Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

A Fairy Big Orgy

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXIX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXI): [LINK]

Running as fast as her legs could carry her, Levy McGarden moved towards the shore. She was SO late! Late for the β€œGirls Outing” with Lucy and the others. Granted, she’d been out on a job when they decided to do this, having gotten back just after they left. The trip to Akane resort took forever, but the plan was to stay here for a few days, so she still had time.


It was most likely that the girls were on the island area that Mirajane had found and having a ton of fun already. Levy quickly reached the shore and hunched over with her hands on her knees as she panted for breath. Normally such a run wouldn’t have winded her so much, but now she was carrying over fifty pounds of extra weight. During her last job, she’d run into a patch of those Manko Flower things. The kind that when she inhaled the pollen, not only did she become unbearably horny, but now her tits and butt were huge!


Not that she minded having bigger breasts, she was almost as self-conscious of her chest as Wendy. But she could have done without the huge ass! Because of it, running was not only tiring, but it also felt weird. With every running stride, she could feel her butt jiggling and bouncing. It threw off her balance and made running in a straight line difficult at best. Worse still, was NONE of her clothes fit now. She currently wore a hastily made outfit with some chest bindings like what Erza wore with one of her armors and a β€˜dress’ made with a curtain from her apartment.


Once she caught her breath, Levy pulled a Light Pen from the bag at her side and waved it in the air. With a flourishing motion, she cast her Solid Script magic and wrote the word ”BOAT”. The word then became a boat in the shape of the word itself, complete with a small motor. She loaded her bag inside before climbing aboard herself after pushing the boat out into deeper water. Engaging the motor, Levy rode the boat out to the island, circling around the outer edge of the island before heading towards its shore.


Along the way, Levy smiled as she stripped out of her makeshift outfit, stuffing it into the bag. She then looked at her new tits, each one was slightly bigger than her own head. She chuckled lightly, shaking them from side to side and enjoying the way they felt when they moved. The only downside she’d noticed so far was that these things were kinda heavy, as they made her back and shoulders a little sore. How Lucy, Erza, Cana, and Mirajane were able to put up with it constantly was beyond her.


As she reached the island, Levy spotted the campsite on the beach. She could already see smoke from a grill and a large tent set up. When she drew closer, Levy quickly spotted the figures of Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane positioned a few meters away from the tent. The young blonde woman was on her knees between the redhead and platinum blonde, with her hands gripping something that was completely out of place on the women’s bodies!


β€œSince when do Erza and Mira have dicks!?” Levy asked, β€œAnd such big ones too!” The two women’s cocks easily rivaled Gajeel’s dick in size!


She rode the boat up to the shore until it ran aground, then grabbed her bag and stepped out. Levy then released the spell, sending her makeshift boat back into nothingness. She then ran towards the trio of women, waving her arm in the air while she did so.


β€œLulu, Mira, Erza!!!!” she called out to them as she ran.


Erza waved back at her as she approached and Levy got a better look at Lucy as she deepthroated Erza’s fat dick. The blonde’s slender throat bulged from the immense girth of Erza’s cock as she took it in her mouth.


β€œHNMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMPH, GURG, NMMMMMMPH, AGUH… HI WEVY…” Lucy gagged and moaned around Erza’s dick as she turned her big brown eyes towards her. The blonde waved her hand at the blue haired girl in greeting before turning her attention back to the redhead’s fat girl dick.


β€œOh hi Levy! Glad you could make it!” Mirajane said with a sweet smile, then moaned softly as Lucy used both her dainty hand to grip her dick, stroking it slowly while she continued sucking on Erza’s dick.


β€œHi, so um, what’s going on here?” Levy asked, while returning Mirajane’s smile and glancing down at Lucy.


β€œOh this?” Mirajane asked, β€œLucy was feeling horny this morning, so Erza and I are helping her out!” she explained as though it were the simplest thing.


β€œUh-huh, and you and Erza have dicks right now because…?” Levy asked more directly. She’d taken baths with all of the girls on this island more than a few times, so she knew that those weren’t there before.


β€œOooooh, these?” Mirajane asked, gesturing to her penis as Lucy moved to sandwich it between her huge tits and begin stroking it between them. At the same time, she leaned back for Erza to slowly fuck her mouth, with her heavy balls slapping against her chin again and again.


