Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Davy Slut Fight Declaration

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 28): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 30): [LINK]

Monkey D. Luffy!


Like a moth drawn in by the flickering of a flame, Boa Hancock constantly found herself looking out at sea towards his direction. It was as if she had an internal compass that wanted to guide her towards him, in his strong arms! She had been separated from him for far too long now, with the memories of the last day they spent together still strongly embedded in her mind!


She remembered laying in his arms, scooped up in his arms, with his massive cock rubbing against her ass. His head had rested on her shoulder and he kept on whispering the sweetest things in her ear. “I love you, Hancock. You’re the only woman for me! Once I’ve become the Pirate King, would you like to be my queen, to sail with me across the endless ocean for all eternity?”


“Yes.” She answered, while her eyes were closed as she relived this moment in her mind. “Yes I will!”




They would then go on to have a beautiful wedding far away from the thieving harlots in his crew. She could already see herself at his side in front of an altar, surrounded by a sea of blooming flowers in all colors of the rainbow. In the distance, the bells of a church announced their marriage to the whole island, while white doves flew across the sky over their heads. It would be a magical wedding! One that would make the infamous and horrible forced marriages of the Big Mom Pirates pale in comparison. Because for them, true love would be involved!




Then, once the ceremony was over, they would consummate their marriage in the most luxurious hotel the island had to offer. Knowing her future husband, his appetite knew no bounds, so he would probably need every single piece of meat this island had to offer to keep his stamina up. He needed every bit of energy, after all, as her husband as the newly crowned Pirate King, would undoubtedly spend several days and nights fucking her. The entire island would hear her perverted moans, but she wouldn’t care. As long as her beloved was by her side, that’s all that mattered! And afterwards, maybe they would even go on a honeymoon trip to Rankoknam, the “Land of Lust”. Oh, she would definitely teach the sluts on that island what it looks like to get fucked and spend time with a REAL man!


“Hebihime-sama? Captain?”


WHAT?!” Hancock hissed back at the woman who dared to interrupt her daydreams.


Marguerite winced and took a quick step back from the black haired Pirate Empress. “S- sorry. I’ll come back later!” She apologized with a quick bow.


“No. It’s… okay.” While massaging the bridge of her nose, Hancock turned around to look at her subordinate. “What was it you wanted to say?”


Looking at the blonde Kuja Pirate caused Hancock a great deal of mental anguish. In the last couple of weeks, since they started traveling together with the Kid Pirates, Marguerite had adapted to their punk aesthetic, ditching the more tribal clothes the Kuja were known for in favor of a see-through fishnet top. She still wore her leopard skin bikini top underneath, which at least reassured Hancock that she hadn’t completely given up on her Kuja pride and heritage. The silver chains dangling from her way too short black shorts however didn’t sit right with Hancock as they reminded her way too much of her past on Mary Geoise, though she would never speak that out loud. Instead of the white cape she previously wore outside of the safety of the city, she now wore a leather jacket with spikes draped over her shoulders.


“You’ve been standing out here all day now, I was starting to get worried. You haven’t eaten anything either.” the young blonde pirate explained, taking a step closer towards her captain.


“Hmph! Is that so.” The most beautiful woman in the world let her azure blue eyes wander over the swaying waves. In the distance, she could spot the outline of an island, the Kid Pirates’ next destination. “I guess I should feel honored that you can spare me a thought between all the hours you spent drooling over your new ‘master’, or whatever that man is to you now. I’m fine though. Within this pounding heart of mine, I just feel that my beloved is close to me, maybe even on that very island over there, so I can’t allow myself to rest. That’s all.”


Hancock didn’t even attempt to hide her negative emotions towards the latest developments in the young Kuja amazoness’ life. Sure, she knew that it wasn’t Marguerite’s fault for succumbing to the Lust Sickness, a dangerous illness similar to the Love Sickness that once befell Hancock after she witnessed her future husband bowing down and protecting the lives of Marguerite, her three friends, and the dignity of Sandersonia. But that didn’t mean that she was okay with it whatsoever!


Instead of suffering from an unbearable pain in her heart however, Marguerite was plagued by a constant aching and itching in her nether regions. Something that could only be quelched by constant fucking from a particular male the affected woman just so happens to lust for. If not treated right, the itching would spread over the woman’s entire body, leading the affected to eventually peel off her own skin. Unlike the Love Sickness though, the Lust Sickness could even affect the normal citizens of Amazon Lily, not just the empress. That being said, the only other woman in recent history who suffered from the Lust Sickness was one certain Shakuyaku, the former empress of Amazon Lily from two generations ago. In Shakuyaku’s case, it was particularly bad as she found herself both Lust AND Love sick, thankfully for the same man though. As far as Hancock cared, Shakuyaku did pretty well for herself these days with Rayleigh as a husband whom she cares a great deal about, and a bar on that horrid archipelago.


As for Marguerite though… Why did it have to be someone like this foulmouthed Eustass Kid?! Marguerite witnessed the kindness and perfection of Monkey D. Luffy first-hand, so how could she even dare to fall for some other man?! Hancock knew how hypocritic she sounded right now, considering how protective she would react if Marguerite would lust after HER husband as well! It didn’t stop her from questioning this whole situation though and thinking of it all as some kind of twisted joke!


Just what did Marguerite see in Kid for her to succumb to the Lust Sickness and act this way?!


He was loud, rude, and, worst of all, he already had another hussy fawning all over him, that horned brat with the mask and the short temper. And if there’s one thing Boa Hancock learned in her thirty years, it was that men who gathered women around them in a harem are the worst of the worst. The absolute scum on this earth! Vile pieces of trash who feel so insecure about their own masculinity that they try to make up for it with a group of women to satisfy their every twisted desires! Remembering those distant nights back on the top of the world, in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, were enough to make her feel like puking her stomach out!


