Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Crazy for Uzumaki Dick

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part LVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part LVIII): [LINK]

Boruto Uzumaki’s balls HURT! He’d been kicked in the nuts before. He had said something stupid to Sarada, and with her short fuse, she’d delivered a solid kick to them. But that pain was almost pleasant in comparison to what he felt right now! His nuts felt like they wanted to explode, a deep, aching pressure not unlike the feeling when he’d gone too long without a piss, but somehow worse.


He was walking across the island following his mother, Hinata Uzumaki, alongside his β€œslave”, Kaguya Otsutsuki. About the only good thing about the last few hours was he finally had an understanding of just what had happened with the ivory skinned woman. Without even trying, Boruto had tapped into the Kekkei Genkai of the Uzumaki Clan. He still wasn’t sure if he should be happy about it though. Unlocking the Byakugan would have been better honestly. There was still the mystery of how his right eye got funny from time to time, but he still hadn’t been able to trigger whatever that was at will.


Their destination was the hotel where his parents were staying. It was a fair distance from the hotel where they’d been just a short while before. The hotel where he was staying with Mitsuki and the rest of his team was closer, but Hinata wanted them to have a sit-down and discussion over everything. Something he WAS NOT looking forward to.


The route to the hotel went through a large forested park, which was the same park where he’d run into his mother to begin with. The three of them were following a paved path through a thick area of forest. Were it not for the neatly paved and maintained walkway, it would have been easy to assume the three of them were lost deep in the woods. The air was heavy with humidity and the smell of trees and other growing things. Boruto didn’t know why anyone would wanna walk through this path.


Which is why he was surprised when two women appeared in their path coming from the opposite direction.


β€œOh!” Hinata said, jumping slightly when the pair appeared from around a bend in the path. β€œHana, Ino, hello! You’re on the island as well?” she asked them.


β€œYo!” Hana Inuzuka said with a wave as she walked along the concrete path. Both she and Ino Yamanaka were almost completely naked, with the latter wearing the most in the form of some knee pads and gloves to go with her sandals. Around her neck was a collar with her name stamped onto it. Attached to said collar was a leash that Hana held the other end of. While Hana herself was just wearing a pair of cheap looking flip flops and nothing else.


Ino walked, or rather, crawled in front of Hana, looking flushed as she panted softly. As they came closer, Boruto saw that Ino also had an anal plug stuffed up her ass that had a long bushy dog tail sticking out the other end. If his mother was surprised by this situation at all, she didn’t show it.


The two groups closed the distance between one another and Boruto watched as his mother and Hana exchanged the basic pleasantries. Ino didn’t speak through the entire exchange, she merely squatted down on the ground like a dog. The blonde woman’s expression reminded Boruto of Kaguya for some reason. She had the same look of mindless longing in her eyes, making Boruto wonder just what had happened to her.


β€œAlright, I don’t mind.” Hana said, jarring Boruto out of his own thoughts. β€œI need to take care of something anyway.”


β€œHuh, what?” Boruto asked. He’d been so engrossed in the way Ino looked that he’d missed an entire chunk of conversation.


Hana handed the leash over to his mother and smiled down at Ino, β€œIno, be a good girl and go with Hinata. Do whatever she tells you.” she told the squatting blonde.


β€œAhh, ah, ARF!!!” Ino barked in the affirmative, and Boruto raised his eyebrows.


Hana and his mother looked at one another before nodding. The brown haired woman then began walking along the path back the way they had come, leaving Ino with them.


β€œAlright, come on.” Hinata said, Boruto and Kaguya followed after her as she led the way through the forest path, Ino walking in front of them like… Well, like a dog!


β€œMom,” Boruto began, but Hinata turned to him with a glare, her Byakugan fully activated, giving her a fierce expression, β€œHahaoya-sama!” he quickly corrected himself, and Hinata’s expression softened, β€œWhat’s going on?” he asked.


β€œI’m just borrowing Ino here for your next lesson.” she said as though it were obvious.


Just hearing that made his balls ache all over again!



β€œHmmmmnph, mmmmmph, hrmmmmph…” The sound of wet lips smacking over the length of his dick made Boruto groan as he watched the blonde haired woman moving her head up and down slowly. His dick and the lower area of his body were covered in lipstick marks from the two women now servicing his dick. It just felt so GOOD! He wanted to cum, badly!