β€œIt’s just a spell for the S-rank wizards in Fairy Tail.” Mirajane answered, then moaned cutely as Lucy stroked her cock faster with her enormous tits.


β€œI’m surprised you never came across it. You’ve read nearly every book in the guild’s library,” Erza said.


β€œObviously not.” Levy said. Not even she could read EVERY single book there, and if this were only for the S-ranks, then it was probably one of the restricted tomes that the master kept locked up for safety.


β€œHNMMMMMPH GUG HURG, AGMMMMMMMPH, SHO GUUUUUG!!!!” Lucy moaned as the two women continued fucking her mouth and tits. Both Mirajane and Erza moaned softly, with their cocks throbbing against Lucy’s naked body. Levy could see the precum oozing out the tip of Mirajane’s thick dick and she couldn’t help but lick her lips slowly at the sight. Gajeel was off looking around for more info on the Manko Flowers. Having seemingly become laser focused on finding more of the white Manko Flowers to mass produce the antidote to the poisonous effects.


Porlyusica was already working on an antidote of her own, and judging from the last time Levy spoke to her, she was making some progress there. She already had a medicine that would slow down the effects of the poison even more, even stop it indefinitely. But the downside was one would need to keep taking it for life.


Queen Hisui also had groups out looking for them, so it was mostly out of the guilds’ hands. Levy then turned to look over at Wendy and the other girls under the tent. Lisanna was cooking food on the grill. The blue haired woman could already smell the distinct scent of freshly caught fish and some squid. The platinum haired girl was naked save for an apron that read: ”FUCK THE COOK”, which Levy found rather amusing as she wondered where she got such a thing.


Cana was naked on a large picnic bench with Wendy sitting equally undressed in her lap. The brown haired woman was idly fondling Wendy’s huge tits slowly as the blue haired girl leaned back against her.


β€œAhhhn…. That feels gooood…” Wendy mewled happily as Cana squeezed and kneaded her tits like they were huge lumps of dough.


Cana chuckled, β€œYeah, I bet it does!” she said, β€œNothing I love more than having my tits expertly fondled.” she told the younger girl.


β€œI don’t care if it’s expertly or not, so long as I get to keep them!” Wendy said, β€œOoohmmm, squeeze harderrrr… Ahhhh…” she moaned erotically, while spreading her legs wide to show off her dripping pink pussy. Levy felt the tingling between her legs getting worse as she watched Cana smile and pinch Wendy’s pink nipple and tug on them roughly.


β€œAHHHHNNNNN!!!! CUMMING!!!!” Wendy squealed as her pussy squirted into the air like a fountain.


β€œHehehe. Your tits might be bigger than mine now, but they’re still as sensitive as when they were a washboard!” Cana said as she leaned her head over Wendy’s shoulder to kiss and suck on her neck. Levy watched as the brown haired woman teased and licked Wendy’s neck and ear as she continued squeezing the short girl’s big tits, with her fingers sinking into their fleshy volume.




β€œWell if you insist!” Cana snickered before pulling Wendy’s right tit up as she leaned her head down over the girl’s shoulder, wrapping her pink lips around the blue haired girl’s stiff pink nipple! β€œNMMMMMMMMMMH!!!” Cana moaned as she began sucking the girl’s tit roughly, making Wendy squirt again.


Levy looked back to Lisanna, then back to Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane, β€œHey, where’s Juvia?” she asked no one in particular.


It was Lisanna that answered her, β€œShe went back to the mainland to get some more beer. Cana drank everything we brought.”


β€œFigures.” Levy said with a snicker.


β€œHey! It’s not my fault we didn’t bring enough. I told you I should have been in charge of bringing drinks!” Cana said defensively.


β€œThen you would have only brought alcohol.” Lisanna said back to her.


β€œYou say that like it’s a bad thing!” Cana replied.


Levy only smiled and shook her head before walking over to the tent with Lisanna. Walking up behind the girl, she gently slipped her arms around her slender waist and pressed her huge tits against her bare back.


