Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Horny from Hentai

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part VIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part X): [LINK]

Sitting in a dark room, Ryuko Matoi tried to suppress a moan as she looked up at the big screen ultra high-def plasma TV mounted on the wall. On the screen, a dark haired woman was panting and moaning as tentacles from the walls of a flesh covered room molested her entire body.


“Haaaaahhh, Kyosuke, Kyosuke… Asagi, is a very slutty woman… Give it to meeee…!” the woman, Asagi moaned in utter pleasure as a thick tentacle pushed itself into her drooling cunt!


“It feels amazing!” she screamed as the tentacle wormed its way around in her womb. “Fill me up!!! In my pussy…” she panted breathlessly.


Ryuko chewed her lower lip as she watched the spectacle. The woman was technically being raped by a living prison, but she had a look of utter ecstasy on her face! She’d never watched rape porn anime before, for obvious reasons, but this, she’d never seen anything like it!


The villainous woman who’d locked her in the room was talking to her minions about altering the woman’s body in perverted ways. Making her sense of touch so intense that the slightest contact would send her into orgasm. She must have really had it in for the woman on screen, wanting to turn her into a massive slut who came just from being touched on her shoulder.


Ryuko was in the Anime Porn Club’s room, and today they were screening Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi. An anime based off a dating sim game of the same name, or something like that. Ryuko had been a member of the Anime Porn Club for a month now, ever since doing her “homework” with Marcus and finding out how much she loved sucking dick!


The club itself was actually pretty fun. Ryuko thought anime porn would just be a bunch of Waifu girls getting plowed in various positions. Turned out, there was more to it than that. Ryuko was amazed to find that the characters and plots were actually on par with mainstream anime. Just last week they were watching a related series called Dark Knight Ingrid. It was about a woman named Ingrid who was an enforcer for the main villain of the series. A rival of hers in the organization wanted to use her to take out their boss, and was humiliating her in many sexual ways to break her spirit.


Ryuko actually found herself wondering how things would end as the story went on, even if she was rooting for a bad guy technically. In the end, before her and another ninja girl were about to be fucked by a three headed dog, the Organization Boss Leader, a vampire named Black showed up. He killed the jackass doing everything like he was nothing, and set the girls free.


Before that they watched a short series that reminded Ryuko of their school. Set in a world where girls with bad grades got turned into sex toys for the students who did. Apparently it was part of a repopulation effort or something, but more interesting was that one girl purposely failed herself so she COULD be a sex slut. In a twisted way, that girl reminded her of Satsuki, doing insane sexual things to achieve her goal.


Though that meant Ryuko was just as crazy. “Hmmmmm…!” she moaned softly as she felt Marcus’ fingers dipping deep into her pussy. She leaned herself back against him and suppressed another moan as she felt his fingers moving in synch with the tentacles currently fucking Asagi into insanity. Ryuko bucked her hips back against his fingers, listening to the wet squishing noises her pussy made around his digits. She then grabbed the wrist of his other arm and pushed his hand under her top. She hadn’t bothered with any underwear, a habit which she’d fallen into recently. After all, when fucking in class, getting it off then back on was a bit of a pain. Especially since she hated those front clasping bras sold in the school shop. Sure they were easy to get in and out of, but she didn’t care for the color options, black, pink, or white were the main colors. Whatever happened to just plain old pastel striped underwear!?


“Mmmmmh, push them in deeper…” she whispered to Marcus, moaning again as her body shook in pleasure while she rocked herself back against his lap. She could feel his thick dick throbbing against her bare ass beneath her skirt, blocked only by the thin barrier of his pants. Just thinking of how that monster felt in her throat was making her wetter than the movie!


HMMMH!” Ryuko moaned as quietly as she could, the room was dark, but there was enough light from the screen that if anyone looked at them directly they could see what was happening. The whole point of today’s little viewing party was to do lewd things in a semi-public setting, but NOT draw attention to themselves. Ryuko had to admit, the idea of doing this, and the threat of being caught, it was exciting! Her heart was pounding in her chest as she watched the tentacles going up Asagi’s ass distend her belly in a way that could NOT have been comfortable, but she was still moaning like a whore!