β€œGood work Samui,” his mother said as she sat on top of an old tree stump, β€œKeep sucking his cock like that. Ino, focus on his balls. And Boruto, don’t let yourself get fully hard! You need to learn to control your body’s reactions. Any Shinobi who can keep himself from getting an erection when he doesn’t want to is pretty much unbeatable in a battle of sex.” Hinata said.


β€œThat said, this is exceedingly difficult.” she then added, β€œEven your father has never managed it.”


β€œYe… Yes… Hahaoya-samaaaah…” Boruto groaned weakly as Samui took the entire length of his half hard cock down her slender throat. Though anyone who walked in on this scene wouldn’t have thought he was only halfway up.


They made it to the hotel where Hinata and Naruto were staying while on the island, only to find he wasn’t there. Instead they found Samui, naked and passed out on the bed in their room, with her big tits heaving slightly as she breathed. To Boruto’s surprise, his mother didn’t seem the least bit fazed by this. Instead, she commanded Samui to get up and come with them.


β€œSamui is going to be your new training dummy.” Hinata told him. β€œI decided on that shortly after your father and I broke her in.”


Boruto didn’t have a chance to ask what exactly she meant by that before the five of them went back into the forest together. Finding a secluded spot wasn’t hard. This close to the beach, everyone was having their fun there.


Now, Boruto found himself getting his dick sucked by two beautiful naked blondes while his mother watched. The forest seemed fairly dense around them, with mushrooms and fireflies all around them. From where she sat on the stump, Hinata only watched with the intensity of a hawk, her Byakugan fully deployed.


β€œAhhah hah hah ahh hah…” panted Ino as she licked and sucked at his tender balls, still acting like a dog. At one point he managed to ask Ino what was going on with her, but it was Kaguya who responded.


β€œShe has been rendered the bitch of another. It is a powerful dominance technique, a woman’s version of the Kami Chinpo, though admittedly weaker. She will obey the caster’s every command now like the most loyal of dogs.” explained the white haired fallen goddess.


β€œSpeaking of loyal dogs,” Hinata said, grabbing Kaguya’s head by her horns and shoving her face back into her crotch! β€œGet back to work!” she ordered, then closed her eyes, letting out an erotic moan that made Boruto’s cock shoot up, getting longer, thicker, and harder as it happened! Hinata had been forcing Kaguya to eat out her pussy this entire time, promising them both if they did a good job, then she’d allow them to fuck.


β€œAhhhhh…” Ino gasped as she looked up at his cock after Samui had been forced off by the sudden change in size. The shorter haired blonde seemed more annoyed than surprised, grabbing Boruto cock with both hands and leading it back into her mouth.


β€œAHHMMMMPH!!! NRMMMPH HMMMPH AHMMMMMPH…!” she moaned, managing to take most of his length into her mouth with little effort. The blonde haired woman then began sliding her head up and down again, her blue painted lips making lewd slurping noises every time she pulled back.


Boruto leaned his head back, trying not to look, to send his mind elsewhere. But the only sight that greeted him was his naked mother leaning back on the tree stump as Kaguya licked at her pussy. The dark haired woman groped at her own tit softly, twisting one nipple between her thumb and index finger.


β€œNmmmmmh, yeah, stick your tongue in deeper!” she told Kaguya, then moaned again.


At the same time, Boruto felt Samui lifting her mouth up and off his cock before she and Ino proceeded to lick at his length like it was made of candy. Both women were breathing heavily, their faces flush with arousal. Boruto couldn’t stand it anymore as his cock shot to full erection! The veins on the sides could be seen pulsating as the entire massive rod throbbed in the air.


Both Samui and Ino stared up in awe before moving to hug his cock between their soft naked bodies. Their huge tits enveloped his cock in a velvety smooth warmth as they reached around one another in a tight hug. Samui let out a soft, almost drunk sounding giggle as she and Ino began licking the tip of his dick as it peaked out between their mashing tits.


β€œAhhhnnnnnmmmh…” Samui moaned.


β€œHah ah ah hah hah hah, ah, ARF!” barked Ino.


β€œGrab their asses!” Hinata said.


β€œHuh?” Boruto replied, confused.


β€œAt this point, holding back is only a detriment. Now, the goal is to make them both cum before you do!” Hinata yelled at him while grinding Kaguya’s face against her pussy. β€œNow, grab those butts, young man! That’s an order!”