Though, Hancock had to admit, Kid didn’t seem to care one bit about Marguerite or that other girl constantly following or wanting to get fucked by him. If anything, he was completely indifferent towards, if not annoyed by their antics whenever they went too far. He truly seemed to care more about his own dream and spending time with his crew at large, something that reminded Hancock quite a bit about her own beloved.


“H- Hebihime-sama?” Marguerite visibly trembled as she stood there in front of her captain. “It… it’s not like that at all, you have to believe me! You’re still my captain and I would never dare to forget about you! It’s just…”


Hancock cut her off with a gesture of her hand. “Spare me your pitiful excuses. I have no use for them!” She told the other woman. “I know exactly what’s going on and where your loyalties lie!”


“I… I understand, Hebihime-sama!” Lowering her head in shame one last time, the blonde amazoness then turned to leave the elevated platform inside the yellow beast skull that formed the figurehead of the Victoria Punk.


As Hancock once more fixated her eyes on the faraway island in front of them, she heard Marguerite walking away in defeat. Marguerite went on to talk with someone on the bottom of the stairs, but Hancock didn’t listen. The closer they got to the island, the more certain Hancock grew about her beloved’s presence there. Luffy was, without a single shred of doubt, waiting for her on those very shores at the moment! Her anticipation about soon being able to meet her beloved again quickly turned into annoyance as she felt the presence of a man invading her private space, his heavy footsteps on the stairs grewing ever louder.


“What do you want?” She asked without even looking the red haired pirate captain’s way.


The scarred man didn’t answer right away, as he instead jumped on top of the figurehead and sat down on it a few steps away from Hancock. “This is still my ship, y’know! I can go wherever I want!” He answered, not even paying her so much as a second glance. Kid opened and closed the metallic hand he recently repaired after his fight against her. “It’s not my fault yer sulking at my usual spot.”


“You…!” gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Hancock forced herself to stay calm. “Fine! Do as you wish!” She told him.


“I don’t need you to tell me this!” Kid replied with a scowl. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked out towards the island. “The Straw Hat’s over there, isn’t he?! I can sense it!” He then said out of the blue.


The black haired woman turned her eyes on him. “You think so?” She asked in a mocking tone.


“Ahahahahaha!! We’re gonna find out soon enough!” Kid answered with a laugh.


Not sooner had the words left his crimson painted mouth, a man with curly blue hair by the name of Reck began shouting down from the crow’s nest, “CAPTAIN!!! I CAN SEE THE STRAW HAT’S SHIP!!


Kid’s grin grew even wider as his eyes filled with glee. “Finally! Just wait for me, Straw Hat! Don’t for a single second think that I will just sit back and let Trafalgar be the only one to challenge you!” He said to nobody in particular.


“You don’t seriously believe that you would stand a chance against my dear beloved, do you?” Hancock laughed his statement off. She almost felt pity for his delusions. Almost! Then again, the anticipation about finally meeting her future husband again far outweighed her feelings in regards to the other man. “You realize that Luffy would never lose to the likes of you!”


A vein throbbed to life on the scarred captain’s forehead. “Shut up!” He looked up towards his crewmate. “Do you see the Straw Hat anywhere? Where is he?”


“They’re all on the beach… and they’re not alone! Trafalgar is there too, and his ship is right next to the Straw Hat’s!” Reck informed his captain after scanning the shoreline a bit longer with his binocular. “It… it looks as if they’re fucking!”


EH!? FUCKING???” both Kid and Hancock exclaimed at the same time. Both of them doubted the words they just heard. They were just far too ridiculous to be taken seriously!


Or are they?


At the bottom of her heart, Hancock sensed that there was something going on involving her beloved at the moment. ‘Luffy, what is going on? You’re not seriously having sex with another woman at the moment, are you?’ She thought of him, with her heart beginning to beat louder and louder with worry. Sweat ran down her porcelain skin as her mind ran wild. ‘Are you… am I not good enough for you anymore? Or is this some kind of fiendish plan from those two women in your crew? How dare they!? How does anyone dare to get between us?!


“You gotta be shittin’ me! What are those two idiots thinking?” The vein on Kid’s forehead became even more prominent as he jumped up. He reached back with his hand and purple arcs of electricity began crackling around his fingers. From further back in the ship, a telescope flew over in his hands, which he then lifted to his orange eye in order to take a closer look for himself. “Those two damn… OI, EMMA, POMP!! LOAD THE CANNONS AND AIM BETWEEN THEIR SHIPS, I WANNA GET THEIR ATTENTION!!!


The two members of his crew replied instantly, “Aye, aye boss!” Like a perfect, well-oiled machine, Emma loaded the cannon on the starboard side behind the stage-like platform inside the figurehead, while Pomp ignited a matchstick at his leather boots. The small man’s eyes beamed with enthusiasm at the sight of the small fire. Pomp looked up at his captain and grinned, as behind him, other members of the Kid Pirates raised their fists in unity and grinned, ready for some action. “Just give the order boss, and I’m gonna get this party started!”


“Wait! You can’t just…” Hancock set up to say, but was promptly ignored by the other captain.


“Let ‘er rip!” Kid ordered with a grin. “FIRE!




Used to the noises of naval warfare, no one on board the ship even flinched as the cannonball flew over the ocean in a direct line towards the shore. Kid’s cannonballs didn’t seem to be made purely of steel though, as something as simple as impact with the water between the Thousand Sunny and the Polar Tang triggered an explosion big enough to cause both ships to lean to the side and sway back and forth. Like little ants, the different pirates on the beach jumped up and ran around in search for the source of the sudden attack. As soon as they were within shouting distance, Hancock rose to her feet as well and waved at the people on the beach.


