Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Clash of Clubs and Cunts

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 47): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 49): [LINK]

“You know… I still don’t get it.” Orihime Inoue had to admit.


“Don’t worry, I’m not all too sure about this either. But Captain Unohana told me to take him with me to teach him a lesson.” Rukia Kuchiki explained as she walked side by side with the much more decently dressed busty orangette. “And that’s what I’m gonna do!”


Unlike Orihime, who, for whatever reason, still wore her wine red sweater and beige pants on the beach, Rukia had stripped out of her casual clothes and had given it to the dark skinned man who was following them. The bikini she wore provided her only with the briefest sense of modesty, consisting of nothing more than two pink pieces of fabric that were stretched horizontally and vertically over her body, giving it a T-shape. The string that was meant to cover her pussy did a decent enough job, but left her ass completely free, riding up her buttocks and rubbing at her clit with every step.


Save to say, several men stopped with whatever they’re doing and instead ogled at her with lecherous intent! Though, Orihime got her fair share of stares as well, thanks to her boobs bouncing up and down in the sweater she wore.


“But for Yushiro-kun to spy on you… I can’t believe this!” Orihime looked over her shoulder and at the aforementioned man. “I never would have thought…!”


“It was for the club! I… I wanted to impress and help big sis Yoruichi and Kisuke-san!” Yushiro defended the actions that led him to this predicament.


A playful grin curled around Rukia’s lips, “Well, you certainly impressed Captain Unohana alright! Six hours of non-stop sex with Captain Isane and Hanataro, yet you still declined her offer of joining our club!” the busty shortstack told him. “And now all you have to do to make up for your attempted industrial espionage is to accompany me and Orihime on our trip to the beach. I can imagine a handful of guys who’d kill to be in your shoes right now! Or, speedo, at the moment.”


H- HEY!!” Yushiro’s face turned a bright red as he instantly tried to cover his crotch with all the heavy luggage he was forced to carry.


Like Rukia, Yushiro was already in his swimsuit, which, in his case, consisted of nothing more than the most revealing speedo imaginable. It didn’t seem like anything more than a thong, but for men! The flimsy fabric was stretched ridiculously thin by the hung man’s massive black cock! Unohana took away all his other clothes and left him only with this speedo, saying that he can either accompany Rukia on her trip to the beach, wearing only the speedo, or go back to Urahara’s club without any clothes. Naturally, Yushiro went with the first option.


“Relax! That’s nothing to be ashamed of, Yushiro!” Rukia said to him. “A cock like yours should be seen by every woman out there!”


“Rukia! You can’t just say stuff like that so loud!” objected Orihime. She leaned her head to the side and put a finger to her lip in thought, “Then again…” A blush of her own spread over the girl’s face. She pressed her thighs together a bit, due to the rush of emotions that overcame her as she remembered her first time with Yushiro. “…he was quite big. Not as big as Kurosaki-kun, but still.”


“I mean, which guy is?! Not many, I’d reckon.” said Rukia, before silently adding in her mind, ‘Definitely not Renji! Good thing I’m not a size queen though.’ After walking for a bit more over the beach, while also attracting the attention of a sizable amount of men there, thanks to her swaying butt and boobs, Rukia slowed down. “I think this spot is good enough.”


“Mhm!” Orihime nodded in agreement, shortly after looking around for a bit. They were still in the heart of the beach, but close enough to the water to get splashed by the taller waves.


“Ahh… finally!” groaned Yushiro as he finally dropped the two long and black cases and the beach bags he was carrying the entire time.


“Be a bit more careful with this and don’t just drop them like that!” both Orihime and Rukia said to him with one voice over the metallic rattling of the black cases hitting the ground, “That stuff is expensive! Huh?” the two women looked at one another in confusion, “Wait. What is in your case?” they then asked one another at the same time.


