Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Safe Haven Busteez Island

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Highschool of the Dead stories)
Next Story (Part II): [LINK]

July 9th, After Outbreak (A.O.) Year 1


We were finally safe! It took weeks of endless running, hiding, and scavenging for food, ammunition, and clothes. But we were safe. With help from Shizuka-sensei’s friend Rika, we made it to a large archipelago in the Pacific ocean. Altogether there were six island’s clusters close enough together that you could easily swim between them if you were in shape. Two of them were even developed partially, while the remaining four were great for farming. Other survivors had gathered here as well. The adults quickly established a democracy thanks to a newly elected Politician from the United States before everything went to hell. There were six governors, one for each island, and a president chosen by a simple majority vote.


Petty world politics had been set aside for the sake of survival, and anyone that tried to use political tricks for things like power were dealt with very quickly. It seemed many of the people who survived only did so because they had the rational thinking needed to get through that hell. Others only survived by following those people. I could relate to that, though in my case, it was less staying rational and more not having time to think, just act.


Although we were safe, something of a new problem replaced the previous one…



“Takashi, let us help.” Saeko said as she approached the brown haired youth. Her deep purple, nearly black hair hung loose down her back and over her shoulders, neatly framing her currently naked breasts!


“She’s right Komuro-kun, it’s really bad for your health to have an erection for longer than four hours! Those medicine commercials don’t lie about that!” said Shizuka in her soft high voice.


“See, even Dr. Marikawa says so!” Saeko told him. Both women continued inching towards him, the reflection of the sun shining brightly on their naked bodies.


This started a couple weeks after they arrived on the island which they had named Busteez, after the massive cruise ship that brought them there. It was owned by some multi-billionaire playboy and the entire interior was like some massive strip club. Massive enough to fit more than a thousand people. The original owner had become one of “Them” so Takashi didn’t have any real issues with taking it.


Takashi and Kohta had both been with the teams sweeping the island, clearing out any undead that could be found. Though in the end there were less than a dozen on all six islands. They were dispatched easily and the bodies burned. Once some semblance of order was established, things got rather strange…


Many of the women’s bodies began changing, breasts and hips growing to ridiculous sizes! The men were likewise affected, but only in their dicks. Right now, Takashi’s cock was throbbing painfully, easily as big and thick as his torso with balls as large as melons! Saeko’s breasts had grown twice as large as her head, and Shizuka’s four times. Something Rei and Saya were both clearly angry about.


No one knew what was causing it, but some of the doctors that made it there with them thought it had something to do with exposure to the virus without contracting it. Takashi couldn’t argue with that, he’d been splashed with Their blood more times than he could count. But while not fatal, it was incredibly painful for the men, since their dicks wouldn’t go down unless they were properly ‘relieved’. For the women, while not painful it could send them into a kind of hysteria as one doctor called it.


After the first few incidents, attitudes about sex and nudity were quickly changing. The sight of two or more people fucking in public was slowly becoming the norm! Especially on their Island. There were six islands, each roughly the size of several city blocks. Busteez, the main island, had a resort vacation complex built on it. Complete with solar panels, a water filtration system allowing them to convert sea water to fresh water, and all the modern comforts Takashi honestly expected never to see again. The second largest island which Saya had named Danglerz, since she found Busteez rather sexist, had a large swath of farmable land where all kinds of food was being grown. The other four islands were just named as such currently, but had a mixture of things a group of survivors needed to form a functional colony of sorts. Means to cook food, shelter, even make clothes!


Takashi didn’t really believe in god, especially after all that happened before, but if there was an Eden, then these islands might have been it.


“Ko-mu-ro-kuuuun…!” Shizuka said, dragging his name out as she crawled closer, her massive tits swaying from side to side with her movements. Takashi could hear them going BOING BOING every time. “Please, I’m a doctor, it’s my obligation to heeelp…” she said, though the expression on her face was anything but sympathetic, she and Saeko looked like a pair of cats that had cornered a mouse! Takashi backed away slowly, though he was quickly running out of ground. They were at the pool of the large resort on Busteez Island. Takashi was just trying to relax after coming back from a supply raid. Though they had nearly everything they needed, they still had to go back to the mainlands to gather things like medicines and such. After returning, Takashi decided to spend the rest of the day at the pool, at least until the speedo swim trunk he had on was ripped off by a sudden and massive erection! Both Saeko and Shizuka gasped when it happened, then glanced at one another before quickly stripping off the undersized bikinis they wore.