She wondered what it would feel like, taking a cock like Marcus’ or any dick for that matter, up her ass. She was no virgin when she did her assignment with Marcus, and thankfully her ability to regenerate did have a conscious aspect to it, otherwise she’d have been a virgin forever! Not an appealing thought. She bit her lip again as Marcus found a sweet spot inside her, making her clit so stiff she could feel it rubbing between his middle and ring fingers as they moved back and forth. There was a soft squishing noise as her pussy let out a small spray as she felt herself cumming again.


Hahhhh, why does this feel so good!?’ she moaned in her mind, rocking her ass back against Marcus harder as he gave her heavy breast a firm squeeze. She wanted to moan, to scream and cry out in pleasure, but over in the corner of the club room, Gamagori was watching the entire class. He KNEW what they were doing, obviously, but the point was to not draw his attention to them. In a perversely practical way, this was all an exercise in stealth. If they drew his attention, Ryuko and Marcus will have failed the test, and the club would lose some of its funding. However, if they passed, the club would get more funding and permission to actually watch something OTHER than just porn. Not all that different from Satsuki’s old system, only now no one was competing for greater status and luxury, just getting better as stimulating the Life Fibers that were in all their uniforms for the battle to come.


Ryuko chanced a glance back at Gamagori. He had his usual scowl on his face, and a noticeable tent in his pants. She smirked, must suck not to be able to have his own fun with all this going on. His eyes darted around the room, including herself, the club had 12 members, equal parts men and women, which is why it was given this little ‘pop quiz’. So long as no one got too close, Marcus and Ryuko looked like any regular couple being lovey dovey at the movies, but not like they were doing what they were.


“Mmmmmmh…!” Ryuko clamped a hand over her mouth as a louder moan tried to escape. She clenched her thighs together tightly around Marcus’ fingers just as Asagi began moaning again as all the tentacles came inside her at once, filling her belly.


Marcus held her tight, stilling the worst of the orgasmic convulsions as her pussy let out a near steady stream of juices. “Mmmmmmmh…” she cooed in pleasure as the scene on the screen changed and the movie continued.



“Hey Ryuko, there’s a new movie coming to the University Cineplex, would you like to come see it with me this weekend?” Marcus asked as the club let out for the day.


Ryuko blinked her dark blue eyes, “What, like a date?” she asked back, her tone a bit harsher than she meant it to be.


He met her eyes and nodded, “Well, yeah, I don’t want school and club activities to be the only time I see you.”


The dark haired girl could feel her face flushing red as a tingling sensation traveled down the back of her head and spine. This was the first time a boy had ever asked her out, like, REALLY asked her out! At the academy she had no interests outside finding her father’s killer and getting answers, dating, relationships, all the “normal” stuff hadn’t even entered her mind once.


“Whoa, hang on, doesn’t this, usually go with you asking to meet me under a tree or something before confessing and all that?” she asked him, feeling far more flustered than she wanted to admit. Someone was asking HER out, HER! She knew that most of the student body here at HSU were at the very least intimidated by her, or the fact that she was Satsuki’s little sister. Mako didn’t count ‘cause she was crazy, something that Ryuko found more than a little endearing. In middle school, EVERYONE was too afraid of her to even try that old cliche.


Marcus chuckled, “We’re not in a bad shojo anime. You’re pretty, and a great time in bed, but I’m still a ways from getting all dopey and nervously confessing love and all those bad cliches. I like you, and I’m offering to entertain you for a couple hours and maybe buy you dinner, after that, well, we can see what happens from there.”


“Maybe me sucking that fat dick of yours in the theater?” she asked with a smirk, trying to sound mildly offended even though she wasn’t, “Not that I’d mind.”


“So that’s a yes?” he shot back, not intimidated by her tone in the least.


Ryuko was reminded of when he’d taken her up on her offer to be her homework partner, the same confident look on his face when she hit him with the request so bluntly. “Fine,” she said after a heartbeat, “Let’s meet at the quad beforehand, just email me the time.”


“Great, see you then.” Marcus told her before walking off in the direction of his apartment.


