Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The Royal Treatment

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 30): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 32): To be Continued…

As Nami continued looking over and editing the footage she took of the first round of the Davy Back Fight between the Straw Hat, the Kid, and the Heart Pirates, the others enjoyed the fair that they all set up together the previous day.


“Come one, come all to the ‘ARM WRESTLING MANIA!!!’, the ONLY event you’re truly here for!” Usopp roared into a megaphone he built out of paper. He walked back and forth on a wooden stage while waving his free hand around dramatically. Behind him was a huge white and currently blank leaderboard, as well as several barrels in various sizes for the contestants to wrestle on. “You think you have what it takes to win the big prize?! That you are the strongest pirate here?! Then why don’t you come up here and give it a try?!!”


Walking towards a golden belt and a bag full with money, he remembered the words Nami had told him when he pitched her this idea. “You can wager as much of it as you want, as long as you can make sure that we get it all back in the end!” Meaning that one of his friends had to win this whole tournament. He obviously understood where Nami came from, but with all the treasure they got out of the first round, she really shouldn’t worry that much about whether they lose some of it or not. It’s all part of the game!


He raised his right hand with the belt in it to the sky. “The winner of this tournament will be crowned on the third day! He or she will be crowned theUNBEATABLE CHAMPIOOOONN!!” He roared loudly into his megaphone, causing the crowd around him to burst into loud cheers of approval. “They will also win this huge bag full of treasure for themselves. But more importantly than that, eternal glory and honor will await each and everyone who will participate. So what are you all waiting for?! GET READY FOR THE RRRRRRRUMBLE!!!!!


One after the other, pirates began shuffling towards the stage, urged by their friends to give it a try. The first to jump up there was the Straw Hat’s very own shipwright, the flamboyant Franky. The blue haired man struck his signature pose and bellowed, “SUUUUUUPEER!!!” from the top of his lungs before looking down on the other wannabe participants. “Who of you panties wants to be my first opponent?!”


GIGIGIGIGIHIG!! Now that seems like a challenge for me!” The entire stage quaked and squeaked in protest as one of Kid’s crewmates jumped up there as well. The fat man known as Gig rose both his fists into his air and let his pecs dance for the amusement of the crowd, something that also caused his bulging belly to jiggle in the very same breath. “You’re on, Pervert!”


“Oh!!?” Franky lifted his eyebrow to eye his opponent. Not only was Gig four times Franky’s circumference, he was also around two heads taller, but that didn’t deter the perverted cyborg in the slightest. He only grinned. “Fine by me!”


“There we have it folks!” Usopp shouted for everyone to hear. The dark skinned sniper walked the two contrahents over to a barrel that was big enough for them to use. “The rules are simple, best out of three rounds wins. You use your right hand for round one, left for round two, and right for the final round again if necessary. Keep the arm you’re not currently wrestling with at the side of the barrel. And no kicking or anything else below the barrel, got it?! Everything else that takes place above the barrel is fair game!” He asked the two men as they took position.


Franky let his arm circle, causing loose joints in his shoulders to pop audibly. “Got it! As if a real man such as myself would ever need some dirty tricks to win in the first place.” He then added confidently as he put his elbow on the barrel.


“Tough words for a man wearing a speedo!” Gig replied with a grin. He took Franky’s hand and grabbed it tight. “Time to see if you can back them up outside that cool robot!”


“Everyone ready?” Usopp asked, putting his hands over that of the two men. “Alright! Get set… FIGHT!!


Splinters of wood flew in different directions as both men instantly tried to push the other’s hand down with all their might. Franky gritted his teeth as he found himself getting pushed back more and more by the other pirate. “Hrrrgh!!”


“What’s the matter?! Not so tough now, are we!?” Gig teased, though he had to use every single muscle to keep up with Franky’s strength.


“You wish!” sweat ran down the blue haired man’s face as he found himself ever closer to defeat. “The real me is even more SUPER than the Iron Pirate! Let me show you! FRANKYYY… Nipple Light!!


AAAAAGH!!! MY EYES!!!!” Gig shouted as Franky’s exposed nipples began to shine with the intensity of miniature suns. As he averted the ocular assault, Franky had the perfect opportunity to turn the tables, forcing the taller man’s hand to almost touch the barrel instead. “That’s dirty!”


“As long as it takes place above the barrel, it’s no foul play!” Usopp repeated as he closely watched the two men wrestling.


