Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Nonon’s Cock Curiosity

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part IX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XI): [LINK]

Walking along the beach, Nonon Jakuzure smiled at the Non-Athletic club members. Just like before, Nonon had ended up in charge of all the non-athletic clubs, not that it surprised her in the slightest. The Monkey and Dog were wasted on things like music, art, and the like. Well, Inumuta would do alright if there were a computer club. Oddly enough there wasn’t, she guessed that’s why he was in charge of the intelligence and networking committees.


Gamagori once again was in charge of the Disciplinary Committee, though now he was more like a member of the Faculty than the student body. It was the last weekend of the month, and Nonon had decided to treat the clubs she was in charge of to a little trip to the nude beach Satsuki had made everyone meet at once before. The trip was more than a reward for all their hard work though. It also served to see who might work best in the restored Nudist Beach ranks. Many of their students from the original Hononji Academy were already used to wearing life fiber infused clothes. But there were a few who’d never once donned a Goku Uniform, thus their compatibility was low to non-existent. Satsuki wouldn’t send them away though, they needed troops, and if they weren’t useful in a Goku Uniform, then they’d help refill the ranks of Mikisugi’s organization.


In the early stages of rebuilding the Academy into the University, Satsuki admitted that taking down Nudist Beach was a mistake before. It was needed to help maintain the illusion of their loyalty to Auntie Ragyo, but a clever deception might have been better. Had they been working together, fewer people might have had to suffer those weeks trapped inside the Covers as living batteries. Because of that, more than a few former students who had high tolerance for Two and Three Star uniforms refused to help them. Saying they should just take all of this mess to the world governments like the United Nations and such.


“Hmmph, as if those idiots would even know what to do with a Goku Uniform.” Nonon muttered to herself. Knowing humanity, it was more likely they’d turn the power of the life fibers on one another! Arguing over who would be in charge right until the new Primordial Fiber arrived and ate the planet for lunch!


That’s why Nonon hated politicians, bunch of fat lazy idiots who only cared about re-election. Pushing such thoughts aside, the pink haired girl continued walking along the shoreline, feeling the warm water washing over her feet. She didn’t mind that everyone could see her naked, she’d gotten over such modesty the first time in that crazy Anti-Clothing Gorilla outfit. Plus everyone else here was just as naked, it really took modesty and embarrassment out of the equation.


A few yards ahead, Nonon spotted a curious sight. One student was hanging out apart from the others. She had light chocolate colored skin and hair that was a mix of silver and lavender tied up in a pair of twintails. That she was apart from the rest of the students wasn’t all that surprising, the clubs tended to stick to their own, and she didn’t recognize her from any of the ones under her purview, meaning she had tagged along with everyone. That was no problem, there were more than enough buses, and Nonon did say anyone could join them so long as they brought their own provisions. Having to pay for one’s own meal was her way of keeping the entire student body from coming along. Let the Monkey and his clubs come on their own funds.


Nonon guessed she might be with the kendo club, given that she was practising with a sword. Nonon’s pink eyes blinked several times as the girl moved into a classic sword stance. The blade she held at her hip was a real one. It was sheathed in a white and gray scabbard with a matching wrap around the hilt. The design reminded her of Satsuki’s original sword Bakuzan.


“Hang on, what?!” Nonon gasped as the girl drew her blade and slashed at the air with the kind of precision she’d only ever seen from Satsuki or Sanagayama. But what shocked her was the girls sword was midnight black with a high sheen polish. Just like Bakuzan! But at the same time, there was something different about it as well. As Nonon drew closer, she watched the girl do several more test swings and noticed there was a red tinge to the after-image of the swift movements. Once she was close enough, Nonon saw why, the very edge of the weapon wasn’t black, but red, bright metallic red! She’d only seen one weapon like that, the Rending Scissors.


The girl went through several more quick and well trained movements before returning her sword to the sheath and grabbing a towel from a small beach camp site near her. She batted away the sweat from her naked body as Nonon approached her.


“Nice sword.” she said neutrally.


The girl started slightly at her voice. She then turned to face Nonon and the pink haired girl was awed by how exceptionally beautiful she was. Fine regal features with high cheekbones and deep blue eyes. Her skin was the kind of flawless that made Nonon annoyingly jealous. Her breasts were fairly average, but the next detail she took in made her jaw drop to the sand at her feet.