When he was out of sight, Ryuko felt her whole face turning red as steam rose out from her hair. “WHAT THE HELL!?” she yelled as she pressed a hand over her heart and tried to steady her breathing once she realized she was on the verge of hyperventilating. ‘What’s going on!?’ she thought, ‘Why is this freaking me out so much!? I mean, I’ve already fucked the guy, isn’t that as intense as it’s supposed to get!?


“Aaarrggh!!!” Ryuko growled as she rubbed at her head furiously, “Stop freaking out already!” she berated herself. Senketsu would laugh at her if she wore him in such a state.


“Ryuko-san, are you okay?” asked a girl’s voice behind her.


“Huh!?” Ryuko jumped, feeling like her heart was about to leap out of her chest literally, not that such a thing would exactly be fatal for her. She whirled around to see Jai standing behind her with a heavy looking box beside her. “What, oh hi Jai!” she said, her voice several pitches higher than normal. “Me, I’m fine, I’m certainly not freaking out about being asked on my first date with a guy or anything like that, ahehehehe…” she answered pathetically. ‘Oh craaap, what the fuck is going on with me! I’m like some stupid waifu in an bad porn anime!


“Riiight,” Jai said, clearly seeing that was exactly the case, but she thankfully didn’t push the matter, “Well, if it’s not too much trouble, I could use your help with something.”


SURE!” Ryuko rapidly agreed, thankful to have a change of subject, “Something to do with that big box?”


“Bingo, it’s the mattress for my new bed. They shipped the frame to my room, but the mattress went to the University mail room by mistake.” Jai explained.


“Huh, that’s weird.” Ryuko said as she took a couple steps closer to the silver lavender haired young woman. She was dressed in a university uniform, a simple white and blue outfit not unlike what she wore when they first met a month ago. Only without the thigh high boots.


“Yeah, I could have sworn I entered my room right on the mail order.” Jai said with a sigh.


“No, I mean it’s weird, there’s a full on mattress in that box?” Ryuko asked. The box was a simple brown cardboard one, and if laid on the side, looked about as wide as a regular full sized bed, but nowhere near as long.


Jai blinked, “Oh! Yeah, there is, it’s one of those fancy foam ones, they compress it down to fit in a smaller box to lower the shipping costs.”


“Oh, alright.” Ryuko said as she moved over to grab it, grunting when she actually felt the weight. The thing weighed a fucking ton! How could Jai have gotten it from the mailroom to here all on her own!? She looked at Jai again, she was roughly the same height as Ryuko, maybe a centimeter or so difference between them. She did look athletic, but still… When she looked closer, she saw a thin layer of sweat beaded on her forehead and her breathing was just a little heavier than normal.


“Yeah, heavier than it looks.” Jai said, moving to grab one end of the box while Ryuko got the other one. Between the two of them it wasn’t too bad, but still a workout getting it to the living district of town. Thankfully like Ryuko, Mako, and Mako’s family, she lived close to the main campus, only four buildings down from her own.


She’d only seen Jai a few times over the last few weeks, though she sat with her and Mako for lunch a couple times. Ryuko didn’t know too much about her, but she didn’t seem like some crazy backstabbing bitch like Maiko turned out to be. More, Ryuko got the feeling she was trying to avoid being seen. The few times she joined Ryuko and Mako for lunch and conversation were when Mako spotted her and dragged her along. She was friendly enough, talking and joking, but Ryuko couldn’t shake the feeling that she seemed, lonely.


The dark haired girl didn’t want to pry, thinking it better to let her open up on her own in her own time. The two of them managed to get the bed into Jai’s apartment and Ryuko looked around. The place was pretty bare. No pictures or posters on the wall, no TV, and only a study desk and chair and a dresser as the only furniture. There was a closet by the door, and Ryuko spotted a rolled up futon inside, so that explained where she’d been sleeping.


Jai went to the kitchen to grab a knife to cut the box tape with as Ryuko dragged the box closer to the bed frame that was set up just out of sight from the main door. It was then that she saw a single framed picture lying facedown on top of the dresser. It was one of those cheap plastic frames made of bent plexiglass. It had probably fallen over when Jai left this morning. Ryuko walked over and began picking up the frame to set it upright.


