Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Breaking the Tsundere

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Highschool of the Dead stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 09): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 11): To be Continued…


September 7th, A.O. Year 1


Why are people such perverts!? Sure we need to repopulate and all, but sex shouldn’t just be so open! Even my parents have taken to just fucking in the open. It’s all so stupid, people are stupid, this entire crazy world is stupid!


Saya Takagi gritted her teeth in annoyance, “Really, Kohta! You choose NOW to get a hard-on!?” she shouted at the chubby gun otaku.


The two of them were on Boomstick Island, one of the islands in the Busteez Archipelago where they had finally found some safety. Kohta had named the island because it was a natural source of the elements needed to make gunpowder. There were sulfur deposits, saltpeter, and charcoal was easy to come by through just burning wood. Some of the survivors were also gun enthusiasts like him, and knew the finer points of making gunpowder from scratch. Thanks to that, and some bullet packing materials brought in from raids, there would be no shortage of bullets anytime soon.


Saya had come with Kohta to this island because she was simply bored. Most of the major jobs like food production, laundry, and medical supplies had all been overtaken by adults with a greater understanding of each subject on large scales. Leaving Saya with little to do but wait for the next attack of the “Swelling Sickness” that had hit them after their arrival here. It was a perverted disease straight out of an eroge. It made mens dicks grow to gargantuan size, and did the same for women’s tits and butts! While that was inconvenient, it also induced a massive state of arousal where a woman’s mental faculties weren’t entirely sound. To make things worse, the only way to get the swelling to go down for a woman was a massive orgasm!


She’d overheard the doctors saying that the endorphin and oxytocin release caused by it countered the virus’ symptoms, allowing a temporary return to normalcy. Or at least something close, since Saya’s ass was still somewhat swollen from the last time! She’d had to go without panties today because of it, and her skirt didn’t really leave anything to the imagination.


It didn’t really bother Saya so much now, as she’d gotten used to men leering at her perverted figure. She just really hated the drafty feeling! Even now, the soft breeze that was blowing was running right over her nether regions and making them feel all tingly!


“Ah ahehe, sorry…” Kohta said, while rubbing at the back of his head with a stupid looking grin on his face as his dick stuck straight up out of his pants. The thing had ripped right through them as they were walking from one building on the island to the next.


He was giving her a tour of the buildings where they were making the gunpowder itself. The building where they were casting bullets using ore found on other islands as well as using scrap brought back from the mainland. They were on their way to the next building when she decided to walk out ahead of him as the path between the buildings was clear.


When a stiff breeze decided to blow and push her skirt up, showing off her big butt and making the fact she didn’t have any panties on even more obvious. Saya supposed she should be flattered, it meant Kohta found her attractive, not that she didn’t know that already. Seemed he was one of those otaku with a thing for girls in glasses, she figured that out back when the old world ended.


Why can’t Takashi pop wood like that around me!?’ she thought bitterly, sending dark thoughts in the direction of Rei and Saeko wherever they were right now. She couldn’t do the same for Shizuka, she was too ditzy to get jealous of, and Alice was a non-issue. If she were an issue, then her anger would have been at Kohta for an entirely different reason!


Stamping her foot, Saya sighed in frustration, “Fine! I’ll take care of it.” she said, stripping out of her top, letting her naturally large tits jiggle free. Even when they weren’t swelled up like a pair of blimps, Saya knew she was decently endowed. She’d caught Takashi checking out her cleavage more than once after all.


“Gheep!” Kohta gulped, with his nose bleeding as he saw her naked tits.


“Don’t ‘gheep’ at me, tubby!!!” she snapped at him, then leaned forward, “The correct response is for that dick to get even bigger!!!” she said as she closed in on him, ditching her skirt in the process. She then dropped to her knees, thankfully the path that led to the bullet packing facility was lined with some nice and soft grass, sparing her any injury.


Reaching out with both her hands, Saya grabbed Kohta’s fat dick. ‘So thick…’ she thought as she looked at it, feeling her lower lip tremble slightly. ‘I can even close both hands around it! And this smell… Ahhh, it stinks! But I like it, it makes me feel dizzy and lightheaded…


“Ahhh, Sa… Saya-san…” Kohta said nervously.


“Shut up!” she shot back, “You remember what Shizuka-sensei said, it’s not good to leave these things alone!” she told him, then felt herself blushing as she looked at his dick again. The smell was starting to turn her on, she found herself inhaling deeply through her nose.