β€œThose are looking tasty.” she said with a smile while slipping her hands under the apron Lisanna had on to cup both her big tits in her hands. They felt warm and soft, aside from the tiny pebbles of her nipples pressing into her palms. Lisanna cooed gently, pushing her sexy bare butt back against Levy gently.


The platinum haired girl smiled at her and took a skewer to one of the small squids on the grill. She then brushed it with some sauce before holding it up to Levy.


β€œThanks!” she said, giving the other girl a quick kiss on the cheek, the ebony lipstick she had on leaving a perfect print of her lips behind. She then leaned over Lisanna’s shoulder to take a bite out of the cooked squid. It had just the right amount of crispness and chewiness to it. Whatever was in the sauce had a spicy edge to it, but not a painful level. Levy took another bite off the squid and swallowed it before she moved one hand from Lisanna’s breast to between her cream colored thighs.


β€œAhhhnmmmmmmh!” the platinum haired girl cooed as Levy slipped her middle and ring fingers inside her hot little pussy. She noticed with some amusement that the girl was already soaking wet! Would have been hard not to be with the way the other girls were carrying on. Her fingers slipped in and out of Lisanna’s pussy so easily with a wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK noise.


β€œLev~y… Ahhh…” Lisanna moaned as the blue haired woman moved to lick and kiss the side of her neck. β€œNmmmmh, the food’s gonna burrrrn…” she whined softly.


Reluctantly, Levy pulled her hands away, moving to lick Lisanna’s warm juices from her fingers before taking the grilled squid on a stick from her, β€œAlright, but as soon as you’re done.”


β€œYou got it!” Lisanna said with a giggle as she went back to cooking.


β€œLulu, can I borrow one of those two big dicks!?” she called out to Lucy as she headed back over to where Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane were fucking. In the few minutes she’d looked away, the trio of women had shifted positions. Lucy now stood bent over at a ninety degree angle, Mirajane behind her, driving her huge and thick cock in and out of her pussy with swift powerful strokes. Levy felt her heart skip a beat in her chest at the sight of Lucy’s normally flat stomach stretching out every time Mirajane’s giant cock slammed all the way inside her.


Standing in front of Lucy was Erza, the redhead gripped the blonde girl’s head on either side and was rapidly pumping her head up and down on her cock! Lucy gagged and moaned repeatedly, her big brown eyes rolled all the way back in their sockets as long strings of drool hung from her lips. Erza let out a low moan like a rutting animal as she looked down at Lucy with a wild lustful expression on her face.


β€œAAAHNN!!! LUCYYYY, YOUR PUSSY!!!!” Mirajane moaned in pleasure, swinging her hips like crazy, her balls making a loud and wet SLAP SLAP SLAP sound against the blonde girl’s thighs. β€œAHHHMMMMH, YOUR PUSSY FEELS AMAZING LUCY!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IIIIT!!!”


β€œHAH, AHHH, MMMMMH, YOUR MOUTH FEELS GREAT TOO!!! AHHH, I GOTTA BE CAREFUL OR I’LL GET ADDICTED TO THIIIIS!!!!” Erza moaned. The red haired woman pistoned her thick cock in and out of Lucy’s mouth, making her lips stretch away from her face every time she pulled back.


β€œHMMMMMNMMMMMMMH!!! GBOH GURG HUCK GUPH UCK GUK OHBEH BUU BUH…” was all Lucy could gag out in response. Her pussy gushed and squirted every time Mirajane’s cock slammed back inside, sending ripples across Lucy’s big ass. Levy noticed then that Lucy’s ass and tits were bigger than the last time she’d seen her. She wondered what had caused it, but figured it had to be the flowers, like what happened with her and Wendy. Though Lucy’s body seemed more balanced, which the blue haired young women felt more than a little jealous of.


β€œAhhhn, hey. One of you come over here and do me too!!!” Levy whined, groping her left tit in one hand while stroking the folds of her pussy with the other.


β€œNHOOOOOOO, MUHINE!!!!” Lucy slurred, putting her arms around Erza’s waist and hugging her tight so the redhead’s dick pushed all the way down into her stomach. At the same time, she moved to wrap her legs around Mirajane’s hips, making it so she was supported in the air entirely by the two women’s dicks!