The golden eyed blonde woman licked her lips slowly as she closed in on him and Takashi took another step backwards, only to quickly learn he’d reached the edge of the pool and feel backwards. He braced himself to splash down into the water, but instead found himself lying on top of a large floaty shaped like a cartoon deserted island, complete with a single palm tree.


Saeko and Shizuka pounced like a pair of cats, climbing onto the floaty with him. Saeko then kicked the inflated mass out into the center of the oddly shaped but olympic sized pool. With no escape left, the two women quickly sandwiched his gigantic dick between their equally large tits! His hips and thighs rested on their laps as they locked his body between them.


“Haaaah…!” Takashi groaned in pleasure at the feel of their oh-so-soft breasts pressing around his dick. They felt so soft, smooth, and very warm!


Shizuka giggled happily and leaned her head forward to kiss the tip of his cock, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it feel allll better!” she said before slowly dragging her tongue over the tip, “Nmmmmmh, such a manly smell, ahhh, it’s making me so weeeet…” she cooed.


“Yes, I agree!” Saeko said, leaning forward and kissing his dick as well before rubbing it against her face. “Ahhhnnn, even bigger than that night…”


“Haah, ladies, ahh, are you… Ooooh, sure…? I think the…” Takashi began to speak wanting to tell them that whatever was causing this might be affecting their judgment, but both women turned to look at him before speaking in perfect harmony.


“We’re sure!” they said excitedly.


Takashi groaned as both girls began licking and kissing his cock slowly, both of them cooing and moaning in heavy arousal. Shizuka went first, opening her mouth wide and engulfing the tip of his dick.


“Hmmmmmmmmph!” she moaned happily, both her and Saeko pressing their tits together around his cock harder. He groaned as he felt them both using those huge mounds of flesh to stroke his cock slowly. “Ahhmmmmph, tashtesh sho guud…” she moaned quietly, shortly before she began bobbing her head up and down, trying to take his cock deeper every time. Saeko panted softly across from her, her mouth hanging open slightly as her face flushed with desire. Takashi remembered that look well, the night they had been trapped in an old shrine together and they’d both lost their virginity together.


“Mmmwahaa!!!” gasped Shizuka when she pulled her mouth free, long strands of saliva flinging away from her lips and into his cock, coating it. Saeko didn’t waste even a second, taking her place immediately.


“Nmmmmmph…!” she moaned, taking his cock even farther down her throat!


“Haaaah…!” Takashi groaned, his cock and balls throbbing painfully from all the stimulation.


“Nmmmmmh, you shouldn’t fight it Komuro-kun…” Shizuka’s seductive voice whispered into his ear, having pulled away and allowing Saeko to have his cock all for herself. She moved to lay next to him on the raft, hugging her naked body against his, her hands rubbing up and down the part of his shaft that Saeko hadn’t swallowed yet. He shivered as he felt her nibbling his ear gently while moving her hand to caress his balls, “Ahhhh, so big,” she moaned, then blew a slow hot breath into his ear.


“You know,” she whispered, “You can play with my pussy if you want…”


Her voice was so soft and gentle, but he could feel it in her tone that what he wanted didn’t really matter that much to her right now. Especially since she didn’t wait for him to move on his own, grabbing his hand and moving it between her creamy thighs. The heat coming off her pussy was almost like a furnace, his fingers guided by her until they reached between the sopping wet folds.


OOOOOHHH!!!” she moaned loudly, rocking her crotch against his hand, “YES, PLAY WITH MY PUSSY MORE!!!!” she begged.


“Hmmmmmpph guwehgug…” choked Saeko and Takashi felt his entire cock sliding into her mouth!