“Saya-san…?” Kohta said when he noticed her sniffing.


“J… Just shut up and let me do this, tubby!!! And take a bath more often, your dick smells!” she yelled at him, closing her eyes and taking that intensely thick thing into her mouth.


NMMMHMMMMPH!!!!” she moaned instantly as she felt the rigid pole of flesh push down her throat, making her neck bulge. “PHIIIICK… AGUH GUH, PHIIIIICK!!!!” Saya gagged loudly before moaning as she took the top few inches of Kohta’s cock into her mouth. Tears ran down her cheeks, her jaw ached from the strain as she worked to take more of his length down into her belly.


“Oooh, ahhhh…” Kohata groaned, with his hands twitching at his sides, reaching towards her twin tails for a second, then pulling away. Stupid beta-male nerves! Why was Kohta such a badass when he had a gun in his hands, but was so pathetic when it came to everything else!?


GUMMMMMMPH, JUSHT DEW ID!!!!” she slurred at him angrily, grabbing his hands and placing them on her twin ponytails. He reflexively gripped them, and Saya’s hazel colored eyes doubled in size when Kohta shoved his cock all the way down into her stomach!


GMMMMPHMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!” she choked loudly, while her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt herself actually cumming from the rough thrust!


“Hah, ahh, hah, Saya-saaaan!!!” Kohta groaned, gripping her twintails hard as he began pumping his cock back and forth like a piston in an engine! Saya suddenly couldn’t breathe as she let out a long strangled gagging moan, more tears flowing down her cheeks as she felt her pussy spraying like a faucet.


GAAAAAGUUUUHGAAAH!!!! GUG GUH GURGH HUK NBHUUUUGH, GUG, GUH, GUG, GUH… OOOOOH GAAAAAWD!!!!!” Saya choked, moaning as her entire body seemed to feel electrified with pleasure, as her pussy was cumming so much right now. She could barely think as she felt her own drool flinging away from her lips every time Kohta pulled his cock out.


“Hurr, hurr, hurr, ahhhn, take it! Take it Saya-san!!! Take my dick in your mouth-cunnnnt!!!” groaned Kohta.


Fat otaku idiot! Fucking my mouth like this!’ thought Saya as she let out another strangled moan that was muffled by the thickness of his dick. ‘And yelling at me like I’m some cheap whore! Who does he think I am!?’ Part of her wanted to bite down, just to teach him a lesson about taking advantage of her kindness. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.


Ahhhhh! Why!? Why is this turning me on so much!?!?!’ she thought in a near panic. It was true, she was so fucking turned on right now, it was as if someone had just flipped a switch inside her! ‘My pussy is tingling, and feels so wet, I wanna touch it so bad right now,’ she thought, but she had her arms on Kohta’s legs, holding herself steady as he fucked her mouth and throat.


AGUH, GUG, GUH, GURGH, GUCK, HUK, NRRRGH GUUUH!!! HRMMMMPH!!!” she gagged and choked, ‘Ahhh, this feels so good! My mouth, it really is like a cunt! More, ahhh, fuck my throat more, fatty!! Ahhh, I… I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum from being face fucked like some dumb anime porn slut!




Ahhn, I’m actually squirting from having my throat fucked! Ahhh, this is humiliating, but it feels so good! I don’t wanna stop!’ she thought.


HAH, HAH, HAH, HAHAHAHAHHHHHH!!!” Kohta groaned then grunted as he shoved his entire cock down her throat. She could feel the unnatural length pushing against the pit of her stomach, making her belly dent slightly as he began cumming directly into her belly! A sudden feel of liquid fullness swelled up in her stomach. It was like she’d just drank over a gallon of warm milk! Saya let out a long muffled moan with Kohta, even with her eyes rolling back in her head again, blurring her vision.


GUUUUPHMMMMMMMMPH!!!!” Saya moaned, still cumming!


“Haaaah, ah, hah, ah…” Kohta groaned, letting go of her hair and falling back on his ass with a thud. Saya coughed hard, gasping deep and refilling her lungs with sweet delicious air! She took it in long deep breaths and tried her best to suppress the urge to cough with limited success. She then turned her gaze at Kohta and he visibly flinched!


“Ahaha, s… Sorry! I didn’t mean to get so carried away Saya-sa…!” he began.


