Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Crossing Over into a Fairy Tale (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 14): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 16): [LINK]

“It’s nice to get away from everything every once in a while,” Lucy said dreamily, staring up at the stars in the nebular night sky, nice and comfy in her sleeping bag.


Erza made a soft hum of agreement from where she lay, not too far way. Happy was humming as he roasted a fish by the campfire, the sound adding to the coziness of the scene.


“Thanks for signing up for the guild camping trip, Lucy. Usually it’s just me and Happy, and that can get…tedious after a while. All Happy ever talks about is fish, Natsu, and his crush on Carla.”


Lucy giggled. “No problem; it sounded like a fun time.”


“Carla is very pretty!” Happy said as he munched on his campfire cooked fish.


“We’ll have to head back early tomorrow; we don’t want to miss the big announcement. Are you excited to find out what it is?” Erza asked slyly.


“That’s tomorrow?” Lucy asked in surprise. “I’ve really lost track of time.”


Erza nodded. “Mavis said it will be a sexy surprise.”


“Eh heh heh heh…” Lucy chuckled nervously. Lately, it seemed that all of the surprises in her life had lead to some involuntary hardcore, lewd situations. Taurus fucking her, Gajeel and Levy fucking her, Gray fucking her…


“Speaking of surprises, Mirajane told me she rented out the guild hall to you earlier today. Do you mind if I ask why?” Erza asked her blonde friend.


Blushing at the thought of Gray and what had happened, Lucy reluctantly told Erza everything she and her Edolas counterpart had done. By the time she was finished, Erza was sitting up, with her shocked expression that always reminded Lucy of a cat.


“You really did…”




“With Gray…”


“Uh huh.”


“And Lucy Ashley too?”


Lucy nodded, her face virtually crimson.


“…that must have taken a lot of convincing on your part.”


“You have no idea!” Lucy wailed, comical tears rolling down her cheeks. “I owe Lucy Ashley and Mirajane such huge favors now; I don’t even know what to think about what they’ll ask in return!”


Smiling a little at the blonde’s dramatics, Erza asked, “Wouldn’t it have been easier to summon Gemini and have her turn into a copy of you? Rather than going to all the trouble of getting in touch with Lucy Ashley?”


“I couldn’t do that to Gemini!” Lucy told her, aghast. “Natsu’s way too rough and dominant when he’s fucking me.”


The redhead nodded in agreement, blushing slightly. Erza recalled how much Juvia enjoyed being fucked by Natsu when she found them stranded on a deserted island before. “I see…so, speaking of fucking, who is the best fuck you’ve ever had?” Erza asked with a devious grin to her face.


Lucy tapped her finger against her chin, considering the question. “Well… Taurus definitely had the biggest dick and was very dominant… but Gajeel can use his magic to make his cock ribbed with metal bumps, which makes it feel amazing… and of course Natsu knows all my weak points and what I like, since we fuck so much… Pantherlily and Leo were pretty good too…”


Erza’s face steadily became redder and redder throughout Lucy’s musings. “Just how many guys have you fucked, Lucy?!” she burst out.


Lucy pouted briefly at her before continuing. “But I think the best sex I’ve ever had was probably with Gray earlier this afternoon.”


“Gray?! Really? Juvia never mentions how good he is in bed…” She said while rubbing her chin in contemplation.


“You can’t tell anyone about my sex life!” Lucy hurriedly told her, waving her hands. “It’s way too embarrassing, and Natsu might get mad.”


Nodding, Erza sighed. “My sex life is pretty tame compared to yours; I mainly just get off on watching Jellal fuck other women.” She grinned suddenly. “Like Levy a few days ago. That girl is into some kinky stuff.” She also recalled fucking Juvia and Natsu back on the island but decided to keep that to herself.


Lucy nodded wisely. “As expected from Fairy Tail’s resident anal slut.”


The two friends both bursted into laughter.


“Before I forget, thank you for letting Lucy Ashley stay at Fairy Hills for free,” Lucy told Erza gratefully. “She wants to take a small vacation and enjoy Earthland for a little while before heading back home.”


“It’s no trouble,” Erza assured her. “It’s the least I can do after all the help she and her guild gave us back on Edolas.”


The two continued talking for a while before falling asleep.



(Two hours later…)


A loud rumbling sound woke Lucy; sitting up, she listened and slowly turned her head up to the sky. A shooting star streaked across the sky, Lucy’s eyes widened when she realized it was going to land nearby! The shooting star crashed into a field nearby with a sound like an explosion.


Heart pounding, Lucy jumped to her feet and ran over to where Erza was sleeping. “Erza!” she hissed, shaking the redhead’s shoulder. “Wake up! I think a meteor landed nearby!”