“Yeah, I get that a lot.” the girl said, “And thanks, it was a gift from my mother.”


“I, what, who, where…?” Nonon stammered.


“Um, I think you left out why and when.” she joked.


“Daaaah, which one are you?” Nonon demanded, trying and failing NOT to look at the girls huge cock hanging down between her legs! It wasn’t even hard and it was at least as thick as Nonon’s arm, and nearly as long! The pink haired girl’s jaw tightened as she forced herself to meet this girl’s eyes.


“Technically both, but I like to think of myself as a girl, so you can use ‘she’ and ‘her’ and all that.” she told her in a casual voice. Clearly this wasn’t an unfamiliar conversation for her.


Nonon finally recovered her wits as the girl’s no nonsense demeanor shocked her back to her senses. She thought Rei was the only girl like this since having seen her before at another beach.


“Ahem, sorry, just wasn’t expecting to meet someone like you here, apologies for the rudeness. I’m Nonon Jakuzure, and I’m in charge of this little ‘Field Trip.’ Who might you be?” she asked.


“Jai Kiryu, I just transferred in a little over a month ago.”


“I see, are you with the Monkey’s Kendo Club?” she asked, “Does he know you’re out here with a real blade?”


“Not in any clubs yet, and I have approval from Mikisugi-sensei to carry it.” said Jai as she set her blade down on the beach towel and went over to a cooler. She quickly opened the lid and produced a slip of paper sealed in a plastic zip bag. Nonon recognized the permission form for live weapons and Mikisugi’s sloppy signature on it.


Nonon let herself relax a bit, “Sorry if I seemed overly confrontational.” she said.


“It’s okay, safety first right?” Jai said as she reached into the cooler again and pulled out a canned drink. “Would you like a soda or juice aun… Ahem, Jakuzure-sempai?”


Nonon raised an eyebrow, the girl was obviously struggling with honorifics, but she decided to let it slide since her Japanese was quite good. She could barely detect an accent, though some of her inflections suggested she’d learned it from someone who hailed from Osaka. Nonon nodded and said “A juice please.”


Jai grabbed another canned drink and tossed it to her. Nonon caught it easily and moved to sit next to her. “So, new girl huh?” she asked, “Last one I met had a sword too, and a lot of attitude.”


“Heh, I have an aunt like that, doesn’t take crap from anyone and is very in your face about it.” she told her.


“Yeah, well then don’t let her visit, last thing the school needs is two girls like that on the campus.” Nonon said as she continued to size the girl up. Satsuki had said she was looking for another sparring partner in passing conversation a while back. Maybe this girl could be it, and she doubted Satsuki would mind having another futanari to “train” with. Though when you added Gamagori to the mix, three dicks that big might actually be too much. Nonon had no doubts Satsuki would want to try though, she really was turning into quite the sexual deviant. But that was Satsuki, she never did ANYTHING halfway.


Jai laughed and took a long sip of her own drink, “Not a problem,” she said afterward, and Nonon thought she heard some sadness in her tone. She decided not to press her on it and shielded her eyes as a sharp hot wind blew over them. Nonon changed the subject again.


“Planning to join any of the clubs?” she asked, “At the old school doing that got you better housing and such, though now you can earn class credits instead depending on what you’re doing.”


“I’m not sure yet.” said Jai as she picked up her sword and pulled it out just a little, allowing Nonon to see the red and black blade inside. “I’m not sure if I’m good enough for a kendo club, I’m too used to the weight of this blade, training boku’s are far too light for my tastes.” she told her before closing the blade and setting it between them.


Nonon was tempted to pick up the blade, but she knew better than to do that without permission, “May I?” she asked while looking down at the sword. Jai nodded and Nonon reached out to grab it by the sheath, “How heavy could it…?” she stopped mid sentence as she grunted to lift the impossibly heavy sword! It took all her strength just to lift it up, she couldn’t even imagine trying to hold this thing by the handle, let along swing it like she’d see Jai doing only a moment ago.


“What is this thing made of?!” she asked, giving up on holding the sword.


“An alloy of Tungsten and some other material, nearly hard as diamond, but the red part allows enough flexibility so that it won’t shatter against another blade.” Jai explained.


“What the hell is tungsten?” Nonon asked, she’d never heard of it before.


“Hardest most heat resistant metal on Earth. Takes over three thousand celsius to melt it.” Jai told her.