In the crowd, a member of Law’s crew, a man by the name Clione, had actually begun to accept bets about who the winner might end up being. Members of the Heart Pirates, Brook and Carrot, the only other Straw Hat here at the moment, all cheered for Franky, while the other Kid Pirates obviously bet their money on their own crewmate. Nami wouldn’t be happy about someone else profiting from their attraction, but Usopp had other things to care about at the moment. It was just way too much fun hosting an event in front of a crowd!


“Hmpf!!” Gig struggled against the weight behind Franky’s grip, the fingers of his left hand crashing through the wood of the barrel. “In that case, two can play at that game! Gig-A Burp!


Usopp could actually see a cloud of foul smelling yellow gasses stream out of Gig’s open mouth and drift towards Franky. The effect was imminent as Franky’s face turned green with disgust and he began to tear up. “URK!! What have you been eating??!” He gagged, with his strength fading.


Seizing his opportunity, Gig put his entire weight in his right arm and pushed Franky’s hand back. In one swift swoop, the fat punk managed to wrestle his opponent to the ground! Members of the Heart Pirates and Carrot booed in protest as Franky lost the first round, whereas the Kid Pirates shouted and screamed in approval!


“And that’s…” Gig let go of Franky’s hand and flexed his biceps to the crowd. Behind him, Franky waved his left hand in front of his face to get rid of the foul stench of rotten eggs and fermented fish. “How it’s DONE!!


“Now… cough, cough… hold your horses everyone!” Usopp said while massaging his own tearing eyes. “This match is far from over. Contrahents, get ready for round two!”


As Franky and Gig both got into position, the other pirates in the audience all eagerly got into position to be the next in line. Members of the Heart Pirates tried to coax Bepo into joining the tournament as well, while Jean Bart already stood at the very front of the line, much to the chagrin of those who wanted to see the match between Franky and Gig. Meanwhile, Kid’s crewmates all psyched each other up for their upcoming matches. Considering how the Kid Pirates were the biggest crew of them all, they had, statistically, the highest chances of winning, which made them way more confident about the whole thing. Marguerite, due to her arm having been broken by Carrot earlier, was naturally excluded from the other event, though that didn’t stop her from trying to get her Captain Boa Hancock roped up in it instead.


“Come on, Hebihime-sama! It would be so fun!” the young blonde tried to convince the most beautiful woman in the world.


“Hmph! As if I would ever lower myself to something like this for the entertainment of these… brutes!” Hancock replied, while wrinkling her nose in disgust at how easily the men got swayed by this silly event.


“But it’s not even all that different from our fights back home on Amazon Lily.” Marguerite reasoned. “What’s so bad about it?”


“Don’t compare our honorable traditions with those men’s foolish games!” the raven haired beauty hissed, already turning her back on the spectacle on stage. ‘Tsk! Who does this girl think she is?! Isn’t getting enamored by this savage Eustass enough for you?! Do you really need to also try to prove something to him!? Why should I even bother to make sure nothing happens to you if you throw yourself into danger so carelessly?! AAAAHH!!! What did I do to be punished with a stupid little girl like you!!?


Unbeknownst to Hancock, she was actually fuming just by thinking about the things she had to go through because of Marguerite. Her pitch black hair even began to wave through the air like a pair of angry snakes, with jolts of electricity and her Conqueror’s Haki crackling between each strand. As she decided to walk away from this nonsense, however, another voice spoke up.


“Faffaffaffaffa!! Don’t tell me the oh-so mighty Pirate Empress is afraid of losing against a bunch of lowly men.” Killer teased her with a forced laugh. “So much for that Kuja pride and strength!”


He stood with a big drum that he brought from the Victoria Punk on his shoulder that he brought from the Victoria Punk, carrying it to a large fenced off area that he and his friends had been working on since the crews decided to pull through with this Davy Back Fight. What they were building behind it, Hancock didn’t know, nor did she care all that much. It couldn’t be anything worth her time!


“Do you question my strength, man?!” Hancock snapped at the blonde. “Don’t you dare overstep your boundaries or else I reconsider my decision to play along in your childish games!”


Killer shrugged his shoulders. “Suit yourself. I can’t blame you for not wanting to compete. Most of the others here are probably too much for you to handle anyways.” He said, not even bothering to see her reaction as he opened a wooden gate and disappeared behind the fence.