LUFFY!!! MY LOVE!! I’M COMING FOR YOU!!!” her brief joy about being so close to the man to whom her heart belonged quickly gave way to anger at the ginger haired man next to her. “HOW DARE YOU SHOOT ONE OF YOUR CANNONS AT MY BELOVED!!!?


“Hehehehehe!! Relax. If those two were so weak to get hurt from something so simple, then they wouldn’t be worth much for anything to begin with!” Kid replied while carelessly throwing the telescope he held in his hand prior over his shoulder like trash.


On the island, Luffy began jumping up and down, pumping his fists in the air. “JAGGY!!! WHAT’S THE WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU WANNA FIGHT?!!” the young man’s voice echoed over the water.


FAFFAFFAFFAFFA!!! Don’t do anything too hasty, partner!” from the bottom of the stairs, Killer warned his old childhood friend, who already reached out with his hand towards the shore. Once more purple electricity circuited around the digits of his good hand and the Polar Tang began swaying back and forth as Kid asserted his powers over the vessel to pull himself over to it. “And leave sum for us!”


Kid grinned. “Don’t I ever?!” Then he shot forwards, flying over the waves and towards the shore fast enough for Hancock’s hair to flutter in the wind.


Not even a second after he had left the deck, the doors to the lower parts of the ship burst open as he used his powers to bring as many different weapons from his extensive collection with him as possible. Dozens of swords, axes, and halberds, four gas tanks with 🔥-symbols on them, a hydraulic pump, pipelines, a drill head, thousands of giant screws and bolts, cannonballs and even an entire cannon, and two gigantic metallic skulls. One that resembled an oversized human skull with spikes coming out of it, the other one being a bovine skull that was bigger than Kid was tall. And those were just the few things Hancock noticed as they all flew past her to follow the man who called them forth. In general, there had to be around five tons worth of metal pieces on their way to the shore. How the Victoria Punk managed to stay afloat with that much weight inside, Hancock had no idea, though she didn’t really care much in the first place.


What mattered to her was that her beloved also jumped forward. With superhuman strength, he simply leaped from the sand and inflated his arms until they were completely disproportionate to his body. He covered them with Advanced Armament Haki, causing them to glow with a light red aura, and clenched his hands into fists. More importantly than that to Hancock however, her beloved’s slick dick was hanging openly for anyone to see between his legs, signaling to her that he did indeed engage in sexual intercourse prior to Kid’s interruption!


“My dear… how could you?!” She whispered into her hands. A sharp pain shot through her heart, similar to that of a knife being twisted around inside a wound. ‘Did you really betray me just like that? It’s gotta be those women in your crew! I should have known! Never in your life would you actually do something like that if it weren’t for them! I shall have them pay for their insolence!


“A’ight!” Killer turned around to the rest of the crew. “What are ya waiting for?! Get us to that beach ASAP, Jaguar!” He said, with the last sentence aimed at the tall and muscular pink haired man behind the helm.


YEAH!!!!” the entire crew erupted into cheer, with Ulti shouting the loudest out of all of them, and got on their positions.


Killer then turned his attention to Hancock. “You just don’t try to get in our way!” He told the conflicted woman as he attached his Punisher Blades to the handguards he always wore.


Hancock didn’t even listen as she instead watched the two captains getting ready to punch each other. In response to Luffy’s enlarged fist, Kid summoned a huge chunk of metal around his own good hand until it looked like an actual human hand. Right as their attacks were about to collide however, a translucent blue dome fanned outwards from the beach and around the two captains. They were replaced by two pebbles, only to reappear in the air right next to the third captain of the bunch. Their attacks hit nothing but empty air before they dropped down onto the sand.


Instead of an actual fight breaking out however, the three captains instead started shouting at and blamed each other for interfering with their business. As the Victoria Punk anchored next to the other ships, their heated argument only grew louder and louder. Aside from maybe one or two members of the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates, no one really paid the Kid Pirates any attention as they stepped ashore. Similarly, the punk-themed pirates also didn’t seem to know what they were supposed to do now that their adversaries didn’t seem interested in conflict anymore.


“Luffy! My dearest!” Hancock pushed the useless men and women in front of her to the side as she made her way over to the trio of captains. Members of the Kid Pirates, who were more or less used to her presence by now, were more annoyed than anything by her rudeness. The boilersuit wearing men of Law’s crew, as well as the members of her beloved’s crew however couldn’t help themselves but to drool and leer at her as she walked past them all. ‘I need to know for sure! You would never actually forget about me and fuck with other women behind my back, would you?! No! You would never!’


“Hm?” The black haired man barely even broke the staring contest with his two rivals at the sound of her voice. When he saw her though, a big grin instantly spread across his face and he waved at her. “HAMMOCK!!! I almost forgot about you. What are you doing here?”


“She’s with me!” Kid answered shortly before Hancock could. “More importantly though,” He grabbed Luffy by the collar of the unbuttoned shirt he wore and lifted him into the air until they were face to face. “What the hell are you and Trafalgar thinking fucking like rabbits?!” He laughed, letting go of the collar and letting the smaller man fall to the ground. “Have you gone soft just because the World Government decided to make you an Emperor?! And you, Trafalgar, are you really that much of a wimp and actually turned into his fuckbuddy or somethin’!?”


“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Luffy snapped at him from the ground.


“Yeah! As if I would ever be fuckbuddies with anyone. Much less with some idiot with a hero complex here!” Law added, while pointing with his thumb at Luffy.