Once the initial perplexity settled down, Yushiro opened the two cases, only to find that both had the exact same things inside. Well, ALMOST the exact same things! Inside both cases were transportable banner frames that were easily set up on the fly, as well as banners to go along with them. The difference however lies in what was printed on the banners. One of the banners had “UNOHANA’S PALACE OF HARLOTS AND GIGOLOS” written above the image of the titular owner of Karakura Town’s newly opened and hottest night club/brothel. The other banner, on the other hand, featured a chibi-version of Unohana’s rival club owner, Kisuke Urahara, giving a thumbs up while the words “BUSTEEZ, MANSION OF THE CARNAL ARTS” advertised his own club.


Banners and posters identical to those two could be found everywhere throughout the city, advertising each respective club and the things they had to offer. What makes this one different though, was what came along with the banners!


“You’re here to offer the club more directly as well?” concluded Orihime.


“It’s the only way Captain Unohana let me have this day off!” Rukia defended herself. “And it’s not like you’re any better!”


The two women then bursted into laughter after they realized that they’re both equally to blame, “Nevermind.” Orihime fanned herself some air to cool down. “In fact, why not make this a little competition? Let’s see which one of us gets the attention of the most men here!”


“Heh! You’re on!” the black haired shortstack agreed with a laugh. She then turned over to Yushiro, “You heard her! Let’s get these banners up and start this!” She said, while Orihime began to undress.


HA!! I knew we’d find some of you here eventually!” a female voice suddenly called out from amidst the crowd of other beach goers.


“Hm?” Rukia turned around to find the source of the new voice. She quickly found it with relative ease, given the ridiculously skimpy bikinis the two women wore. “Captain Hikifune? Matsumoto? What are you two doing here?”


“The same thing as you, I imagine; enjoying a nice day at the beach!” explained the purple haired woman and member of the Royal Guard as she walked over to the other two women with a sensual swing in her hips, “Though, I can think of a way or two to make this even more enjoyable!” She added while licking her lips at the sight of Yushiro’s straining speedo.


“Rukia! How nice to see you again!” Rangiku greeted the other Shinigami with way too much sweetness behind her words. “How are you?”


“Better than ever, thanks.” Rukia replied after a short pause.


As she looked between the two women, she couldn’t help but gawk at their gorgeous bodies. Hikifune was one thing, wearing a flower patterned sarong with only a thin thong underneath, as well as heart shaped pasties over her nipples, but Rangiku…? Her nipples and areolas were on full display, with only a thin black strap stretched over them vertically. Said strap was connected to thigh straps, which made her nipples threaten to poke out from behind their covering with every step she took. The bikini bottom she wore dug into her pussy as well, showing a perfect little camel toe, which was even more noticeable by how wet she already was! It was like a waterfall was running down between her thighs! What struck her as the most odd however was how Rangiku kept her hair in a ponytail. That’s something Rukia just couldn’t understand and believe; it was so unnatural for Rangiku, she looked like a completely different person!


Stopping in the middle of undressing, with her pants already down her ankles and her magenta shirt above her tits, which showed off her beautiful narrow waist and squishy hips, Orihime gulped, “So… what’s going on here?” She asked.


“Long story short, poor little Matsumoto-chan told me how harsh your clubs treated her, so I decided to help her out! Over the course of the last couple of days, I’ve turned her into a real sex machine!” Kirio explained proudly, before giving the orangette Shinigami a quick and playful spank on her fat and bubbly butt. “Ain’t that right?”


“Totally! I’m no longer the girl that lost to you and wasn’t fit to join any club! This time, I’m gonna beat you!” declared Rangiku. Her eyes burnt with an intensity that none of the women present had ever seen before. “All eyes will be on me and everyone will realize that I’m the best slut between all of us! No offense, Orihime!”


Rukia let out a sigh, “…yep. Everyone’s staring at us…” She said while glancing over the crowd of people that began to form around them. Not only because of their bodies, though that was the main reason of course, but also because of the banners that were all but set up at this point now, “Wonder why.” She said in an exhausted tone.