“That’s it!” Hancock declared. Stomping down with her foot, she created a small crater in the grassy ground beneath before marching towards the stage where Gig had just triumphed over Franky. “Step aside, vermin! I’ll show you what I’m capable of!”


The infamous Pirate Empress made her way through the crowd. Everyone more than eagerly allowed her to walk by on her way to the stairs. Usopp gulped and blushed as she walked directly up to him. She scoffed and turned around, making sure to hit him with her hair on the face as she looked down on the mob of criminals beneath her. “What are you waiting for?! Which one of you is daring enough to take me on!?”


Looking through one of the windows of a recently built sweet café, Wire and Sanji watched as the men in the crowd practically trampled over one another in the hopes to be the first to touch Hancock’s delicate and perfectly manicured hands. Wire chuckled dryly, but instantly regretted it due to a sharp bolt of pain racing from his broken rips through his entire body. So he found himself forced to snarl quietly to himself and focus on the cake in front of him.


“Heh! Seems like I got you pretty good.” Sanji said with a smug grin, only barely paying attention to Wire as his one visible eye was glued on the ravishing figure of Boa Hancock outside. The passionate cook of the Straw Hats wore a basic black suit with fitting pants, a white shirt underneath, and blue-white dotted tie around his neck. “Mellorine! I wish I could be out there right now…!”


“Hmph! Don’t make me laugh! Your stupid code of honor forbids you from using your hands and you’re too much of a wimp to even raise your voice against a woman!” Wire said, while taking a swift sip from the tea that Sanji had just given him. In a rare moment of visible emotion, Wire actually raised his eyebrows as his eyes widened in surprise. “Not bad.”


Unfazed by Wire’s insult, Sanji only smiled. “You like it? The herbs are from the nearby mountains here. They’re a bit dry, but it tastes exquisite together with these jam filled biscuits!” He suggested, offering his former opponent a plate with various baked goods in the shape of the Straw Hat’s Jolly Roger.


“Thanks.” Wire simply replied, taking one of the small biscuits.


“Here you go~! One Bee Sting Cake and black coffee for you…” Rebecca said with a wink to a customer on another table. She purposefully leaned forward a bit more than necessary, presenting the masked helmsman of the Heart Pirates with a deep look into the depth of her cleavage, as well as the two words that were written across them. “And a Strawberry Parfait and Banana Lassi for you. Let me know if you need some extra milk~♥!” She said while blowing a kiss to the other man on the table, shaking her impressive tits from side to side for emphasis.


Blood gushed out of both of their noses as she turned away, silver plate under her arm and a sensual sway in her wide and full hips. At a table close to the entrance, Vivi served the three pirate captains and their escorts, making a show out of letting some whipped cream drip from a spoon onto the scoops of ice cream that she carried between her tits. The show was lost on the three captains, but not so much on the women, with Monet in particular hugging Law’s arm, almost as if to prevent him from leaving her side.


Yamato was way more impressed by Vivi’s grace and applauded as the whipped cream spiraled down towards her tits, yet always safely landed on the scoops and not her tits. “Woah! Where did you learn to do something like this?” the Oni Princess asked as, one after the other, Vivi handed them their cones.


“Father always wanted me to learn the traditional dances of Arabasta. They require a lot of precise and controlled body movements. I guess some of them just got stuck in my head all these years.” Vivi answered with a shrug of her shoulders, though she wasn’t able to hide the pride in her voice.


“Treats are on me.” Law said curtly. He raised his cup of coffee and grinned sardonically at his two rivals. “To a successful first round!”


Clicking his tongue, Kid didn’t even bother to accept the toast as he simply drank from his cup. “Just wait! You had luck with this one, but the next one won’t be so easy!”


After touching cups with the others on the table, Law leaned back in the pink cushioned couch he sat on. “Whatever you say. But the ones who will ultimately win this entire thing, will be my crew and me!”


“No way! We’re totally gonna win this!” Luffy declared loud and proudly, though his enthusiasm ended up being undercut by the mix of red and green colors around his mouth after eating an entire scoop of ice in the most messy way imaginable. Drops of ice cream were everywhere on his face and on the table. He wiped all the excessive cream from his face with the back of his hand, then threw the remaining cone into his wide open mouth. “Zoro already said that he would make up for Sanji’s shortcomings today!”