“Uh huh… Wait, three thousand!?” Nonon asked, her eyes wide, steel turned to a puddle at just half that.


“Mother believes things should be made to last.” Jai said with a mildly smug expression.


Nonon shook her head, at least Satsuki wasn’t the only person who put a whole new meaning on the word overkill. She blinked her pink eyes as Jai took another gulp from her drink, looking down to the lavender haired girl’s thick cock. She thought back to Satsuki’s little show with Gamagori when the university had been built, then about her own little test run of a rebuilt Symphony Regalia not too long after that. Just remembering the feel of Iori’s massive dick inside her was making Nonon squirm, the way her body had been stretched out by such a big cock, and how amazingly good it felt. She touched a finger to her chin as she considered what she was thinking…


“Mind if I ask you a personal question?” Nonon asked Jai.


“Not at all.” the other girl replied.


“How big does that thing get?” she asked, pointing down at Jai’s crotch.


The futanari girl laughed, “Oh, I don’t know, I guess most would say big, though I never really thought about comparing it to anyone. Things like that don’t really matter to me.” she explained as she rolled onto her side and smiled at her, “Why, you wanna find out?” she asked her in a sultry tone as she reached over to lightly trace her fingers along the pink haired girl’s thigh. Her touch was electric, sending shivers up and down Nonon’s spine.


“Haahhaah…” she gasped as Jai touched her in JUST the way she liked. Nonon found herself leaning back on the towel as Jai climbed on top of her. The mocha skinned girls hands gently gripped her soft tits, her thumbs drawing slow circles around her areola, making her nipples stiffen instantly.


“Mmmmmmh…” Nonon moaned as Jai then leaned in closer, lightly kissing the side of her neck as she let their bodies press together. Her skin was soft and warm and smooth as silk. The pink haired girl couldn’t believe she was doing this, but she didn’t want to stop as she felt the futanari girls teeth begin to nibble at her earlobe. ‘Fuck, she’s finding all my weak spots!’ thought Nonon as she felt her legs parting almost on their own.


She heard Jai giggle before ever-so-lightly blowing into her right ear. A loud moan escaped her pink lips as her body arched against Jai. “Oh fuck…” Nonon panted as the lavender haired girl licked the outer edge of her ear before moving to kiss her lips softly. Without even thinking, Nonon opened her mouth, readily accepting the girls tongue. She tasted sweet, like oranges as her tongue moved around inside her mouth slowly, exploring every inch of it.


“Hmmmmmmh…” Jai breathed into her mouth as Nonon felt her hand tracing its fingers down her left side. Another shiver ran through Nonon as her pussy began to ACHE! She could feel her own juices flowing out as she began rubbing her pelvis against Jai’s, feeling that slowly hardening dick against her creamy thigh.


Nonon gasped for breath as Jai broke the kiss and then slowly dragged her tongue down her neck and between her breasts. She let out another shakey moan as the other girl took her time making her way down, stopping only once to tease her belly button with the tip of her tongue.


“Ahhhaaah..!” Nonon moaned as Jai finally reached her destination between her widely spread legs. She could feel the other girls nimble tongue slipping between the soft folds of her pussy, sending a jolt of raw pleasure surging through her body.


“Mmmmmmmh…” Jai purred, “So tasty…” she told her as she covered Nonon’s pussy with her mouth. Her tongue darted in and out of her as she draped the pink haired girl’s legs over her shoulder and moved to sit up on her knees. Nonon’s hands gripped at the beach towel as she let out another long moan when Jai finally focused on her swollen clit. Flicking it around with the tip of her tongue gently and making Nonon’s toes curl inward.


“Do… Don’t stop…” Nonon gasped out, “Ahhh, that feels so good..!” she moaned as Jai began sucking on her clit, “AH FUCK!!!” she screamed as a powerful orgasm blasted her entire body all of a sudden. Jai lifted her face up just as Nonon’s pussy burst like a water balloon, soaking her face in hot heady juices. Jai slowly licked her lips as she slid Nonon’s legs off her shoulders and stood up. Nonon panted slowly as she looked at the futanari girls half hard dick hanging down to her knees.


Climbing up onto her hands and knees, Nonon crawled over to Jai, her eyes locked on that throbbing dick as she made her way closer. Without a word, Nonon took that thick cock into her mouth, moaning in delight as the way it felt in her mouth! The way it made her jaw ache as she took it down her throat.