“Would you mind not touching that picture frame please, Ryuko.” Jai said as she came over holding a small kitchen knife in one hand. Her tone was soft and friendly still, but had a touch of firmness in it.


“Oh, sorry.” Ryuko said, laying it back down.


“It’s alright.” Jai said with a smile, “It’s just a picture of my family.” she explained.


“Why is it faced down though?” Ryuko asked.


Jai’s tone softened more, “I don’t really like to look at it. Tends to make one home sick you know?” she said quietly.


“Well, it’s not like you can’t visit them.” Ryuko said with a supportive smile. She’d never really know what it was like to feel homesick, she’d never really had one until Mako and her family, and she hadn’t been away from them long enough to find out.


“I wish that were the case but sadly it’s not possible…” Jai said in a somber tone.


Ryuko winced, feeling like a complete bitch, “Oh… hey I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I lost my dad a while back too.”


Jai started slightly as though she realized something, “Huh? Oh! My apologies, I didn’t mean that they had passed. It’s more like… this was a one way trip for me, and they can’t come either. So for the time being, I’m on my own.”


That explained a lot! No wonder she seemed down sometimes, and why she avoided interacting with others. She was far from home, and still had her defenses all the way up! “Nah, that’s not true!” she told her with a bright smile, “You got me and Mako. So if you need anything, you can count on us.”


Jai smiled again, her voice sounding a bit happier, “I had a feeling you’d say that. My thanks. It means a lot knowing you’ll be there for me.” she told her. She then handed Ryuko the knife and held the box steady while she cut it open. Once the bindings holding the box closed were released, the mattress tore its way out, unfurling into a large full sized bed with a soft hissing sound as the foam sucked in the surrounding air. The dark haired girl helped her mount it onto the frame then pull some sheets over it. When they were done, Jai offered her a drink of water which she gladly accepted.


Ryuko drank the water down quickly and handed the glass back to her, “Well, I should be heading back, just take it easy alright?”


“Indeed I will. Thank you.” Jai said sincerely as Ryuko left.



Once Ryuko was gone, Jai moved over to her new bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress. It sank beneath her weight with a soft sound as she reached over and grabbed the photo Ryuko had almost managed to look at. She tilted it back upright and smiled at the image displayed. It had been taken when she was six, on a trip to the beach with her family.


The image showed a young Jai riding on the shoulders of a heavy breasted dark haired woman with a distinctive red stripe in her bangs. She was walking toward the person who’d taken the picture with Jai giggling happily at the ride and flashing a V with her fingers. In the background were both her mothers, one a tall pale skinned woman with dark hair cut in a bob, though her bangs did nothing to hide her distinctive eyebrows. Next to her was her wife, a shorter dark skinned woman with lavender hair tied back into several ponytails at the base of her head.


Looking back toward the door Ryuko had exited through, Jai said softly, “Heh… I guess you’re always watching over me, huh Auntie?”



Sitting in class, Ryuko watched as Aikuro Mikisugi went about teaching proper technique for fucking in a public restroom. While he was making fair points, it was hard to take him seriously when he was standing around in his old Nudist Beach get-up. That, and how he still wore his sunglasses from his old undercover guise.


“While all of the bars, restaurants, and cafe’s of Honnotown are under the management of the Kiryuin Conglomerate, and as such you are all free to fuck anywhere in them. It is better that you still practice proper technique in avoiding detection. That said, more important than stealth is hygiene.” Mikisugi said, “Most places keep a fairly clean and sanitized wash chamber, but what if you encounter a place that doesn’t look so clean?” he asked the class.


One of the other girls in her class raised a hand and Mikisugi nodded to her, “Maybe, make sure the floor is at least mopped?” she suggested.


“Very true, a clean floor is important, what else?” he asked the girl, a young dark haired student, though Ryuko didn’t know her name. She could see her thinking on the question before shaking her head.


“Making sure the toilets are flushed and not overflowing.” Ryuko spoke up, “Don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t wanna get fucked on a sewage covered floor.”