“Screw that stupid mosshead!” Sanji shouted over to Luffy’s table. He lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath. “I’d like to see that idiot trying to keep his breath for so long! Scratch that, he probably would have gotten lost and drowned the second he jumped in the water! And we still got second place in the end!”


“Yeah. Because of Jinbe.” Law added matter-of-factly.


Both Luffy and Kid laughed at Sanji’s defiant declarations and the subsequent heated red face afterwards. “Whatever.” Kid then waved it off. “There’s still two more rounds for me and my men to put you in your place, you bunch of third-rate pirates.”


“You think so?!” Law’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Y’know, Eustass-ya, I don’t need this Davy Back Fight to put you and Straw Hat-ya in your place!”


“Ha! Don’t make me laugh! You two would be out of steam before I even finish warmup!” Kid retorted with a laugh while flexing the muscles of his one remaining arm.


“What did you say!? No way am I gonna lose to you two!” Luffy said in defiance as he jumped and stood up on the couch. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “After all, the World Government declared ME an Emperor, not any of you two!”


Veins throbbed to life on both Kid’s and Law’s forehead. “That doesn’t count! Not sure what the World Government sees in you and that oversized chicken of the World Economy Newspaper is full of shit anyways!” Kid snarled back, remembering how the newspaper made it look as if he lost his arm in Big Mom’s territory a couple months ago. “Your title means nothing!”


“Especially since they made you one at the same time as that clown!” Law added.


Before things between the three of them could escalate any further, Monet was able to literally cool things down with Law by breathing hoarsely against his neck. A chill wind went down his spine as small snowflakes came out of her mouth and danced over the hairs on his back. As he wanted to ask why she did that, she simply embraced him tight, throwing his arms over his shoulders and hugging him deep into her tits. “There, there! No need to get so heated just yet! You’ve got more than enough chances to show them what you’re made of later, darling!”


“Calm down, Luffy!” Yamato pulled on her captain’s wrist to get him to sit down next to her again. “This is no place to fight!”


“Agreed!” Rebecca’s voice chimed in from in front of them. Both she and Vivi now stood in front of the table after the discussion between the three captains grew more and more heated. “Nami strictly forbade any kind of physical confrontations between you outside of the final round.” the pink haired woman informed.


“So much for you being an Emperor! Letting yourself get bossed around by your navigator like that…” Kid said, though he also seemed to calm down a bit. He reached into the pockets of the kilt he wore and pulled out a couple 500-Belly coins that he promptly threw on the table as he rose to his feet. “No need to pay for me, Trafalgar. I don’t wanna owe you anything! WIRE!! We’re leaving!”


The Kid Pirates’ doctor sighed and followed his captain out of the café, leaving nothing but crumbs behind on the plate that Sanji had given him, much to the cook’s silent approval. The two childhood friends from the South Blue left, leaving only the members of the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates back in the café.


“Now, where were we?!” Vivi asked rhetorically, leaning her head to the side as if she had to think about it. “Right! We wanted to prevent you from destroying everything here!”


She and Rebecca looked at each other knowingly and smiled knowingly. They reached into the pockets of the maid outfits they wore and pulled out a small pink ball each. Since Nami wasn’t there to enhance their assets with her weather technology, they needed to rely on other ways to get the bodies they wanted, which was precisely why they got Chopper to make them these pills. They threw them into their mouths and cracked them open between their teeth, resulting in an almost disgustingly sweet flavor to wash through them. The sensation that followed, when a wave of energy surged through their bodies, was just as addictive as an orgasm!


Their tops were pushed to the side, buttons flying away in every direction, as their previously already pretty huge tits ballooned out to ridiculous proportions. Within a couple of seconds, each orb of flesh was more than ten times bigger than their heads, topped off with already rock hard nipples that could cut diamonds! Vivi had the bigger, more brightly pink nipples overall, however Rebecca’s were perkier.


Vivi grinned at the reaction of the other people in the café. Luffy’s eyes sparkled with childlike wonder and excitement, something that sent thrills down the bluette’s spine. But seeing the usually stoic and collected Law gulp and shake his head, whereas Monet’s jaw dropped to the floor and with a look of absolute horror on her face was even more priceless. “Anyone interested in some sweet desserts?” She asked innocently, while jutting her chest forward and letting her gigantic tits sway from side to side. “Hm, Luffy?”