Kid laughed again. “Could have fooled me!” He then looked over his shoulder at Hancock, and pointed at Luffy. “And that’s the guy you call your true love or whatever? AHAHAHAHA!! You really do need it bad, don’t you!?”


“How dare you??!” Hancock spat back, with her voice dripping with animosity and venom. She walked over to the younger man and pulled him back on his feet. “Luffy, my love, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” She then asked in a much gentler tone, while dusting his body off of all the sand. She focused particularly on his still somewhat hard dick, which was slick with another woman’s juices.


The smell of it… Oh, the SMELL!!! It infuriated her beyond belief that some woman actually dared to take advantage of Luffy’s kind nature to have sex with him!


SHISHISHISHISHI!!” the black haired man laughed as he put his signature straw hat on again. “I’m fine. But how did you end up with Jaggy of all people?”


“It’s a long story. Too long to talk about right now.” Hancock answered. A wave of shame washed over her as she remembered her own shortcomings when she got tempted into having sex with Kid. “I just want you to know that I never could stop thinking about you! This burning heart of mine led me here back in your arms!” She told him as she hugged him into her cleavage.


“Tsk. That’s one way to say that we allow her to stay on the ship for free.” Heat said from somewhere behind her with a click of his tongue.


“Seriously though, what are you doing here?” Killer asked Zoro. “I wouldn’t have made your captain to be the kind of man who chases after women. Or as one who’s actually interested in sex to begin with!”


The one-eyed swordsman sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t ask me! That’s something you have to ask the women.” He answered.


“Women? What women?” Hancock chimed in, as her voice became dangerously low and even.


Started with those two princesses that joined him last time we met.” Law answered matter-of-factly. With the tension mostly gone, the tattooed captain allowed himself to relax and sat down on a nearby rock.


“Oh!” Luffy perked up between Hancock’s tits. “Right. Nami said something about every big pirate needing to have a ramen… or something like that. And Vivi, Rebecca, and Carrot were really into that idea.” He said with a big grin on his face, unaware of the emotional pain he inflicted on the most beautiful woman in the world with his words.


No! Please tell me this isn’t true!’ Hancock thought in her mind, her body starting to shake. ‘Don’t tell me you fell for the lies of some other woman! Don’t you know, the only ones who have a harem are those monsters living on the Mary Geoise? Why would they want you to turn into one of them?


“Hm? Hammock, are you okay?” Luffy asked as he noticed her trembling and the gritting of her teeth.


AHAHAHAHA!!! You gotta be kidding me.” laughing loudly, Kid turned and marched away, not even listening to Hancock’s reply. “You two just keep having your little harem wars or dick measuring contest if you’re really that desperate. In the meanwhile, we’re gonna claim the One Piece!” Kid said confidently. His red coat fluttered in the breeze that swept through them as he ordered his crew to follow him, “Come on, men. We’ve got to restock and check if they have some Log Poses for us in town.”


Luffy’s and Law’s eyes twitched in irritation about the mocking tone in Kid’s voice. “Huh?! Running off with your tail between your legs just because you don’t have any woman who would seriously consider getting fucked by you?!” Law taunted back.


“Screw you, Trafalgar! Unlike you, I don’t need some stupid floozies to know my worth!” Kid retorted aggressively.


“Is it that, or because you wouldn’t know what to do with a woman in your bedroom, even if she were already naked?” Luffy asked in a rather uncharacteristic act of sexual interest. He pushed himself out of Hancock’s embrace and pulled the skin under his eyes down with a finger and stuck his tongue out like a child. “BLEH!!


“You two…” clenching his real hand into a fist, Kid turned around and walked up to Luffy until they were only a foot away. “I can fuck better than both you limpdicks combined!”


“Please, you couldn’t last any longer than five minutes!” Law yawned into his hand to accentuate how little threatened he felt.


A vein throbbed on Kid’s forehead. “You think you’re so much better?! Considering how much you wheezed and panted against that old hag Big Mom, I would be surprised if you even had the stamina to stay hard for longer than two seconds!” He almost ended up shouting.


“Yeah I do! And I’ll prove it to both of you!”


“Fine by me! I’m gonna leave you two in the dust!”


“Keep dreaming! I’m way better at fucking than you!”


“Boys, boys!” Before things could escalate even more, the orange haired navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, dressed in a skimpy leopard patterned bikini, stepped between the trio of pirate captains. She raised her hands to push them away from each other and to calm their tempers. “I know exactly how we can solve this entire situation!”



(Not so far away, in the thicket of trees and bushes further inland…)


Having heard an explosion right as they reached the bottom of the mountains, Franky drove the Kurosai FR-U IV like a madman. He gave pedal to the metal, leaving Robin little other chance but to hug him tightly from behind if she didn’t want to fall off the backseat. In some improvised sidecars to the left and right, Brook, Jinbe, and Rebecca also held on as if their lives depended on it. Which wasn’t that far off, considering the bumpy and unpaved trail Franky raced over.


“You think Lucy is in trouble?” Rebecca asked through the howling wind, her words almost lost in the roaring of the motorcycle.


“Don’t fret, young lady!” Brook replied next to her. “Luffy-san can handle anything these dangerous waters have to offer.”


“And even if not, Zoro and Sanji-kun are there with him.” added Jinbe from the other sidecar. The former Warlord was so big, he occupied one of the armadillo-shaped additions to the motorcycle all by himself.


Franky gave a thumbs-up to that. “I’m only SUPER worried that we might miss any party if we keep taking too long!” He said right as they got to the edge of the forest. They could already see the azure ocean and three ships behind the trees.


Three shots echoed across the island!


