Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Campfire Dreams

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part XXX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXII): [LINK]

“Well I gotta tell you folks, this year’s Grand Magic Games has been one for the History Books!” said the announcer. “Every game had been one foreray into depravity after the next!”


“Well, the crowd doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them more enthused at any of the previous games!” said the co-announcer. “In fact, our next event should be quite the show!”


Flare Corona stood in the alcove waiting for the announcer’s cue for her to come out. Something felt very off right now, but she couldn’t place what. She looked down at her naked body with its gigantic tits, each one was nearly the size of her entire torso, capped with soft pink nipples that were already stiff with arousal. She couldn’t wait to go out in front of this huge crowd as the announcers described the competition.


Unlike the previous game where the male competitors had to find and fuck the female competitors and vice versa, this would be a more direct battle. The rules were that the contestants were free to use whatever techniques they wanted to bring their opponent to orgasm first. Only magic that directly affected nerves was barred, since that would make it too easy, and give the user an unfair advantage.


Something was off though, Flare remembered Hidden having worked differently. And, wasn’t she supposed to be fighting Lucy? So many things felt off. For one thing, the emblem on her right boob was wrong, it was her hometown’s Village of the Sun’s crest, not Raven Tail’s. Also, didn’t she hate Fairy Tail? They were bad, right?


Flare felt so conflicted and confused, but she didn’t have long to contemplate what was happening as her name was announced and she walked out naked to the cheers of the crowd. Her huge, torso sized tits swayed and jiggled with her every step, they felt SO heavy, but also so good! Flare hefted them up, and the crowd went wild as she let them bounce back down.


Turning her gaze towards the other side of the ring, her opponent was announced.


Natsu Dragneel.


Wait, that wasn’t right! She was supposed to fight Lucy Heartfillia, the blonde bimbo who had been staring at her before. How had she known she was supposed to fight her!? So many things felt wrong, or just, off… Also, hating Fairy Tail somehow felt wrong now, especially Lucy and Natsu!


“You ready to do this, red!?” Natsu asked as he smashed his right fist into his left palm. Like Flare, he stood naked before the crowd, and without a trace of shame on his face. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of. His dick was GIGANTIC!!! If Flare didn’t know better, she’d think he was part Giant himself. Well, his dick was on par with a prepubescent giant’s anyway, which, for a “normal” sized person, was still pretty massive.


Flare looked at him with her head tilted to the side and a somewhat sadistic smile on her face. Well, at least most people thought she looked sadistic and deranged. But that’s just how she was! Natsu looked at her with a grin, and his eyes had only kindness in them. For some reason, that made Flare feel at ease. A banner out in the crowd read Go Go Raven Tail, but the crest was all wrong again. It was the Sun Village’s crest, not Ravel Tail’s. And another banner read Fairy Tail is Love!


But, Fairy Tail was still hated at this stage of the games, they would get more support later.


Hang on, how did she know that?


So much was off or just wrong, what was going on!?


Flare didn’t have time to contemplate it as the starting bell went off and Natsu charged at her, his giant erection swaying from side to side as he ran forward. Flare willed her hair to become unbraided as he closed the distance quickly. Every strand moved according to her will and quickly ignited into dark red flames. She knew the flames wouldn’t hurt him, but they might distract him for a second. Flare then began forming the tips of several tendrils of hair into speartips and was about to launch them at him when she remembered, it wasn’t that kind of fight!


“Huh?” Flare said confused before Natsu slipped inside her defenses and tackled her to the ground.


“Get your head in the game!” he shouted at her before covering her mouth with his! Flare felt his tongue force its way into her mouth like he owned it. In spite of herself, Flare’s mouth yielded, admitting Natsu’s tongue as she found herself moaning in pleasure. She pushed her tongue back along his, gasping softly at the feel of his huge, hard, dragon dick pressing against her.


The two of them rolled naked in the dirt a few times, each trying to get on top of the other. She felt his hands trying to get a good grip on her tits, but their raw size made it difficult. She grinned inwardly, ‘It won’t be that easy, Fairy Tail trash!’ the auburn haired woman thought, then instantly felt bad for thinking it!


Something was very wrong, but she couldn’t place it. Instead, when Flare somehow managed to get on top of Natsu, she broke the kiss and immediately moved to lock his huge erection between her massive tits. Even with her tits each as big as her torso, they couldn’t fully contain Natsu’s dragon dick. Flare felt herself getting excited by the sight, feel, and SMELL of Natsu’s cock. It was a powerful smell, like man musk mixed with freshly burnt charcoal. The tip throbbed in front of her eyes as she slowly licked her lips.