“Awesome!” Luffy instantly jumped towards his recently acquired harem wifes and lifted the desert princess’ tits up. “Damn! They’re heavy!” He admired out loud, his digits sinking deep into the soft and malleable flesh. Vivi couldn’t help but let out a girlish squeal at the sensation, her cheeks instantly heating up with embarrassment. “How did you get them so big? They feel so real!”


“That’s because they are!” Rebecca replied, eagerly presenting her tits to Luffy as well so he could grab them. “Chopper helped us out with some new Rumble Balls.” She winced playfully as Luffy also grabbed a fistful of her boobs, even with his long rubber arms coiling around them like a snake. “Hrrrrrm!! You like them?”


“Chopper can make Rumble Balls like that for you? Why didn’t he give me one? They seem fun!” Luffy wondered out loud as he kept on squeezing the chests of both women. “I wanna try them myself!”


“Hehehe! Trust me, Luffy! You don’t need them.” Rebecca said with a soft giggle in her voice as she openly began to trace her fingers down his abs and towards his bulging pants. Despite not being all that sexually interested in anyone or anything, Luffy’s body still reacted the same as any other man’s to the touch of a woman, especially one with such big tits! “You’re already getting bigger all by yourself!”


“But that’s not the same!” Luffy pointed out with a whiny voice. He then grunted in surprise as Rebecca snuck her hands into his pants to fondle his dick directly. “Huungh??!”


“You like that, Luffy?” Vivi asked hoarsely, breathing directly into his ear as she rested her chin on his shoulder. With Luffy’s cock being so inhumanly huge, she didn’t have the chance to touch and rub him directly, so the blue haired desert maiden instead opted to throw a hand over his shoulder to hold him close. “Hmmmm~!!”


With her tits tightly pressed and rubbing against Luffy’s chest, Vivi placed a kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a bright red mark right under the scar around his eye. Though Vivi didn’t know exactly how he got that scar, she always assumed that he had to have gotten it from a particularly strong enemy or by doing something really reckless and stupid. He wasn’t exactly as mature and foresighted as he is now when she first met and traveled with him after all.


In the meantime, Rebecca dropped to her knees in front of her lover and enveloped his legs with her tits, preventing him from backing away. Not that he wasn’t strong enough to do so, but why should he when she pulled his pants down, gasped in awe at the sight and feel of his half-hard dick smacking against her face, before kissing the very tip of it?!


“Mwah~!! It’s already so big!” the pinkette moaned in awe, admiring the pitch black lipstick mark she had left behind on his precum dripping cock. “Aaaaaahh!!” her pussy gushed in anticipation as she then rubbed her face against the throbbing behemoth of a dick, her breath steaming out of her open mouth. “I wanna suck it so badly!” She panted hoarsely, with her heart practically beating out of her chest.


“Do it!” Vivi told her, then quickly sealed Luffy’s mouth with her own as she forced her tongue past his lips. “Hmmmmmnh!”


“Hrrm?” Luffy grunted into Vivi’s mouth, too perplexed to even comprehend what was currently going on.


On the couch behind him, Law rose to his feet and shook his head. “If you’re just gonna fuck, then I’m not gonna get in your way.” He reached into the pockets of the blue skinny jeans he wore and pulled out a wad of cash. “Here. Have fun. See you tomorrow.” putting on his signature hat, he didn’t even wait to see if Monet was coming with him or not. He turned over one last time towards Luffy and grinned. “Hope you’re prepared to get your butts kicked again!”


“I’m leaving too! I wanna see that thing Usopp praised the entire day now.” Yamato said as she followed Law and the former harpy. “See ya!”


And just like that, Luffy was left mostly alone with Vivi and Rebecca at his side. He couldn’t even reply to Law’s confident remark as the princess from the desert kingdom guided his tongue into her mouth to suck on it as if it was a real dick. The only other people left inside were both members of the Heart Pirates who completely forgot about the sweets on their plates as they watched with wide open mouths and blood dripping from their noses as Rebecca opened her mouth as much as possible to swallow all of Luffy’s huge cock. They were soon joined by Sanji who stood completely frozen next to them, fetching a pretty sizable tent in his black pants.