Robin chuckled into the back of her hand. She knew what empty shots into the sky meant, especially when combined with two other well-known pirate ships right there next to the Thousand Sunny. “You know, Franky, I think you’re not that far off with that concern. Seems like our captain got us into quite the situation!”



(Six hours later…)


Day slowly began turning into dusk as the first stars appeared in the sky, plunging everything into a twilight of orange and pink. Preparations for a big event, a so-called “Davy Back Fight” were in full swing. Nearby trees from the forest were cut down and swiftly turned into beams and boards for the pirates to use. Members of all three pirate crews prepared something for the spectacle that their captains all agreed to earlier, setting up stores and stalls for the others to enjoy during the three day-long event. The carpenters and craftsmen of the crews clearly tried to outdo one another, making their contraptions or stands bigger and flashier than the others.


Hancock wondered how much that has to do with actual Davy Back Fights. She had never been in one before, nor did she know much about them in general, but she was pretty sure that most Davy Back Fights didn’t feature some kind of fair with an actual sweet café built on the spot. Yet, here she was, standing right next to Luffy as they watched the blonde cook of his crew ordering the reindeer and Jinbe to bring gigantic fruits in the recently finished building.


Some of them were from a tropical island the Straw Hats had recently visited, others were bought freshly either from a local shop in the nearby town, or from the Heart Pirates. Apparently there was some kind of greenhouse inside the Polar Tang which the nautical themed pirates from the North Blue use to grow exotic fruits without fear of the New World’s climate ruining it. From oversized bananas that were as long as Luffy’s legs, to grapes that were individually big enough to be mistaken for melons, to cherries that were as big as her head, the reindeer and Jinbe carried them all inside the door and into a giant freezer that the Straw Hat’s perverted cyborg had built on the spot. After he was done building the sweet café and all the ovens and other cooking and baking utensils, Nami told Franky to set up a massage parlor that was meant to be run by Chopper and Nico Robin.


Luffy’s mouth hung wide open as he watched the many fruits disappear one after the other behind the doors of the kitchen. “Hey, Sanji…” he wiped some saliva from his chin. “How long do I have to wait until I can eat something here!”


Sanji, completely focused on a list in his hand on which he wrote down what he had in stock, answered cut and try, “Until tomorrow when the first round is over. Orders from Nami-swan!”


“But I wanna have one now! Pretty please?” He begged in a whining tone, batting his eyes innocently at his cook. “Come on, just one small ice cream or donut. I can already smell them, they’re almost ready.” Luffy said after inhaling the sweet smell from further back behind Sanji.


“Yes, the donuts are almost ready. But Nami-swan will kill me if I end up giving them to you for free.” Sanji explained, sweating as he kept his eyes glued on the paper.


It was as if Hancock could read his mind. She heard him scream internally, ‘Don’t look up! Whatever you do, DON’T! LOOK! UP! How did Luffy end up with a stunning beauty like her? It’s not fair!


She smiled. Just as she was about to capitalize on that dirty, evil mind of his, Chopper returned from the kitchen. One of his hooved hands was covered in a silvery white looking cream that he eagerly licked up. “Fruits are all inside now.”


“Hahaha. Thank you, Chopper. You too, Jinbe.” He said while patting the young reindeer on his back after Jinbe closed the door to the kitchen behind him. “How’s the whipped cream?”


Stars sparkled in the blue-nosed pirate’s round eyes. “AWESOME!! It’s so sweet, I could eat it forever!”


HEY!! That’s so unfair! Why does Chopper get to try some, but I don’t?” Luffy complained loudly. “I wanna try to!”


As Chopper and Jinbe left the sweet café again, Sanji turned his back to his captain. “Because! Now, if you two excuse me, I’ve got some sweets to bake!”


“Luffy, do you really want something here?” Hancock asked with the warmth and sincerity of a mother. Luffy nodded, so Hancock walked up to the cook and pulled him back. “You hear this, man?! My beloved wants something! Give him everything he wants this instant!”


Blood ran down Sanji’s nose as he was spun around and found his face a couple centimeters away from Hancock’s cleavage. “I… I… I… ugh!” He stammered, with his eyes now turning into throbbing pink hearts. “I can’t! N- Nami-swan said…!”


“I don’t care what that woman said! Everything I do will be forgiven, for I am the most beautiful woman in the world! You will do as I say and give my darling everything his heart desires, understood?” It was a question, but her undertone made it clear that she didn’t expect an answer. She demanded action!


“Y- yes. Right away!” Sanji bowed down politely numerous times, the dripping blood from his nose turning into a waterfall. Without even getting his eyes off of Hancock first, he tried to get into the kitchen, only to run into the doorframe with a loud ‘THUD!’ sound. He attempted two more times to find the doorknob until he finally found it on his third try and vanished into the kitchen.


“Wow! That was amazing, Hammock! How did you do that?” Luffy asked in excitement. “I never could have made him do that!”


For a second, Hancock was tempted to just tell him about the filthy mind most men had, but she knew that he wouldn’t take kindly to that. “Merely something I picked up over the years, my dear.” She told him instead. She guided him to one of the tables in the center of the café and took place on the one in front of him. ‘Is this… is this what normal people call… a date? Oh my, I don’t know what to do.


She was so glad that the curtains in front of the windows were pulled close. Not one pair of eyes was allowed to intrude on this private moment!


“You’re the best!” Luffy said, ripping her out of the worrying thoughts that clouded her mind. “Man, I’ve gotta make this up to you somehow! I’m starving!”


“Oh, I would know a way or two.” Hancock replied, blushing a bit as her mind ran rampant with different ideas.




“W- well…” Hancock was about to tell him to fuck him right here or then, but something more present needed to be clarified first. “So, your… harem!” It hurt just saying that word. “How… how is it?”