β€œAhhn… That’s no fair Lulu, you can’t hog all the cock’s on this island to yourself!” Levy shouted back at her even as she masturbated harder to the erotic display in front of her. Lucy looked so very lewd right now, it was so arousing that Levy felt like she was going to cum just watching her friends like this! She squeezed her own tit harder, pulling and pinching her nipple as she felt her pussy gushing against her fingers.


Lucy’s eyes glinted mischievously and she reached her hand behind her, pulling a golden key from seemingly out of nowhere. It was a spatial magic Lucy had learned recently where she could store a small number of items securely. In this instance, it was her Celestial Gate Keys.


β€œOPHEN, GHATE UV DA GHOLVEN VULL!!!!” Lucy gagged loudly around Erza’s cock, β€œDAURUSH!!!!!!” she incanted as she waved the key in the air with a stylish flourish. A bell then rang out from the very air itself as a light came up from the sands.


β€œMOOOOOOOOO!” bellowed a huge hulk of an anthropomorphic cow as he emerged from the Celestial Realm. He was Taurus, the Golden Bull of the Zodiac, and one of Lucy’s regular summons when she needed raw muscle to deal with something. Levy was familiar with him and even considered him a friend like Loke, who was the Lion of the Zodiac.


The big cow-man, or man-cow, depending on how you wanted to look at it, looked around with hearts throbbing in his eyes. Before he could even try saying anything, his gigantic dick ripped through the black speedo he wore. Levy felt her pussy gushing at the sight of such a big dick. It was nearly as long as she was tall, and very easily thicker than her thigh!


β€œOh myyyy! What a sight! You called Miss Luuucy?” he asked, his cock throbbing in the air.


β€œHay Daurush, Wevy nheedsh a bhig dhick wight naow… AGUH GUG GUG!!! Sho phug β€˜er fow meh, agkay…?” Lucy slurred badly as Mirajane and Erza continued thrusting into her from both ends.


Taurus turned to look in Levy’s direction and the blue haired woman gave him a small wave. The huge bull spirit openly drooled as the hearts in his eyes throbbed at the same rate as his dick!


β€œMoooooo!!! Oh my, look at those nice udders and that glorious rump roast!” he said excitedly as he lecherously eyed Levy’s naked figure, his cock twitching in the air.


β€œFlatterer!!” Levy said as Taurus ran over to her. She immediately got down on her knees in front of him and grabbed those huge melon sized balls. They felt so heavy and warm to the touch as she leaned up to begin kissing them all over, leaving a series of lip marks all over their surface.


β€œOoooohoooooh….” Taurus groaned as Levy slowly moved to lick and kiss her way up from Taurus’ balls to his throbbing dick. The smell coming off his cock was like an animal’s, musky and wild. It both to Levy and at the same time turned her on! She loved that manly smell and inhaled it deeply, getting dizzier with every breath.


β€œAhhhhmmmmmmh…” she moaned, dragging her tongue over the surface of his gigantic erection, β€œSho bhiiiiig and haaawd…” she slurred, sounding almost drunk with desire.


β€œHmm, hmm!!! You look soooo sexy Miss Leeevy!” Taurus said, steam shooting out his nostrils, β€œAnd that rump roast booooty smells so good!” he said as he picked her up like a rag doll and waded out into the water until it was knee high. He held her upside down, pushing his face into her crotch and brushing his long and WIDE tongue over the dripping folds of her pussy!


β€œAHHHHMMMMMPH, BHIG BULL DHIIIIIICK…” Levy breathed, grabbing Taurus’s cock with her big tits and pulling the huge tip to her waiting lips. β€œAHMMMMMMMMPH…!” she moaned, taking his cock into her mouth and swirling her tongue over the surface. The stench was so much stronger from this angle, it was like it clung to the inside of her nose. Levy was grateful he’d taken her over the water, it would cushion her if she fell.


β€œAhhmmmmh, mmmh, nmmmmh ahnmmmmh!!!!” Taurus groaned as she lapped his tongue at her crotch hungrily! Levy moaned around his cock as he did, moving her legs around his shoulders for further support. She managed to fit the entire head of his cock in her mouth as she rubbed her tits up and down the length just below. Her jaw ached from the strain, but she loved it as she moved her head back and forth.


