Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Unintentional Threeway (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part L): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part LII): [LINK]

Walking through the forest trail of one of Ranko Island’s many parks, Boruto Uzumaki glanced at the woman walking naked to his left. Well, she wasn’t completely naked. Kaguya Otsutsuki did have on a pair of white sandals that nearly blended in with her ivory skin, along with some golden lipstick she’d borrowed from Moegi’s make-up bag. Boruto himself just wore a pair of deep blue swimming trunks with red trim around the hem of the legs, and his own sandals. A and Sakura had stopped in to visit his hotel room the other day. Boruto was still mildly embarrassed by the scene the two of them walked in on.


Kaguya had squatted on top of him as he lay pinned beneath her while she bounced herself up and down on his dick. The woman was nearly insatiable, and completely addicted to his dick like some kind of drug addict. The only times she would ever stop begging for sex was if he directly commanded her to, and even then it was only long enough for him to get some sleep!


Just this morning he woke up to yet another blowjob from the heavy breasted slave to his dick. He couldn’t help but groan at the feel of her warm wet mouth, the tightness of her throat, and the sensation of his cock reaching down into her stomach. The sight of her lips dragging along his cock had made him cum instantly, and Kaguya moaned in utter bliss, closing her opal colored eyes and taking every minute drop of his cum into her belly.


After that at least, Kaguya let him bathe and together they ate a continental breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Moegi, Sarada, and Mitsuki were nowhere to be found, and when he checked Wasabi and Sumire’s room, they were also gone. He vaguely remembered Moegi coming in to sleep late last night, but by the time he woke up to Kaguya’s blowjob, she was gone.


As for Sarada, he hadn’t seen her since the last time she left their room. ‘Could she really be jealous?’ it wasn’t the first time the thought occurred to him, but it seemed as unlikely now as it did then. After breakfast, Kaguya again began begging him to ‘Ravish’ her as she put it, but he told her he wanted to go for a walk, get some fresh air. So naturally, she insisted on accompanying him.


Well, at least she seems content to just walk naked next to me.’ he thought as they rounded a turn on the path. Animal’s scampered about in the bushes that bordered the trail, he even saw a squirrel running up a nearby tree. With everything going on on this island, it was nice to see a few things that he could categorize as normal. He jumped slightly as he suddenly felt two warm masses pressing against his bare back. They were immensely soft, aside from two stiff points that poked at his skin. A pair of snow white arms then draped themselves over his shoulders as a hot breath blew in his ear.


“Mmmmmh, master…” Kaguya purred, “Did you bring me out into this forest to ravish my flesh in the dirt?” she asked, her breath coming in soft pants, “Mmmmmh, just thinking about it is making me wet…” she said in a throaty voice dripping with lust.


Boruto suppressed the urge to shake his head, Kaguya was hopeless. He still found it hard to believe he’d turned her into this with just his dick. But then, from what happened with Sarada and her mother, maybe it wasn’t so far-fetched. He tried getting more information out of her about this Kami Chinpo thing she mentioned, but it was like pulling teeth. The most he’d gotten her to explain was it had something to do with Chakra and his dick. He let himself lean back against Kaguya’s heavy tits, enjoying the feel of them as she stood up fully and pressed them around his head.


“You really are a slut Kaguya.” he said to her, reaching his hands up to grip the sides of her breasts, pressing them against his head a little more. ‘God she smells good.’ he thought as she let out a cooing moan.


“Yes master, I’m your slut…” she moaned as his fingers sank into her tits, “Mmmmmh, squeeze them harder, please…” Boruto just grinned and gripped her fat heavy tits harder, enjoying the way she moaned at his touch. He loved how soft they felt, though Sarada’s were both bigger and softer. Maybe he should mention that to her? He mentally shook his head again as he turned around, keeping his head buried between those big soft tits. He then reached his hands down to grab Kaguya’s plump ass, listening as she moaned again at his touch. He squeezed her curvy posterior firmly before tracing his fingers along the line between the cream colored buns.


“Mmmmmmh, masterrrr…” she purred, hugging him against herself. “Oooh!” she squealed happily when he gave her ass a spank, feeling it ripple and wobble with his other hand.


“Mmmmh, again please…” she moaned.