“Very good!” Mikisugi said, “While some may find it exciting to have sex in such a filthy setting, it’s a gamble with your health. So many bacteria and other germs can fester in such a setting.” he went on to say. The blue haired man then walked over to a large object that had been hidden under a large cloth since Ryuko came into the room. She had been wondering what it was, but Mikisugi asked all the students as they came in not to touch it.


“With that in mind, please have a look at this!” he said, grabbing the cloth and yanking it away. There was a ruffling noise as it pulled away, revealing a large rectangular column that was open on the front end. Ryuko raised an eyebrow at what she saw inside. It was a public bathroom stall, complete with a toilet and all kinds of graffiti on the inner walls. Walls that looked like they were made of concrete, but were clearly plywood when you looked at the outer panels of the enclosure. Even the floor looked like the kind of small squared tiles you’d find in the bathroom of some dive bar.


“Ms. Matoi, would you care to have a look at this and tell the class if this would be a reasonably safe place to fuck?” Mikisugi asked.


Ryuko rolled her eyes as she got up. The dumbass had been trying to get in her panties all through her time at Honnouji Academy, and now… Shrugging inwardly, she walked down the stairs to the main floor of the lecture hall, making sure to swing her hips as she walked. The ultra lightweight skirt she had on flung from side to side with every step, she smiled at the way one male student gulped when one step flung her skirt up just enough to see that she didn’t have on any panties!


Walking over to the faux toilet stall, Ryuko inspected the setting. “The walls are a mess, but that hardly matters,” she said, “Floor tiles are reasonably clean, a few mildewy spots in the grout. I wouldn’t go doggy style here unless I were wearing full gloves. The toilet itself is clean, no stains or anything gross floating in it.”


“Correct.” said Mikisugi, “Care to demonstrate to the class the proper method for a rendezvous in this stall?”


“Subtle.” Ryuko said quietly enough so only he would hear her. He was lucky she didn’t have the Rending Scissors with her, she’d cut his head off, and not the one on top of his neck! She turned to him and narrowed her eyes threateningly. Then, still holding her firm expression, Ryuko stripped off her top and skirt in a single fluid movement, her clothes landing on Mikisugi’s desk quietly, leaving her clad only in the red high heeled “fuck me” pumps that were the schools regulation footwear for the girls.


“Sure.” she said with a smile for the class. She then grabbed him by the belt and shoved him into the stall. “You cum in my mouth and I’ll squeeze your balls ‘till they pop!” she whispered to him as she undid his belt and let it drop to the floor with a clattering sound.


“Fair enough,” he whispered back to her as she gulped audibly at his cock once it was no longer covered by his belt and gear. Ryuko had glimpsed it more times than she wanted to remember, but that was always when it was soft.


Now though…


“Holy…!” she gasped. Mikisugi wasn’t as long as Marcus, but he was easily just as THICK! His dick was as long as her elbow to her wrist, and nearly double the thickness of her forearm. Ryuko could see the veins throbbing along its length as the thing twitched in the air. The dark haired girl dropped into a squatting position, trying not to think of all the eyes that could see her naked ass right now. She hated that stuff like this still made her feel a little nervous. Satsuki made it all look so easy, and that annoyed her to no end!


Thinking of her sister, Ryuko glared up at Mikisugi, imagining how Satsuki would call her resolve weak and short sighted. This was all for something Ryuko wanted more than anything. To see and speak with Senketsu again. Satsuki once told Ryuko, ‘If it means fulfilling her ambitions, Satsuki Kiryuin will show neither shame nor hesitation, even if she bares her breasts for all the world to see!


She hated admitting when her sister was right, it really grinded her gears. But Ryuko couldn’t afford to be acting like some bashful virgin who blushed when someone even said the word sex. No, that wasn’t who Ryuko was, not at all. Ryuko Matoi was a girl fixed on seeing what she wanted almost in her reach, and doing anything it took to reach out and grab it!


HMMMMMMMPH!!!!” Ryuko gagged softly as she grabbed Mikisugi’s dick and shoved it down her throat! “AHGUUUUUUMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned as she felt her neck bulging from the sheer thickness of the man’s dick as it moved down her throat. Her pussy was instantly drenched and dripping, the smell of her own juices making her dizzy as she began bobbing her head back and forth.