“Guuuuuh, mmmmmmph!!!” Nonon moaned, loving the feel of the huge thing throbbing in her mouth! Her pussy twinged in longing as she began bobbing her head back and forth slowly.


“Mmmmmmh, that feels so good…” Jai moaned, her hands lightly caressing Nonon’s soft pink hair.


MMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMMMPH, MMMMMMPH…” Nonon moaned around her cock, loving the feel of it in her mouth and throat. She could already feel her neck bulging from the girth of the girl’s dick as it moved back and forth.


Above her, Jai moaned again as Nonon began moving her head back and forth faster, her short pink hair waving about in a stiff breeze that blew over them. Reaching her hands up, Nonon gently grasped Jai’s heavy balls on both hands, lightly caressing them as she took that huge thing all the way into her mouth!


MMMMMMMMPH!!!!” Nonon moaned around her cock as she felt it getting even bigger in her mouth. “AGUUUUGH, AHHHHH,” she gasped as she pulled her mouth free, “Oh fuck this is so big!” she moaned as she took in the sight of the lavender haired girls full erection. It was easily as long as her entire arm and nearly twice as thick!


Jai giggled and looked down at Nonon as she began licking and sucking on her balls. Her giggle turned to a soft moan as Nonon moved to slowly drag her tongue along the underside of her throbbing dick.


AHHHMMMMPH!!!” Nonon moaned, taking that massive coc beack into her mouth and moaning in wanton desire as she forced it all the way down into her stomach. “AHGUUUH GUH MMMPH GUH MMMMPH GUH MMMPH…” she gagged and moaned as she rocked her entire body back and forth now.


“Hmmmmmm, yeah, don’t stop…” Jai moaned softly, “That feels amazing…” she told her as Nonon moaned again, loving the feel of it pushing through her as she moved.


GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, GUHMMMPH, HMMMMMMPH!!!!” Nonon moaned as her pussy let out a hot spray of juices as she came hard. She could barely believe it, cumming just from sucking cock, she didn’t think it actually possible, unless a girl had a huge love of sucking dick.


Nonon pulled herself off Jai’s cock again and panted for breath, not realizing how starved for air her lungs had become. She then smiled up at Jai as she moved to lay back on the beach towel, her long legs spread wide to give her a clear look at her hot little pussy.


Jai clearly understood the less than subtle hint as she fell on top of Nonon, their mouths connecting as the futanari girl’s gigantic cock slipped inside Nonon with a wet squishing noise. “OOOOOAAAAAAAH… FUCK SO BIIIIIG…!” Nonon screamed as her stomach stretched up in a perfect outline of Jai’s cock. “AHHHH YESSSS, THIS FEELS SO GOOD, SO AMAZING, MY PUSSY FEELS SO FUCKING FULL!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.


MMMMMH, YOU’RE SO TIGHT NONON-SAN…!” moaned Jai as she began slamming her hips back and forth. Plunging that thick shedick in and out of Nonon’s gushing cunt!


OOOH, AHHH, HAHHH, AAAHHH, SO GOOD, OH FUUUCK, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING ALREADY… NHOOO, I… I DON’T WANNA CUM SO SOOOON…!” Nonon whined even as her body shook in pleasure, her entire body felt like a live wire as Jai began pounding her cock back and forth. Lewd wet noises echoed in Nonon’s ears even over the sound of her own cries.


“It’s okay…” Jai whispered into her ear, “Cum as much as you want…” she told her before sitting up on her knees, pulling Nonon’s hips up with her. She then grabbed a hold of the pink haired girl’s hips and held her aloft as she began piston fucking her in the air. Nonon’s legs stuck out straight as she again felt like some living onahole fuck toy while Jai moved her back and forth.




“Mmmmmmh, hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm….” Jai grunted, still holding Nonon up as she plunged her back and forth on her dick. The pink haired girl felt dizzy as one orgasm after the next surged through her over and over! The world seemed to be rocking up and down, but it was Nonon who was moving wildly, her arms flailing uselessly as she let her head lean back and screamed in one massive unending orgasm.


I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, I’M CUUUUUMMMMMMINGGGG…!!!” she screamed, her throat feeling painfully raw from so much screaming as Jai slammed her cock all the way inside her. There was a wet popping sound as Nonon felt an unusual sensation in her belly. Then another wet noise as she felt her belly stretching even more. She looked down at herself and gasped as her stomach swelled with the sheer volume of cum Jai was letting loose inside her!


