Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Powering Fibers Through Fucking

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part XVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVIII): [LINK]

Jai Kiryuin yawned softly as she walked into the kitchen of her home. It was barely past sunrise, but she was still sleepy. “Haaah, morning mom…” she yawned again as she saw her mother Rei Kiryuin pouring herself some coffee. The lavender haired futanari was wearing a silver colored silk robe that barely reached her hips, allowing her large flaccid penis to hang freely between her legs. Jai herself was still dressed in the negligee she had slept in. She had fallen asleep while studying and hadn’t had time to strip naked. The Life Fiber infused panties she had on kept her own cock hidden, making her look like any other scantily clad young woman.


“Good morning Jai, another all nighter?” Rei asked while adding a couple of sugar cubes to her coffee.


Jai nodded, “Yeah, Theoretical Physics exam in a couple weeks.” she told the dark skinned woman as she moved over to get herself a cup. “I’m still a little iffy on the Base-8 Math.”


“Better ‘iffy’ than completely lost.” Rei said with a smile, “What exactly are you working on?”


“Wormhole Physics,” Jai told her, “Uncle Bow wow is having us study theoretical movement through time as well as space. Moving through space is easy, but time is a headache because of the fourth dimensional physics and…” she stopped when she saw her mother’s eyes beginning to glass over and giggled, “It’s complicated.”


“You’re the one who wanted to take the most challenging courses.” said a new voice as her birth mother Satsuki Kiryuin walked into the kitchen. The dark haired, fair skinned beauty was dressed, or rather undressed in a single silk robe that she let hang open, exposing her naked body without a care in the world. The eye-like patterns on either side above her breasts told Jai that it was no ordinary robe she had on.


“I did,” she agreed, “Good morning mother, Junketsu.” Jai said to the pair.


“Morning Jai,” Satsuki said as she came over and kissed Jai’s cheek gently.


“Morning baby girl, you’s looking fine as always!” Junketsu said in his street pimp accent.


Her mother looked around the kitchen, “Where’s Camie?” she asked, referring to their cook. A young blonde haired woman who if you spoke to her you’d think she was some bubble headed bimbo, but she could cook with skills that put her in league with the top five chefs in the world.


Rei answered, “Chewing out the delivery man for being late with the meat. She apologized and said she’ll have breakfast ready just a few minutes late.”


“No bother, I’m in the mood for something light anyway. Perhaps an omelette.” Satsuki said casually as she moved over to her wife and pulled her close. Rei smiled up at her and closed her eyes as the two of them kissed. Jai giggled as she watched their tongues swirl around one anothers.


“If you two are gonna do it, can you at least keep off the table?” she asked teasingly, “I don’t want cum in my breakfast again.”


“Mmmmmh, no promises…” Satsuki said, breaking the kiss and leaning her head to one side as Rei began nibbling her neck. The dark haired woman then reached down to grab Rei’s thick cock, slowly stroking it gently as it began to swell.


Jai shook her head, her parents were always like this, even when she was little. Jai didn’t even know sex wasn’t so casual outside of the university until she was sixteen when she made some friends who had enrolled from outside the school town.


“Oooooo, yeah, Satsuki baby, you’re blood is gettin’ sweeter than yo ass covered in honey!” said Junketsu as he shifted form to a tighter fitting three sizes too small t-shirt that clung to Satsuki’s breasts. Her breasts were still practically bare, exposing her nipples as Rei reached up to grope them.


Jai just sipped her coffee after adding a little cream from the fridge. Her mothers continued making out as she heard someone grumbling lightly.


“Bunch of stupid headed bums! Like, how am I supposed to make a delicious healthy meal for Lady Satsuki’s fam if I don’t have my ingredients on time!?” said Camie as she came into the kitchen, she then blinked her big brown eyes when she spotted Jai and her parents. “Oh man, I’m like, sooooo sorry everybod! I’ll get cha some grub in jus’ a blink!”


“Mmmh, no rush Camie, just an omelet for me please, no meat.” said Satsuki, “I have all the protein I want right here…” she breathed as she continued stroking Rei’s cock.