MMMMMMPH, MMMMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMPH…!” Ryuko moaned, her lips slurping and sucking at the rigid rod of man flesh moving in and out of her mouth, “AGUGH GUG GUH GUG GUH…” she choked lightly as she felt the room begin spinning. ‘Ahhhh, this feeling…’ she moaned in her mind, ‘Why? Why does sucking cock feel so fucking good!?!? Ahhh, my mouth, my mouth feels like my pussy!!!


“Ma… Matoi…” Mikisugi groaned as he reached down to rest his hands on top of her head. Ryuko quickly batted them away as she began moving her head faster, lewd slurping noises coming from her mouth as she took his cock all the way into her mouth.


MMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Ryuko moaned as her pussy let out a spray of juices as she felt herself cumming. “HMMMMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMPH…” she continued to moan, “AHHHAAA…!” she gasped as she pulled her mouth free and made a show of licking the man’s cock from the balls to the very tip before swallowing it down again.


Oh fuck, this feels so great, my mouth, my throat, they both feel so good!!! Ahhhh, I feel so dizzy and horny, and my body is getting so hot!’ thought Ryuko as she began bobbing her head back and forth faster as Mikisugi fell back onto the toilet seat. Ryuko made a growling sound in her throat as she moved to adjust her position. Last time, she had played with herself as she did this, now though, she didn’t even need to as she moaned as she came with just her mouth again!!!


“Wow, look at her go!” muttered a female student, “I choke on something half that big.”


There was a low whistle followed by a male student voice, “Wow, she’s really into it, wonder if I can give her a go next?”


“Dude, she’d eat you alive! That’s Lady Satsuki’s little sister, and she’s even scarier.” someone replied to him. Ryuko felt a bit of pride at that as she deepthroated Mikisugi’s cock and held it in her mouth.


MMMMMMMMMMMMMH!!!!” she moaned at length, relishing the feel of it completely filling her mouth and throat. She could barely breathe, barely think, but it all felt so good she couldn’t stop even if she wanted!!!


“Ahha, ahhh…” Mikisugi groaned and Ryuko pulled her mouth free again, her lips sucking and slurping against him the entire way. She gasped for breath, not realizing how badly her lungs were burning until she refilled them with sweet oxygen. She then stood up and turned around to face the class. All eyes were on her, she could feel them staring at her naked body, her heavy tits, her neatly trimmed pussy, her long athletic legs and creamy smooth thighs. So many stares, and yet, she didn’t feel the least bit ashamed.


Was this what you meant, nee-san?’ she thought to herself.


Before she could even ponder it, Mikisugi’s hands grabbed her rounded hips and pulled her back. “WAAHHAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” Ryuko howled as she felt that thick cock that had made her cum with just her mouth shoving up her ASS! There was no pain though, none, she had howled in ecstasy as the feel of the perverts dick shoving up her ass had just made her CUM!!!


MY ASS! AH FUCK, MY ASSSSSS!!!!” Ryuko screamed as Mikisugi began slamming his hips up and down, pumping his cock in and out of her mercilessly. Ryuko’s fat tits bounced and jiggled around wildly as she began panting hard, “AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAH, AHHH HAAHHHH!!!


“Now class…” Mikisugi groaned, “In this variation of a reverse cowgirl… Ehhhhnnnn, you need… to provide more supporrrrt…!” he said to everyone watching as he held Ryuko up by her thighs. “There’sssss, not enough… Purchase for your partnerrrr… to suporrrrt, themselfffffuck…”


DON’T YOU DARE SLOW DOWN YOU NUDIST FUCK HEAD!!!! YOU’VE BEEN TRYING TO FUCK MY ASS SINCE I CAME TO THIS SCHOOL, DON’T SHOW ME YOU’RE SOME TWO PUMP CHUMP!!!” Ryuko berated him as her pussy let out a hot spray of fluids so strong there was a brief rainbow in front of her.


“Maybe if your ass wasn’t so damned good…” he groaned to her.