Boruto did as he was told, still unable to believe how insane everything had gotten since he came to this crazy island. Fucking Sarada, fucking her mother, a threesome with Wasabi and Sumire. Then there was breaking Kaguya with his dick, and even fucking his own mother several times!


β€œAHHHHH, SCREW IT!!!!” he yelled, reaching out to grab Ino and Samui’s asses in a claw-like grip. His fingers sank into the squishy flesh easily, giving him firm grips as he began thrusting his cock up and down between them. Both blondes moaned in arousal, licking and kissing his lipstick covered dick.


β€œAhhhnnnn, it feels so hooooot!!!” Samui moaned, and Boruto could feel her pussy rubbing against the base of his dick as she grinded her entire body against it.


β€œAH HAH, AHHH, ARF!!! ARF ARF ARF!!!!” Ino barked excitedly, her pussy gushing against him.


β€œNow Boruto! Take Samui first! Pound that giant dick into her until she begs for mercy!” his mother ordered him. β€œBut don’t you dare cum. If you do, you won’t like the penalty.” she warned.


Boruto moved faster than he thought he could, pushing himself up and pulling the tree trunk that was his dick out from between the two beautiful women. He then had Samui down on all four, her big jiggly ass up in the air. He could see how puffy, pink, and sopping WET her pussy was. He felt almost no resistance as his cock speared into her with a loud and wet SQUISH!


β€œHWEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!! SO BHIIIG!!!” Samui hissed out between clenched teeth. β€œOH YES!!! IT FEELS GOOD! SO GOOD!!!” she screamed as his cock sank all the way inside her. Her once flat and toned stomach tented upwards in a perfect outline of his cock as he felt her body gripping him like a too small glove.


β€œAHHHHHNN! POUND MY PUSSY NICE AND HARD!!!” she begged. β€œOH GAAAAAWD!!! MY PUSSY, IT’S BEING STRETCHED EVEN WIDER THAN BEFOOOORE!!! IT… IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! LADY HINATA! YOUR SON’S COCK IS SO BIG, IT’S GONNA BREAK MY PUSSY! AHHHHH!!!” Samui wailed, though her words sounded dire, her tone conveyed only pleasure as she bucked herself back against his thrusts.




β€œNot Konoha-cock. Uzumaki-dick!” Boruto told her, slapping his hand down on her ass hard. Samui’s rump wobbled enticingly, and Boruto continued pounding his cock into her. His balls and dick both hurt, badly, but pushing his length into Samui brought at least SOME relief. Like how dipping into a near scalding hot bath helped ease an aching muscle. It still hurt, but the pain was at least bearable.




Boruto grabbed the older woman’s shapely hips, pounding his cock into her faster, with his balls swinging between his legs like a fleshy pendulum. The loud and wet SMACK SMACK SMACK of flesh on flesh was drowned out by the usually quiet woman’s howling cries. He then grabbed onto her wrists, remembering that Kaguya responded well to that. She angled upwards as he pulled on her, the massive distention in her stomach becoming more pronounced.


β€œAAHHHHHGH, IT’S LIKE YOUR FUCKING MY SOOOOOUL! PLEASE DON’T STOOOOOOP!! I’M GONNA CUM SOOONNNN!!!” Samui screamed as he felt her pussy gushing around his dick.


β€œAAHH, IT’S AMAAAAZING!! SO DHEEEEEP!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!! I… I’M GONNA CUM, I’M GONNA CUM, I’M… CUMMMMMINGH!!!” Samui screamed, with her mouth hanging open as he felt her entire body clenching his cock tight, making it hard to move.


β€œDon’t stop!” Hinata yelled when he began slowing down. β€œShe has to beg you to stop first!” Hinata told him.


He groaned, and began moving his hips faster again. Samui’s pussy felt so much tighter now, the wet squish of his movements was different, deeper now as he pulled his cock back farther for every thrust.


β€œSO BIG!!!” she moaned and Boruto groaned. His cock was beginning to ache again, the brief relief from penetrating Samui was gone now as his balls ached to unload the cum built up inside.


β€œDon’t. You. Dare. Cum!” his mother breathed into his ear as he felt a soft hand gripping his balls. He turned to see her looking at him with an expression that made his blood run colder than ice.


