Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Daily Dose of Dick

Previous Story (Part XV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVII): To be continued…

Ikumi Mito sat on a bench overlooking a pool outside the Busteez Restaurant and Brothel.Seriously,’ she thought, ‘Who builds a pool right next to the freaking ocean!? Kind of redundant, isn’t it?’ Though, the pool WAS heated, so she supposed someone could use it in the winter. Though getting in and out would be miserable since you’d be risking a severe cold every time.


Leaning back in her seat, she looked down at her own big tits, currently restrained by a yellow bikini top with pink dots printed on it. She’d come out here for some fresh air after a very long night with Leda practicing her dance routine. Her thighs and back were both painfully sore.


The big opening was tomorrow night, and it was sink or swim time for their group. They already had several RSVP’d guest reservations, to men and women alike. Most of them she knew from various Shokugekis, though there were a few names on the list she didn’t know.


Well, hopefully the food will be enough to satisfy them, but she doubted it. Not if the test openings were any indication. The young blonde only sighed. There was no turning back now. Not that she ever planned to.


She didn’t have any real problem fucking the customers that wanted her. Leda was a bit of an oddball, but she did have some pretty sage advice when it came to sex. Take out the romantic aspect and sex was just sex, fucking, boning, riding, plowing, whatever you called it, it was just a physical act. If romance was involved, then it became something more. Lovemaking, intimacy, passion, those were something entirely different from sex.


“Anyone who can’t tell the difference is just a fool or a child.” Leda had told her in private once. “Of course I want those things, and I hope I can find them one day. But as a human woman, I have physical needs, and I won’t deny them for the sake of outdated morals or dumb religions.”


Those words just resonated with Ikumi. She loved wearing sexy clothes for herself, not because it made the boys hard. Though she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like that aspect. The caramel skinned blonde looked down at her own big tits. They were still really big from the last time. Though at least now, she could fit through a doorway without her body touching the sides of the frame.


She was no slouch with her own natural body, but she had to admit, she LIKED having them big like this! They were so soft, yet firm. Heavy, but bouncy. They made her feel like a goddess of sexiness!


Not only that but…


“Ohhmmmmh!” Ikumi moaned out loud as she squeezed her own tits softly. Her fingers sank in so DEEP, and it felt so GOOD! Just having her tits played with turned her on so much. Already she was getting all tingly between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together and began squirming in her seat. She slowly drew her tongue over her lips, breathing heavily. She wished she had a nice, fat, hard dick to rub between her tits!


That manly stink, that rock hard flesh, and the near scalding heat rubbing against her skin. Just thinking of those things was making her wet now as she squeezed her tits together. She then began rubbing them against each other slowly, her nipples already stiff and making distinct points in the fabric covering them.


“Mmmmmmh, yeah, you like my big slutty tits, boys?” she asked no one, as she was picturing a group of men all lusting after her, with big tents in their ever tightening pants as they looked at her. She spread her legs wide, her pussy already so damp and making the fabric of her bikini bottoms cling to the folds of her cunt. Ikumi closed and spread her thighs several times, with the outlines of her pussy becoming more distinct with every move. She then slipped her crotch forwards, the seat of her bottoms snagging on the bench and being pulled into a wedgie. This in turn made the crotch of her bottoms pull tighter against her pussy. The friction felt amazing!


“Haaaahn…!!!” Ikumi moaned lustfully. Ikumi moved her hands to grab her top and yank it off, letting her big tits spill free of their confines. The warm breeze that blew over her exposed nipples only made her feel even hornier! She grabbed her left tit in her left hand, pushing it up and sucking the stiff nipple between her hot lips.


“Nmmmmmmh!!!” she moaned, while swirling her tongue around her nipple roughly while her other hand went to grab at the crotch of her bikini, pulling it up into her pussy harder! She slowly humped her cunt against the fabric, making lewd wet squishy sounds as she moaned even louder.