Boruto chuckled, slapping her ass with both hands now, making her moan even louder. He then leaned his head back and took her left nipple into his mouth. He loved the feeling of the stiff pink nub of flesh in his mouth as he swirled his tongue around it before sucking roughly. The young blonde loved the feel of it in his mouth, trying to take in more of it as he brushed his tongue over the hard tip.


“Mmmmmmmmmmh, yes, my master… Don’t stop please…. Ahhhh, that feels so good…” Kaguya moaned softly, raising her hands up to hold his head to her breast. Her moans were such a lovely, erotic sound in his ears as he felt his cock getting hard, pushing up through the waistband of his shorts to press against her naked white flesh. Within moments his cock was so big, the tip was poking up between Kaguya’s big tits where she dutifully began licking and kissing the tip.


Kaguya purred happily, wrapping her mouth around the mushroom shaped top of his penis and swirling her tongue around it. He could only groan softly at the feeling before she lifted her mouth off with a wet pop. “Delicious…” she said as she lowered her head again, sucking on the tip of his cock with a lewd slurping noise. Boruto grinned around her nipple and pulled back tugging her tits into a cone shape before releasing it. Kaguya instantly fell to her knees in front of him, taking his cock deep down her throat!


HOOOOOOOGUH, SHO DHEEEEP! I PHEEL IT IN MUH SHTOMACH!!!” she slurred around his cock as her opal colored eyes crossed and rolled back in her head.


Boruto groaned at the feel, loving the way her mouth looked wrapped around the intense girth of his dick. Reaching his hands down, Boruto grabbed hold of the rabbit ear like horns on Kaguya’s head. He remembered Tenten’s advice for Kaguya, he needed to maintain dominance on her, which meant being just a little rough from time to time. Gripping those horns tight, Boruto groaned again as he began swinging his hips, forcing his cock in and out of Kaguya’s warm wet mouth. His dick quickly became coated in her saliva, glistening in the light as he pushed it back and forth. The ivory skinned slut let out a gagging moan of pure pleasure as she offered no resistance, submitting to him completely.


GUH GUG GUH GUG GUG GUG GUG…!” Kaguya gagged as he rammed his dick in and out of her mouth. Tears streamed down her stretched cheeks as she let out a strangled moan of pleasure.


MOAR MOAR!!! USHE MUH MOUPH WIKE A PUSSHY!!!! PHEED MEH CUM, LOTSH UV CUMMMMMM!!! AYE WHANT UR CUMMMMM!!!” she slurred. Boruto groaned at the feel of her throat vibrating around his dick as she tried to speak. Her mouth, throat, and stomach all felt so amazingly good. It was like every time he fucked her, she became a more perfect set of holes for his dick! He looked down at the erotic look on her face, it was so lewd and arousing he couldn’t hold back from cumming in her mouth!


“Oooooh, yeah, your mouth makes a great pussy dattebasa…!” Boruto groaned as he leaned his head back and pulled Kaguya’s mouth all the way down on his dick. He then let up just a bit, listening as she let out another moan. He heard a rustle in the bushes followed by a frighteningly familiar voice that made nervous sweat bead all over his body.


“Easy to find in the forest huh?” said the voice of his mother Hinata, “Yeah right,” she said, grumbling in annoyance.


Shit shit shit SHIT!!!!’ thought Boruto, what the hell was SHE doing here. ‘Wait, that A guy was here for a Kage summit, mom and dad had gone off to one, I remember now, dad said A was filling in for the current Raikage at the next one. Crap, crap, CRAAAAAP!’ Boruto mentally kicked himself for not connecting those dots sooner! ‘Think, think, think, can’t let her see me here now, she’ll go ballistic!’ He could already hear the string of questions.


What are you doing here?


How did you even get here?


Where’s Himawari?


Why are you fucking Kaguya!?


He could answer all of them, but right now all his explanations wouldn’t really deter his mother’s ire. Though the one about Himawari would at least have her relieved. He’d left her staying with their grandfather like he always did when his parents were away and he had to go on a mission. Still, facing ‘The Look’ from his mom right now with Kaguya here was actually more dangerous. If she lost respect for him, she might go back to being the danger she really was. Much as he disliked his father’s lame stories, the one about his fight with Kaguya was a harrowing one.


His old man!