“It’s really fun.” He remarked energetically. “Just the other day, Rebecca did this thing where she sat down on my face and I had to lick her pussy. That was new. She and Vivi have apparently wanted to meet up with us and do something like this for a while now. Oh, Carrot’s pretty cool as well. She apparently needs it because she’s almost always in heat or something, and she always comes up with cool new ideas.” He explained.


I should have known that princesses from World Government affiliated countries would do something so depraved! How dare they defile you with their wicked ways like that, Luffy?!’ Hancock thought to herself while nodding in understanding of his words. She cleared her throat before talking again. “And… you’re completely okay with this?”


“Why wouldn’t I?” Luffy replied with a tilt of his head, much to Hancock’s horror. “I don’t really care about all that fucking and sex-stuff, but spending time with them after not seeing them for so long is the best!”


My beloved! You’re too pure for this world!’ She thought. “Trust me, I will save you from the clutches of these depraved whores, just like you once saved me from myself all those years ago! I will make you realize the error in their ways!” the raven haired beauty ended up whispering.


“Hm? What was that?” Luffy asked again.


“That’s it!” slamming her delicate and perfectly manicured hands down on the table, Hancock rose from her seat. She then tore open the tight sitting dress that had already been stretched thin by her voluptuous tits. “Luffy, right here, right now, I shall prove to you that I am the only woman worthy enough to stand at your side! That you don’t need, or mustn’t have a harem at all costs!”


Her majestic tits sprung free from their imprisonment. Bigger than her head and tipped off with already stiff and pink nipples, they were a sight that would entrance every man! Her rapidly beating heart caused her breasts to heave every so often, naturally drawing attention to them even more. Though they were soft and pillowy, they also retained a firmness that made them bounce delightfully when things got rough during sex. As her silky red dress fell to the ground, even more of her gorgeous body got revealed. A thin waist, perfect for Luffy to hold on to while he fucks her. Childbearing hips that would feel divine to thrust against. An ass like a peach, juicy and creamy in all the right spots. Long and slender legs with thicc thighs that she could use to lock around Luffy once he pounded her pussy.


It was apparent that she truly deserved her title as the most beautiful woman in the world!


“Eh?” leaning his head to the other side, Luffy blinked a few times in confusion. “I don’t know what’s going on, but if it makes you happy, I’m all for it!” Luffy then said with vigor as he jumped up from his seat as well. He brought his thumb to his mouth and blew into it once. In an instant, his cock ripped through his black shorts as this simple trick brought it to full erection!


“Hmmm, so much bigger than I remember.” Hancock thought out loud, biting on her lips as the thick cock throbbed to life in front of her. She pushed the table between them to the side and dropped to her knees, getting on one level with Luffy’s dick. “Oh, how much I longed for this day to come! Far too long have I waited since our last time together!


SHISHISHISHI!! That training session we had together, I remember.” Luffy said with a laugh, groaning ever so slightly as he felt Hancock’s soft hands rubbing up and down the side of his shaft. “Have you gotten better since then?”


“Haaa, haaa, haaa…!” She panted lowly against his dick, her pussy dripping just due to her inhaling his musky manly stench. “Back then, my mind was clouded. I thought only about myself!” She moaned, while beginning to plant her first kisses on the tip of his cock. It left a salty taste on her lips that she couldn’t get enough of. “But I have a different reason now! Luffy, my beloved, I do this for you!”


“Ahh! I don’t know what you mean exactly, but keep doing what you’re doing! It feels really good!” the love of her life grunted. His cock twitched delightfully against her mouth as the first transparent drops of precum kept coming out of the bright red tip of his cock.


With pleasure, my dear!’ Hancock let out a low purring sound as she rubbed her face against the side of the throbbing piece of meat. The heat coming off of it was otherworldly, radiating through her very being and causing her heart to beat louder and faster. “MMMH, HMM, MMMH, MWAH!!


Her lips made a couple wet slurping sounds as she covered his cock with kisses. Between each kiss, she also licked the searing hot cock, coating it with saliva that turned into steam right away due to the temperature of Luffy’s blood. She eagerly stroked his cock, forced to use both hands if she wanted to do it even remotely right. And even then, he was just too fat and veiny to be fully grasped, with her fingers unable to meet around the girth. Not quite as big as Kid’s cock, but that didn’t matter to her! Size was something for shallow and stupid girls to care about!


SHO HAWDDDD!!!” She moaned with her nose pressed against the thick bush of pubic hair, her words vibrating against one of the two cantaloupe sized nuts that hung directly under the cock. “Luffy,” She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with lust and determination. “Please, allow me to…”


She wasn’t even able to finish her sentence before she already pounced on him and tackled him to the floor. “WOAH!! What’s gotten into you, Hammock?” Luffy asked bewildered as he found himself on the warm tiles, looking up at Hancock’s face, shrouded in shadows.


“I can’t wait much longer!” The branded beauty’s voice was glazed with lust and desire. Her crystal blue eyes narrowed into thin, snake-like slits as she looked down on him and licked her wet, pillowy lips. “I need you to…” spreading the folds of her dripping pink pussy with the index and middle finger of her right hand, she then promptly squatted down on his cock. Her abdomen stretched out in a perfect outline of the massive phallus that penetrated her very soul. “…FUCK MEEEEEEEEE!!!!


A deafening scream echoed through the café, causing the windows to shake in protest. Beneath her, Luffy clenched his hands into fists upon feeling the experiencing how unbelievably tight her pussy pressed down on his cock from all sides. “Crap! You’re tight!” He managed to groan through gritted teeth.