HAAAAAAHHHHMMMMMPH!!!” Flare moaned, opening her mouth wide and taking the tip of Natsu’s cock between her soft lips. She loved his taste, it turned her on so much! And the feel of his cock throbbing in her mouth made her already wet pussy even wetter.


AHHNMMMPH HMMMPH HRMMMMMMPH AGUMMMMPH…” Flare moaned, moving her head up and down slowly as the crowd in the stadium went wild. She worked to take more and more of Natsu’s cock in her mouth with every stroke of her lips.


“And there it is folks, Flare Corona’s legendary blowjob technique!” the announcer said, “Just look at the way her lips pull away from her face on every upstroke! Have you ever seen anything more erotic!?”


Flare ignored him as she continued stroking Natsu’s cock with her huge tits. She loved the feel of the rock hard flesh against the soft skin of her boobs. It felt good, it felt right, like it belonged there!


AHHNMMMPH HMMMMPH GUG, HRMMMPH GUH, GRNMMMMMPH!!!” Flare moaned and gagged as she worked to take Natsu’s cock deeper and deeper into her mouth cunt! ‘Ahhh, this feels so good!!! Master’s dick! Master’s big, hard, dragon diiiick!!!’ she thought to herself as she could feel her pussy leaking even harder as she became more and more aroused. She could already feel the heat coming off of Natsu, it rippled the air around them as she bobbed her head up and down faster an faster.


“Ahh, oooh… Yeah, suck it harder, cock slut!” Natsu commanded her.


YESH!!! GUPH, AGUH GUG GUG GUHH…” Flare gagged, letting her tits fall away from his shaft and taking it farther down her throat-pussy! “MMMMMHMMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned, cumming already just with her mouth!




“Yeah, you love it don’t you!?” Natsu asked as he looked down at her with a gleam in his eyes.


AYE WUV ID!!! AYE WUV UR CAAAAWK!!! AGUH GUG GUH…” Flare choked and moaned. ‘Wait, something’s wrong!’ she thought, ‘I came first, that means I lost, right, why hasn’t the announcer called the match? Hang on, I can’t hear the crowd anymore, and where’s the stadium!?’ These thoughts flashed through Flare’s mind as Natsu got up on his knees and gripped Flare’s hair tightly before he began fucking her mouth and throat hard! His cock was actually on fire now, the heat was almost searing, but her resistance to flames meant she wouldn’t actually be burned, not at this intensity. After all, her own hair could burn far hotter whenever she wanted.


AGUH GUG GUH GURK GUH HUCK GUPH NUUGH HURRRG!!!!” Flare choked in ecstasy, with her eyes rolling back in her head. Distantly, she was aware that the stadium was gone, and she and her Master were in an endless field of white. There was no floor, no ceiling, nothing but white all around them. There was only her and her master, and he was fucking her mouth SO GOOD!!!


That’s right. Natsu is my Master.’ Flare remembered, ‘I’m his and Princess Lucy’s sex toy! I offered my body to both of them, and they accepted. Now I am their slave. Why couldn’t I remember before?


GUK GUK GUK GUUUUUURGH… YESSSSH, DHON’D SHTOOOOB!!! PHUG MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY HAAAWWDERRRR…!!!” Flare gagged and moaned, her pussy gushing hard as she came again and again. It felt so good, she couldn’t think of anything but Natsu’s flaming hot cock! She felt so happy right now, it was like a dream.


Wait, I AM dreaming!’ Flare realized suddenly as her memory cleared completely. She was on the road with Natsu. The two of them had left together to do a job she’d found on the board at the Fairy Tail guild. It was her second time out as a full member of the guild, with her first being a guard duty job with Princess Lucy and the other girl, Brandish. Lucy wanted to come with them at first, but she was invited to spend a few days with some of the other girls at the guild at the beach. It was all so clear now.


The white world around Flare began to fade quickly, Natsu’s form became blurry and indistinct, “NHOOO, DHON’D LEAPH MEEEH, MASHETERRRR!!!” Flare gagged around his vanishing cock.


“Nmmh, ah, hah, oh, ah, master!!” Flare murmured and moaned as she found herself being shaken awake.


“Hey, hey, Flare, are you okay!?” Natsu asked her, with worry on his face as he lay naked beside her. It was late at night, and she could see stars overhead twinkling in the distance. The remains of their campfire smoldered a few feet away, with the embers still making soft popping sounds.