Camie saluted and winked, “Got’cha! Lady Jai, Lady Rei, any requests?”


“Whatever you feel like making.” Jai said.


“Mmmmhaah… The saaame…” sighed her mother Rei as her cock, now fully erect, throbbed in Satsuki’s hand. The huge futanari cock was easily over a meter long and as thick as Jai’s thigh. Thick veins pulsed along the shaft as Satsuki pressed it between herself and Rei before leaning her head down to lightly lick the tip.


“Right-O! Coming up in a jiff!” Camie said, completely oblivious to Jai’s parents as she went about making their meal.


Jai moved from the kitchen to the dining room, wanting to take her eyes off her mothers before her own dick got too hard for her panties to hold in. She blinked when she saw a dark haired woman with a distinctive red stripe in her bangs sitting with her feet up on the table as she leaned the chair back.


“Auntie Ryuko,” Jai said, “Good morning.”


Ryuko Matoi-Kiryuin, Jai’s aunt and occasional sparring partner made a sour face as she looked at Jai, “Jeez, how many times I gotta tell you jus’ call me Ryuko…?” she asked bitterly. She was dressed in her biking gear of a tight but light leather jacket that could barely contain her huge tits, matching pants, and a distinctive red scarf.


“Sorry auntie, eh, Ryuko…” Jai said with a sweet smile while batting her eyes, “Forgive me?” she asked cutely.


Ryuko’s expression softened, “Bah, you know I can’t stay mad when you do that! It’s not fair!” She then sat upright before getting to her feet and coming over to give the twin tailed girl a hug. Jai hugged her back, nuzzling her face against her neck softly, enjoying the familiar scent of the older woman.


“So, where’s your mom?” she asked after a moment.


“Both of them are in the kitchen getting ready to fuck.” Jai answered honestly before grabbing Ryuko’s ass playfully, “Wanna go join them?” she asked.


“Tempting, but I gotta head over to the Kobe campus right after this.” Ryuko answered apologetically. Jai pouted, but stood up on her tiptoes to kiss her aunt’s cheek. Ryuko then excused herself and Jai went to sit down and enjoy her coffee while she waited for breakfast. Camie came in a few minutes later. She could already hear both her parents moaning in the kitchen and giggled as she ate her American style breakfast of bacon and eggs, with a very buttery biscuit.


She then changed clothes into her school uniform and grabbed Rending Kaze, the sword her mother Satsuki had given her for her sixteenth birthday. Satsuki was relentless in her training on swordplay, Jai still hadn’t won a match with her. Even then, she always had the feeling she was holding back when they dueled. Jai met Ryuko at the door and gave a little salute with the hilt of her sword.


“Auntie, think you can give me a lift to campus?” she asked as Ryuko opened the door outside for her.


“Sure, and stop calling me auntie!” Ryuko chided her as Jai slipped on her shoes. The futanari girl smiled at her and turned to call back into the house.


“I’m heading out!” she said before stepping out into the late summer heat. She heard Satsuki say something back, but she missed whatever it was as the air suddenly felt charged with static electricity. Every tiny hair on Jai’s body felt as though it were standing on end as the air itself snapped and crackled. The sky around above her turned a sickly shade of red and a sudden feeling of vertigo came over her. It was an odd sense of displacement, like she was and wasn’t where she was supposed to be.


“Jai!” she heard Ryuko shout at her.


Jai blinked as she looked up to see her aunt suddenly seem miles away, her hand reaching out to her. ‘Why does she look so frightened?’ thought Jai. Her aunt was the most fearless person she knew, nothing scared her, so what could be so wrong?


The dizziness and displacement only got worse, and Jai began feeling truly nauseous as the world began spinning all around her. There was a loud, almost deafening ‘POP!’ Everything then went dark for a moment. A suffocating blackness that seemed to snuff out all light. Jai felt afraid now, she didn’t know what was happening or why.


“Mom!” she cried out, but she couldn’t even hear her own voice. Just as panic began to set in, everything came back as Jai found herself standing outside the main Campus of Busteez Slut University. But something was off. Everything seemed too bright, the walls looked as though they’d been freshly painted. The murals that adorned some of them were missing. The trees in the quad were all smaller, and the statues of her mother and aunt were also missing.