HAAAAAAMPH!!!” Rebecca moaned blissfully as her black painted lips sealed airtight around Luffy’s throbbing and bulging member. She grabbed her own tits so tight around his legs for leverage, her nails dug into the sensitive skin deep enough to draw a little blood. But she didn’t care. “HRRRRM, HRRRRRG, HRRRRR, HRRRRR, MMMMMMH!!!! MOAAAAWH!! IT’SH SHO BHIGGGG!!! AYE LUV ID!!!” She slurred wetly as she swallowed inch after inch, her throat stretching almost comically to make room for the meaty intruder!


A gentle hand caressed the back of the former Dressrosan princess as Vivi rested the weight of her recently enhanced tits on her friend’s shoulders, a burden the other woman was more than eager to bear! Vivi smiled at the thought of the other princess currently losing her mind at the mere taste of their lover’s dick. The musky smell alone already got to Vivi’s head, so she could only imagine how much more intense it had to be for the younger girl at Luffy’s feet.


“Mmmmmh, Luphyy!” Vivi slurred with a soft giggle. Pulling back just enough to part enough, she lovingly stared into Luffy’s beautiful black eyes. He looked more perplexed than anything as she kept sucking on his stretched out tongue, with strings of their saliva dangling between their lips. “Hmhmhmm!! Ish she doingh id wight?”


Luffy first looked to the left, then to the right, almost as if he waited for someone to tell him the correct answer for an incredibly hard riddle. He then leaned his head slightly to the side and shrugged with his shoulders. “I guessh… hew mouph ish hawd and pheelsh sho ghuud awound muh digg!”


Vivi broke the kiss completely to look down on the other woman, even though she couldn’t even see her underneath the mountain of tits. “You hear that?! Keep it up, Rebecca!”


MHMMMPH!!!” Rebecca nodded, causing Vivi’s tits to shake ever so slightly because of it. “HMMMNGH!! CAN’D GHET ENOUPH OPH ID… PHEELSH THOO GHUUD!!! MUH MOUPH ISH GOINGH NUMB, BUD AYE DON’D GAWE!!!! CAWK!!!! MUH ENDIWE MOUPH ISH LUSHY’S CAAAAAWK!!!!” Rebecca mewled in pleasure, her voice vibrating through Luffy’s entire body. “NNNMH!! AGH, AAGH, AAGH!! HAMPH! HAAAGH!!! MMMMH!!!


The participants of the threesome were only vaguely aware of the ringing of the small golden bell above the entrance to the café as several other pirates found their way inside, lured in by the perverted display through the glass windows. The fact that they had an audience now though didn’t deter them. In fact, it only turned Rebecca on even more! Letting go of one of her boobs, she instead jammed three digits at once into her moist and soaking pussy in order to quell the burning desire down there. She also felt a similarly hot spray of juices against her back as Vivi got off on the entire situation as well.


AAAAGH!!!” a thrill went down Rebecca’s spine as she came at the exact moment she managed to completely swallow her lover’s cock. A black patch of pubic hair tickled her nose as she took time to inhale the intoxicating stench of his manhood. “AYE LUV ID!!! LUSHY… ‘OUW CAWK… AYE’M CUMMINGH PHWOM HAWINGH ‘OUW CAWK IN MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY!!!


The dirty declaration was enough for the audience around them, with more and more blood gushing from their noses. Sanji, partly also because of the blood he lost in the previous round, looked particularly pale. Like a ghost even. But Rebecca didn’t let herself get distracted by that. Jamming her fingers in and out of her pussy in rapid succession, she panted for every breath as she began to bounce her face back and forth on the black haired captain’s crotch.


PHUGG MEH!!!” tears of joy rolled down on her cheeks as her big round eyes rolled back in their sockets. “PHUGG MUH SHLUDDY HOWE MOUPH!!! DUWN ID INDO ‘OUW PEWSHONAL CUMDUMP!!!!” She begged with a mix of desperation and desire. Wet squelching noises echoed through the entire café, partly because of her constant orgasms, partly because of her lips’ vacuum-like hold on Luffy’s cock as she sucked on it like her life depended on it. “CAAAAWK!!! MOAH CAWK!!! PLEASHE!!!!


“Shishishishi!!! You really need it bad!” Luffy pointed out. He rubbed his nose cheekily before placing both hands on either side of the pinkette’s head. “Fine by me! Here you GOOO!!!