“Kaguya, I’m gonna use a transformation jutsu, be good and play along and I’ll fuck you all night, got it?”


“Yesh, mashter….” Kaguya slurred happily, her eyes lighting up at his promised reward. Weaving signs faster than he thought possible, Boruto triggered a transformation jutsu. The puff of smoke cleared completely just as Hinata came out of the bushes a few meters ahead on the trail. Dressed in a rather sexy outfit of a fur trimmed red coat, black boots, and nothing else! There was some odd looking mark above her clean shaven pussy, it was some strange heart pattern. She spotted the two of them instantly, at least now, his dad could face mom’s wrath later, not him! He always seemed better at doing that anyway.


“Oh, darling, I haven’t seen you since we broke in that blonde… Bimbo…” Hinata said, her words slowing down to a crawl as she saw him standing naked in a perfect disguise of his father, Kaguya still slurping away at his dick as though nothing had happened. Hinata’s eyebrow twitched dangerously.


“Darling, why is Kaguya Otsutsuki servicing your dick?” she asked in an equally dangerous tone.


Boruto cleared his throat, imitating his father’s voice perfectly, as more than once he’d turned into him to make mocking videos that he uploaded to the net whenever his dad really annoyed him. “I found her at the start of this festival thing.” he said, at least that much was true. “I knew she’d be a danger, so I turned her into my little cocksleeve, dattebas~yo…” he quickly corrected.


“I see…” Hinata said as she fixed the ivory skinned woman with a glare. If looks could kill (and some could), Kaguya would have been dead a thousand times over. She stared at Kaguya for a long moment, watching as the woman bobbed her head back and forth on his cock.


“Yesh master, Aye’m a cawkshleeve!!!” she slurred and moaned around his cock.


“I… never pictured the ninja goddess Kaguya as such an obscene woman!” Hinata said as her irate expression softened slightly, turning into a smirk before she looked back at Boruto, still disguised as his father. “I heard about this whole festival thing the other day from a local after I heard those weird trumpets, I didn’t really believe it until now.” she said.


“Mmmmmmph… guuuugh… MMMMMPH!!!” Kaguya moaned as she deepthroated Boruto’s cock again, her pussy audibly gushing against the dirt trail, “SHO GUUUUD!!!!” she gagged around his cock again.


Hinata looked up at him with a grin, then shook her head, “Honestly, I just keep finding you with other women here! But you get a pass on this one, I know how dangerous she is. Good job making her like this! You’ll have to tell me all about it after.”


“After?” Boruto echoed.


Hinata began unbuttoning her coat, “After we have some fun with this one!” she said, fixing Kaguya with her ‘Look’ again. She then slowly licked her ebony painted lips as she stripped off her coat and boots, standing as naked as Kaguya in the woods now. “After all the pain and suffering she’s caused us, seeing her reduced to this…” she licked her lips again, “Mmmmh, it gets me so wet! That and the very unsatisfying favor I did for Sakura last night. Or maybe it’s this mark, it’s supposed to give the bearer sexy dreams, but all I feel is horny, and it’s driving me crazy!”


Boruto blinked his eyes in confusion.


Hinata moved to kneel down beside Kaguya, watching as she continued sucking his cock like a whore. During the entire exchange she hadn’t stopped, not even when his mother insulted her by pointing out the state she was in. Though according to Tenten, she liked it.


“Hmmm, does my husband’s cock taste good, Kaguya?” she asked her.


YESH!!!!” Kaguya answered her, still moving her head back and forth, “MUH WHOLE BODY PHEELSH SHO HAWT…” she moaned as she deepthroated his cock again, “SHO DHEEEP!!!! GUNNA CUUUUM… WANNA CUMMMM!!!!


“Oh no…” Hinata said as she grabbed Kaguya’s snow white hair and yanked her head back. A wet sliding sound emanated from her throat as Hinata pulled her free. Kaguya let out a long gasp for air as her mouth pulled free, flinging long trails of saliva that remained connected to his dick. “You don’t get to cum first!” she told her, then looked at Boruto’s dick, her eyes going wide at the size of it. Boruto mentally slapped himself, A mentioned his dad was SMALLER THAN HIM, FUCK!!!!


“I know a certain pink haired size queen that would pay anything to know how you did this.” she said, then turned back to Kaguya, “I’m assuming you did this. Just for using a jutsu to increase my husband’s dick size, I’m gonna make you pay double!” she told her.