“Huh, where, what…” Jai said as her sense of equilibrium came back. She began walking towards the main building. Everything looked off, she recognized the buildings and paths, she’d been walking them since she was in elementary school. She walked into the main building and looked around. The place smelled like fresh plaster and paint, Jai was still trying to understand what was happening when someone bumped into her back. She turned around and almost fainted when she saw her aunt standing behind her. But like everything else, she seemed wrong, her face was so much younger, she looked Jai’s age!


“Oh, sorry about that…” Ryuko said.


“It’s alright…” Jai said, trying to keep her voice even, her mind was absolutely racing as everything snapped into place. Just like in her physics class, she didn’t know why, she didn’t know how, but she knew she was in the PAST! She needed to be careful, very careful, ‘Oh man, this is like a bad movie!’ she thought before saying, “I was just looking for the admission’s office.”


“Oh, you sure, cause this school is kindaaa…” Ryuko said.


“I’m aware.” Jai said with a smile, “It doesn’t bother me in the least. I was raised in a pretty kinky family…” she said, using selective truths. ‘What do I do, what do I do!?’ she thought, fighting the urge to panic.


“Ah, well I THINK admissions is on the second floor, but the school is nothing like it was before, so I could be wrong.” Ryuko told her.


“Oh, are you a new transfer student!?” her Aunt Mako-Mako jumped in, “Are you here looking to avenge someone? Hey Ryuko she’s just like you, we should all be friends! I’m Mako Mankanshoku, I’m super happy to meet you!” the bubble headed girl said in a rush as she hugged the three of them together.


The mocha skinned girl smiled and laughed, a delicate sound as she reached a hand out, “I’m Jai, Jai Ki…ryu, Jai Kiryu.” she lied quickly, “Pleased to meet you Mankanshoku, I’d be happy to be your friend.”


“Yay!” Mako cheered happily. “Our first day and we already have a new friend Ryuko!”


Ryuko chuckled and smiled, “Come on, let’s find the admissions office, classes don’t start for a little while longer. So we got time.”



“After that, I made up some semi-bogus background info and enrolled in a school I’d been going to since I can remember.” Jai explained to Satsuki.


The two of them were in Satsuki’s campus home. She’d sent everyone away so she could speak with Jai privately with no chance of anyone other than Junketsu hearing her. Satsuki had led Jai out to the pool area behind the house before stripping Junketsu off and sitting naked by the pool. Satsuki recently found conversations in the nude tended to stay more honest. Being naked often made people feel vulnerable (one of the few things her mother was right about), and their body language was much easier to read. Jai had stripped herself down as well before joining Satsuki. The dark haired girl found it interesting that Jai was completely at ease with the request, not showing a second’s hesitation. She then asked Jai to tell her what she knew about how she’d come here.


“I see,” Satsuki said evenly as she considered Jai’s story. She didn’t see any deceit in her blue eyes. She had so many questions, but before Jai told her about the day she found herself in the past, she had told her she didn’t know much about the battle to come. Apparently her future self always shied away from the subject when it came up. Physics wasn’t Satsuki’s best subject, but she knew time travel was technically possible, but doing so got messy unless you went into the future.


“Fuck, this is some wild shit Satsuki baby.” Junketsu said. He’d taken a form similar to Senketsu when he wasn’t being worn by Ryuko, though when he spoke his ‘mouth’ the inside of him was a shade of blue rather than red.


“Indeed Junketsu.” Satsuki agreed before looking back to Jai, “I won’t ask too much, but can you explain your power when you jumped in front of me? I could sense the power of the Life Fibers inside you like Ryuko, are you sure you’re not her daughter?” asked Satsuki.


“Oh this?” Jai asked as those same purple streaks appeared in her hair again, “This I do know. I was sick after I was born. Futanari don’t live well normally.” she told her, “Using your father’s research, you infused me with Life Fibers like auntie to save me.” The purple streaks then faded, “It gave me the same regenerative powers and strength. Although I hate using that power, it makes me feel less human.”