YES, MY BELOVED! ALL JUST FOR YOU!!!” Hancock screamed in ecstasy, her eyes starting to cross as she began bouncing up and down.


Those thicc and powerful thighs of her, which allowed her to kick hard enough to effortlessly break concrete, now worked like springs. In rapid succession, and too fast for the eyes of normal men to see, her hips slammed down on Luffy’s with a loud ‘PLAP PLAP PLAP!’ sound that bounced off the walls of the café. In response to her frantic bounces, Luffy’s skin turned a pink shade and steam started coming out of his body. It took a minute, but he ultimately managed to figure out Hancock’s rhythm and pace, then meeting her thrusts with upwards thrusts of his own.


AAAH!! YES, KEEP SHOVING THAT THICK COCK OF YOURS INTO MY PUSSY!!! BREAK ME, USE MY BODY TO YOUR HEART’S CONTENT!!!” She screamed like a banshee, her fingers scraping over Luffy’s toned abs as she used his chest as leverage. “FORGET ALL ABOUT THOSE OTHER GIRLS, I’M ALL YOU EVER NEED!! DON’T YOU THINK THAT MY PUSSY JUST FEELS WAY BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE’S??! SAY IT, PLEASE!!” the ruler of Amazon Lily demanded, while arching her back.


“Shit! Hammock, s- slow down! I think I’m gonna…” Luffy didn’t finish his sentence as he growled and grunted incoherently instead. He grabbed her by her hips, with his fingers only barely disappearing in the flesh, and pumped his own hips even faster. “You feel so… good! Fuck!!”


MY LOVE, I CAN FEEL IT, ALL OF YOUR CUM SHOOTING INTO ME!!! IT’S SO MUCH, AND SOOOOO HOOOT!! IT BURNS SO GOOD!! I’M CUMMING TOO!! I’M CUMMING FROM ALL THAT CUM SHOOTING INTO MY WOMB!! AAAAAAH, I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!” Hancock shrieked from the deepest part of her body. Her fingernails dug deep into Luffy’s skin, drawing blood as her entire body spasmed as one orgasm after the other rolled over her. “FUUUUCK!! CUMMING! SO MUCH CUM INSIDE OF ME!! YOU FEEL THIS, MY LOVE, THIS IS A FEELING ONLY I CAN GIVE YOU!! SO KEEP CUMMING!! MORE! MOOOOOOOOOREE!!!!!


OAAARGH!!!” Luffy’s animalistic groan sent shivers down Hancock’s spine. What little hair she had on her arms stood on edge as he just kept on slamming his body against hers. He didn’t even care that he just came inside of her, there wasn’t a single sign of fatigue noticeable in his actions!




Cum sloshed around inside of her belly like water in a halfway filled balloon. Every time Luffy thrusted all the way into her, it was as if she could feel the creamy white baby batter at the back of her throat. Almost as if he wanted to push it out of her again!


“Huff, huff, huff… man, you’ve gotten so much better at this since last time!” Luffy panted, with his tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth. “But I ain’t gonna make it that easy for you! HAAH!!




Like a jackhammer, Luffy continuously slammed his hips against hers. More steam than ever before came out of his body as his thrusts literally lifted Hancock off the ground. She lost her footing and fell on her back. Luffy quickly took position above her and coiled his rubber arms around her tits, cupping her stiff nipples with his hands and twisting them hard in opposite directions.


AYEEEEEE!! SO ROUGH, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU PLAY WITH MY TITS LIKE THAT!!!” Hancock told him after a long squeal. She pushed her tits some more against his hands, prompting him to grab them even harder. “USE THEM AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE!! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, THEY’RE YOURS! YOUR OWN PERSONAL STRESS BALLS!!! OH GOD, I’M CUMMING AGAIIIIIIIINNGH!!!


The scarred captain grinned. “You’re cumming from this already? Then let’s see how you like… THIS!!


With a nasty wet sounding ‘PLOP!’ Luffy pulled his length out of her pussy, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness that lasted for all but a split second. Once that split second had passed, she felt something completely different! A sharp pain that raced up and down her spine caused her to whimper and her eyes to roll inwardly. It wasn’t just pain though. It was also a pleasure, unlike anything she felt since her moment of weakness with Eustass Kid, that now filled her body, permeating through every fiber of her very being.


UUUUUUUUUUUGHAAAAHAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Hancock half-laughed, and half-cried. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks in response to Luffy’s length invading her butt! Out of sheer instinct, Hancock immediately locked her legs behind the black haired man’s back. If he hadn’t already been balls deep inside of her before, now he was for sure! “SO BIG!!! HOW DOES IT FEEL EVEN BIGGER WHEN YOU SHOVE IT IN MY ASSSSSSSS???!! AAAAAAHH!! HAA, HAA, HAA, HAAAAAA~!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ITTTTT!!!!!


HEH… Heh… Heh…! I thought you would…” Luffy replied with a grin. “Even though it’s pretty hard to move at the moment.”


Don’t you worry, my love. You needn’t do a single thing! Just let me show you how good I can make you feel!’ the former Warlord thought at the man who stole her heart. Knowing that actions spoke louder than words, instead of telling him what she thought, she rather moved her body against his. Using the boundless strength of her legs, she kept Luffy securely locked in place as their bodies smacked wetly against one another. “OH!!! JUST LIKE THAT!!! YOUR COCK… IT’S HITTING EVERYTHING!!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!! IT FEELS TOO GOOD, I’M LOSING MY MIND TO YOUR COCK!!!!


Cum gushed out of her now no longer stuffed pussy and ran down her hips as Luffy couldn’t do anything but watch as Hancock moved their bodies for him. “SHISHISHI!!! This isn’t what I had in mind when I changed positions, but I ain’t gonna let that stop me!” He told her with the grin she so loved to see.