“Ahhhhaaaah…!” he groaned, looking down to see Saeko’s deep blue eyes gazing back up at him as she slowly pulled her head back up, gagging loudly around his cock.


“Aguuuuweh, nmmmmmph, guh, hmmmmmmph, gug, HMMMMMMPH…!” she moaned, her voice getting louder as he felt her throat vibrating around his dick.


“Ahhaaaa, Sa… Sae… Saekooo…!” he groaned.


HMMMMPH, GUG, NMMMMPH, GUH, MMMMMPH, HUUGUUEH…” Saeko moaned, moving her entire body now to slide his cock in and out of her mouth, throat, and stomach!


“It’sh okey Tahkahshii, dhon’t hoold bhaack…” she moaned before moaning loudly again and moving her body faster.


Takashi could only nod weakly as his finger felt like they had a mind of their own, dipping in and out of Shizuka’s pussy as she moaned erotically into his ear. “Nmmmmmmh, I’ll never be able to do this myself agaaain, having someone else play with my pussy feels so good!!!” she moaned.


NMMMMMPH, HMMMMPH, MMMMPH…” Saeko moaned around his cock, suddenly able to move her body without gagging.


“Oooohaaaah…!!” Takashi groaned and Saeko suddenly pulled herself free again, licking his cock from base to tip before she managed to stand up on the raft, mounted herself onto his cock and took it into her hungry pussy!


OOOOOOOOOH…! TAKASHIIII…!!!” the purple haired girl moaned loudly, grabbing her own huge tits, pinching and pulling on her nipples as her stomach streched outward and upwards from the sheer size of his cock.


“Ahhaa!!! No fair!! I wanted to take him inside first!! I even let you suck him all by yourself!!” Shizuka complained.


MMMMMMMH, AHHHH… THI… THIS ISN’T ABOOOOOUT, WHAT… WE WAAAANT… IT’S A WOMAN’S DUTYYYY… TO PLEASE HER MAAAAAAN…!!!” Saeko moaned as she squatted over Takashi, using her legs to move her huge breasted body up and down. The raft bobbed and bounced in the pool, churning the water around them as she began moving her hip in slow circles whenever she lowered herself down.


AAAH, IT’S SO BIG, I FEEL SO FULFILLED, AHHMMMM!!!” Saeko moaned, moving her body faster and faster. Takashi looked down at how his cock was spreading her pussy wide open, its size making a perfect outline of itself on her belly as she panted and moaned. The puffy pink petals of her pussy clung desperately to his dick every time she lifted herself up, as if protesting having him pulled out.


NMMMMMH, FINE!!! BUT THESE ARE MINE!!!” Shizuka said, crawling on the raft and moving herself to position her head behind Saeko’s wide ass as she grabbed his balls in both hands. “Mmmmmh, I can almost smell all the cum inside these, thanks for the meeeaaal!!!” she said cheerfully as she somehow managed to fit one huge ball into her mouth, slurping and sucking at it wetly as she shivered in pleasure.


AHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHH, YES, TAKASHIIII, SO GOOD, SO BIG, SO HARD, I’M SO FULL INSIDE, I NEVER THOUGHT IT COULD FEEL SO GOOOOD!!!!” Saeko screamed, then moaned as she began sucking on her own left tit while kneading and pawing the right one with her hand.


“Ahhhhhaah!!! F… FINE, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!!!” Takashi groaned as he began bucking his hips, slamming his cock in and out of Saeko hard. At the same time, he jammed three fingers into Shizuka’s pussy, the digits slipping inside her with a wet spurt of juices. The purple haired girl let go of both breasts, letting them bounce and jiggle wildly as she ran her fingers through her silky hair.




HMMMMMHMMMMMMNMMMMPH…!!” Shizuka moaned around his balls as she spat the first one out and swallowed the other. Takashi could feel her tongue slurping and sucking roughly at them as he pushed his fingers in and out of her pussy, making her juices drip and flow freely out of her.


HAAAAH, AHHHH, OH FUUUUCK!!!” Takashi roared, bucking his hips hard, driving his cock all the way inside Saeko as she let out a long wailing moan of ecstasy as he began cumming inside her!


