Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Burning Cravings

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXIII): [LINK]

Flare Corona sat atop a large bale of hay as she looked out at her master, Natsu Dragneel. The pink haired man stood at the edge of a massive field of what she guessed was wheat. At least it was supposed to be wheat according to the farmer that they had come here to do a job for.


The wheat looked sick. Instead of a golden color, it was a sickly shade of green and black, like it was covered in mold. Apparently it was some kind of blight that made the wheat itself inedible. If you tried making flour from it, it would taste foul and be poisonous. The only way to get rid of it was to burn the field, all of it. Then you could replant and grow it all again. The farmer had tried just that, but apparently, he kept missing some of the blight. He was a master of Plant Growth magic, and could produce full crops in a day instead of months.


After burning his fields three times and regrowing the crop, the blight continued to return. When she and Natsu spoke to him, he said it was his best guess that he was missing some of it every time he burned the field. So, he put out a Guild request for some wizards adept at Fire Magic. Their job was to thoroughly burn the entire field, leaving absolutely nothing alive.


“I got this,” said her Master, Natsu. “Nice to have a job where I’m SUPPOSED to destroy something for once!” he said. Flare smiled, as she was happy to see her master in such high spirits. He’d still been pretty down since his partner Happy was still off with the others of his kind. She watched as Natsu conjured fire in both hands before wreathing his entire body in flames. The heat coming off him instantly turned the air completely dry. The ground at his feet blacked and turned to ash before it could even burn.


More than that, the hay bale on which Flare sat burst into flames, forcing her to her feet. Being a user of Fire type Magic as well, Flare’s body was completely unharmed by the flames. Her clothes however…


“Master, if you want me naked, you only need to say as much.” Flare said, tilting her head to one side as the traveling gown she had on was melted off from the heat. Natsu’s only clothes were unaffected as a result of his own magic. She didn’t bother trying to hide her body in the slightest as she followed Natsu out into the fields of blighted wheat. The flames spread rapidly, sending smoke billowing into the sky. Flare’s braided hair undid itself and extended out from her head before setting itself ablaze with deep red flames. She then shot her hair into the ground itself, spreading the fire under the dirt.


She was no farmer, but she knew a little about blighted crops from her home town of Sun Village. Burning the crop WAS the right call. But if she remembered correctly, you were supposed to let the field lay fallow for an entire year after that. So the blight in the ground would die since there would be nothing for it to feed on. A quick way to do that would be to go a few feet under the surface and burn everything there as well.


By the time the two of them were done, there would be nothing left alive on this patch of land, giving literal meaning to the term, ‘scorched earth’.


The two of them walked around for over an hour, heading back and forth along the fields in a harvesting pattern. The task gave Flare a great appreciation for how much work it took to run a farm. The field was actually really vast, and the entire task took them the better part of the day to complete.


Flare smiled, enjoying her time alone with her master, all the while walking naked behind him as they burned the fields black. The only downside, though, was the smell. The wheat stank horribly when it burned, likely that was from the blight affecting it.


By the time they finally finished, Flare used her hair to wrap around herself in a bikini-like swimsuit as the farmer came out of the main house. She had nothing against anyone seeing her naked anymore. But the farmer was old, and she’d hate to give him a heart attack before they got paid. The old man gave her an odd look at her change of attire from when they spoke earlier, but didn’t say anything.


“Wow, you got that done faster than I thought!” he said.


“Fairy Tail prides itself on getting the job done quick!” Natsu boasted, pounding a fist against his own chest.


Flare suppressed a giggle at that.


“Well, I’d like the two of you to stick around for a couple more days. I’ll need to fertilize the fields in the morning, and resow the crops the day after. I’d like you both here in case I need to burn the field one more time.” the old farmer explained. He then looked out over his land, “Gonna be a pain if I need to let the ground go unused for a year…” he muttered.


So Flare was right! The auburn haired young woman felt a little sense of pride in her limited knowledge of agriculture. She then raised a hand to get his attention, “Is there an inn or anything within walking distance? We’ll need some place to stay.” she said.


“Huh, Flare, what happened to your clothes?” Natsu said, sounding confused, as he was only just now noticing her state of dress. Taking a lesson from Princess Lucy, Flare used a tendril of her own hair to flick his forehead hard while the farmer answered.


“If you go to the edge of my land to the east, there’s a school building that’s not in use until the Fall season, it isn’t much, but it has a roof and a fireplace for cooking.” he told them. “Also there’s the barn, but it’s a lot more drafty than the school.”


“I guess that will do,” said her master.



The school building as it turned out was a fully modern building! Flare had expected something that was barely a step up from a barn, so she was pleasantly surprised. The farmer himself gave them the keys to the building. It seemed that he owned the place, which was confusing to Flare, but shelter was shelter.


