Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Incubus Intercourse

(Note: This story is part of an short series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 40): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 0): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 42): [LINK]

Yoruichi let out a contented sound as she sipped at her colorful drink. She could barely even detect the alcohol because it was so well masked by the fruity flavors mixed together. The only thing that gave it away was the feeling of warmth that followed every sip even though the drink was ice cold.


“Normally, I don’t go for these girly drinks,” said one of her companions, a large black man with close cut hair and a build like a Greek god. He sipped his own drink, a bright yellow color where Yoruichi’s was red like blood. “But these things do taste good.”


“Careful though,” said her second companion’s voice, “That shit goes to your head a lot faster than you think it will. Tastes good, yeah. But you’ll end up drinking too much real easy.”


“That how you seduce some women?” Yoruichi asked.


“Of course!” he admitted unashamedly, “Not easy to find a natural born slut like you and Franny.”


“Don’t call me that!” said the final person in their group. A dark skinned woman with very curly hair and a well toned body. The hole that could normally be seen in her abdomen was hidden by the Gigai body she currently inhabited. “And I’m not a slut!” she added.


They were on the beach at the Busteez Nudist Beach Colony and Resort. The group had been wandering the area for several hours now. They were looking for one Tier Harribel, the current leader of Hueco Mundo, who had vanished without a word a couple of nights ago. The other two women in their group, Sui Feng and Kukaku Shiba had left to search with some newly made acquaintances.


The man who had spoken earlier, King, said nothing and sipped his drink, looking away. “Franny”, or rather Franceska Mila Rose, moved to get up in his face, “What, you got something to say, you human trash!?” she asked aggressively. “Say it to my fashmmmmmph…!” she began to say, but was cut off as King grabbed her waist and pulled her naked body against his own before covering her mouth with his. His eyes, a glittering ruby red color, seemed to glow for just a second before he closed them, forcibly exploring the inside of Franny’s mouth with his nimble tongue.


Yoruichi saw Franny stiffen and try to push him away from her. But all the strength went out of her in short order as she seemed to melt against King like a marshmallow held close to a fire.


HMPNGHHH…” Franny moaned back against the kiss as her struggles rapidly slowed to a stop. “Pwaah, hah, ahh, hah…” Franny then gasped as he suddenly broke the kiss with her. Her face was flushed a slight red, and the nipples of her big and heavy tits had turned completely hard! While not as strong as it was in her cat form, Yoruichi’s nose could tell how aroused Franny had become all of a sudden. And even without the smell, she could easily see the naked Arrancar’s pussy was now! Rivers of juices were running down her chocolate colored thighs.


“You… Bastard…” she said, but her voice held no venom in it. In fact, from the look on her face, Franceska wanted nothing more than to take King’s fat dick into her mouth and just suck like there was no tomorrow!


“That some what-cha-callit trick?” asked Dio, the other man in their group. If King were a Greek god, then Dio was maybe a demon? His arms and legs were VERY well toned, but his torso was fat and pot bellied. Yoruichi admitted it made for quite the contrast. Dio was rude, crude, and generally unpleasant personality wise when you first met him. But he also had a nice big, fat dick and knew how to use it! When Yoruichi was feeling pent up, he had helped her blow off the steam quite well.


Also, his home was surprisingly clean.


“Something like that. It just induces an extreme state of arousal. Like being around me, but more direct. And likewise, the more suppressed or repressed a woman is, the more effectively it works.” King explained as he pushed Franny over into his arms. He grabbed her from behind, taking hold of both her big and heavy looking tits and squeezing so roughly that his fingers sank in deep.


“Haaaaahn…!” Franny moaned erotically, as her pussy let out a hot little squirt! Her breathing had turned heavy and the pink flush to her cheeks was deepening.


“Hoooo, you got Franny here so worked up I bet I can cook an egg on her!” said Dio as he let go of one of her breasts and moved the freed hand down between her legs. Yoruichi grinned as she heard the wet SQUISH as he slipped his fingers inside her dripping cunt.


“Aaaaaaahn, fuuuuuck!!!” Franny moaned, thrusting her hips against his hand, “We… We’re supposed to be looking… For Harribel-samaaaah… Ahhhhn…” the brown haired woman moaned.