TOO GOOD FOR YOU, SO SHOW SOME APPRECIATION FOR THE FAVOR I’M GIVING YOU AND MAKE ME CUM SOME MORE!!!” Ryuko shouted, “YEEEEAAH, LIKE THAT, HARDERRRR…!!!” she moaned as Mikisugi began bouncing her up and down faster. She finally understood why Omiko was cumming so hard before. So many people were watching her act like a whore, but it felt so good!!! Ryuko was cumming, cumming, cumming! Every thrust of that blue haired fools dick was driving her wild as she panted and moaned.


AHHHH, SO INTENSE… MY ASSSSSS, MY ASS FEELS AMAZINGGGG… I… I CAN’T THINK, EVERYTHING’S GETTING WEIIIRD, MY ASSS, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMINGGGG!!!” Ryuko moaned. “MMMMMMMMNH, IM SUCH A SLUTTY WOMAN DEEP DOWN, AH FUCK, GIVE IT TO ME, FUCK ME!!!” Ryuko screamed, repeating variations of the lines from the movie she watched the other day, and feeling herself cumming harder as she said them! ‘No wonder the woman screams like that, ahhh it makes this feel even betterrrrr…!’ Ryuko thought.




Beneath her, Mikisugi grunted, shoving his cock all the way up her ass as Ryuko copied another move she’d seen in the Anime Porn Club, holding up both hands in a double V as her eyes rolled back and her tongue hung from her lips as she panted hard. She felt his cum shooting up into her, a warm, thick, liquid feeling that filled her belly. Her belly swelled just a bit from the amount.


AHHHH FUUUUUUCK!!!” Ryuko screamed as one last final orgasm rocked her to the very core. She then felt her entire body going limp, as though someone had yanked the electric cord on her body. She lay in Mikisugi’s lap, his cock still throbbing inside her. She could even hear his cum pumping into her ass her senses were so intense! But she couldn’t move, aside from a few involuntary spasms that rippled across her.


“Class dismissed…” Mikisugi said, “I’ll email you your assignments, I want them ready by the end of the week.”


The class began to file out of the room as Ryuko felt control of her limbs coming back. She slowly placed her feet on the ground, noting that her shoes were shining a bright red, along with the lock of hair in her bangs. She’d need to go straight to Iori after class, let him take both her shoes and a sample of her blood to extract the life fibers from them. She’d long since overcome her fear of needles now that she knew her blood was needed to help make a full Kamui.


When she felt steady enough, Ryuko stood up, glad most of the class was gone as Mikisugi’s cum rushed out of her butt with a disgusting noise. He stood up after her and placed a hand on her shoulder.


“Well do…” he began to say before Ryuko whirled around on him, using her foot to push him back down on the toilet, the heel of her shoe pressing against his crotch just above his softening junk.


“Fuck my ass without warning again and next time I’ll aim a little lower with A LOT more pressure!” she warned him in a hissing tone.


“Noted.” he said casually.


Ryuko let out an exasperated sigh and turned away from him. She grabbed her clothes off his desk and carried them in her arms as she walked buck naked out of the class and into the hallway. She ignored the looked from the other University students as she fished her phone out of her skirt pocket. Bringing up the texting screen, she clicked on Mako’s name and began typing with one thumb.


[Mako, can you go by the school shop and grab one of those big strap-on things? There’s something I wanna try tonight.]


Mako’s reply came a few seconds later.


[Ooooo, you wanna do strap-off play? That’s awesome, who’sgonna wear it,Iwanna go first, canI Can I can i?]


Mako’s texting was even worse when she got excited and Ryuko smiled happily, feeling her heart slowing down to a more calm rhythm finally. She quickly texted back; [Sure.] Before clicking back to the home screen and quick dialing Marcus.


“Yo Marcus, how do you feel about anal?” she asked bluntly.

Story by Sailor Io

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4 years ago

Amazingly great chapter Sailorlo! It’s astounding that few hentai series are in the KLK universe and Ryuko watching said hentai series. Also the sex scene with Ryuko doing a public sex, with Mikisugi of all people and in a bathroom setting, in front of a classroom during a demonstration was intense, weird, and very funny. It was a great read and I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter in the future.

Though I had two questions as in: Who’s Marcus in this story?

What that image in comments below with Ryuko, Satsuki, Rui, and the girl on Ryuko’s shoulders?

