Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Stealing the Sex Stage (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 24): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 26): To Be Continued…

When Mavis designed the courtyard outside the side of the new Fairy Tail Guild Hall, no effort had been spared. It was a stunning sight; a picturesque field of flowers was surrounded by a moat, bordered on all sides by sakura trees in perpetual bloom. Erotic marble statues were tastefully scattered here and there, illuminated at all times by the golden sparkles that hung in the air.


The furniture matched the grandeur of their surroundings, with smooth, arching columns and golden benches and chairs scattered around. It was a sight that would move most artists to weep at the beauty.




And at the moment, said beauty was being utterly ignored by Erza and Jellal. The blue haired mage grunted and strained, lifting Erza’s round ass and pumping it up and down on his cock. He was on the verge of cumming, but he wanted to make this last as long as possible.


It helped take his mind off of why they were here.


Mavis had called everyone together for another guild meeting, in order for them to present their new recruits. Well, she had said everyone, but they all knew it was mostly directed at Erza and Jellal. The guild master was not pleased about their lack of recruits during the last meeting.


And considering who Jellal’s ‘recruit’ was, he felt quite justified in being worried…


AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!” he half shouted, half screamed as he came, shooting numerous thick ropes of semen into Erza’s ass. The redhead shrieked like a banshee as a result, but Jellal’s hearing was thankfully protected when she grabbed his head and pulled it in between her tits. They writhed together in pleasure for several long moments before relaxing against each other.


“Aww, we missed the show…” Millianna said with a pout as she entered the courtyard, a cherry faced Kagura right behind her as they walked in on the couple. Looking around for any kind of distraction, Kagura very easily found one. “Wow…! This place is beautiful… how long did it take to remodel it?”


Nonchalantly requipping her Seduction Armor for clothes, Erza replied, “The original plan was to have it done by opening night, which is less than a week away. However…” she smirked. “The First’s newest recruit got it done singlehandedly in no time; you could say he was ‘lightning’ quick!”


Jellal chuckled at the pun as Erza continued. “Mavis didn’t want anyone to know who he was, so she had him wear sunglasses, a hat, and big beard while he was working.”


“But we all know it was Laxus,” Jellal finished.


Once they all had a good laugh at that, Millianna eagerly asked, “So, are we ready to go in and do this introduction thingy?”


“We would be,” Erza growled, her mood switching in an instant as she glared at a sweating Jellal. “But Jellal’s recruit isn’t here yet, and he STILL WON’T TELL ME WHO IT IS!


“…Umm… uhh… y-you ladies must be cold out here, wearing such skimpy clothes! Why don’t I meet you inside with my surprise recruit?” he babbled with a nervous chuckle.


“…fine,” Erza sighed, leading Kagura and Millianna into the hall proper, giving Jellal one last glare as she did.


“Um, I have a question,” Kagura tentatively asked, trying to break the awkward tension. “Since we’re joining Fairy Tail, do we have to leave our current guild?”


Erza shook her head. “I spoke to the First about it; since Fairy Tail is no longer a mage guild, any mage recruits can still be members of their current guild.”


Kagura heaved a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure what she would have said to her friends about leaving Mermaid Heel.


If the outside courtyard was dedicated to beauty and elegance, then the inside of the guild hall was a monument to decadence and sensuality. Low level lighting gave the whole place a confidential feeling; there were multiple bars and tables, a huge dance floor with multiple stripper poles, and at least three more stories above the ground floor that overlooked the large stage against the very back wall.


“Ah, you’re here!” Mavis called out cheerfully from her place sitting on the said very large stage; the rest of the guild members were siting in front of the tables placed in front of the stage. Wendy, Carla and Pantherlily was seated in one of the tables while Levy, Gajeel and Juvia was seated in the table next to them.


“Let’s start the introductions!” Mavis said, looking and sounding very excited.


Nodding, Erza climbed onto the stage, Kagura and Millanna right behind her. “Everyone, please welcome our newest recruits, Kagura Mikazuchi and Millianna!”


Cheers and applause rained down on the blushing pair.


“Welcome you two!” Mavis beamed.


“I can’t wait to get to know you both better,” Levy commented, licking her lips.


“You and me both, Shrimp, gihihi!” Gajeel chortled.


“Another catgirl; interesting…” Pantherlily noted appreciatively.


“I’m sure you’ll both love it here,” Wendy assured them.


“More love rivals?!” Juvia wondered, looking at them with mild suspicion.


“This is going to be fun,” Carla smirked.