AHHHH FULL, MY PUSSY IS SO FUULLLL, I’M FULL OF COCK AND CUUUUM!!!” screamed Nonon, “FILL ME UP, FILL ME UUUUUP!!!!” she told Jai as her entire body began to feel numb and tingly at the same time. Jai moaned with her, keeping her cock buried balls deep inside as she emptied them into her.


Nonon then let out a low grunt as she felt the ground beneath her again. She looked down at her belly to see it swell up slightly! It didn’t stay that way though as all the cum rapidly drained out of her once Jai pulled her cock free with a loud wet ‘pop’. Nonon didn’t have the strength to say anything as she panted hard. Her legs still felt numb as she lay on the towel, her sweaty body cooling now as a light breeze blew over her.


“You okay?” Jai asked after a few minutes, “I kinda went overboard there.”


“M’i enif, tsuj deen a etunim, niarb ton ykniht tey…” Nonon babbled, her words utter nonsense.


Jai giggled, “Okay.” she told her, having apparently understood.


“Have…” Nonon panted, finally about to speak straight again, “Have you, met… Lady Satsuki…?” she asked, “I think, she’ll like you…”


Jai seemed to stiffen lightly, “Um, no, I don’t think I’ve met her personally.”


“I’ll… introduce you… Juuuust as soon as I get the feeling in my legs again, ahehehe…” Nonon giggled, still barely thinking clearly after cumming so much in just one go!

Story by Sailor Io

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4 years ago

Tungsten? Atomic number 74! Isn’t that another Dr. Stone-reference? More you gave place to the explanation made to Nonon, or maybe I’m wrong. Well yeah, good job Sailor! The story was great and I loved it! Eager to read new stories in the future!

4 years ago
Reply to  MichaelX

Yes and no. I picked it because it’s the hardest of all metals alongside chrome, but chrome is brittle as hell. Tungsten is a lot tougher(heat resistance) and heavier, needs to be alloyed to give it some flexibility, but you CAN make a knife from it, just very expensive and HEAVY. Chose not to reveal what it was alloyed with this chapter since Nonon’s not stupid, she’d become very suspicious if she learned there was another sword made with Life Fibers aside from the rending scissors.

4 years ago

Now this is good and mostly laid back chapter. Sure there isn’t a lot of plot progression in the direct phase. But we definitely get some character progression in the forms of Jai and Nonon.

This not only explains what else the school and its student body will have, it also goes in further detail, which I liked, we also see a different side of Nonon, which I also liked.

Plus this definitely confirms that Jai is in fact a futanari herself, but doesn’t like to make it that big of a deal. One thing’s for sure, it’s sure to get awkward when she meets Satsuki face to face later. XD

As for the sex itself, I really liked the build up and the progression of it from start to finish, especially the blowjob and Jai filling Nonon’s pussy up. That was impressive.

Overall, I liked what I saw and read. Can’t wait to see what’s up next. Nice work. 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Well, plot progression is coming soon enough. Remember, the big battle is still five years away. Though some smaller ones are coming. Can’t give spoilers, but if anyone here knows about space travel in reality you might be able to figure it out.

4 years ago

I really liked art and history. I give 9/10 for history and 10/10 for art. I’m sorry if you think I’m exaggerating, but it’s just that I’m not a very demanding person.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dart008

Thanks, I’m planning to delve deeper into how life fibers work going forward.

4 years ago

That was a rather cute story. There’s not much plot progression but we do get character progression with Jai which was neat. Seems more and more pieces are falling into place as well. Rather strong sword user who coincidentally seems to be packing a two hander a little further down hahaha.

It was a little funny seeing Nonon almost thoroughly outmatched by the new girl. She’s kind of quickly become kind of an unintentional fleshlight for the right people it seems. Still, it was nice seeing Jai give Nonon a lot of attention and satisfaction. Seems Jai got some much needed release too, probably been a really long month without release.

Anyway, fun chapter, I’m rather curious what Satsuki will think of this new girl. If not for her swordsmanship, than for her other noticable feature.

4 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

Yeah, it was fun. Nonon is perfectly sized to be a living onehole. That petite frame, her light weight, and semi-bitchy attitude.