But Erza just mumbled in her sleep and rolled over; if anything, she looked even deeper asleep. Biting her lip in a momentary indecision, the blonde decides to check out the situation alone. Lucy stood up and ran towards the crash site.


Sneaking through the woods, Lucy started hearing something…voices. At the very edge of the clearing, she hid behind a tree, peaking out around it, brown eyes wide as she beheld two guys, two girls, a robot, and…a cat that looked incredibly familiar…she couldn’t get a clear look, though she could hear plenty.


“Damn it, Shiki!” the blonde guy was yelling. “All I wanted was a quick nap, and you ended up crashing the shuttle! AGAIN!


“But I wanted to try it!” That was the young man with the spiky black hair, whining slightly. He yelped when the ash-blonde woman bonked him on the head. “You always crash everything you drive!” she scolded.


“Damage at critical levels,” the small robot announced, apparently having done some kind of analysis on the ship. “Many repairs needed.”


The blonde man scowled. “This thing is so beat up, I’m not even sure my Aether Gear can save it. It’ll take weeks to repair by hand, and we don’t even know if this planet has fuel cells or anything else we’ll need!”


“Pino, can you send a distress signal to the Eden’s Zero?” A beautiful woman with messy black hair in a ponytail requested of the small robot.


The small robot nodded, but then added, “The ship is several star systems away, and it may take months before our distress signal reaches the others.”


“Months?!” The spiky black haired man said. “Where are we anyways?”


“According to the star charts, we’re in unknown space. This is unexplored territory,” Pino replied.


“…we’re no longer in the Sakura Cosmos?!” the ash blonde woman asked incredulously, flinging out her arms and spinning around…which brought her face to face with Lucy, who was staring at them all fearfully. The rest of the group turned the same way, and for a long moment, there was silence.


“Um…we come in peace?” the ash-blonde woman said, flashing a charming smile and ‘V’ hand sign at the knockout blonde.






AHHHHH! ALIENS!” Lucy suddenly screamed, turning around and bolting off. “ALIENS FROM ANOTHER PLANET!!!


“Wait!” the dark haired man shouted, sprinting after her. “Do you want to be friends?!”


“Shiki! Stop chasing her!” the blonde woman commanded him, chasing after him in turn. “You’ll only freak her out more!”



(Back at the campsite…)


“…za! Erza! ERZA! ERZAAAAAAA!!!!!


The redhead slowly came awake, wondering groggily why Lucy was screaming her name. Then her friend came barreling into the clearing, with a group of strangers right behind her, and Erza instantly snapped into battle mode, equipping her Heart Kreuz armor and steel sword in a flash of light.


Lucy was quick to hide behind her much stronger friend, peeking out as the aliens ran into the clearing, only for Shiki and his ash-blonde female friend to stop dead when they caught sight of Erza.


“…no way! ELSIE!? You’re here too?!” Shiki asked in shock, starting to smile.


“Elsie Crimson?! What a relief, we’re saved!” the alien woman proclaimed.


“What? Elsie? No, my name is-” Erza started, only to be cut off when the two glomped her with two tight hugs. “ACK!


“You’ve gotta help us! We’re stuck here and can’t leave!” the two said with comical tears streaming down their face.


GET OFF ME!” Erza roared, pushing them off her. “I’m not Elsie! I have no idea who that is!”


“…oh,” the ash-blonde woman said sheepishly. “Sorry about that.” Then she was frowning again. “But if you aren’t Elsie, that means we have no way of getting off this planet!”


“Not necessarily,” the blonde man said smoothly as he and the dark haired woman caught up with their friends. “Pino kept scanning; she says this planet has orbs of energy that can be used as power sources for our ship.”


“You mean Lacrimas?” Lucy asked, getting over her initial fright. These aliens seemed just like regular people, and they were clearly in trouble. “Lucy Ashley would know more about that kind of thing; Edolas, the place where she’s from, uses them to power their transportation too.”


“She’s staying in Fairy Hills, which isn’t too far from here,” Erza offered, starting to relax as well. “I’m Erza, by the way, and this is Lucy.”


“Thank you, lovely ladies, for your kindness and generosity,” the blonde man proclaimed, bowing towards them. “I am Weisz, at your service. This is Rebecca…”


“Hello,” the ash-blonde woman said with a wave and a smile.




“I’m starving…”




The small robot bowed.




“You two smell like cum.”




WHAT?!” Lucy and Erza shrieked, both of them turning red.


Weisz already had his hand over Homura’s mouth. “Terribly sorry about that,” he apologized smoothly. “She has no mental filter at all! she says whatever is on her mi-OW!” He snatched his hand away from an annoyed looking Homura, a bite mark clear on his hand.