His arms constricted tighter around her tits, pressing them into weird shapes as he now began to pull on her nipples. If they weren’t already so contorted by Luffy’s stretchy arms, they would undoubtedly take the shape of cones right now!


FUUUUUCK!!! KEEP PULLING!!! KEEP PUMPING!!!! KEEP FUCKING ME UUUUUUUUUPP!!!” Hancock wailed at length as she ran her fingers through her hair, not knowing what else to do with them as she trembled and sprayed her pussy juices with every thrust. “AM I NOT THAT MUCH BETTER AT SEX THAN THOSE OTHER GIRLS??! WHY WOULD YOU NEED THREE OF THEM, WHEN I CAN GIVE YOU TWICE AS MUCH AS WHAT THEY HAVE TO OFFER!?” She asked, though, in her mind the answer was already crystal clear!


SHISHISHISHI!!! You’re really acting weird today, Hammock…” was Luffy’s only answer. Sweat was running down his entire body in large rivers now as cum once again began boiling inside his nuts. “Hurr, hurr, hurr… so… tight!!”


YOU’RE CUMMING AGAIN!!! I CAN FEEL IT!!!! ALL YOUR CUM SURGING INTO ME… MY LOVE, I’M IN HEAVEN!!!!!” Hancock declared, pressing her beloved as tightly as possibly against her. Her pussy spasmed and let out a rain of juices against Luffy’s lower abdomen as she felt her ass getting filled to the brim with jizz. Butterflies rose in her stomach as she was overwhelmed by the orgasmic storm that raged inside of her. “CUMMING, I’M CUMMING WITH MY ASS!!! ONLY YOU CAN MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY!!!! CAN’T YOU SEE HOW PERFECT WE FIT TOGETHER!!? CUMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGH!!!! YOU’RE MAKING ME CUM MY BRAINS OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUT!!!!!




Cum shot out around Luffy’s dick as her ass was no longer able to keep it all inside. Butterflies made of pure light, in all colors of the rainbow, burst out of her pussy and turned the world around them into a dome of psychedelic patterns. The bodies of the two pirate captains became one as they hugged, embracing each other so tight that it was hard to tell where one body began and where the other ended.


“Hancock, let’s do this again! I now realize how perfect you are for me! I never want to leave your side again!” Luffy whispered into her ear as he held her close to his scarred chest. He then lifted her off the floor and onto his shoulders. “Let’s marry and spend the rest of our lives together, with you as my queen at my side!”


“Yes… YES!!!” She answered without hesitation.


The world around her disappeared even more into all kinds of fruits and sweets as she got lost into her hallucination. Hancock giggled, but a lonely tear was running down her cheek. A part of her knew that this was all just a post-orgasmic dream she had, produced by her vivid imagination and desire to make it reality. Luffy probably would never say something like this, though a silent voice in the back of her mind hoped otherwise. She didn’t blame him for this though. His aloofness and disinterest in anything romantic and sexual was just another facet of his character that she loved dearly. It meant that she actually had to earn her rightful place at his side, as the only woman he would ever call his wife and fuck! And it made him stand out from all other men!


He would never give up on traveling the seas with those he called friends. Hancock knew that much, and she would never dare to get between him and his crew, nor would she ever want to change that side of him! She just needed to prove to him that having a harem was wrong, and that she alone is better than every other woman in the world!


At the edge of her mind, she heard Luffy’s cook complain about the mess they made and how he could possibly explain it all to Nami, but it was as if it was heard through a filter. She had a new dream now, a new goal in her life! And nothing would stop her from seeing it through!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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5 months ago

Been a while since I spoke about a OP chapter. Well, in this instance, two chapters. But rather than going over every single thing that happens in them {as that will take too long}, I’ll instead just simply summarize them. 😅

So to cut to the chase and put it all very simply, this chapter and the one before it are written up quite nicely. In addition to that, the characters were utilized well, some even more than others in fact. {looks at Hancock especially} 😏

And this goes even further with the sexual aspects. Personally speaking, I would like to think that it was also handled nicely. More so given how this particular chapter went. So that was fun. 👏

That, and I like how this sets things up for this little competition the pirate crews set up. So let’s see how it turns out. More so given what happened here. 👀

Overall, nicely done. Looking forward to seeing what’s next. 😎

P.S Hopefully more Hancock will be on the horizon. 😍

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
5 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Incredibly happy to read your support again! And yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten the chance to write for One Piece. So I’m more than happy that you guys all enjoy them so much. Lots of effort went into those stories, and I hope I can keep delivering new stuff, even though some of it will be more experiemental and less sex-driven than people here are probably used to. Still, I hope you guys all look forward to what’s coming next, though it will be a while (2-3 chapters) until Hancock will get mayor focus again.

5 months ago

Looking good!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
5 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Happy to hear that you like the chapter.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
5 months ago

It was great chapter and I can’t wait for the next chapter of one piece and I wonder when luffy will use gear 3 or 4,5 to fuck Hancock when she least expect it?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
5 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

The time for Luffy to go all-out during sex is closer than you might think. With Kid and Law there, there’s no reason for him to hold back anymore.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
5 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

You’re right about that and I’m also hoping he also use advanced armament/ Ryuo or advanced conquerors haki through his cock so that it would be like Kami chimpo like in naruto

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
5 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

There will, naturally, be differences between how Sailor writes the Kami Chinpo in his Naruto series, and how Haki affects sex here in One Piece. Primarily because it WON’T turn women into mindless cum sluts. I don’t like that trope. And because it’s not just the main character who can use it to spice up his sex life.