“Ah, Master!” Flare moaned, wrapping her arms around Natsu tightly as she suddenly found herself shaking.


“Hey, calm down. What? Did you have a bad dream or something?” Natsu said as he hugged her back. The two of them were laying naked together inside of a large yellow sleeping bag. Their camping spot was just a little ways away from the road so that they wouldn’t impede any traffic.


Flare nodded her head, “Yeah, kinda. It started out sort of nice. But at the end…” She told him of how the dream started, about how it was a mixed up version of the Grand Magic Games from a couple years ago. And how they were “fighting” each other. Natsu had a laugh at that.


“Sounds like fun!” he said.


Flare couldn’t disagree there, “Then, just as my memory cleared up, you began vanishing. It frightened me a bit. I didn’t realize I was waking up until I saw you above me.”


“Well, you were moaning a lot in your sleep, I thought you were having a nightmare.” Natsu told her.


“It kind of was at the end, I thought you might be leaving me or something…” Flare said.


“Hey, I’d never do that…” he told her. Flare nodded and snuggled her naked body closer to his inside the sleeping bag. His body felt hot and firm, and she could smell his sweat beneath the covers. These made her feel more comfortable as she hugged herself tighter to him, resting her head against his shoulders.


“Promise?” she asked, “You’ll keep me as your sex toy forever?”


He laughed, “Sure will. Though…”


“Though what?” Flare asked, suddenly feeling a little worried.


“You’re more than that to Lucy and me. You and Brandish both are family now.” he told her, while reaching up with one hand to touch her face. Flare felt her cheeks heating up as a tingling sensation ran down her spine at his touch. Tears threatened to well in her eyes as she suddenly felt so very happy!


“Oh Master!” Flare moaned, hugging her naked body against him tighter. She moved her hair to unzip the bag from around their naked bodies as she pushed Natsu onto his back and moved to straddle his waist. Her hair then waved about and lengthened, gathering even more firewood and placing it on the smoking remnants of the campfire. Next, she reignited the blaze with her hair, bathing both of them in orange and yellow flickering light.


Natsu reached his hands up to grab her breasts, squeezing the heavy orbs of flesh tightly and pressing her nipples with his thumbs. Flare let out a sultry moan, all while grinding her damp crotch against his cock as she felt it quickly stirring beneath her. She then moved her hair towards his mouth, setting it ablaze with dark red flames that were just like the Eternal Fire of her hometown.


He opened his mouth wide, sucking in the flames like he was drinking them. With a sound like a board of wood being flicked, Natsu’s dick shot to full erection behind her, with its thickness firmly entrenched between the cheeks of her ass! Flare giggled happily, grinding her pussy against his cock even more.


“Mmmmh, your flames are so delicious!” he told her.


“Then have some more, Master.” Flare said, setting the entirety of her hair ablaze. Natsu grabbed a waving tendril of her hair and began slurping it like noodles. Flare moaned, as the sensation was akin to having water poured over her hair, though it drained her magic slightly, but nowhere near enough to negatively affect her. Natsu’s belly swelled up like a balloon as he gorged himself on her fire, his cock getting so hot it began to glow. Flare twisted herself so she could see it better, stroking it with both her hair and hands. She gazed at it longingly, not even trying to hide the lust in her eyes.


“Nmmmmmh, fuck me Master!” she moaned, her voice heavy with desire, “Take me and empty your balls inside my womb!!!”


Natsu finished slurping up her flames with a mild smoking burp as his stomach shrank back to normal quickly. “Aw yeah, now you’ve put a fire in my belly!” he said excitedly. He slipped his hands under her arms, lifting her up easily and pushing his insanely wide erection into her with the force of a battering ram. Her belly instantly was stretched upwards by Natsu’s sheer size, but Flare welcomed it as she felt herself cumming instantly!


OOOOH YESSSSSSS!!!!!” Flare screamed towards the night sky. She then looked down at Natsu, moaning as she placed her feet on either side of him in a squatting position before she began moving her body up and down with a wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH followed by a SSSSH sound as her overflowing juices quickly boiled off his rapidly heating skin.


“Ahhh, look Master!” Flare moaned, placing her hands on either side of her widely stretched pussy, “Look how far inside me you are! Ahhhn, it feels so good!!! Your cock is so deep inside me and spreading my pussy so wide, I love it! Please, ahhh, fuck me lots!!!”