“Alright, let’s do this! You, Yushiro-kun! You will fuck me right here and now so I can show Rukia how much I have grown!” ordered Rangiku. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to get fucked for reals for days!”


“No way!” Orihime chimed in. The busty girl hugged herself against the dark skinned man and pressed her tits around his arm. “He’s mine! He came with Kuchiki and me to the beach, so it’s only fair that one of us gets to fuck him first!”


As she said this, she already leaned against him even more and, with all her weight pressing against his body, toppled him over, “UAGH!!” Yushiro yelped as he suddenly found himself underneath the orange haired beauty as she straddled his legs.


“Fine. Then I’ll just take…” Rangiku’s eyes wandered over the crowd until she spotted a gray haired punk with a pair of glasses covering his eyes and a scar on his forehead . “You! You will-”


“Oh, hell yeah!! Imma call dibs on that shortstack booty!” the punk called out before Rangiku could even finish her sentence. He rushed over to Rukia and instantly grabbed her fat buttocks, kneading them roughly like they were dough. “My friends will so totally regret not coming here with me! Those Japanese bitches are CRAZY!!!


“Hehehehe!! Glad you like them!” Rukia purred lasciviously, visibly enjoying the attention her juicy ass received as the man grinded his cock against one of her legs. “Go on! They’re all yours!”


“No need to tell me twice!” the punk exclaimed happily. With an animalistic urge he bit down on the pink fabric of her bikini and tore at it until it came off, “Thanks for the meal!” He said a second before biting on Rukia’s already stiff nipple instead!


AAAAAHH!!! So aggressive…!!” Rukia raised her hands behind her head and let the man continue having fun with her. She even pressed her tits some more in his face and began vibrating her leg against his crotch to stimulate him even more. “NGH… don’t stop!”


“Hmph! Nevermind, I’ll just take someone else instead!” declared Rangiku.


But as she managed to get her eyes off of her black haired rival and turned around, she found that Kirio was already laying on her back with one dick deep inside her pussy and another in her mouth. And if that wasn’t enough, she had a guy to the left and one to the right whom she currently stroked their dicks! Like the expert she was, she effortlessly switched from one man to the next every couple of seconds, covering each of the three dicks she could reach with her saliva to help her with her handjobs. In just a matter of seconds the sounds of sex, of gagging and gurgling, of moaning and grunting, echoed across the entire beach!


HMMHMMMMMM!!!!! DAT’SH IDD!!!! GAH!!” Kirio spat out one of the cocks and rubbed her face against the one to her left. “AAAAHH… GETTING FUCKED LIKE THIS IS THE BEST!!!! FUCKING USE MY BODY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!!!! TREAT ME LIKE YOUR OWN PERSONAL CUM DUMPSTER!!!!!!!


DAMN!! Bitch, you’re crazy!!” the man currently pounding her pussy grunted. Sweat was already pearling down his body as he spanked her butt, letting all the fat there ripple while his hand left a red print behind. “And HOT!


YEEEEESS!!! MORE!!!! SPANK ME MOOOOAARGH!!!!” the former Captain of the 12th Division ended up moaning as she swallowed the left guy’s long and veiny dick. “AWW DESHE CAWKSH INSHIDE OPH MEEEH… GUGH GUGH, RUUURKLE, OOGLHAGHU… AYE WUV IDDDDDD!!!!!!!


“H- Hey! What about me?” Rangiku asked. She walked over towards the man on Kirio’s right and pulled on his arm, “Wouldn’t you rather fuck my ass instead? I promise, it feels so much better than that old woman’s hand!” She tried to sweeten her deal up by rubbing her tits against his back and licking on his earlobe, but to no avail.