β€œAhhnnn, it… It’s starting to huuuurt…” he groaned.


She grinned, β€œI know! Now, fuck her harder!” Hinata commanded, while slapping his ass. β€œAnd try focusing your Chakra into your penis, like you would into your feet when trying to walk up a wall or over water.”


β€œYe… Yes, Hahaoya-sama…!” he groaned, pounding into Samui faster.


β€œGYAHAGAH!!! CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING! I’M CUMMING! IT FEELS SO GOOD, TOO GOOD, I’M LOSING MY MIIIIIND!!!” Samui screamed when Boruto did as he was told. The effort was taking a toll on his stamina, his dick felt hot, and he imagined this was how the heating element on an electric stove must feel. Sweat beaded all over his body now, and he felt feverish. But he feared his mother’s wrath more than passing out.


β€œUGHIIIII!! THIS IS SO INCREDIBLE!!! I’M CUMMING SO MUCH, I CAN’T THINK! AHHHH… COCK COCK COCK COCK!!! UZUMAKI COCK IS AMAZZZZING!!! I’M ADDICTED TO IIIIIT!!!!!!!!” Samui moaned while, next to her, Ino howled like a wolf, orgasming just watching the other blonde cum.


Boruto felt something warm and soft pressing onto either side of his head. Snow white orbs of flesh filled his view as Kaguya hugged his body back against her own.


β€œAhhhh, me next, please master, fuck my pussy next! My hole is screaming for your diiiiick!!!” the fallen goddess moaned shamelessly.


β€œARF ARF AWOOOOOOOO!” Ino howled as Samui continued to scream and moan.


β€œAhhhhnn, mom, please, I need to cummmmm!!!” Boruto begged. And was rewarded with a painful grip on his testicles. He groaned and hissed in pain, the sound completely lost in the moaning of the women around him.


β€œNo! Now, keep going!!!” his mother ordered, with an openly sadistic grin on her face.


β€œAhhhaaaaah!!” Boruto moaned, the sound again lost amid the cries of the women around him.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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7 months ago

I’ve been meaning to ask, but do you have anything against Naruto? In an earlier comment, you said you didn’t, but after reading a few of the stories, Naruto seems to get shafted. A lot.

In some of the chapters, part of me thinks you do it on purpose because people complained about Boruto seemingly being featured in more chapters than his old man. Which, if I were in your shoes, I’d get annoyed pretty quickly too.

However, on that note, I think I might just drop the series. While I have nothing against Boruto’s (frankly, if I’m being honest, I don’t really care about the character at all. If he were to die, permanently, in his own series, I wouldn’t blink) character, I don’t like what the Boruto series did to Naruto, and frankly I’m tired of the same old trope being used over and over again. You see it enough times, you become jaded to it. It’s the same with Ay, Sasuke, or whoever else is being used to make Naruto look like a cuck, or an unsatisfying partner.

It’s not just for Naruto, but for other anime, like MHA and Dragon Ball. The MC (or in this case, one of the MCs) is an unsatisfying partner in the bedroom, and their SO seeks out other means to satisfy themselves.

My biggest problem with this for Naruto in particular, is it just doesn’t make sense to me that he becomes a neglectful husband and father because of his job as Hokage. This is a guy, that even after Kurama dies, still has absurd levels of chakra, even more than Kurama, otherwise Naruto would have died from using Baryon mode instead. Other than for the plot of the series, I don’t see a logical reason why Naruto couldn’t use a few Shadow Clones to do his job for a while, and he can spend time with his family.

Ahem. Sorry for the rant. I just had to get that off my chest. Ultimately, this is your story, you do whatever you want with it. This is all just porn in the first place. Honestly, I shouldn’t be getting this worked up about it. And like I said, it’s not just Naruto that I’ve seen this trope being over used. I find it boring and stupid in general, and I’ve seen it used in other media too (Don’t even get me started on what Marvel’s done to Spider-Man).

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’ll try to make this clear.


Just because he does not have the biggest dick in the story doesn’t mean he is lessened in any way, shape, or form. It seems that many are assuming that I dislike Naruto because I’ve made his dick smaller than his son’s.

All good parents want their children to surpass them in every way possible. I’m holding this true to Naruto as well. Naruto was on the surface a terrible parent because he allowed his job as Hokage to take greater priority than his family. He got better later. Then the other crap in the manga happened.