NMMMMMH, HMMMMMH NRMMMMMH, HUMMMMMMH!!!!!” Ikumi moaned, pulling the crotch as tight as she could, savoring the hot friction against her pussy.




AHAAH!!!” Ikumi gasped as the crotch of her bikini bottoms ripped open as the stitches holding it together could take no more. Her pussy let out a hot gush of juices as she felt herself cumming lightly!


It wasn’t enough though. Her naughty switch had been flipped, and she wanted to cum so much more! She continued sucking on her own tit as she stabbed her middle, index, and ring fingers inside herself with a hot and wet SQUISH. She then began moving her fingers in and out of herself quickly, her hand becoming completely soaked in seconds.


NMMMMMMMMPH, HMMMMMMPH, NRMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Ikumi moaned, humping her crotch against her fingers faster. “HMMMMMMMN YEAAAAH… AHHHMMMH, PHUCK MEH BOYSH…” she moaned as she listened to the wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK her digits made. Her pussy felt so good! She wanted to cum so badly right now. Ikumi could already feel that familiar pressure mounting inside her groin. She moved her hand faster and faster, pushing her fingers even deeper into her pussy.


HNNMMMMMMPH, CAWK, WANNA CAWK SHO BHAAAAD…!” she moaned as her fingers quickly became insufficient! She wanted something longer, thicker, harder!


MWAHH, AHHH I’M SO HORNYYYYYY!!!!!” Ikumi shouted towards the sky after releasing her nipple from her lips. She stabbed her fingers into her pussy even harder, a tiny stream of juices spraying into the air every time they plunged in. She slid herself off of the bench and got down on her hand and knees, her other hand still pushing in and out of her pussy as her hot juices ran down her bronze thighs.


HAH, AHHH, I WANNA CUM!!! I WANNA CUM SO BAD RIGHT NOOOOW!!! STUPID FAKE MEEEEAT!!!!” she cursed as she began rocking herself back and forth as she tried furiously to make herself orgasm.


“Oiy, Nikumiiii! You okayyy?” called Soma Yukihira’s voice as he came out of the Busteez building that was connected to the other side of the pool. “I heard you shout… WAH!?” he couldn’t finish his sentence as Ikumi moved so fast she was actually able to run across the surface of the pool without falling into the water!


In a split second, Ikumi had pinned him up against the side of the building, ripping open his shirt like it was made of paper. She let out a low breath at the sight of his bare chest, kissing her way down it as she tore open his jeans in the same manner. The young blonde woman proceeded to grab his dick with both her hands, pulling it into her mouth and swallowing its length down her throat!


NMMMMMHMMMMMMMPH!!! YEEESSSSSH!!!” she gagged loudly as she felt herself cumming just from the feel of Soma’s fat dick sliding down her esophagus! She could feel her throat bulging after several seconds as his cock almost instantly got hard. Her jaw began to ache, but she ignored it as she began sliding her mouth back and forth quickly.


SHOMAGUUH! SHOMAHGUG!! SHOOOMAAAHH AGUH GUG GUH GUUUH!!!” Ikumi choked in pleasure. She wasn’t even masturbating anymore, but she was cumming! She was cumming with just her mouth! Had she not already experienced this before, she wouldn’t believe it. But it felt every bit as good now as it did then, and she couldn’t get enough!


AGUUUGH GUH GURGH HUCK BWEH GUH GUH GUH!!” Ikumi gagged and choked on Soma’s insanely thick cock. She felt like she was being turned inside out every time she pulled her head back, but she couldn’t make herself stop!


“Ahhhn, Nii… Nikumi…” Soma groaned.


DHON’D THALG, JUSHT PHUG MUH MOOOOUPH!! AGUH GUH GUG!!!” she shouted, or tried to shout at him. She could barely even understand her own words. Soma gulped as he looked down at her with those gold colored eyes. Ikumi felt her heart jump in her chest as her face heated up. She was acting like a total whore right now. Normally, she would have just insulted him and run away by now, but she couldn’t, it just felt too good!!!


