ll definitely be having or if Hana ends up becoming his wife aswell

9 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Hmm, more like having Hana be a sister wife, with both of them being married to Ino instead of Ino and Hana being married to him.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Sounds like Sai and Hana having joint custody over ino. Wonder what Sai would need to do to earn the right to bang Hana? She seems like the type who makes her partners work for the privilege to fuck her.

9 months ago
Reply to  Kielian

Something like that

9 months ago

Antes del reinicio de Patreon me gustaba mucho este capitulo más por el hecho de que Ino sale en el pero al volverlo a leer me dio otros aires como en su primera versión y lo digo porque este capitulo siempre me pareció divertido pero le faltaba algo más y que bueno que las interacciones con Hana funcione en la historia de Sai e Ino en fin nada que reprochar con este relanzamiento


9 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

Well, Ino and Hana’s story has been expanded on, so I wanted to rework this chapter to better reflect that. I was inspired by an episode of Rick and Morty where the two Beth’s were fucking and Jerry approved and condoned it. I thought it was interesting and decided to run with it. Will really be fun when Ino finally goes home and is in Bitch-mode 24/7. LOL, still trying to decide how Inojin will take it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I kinda want to see a wholesome scene between Inojin and Ino where she’s a good mom in contrast to her being a bitch in heat.