Now, Boruto is getting a few more chapters now because he’s getting more images. This chapter featured Boruto because it needed to for purposes of the story as a whole. In a few more chapters, there will be more Naruto focused chapters because the image features Naruto fully on screen. Images that don’t feature him directly I will write as needed for the characters in the story.

However, I am not, and WILL NOT have Naruto surpass his son purely to appease the Naruto simps who hate his son because he was such a brat at the beginning of his series. To do so in my eyes would have him being an even worse father than he was before. As stated earlier, parents WANT their children to outdo them, those that don’t are amongst the worst scum of the Earth. If you don’t like Boruto’s character, that’s fine, it’s your right as someone with Free Will, which is about the only thing in life I personally view as sacred.

But I am sick to death of people coming to me with arguments about why Naruto is so much better than his son. Why his cock should be bigger, why I should write in a way to make his dick bigger. This focus on dick size has gotten on my nerves, which is why I no longer respond to questions asking for me to give either exact numbers or chart out who is bigger.

I CAN’T do either, as A: I’m not doing the drawing. B: The stories are done to match the images, not the other way around. C: The dick sizes very WILDLY from one picture to the next depending on the person who requested it from Enzo. As such, trying to provide exact numbers, or charts telling who is largest to smallest is IMPOSSIBLE!

I will say again: IMPOSSIBLE, IM-POSS-IBLE!!!

Now, As to Naruto’s ability as a lover, he is more than adequate both in size and technique. The lore about injutsu/sexcraft/carnal arts is a more recent addition to this series and brought over from the original series I was doing for this franchise. I have already had Naruto display his prowess at this once when he mindbroke Samui. And when the opportunity presents itself, I will show his skills at this even more. Unlike Boruto, he did not have natural talent for this and trained hard. A detail I plan to mention.

Now, I’ve ranted long enough and this wall of text is tall enough. I will close by reitterating, I have nothing against Naruto’s character. I actively dislike Sasuke though, and won’t apologize for that. This series has been him reaping some karma for the shit he pulled in the original Naruto manga/anime.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Fair enough. I respect your opinions.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I should also apologize. It wasn’t my intention to piss anyone off.

Outside of a few gripes with a couple of characters, I do like this story enough to check it out every once in a while whenever I’m on HF.

What I said about Boruto wasn’t about him in this story in particular. I don’t particularly like him as a character – that’s just because I couldn’t get into the series – but I don’t hate him. I dislike the series mainly because of how it changed some of the characters in a way that seems out of character. It’s not just Naruto, but Shikamaru is another one. Then again, I haven’t seen anything since the first few episodes/chapters, so I could be wrong.

I read A LOT of fanfiction, and over the years since I started reading it, my tastes have changed to more mature and explicit fanfiction within a fandom. Porn/hentai basically, and most of the stuff I like to read is hardcore/rough sex type of stuff.

Unfortunately, most of that material is NTR, or NTR-like fanfiction. And like I mentioned before, I’m not a fan of that genre/trope especially when it happens with characters I like, which most of the time is a MC of series, which is where the trope/genre is used a lot.

For instance, in the Naruto/Boruto series, I see that a lot with Ay usually. Ay as a character is okay I guess, I don’t really have an opinion of him, but when I want to read a Naruto/Boruto fanfiction, and most of the ones I see is Ay cucking Naruto, or Minato with Hinata or Kushina, I get tired of seeing it all the time. I talked about Boruto this time, because I see it with him too, (not nearly as much as Ay, though. I don’t get why he’s used as much as he is.) but it’s the trope/genre I have an issue with, not this story.

Another part of the trope/genre that I dislike is how the MC is either too “soft” or too afraid to get rough or adventurous with their partner; which is ridiculous in my opinion.

And it’s not just with the Naruto/Boruto series. I see it a lot in MHA, Dragon Ball, even in the various Yu-Gi-Oh series. It gets old quick.

In all of your’s and Enzo’s stories, you make it a point to explain why these characters are doing these things that they wouldn’t normally do. Here, in the Ranko Island series, everyone is kind of in a open, polygamous relationship, so virtually anyone can screw around with someone, and for the most part, no one gets jaded/jealous, etc. It’s an interesting story element.