4 years ago
Reply to  NamelessR04

Marcus is an OC who I decided I’d like to keep in the story, no idea who made him, but I like him. Gives a solid male romantic interest for Ryuko.

The picture is the one Jai kept Ryuko from seeing in her apartment. It, like Jai is from the future.

4 years ago

I hope someone on Enzo’s patreon commission’s some pics of a few of the lesser characters someday like Himiko Hakodate, Maiko Ogure, and some others. Even Sukuyo, Mako’s mom would be fun.

4 years ago

They were watching a few of my favorite hentai! That’s awesome!

4 years ago

Which ones?
Taimanin Asagi
Maki Kishi Ingrid

Those were the ones mentioned, I plan to introduce a few others later. Most from Studio Lilith, and some from others.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
4 years ago

The characters watching Asagi, Ingrid, and Dropout?!… +100 points

Always enjoy the dirty locations. And the graffiti getting mentioned?!… +100 points

4 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Hehe, so nice to see people recognizing the mentions. Look forward to more of those shoutouts

4 years ago

Now this was a eye opening chapter! We not only get confirmation that Jai is in fact from the future, but we also see just how Marcus and Mikisugi operate in more detail.

Plus it’s also more focused on Ryuko, like the last chapter, which I liked. Though how it started was a unexpected way to do so. We not only saw her look at some Taimanin Hentai, including Dark Knight Ingrid {which I believe is better than the first Taimanin H-Anime}, but also Dropout too. Wasn’t expecting that.

Though the bathroom toilet stall sex for the class was probably the best thing about the story, though Ryuko didn’t appreciate it happening in her ass without any real warning. Though she’s more interested in it now as a result. XD

Overall I liked what I saw. Nice work. 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks, I had a lot of fun writing this one! Ryuko is fun to do, Enzo gave me the idea of being kinda tsundere with sex, which totally works for her character! I’m looking forward to doing more klk story, I have a lot of fun stuff planned.

4 years ago

Okay so we got a time traveling niece nice pretty easy to tell who the parents are. This was nice feels like the BSU stories with a class setting and what they were learning and the idea for how the club get more funding is funny because gamagori had to watch needing some acrion himself. Nice story Sailor and nice pic Rtenzo the scene setup was amazing as always.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojoleo

It was a fun scene to do. And I needed to build up on the school and what’s going on in it. Jai’s place in everything will be revealed as the story progresses

Doctor Scruffy
Doctor Scruffy
4 years ago

I knew it… Jai IS FROM the future. I knew from the last chapter when she was described physically matching close to Rei Hoomaru and when Jai paused that moment she said her last name. (Kiryu/ Kiryuin). Interesting idea seriously

4 years ago
Reply to  Doctor Scruffy

Ding ding ding! Biimbo! Yep, a little bit more than 20 years from where the story is now.

4 years ago

For those that wanna see, here’s the picture Ryuko didn’t get to see.

4 years ago

We had a lot of satsuki chapters so it’s nice to see ryuko get some spotlight. Well done!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Thanks anon. Needed to remind people that Ryuko was still in this story lol

4 years ago

I really liked art and history, congratulations to Rtenzo and his writers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dart008

I wish I had the cum version, I would have had her doing exactly what she saw in Asagi, lol! Oh well, glad you liked the chapter!

4 years ago

The plot thickens with these OC characters. Not sure how people will take Ryuko dating an OC however. It’s still an intriguing development though, especially with Jai here and her bare ass apartment. Reminds me of when I first moved into my own place and I didn’t even bother owning a bed or most furniture items.

Oh also, protip everyone. I don’t recommend fucking in a dirty restroom. There’s almost always a ton on your mind that stops you from enjoying yourself. Just be safe, and fuck in class instead.

The last bit confused me a little. Is Ryuko gonna peg Marcus? I mean I’m fine with that, would be a very different dynamic than the other stories Haha. Plus she seems like the type to actually do so in a relationship. Wonder if she’d pick a size bigger than him? Hahahahahaha

4 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

No pegging! Nah, she just wants Marcus who is bigger than Mikisugi to fuck her ass next. As for the oc’s, there’s only two right now, I don’t have plans for more just yet.