“And lastly, this is Happy,” Weisz finished after a brief glaring contest with Homura.


Everyone turned to look at Happy…who was standing with Happy, the two of them mirroring each other’s movements. “THERE ARE TWO OF THEM?!” everyone yelled in surprise.


“And we’re the crew of Eden’s Zero!” Shiki said proudly, crossing his arms. “I’m the captain!”


Lucy tilted her head. “What’s Eden’s Zero?”


“Our spaceship,” Shiki explained, looking up at the sky. His face lit up as he pointed. “There! That red star right there! That’s our ship!”


Lucy’s eyes widened. “I saw that same star the other day…” she whispered to herself.


Dragging her eyes down, Lucy looked at their new friends, then down at herself, nose wrinkling. “After all the running through the woods, I need a bath. Anyone want to go to the hot springs with me?”


“Oooh, me, me!” Rebecca said eagerly, hand shooting up, even as Homura firmly shook her head.


“I’m gonna stay behind and work on the ship. The sooner we get off this strange, primitive planet, the better.” Weisz said with a sigh.


“Fairy Hills has a fully stocked kitchen, I’m not the best cook but I can make you two something nice to eat.” Erza said, making her offer at Shiki and Homura.



(Later, at the Fairy Hills hot springs…)


“Ahhh, this feels so good…~” Rebecca moaned, settling deep into the hot water, her breasts just above water line.


Something Lucy was all too aware; thankfully, Rebecca had her eyes closed for now, so she didn’t see Lucy staring. Licking her lips, Lucy decided to try her luck. “You know, there’s a custom on this planet regarding bathing together; interested in trying it out?”


“Sure,” Rebecca replied casually, only to squeak when Lucy started groping her. “Oh! I-I didn’t know you meant this! heh!”


“Want me to stop?” Lucy asked softly, slowing her fingers.


“…no,” Rebecca decided, giving her fellow blonde a quick grin over her shoulder. “You just surprised me! I don’t have much experience with this kind of thing, but I’m willing to try it out! Oh, but before we do…”


She hurriedly fiddled with her necklace, activating her B-Cube terminal. “I’ve never done anything hardcore for one of my videos, but there’s a first time for everything!”


“Uh, sure,” Lucy agreed with a nod; she didn’t know what Rebecca was talking about, but if it made her happier, that was fine with her. “Actually, hang on just a minute!” An interesting idea suddenly popped up in her brain.


Jumping out of the hot springs, Lucy scampered naked through Fairy Hills until she reached Levy’s room. A quick knock got a quick response: Levy opened the door, also naked, and covered in sweat and cum. “Hi Lucy!” the bluenette said. “What do you need?”


Blushing hard at Levy’s lewd state, Lucy asked softly, “Um…can I use that strap-on dildo you used on me the other day?”


Levy’s eyes lit up. “Actually, Gajeel made something even better!” She ran back into the room and was back in an instant. “This one has two Gajeel dildo dicks!”


“Okay…what does that mean?” Lucy asked warily.


Levy giggled. “One of them is a butt plug you insert into your own ass when you put it on, then the other own goes in your partner’s ass!”


Lucy, predictably, turned bright red before sighing and turning around. “I’ll need help putting it on-AWWWWWW!~” she yelped and then moaned as Levy quickly spun the celestial mage around and shoved it up her ass. She then hooked the straps between and around Lucy’s thighs to secure the strap on tightly.


“There you go!” Levy told her proudly, giving Lucy a quick spank on the butt. “Have fun, Lucy!” And then she closed the door, no doubt heading back to her bedroom for more Gajeel action.


Rebecca’s eyes got very round when Lucy walked back into the hot spring room, before she started grinning. “Oh yeah, this is gonna be great!” Hopping out of the water, she got down on all fours in front of Lucy, wiggling her ass. “Come on, fuck me! I can’t wait to see how this feels!”


Bemused, Lucy took a deep breath, lined up the dildo, and pushed it as hard as she dared into Rebecca’s ass.


“Yes~!” Rebecca moaned, loving how the dildo felt in her butt. “Don’t stop!~ I’m gonna get tons of views for this!”


Well, she’s definitely not complaining,‘ Lucy thought, slowly getting over her own embarrassment. Pulling back her hips, she thrust forward again, blushing at the noises Rebecca started making.


“Ah! Mmm! Oh yeah~! Fuck my ass hard, Lucy!” Rebecca panted, visions of her views and subscribers skyrocketing racing through her mind. She wiggled and writhed under her equally buxom friend. “C’mon, you know you want to~!”


And Lucy found that she did, in fact, want to. After so many times of being the one getting fucked, being the one dishing it out was turning her on in a big way. She sped up her thrusts, really pounding Rebecca’s ass. She even started throwing in a few spanks every now and then. For once, she was in control of the situation.