Again, if I rubbed anyone the wrong way, I apologize, it’s not my intention. I can’t apologize enough for dumping my rant here. I wanted to vent, and here I can remain anonymous and it’s really the only place I can talk about this sort of stuff.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
7 months ago

I honestly thought this was gonna be Naruto due to his pubes being spikey.

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I needed another Boruto chapter to follow the last one, and this was ambiguous enough to use for that.

7 months ago

Just asking

Is this just self insert boruto story ?Not hating,but he literally everywhere at this point in this story and i hate wasting my time reading story about him cause i prefer A or Naruto as lead character.It’s like i reading that flop trash sequel manga boruto but smut version lol

Furthermore this story reminds me of one of author Lemonsage famous smut story hence i stuck around to read more .

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Screw you. I don’t do self inserts, I’m not a Marvel writer!

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Autor mediocre

7 months ago

Something tells me there’s going to be a LOT of pregnancies before anyone leaves the island.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gorel29

Hmmmn, can’t promise anything

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Would be a funny finale. Not only will Boruto have a harem of over endowed bimbos but unintentional be a patriarch to a whole new generation of Uzumaki. Poor guy…

7 months ago
Reply to  Gorel29

Likely, but again, not sure what I’ll be able to do.

Sauce am
Sauce am
7 months ago

Does a story where Orihime Inoue is portrayed as a ditzy, stupid, airheaded, dumb, not very bright bimbo sucking Yushiro Shihoin’s cock all while he’s calling her big titted bimbo sound like a story that could happen?

7 months ago
Reply to  Sauce am

Listen, asking me repeatedly for this is not gonna have me write it, please stop. I told you, if you want a bimbo Orihime, you’ll need to commission it, I won’t do it as a free request.

7 months ago

Honestly hope Ino becomes a common shared partner for the Uzumaki household.

7 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

No idea on that.

7 months ago

You know how when I asked about if their is a god of sexcrafts and has reached beyond the peak of carnal arts and you said how he will appear in a Patreon spin-off well I have two questions for you. One, is this character an OC or someone who already exists?

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

OC. Second chapter with him is underway.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

My second question is if this OC can take Naruto Uzumaki under his wing and teach him everything he knows and more because he essentially decided to make him his successor. I am even willing to commission it so that it can happen.

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Afraid not, he’d technically be an antagonist

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Shame, I was willing to commission it. There is no work around or way to incorporate it. I’m willing to make it work worth your wild money wise.

Can it be like a situation where enemy secretly chooses you to be his target/enemy but in reality he’s secretly teaching you little by little so that you may surpass and overcome him.

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

I sent the story to you on Discord

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Wait is this OC who I think it is ? The story you sent before ?

7 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Dunno, you’ll have to be specific

7 months ago

I want to see Boruto conquer his mommy.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gii

I’ll see what can be done.

7 months ago

I’ll keep this one short and sweet, but Jesus was this one intense! 😱

While this chapter certainly serves a far bigger purpose, I’m actually feeling bad for Boruto right now. And I never thought I would actually say that on here. πŸ‘€

So anyway, good to see Samui and Ino get plenty of use here, as well as Kaguya. Plus the quick appearance of Hana. Not to mention Hinata being the one who is leading the show and being increasingly sadistic with her punishment style teaching with Boruto along the way. Shit…! 😳

Now I’m really looking for seeing her get fucked to oblivion later! But first, let’s see how Boruto and the new pets overcome this next time. πŸ˜‰

Looking forward to the next! 😎

– Hiryu

7 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, it was fun to do this one, I really enjoyed it. Figuring out how to use both Ino and Samui was tricky given where I left them last. I went with using Boruto because I wanted to expand on his punishment arc more, and show the beginning of his training more.

Some may recognize the La Blue Girl aspects I’ve been adding steadily. It’s a classic tentacle hentai from the 90’s. A lot of good lore to use.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

And I can see why! Truly. It’s a old school Hentai to be inspired by. 😎

7 months ago

Glad to see another chapter, still hoping we get to see Hinata acknowledge Boruto surpassing Naruto.

7 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

Time will tell

7 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

You really got an obsession with that lmao

7 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Yea like what you got against Naruto?

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Nothing, the problem is you hate Boruto too much and hate when Naruto isn’t cock of the walk.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That comment was directed towards you Sailorlo. This was for the the person who keeps talking about Hinata saying Boruto surpassed Naruto. I got nothing against you.

Last edited 7 months ago by Whitis