Once that was done, Erza and her recruits stepped down. “Now, for my recruit!” Mavis declared proudly as he stepped forward into the spotlight, still wearing his disguise. “The one that helped complete our remodeling ahead of schedule…Laxus!”


The blond pulled off his disguise at the same moment, crossing his arms and smirking at the crowd. He and Mavis waited expectantly…


“Yep, of course.” Levy said.


“Not a surprise.” Erza added.


“Totally obvious to Juvia it was him!” Juvia announced.


WHAAAAATTT!?” Mavis was so shocked, she turned to stone! “I wanted to surprise all of you…” she whimpered as she deflated like a balloon and sulked on the floor.


That got a number of chuckles, but the sound of a door opening distracted them; faces turned expectantly, only to stiffen in shock. Quite a few them went pale, Erza’s eyes widened to dangerous proportions, and even Mavis was taken aback.


Jellal was walking with his shoulders hunched, as if expecting an attack; behind him, strutting like she owned the place, was Irene Belserion, a smug smile on her face and wearing the outfit she had worn during the war: a black top that revealed her cleavage and undersides of her breasts, a loincloth that covered little more than a bikini, thigh high boots, matching gloves, and a cape. The only thing missing was her giant hat, but that only allowed her to show off her long, fiery hair.


There was utter silence as they took the stage. Coughing into his hand, Jellal hurriedly said, “Umm…This my recruit… Irene Belserion. I’m sure you all know her…”


“It’s been a long time, Fairy Tail,” Irene purred, putting her hands behind her head and arching her back as Jellal scurried off the stage. “I look forward to working with each of you.~”






WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTT?!?!” The entire hall shook with the sound of the guild’s shock and disbelief.


“I didn’t see this coming…” Mavis stated, blinking.


“Damn, didn’t expect a fight like this so early!!!” Gajeel muttered, turning into steel and getting ready to attack.


“It’s an even scarier version of Erza!” Levy whispered, face bone white.


“I hope there is a good explanation for this… otherwise you’re not leaving her without a fight!” Pantherlily stated, all his fur standing on end.


“Shit, and I just got finished remodeling this place,” Laxus growled, rolling his shoulders and cracking his knuckles.


“…eep,” Wendy squeaked, eyes wide as saucers.


“Juvia really hopes she is not a love rival too…” the water mage mumbled to herself while also assuming a fighting pose.


“I don’t see this ending well,” Carla said as she transforms into her human form.


“This is not spiffy, not spiffy at all,” Millianna whimpered.


“And me without my sword,” Kagura scowled, trying to hide her terror.


Irene stared at the audience with a confident smirk, waiting for them to make the first move.


Jellal was watching with apprehension, grateful that no one had started a fight yet, when Erza grabbed his shoulder, almost hard enough to leave a bruise. He winced when he saw her face; her eyes were burning with an evil red aura, and her expression was borderline murderous.


“Can we talk in PRIVATE?!” It was phrased like a question, but sounded like a threat, and there was clearly only answer she was going to accept.


ARE YOU INSANE?!” Erza whisper-shouted when they were away from the rest of the guild. “Why did you recruit her of all people?! She’s the enemy! We can’t trust her!”


“…you trusted me,” Jellal told her softly. Erza reared back in surprise, momentarily shocked out of her anger, and Jellal continued. “She’s come back to Magnolia to make amends for what she’s done, and I believe she’s sincere about it. People deserve second chances; look at me, and Gajeel, and Laxus. She deserves a chance. Please?”


“…” Erza sighed and bowed her head, rubbing her face. “Okay…you’re right. She’ll get her chance.”


“Thank you,” Jellal told her gratefully, grabbing her hands and giving them each a kiss.


Erza smiled weakly back at him and they returned to the group, where Irene was jumping easily down from the stage. She walked straight towards Wendy’s table and sat between her and Charle, crossing her legs. “Hello, Wendy,” she greeted the younger mage, a very sly note in her voice.


A shiver went down Wendy’s spine, remembering when Irene had possessed her body, becoming Wendy Belserion.


She also remember possessing Irene’s body…


Wendy was shaken from her musings by Mavis walking up, a neutral expression on her face. “I’m sure it would put everyone more at ease,” she said to Irene, “If you told us about yourself and why you’re her– OWW! OW OW!”


Everyone jumped as Mavis squealed; Irene had leaned forward and pinched the First’s cheeks! “My my, you really are so adorable,” the redhead chuckled, standing up. “I can see why Emperor Spriggan was so obsessed with you.”


With an easy leap, she was once more on the stage, the center of attention. “Hello; as you’ve already heard, I’m Irene Belserion, formerly the Scarlet Angel of the Alvarez Empire, along with a host of other titles that’s currently irrelevant.”