Boruto blinked, then grinned, did this mean he really was bigger than his old man?! He struggled not to laugh! But at least his mom thought it was some jutsu of Kaguya’s to explain the difference, otherwise his cover would have been blown instantly.


Hinata then pushed his cock up, licking her black lips again as she leaned her head in close to his balls. Kaguya did the same, and Boruto let out a groan as both women began kissing and licking at his swollen balls. ‘Oh fuck, this is bad!’ he thought as he looked down at Hinata, his mother looked back up at him, kissing and licking his balls slowly, leaving perfect black lipstick marks all over his skin as she and Kaguya began working their way up.


“Mmmmmmh, master’s scent, so strong, aahhhh, I love it!” Kaguya purred, licking her tongue up one side of his cock as Hinata kissed the base of his dick. The dark haired woman then jammed her hand between Kaguya’s legs from behind, making her squeal in delight.


“Heheh, you’re positively soaked,” Hinata giggled, “I suppose I should be proud I have a husband that does that to just about every woman.” She then looked up at him, “Even if he does have a hard time saying no to any woman’s advances.” she said in a slightly edged tone before slowly running her tone along the underside of his shaft, licking Boruto from the base to tip in one long movement.


“Ooh-ahhh…” Boruto groaned at the feeling. He never would have thought his mother was so GOOD at this! But then, she was Hanabi Onee-chan’s sister, and her blowjobs were incredible.


“Oh, you like that darling?” Hinata said with a smirk as she held Boruto’s heavy balls, peppering both of them with kisses before licking him from base to tip again. Hinata giggled at the way he groaned at the feel of her warm wet tongue sliding up his length.


“Ahhhaaaa!!” gasped Kaguya, grabbing Boruto’s cock and pulling it towards herself. “Nhoooo, master’s cock is miiine…” she whined. The pale skinned beauty then began kissing her way up his cock, stopping occasionally to lick him lewdly, looking up at him with lustful eyes.


“Please master, bathe me in your delicious cum!” she begged.


Hinata only giggled as she stood up and stretched her body languidly, her big tits bouncing erotically with the motion before she moved to straddle Boruto’s cock, he shuddered as he felt his mothers hot pussy dripping against his shaft before she leaned her body down on top of his. Her heavy tits hanging off the sides of his dick like the udders of a cow as he got a clear view of her rounded ass. In spite of himself, Boruto had to admit his mother was amazingly beautiful, her skin was flawless, her breasts and ass were both so big and round. The sight and feel of her naked body hanging off his cock was so arousing that he had no trouble holding up her weight with his dick alone!


“You want my husband’s cum?” she asked teasingly.


“Yes, I want it all!” Kaguya admitted as she knelt in front of him, holding up her breasts against the tip of his cock and smiling up at his mother.


“Hoh?” said Hinata as she grinded her naked body against Boruto’s cock, the blonde groaning at the feel of her silky smooth skin, “THEN HAVE SOME!” she yelled, grabbing Kaguya by her horns and pulling her mouth onto the tip of his cock. Kaguya gagged at the sudden motion, her mouth stretching wide to take in his cock as Hinata pulled her so that her face became buried in her cleavage! She then began humping herself against the rest of his cock as Kaguya’s strangled moans filled the air. At the same time, he noted a subtle glow around his mother’s left foot before she stabbed her toe at a spot just above his dick.


“Ahhh, fuuuuck… Cumming…!” Boruto grunted, his cock surging instantly as if a trigger had been pulled on his dick and Kaguya’s cheeks puffing out as her mouth was instantly filled with cum!


SHO MUSH CUM, SHO MUSH IN MUH SHTOMACH!!!!” she moaned as he continued to cum, groaning at the feel as his cock spurted a near constant stream into her mouth and throat! “GLUG GUG GLUG GLUG GUG…” she choked and swallowed as her eyes rolled back again until they were almost completely white. When she could finally hold no more, Kaguya’s head nearly flew off his cock as she fell over backwards, her body instantly covered in his unending spray.