“Heheh, I really like it when you talk like that!” Natsu said, grabbing her tits again in a tight grip. His fingers sank so deep into the soft flesh, she thought they might leave a permanent impression on them! He then began thrusting his cock up with her, driving it up as she brought herself down slamming his cock as far inside as it would go. Flare could feel her womb being stretched around his cock as she let out a wailing moan of ecstasy, with her pussy gushing non-stop.


OH YESSSSS, IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! MY PUSSY… MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD WITH YOUR COCK INSIIIIDE!!!!” Flare screamed at the top of her lungs. Natsu groaned beneath her and began pounding his cock up into her again and again, she could feel her shapely bottom jiggling from every slap of his melon sized balls against it.






Natsu grinned, leaning his body up and biting down on one fat nipple hard! Flare screamed as she came again, bucking her body against him even harder, wanting to feel his cock stirring up her insides. The air around them was rippling with heat from them both. The wood in their fire was almost instantly consumed by fire, but she could still see from the flames wreathing both their bodies.


Natsu sucked on her left tit, then the right, then pulled both her nipples to his mouth to bite with his teeth. Flare screamed in pleasure the whole time, bucking herself up and down on his thick dick. Her long auburn hair was a deep burning crimson color now, waving about freely on the rising heated air. To an outside observer, it would have almost looked like she was under water.


She then gasped as Natsu pulled her down into a hot, passionate kiss. Her reddish brown eyes rolled back in their sockets as she came again and again and again as her tongue swirled around his. She could hear him grunting and groaning in pleasure from the feel of her pussy milking his huge dick.


“Nmmmmmmh, cum Mashter, cum inshide me, pweashe, it’sh okay if I git pwegnant, I’ll giv you ahll da babiesh you whant…” Flare slurred into his mouth.


“Hrrr, hrrr, hrrrr, hrrrraaAAAAAAUGH!!!!!” Natsu grunted, groaned, and then roared like a dragon as Flare leaned back and screamed in orgasmic ecstasy. A giant column of flames shot up high into the night sky and could be seen from as far away as Hargeon Port. Flare felt the near boiling heat of Natsu’s cum shooting into her with the force of a firehose!


Flare’s mouth hung open, with her tongue lolling from her lower lip as her eyes were completely rolled back in her head. She loved this feeling, it was so intense, it was like her sanity was completely gone for just a few seconds, lost in a maddening sea of pleasure as all that cum was pumped into her by the gallon.


Flare rubbed her hands over her cock stretched stomach, knowing she’d look just like this every time her master used her pussy or asshole, and loving it! Then, as the high of the orgasm abated, Flare fell backwards, Natsu’s cock pulling out of her with a wet noise. Without his girth to hold his cum inside, it began squirting back out of Flare’s pussy, soaking the charred ground around them.


The temperature then began to rapidly drop, so rapidly that it actually began to rain over their naked bodies. Stream rose off of both of them as the rain was quickly sizzled off. When Flare’s strength was enough, she weakly managed to crawl back on top of Natsu, resting her head on his chest comfortably. The two of them laid like that for what felt like forever, but could have only been a few minutes before Natsu broke the silence.


“Hey, Flare…” he said.


“Hmmn…?” she replied.


“Did you really mean all that?” he asked, “About having my baby, I mean.”


Flare blushed and hid her face in his chest, “Um, I was kind of caught in the moment then, but… Yes…” she replied. When he was silent for a moment, she raised her head looking at him with a slightly worried expression. “Is that bad…?” she asked him. Though there was little chance of her getting knocked up right now. She’d had a birth control lacrima implanted just below the skin on her stomach. It prevented her from being fertilized for half a year. Still, she didn’t want to turn him away from her if he didn’t want children.


To her surprise, he was smiling at her, “No, I was just thinking, no matter which of you girls it was, if any of you got pregnant, I’d want us all to be a family together.”


This time, tears really did well up in Flare’s eyes, “Oh Master!” she cried, hugging him tightly and nuzzling her face against his. He only held her as they lay naked on the now thoroughly charred ground. Their sleeping bag was now so much charcoal, though the rest of their traveling gear was in fire proof bags, including a spare sleeping bag.


Flare didn’t feel like getting up though. So instead, she extended her hair out again and wrapped it around both their bodies like a big auburn colored cocoon. She even ignited it into a weak blaze to help them stay warm and keep the animals away. Although, after that firenado the two of them made, most animals in the area were still running far away.


Slowly, Flare fell asleep again, this time dreaming of a long life with her Master and Princess.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
10 months ago

Definitely loved everything that transpired here. The one thing that I could consider a negative, would be that fact we’re not getting an actual erotic GMG.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Yeah, sorry about that, but I know the next few FT images coming down the pipe, and even if I were to reuse some of the older ones, I don’t have enough for an arc like that.