“And on the subject of caring: I don’t care what any of you think of me, and I really don’t care about any of you in particular, except for her,” she pointed at Erza, who stiffened slightly, her face turning slightly red from embarrassment. Irene paused in consideration, before pointing at Wendy, who jumped in her chair. “And MAYBE her; we’ll see.”


Satisfied she’d made her point, Irene went on. “But I do want to help. When I heard from Erza’s boytoy,” Jellal blushed and sighed, “that you were forming a sex guild, I thought it would be a great opportunity to help out my daughter. After all, I have nearly half a millennium of sexual conquests and experiences; the only one who might be able to match me is Zeref’s lover over there!” she declared, pointing at Mavis, whose face turned red. With anger or embarrassment, it was hard to say.


Gritting her teeth, Erza whispered to Jellal, “What an arrogant witch…”


Jellal was certain he saw Irene shoot a look over at them, but it was so quick, it was difficult to tell.


“But, talk is cheap, as the saying goes,” Irene went on. “So how about I show you instead? Anyone who thinks they can challenge me, please come up on stage.”


Laxus was there in a heartbeat, Gajeel right behind him, both of them glaring at the supremely confident redhead.


“Yeah, Gajeel! Fuck-pound the arrogance out of her!” Levy cheered.


“Show her your power, Laxus!” Erza ordered, brown eyes flashing.


“Juvia is rooting for both of you!” the water mage declared.


Looking at them up and down, Irene licked her lips. “Well then, Let’s begin… Show me what you got!” Her eyes widened with a maddening glee, as if she had awakened her lust for battle.


Gajeel growled and Laxus smirked as they unleashed their massive cocks. They were fully erect and pointing straight at Irene.


Irene brought her finger to her chin in contemplation, not saying a word for a brief moment.


“Hmm, not bad,” Irene admitted. “Bigger than Erza’s lover for sure.”


Erza glared at Jellal as he buried his face in his hands with a groan. “Did she have to say that?!”


Getting on her knees, Irene reached out with both hands, stroking both hard dicks and licking the head of Gajeel’s cock. After a minute, she switched her mouth to Laxus, giving it the same attention.


Irene repeated this action and switched back and forth between the dicks. This went on for over five minutes before Gajeel lost his patience. “What’s wrong?! Too afraid to blow our dragon dicks because they’re too big for you to handle? GIHIHIHIHIHI!


“Looks like all that big talk was nothing but hot air,” Laxus agreed, folding his arms across his chest.


Their smug looks faded a little when Irene chuckled. “I was just doing this to put on a good show for our audience, and so that the fun wouldn’t end too soon. But, if you insist…”


With a speed that only a few member of Fairy Tail could follow, Irene grabbed both their cocks and shoved them deep into her mouth; despite their size, she was able to handle them both at once, for a double blowjob!


Everyone gasped but reactions were mixed. Mavis looked impressed, Levy’s jaw dropped, Wendy blushed so hard she was purple, Charle’s ears stood straight up, and Erza was wide eyed shocked.


Obscene gulping sounds came from Irene’s throat as the muscles in her neck went to work, massaging the lengths of their cocks as her powerful tongue danced over them. Her hands were busy as well, massaging their balls with expert skill.


Gajeel and Laxus were quickly overcome by pleasure; neither of them had felt anything like this before. Their eyes were rolling back into their heads when they came, harder than either of them ever had before.


Irene rapidly swallowed both their loads, not allowing a single drop to hit the floor. When she finally released their dicks from her mouth, the two fell back onto the stage floor, defeated.


In the deafening silence, Irene gracefully stood, completely victorious. “You two may have dragon dicks,” she told them, “but I am the Queen of Dragons; don’t forget it.” Looking out over the frozen audience, she arched an eyebrow. “Anyone else?”


The quiet was broken by Mavis’ quiet giggles. ‘Never a dull moment! Everyday this place gets more and more interesting~

(Story by User: S22132)

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3 days ago

Good job once again!

3 days ago

This was always a fun one, I will always take more passionate and loving Jellal and Erza scenes. Though Irene is the main star in this chapter, I always loved how she always takes charge in all of her sex scenes and really shows her strength as a strong female that doesn’t break, hope that continues if new chapters ever come out. I’m also looking forward to seeing her interactions with Wendy, her becoming Wendy’s mentor will always be great and something to look forward to, especially in these sex stories. Though I don’t remember Irene and Erza interacting too much in the original, maybe I missed it or maybe something could be added idk. Can’t wait to see more of these chapters get released still some fun ones up ahead.