“I understand.” Satsuki said, she then took a deep breath, “I feel I should point out you weren’t very good at hiding yourself.” she told her.


“Sorry…” Jai said sadly. “I tried, but it’s not as easy as it looks in the movies.”


“I imagine so.” Satsuki said, “For now, we’ll keep your identity a secret, I can’t predict what might happen if everyone suddenly thinks our victory is assured.”


“Really?” Jai asked softly, “But I…”


Satsuki reached out to take the girl’s hand and squeezed it gently, “For now.” she told her, “I want to speak to the Captain of the Physics Club. When I know that knowing who you are won’t affect the timeline, then we will tell them.”


“I… I understand, mother.” Jai said quietly.


“Hmm, mother.” Satsuki said with a weak chuckle.


“Is something wrong?” Jai asked.


“No, it just sounds strange to my ear, that’s all.” Satsuki told her, “To be called mother by a child I haven’t even had yet.”


“Oh, should I keep calling you Lady Satsuki then?” Jai asked her.


“In public, yes, that would be best, but when we are alone like this, mother is fine.” Satsuki told her as she reached out to grasp her hand, squeezing it gently.


“Yes, mother.” Jai said with a smile.


Satsuki then leaned back and asked, “So, from what you’ve told me, and how you were able to pinpoint my erogenous zones before, I take it we’ve been intimate before?”


Jai blinked, “Yes, lots of times. You, nanna, Auntie Nonon, and Auntie Ryuko are pretty much the only ones who can handle my size without breaking. Is there something wrong?”


Satsuki shook her head, “No, not really, that’s a line I no longer worry about since we began our preparations.” She then looked up, “When you say ‘nanna’, I take it that means Ragyo is also in your life in your future?”


Jai nodded, “Nanna is the one who helped you restore my health after I was born. I suppose I should tell you, I’m the one who helped her escape. She’s not a bad person anymore, mother. As long as I’ve known her, she’s never hurt anyone and has always taken care of me.” she explained, “One of the few things I know about this period in your life is that after she was restored, you didn’t calm down until she escaped.”


“Who told you?” Satsuki asked.


“Gama-Sensei.” Jai told her, “He mentioned it once in passing when he was training me how to fight by hand.”


“Then you know where she is now?” Satsuki asked. Jai nodded and told her about a cabin once owned by Satsuki’s father. “Hmm, I thought I knew all of my father’s properties from mothers and Nudist Beach’s records.”


“The way Nanna tells it, grandfather was a very cautious man.” Jai said.


“He would need to be, Ragyo was very powerful. I suppose we should go and see her. You said she figured out your identity when you freed her?” Satsuki asked.


Jai nodded, “I can take you there.”


“Later.” Satsuki said, “Iori is insistent that I rest for a few days after everything that happened.” she told her as she looked Jai up and down. “For now, I plan to rest,” Satsuki said as she got up, smiling when she saw the way Jai’s blue eyes followed her. She smiled back and stretched, then winced as a pain shot up her spine from her lower back.


“Mother, are you alright?” Jai asked worriedly.


“I am fine, I’m still a little sore from my confrontation with you, I don’t suppose you call Rei ‘father’ do you?” she asked.


Jai shook her head, “No, I call her mom.”


“Ah, well, your mom knocked me down pretty hard before fucking some sense back into me. It might be a day or so before I’m fully recovered.” Satsuki explained.


“I could massage your back?” Jai offered, “Mom and I do that for you all the time.”


Satsuki considered it, she did believe Jai was who she said she was, her story was too fantastic to tell with a straight face. But she would like more proof, and if she and Rei often did that for her, then she ought to know exactly how Satsuki liked to be pampered.


“Very well.” Satsuki accepted. She grabbed a towel from the pile that was set near the entrance and rolled it up into a cylinder before moving over to the water’s edge. Setting the towel down onto the ground, Satsuki moved to lay on her stomach. “There are some oils…” she began.