Almost instantly, Saeko’s womb was flooded with his cum! In addition to the size, the output of fluids was equally increased. Copious amounts of his cum flowed into Saeko, the phallic shaped lump on her abdomen twitching with his cock inside her!


AHHIIIIYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~!!!!” Saeko screamed in pleasure, her body shaking all over, “GOOD, FEELS GOOD!!!! IT’S THE FIRST TIME I’VE EVER HAD MY PUSSY FILLED LIKE THIIIISSSS!!!!” she moaned in pleasure, “CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH, IT FEELS INCREDIBLE!!!


“Fufufufu, nmmmmh, which feels better, this or a normal dick?” Shizuka aked in a cute voice as she sat up on her knees.




“Fufufufu, you make such a cute face when you’re cumming, Sa-e-ko…” Shizuka said before covering Saeko’s mouth with her own in a deep and lewd kiss while rubbing her hand over her swollen belly. Saeko only moaned back into the blonde woman’s mouth as she and Takashi continued to cum.



“Jeez, did you HAVE to do it in the pool of all places!?” Saya Takagi yelled at the three of them several minutes later, “Other people live here now you know!” she said with a glare as she looked at the pool, which was now a cloudy white color.


“Sorry…” Takashi, Saeko, and Shizuka all apologized together as the pink haired girl stood over them with her arms crossed over her ample bosom. She pushed her glasses up on her face a bit as she sighed.


“Haaah, I knew it’d only be a matter of time before it hit you Takashi, but still, have a LITTLE restraint!!! If you’re gonna do it, use a bedroom for goodness sake!!! It’s not like we have a shortage of them here! Between the ship, the resort, and the various smaller buildings, we have more than enough spaces available!”


“Right…” the three of them said together again.


“Shizuka-sensei, will Takashi be alright now?” Saya asked the blonde.


The naked woman looked down at the ground, avoiding Saya’s piercing glare, “Yes, he’ll be fine now, though his penis is still very enlarged, even in a flaccid state, and…” she trailed off.


“Well?” Saya asked, stomping her foot and making her own expanded tits jiggle, “What is it!? Speak up, if Takashi is in any danger we need to know!”


“It’s not that…” Shizuka said, looking away again.


“Then what!?” Saya demanded.


Ooooooo! I DIDN’T GET MY TURN OKAY!!!! WOMEN HAVE NEEDS TOO AND I’M STILL HORNYYYY!!!!” Shizuka shouted back, glaring angrily at Saya.



Story by Sailor Io

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2 years ago

Another busteez copy. Wondering if your ever going to write something new.

Recreational Pourpoises
Recreational Pourpoises
2 years ago

Not a lot of new HOTD stuff these days so it’s good to see some more

2 years ago

Sadly, with the death of the author, the series died with him. Otherwise I think it’d still be going today.

2 years ago

Hell yeah, HOTD. Classic.

Will it have more chapters dedicated to female growth due to staying on Busteez Island? Maybe a girl-only chapter?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kilroy

Yes and yes

Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

mas de Shizuka Saeko y Takashi se ve que ellos si disfrutan como locos

por favor no incluyan a rei o a sayaka me dan ansiedad ellas

2 years ago

I don’t quite understand, the Google translate has your wording a bit off. Sorry. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

He is asking for more of shizuka saeko and takashi and asking to not include rei and sayaka cause they make him nervous. At least i think so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sekai

Will have to disappoint then, as they will definately be a part of the series.

2 years ago

Kinda glad this isn’t part of the crossover and since there is only two living male characters will the girls be fucking random guys or stick with only two?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

Couldn’t say, but I mentioned other survivors in case that happens.

2 years ago

Very impressive start. 👏 Good to see it taking off.

I know there aren’t many characters in the cast, in both the Manga and the Anime, but I want to see how it plays out. And this certainly shows promise.

That said, I like how the story is moving, as well as how the virus affects people who aren’t bitten. Not to mention how the islands work too. Very interesting.