Soma then grabbed the sides of her head in a firm grip before he began FUCKING her face like it was her pussy! Ikumi’s jade green eyes rolled back in her head. Drool trickled down the sides of her chin as she gagged and moaned at length.


GYESSSH!!! HAWDER, HAWDERRRR!!! AGUH GUH GUH GUH!!! HMMMMMMPH GUH GURG GUCK!!!” Ikumi gagged and moaned in ecstasy. “GUUMMINGH! GUMMINGH!! AYE’M GUMMINGH SHOMAHHHH!!!!!” she wailed in pleasure, her pussy spraying like a faucet on full blast.


The red haired young man groaned as he pumped his thick man meat in and out of her mouth and throat. Ikumi could barely think through the pleasure as her pussy kept gushing again and again. The pain in her jaw grew stronger, as it was feeling like it might pop off its hinge at any moment, but she didn’t want to stop!


Her gagging chokes changed pitch slightly as she began actually having trouble breathing. Soma seemed to pick up on this, as he pulled his cock back and out of her throat and stomach. Ikumi gagged, coughed, then coughed some more before finally catching her breath. Her body was screaming for more, her family could walk in on them right now and she wouldn’t stop as she turned around, pushing her ass up into the air.


DON’T YOU DARE STOP!!!” she shouted at him.


“R… Right!” Soma said back, grabbing hold of Ikumi’s big round ass. His touch sent tingles all along her body as her legs shook.


Finally! A big fat cock will stuff my cunt! I need this so bad!’ she thought as she felt the wide log of Soma’s cock nestling between the tanned cheeks of her ass. She shuddered with need as he began dragging his dick back slowly, until she felt the tip sliding down towards her pussy.


YES, YES, YES! SHOVE IT IN! SHOVE, IT, IIIIIINNNNNNNNNEEEEGH!!!!!” Ikumi squealed loudly as she felt Soma’s cock GOING, UP, HER, ASS!!!!


WRONG HOLE! WRONG HOOOOOLE!!!!” Ikumi howled as her legs gave out and she fell down onto her side, dragging Soma down with her. The sensation of his gigantic dick twisting around in her ass was incredibly painful and pleasurable at the same time. She chewed her lower lip as her eyes went cross. Her pussy let loose another hot spray as she felt herself shaking all over.


OH GAWWWWWD!!! MY ASS! MY ASSSSSS!!!” Ikumi howled.


“Ahha, Nikumi, I’m sorry, I…” Soma began to say before she cut him off.


MY ASS FEELS SO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!” she screamed so loud it made her throat hurt. “AHHHN, I… IT FEELS LIKE IT’S BURSTING THROUGH MY SPINE AND UP INTO MY HEAD!!!” Ikumi screamed, pushing herself back against Soma, driving his cock even deeper into her asshole.


IT’S SO THIIIIIIICK! Y… YES… IT FEELS GOOD!” she screamed, “YOU’RE SPREADING MY ASSHOLE WIDER THAN I’VE EVER FELT BEFOOOORE!! BUT IT DOESN’T REALLY HURT ANYMOOORE! MY INSIDES ARE GETTING SO STRETCHED OOOOUT! IT FEELS AMAZINGGGH!!” Ikumi told him as she leaned forward, then pushed herself back, moving his cock in and out of her asshole.


DON’T JUST STAND THERE YOU IDIOT, FUCK MY ASSSS!!!!” Ikumi wailed in pleasure. She then began rolling on her side, moving his cock in and out some more. Every time she felt his fat tree trunk of a cock moving into her asshole, she felt like her insides were getting rearranged from its size. And when it pulled out, she felt as if it might pull her guts out with it! But it felt fantastic!


I’M CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING FROM MY ASSHOLE SOMAAAH!!! IT’S SO AMAZZZZING!!! AHHHA, AHHH, OOOOH, HOOOHOOOOH!!!” Ikumi moaned as Soma began moving on his own. His thick cock pushed deeper in than before, making her stomach stretch forwards from the size. Ikumi panted with pleasure, managing to roll back onto all fours again. She felt Soma grabbing her by the waist, gripping her tight as he drove his length in and out, in and out, in and out! His balls made a loud SLAP SMACK SLAP against her gushing pussy as she rocked herself into his movements.