The sound of Luffy’s balls slapping wetly against Rebbeca’s chin felt like music in Vivi’s ears. A melody that was accompanied by the gurgling, gagging, and choking of the woman on the receiving end of Luffy’s fat dick. Even without the use of his size-altering Gears, he possessed the biggest dick Vivi had ever seen in her life. It made her a little bit jealous that she wasn’t the one who got to get her throat fucked like this right now! But she knew it wouldn’t take long for her time to come!


“Yesssss. Fuck her good!” She purred hoarsly in support of the lewd act as she knelt down next to her harem sister. Reaching around Rebecca’s neck, she grabbed both of Luffy’s balls and fondled them gently. They were postitively drenched in a mix of his precum and Rebecca’s saliva. And they were heavy! “Haa! Me next! I need it next… so badly!!”


She then felt a firm hand grab her ass, which she had swung enticingly from side to side without even noticing. “Then why don’t I help you out with that!?” asked a male voice Vivi had no idea whom it belonged to.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing here!?” Sanji’s voice chimed in before Vivi could do anything. She heard the distinct sound of the blonde cook’s foot hitting something, followed by the sound of a body crashing against a table somewhere to her left. “Keep your dirty hands off of Vivi-chan or I’m gonna-!”


“Sanji-kun! Fuck me!!” Vivi interupted him rudely. She quickly stripped out of the red panty thong and black miniskirt she wore, presenting him with a view of her perfect peachy ass. “Fuck me NOW!!!” She begged desperately.


“V- Vivi-chan? I can’t just…”


Allow me to make up for messing with you the other day! Just… I need a dick! Please~!” Vivi bit her lips in a vain attempt to hold back the urges that coursed through each end every vein of her body. She shuddered as she felt a strong pair of hands take hold of her ass not even a split second after the words had left her mouth. “Yesss!!! Do it! Do MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


OOUUUUCH!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, VIVI?!?!?!” Luffy cursed with tears running down his face at the exact same time as Vivi squealed. When Sanji had shoved his rockhard dick ballsdeep into her tight pussy, she had instinctively clenched her fists, with Luffy’s balls still in them!


AAAAAAHH!!! I’M SORRY!!!” Vivi apologized as she let go of them. “AAAH!!! FUCK!! IT JUST FEELS SO GOOD!!! YOU’RE FUCKING ME SO GOOD SANJI-KUUUUUUUU~NN!!” after he had safely buried his entire length inside of her hot womanhood, Sanji let go of her ass to instead grab her leg. As gently as humanly possible, he flipped her over on the side, twisting and turning his cock around inside of her. “YEEEEEEP!!!! SANJI-KUN!! I’M CUMMING ALREADY!!!! DON’T STOP!!! KEEP FUCKING ME!!!!


Hugging her leg against his chest he nodded. “As you wish, my lady!” He said galantly before pumping his hips back and forth against hers.


He luckily had wiped away all the blood from his face, otherwise he wouldn’t look nearly as handsome and heroic now. Vivi’s thin stomach stretched out around his thick cock as he pumped in a quick pace that made it hard for her to keep up with. Each thrust felt like a tidal wave battering against a lonely rock in the middle of the ocean!


HNNNNGH!! OH MY GOD!!!! MY PUSSY IS ON FIRE!!!” Vivi screamed in ecstasy. Her vision doubled and got blurry at the same time as every time he shoved his cock all the way in, she ended up cumming. “YESS!! MORE!!! AH, HA, HA, HAAAA!!! GETTING FUCKED LIKE THIS IS THE BEST!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT ANYMORE!!! I’M GETTING ADDICTED TO THE SENSATION OF A MASSIVE COCK RAVAGING MY INSIDES AND DESTROYING MY PUSSY!!!!


LUCY!!!! EAT MY TITS!!!! THEY’RE YOURS!!!” Rebecca screamed next to them. “EAT THEM AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!!


In the few minutes since Sanji had flipped Vivi over, Luffy decided that he grew bored of the blowjob. He had pulled his dick out and instead pounced on her, ramming his cock so deep into her ass, Rebecca feared it could come out of her mouth again. She had locked her legs tightly behind his back, preventing him from ever pulling out, while he went on to lift her oversized tits up to suckle on them like a newborn. His lips stretched away from the rest of his face as his tongue probed at her perfect pink nipple.


“Holy shit!” one of the men that watched them gasped.


“That bitch is actually lactating now!” the man who was kicked away by Sanji confirmed at the sight of a white fluid oozing running down the currently unoccupied flesh balloon.