“If you want me to stop, just say so.” Dio said with a grin while moving his hand faster, making a wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK noise that just seemed to get sloppier and sloppier.


“No dooooon’t!!!” Franny then moaned. “Keep goiiinnng…” she moaned, with her breath turning ragged while she leaned back against Dio as her knees went weak. Dio chuckled smugly and continued dipping his fingers in and out with the one hand and fondling Franny’s tit with the other.


Yoruichi smirked and drank down the rest of the beverage she’d ordered from the beachside bar where they were currently taking a break from their search. Tier Harribel was doing a solid job hiding her Reiatsu, if she was even here at all. But then again, the purple haired woman believed Franceska. Running Hueco Mundo had to be stressful, and this place seemed like a great stop to come and blow off some steam.


Dio wasn’t kidding about the alcohol hitting hard. Just what was the proof of this drink? Yoruichi had drunk more powerful stuff, so this was only enough to put a red flush to her cheeks. Still, it was impressive.


“So, how’s that incubus kiss thing work on a woman who is not ‘pent up’?” she asked King.


“Wanna find out?” he asked with a grin as he took a sip of his own drink. “I never really experimented with it all that much, so I can’t say for sure. Mom wasn’t all that keen on teaching me that stuff.”


“What, was she a prude or something?” asked Dio, who was now licking up and down the side of Franny’s bare neck, making the Arrancar woman shudder as he pushed three fingers in and out of her cunt with a wet squishing noise.


“Nah,” King said, “Lemme see, how did she put it…?” he muttered, placing a hand on his goateed chin in thought.


“I just want you to live a normal human life.” said Yoruichi.


“How’d you know that?” King asked.


“Lucky guess.” she replied. Actually, it was a fairly common trope when supernatural beings had offspring with regular humans. Being a purebred being, Yoruichi knew how complicated it could get trying to live in just one world, let alone two.


Yoruichi walked up to him and laid a hand over his chest, “So go ahead and lay one on me!” she demanded.


He grinned back at her, and she noticed how unbelievably white his teeth were. King placed an arm around her waist, pulling her naked body close to his. He smelled good to her, a kind of hot, spicy scent that made her think of curry for some reason. King then pressed his mouth to hers, shoving his tongue into her mouth!


Yoruichi didn’t really know what to expect. She’s heard the stories of an incubus’s kiss, they were much the same as a succubus kiss, only they tended to work better on women only. Whereas a succubus could manipulate both genders freely.


Hmm, he’s not bad,’ Yoruichi thought as she pressed her tongue back against his, feeling her pussy getting hot as she became aroused by the act. Good kissers were hard to find, or, like a certain orange haired man, they were too uptight to really let loose. Aside from his skill with kissing, Yoruichi didn’t really feel anything unusual, though she did wanna give the man a blowjob right now, but that was more because he had a nice, fat, cunt stuffing dick than anything else! And their group had already seen multiple couples and group openly fucking as they moved around the area. It was rather entertaining, seeing all of the unusual positions that were likely not even in the Kama Sutra.


It hit her about five seconds into the kiss. A sudden, penetrating heat that seemed to radiate out from her womb! Her entire body felt flush with excitement as her pussy burst like a broken water main!


HMMMMMMMMMMH!!!” Yoruichi moaned as the heat only got hotter and hotter, spreading up through her entire body until she felt like she had a fever! She shuddered, with her heart racing in her chest as a tingling sensation settled into her pussy, like it was suddenly starving. The arousal was more intense than anything Yoruichi had felt in her entire life!


She broke the kiss an instant later and quickly dropped to her knees, grabbing King’s king-sized dick and pulling it into her mouth with a “HAAAHMMMMMMPH!!!!” Even soft, the man’s cock completely filled her Yoruchi’s mouth and throat! She loved that feeling as she began slowly moving her head back and forth.


King let out a quiet grunt, and Yoruichi gagged suddenly as she felt his dick growing and stiffening in her throat! “UUHK, UUUUHHH, GUCK, GURK GUG…” she choked and gagged, King’s dick was so BIG! Yoruichi could feel it obstructing her throat, it was hard to breathe, to think, but it felt so GOOD!!! Even now, using just her mouth, she was cumming! She was really cumming with her mouth already! Normally she needed to get herself worked up more first, but that kiss was like going from 0 to 120 in less than five seconds.


GUUUUUUMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned, moving her head back and forth faster, ‘Ahhh, so thick,’ she thought, ‘It’s like it’s pulling my insides oooout!!! Ahhh, but I don’t wanna stop, I don’t wannaaaah!!


“Awww yeah, that’s good…” King groaned.


“Yeah, she gives great head!” Yoruichi heard Dio say before hearing Franny moaning as well.


“Shut up, you ugly bastard and fuck me already! Ahhh, my pussy, my pussy’s driving me crazzzzyyyy!!!” she moaned. Yoruichi heard Dio laughing again, followed by a wet squishing sound before Franny howled in ecstasy.




Yoruichi chanced a look over at Dio and Franny. The man had her bent forward at a 90 degree angle, with his pot belly hanging over her toned chocolate ass as he slammed his cock in and out of her while holding her wrists like handlebars. A wet SMACK SMACK SMACK could be heard as he swung his hips, driving his thick cock in and out of her pussy as it sprayed and gushed with his every motion.


“If I’m a pig, what does that make you!?” he asked with a grin, giving her ass a playful slap. “You said it yourself, you’re getting off just from me putting it in, you horny slut!”


AHHHNNMMMMH, NOT A SLUT, NHOT A SHLUUUUT!!!” Franny protested, “OH FUCK THAT FEELS SO GOOD, CUMMING, CAN’T STOP CUMMMMMINGH!! AHHH, I’M A SLUT, I’M A SLUUUUUUT!!! AHHHH!!! HARDER, HARDER, HARDER, HARDER! FUCK MY SLUT PUSSY HARDERRRRRR!!! YESSSSSS!!! CUMMING AGAIN, I’M CUMMING, MY BRAIN FEELS LIKE IT’S MELTING INSIDE MY SKUUULLLLL…” Franny screamed and howled, as her face locked in an expression of raw unthinking pleasure with her mouth hanging open. Her tongue lolled off her lower lip, dripping with drool that flung back and forth with her bucking motions as Dio plowed her from behind!




Yoruichi’s sidelong view was then obstructed as King grabbed her head and began pumping his now fully hard dick in and out of her mouth-cunt! Her jaw felt strained, like it might come unhinged, but she didn’t want to stop. In fact, she wanted him to fuck her mouth, throat, and stomach even harder. She could feel her neck being stretched to the limits as she gagged and choked roughly, but she still moaned at the feeling. It was like her mouth truly had become her pussy, and every thrust of his cock felt so good, she couldn’t stop herself from moaning.


GHPHU OGHUUU OGUH, NBHUUU GUK HURRRGH!!” she choked as King pumped her head back and forth on his long fleshy rod.


“Awww yeah, your mouth feels grreeeat…” groaned King. “Every time I shove my dick in it feels like your mouth and throat get tighter!” he told her, while pumping her head back and forth faster. He was going so roughly, but it felt so good Yoruichi didn’t even care in the slightest, and she wanted him to keep going. No, she wanted him to go even rougher with her!


HAWGER, AGUH GUK HURG, PHUG MUH PHASHE MOAR, PHUK ID HAWGER!!!” she gagged out as ropes of her own drool hung off her chin like stalactites!


“Yeah!?” he asked, “You want it harder? Alright! Take it, take it, take it, take it, take it allll!!!” he groaned, then started pounding his huge dick in and out of her mouth-cunt faster and faster, burying her nose in his pubic hairs every time. Yoruichi could feel his dick pushing against the pit of her stomach with every thrust, making a visible dent in her belly.


OOOOOHGUH, HMMMMMMMMPH, AGUH GUG GURH NUBUBUH…!” she gagged again and again, her pussy gushing hard as she came with every in and out motion.


GUUMMINGH, AYE’M GUUUUUMMMMINGH!!!” Yoruichi moaned in ecstasy.


“Aww yeah, me too! I’m gonna pump your belly full of cock sauce!!!” King groaned, shoving his entire dick down her throat again.