The interior of the building consisted of several large rooms. A main classroom lined with desks and a large blackboard. Then there was a large space with a hearth and some cooking equipment. After that there were a few rooms lined with books, and a bedroom for a teacher to stay in when the school year was in session.


She’d let her hair fall out of the “hairkini” outfit she’d been wearing as she set their bags down on the floor in the main classroom. Her hair then re-tied itself back into the set of long braids she let hang down between her large and heavy breasts. Pulling her spare clothes out of her travel bags, she found herself wondering how Princess Lucy was doing with them gone. Hopefully she wasn’t too lonely, though she had her spirits, so there was that.


“Master, what should we… OH!?!” Flare began to ask, intending to ask what they should make for dinner with the food they had packed. Since the building had a kitchen, their options were a bit wider. But before she could even finish her sentence, she felt her Master’s hands grabbing her big tits from behind and squeezing them roughly!


Flare dropped the black bra and purple top she’d taken out of her bag onto the floor as Natsu began rubbing her tits against one another. He leaned his head over her left shoulder and she tilted her head to the right exposing her neck for him. A soft, erotic moan escaped her lips as he bit down on her neck softly while pinching her exposed nipples.


“Oooooh…!” Flare cooed, “If you wanted me for dinner, you should have just said so!” she said playfully, her pussy already dripping down her thighs as she felt a distinct and welcome hardness pressing against her curvy ass. She moaned again when Natsu’s hands squeezed her tits harder as he began sucking the kin of her neck softly.


“Mmmmmmh, yes! Ahhhh, just take me, Master!!” Flare gasped as Natsu whirled her around, kissing her full on the mouth, forcing his tongue between her lips. She welcomed it wholly, sliding her own tongue back along his as he pushed her back on the student’s desk. She sat her naked ass on the surface of the desk, with her hands moving to begin stripping off the pink haired man’s clothes. The air of the room began rippling with heat, turning dry as all the moisture evaporated. Flare hurriedly cast a fire resistance spell over the entire area, not wanting them to burn down the school as they fucked. It was difficult, splitting her focus long enough to do that, but somehow, she managed.


AHHHH, YESSS…!” Flare moaned louder, getting Natsu’s pants off and grabbing his huge dragon dick with both hands. The heat coming off it would have flash boiled water, and she gripped it tight. She couldn’t bring her fingertips together around his girth even using both her hands as she pumped her hands up and down the rigid pole of flesh!


MASTER…! AHHH, YES, TAKE ME, MY BODY IS YOURS!!!” she panted hard, moaning as Natsu kissed her with a passion that matched the heat coming off his body. ‘I should use my hair as clothes more often!’ she thought through the haze of desire as she continued stroking his cock. Natsu groaned into her mouth as he sucked on Flare’s tongue roughly, his gigantic dick already pressing against the bottom of her chin.


Gasping hotly, Flare broke the kiss and tilted her head down to kiss the tip of his cock. Her ruby colored lipstick left a mark on his dick as she slipped off the desk and down onto her knees where she belonged! She peppered his cock with kisses, leaving lip marks all over the throbbing meatshaft while doing it. The auburn haired woman then moved in front of his cock, opening her mouth wide and sliding her lips around it. Her jaw instantly began to ache from the strain, but she welcomed it as she felt Natsu’s thick dick pushing into her throat!


HMMMMMMMMPH!!! AHMMMMPH NRMMMMPH MMMHMMMMPH!!!” she moaned, forcing his length farther and farther into her mouth. “AHHMMMMPH AGUUUUGH…” Flare choked as she managed barely half of Natsu’s cock before pulling back, leaving a red ring around his dick, marking how far down she’d gone.


“Ooooh, fuuuck…” Natsu groaned softly as he held onto his dick with one hand. Flare pulled her mouth off completely and licked the underside of his dick from the base to the tip. Pulling her face away with her tongue still hanging out of her mouth like some panting bitch, she let out a long wanting moan.


HUUGUUUUPH!!!!” she then gagged loudly as Natsu reached out with his free hand and SHOVED his entire cock into her mouth and down her throat. Flare’s red-brown eyes rolled back in her head as her pussy gushed instantly. “GUUUMMMINGH!!!” she gagged loudly, her pussy still spraying as she came hard at the feel of her master roughly fucking her mouth-cunt!


“Ahhhhmmmmh… Yeeeah, your mouth feels gooood…” Natsu groaned, and Flare came again at his praise.


PWEASHE, MASHDERRRR, PHUG MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY, PHUG ID HAWWD!!! AAGUUGUH GUH GUG…!” Flare choked in ecstasy. She could actually FEEL Natsu’s cock in her stomach as her throat was stretched out by its girth.