“More…” Saya said, the single word was spoken in a breath thick with her own lingering desire! She wasn’t satisfied yet, she wanted, NEEDED to cum more! The naughty switch inside her had been flipped/turned/whatever to full power, and she couldn’t fight it!


“Huh?” Kohta said, blinking in confusion, then yelled as Saya pounced on him like a cat, pulling, sometimes even tearing his clothes off!


“Gimme more!” she demanded, “I’m not done yet! I wanna feel that big thick dick stuffing me in other places! So hurry up and get hard again, tubby!” she shouted at him while grabbing his half hard cock, stroking it with a skill she didn’t know she even had and teasing it back to full erection. The pink haired girl then moved to straddle him cowgirl style, taking his cock into her pussy with a solitary motion.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! THAT’S THE SPOOOOOT!!!” she moaned as her stomach tented up as Kohta cock easily slid inside her, pushing up into her very womb! It was like an emptiness she never even knew was there was suddenly filled. The pleasure spread through her so quickly, she couldn’t even describe how good it felt.


“Sa… Saya-saaan…!” groaned Kohta as she moved her legs into a squatting position, her hands resting on Kohta’s soft chest. Using her legs like springs, Saya began bouncing herself up and down on Kohta’s throbbing dick.


HEEEEEGH!!!” she hissed through clenched teeth, with a little bit of drool running down her chin, “IT’S SO THIIIIIICK!!! FEELS LIKE IT’S PULLING MY INSIDES OUT EVERY TIME IT PULLS OUT, BUT IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOD!!!” Saya screamed, moaning as she bounced herself up and down faster. She then glared down at Kohta, “YOU’RE NOT A MALE SEX DOLL, MOVE YOUR BODY ALREADY!!! YOU CAN GRAB MY TITS IF YOU WANT! I GIVE MY PERMISSION TO FONDLE ME!” she told him.


Y… YES MA’AM!!!!” he replied. He then instantly went for her tits, grabbing the heavy melons in both hands. His thick fingers sank into the soft flesh, her nipples peeking out between the digits, making Saya moan again. She then felt him moving his hips, thrusting his dick up and down in opposition to her own movements. The result was his cock plunging even deeper into her womb!


HAAAAH, SO GOOOOD!!! YES! LIKE THAT, HARDER, HAAARRRDERRRR!!!” Saya screamed, while looking up at the sky and panting heavily. ‘Ahhh, I must have the most stupid look on my face right now, but I can’t help it. My body feels like it has a mind of its own now. I’m just along for the ride!’ she thought as she felt that thick, hard, hot dick spreading her pussy so wide! It just felt so good, her mind was going blank almost with every thrust.


Kohta groaned and tried to let out a manly roar, but it sounded almost girly as he slammed his hip up and down. His big balls made a wet SMACK SLAP SMACK against her ass, and Saya moaned again. Even THAT felt good!


AHHHHN, AHHHH, YESSS!!! FEELS SO GOOD, CUMMING, I’M CUMMING FROM YOUR FAT DIIIIICK!!! OH MORE, GIMME MORE! DRIVE THAT HUGE THING INTO ME HARDER AND DON’T YOU DARE STOOOOP!!!!” Saya screamed, not caring if anyone heard her. People fucked out in the open all the time now, she really shouldn’t care!


HURRRRRAAAAAH, HUR, HUURR, HUURR, HAH, HAH, HAH, HAAAAAH!!!” Kohta groaned and grunted, thrusting his hips wildly. He had no real technique whatsoever, but his dick was so damned big it didn’t matter, he was hitting all of Saya’s spots and hitting them hard. The goofy look she knew was on her face only got worse as she pressed her tits against Kohta’s hands, panting and howling like some porno slut.


Ahhh, women really moan like this!?’ she asked, hearing herself moaning over the loud SMACK SLAP SMACK of naked flesh colliding against naked flesh.


HAAAAH, DON’T STOP!! BE ROUGHER WITH ME!!” she shouted at him. ‘I can’t fight it, my pussy keeps tightening up around his dick. It’s squeezing his fat dick like it wants to milk out his cum! At this rate, my pussy will take the shape of his cock! My womb, I can feel it throbbing, ahhhh…!’ thought Saya as her mind got hazier and hazier, then went completely blank as Kohta obeyed and got even rougher with her, sitting up and pushing her down onto her back, fucking her in the dirt like an animal in heat!