HUUUGUUUUUPH!!! MGOOO GUH GUG MFOOO…!” Yoruichi gagged, feeling the big black man’s cock throbbing in her throat as a liquid warmth flooded her stomach. The choice to swallow or not wasn’t even given with how far down her throat his cock was, as the tip just unloaded his balls directly into her belly.


When King pulled back, Yoruichi coughed hard, struggling to catch her breath. Her entire body felt like it was burning up. She shivered with raw lust and desire as her pussy screamed at her to be stuffed with that dick next! The purple haired woman grabbed at her own huge tits, squeezing them roughly in her hands as she looked up at King, not even trying to hide what she wanted from him.


“More!” Yoruichi declared, moving to lay back on the ground with her legs spread wide to show off her dripping pussy. “Now, drill that fat dick into my pussy!” she demanded. It didn’t matter that they were right on the beach in front of a bar. In fact, even if this place weren’t a sex resort, Yoruichi wouldn’t have cared. She’d have done the same thing in the middle of one of Karakura’s streets with how horny she was!


King grinned at her, “I love an honest woman!” he told her, then getting down on his knees and grabbing Yoruichi by her long and toned yet supple legs. Hooking his elbows under her knees, he dragged her closer and stuffed his huge dick deep inside her sopping cunt! There was a SPLISH sound as Yoruichi’s pussy gushed from the penetration, but it was completely masked by her howling moan as she came even harder than before!


OOOOH FUUUUUCK!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her moan sounding like a cat’s wailing. “SO FUCKING THIIIIICK!!!!” she screamed, looking down between the swells of her big and heavy tits to see her stomach getting stretched upwards by the raw size of King’s dick.


AHHH FUUUCK, YOU’RE FUCKING MY WOOOOMB!!!” she moaned, her toes spreading out wide as she pawed at her own tits, her dark nipples so stiff they almost hurt! “YESSS, MORE, POUND THAT GIANT DICK INTO MEEEEE!!!” she begged.


King laughed, then groaned as he began slamming his cock into her, swinging his hips back and forth as he stood up on his knees. The distinctive lump in her belly moved up and down with his thrusts, making her scream in ecstasy as it moved.




The big black man grinned, “I got more than just that to offer. Let’s take a peek into what that soul of your’s REALLY desires!” he said before leaning down and kissing her again, hard. Yoruichi felt that same thrill as before, with her pussy gushing hard as she came from the kiss alone. But it was a little different this time as she could feel something in her head. It wasn’t a physical sensation, but more a mental one, like the echo, or memory of a touch.


When King broke the kiss, he laughed again and grinned at her, “So, that’s what you want, eh?” he asked, “Alright, I’ll give you all the kittens you want!”


“Eh, OOOOAAAAAAAHHHHH FUUUUUCK!?” Yoruichi moaned as he began pounding her harder than ever, the world around her seeming to shift and whirl, like the air above a black road under the blazing sun. When the mirage faded, she wasn’t at the beach anymore, but inside of a huge bedroom. No, it was her bedroom, somehow. She knew this was her bedroom, in her home. Her stomach felt heavy suddenly, and when she looked down at it, the huge lump made by King’s cock was gone, replaced by the huge swell of a pregnant belly.


OOOOHHH FUUUUUCK!! CUMMING!!! AHHH, CUMMMINGH!!!” Yoruichi howled as she felt something moving inside her that wasn’t just his dick! She knew she was pregnant! With quintuplets no less. A huge family was brewing inside her and she was ready to pop any day now!


YES!! DO IT, CUM IN ME, BREED ME MORE, FILL MY BELLY WITH MORE KITTENNNSSSSS!!!” she screamed, while cumming more from the thought of children than the feel of his dick stuffing her hot little hole!!!


“What the fuck are you on about!?” asked Franny’s voice, and suddenly, she was in the corner of the room, bent down on all fours like a bitch in heat as Dio took her from behind. Her huge tits swinging back and forth beneath her while his hands gripped her ass.