β€œNMMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMPH GURG, AHMMMMMPH, UGUH, GWEH, HRMMMMMMPH, AHHH, CAWK, BHIG, SHTRONG, DHIIIIIIICK…!” she moaned in wild lust as she felt Taurus roll his tongue into a cylindrical shape before sliding it deep into her pussy!


β€œAhhhhnoooommmmph!!! Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmh!!!” Taurus groaned, shoving his tongue in and out of her pussy as Levy felt his precum filling her mouth. It was thick, bitter, and salty, and only served to make her even more horny!


β€œHMMMMPH, AGUH, HNMMMMMMPH, SLUUUUUURP!!! PWAH… AHHH, TAURUS, YOUR COCK IS SO AMAZING!!!!” Levy moaned, β€œIT’S LIKE A BIG MEATY STEAK I JUST WANNA GOBBLE UUUUP!!!! AHHMMMMMMMPH!!!!” she moaned as she opened her mouth wide and took as much of his length into her mouth as she could. Her eyes began tearing up from the strain as her pussy gushed against his thick tongue as he made her cum hard!


β€œHUGUUMMMMMMMPH!!!!” she moaned in ecstasy.


β€œHAAHALALALALAL!!!!” Taurus groaned, moving his tongue in and out of her pussy faster, his big thick hands gripping both her thighs tight as he devoured her cunt! Levy felt so dizzy, the entire world was spinning and spinning around her. She could distantly hear Lucy, Erza, and Mirajane wailing in pleasure. Through her blurry eyes, Levy glimpsed that the blonde was now sandwiched between the two other women, their magical dicks buried in her ass and cunt, her belly tenting up and down repeatedly as they thrusted into her.


β€œOH GAAAAAAAWD!!! YOUR COCKS!!! YOUR GIRL DICKS ARE CHURNING ME UP INSIIIIIDE!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! I CAN’T STOP CUMMINGH!!!!” Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs with a perverted expression of pleasure on her face. Mirajane and Erza had similar expressions as they thrusted into her relentlessly, bouncing her up and down between their sweaty naked bodies. She couldn’t see Wendy, Cana, or Lisanna from where she was, but she could hear Canna giggling as Wendy moaned lewdly.


β€œAGUUUUGH, hah, ahhh, hurry and make me make that face Taurus!” Levy gasped, pulling her mouth off his dick and pointing to Lucy and the others.


β€œAh youuuu wish, Miss Levvvvy!!!” Taurus said, lifting her up again like she weighed nothing and turning her over in mid-air. Levy’s vision turned double as her pussy was suddenly IMPALED on Taurus’ meatstick. Her big brown eyes crossed and she let out a long howling moan as her pussy gushed like a broken water pipe. Her normally flat tummy was stretched up around his dick, making her truly understand what a condom must have felt like. It felt GREAT!!!


β€œI’M CUMMMMMINGH!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!” screamed Levy as Taurus held her by the waist with both his beefy hands and began moving her up and down on his cock. The tent in her abdomen moved up and down with her as all Levy could do was try and hold onto what little remained of her sanity. She felt like a human shaped onnahole as her limbs dangled uselessly at her sides, swaying from side to side as she was moved up and down. Her head leaned back and she could see Cana and Wendy maying on the sand crotch to crotch, their pussies grinding together wetly. Wendy was panting hard, a trickle of drool running down her chin. Cana however, looked perfectly fine as she drank from a huge mug while rolling her crotch against the younger girl’s. A short distance away from them, Lisanna could be seen setting the finished food out on the table with a longing expression on her face.


Levy then lost sight of them as her eyes rolled back in her head when Taurus began pumping her up and down on his cock even harder. The wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK of his cock moving in and out of her was the only sound Levy could hear as her tongue hung out of her mouth with an expression that matched Lucy’s.




β€œHmmm, hmmm, hmmm, MHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Taurus bellowed as he began slamming her up and down on his length even faster. β€œMmmmmmmh, your pussy feels so good Miss Levvvy!!! I’m gonna fill you up with my thick dick milk!”