Still grinning smugly, Hinata slipped herself off Boruto’s dick and stood next to him. She pressed her naked body against his and slid one arm around his waist, “I’m not done with you yet.” she told Kaguya, then smiled more warmly at Boruto, “You’re still good to go right dear?” she asked him, “I know that little trick I used can take it out of you sometimes, but I’m curious as to how this new beast you’ve gotten will feel.” she said with an impish smile as her hand caressed the topside of his dick. ‘Trick? What trick?‘ Then he remembered the glow on his mothers foot, it was like when she used her gentle fist technique, or foot in this instance.


“Do you know if it’s temporary or not?” she asked, “I’ve heard of jutsus that can do that. Karui told me in passing that her husband can do it easily. And I ran into Anko this morning, she’s had something similar done to her breasts, it’s amazing she can even stand now.”


Boruto did his best impersonation of his father’s goofy grin, ‘Ahhhh, why does mom’s skin feel so nice!?’ he thought as he found himself nodding, “Yep, no problem dattebayo…!” he said, his father’s verbal tic leaving a bad taste in his mouth.


Hinata brightened and moved to straddle his cock between her legs again. Boruto groaned as she began rubbing her pussy back and forth, spreading her juices along the shaft. He shivered at the feeling as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her mouth to his. He stiffened slightly, feeling the dark haired woman’s tongue force its way into his mouth to mingle with his own. The tension then melted right out of him, it wasn’t like the rough and forceful kisses from Kaguya or Sarada, or even Tenten, this was warmer, gentler. Boruto instantly found himself kissing her back as he moved to wrap his arms around her waist. Hinata purred happily into his mouth as she hugged herself tight against him. She felt so warm and soft, it made the tension melt right out of him as he slipped his tongue back against hers. On impulse, he moved to give his mother’s ass a squeeze, and she let out a joyful little moan against his lips.


When she finally broke the kiss, his mother slipped away and moved over to the nearest tree, bracing one hand against the trunk as she reached between her legs with the other to spread the lips of her pussy wide! It was a perfect shade of pink with hot juices already dripping off her fingers as she waved her ass from side to side.


Boruto gulped and hesitated slightly as he pressed the tip of his cock against his mother’s pussy. “I’m gonna feel this for a few days…” he heard her mutter before licking her lips slowly. He then pushed inside, her pussy stretching around the tip of his cock easily as she let out a loud howling moan! A now familiar warm, wet, tightness enveloped his dick as he pushed his cock into her, stretching her stomach forwards with his titanic length.


AHHHHHH, IT’S STRETCHING MY PUSSY SO MUCH!!!!” Hinata screamed as he shoved half his cock inside her all at once, her belly stretching out just like Kaguya’s had, “YESSSS! INCREDIBLE, THIS FEELS SO INCREDIBLE!!! DON’T STOP NARUTO!!! FUCK ME MORE, SHOVE THAT MONSTER DICK INSIDE MEEEEE!!!!” she screamed as she began bracing herself against the tree with both hands now. “OHHH FUCK, SO BIIIIIG, BIGGER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN BEFORE, AHHH, THIS IS AMAZZZINGGGG…” she moaned as Boruto shoved into her even more.


“Ahhhh, so tight…” he groaned at the feel of her pussy wrapping around his cock like a thousand silk covered vices. His hands reached out to grab her hips, holding them for support as he began slamming his cock in and out of her pussy with loud wet squishing noises.




“Ahhhhh, M… Hinata, your pussy’s so tight!!! I can barely fit inside!!!” Boruto groaned.


WAHHH, IT HURTS…! IT HURTS SO MUCH, BUT IT FEELS SO AMAZINGLY GOOOOOOD!!! MORE, FUCK ME MORE DARLING, SHOW THAT SNOWY SKANK HOW MUCH YOU LOVE MY PUSSY!!!!” Hinata screamed at him as she rocked herself back against his thrusts, trying to force every inch of his cock inside herself.


Groaning, Boruto could only nod to his mother as he held her hips tighter, slamming his cock in and out faster. His balls smacked against her creamy thighs with a loud wet slapping noise. She then pulled away from the tree and leaned back against him, reaching her arms behind herself to grab his head and pull him into another lewd kiss, their tongues swirling around each other as he grunted in pleasure. He moved one hand up to grab her huge, wildly bouncing tit, gripping it so tight his fingers almost vanished into the pliant flesh.