“Huwhah…!? AHHHHHHHNNMMMMMMMMMMMH!!!!” Yoruichi babbled, then moaned as she felt King’s cock surging inside her, flooding her womb with thick and hot seed. “AHHHHHH… I’M BEING BREEEEEDED!!!!” Yoruichi screamed as the thick liquid warmth splashed her entire womb. The illusion of the room around her vanished, and the baby bump on her belly was again replaced with just the phallic shaped lump of King’s huge dick!


The orgasm ripping through her though didn’t stop, but kept going as Yoruichi wailed like a cat in heat, her pussy gushing everywhere with a mix of her own juices and King’s overflowing cum.



“So, your biggest, dirtiest fantasy is to get knocked up?” Dio asked as they left the beach.


Yoruichi covered her face, fighting the urge to turn into a cat and vanish into an alley somewhere. How can someone feel both humiliated and turned on at the same time!? King’s kiss had sent her into an illusion of her deepest and strongest sexual fantasy, which for her it turned out was having a family, and a big one at that! But not only that, but also that she wanted to be fucked while pregnant with said family.


“Eh, not the first time I’ve seen that one.” King said, trying to make light of it, “It’s a more common want for the ladies than you think, Dio.”


“Eh, fuck that shit!” Dio said, now sounding disgusted, “Kids are nothing but trouble, especially kids that grow up in this town.”


“Run into a lot of them?” Franny asked as they passed a large fountain in the middle of a large intersection like a town square.


Dio lit a cigar and put it in his mouth, filling the area with a thick tobacco stink, “I don’t wanna talk about it.” he muttered.


Yoruichi walked over to the fountain, a number of flowers floated on the surface, bobbing up and down with the gentle motion of the water. Her whole body still felt hot from that little fantasy from earlier, so she just dove into the surprisingly cold water.


“Ahhhhh…” Yoruichi sighed, with the temperature of the water acting like a counter to King’s abilities as her body finally calmed down. She turned and floated lazily on the surface, while her big tits spilled to her sides, acting like a pair of floatation devices. She finally understood where the term cold shower came from in regards to calming one’s sex drive! It was a counter to an incubus or succubus’ illusions.


“That power of yours is dangerous.” Yoruichi said to King.


He stood at the edge of the fountain, one foot up on the edge of the enclosure, his big dick hanging down freely. “Meh, I can’t do the dream one for long, and any distraction breaks the illusion. Like I said, mom didn’t teach me much about it.”


Yoruichi dipped her head back beneath the water and let out a frustrated yell that was completely muffled by the water. “Well, just don’t use that one again. But that one where you turn me on with the kiss, feel free to use that anytime. Especially on Franny, she needs it.”


HEY!” Franny protested.


Speaking of that kiss, it seemed that when it was used on a more promiscuous woman like herself, it just took them to the absolute heights of physical arousal in seconds. King would later
explain that the only kind of woman not really affected by it was one who was totally content. In his own experience, usually a girl who was basking in the afterglow of already intense orgasms was completely immune.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
11 months ago

wow the fantasy of Yoruichi lol the big familly with kittys (si amo los gatos como mascotas y me encanta yoruichi aparte de mi deseo de follar con una furry women)
i wish more Franceska and Kukaku and Sui Feng

11 months ago

I can promise more Franceska, but Kukaku is iffy.

11 months ago

How does Ichigo compare Dio and King?

11 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

For the umpteenth time! I don’t answer dick size comparison questions! I will not have anyone pleading for me to make this guy bigger than this guy because you’re simping for him!!!!!

11 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I apologize. But I really don’t want to fall down this rabbit hole again. I have stated many times that the reason I avoid giving actual numbers is because the sizes can vary wildly from one pic to another. Making giving said number impossible.

That it seems isn’t enough for some fans. They want that number, especially when it involves their favorite character. For some reason, when their favorite character isn’t the biggest, they feel somehow threatened by that from the look of it. Like somehow, that makes their character less in some way. And in one worst case, they write a wall of text plea for me to make their character the biggest.

One actually offered to in his own words, bleed for me.

Some have contacted me privately to make their cases. And it’s tiresome. That is why my official policy is to never answer this type of question.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sailor_Io
11 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Sorry about this, it was not my intention to invoke a rise out of you. I did not mean to get this reaction from you.