Plus the interactions with the main cast as well as the sex between them was also quite impressive. Though I can’t say who did the better job. Haha.

Overall, a very promising start. Can’t wait to see more. 😀

Last edited 2 years ago by Hiryu
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, the islands aren’t big comparatively speaking, but there are several of them, and set up to be nearly self-sufficient. They might need to get a few things from the mainland. Also, all they need to really do is wait until winter to secure areas of the mainland. The human body is over 70% water, and water freezes. Meaning the laws of thermodynamics is on their side. But that’s beside the point. I really just needed to make a place to account for every potential background.

2 years ago

Triage X is not the only option to connect and expand the HOTD Busteez series, their are others as well. After the original author died(R.I.P.) the artist took over and said artist did not just take part in the making of Triage X but a number of other series, so you could take material and characters from those works that might work and connect properly and fit in with HOTD.

But besides all that superb start to a new series and I can’t wait to see more of it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Flinchin
2 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

Triage X is the only series I’m remotely aware of by those guys. Don’t know about any others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Well check them out when you can.

2 years ago

1000/1000 First amazing art by rtenzo and the story as well by SailorIo. One of my favorite animes of ecchi with nice characters.
This is as good or even better than the shokugeki story. Really sexy the whole scene and now we have enhanced Saeko and Shizuka with moments of horny hysteria.
Just to check, until now, Saya and Rei have their normal bodies with no side effects in their libido. Hope that soon they experience that and takashi letting himself go to help them. Especially my favorite genius tsundere, Saya. Also other characters survived like Alice, Zeke, Yuriko (Saya mom)?

2 years ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Actually, Saya’s already been affected, guess I could have been more clear there. Alice will appear in the third chapter, currently a WIP, but she’s not partaking in any sex stuff. She’ll just be set dressing mainly. being 10, she’s waaaaaay too Loli for this. Also, minor spoiler, the new viral variant doesn’t affect anyone pre-puberty. As for Rei, not sure when she’ll put in an appearance image wise. Yuriko and Rika are still TBD, waiting for Enzo to rewatch/read the series.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Definitely agree with you. Alice was just to be sure she survived, especially with her almost older sister Saya around. She will be comedy relief and for the characters to be careful around them. Ok Saya is bustier great. It is because of the clearly angry about how big Shizuka and Saeko were. I thought that they didn’t grow as big yet but they are affected and soon will be as big as them. Thanls for the update with the other characters and the dog.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

No problem.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Very nice start of this new series. Still a bit sad that I wasn’t allowed to get it for the crossover but I can’t argue that what you’re doing is probably for the better. The establishing part of the story where we get the information about the island and all was pretty nice. Still a bit unsure about how “They” are linked with the now hightened sex drive and expansion in the girls’ breasts but I’m sure we’ll get a more detailed explanation later on. Seeing Saeko and Shizuka being all horny for cock was pretty nice and the sex with Takashi was pretty great.

As far as first chapters go, it doesn’t come even remotely close to that first Fairy Tail chapter although that is a pretty high bar. Still, pretty enjoyable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Which FT series, my first or second, and if the second, you mean Lucy, or the Prologue with Rebecca?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

The prologue with Rebecca. That stuff was marvelous!

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

It took some hard thinking, but it’s doable! I just needed some context ahead of time like what kinds of backgrounds we’d see. Once I knew that, the plot was easy to come up with.

Enzo Guerreiro de Oliveira
Enzo Guerreiro de Oliveira
2 years ago

Faz de Highschool dxd

2 years ago

I think he doesn’t like that series. I’d love to do one though, especially if crossed with Testament of Sister New Devil, as I can argue those anime’s are in the same universe, just different schools.

2 years ago

100/100! Can’t wait to see more of this series!

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitis


2 years ago

Absolutely loved it, Due to their not being that many males and females in Highschool of the Dead I was wondering if material from other works written by the same creator such as Triage X and etc. That way it wouldn’t really be crossovers but rather connecting works by the same creator and having them part of the same universe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

I doubt it, sorry. I am familiar with Triage X, saw the anime, but the plots aren’t really compatible.