“In the cabinet under the towels, I know.” Jai finished for her, moving with the confidence of someone who knew the area like the back of her hand. She fished out a bottle of massage oil and set it in a space beneath the towel warmer, heating it gently. She then came over and moved to straddle Satsuki’s thighs. The dark haired girl felt the futanari girl’s cock laying neatly between her asscheeks. It felt very warm to her as Jai moved Satsuki’s hair away from her back gently. Her delicate hands then slowly traced along her spine slowly, sending a tingle up Satsuki’s back.


Satsuki stifled a moan as she waited to see what Jai might do next. The silver lavender haired girl then uncapped the bottle of oil and poured a generous amount into her cupped left hand. Setting the bottle aside, she brought her hands together and spread the oil out evenly before bringing them down on Satsuki’s shoulder blades. She then moved her hands down slowly, spreading the oil over Satsuki’s skin.


“Hmmmmmmm…” Satsuki sighed, feeling relaxed almost instantly as Jai began moving her hands in a practiced maner. She closed her eyes and let the other girl do her work. Satsuki was surprised at how quickly Jai had been able to work out the pain in her lower back. In minutes it was like the pain was never there at all! Jai then began focusing on other areas, pressing her thumbs against either side of her spine and slowly pushing upwards.


“Ahhhn…” Satsuki moaned at how wonderful it felt. How long had it been since she received an actual massage? She couldn’t remember as Jai began moving her hands up and down her back in long purposeful strokes. Were Satsuki a cat, she had no doubt she would be purring right now.


“How’s that?” Jai asked her.


“Mmmmh, don’t stop… Haaaah..!” Satsuki moaned sharply as Jai pressed a spot at the small of Satsuki’s back, making the tension simply melt out of her!


Jai giggled, “I know all your spots by now, I’m glad to see they’re still right.”


“Mmmmh hmmmmm uhh…” Satsuki moaned as Jai began pressing her at several points along her back, slowly working her way back up to her shoulders where she began kneading the muscles expertly. The dark haired girl felt as though her body had turned into so much putty for Jai to shape however she wanted. She then moaned again as she actually felt her guard fully dropping under her hands.


“Mmmh, this feels amazing…” Satsuki moaned as she felt Jai slowly rocking herself back and forth. She felt the girl’s dick beginning to throb lightly against her ass as it slowly began to stiffen.


“Nmmmmmh…” Satsuki moaned again as she felt that huge thing pulsing against her ass.


“Sorry…” Jai whispered, “I can’t help it.”


“Do not apologize.” Satsuki told her, “If you are my daughter, apologizing for something like that is beneath you!”


“Yes mother!” Jai said sharply, straightening up and focusing on the task at hand.


“Mmmmmh, yes, right theeeere… Haaah…” Satsuki gasped as Jai found another knot of tension in her body and instantly worked it out. She felt Jai’s cock throbbing against her ass and smirked. “Hmm, I suppose you must be feeling pent up?” she asked.


“Huh? Wh… What do you mean?” Jai asked, suddenly nervous.


“You just told me, Nonon, Ryuko, Ragyo, and myself are the only ones who can handle your size in the future. That means you haven’t been able to release your urges very much since your arrival.” Satsuki said, “This is something I’ve come to understand since I began exploring my own carnal nature. I do not enjoy going for prolonged periods without a proper release. For you, this cannot be healthy at all.”


“Well I… I manage.” she said, “I had that time with Aunty Nonon at the beach, then you in that duel.”


“Two times? In the how many months you have been here?” Satsuki said. She pushed herself up on her elbows and turned her head back to look at Jai, “That simply will not do. Ecstasy and sexual release grant power to the Life Fibers. Ryuko’s own fibers have gotten stronger since we began this project. Moreso when she would seek the taboo pleasures with me. You would be no different! You have probably been growing weaker since you came here, with only whatever partners your classes might provide. I imagine outercourse is your only option unless you are the one being penetrated?”


Jai looked down with a dejected look on her face.


“I thought as much. You are here, and for now there is nothing we can do about that. But you are strong and skilled. I would use that strength to stop the life fiber coming towards us!” Satsuki said. “With Ryuko, I sought to manipulate her to use her strength, I will not make that same mistake again, so I’m asking you directly, will you lend your power to me?”


“O… Of course! I’ve always wanted to fight next to you!” Jai said excitedly.