She didn’t need to beg again as Natsu grabbed her head with both hands now, gripping her hair tight as he began pumping her face back and forth on his cock! The sheer thickness of his bitch breaker of a dick made it feel as though Flare were being pulled inside out every time he pulled his cock back. But it felt so good she didn’t ever want it to stop!


AGU GUG GUPH GURK GWEH HURK GUG GUG GUG, MOAR!! AGUUUH, MOAR MASHDERRR OHHHHGUUUH!! AYE’M GUUMMINGH!!! GUMMING GUMMINGH GUMMMMINGH!!!” Flare slurred, now barely able to form even a single word. Her pussy was leaking like a broken faucet, her juices quickly evaporating from the heat coming off both their bodies now. The entire classroom smelled like sex already, it made Flare feel dizzier than the heat!


“Aahhh, yesss, Flaaaare…” Natsu groaned, fucking her mouth again and again. He looked down at her with a grin, “Nmmmmh, you look so slutty and sexy with your mouth on my dick like that!” he told her, making Flare swoon. He then moved his hands down to grab her braids, pulling on them like handlebars as he began swinging his hips now.


AGUPH GUG GUH GWEH GURG GUGGLE HURRRG, MOAR!! AGUUUGH, MOOOOAR!!! AGGUUUUGH, SHO GUUD, PHUG MUH CAWKSHUCKER MOAR PWEASHE!!! AGUH GUG GUG GUG!!! SHO GUUUUUUD!!!!” Flare howled, cumming over and over as her master fucked her mouth like it was her pussy. Flare almost couldn’t tell the difference anymore! All she knew right now was how good Natsu’s hot cock felt as it moved in and out of her. Her hair then moved on its own, coiling around Natsu’s wrists and arms, forcing him to keep gripping it as she let out one long moan after the next!


HMMMMN, NMMMMMH, HAAH… YEEEAAAAH, GONNA CUM!! SWALLOW IT ALL YOU COCKWARMER SLUUUUUT!!!!” Natsu roared, while shoving his cock so far in her mouth, Flare felt like she was suddenly on a spit! Thick, sticky, liquid warmth flooded her stomach, making her feel fuller than any meal ever could!


GWAAAHAAAAAH!” Flare gasped, filling her starving lungs with precious air when Natsu finally pulled his cock out of her mouth-pussy. She let out a loud panting moan, kissing and licking his still hard cock all over. “MORE!” she begged, “USE ME MORE MASTER!!! AHHHN, I’M STILL SO HORNY! SO PLEASE, STUFF THAT BIG, HOT, HARD DRAGON DICK INSIDE ME MOOOOORE!!!


In response, Natsu grabbed Flare under her arms, she let out a soft squeak as Natsu lifted her up like she weighed nothing at all and laid her back on a nearby desk. He kissed her again hard, sucking on her tongue roughly as he rubbed the underside of his cock against her dripping cunt. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she kissed him back with equal passion.


“Ahhn, ahhh, hurry… Ahhh…” Flare panted softly through the kiss. She wanted to feel him inside her again. To feel the heat of it that was so hot it almost felt like he was searing her insides. Flare gasped again when Natsu broke their kiss and shoved her back down on the desk. He then dragged his cock back over her pussy until the impossibly wide tip was pressing against her hole.


FWEEEEEEEEEGH!!!!” Flare howled in ecstasy as his cock pushed inside her. Her pussy felt stretched to the limits as she felt his length plunge deep inside. Her flat stomach stretched up high in the shape of his cock as she gritted her teeth and hissed in pleasure.


HEEEEEEEEEE, MY PUSSYYYY… AHHHNNN, MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOOOD!” Flare screamed, her toes curling inwards as her pussy gushed all over Natsu’s cock and balls. The pink haired man then twirled his hands around the strands of her hair still wrapped around them, pulling her up and kissing her hard.


HMMMMMMMMMMPH, YESH, MASHTER, KISSH MEH, PHUCK MEH, USHE MEH TO PHEEL GUUUUD…” Flare moaned, swirling her tongue with Natsu’s as he began swinging his hips hard, driving his cock in and out of her pussy with a loud and wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH!


MMMMMMMH, UR CAWKS ISH SHO HAAAWT, UR BRANDING DA SHAPE INTO MUH WOOOOMB!!! MAHRKING MEH ASH UR PERSHONAL CAWKSHLEEVE!!!” she slurred around his tongue as she rocked her hips against his thrusts, wanting to feel his cock go in as deep as possible. “PWEASHE, DHON’D SHTOOOP!!! HAWDER! PHUCK MEH HAWDER, AYE WHANT YOU TO BWEAK MEEEEEEH!!!!