10 months ago

Xavier’s Dream Curse is spreading to Fairytail boys

10 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Flare was the one dreaming

Ichigo Kurosaki
10 months ago

Flare is so much hot, natsu is 💤💤💤💤

10 months ago

Natsu makes a good pairing for her imo

10 months ago

That was a very unconventional chapter. As well as a surprisingly cute one. 😊

The unconventional part primarily referring to the extended dream that’s based on the Grand Magic Games at the very beginning of it. Although it was too bad it was only just a dream, because it felt completely different from much of your usual works here. 👀

However, it doesn’t take away from the fact that this is still a Flare and Natsu centered chapter, and it showed. I really liked what you did with them here. Not just with their overall dynamic, but also how it went. Plus it went further into Flare’s own mindset of being Natsu and Lucy’s willing slave. And of course, the whole viewpoint on the harem, but eventually turn it into a big family with plenty of children. That was touching. 😢 On a semi-related note, I really liked how different you made harems in this FT storyline and your current MHA storyline, structurally speaking as well as the overall dynamic and design for them. Very nice work. Just wanted to say that. 👍🤓

Oh and before I forget, the sex sequence was also well defined too. It really fit the overall story and pace it set up. Though that fire tornado really made quite the scene. Good thing the animals got away when they could. 😳

All in all, this was a unique one. Well done! 👏 😀

– Hiryu

10 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Well, as I said earlier, the background required some more creative thinking. Now, I would have gone with an erotic Grand Magic Games arc, if I knew there were enough images coming down the pipe to do one. That not being the case, I had to go a different route. I figured a dream with out of place details would have worked best. Once she woke up, I wanted to showcase more of how Flare is happy with the currently dynamic. A short while ago, mention of an antidote to the flowers’ effects made her worry, because she LIKES what she is now. As for families, it was a common theme for FT, the concept of family anyway. And it WAS hinted at that Levy was pregnant with Gajeel’s kid, not sure if that went anywhere in the sequel series.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

They clearly said several times that Levy is pregnant in the 100 years quest.

10 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thank you, I didn’t know

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
10 months ago

D’aww, this was really sweet once she woke up.

10 months ago

Thanks, it was really fun to do from there on. The dream sequence was difficult because I had to double check some things

10 months ago

Sweet, touching, quite emotional, and terrific!

I don’t watch Fairy Tail that much nor have I read the manga before, but I think Natsu and Flare would be good friends with each other though.

10 months ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

They became friends after the Grand Magic Games arc. Flare was originally a NASTY piece of work, she actually acted like she appeared, all deranged and sadistic, but it was mater learned she really was NOTHING like that. She just thought Fairy Tail was evil, and she was the good guy.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ah… now I see. Also, that dream she had was kinda crazy and the two were in some kind of empty white void.

10 months ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

I went with a dream of my own for that bit, the feeling of isolation was the only thing I really remember about it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago

You know, I’m actually just a little bit disappointed that this Grand Magic Games was kept as a dream and not legit. I think it could have made for an interesting premise that would have made the series stand out even more from the others. That being said, the idea of them making one big families with children and all is quite nice as well, although not really something that I find particularly interesting or arousing. The sex between Natsu and Flare was good as always, and I’m kinda happy how unhinged she came off with that dream she had: Like, she already kinda comes off like that due to her thinking of herself as a slave, but I think this dream actually made her stand out even more from the other girls.

Still not my favorite portrayal of Flare on this site, but I’m starting to like her a bit more. Keep it up.

10 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I’m detail oriented, so the details in the background were an issue, also, with the pics available in the queue, I couldn’t really pursue a story arch like that. Still, I enjoy writing Flare as this hyper-submissive type. It clashes so nicely with her yandere appearance.

10 months ago

I really like the competition sex in the beginning, it’s a unique theme that I wish we got a little bit more of. I enjoy the Flare, Lucy, Natsu and Brandish dynamic, I think they make a solid group together.

10 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

They do, don’t they!? And this time, it’s not Natsu with a Harem, technically, it’s Lucy. LOL

10 months ago

Great chapter!

I like how pregnancy keeps getting foreshadowed (Erza w/ Natsu, then Lucy talking about it with the other girls, and now Flare).

10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Well, nothing is set in stone yet, but a few times people have brought up how no one gets pregnant in these stories in spite of all the fucking.