AH! AH! AHHHH! YES!” Rebecca half moaned, half shrieked in pleasure. Her tits were being mashed against the floor, her hard nipples rubbing against the stone. Her pussy was dripping wet as she was anally pounded, throbbing harder each time she was spanked.


CUM FOR ME!” Lucy ordered, grabbing Rebecca’s hair and pulling on it, turning the blonde’s face upwards. She was so hot and wet too; hopefully she would get her turn soon.


I’M CUMMING!!!~” Rebecca screamed back, body spasming as the orgasm ripped through her. It was the best thing she had ever felt in her life; she wanted more, but first…


Lucy was panting, still on her knees, when Rebecca abruptly turned around and tackle-hugged her. Lucy stared up at Rebecca, who was straddling her, face still flushed and blue eyes sparkling.


“That felt amazing,” Rebecca panted, before her lips curled upwards into a smirk. “And now, it’s time for me to return the favor.~!”


Lucy gulped, wondering if it was too late to reconsider this idea…


Turned out, it was. Rebecca, with some fumbling, managed to get the new strap-on off Lucy and on to herself, moaning when her ass was penetrated again. “Ready Lucy?!” she asked, grinning widely.


“Um…can I have a moment to-OH SHIT!” Lucy shrieked as the strap-on was thrust into her pussy, forcing the dragon slayer size dick all the way in her in one swift movement. She arched up with pleasure and Rebecca was quick to take advantage, grabbing her boobs with both hands.


“Wow, these are even bigger than mine~!” Rebecca said gleefully, fondling them hard, feeling Lucy’s nipples swell and harden. “And so sensitive too,” she added mischievously, giving them a twist.


“AWWWW!” Lucy moaned, and then she was panting and almost shrieking as Rebecca started fucking her in earnest. The dildo was ribbed like Gajeel’s cock was, and so big. Already hot and bothered, it didn’t take long before Lucy was begging for it. “SO CLOSE! PLEASE, JUST A LITTLE MORE!


Giggling, Rebecca lowered her head and, as she increased her speed to as fast she could go, lightly bit down on both of Lucy’s nipples.


Lucy’s shriek almost deafened them both as her love juices squirted out from around the dildo, soaking both of their lower bodies and the floor. She writhed and twisted under Rebecca for several moments before collapsing onto her back, still moaning.


Sweating and worn out herself, Rebecca let her head rest on Lucy’s tits, feeling and hearing her rapid heartbeat. “Lucy, I think I’m going to enjoy my time here on your planet!” she said happily, thinking about how many views this video would get her.


Rebecca’s eyes light up just thinking how many new subscribers shes going to get when she posts this hot hot hot lesbian video. B-Cube stardom, here she came!

(Story by User: S22132)

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10 months ago

Edens Zero is back in the story, baby!

10 months ago

Will this story have more new chapters? Not just Reuploads.

10 months ago

Very nice.👍

10 months ago

Please bring back the flare blackmail stories

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Take your time, but I’m glad your trying and I can’t wait

10 months ago

When Erza said that “Juvia never mentions how good he is in bed…”, is the reason that Juvia doesn’t talk about it is because of Gray’s quality of performance, or because Juvia doesn’t like to talk about such things towards the other women of the guild?

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Did Juvia ever enjoy having sex with Gray before she fucked Natsu on that island if you don’t mind me asking?

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I hope gray will be able to use that technique on Juvia eventually, and I hope she’s enjoys it. We didn’t really get anything between them last time, or at least we didn’t get far enough for anything to happen. Hope this story has a happy ending for all.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

All of the couples find out about each other’s secrets, but they are able to resolve the issue without any of them needing or wanting to break up. They all are also able to continue having sex with each other but now with no ill intent behind any of it, just fun pleasure for all. So everyone becomes open to sex while still continuing their happy relationships.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I understand that, and I’m fine with this drama going on longer, it’s even interesting some of the time. I’m just saying when it is discovered, I’m fine if there’s drama and it doesn’t get resolved immediately, even if it isn’t until the very end. I’m just hoping when it does get resolved that none of the couples break up, with the bonus that they’ll all still get to have fun with each other. That’s what I would consider a happy ending for this to be.

Last edited 10 months ago by Blank
Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
10 months ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

So long as it doesn’t stretch out for too long. I remember it getting a bit that far a while after Flare’s blackmailing for enough chapters. Even thought of a method to defuse the secrets going on by all of them that… half gives what Blank wants. And once the new FT happens, there’s the option of having fun with the types of clients they get, who else joins the guild, and the EZ crew’s situation.

10 months ago

Nice to see these characters introduced again, it’s really sexy seeing the two females leads have fun like this.