Natsu growled and groaned, never stopping for even a second. The loud SLAP SLAP SLAP of their colliding bodies echoed in the empty school as both their bodies steamed from the heat coming off of them. Flare’s long auburn hair ignited into dark red flames as she rocked herself against him harder. Natsu then broke their kiss and pushed her flat against the desk, leaning down and grabbing her tits in both hands. She put her hair around him tight as he began sucking both her nipples at once, biting them hard with his teeth.


AHHHHHH, MY NIPPLES!!! THEY FEEL SO GOOOD!!! DON’T STOP MASTER!! AHHH RAVAGE ME!!! POUND THAT FAT DRAGON COCK INTO MY HOLE AND SEAR ITS SHAPE INTO ME FOREVERRRR!! OH YESSSSS!!! I’M CUMMING!!! I CAN’T STOP THE ORGASMS, YOUR COCK IS JUST TOO GOOOOOOD!!! MORE, PLEASE, MORE!! MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!” shrieked Flare as she panted for breath. Her lungs felt like they were burning, the air was so dry it was like a desert inside the school building, and she loved it!


HURR, HURR, HURR, HURRRR…!!” grunted Natsu, thrusting his cock into her harder and harder. Flare could feel herself cumming with every stroke of his cock in and out of her cunt. The orgasms were coming so fast now that it was like she was having one long unending climax!




HAHHH, HAAHHH, HUURRRAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!” Natsu roared as he drove his cock all the way inside her. She could feel him cumming as his cock throbbed inside her, his cum pumping out of his balls and into her womb. Flare’s head leaned back over the edge of the desk and she could see her face reflected on the window. Her expression was one of total ecstasy that bordered on complete insanity. With her eyes rolled back in her head, and her mouth open wide with her tongue hanging out as she cried out in pleasure. His cum felt so thick and hot inside her, she could feel it sloshing around as Natsu began pumping his cock back and forth again.


HMMMMMMM!!! YESH, CHURN YOUR CUM INSIDE MEEEEE… OH GAAAAWD, I’M CUMMING AGAAAIIIIN… SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOOOOOD!!!!” Flare screamed, her legs hanging limply over Natsu’s arms as he held them up. She could hear his cum making a sloshing noise as Natsu roared again, pouring another hot load of thick dragon seed inside her.


Then, just as suddenly as everything started, it was over. Natsu’s rough thrusting stopped as he pulled his cock out. Flare could hear the copious amount of cum inside her gushing back out of her gaping pussy with a GLUB GLUB GLUB sound. Mixed with it was the sound of liquid being poured onto the floor. Her flaming hair extinguished itself, returning to its normal auburn color. And the air inside the building cooled so rapidly that condensation formed on the outside of all the windows in the middle of a hot summer night!


Flare’s big tits heaved up and down as she panted heavily, her body still shaking internally with smaller, continuing orgasms. Her entire body felt like over cooked noodles, she barely had any strength to move. Somehow though, she managed to slide her body off the desk and onto the floor. A massive puddle of cum covered almost the entire floor of the classroom, and her Master lay flat on his back in it.


The naked, auburn haired woman managed to crawl on top of him and cuddle close. The temperature had dropped so quickly that it felt almost cold to her, but Natsu’s body was still warm, and she just wanted to feel that heat against her flesh. She lovingly kissed his chest, leaving more marks from her lipstick over his body. Natsu then put his arms around Flare’s naked body, hugging her close and tight. She closed her eyes slowly and let out a happy moan as she quickly passed out from it all.


When morning came, the old farmer found them still like that and yelled at them for the mess they’d made all over the floor. He didn’t sound all that angry though, but he still made them clean everything up before they could leave the building. As he left, Flare could hear him muttering, “Young people these days…” his tone more amused than anything.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 months ago

There’s something so beautiful about Flare and Natsu. Would be amazing if Flare ended up becoming a Dragonslayer in the canon Fairytail.

8 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

She can’t, she’d end up like Irene if she did. Without a dragon hanging around in her heart for seven or more years to give her dragon antibodies to make her immune to Draconification.

8 months ago

Another great chapter! Seems to be a focus on Flare and Natsu!

8 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Yeah, I do love them and the chemistry I made between them.

8 months ago

Another fine story between Natsu and Flare, keep up the good work.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blank

Thank you, I will!

8 months ago

Its another great story my dude so it came out great! My only one complaint is that it didn’t end like it does in the picture were Natsu blows his load on Flare face and body. But other then that it was a great read.

8 months ago
Reply to  Devilslayer666

I didn’t wanna do the one man bukake on her. I did the cumflation version on my patreon