MOOO!!!” Rebecca moaned playfully as she squeezed her own tits. She smiled and whimpered as Luffy made her cum through two different techniques all at once. “I’M YOUR COW!!! YOUR VERY OWN MILK-SLUT!!! MILK ME FOR ALL I’M WORTH AS YOU BREAK MY ASS!! MOOOOOOO!!!!


Luffy let briefly go of her right nipple, leaving behind a circle in the shape of his teeth around her areola. “But you’re not a cow! You’re not even a Mink!” He replied matter-of-factly before quickly latching on to her left nipple instead.


Completely okay with Luffy being unable to pick up on the nuances of sexual dirty talk, Rebecca simply clenched her legs harder around his back while throwing her hips against his. “I’M CUMMING SO MUCH!!!! I’VE NEVER FELT SO GOOD BEFORE!!! AAAH!!! I WANT CUM INSIDE OF ME… I WANT TO CUM SO MUCH MOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!


“Fuck!! You’re squeezing me so tight!” Luffy grunted, a thin layer of sweat now coating his forehead. He wiped it away with the back of the hand before hugging Rebecca even tighter. “I think I’m gonna…”


INSIDE!!! CUM IN MY ASS!!! FILL MY BELLY WITH YOUR CUM!!! PLEEEAAAASEE!!!!!” Rebecca begged, then squealed as her wish was granted a mere second later. A dull sloshing and splurging sound could be heard throughout the entire room as Luffy dumped gallon after gallon of cum directly in Rebecca’s stomach. At the very same moment, Luffy’s face got blasted by a spray of Rebecca’s milk as she convulsed and trembled in euphory. “AAAHAAAHHHA!!!


As Rebecca was still writhing under the surges of this orgasm, she reached out to hold Vivi’s hand, who felt the very same highs at the same time. “SANJI-KUN!!! DON’T GIVE UP NOW!!! FUCK ME FASTER AND HARDER!!!! I’M CUMMING SO MUCH!!!!


“Huff, huff, huff… me too, Vivi-chan!” He grunted through gritted teeth. A welcoming pressure built up in his balls as he got closer and closer to orgasm with each thrust as well. “Please, allow me to cu-?”


SA- SA- Sanji-kun?” Vivi asked as his pounding suddenly slowed down to a crawl. She looked at him in confusion. There’s no way he would ever stop fucking her so abruptly. “What’s the matter?”


The words hadn’t even been fully uttered, when she felt a chill going down her spine. It wasn’t the same kind of thrill she felt while getting fucked, but more like something an animal would feel under the eyes of a predator. She felt like her very life was in danger! Her heart began beating louder and louder as she got aware of the sound of cracking glass somewhere behind her.


She turned around to see Boa Hancock stand with her hands and face pressed against the windows of the café. The crowd that had gathered to watch the sex show had made the smart decision to form a huge circle around the enraged woman, with NO ONE daring to get anywhere close to her. If stares alone would be able to kill, then Vivi knew she would be VERY dead now! And from the looks of it, Rebecca felt the same way. Black and red lightning danced around her, making the two princesses feel even more scared.


“Hm?” Luffy turned around as he hadn’t felt the same sensation as everyone else in the café. He instantly noticed Hancock and waved at her. “Oh! Hi, Hammock! Why are you standing out there all on your own?! You wanna come in and have some sweets?” He offered, much to the complete shock of Sanji and the two princesses.


In the blink of an eye, Hancock’s expression softened as she laid eyes on her husband. ‘A date! He wants to be on a date with me again!’ She thought to herself as she walked towards the door. ‘But those girls… How dare you get between me and my beloved! I will never forgive you!



(On a beach on a random island somewhere in the New World…)


Sitting in a basic two-piece bikini that left only the bare essential covered, with her nipples still poking through the thin fabric, Pudding shot up from the sunlounger she had been laying in before. She was covered in sweat and trembled anxiously as she feared for the worst, her third eye twitching in every direction before fixing on a random spot somewhere over the horizon ‘Who? Which woman dared to get between me and my Sanji? Whoever you are, I will never forgive you!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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4 hours ago

I really wish you’d stop making stories. You are the worst writer Enzo has ever had.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 hours ago
Reply to  Anon

Don’t read them if you don’t like them. Nobody forces you to.