β€œMoo, mooo, moooo, MOOOOO!!!!!” Taurus bellowed again as he shoved his cock all the way inside Levy. The cock shaped tent in her belly reached up even higher than before as she leaned her head back and opened her mouth in a long silent scream.


A feeling of thick liquid heat flooded her womb as his balls emptied themselves inside her. Levy rubbed her hand over her distended stomach as his cock pulsated inside her.


β€œSo… Full…” Levy moaned as her entire body shook with orgasm. She only thought Gajeel could make her feel this full. The edges of her vision began to darken as she felt her consciousness fading slowly. β€œSo good…” she moaned weakly as she could feel Taurus’ cock still throbbing inside her as everything went dark.


When she woke up again, Levy found herself on the beach once again, her pussy ached slightly and was still gaping wide. When she sat up, she found a plate with some grilled fish and side dishes laying next to her.


β€œThought you might wanna recover your strength.” said a woman’s voice next to her. Levy turned to see another of Lucy’s spirits, Aquarius, sitting next to her wearing a sexy blue bikini.


β€œHmm, when did you get here?” Levy asked.


β€œLucy called me to have a little fun, I’m taking a break as well and thought to check in on you, Lucy was a little worried when you fainted like that.” Aquarius explained. β€œYou took Taurus head on, that’s actually impressive. You must have a little size queen in you.” she said with a mild smirk.


β€œOh, uh, well…” Levy said bashfully.


β€œNo shame in that, I like β€˜em big too!” Aquarius said, running a hand through her hair before standing on a pair of long and sexy legs. When she noticed Levy staring she smiled, β€œWe spirits can change our form to suit our contractor’s needs. Can’t really have sex properly without the necessary parts you know?”


β€œOh, right, I guess you have a point.” said Levy, β€œSay, I wanted to ask you something.”


β€œHmm?” Aquarius replied.


β€œAre you spirit’s affected by the Manko Flowers like we humans?” she asked.


β€œHmm? No, not at all, why?” Aquarius asked.


β€œJust curious.” Levy replied, β€˜I guess they really are just perverted then…” she thought silently.


β€œYou were thinking something rude just now, weren’t you!?” Aquarius snapped at her with a scowl.


β€œNo ma’am!!!” Levy said, waving her hands defensively.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago

I thought Mira and Erza would distribute themselves, but orgy is still an orgy and an enjoyable one at that, personally prefer the group sex chapters of all series, everyone having some “fun”

Ichigo Kurosaki
10 months ago

Tauro big man para todas las chicas del gremio great chapter

10 months ago

Yep, it was fun to do. πŸ™‚

10 months ago
  1. Yay, Cana’s in this one! With how her canon self is arguably bisexual, she’s a wonderful fit for these types of stories and I hope we see more of her!
  2. Something’s wrong, Aquarius would never be nice to anyone.
  3. Great, great chapter!
10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Aquarius can be nice when she wants. She always had an attitude because Lucy frustrated her to no end.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
11 months ago

First, congrats on the first of these teased pics being given a story.

Second, maybe Lucy will try to keep Aquarius under control by having Natsu β€œbreak” her in?

11 months ago

Stop it already with dickgirls its disgusting.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
11 months ago

Splendid story for a splendid artwork. Really liked how Levy instantly got along with the fact that all her friends simply fucked, instead of making a huge deal out of it. The chapter also showed that Lucy is a really horny whore at heart who wouldn’t even share one of the two dicks she gets fucked with with her friend. Then again, Levy and Taurus also made for quite the interesting duo that showed just how much of a slut even the pure and innocent Levy can be. Additionally, I also love how you included at least a little bit of stuff about the Manko Flowers.

Really appreciate that. Good story overall.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, by this point, everyone has been exposed to the flowers. The initial reaction to them can get old fast. I find it more enjoyable to writ about the moral degredation that results from exposure to them.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
11 months ago

It was a great chapter and I thought you would use those new pics on September

11 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Glad you enjoyed the story.

11 months ago

Really good chapter, so happy to see this picture get a chapter. However I would say I expected a little more from the other characters in the orgy, everyone kinda just stayed in their own groups.

11 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, I wanted to focus as much on Levy and Taurus as I could on this one.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I see, still very enjoyable