The man just shook his head and shoved her back, “Hrrr… maybe… later…” He grunted, though he didn’t sound all that convincing. He grabbed the tit closest to him and pulled and squeezed on it. “Let me… have my turn with her first… FUCK, THAT HAND FEELS DIVINE!!!!


YEPH!!! PWAISHE MEH MOAWH!!!!” Kirio slurred wetly. Saliva ran down her chin as she kept licking on the other man’s cock as though it was the world’s most delicious popsicle. “GIMME MOAWH!!! ‘OUW LUSHD… ‘OUW WUV… ‘OUW CUM!!!! AYE WAND ID AWWWWWW!!!!!!!


Yushiro chuckled nervously, “Haaa, haaa, haaa…!! Seems like… HRGH!! …she’s really enjoying herself!” the purple haired man groaned as all he could do was to hold on to Orihime’s hips as she bounced up and down on his dick!


HNNNGH… LESS TALKING… UAAAAH~!!! MORE FUCKING!!!!!” demanded the busty vixen. Orihime gyrated her hips against Yushiro’s, swallowing more and more of his cock with her butt as it happened. “FEELS GOOD, TOO GOOOOOOOODDD!!!! DON’T YOU DARE STOP FUCKING MEEEEE!!!


“Holy shit! She’s fucking him so good!” one of the other women around them called out.


“I know, right? She’s really taking it all.” another agreed while rubbing her wet twat through the fabric of her bikini.


“Should… should we call the police? This feels like it’s not all that legal.” a third voice asked, but was quickly silenced by all the other onlookers.


NO!!!” almost all of them called out at the same time. “This is too good to pass out on!”


“What’s that club of the orange bimbo called? Busteez? Definitely have to check that out sometime!” the second voice declared.


As if she listened to their onlookers the entire time, Rukia decided that she needed to offer something special for her fans as well, “Alright! Enough foreplay!” In one split second, she both jumped against the punk’s chest, forcing him to hold onto her butt even harder to support her weight, and pulled down his swimming trunks down to his ankles with her feet. “Pick whatever hole you want and RAM that dick of yours in there! NOW!!


GAHAHAHAHA!!! You bet your sweet ass I will fuck every single hole you’ve got at least once, bitch!!” the gray haired man laughed, then pushed his cock past her sad excuse of a bikini and into her hot little cunt! His fingers sunk into her fat and bubbly ass even more as he used it to pull her down on his length. “Take it all, you little whore!”




YEAH!!! Let me hear you scream, BITCH!!” the punk grinned, before, once again, putting one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking on it like a newborn, while also frantically bucking his hips against her body!


All Rangiku could do at this moment was to watch in defeat as every single man on the beach fucked with the other girls, leaving her completely alone. Even when a new one arrived, due to the commotion they caused, he instead went over to Rukia and joined her on the wild ride, claiming her ass as his to fuck!


“No! This can’t be! Doesn’t anyone wanna fuck my pussy, ass, or mouth instead?” the orange haired Shinigami asked, while looking for any potential partner, “I swear, I can take you all and make you feel so much better than any of the other girls here!” She proclaimed, though her words were lost in the chants of the crowd.


FUCK!!!” the man currently pounding Kirio’s pussy cursed. “Hey, slut! I hope you don’t mind getting pregnant! Cause I’m gonna paint your insides white!!”


HAGHAGHAGHAG!!!” Kirio gurgled around the right man’s thick dick as she shook her head, “NHOOO!!! CUM!!! GIMME EVWYPHING ‘OU GHODDDD!!!!” She spat the man’s cock out and instantly wrapped her lips around one of the fat nuts of the man right above her. “COWAH MEH WIPH ‘OUW CUM!!!!! NOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!


In an instant, all four guys climaxed. Their balls convulsed and liters of cum rained down on the busty Captain’s naked body and poured into her insides! The men all groaned in sweet relief as they emptied their balls. The sticky white load soon covered Kirio’s entire body, leaving her as a salty reeking mess that enjoyed every split second of it all!