HEEEEEEEGH, AHHMASHINGH… SHO AHMASHINGH… DISH FEELSH… I’M CUUUMMMMMMIIIIINNNNNGH!!!!” screamed Ikumi through gritted teeth as her pussy let out a powerful burst. It was almost like she was wetting herself. She could feel Soma’s cock throbbing in her asshole and a thick warm sensation flowing into her guts as he came inside!


Ikumi’s entire body felt stiff as she shook in pleasure. Her breaths came in short, ragged, gasps. Tears of pleasure ran down her cheeks as she felt all the strength flow out of her as she fell forward.




The sound of Soma’s cock exiting Ikumi’s asshole was like one wet pipe being pulled out of another. She then just lay there, her face against the concrete alongside the pool with her ass in the air. She could feel Soma’s cum still in her asshole like some twisted bowl of chowder.


“Aheheheh…” Ikumi giggled in drunken pleasure. “Eheheheheheh…”


“Ah, Nikumi, are you okay?” Soma asked, sounding out of breath as well.


“I can never go bhaaaack…” Ikumi murmured, still giggling in a creepy fashion.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 months ago

It’s been quite a long time since we had anything with SNS/Food Wars. So it’s good to see something on it. 😄

So long story short, there isn’t a lot that needs to be said for this chapter. But I will say that I really enjoyed this one for what it is. Good to see Ikumi take center stage here, and really learning from her lessons Leda provided. And it just took off from there. 😏

The overall setup was pretty good. As well as the actual sex with her and Soma. Though that speaks for itself. 👀

At least they’re more or less ready for the grand opening of the restaurant and brothel. So let’s see how it goes next time. 😋

Overall, not a bad chapter. Good work. 😎

– Hiryu

8 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, next one of these I do will likely be set during opening night. Might introduce the antagonist of the series, though a few chapters back I revealed her mother sent her.

El locutor de la noche
El locutor de la noche
8 months ago

I have a question for all the stories, how long is each protagonist’s penis?

8 months ago

I don’t answer that question because it causes issues

8 months ago

Por fin un capítulo nuevo de Food Wars historia entrenida como nos suelen dar Ikumi y Soma será directa como suelen ser en su química en estás historias pero no sabes como tal como va terminar porque todo puede pasar.

PD: Esperemos ver a Erina pronto ya hace falta una imagen de la Jefa

8 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

I might try to reuse an older image later, glad you enjoyed the story!!!

8 months ago

Awesome to see Shokugeki back. I like it and to see how Nikumi is enjoyinh a lot her curvier body. Leda has been a lewd and effective teacher as Megumi, Ikumi, Mayumi and, depending if Soma is around, Erina all have an intense horny switch that is very effective. Only Alice, I’m not sure but based on her mother I think so.

The scene on the pool was good and Soma reaction was nice. The last part was true, after the meat they will never go back. Thanks for the story

8 months ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Oh, Alice has a naughty switch, but she likes it ROUGH! Her himedere personality makes her the perfect type to enjoy being TAKEN.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Good to know. Alice is my favorite girl so her turning on her naughty and horny switch with her himedere personality on will be a force to reckon and enjoy in the process. She can compite with Erina when her libido gets out of control

8 months ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Alice is the first true definition of a Himedere I’ve seen personally. I’m sure there are more in other anime/manga. Erina and Ikumi are both tsundere’s. Too bad there wasn’t a kuudere to play with in the cast. They’re my favorites.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Agree. I forgot about the himedere and compare to Erina, Alice pout face is full princess when Leonora recalled the aftermatch of her duel with Soma. Not sure if Nene counts as a kuudere?

8 months ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Nah, she shows annoyance, kuudere’s are near emotionless