Satsuki smirked, “Very well, then we shall not allow your power to grow stale.” she said as she raised her ass slightly, urging Jai to get off before she rolled onto her back. She then spread her legs wide, letting the other girl get a good view of her ass and pussy! Hot juices flowed from her now as she looked up at the silver lavender haired girl. “Then take me! Unleash your lusts into my pussy! Indulge in the most depraved and taboo of sexual acts and gain strength from them, then give that strength to me so we can insure the future you come from is still waiting for you when you go home!”


“Yes, Okaa-sama!!!” Jai said.


“Do not hold back, I have taken Rei and Gamagori many times, my pussy can’t be satisfied by anything less than your full force!” Satsuki told her, placing her hands over her tits, “Fondle me, punish me, make a mess of my body until your life fibers are fully restored, live up to the name of Jai Kiryuin!


HAAAAH!!!” Jai moaned, falling on top of Satsuki, as she pressed the tip of her cock against her pussy.


AAAAHAAAAAAH!!!” Satsuki howled as Jai plunged her cock inside her, stretching her abdomen up high as her sheer length instantly entered her womb! The dark haired girl felt her toes curling instantly as she came hard just from the feel of the futanari woman stuffing her hole! “SO THIIIICK, AHHHHN, YES, RAM THAT HUGE THING INTO ME!!! AHHH FUCK, I LOVE THIS FEELING!!! SO FULL, AHHH, HAAAHH, AHHHH…!” Satsuki screamed in sheer ecstasy, locking her legs around Jai’s waist, holding her inside.


“Mo-Motherrrr…” Jai groaned softly as Satsuki felt the girl’s dick throbbing inside her as Satsuki clenched her inner muscles down on her. She then pressed her mouth to Satsuki’s and the dark haired girl welcomed her tongue into her mouth, pushing her own tongue back against Jai’s. “MMMMMMMMMH!!!” Jai moaned against her lips, pulling her hips back, then slamming them forward again. Satsuki howled into her daughter’s mouth as she felt her insides being shifted around by the futanari girl’s gigantic length. Her arms wrapped around Jai now, hugging her tight as she rolled her hips into her thrusts, savoring the feel of her cock moving in and out of her now gushing pussy.


YESH, YEEESSSH, MOAR, POUND MUH HOLE MOAR!!! AHHHAAAAAAA…!” Satsuki screamed back into the girl’s mouth, “SHO BHIG, SHO BHIIIIG, AHHH YESH, I CAN’T BE SHATISHFIED WIPH ANYPHING LESSH THAN DISH NAOW… AHHHH, SHO GUUUD…!” Satsuki moaned, loving the feel of her pussy being stretched around her daughter’s massive dick.


MUVER, MOVERRR, AHHH, SHO GUUD, MUVER’SH PUSSHY, SHO GUUD!!!!” Jai slurred as Satsuki sucked on her tongue roughly. The wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of Jai’s balls against her ass was echoing in her ears now as she felt a welcome pressure building inside her.


YESH, DHON’T SHTOP MUH DAWWTER, DHON’T SHTOOOOOP, AHHHAAA… PHUUUCK, PHUCK UR MUVER’SH PUSSHY ASH MUSH ASH YOU NHEED!!!” Satsuki slurred back, savoring the taste of Jai’s tongue in her mouth as she felt their mixed saliva trickling down her chin. This lust, it was so intense, just like the passion she felt whenever she and Ryuko had sex, but it was so much stronger. Jai’s body felt hot, and there was a soft, almost imperceptible red glow coming from beneath her skin. She had seen such a glow before, when Ryuko and Setketsu were in absolute harmony. The dark purple lines in Jai’s hair appeared again, glowing an almost pink color now as the other girl moaned in pleasure.


Satsuki hugged Jai tighter, rolling until she was kneeling on top of her daughter. Breaking the kiss, she leaned back, rubbing her hand over the phallic shaped distention in her stomach. Licking her lips slowly, Satsuki grinned down at the girl, “Mmmmmh, you must have missed my pussy very much. Mmmmmh, tell me, is it just like the me from your time, or better?” she asked with a smirk.