KOOOOHTA, YOUR DIIIICK!!! IT’S INCREDIBLE! IT’S TURNING MY PUSSY INSIDE OUT WITH EVERY THRUST! AHHH… OH… OHH NHOOO, I’M GONNA LOSE IT, I’M GONNA LOSE MY MIIIIND!! YES! AHHH YEEESSSHHHHH…” Saya wailed, her words sounding funny as she accidentally bit her tongue from the thrusting.


Before she even realized it, Kohta had her on all fours, fucking her from behind, with his hands on her hips as he pounded his huge dick into her. She could only imagine how she looked right now, panting and moaning like a bitch in heat as she was fucked like one.


HWEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!!” she screamed as Kohta grabbed her twin tails again, yanking her head back. Saya’s mouth hung open as she panted and screamed in ecstasy. “HAAAAAGH, CUMMING! I’M CUMMING AGAIN! MY PUSSYYYY, IT WON’T STOP SCREAMING FOR MORE ORGASMS! AHHH YESSSSS, MORE! MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MOOOOAAR!!!!


HEH, HEHH, HEEHHH, HEHHH, HUURGH, HEHHH…” Kohta groaned, sounding out of breath, “I… I’m cumming!!!” he groaned, with his voice cracking and sounding girly again as he jammed his entire cock into her. Saya again felt that liquid warmth inside, flooding her womb as she was filled with Kohta’s cum.


AHHHHHHGUUUUEEEGHHH!!!” Saya moaned incoherently, while her entire body shook in orgasmic ecstasy.




The sound of Kohta’s cock pulling out of her pussy as he fell back onto his back was as rude as it was annoying to feel. The dark haired young man lay flat on his back, with his cock still sticking up in the air, somehow still hard. For some reason, the sight made Saya feel annoyed!


“Oiy! Did I say we were done yet fatty!?” she yelled at him as she crawled backwards on her hands and knees and impaled her own asshole on his dick, “WE’RE NOT FINISHED UNTIL I SAY WE ARE, GOT IT!?” she yelled at him while looking back at Kohta with an annoyed expression.



Inside the building where the finished bullet slugs were being packed into casings, a pair of survivors who had worked at the US army ordnance facility in Osaka both looked up as they heard a “WAAAAAAAAH!!!” resound over the island.


“What was that?” asked one survivor.


“No clue, sounded like a wild boar being speared through.” said the other.


“Like you know what that even would sound like!” said the first man.


“Hey, I just so happen to know, I went boar hunting while I was stationed in Africa not too long ago. Those guys make doing it with a spear look easy!” the other argued.


“Hmm, makes me wonder how everyone back home is doing. People gotta be hunting wild game for food by now.” the first said.


“Best not to think about it, but I heard there are plans to use the Busteez to sail to the States soon. Maybe you can ask to be part of the team?” suggested the other man.


The first shook his head, “No, I’m a shit shot. I can make bullets just fine, but I suck at shooting them…”


WAAAHEEEEEEEGH, REVOLUTIOOOOOOON!!!!” the sound from earlier screamed.


The two men looked at one another, shook their heads, and continued with their work.


People are such pervs! But then, maybe that’s just human nature really???



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago

Been a while since I had the chance to really review anything, due mostly to IRL things taking priority. But I got some time to talk about this. So how about we do just that. 🤓

This and the last chapter before it {Saya and Saeko respectively} were pretty spirited, to say the least. Not just for the fact that it brought out the really slutty side of the girls because of that sickness, but also with how things are proceeding to develop further in this version of the world. Well done there. 👍

In addition, the sex in them have been something else. So much so it’s been essentially the highest point. So that’s really good. All that, plus being a fan of the original series really helps. 👏

All in all, these are really good chapters in the HOTD storyline. And you’re only getting better. 😏

Looking forward to seeing what’s next! 😎

– Hiryu

10 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, it’d been fun writing Saya like this. Tsundere’s are so fun because they wanna save face so much, they hide their true selves. I liked having Saya acting like she’s doing him a favor when she wants it just and bad. And once her switch was flipped, she couldn’t stop herself.

10 months ago

Love this chapter of my favorite HOTD girl. A tsundere fully turning on her horny mode is a real danger. Takashi should be ready for Saya.

10 months ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Every girl has a switch, and once it’s flipped? hehehehe

10 months ago

Ah there is nothing better than having a slutty Tsundere as a friend.

10 months ago
Reply to  Corotone

Tsundere’s are just so much fun!