“Aaaaah…!!!” She sighed, inhaling the strong manly and musky stench of the combined manmilk, before rolling her head to the side and looking at Rangiku, “Matsumoto-chan, dear…? Would you like to help and clean me up?” the older woman asked her protege without a single sign of hesitation.


More distraught than anything, Rangiku skulked over towards the purple haired Captain. “…okay!!”


“Perfect! And as for you lovely boys…” Kirio went up into a kneeling position, the cum that covers her entire body streaming and dropping down onto the sand. She spread her ass cheeks apart with the fingers of her right hand, “I need two hung studs to absolutely DESTROY my ass next! The other two will get to fuck dear Rangiku while she cleans me!”


The words hadn’t even fully left her mouth when a fight between the four men broke out. As the crowd around them cheered either for Kisuke’s “Busteez” or Unohana’s “Palace”, the men fought for a chance to DP Kirio’s ass! A couple feet away from them, both Rukia and Orihime, encouraged by the cheers and catcalls of their fans, kept giving it their all.


The smell of the ocean on this part of the beach was long since gone, instead being replaced by the unmistakable smell of sex. A smell so potent and strong, made even better when everyone on the beach kept cumming and cumming and cumming!


FUCK!!!! YOU’RE BOTH SO BIG!!!! I CAN FEEL YOU RUBBING INSIDE OF ME!!!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!! MAKES ME CUM, CUM, CUM, CUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!!” Rukia cried in orgasmic madness as her eyes rolled into her back while a never ending waterfall of jizz gushed out of her stuffed holes!


ME TOO!!!!! YUSHIROOOOOOOOO!!! DON’T YOU DARE STOP!!!!! FUCKING BREAK ME WITH YOUR BIG FAT DICK!!!! SEX IS THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHHTT!!” Orihime agreed with her friend, while her tongue lolled out of her wide open mouth. Beneath her, Yushiro kept squirming and moaning as Orihime’s ass clenched even tighter around his dick. “GIVE ME EVERYTHINNNNNNNGH!!!!!



(A few hours later…)


At the same time, in two different offices, the two club owners received a call from the police, “What? A fine? For what? Public indecency and what not? WHY???



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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9 months ago

Nice job on this and I do feel sorry for Rangiku because she was unfortunately left out and no one else has even bothered to have sex with her either.

Pretty funny and shocking ending too.

1 year ago

This chapter can best be described in one word: Zany. 😂

At the same time, it also serves a bigger purpose. All that said, this was a really spirited entry. I can’t speak for everybody else but I really liked how it came out. 😊

Now sure we had another insane PR move to attract more attention for the two rival nightclubs/brothels, but it was how it was all done that really told the story. Pretty crazy, yet also quite creative. The same thing applies to the sex we got in here. Really top notch work.👌

And the characters themselves were the biggest highlight. We not only saw Rukia, Orihime and Yushiro in action again, but we also saw the return of Rangiku and Kirio, whose still acting as her tutor. But I found it very hilarious that everyone had sex in the story except for Rangiku. LOL. Hopefully she’ll finally get some relief and fun for herself next time. XD Plus that phone call the two rival owners {Kisuke and Retsu} got from the cops about what happened at the end of the story was also a funny way to end it. 😄

Overall, this was a really impressive one. And good to see you kept it consistent. Very nice work. 👏

Looking forward to seeing how you follow this up. 😎

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I had fun writing all the interactions in this chapter. I wanted to give Rukia and Orihime a time away from their boyfriends, so I came up with the idea of this PR move. Initially I planned to let them have sex with only Yushiro, but I came to the decission that I haven’t written a gangbang in a while, so I changed it up a bit. Happy to read that you enjoyed it!

Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

Lo que diera por follarme el culo, el coño y la boca de Rangiku, también romperle el culo a Halibel excelente 10/10

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

lol. Happy that you like the story!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

New Avatar? Nice!