“Ahhhh, ahhh…” Jai panted, her hips bucking beneath Satsuki, bouncing her up and down on that massive cock. “It’s… haaahhh, just like you… OH GOD!!! I… I CAN’T STOP MYSELF!!! MO… YOUR PUSSY IS SO GOOOD!!!!! AHHHH!!!




MMMMMMH, MOMMYYYY… AHH, SO GOOD, I, I’VE MISSED THIS FEELING SO MUUUUCH…!” Jai moaned, slamming her hips upwards, bouncing Satsuki up and down on her daughter’s gigantic cock! The huge distention in her belly rose and fell with Satsuki’s motions, sending massive waves of pleasure through the dark haired girl. She linked her hands with Jai’s, their fingers interlocking as she bucked herself against the mocha skinned girl’s thrusts.




HAH… HAH… HAH…! AHHHAAAAA, I’M CUMMINGGGGGG….!!!” Jai screamed as Satsuki felt the girl’s cock erupting within her! A loud wet noise emanated from inside her as her stomach ballooned outwards, Jai’s cock instantly rendered invisible by her bloated belly. Satsuki let out a long silent wail of ecstasy as she came as hard as she had when Rei had been pounding her drug-addled body into submission before.


“Yessss, ahhh,my beautiful daughter… MMMMMH, fill me uuuup!!!! Ahh… so much cum, my belly, my stomach is being stretched out so muuuuch, it feels incredible!!!” Satsuki hissed as her belly swelled to the point where she could no longer see her daughter’s panting face! Letting go of Jai’s hands, Satsuki placed her hands over her swollen belly, feeling the cum inside being churned around by Jai’s cock moving in and out.


The torrent of cum finally let up several minutes later and Satsuki panted hard, her entire body covered in sweat. It took some effort, but she was able to get to her feet, the cum that poured out of her making a massive puddle around both her and Jai. “I see you take after your ‘father’ in more ways than one.” she said with a smirk.


“I don’t call her that.” Jai said, “She’s just ‘mom’ to me.”


Satsuki nodded, remembering she’d mentioned that before. Reaching down, she helped Jai to her feet as the futanari girl’s cock began slowly softening. “Very well, now, take me to Ragyo, Junketsu, we’re leaving.” said Satsuki.


When the jive talking uniform didn’t reply with some near sexist remark Satsuki turned to look at where she’d left him ‘sitting’. For a uniform without an actual face to speak of, he was able to express shock quite well. Though not at the taboo display just enacted, but at Rei Hououmaru standing in the archway leading back into the house. Rei slowly reached up a hand to adjust the mirrored sunglasses she had on.


“So, our daughter, is it?” she asked calmly.


Satsuki silently cursed herself and her own carelessness. There was no point in trying to deny it, the way Rei just stood there silently actually spoke volumes.


Jai was the first one to break the awkward silence, “Um, hi mom!” she said lamely.

Story by Sailor Io

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2 years ago

This was epic, sweet, pretty heartwarming and amazing! I really do like the character interactions and development as well. I see that you also redeemed Ragyo and that’s a good thing too.

Jai and all of the other characters were great and well developed in this awesome Kill La Kill fanfic as well and Junketsu is so funny with that new personality he’s got too. XD

3 years ago

Nice work with the chapter overall. Looks like the cat is now completely out of the bag.

This helps further explain Jai’s relationship with the cast, especially Satsuki and Rei. Same with her situation in general. Though it’s definitely quite the awkward ending. XD

Either way, I enjoyed the story here. Good work. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks! Yeah, I wanted to get that out of the way for now, start moving the story back to the main characters again.

3 years ago

Yay family reunions. It’s nice that Jai can finally talk to her family again, even if they don’t know who she is.

I am curious about what caused her to be thrown be in time but I’m also curious to how the others will react once they know who she is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

How she ended up in the past will be explained later on. But yeah, she can finally be with her family again.

3 years ago

Are we going to get a chapter were both jai and rei are destroying satsuki ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Han

There’s one on Patreon already, but it’s placement in the story is ambiguous at the moment. As for here, possibly in the future.