PHUCK, YESH, AYE… AYE WUV DISH PHEELING DHARLING…” Hinata slurred as they kissed, “HAWDER, PHUCK MEH HAWDER, MAKE MEH CUMMMM…!” she moaned. Boruto groaned, knowing he might regret all this later, but he had stopped caring as he pushed his mother forward again, bringing both hands down on her ass hard. Hinata squealed in pleasure, her pussy clenching his cock even harder.




Boruto groaned, his words inaudible over her screams of ecstasy as he slammed his cock all the way inside her, his balls feeling as though they were being squeezed by an invisible hand as he came hard! Instantly Hinata’s stomach was swollen with more than just his cock.


AAAOOOHHHHH…” she moaned wordlessly, her arms and legs twitching in one long unending orgasm. Boruto could see a long trickle of drool running down her chin as she gasped for breath. He then pulled his cock back and out of her, watching as his cum came rushing out of her like a geyser! Hinata moaned again, cumming just from the feel of so much cum pouring out of her pussy, soaking the forest floor and making a massive sticky puddle of mud at their feet.


Hinata managed to stay on her feet only by the grace of the tree trunk she clung to like a life preserver. “Ahhhaaa… hahhh… ahhhh…” she panted softly as Kaguya came crawling over to them.


“I see you love the master’s cock as well…” Kaguya panted, licking up the cum still pouring out of Hinata’s gaping pussy.


“Yes, I do… Your dear master will fuck pussy forever… I love this cock…” Hinata whimpered breathlessly, “You’ve filled me so much I don’t think I can move Naruto…” she said as she looked down at Kaguya with that same smirk as before, “That’s a good girl, make sure to get all of it.” she told her.


“Yes, my lady…” Kaguya said submissively, licking Hinata’s thighs clean of his cum before covering the dark haired woman’s pussy with her mouth and gulping down the cum that still poured forth.


“Mmmmmmmh, we’ve found a woman’s happiness…” Hinata said with a look back at Boruto.


Aww fuck…’ Boruto thought as he looked at the expression of mindless ecstasy on his mother’s face as he rubbed at the back of his head. It was the same look of addiction he’d seen on Kaguya’s face after he finished fucking her in the bathroom.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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7 months ago

The Hinata/Boruto/Kaguya storyline is the best part of these, and Hanabi, but that’s because Hanabi is Hanabi

7 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

More there soon!

8 months ago

It’d be fun to see Kaguya actually using a jutsu to increase Boruto’s already monstrous size. Make his cock and balls gigantic and then lock him in a state of orgasm till he either nuts himself unconscious or he fucks Kaguya till she passes out

8 months ago
Reply to  JustaMann

Well, I’m not gonna use the first bit, but the second has potential

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Aw why no? Genital expansion should be easy for Kaguya, it’s even in your most recent chapter with Kaguya giving herself and hinata blimp titties

7 months ago
Reply to  JustaMann

I have my reasons

8 months ago

…..is it wrong of me to think if it is better if Boruto use his sexy jutsu to turn into his female form with his cock still there and given how similar both look, with Hinata still thinking its Naruto using his naruko form?…..just me? ok…

8 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

I don’t think we’ll see Naruko or Boruko in this series

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

its fine

8 months ago

Everyone thinks Boruto is gonna start bragging to his dad that his dick is bigger than him and that he his better than him and sure that might happen but don’t count Naruto out yet after all he has only been using the Hyuga sex arts but let’s not forget about the possibilities of Uzumaki sex arts and I’m not just talking about the ones that were created by previous Uzumaki clan members after all Naruto has always been a creative and innovative person so I wouldn’t put it past him to try his hand and put his own personal spin on things by creating his own original Uzumaki sex arts.

8 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

My man 👊

8 months ago

Kinda curious, any rough estimate on when we see A vs Hinata round 3?

8 months ago
Reply to  way2dumb2live


“I have a method!”-Rick Sanchez

Sauce am
Sauce am
8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Would you be interested in writing a Bleach story where Orihime Inoue is very ditzy, dumb, airheaded, and a total bimbo?

8 months ago
Reply to  Sauce am

You can commission me at my patreon or directly at lordfalcon3@gmail.com

8 months ago

Already given my review on this one but yeah really disagree with hoping for no Boruto mocking being bigger stuff when the content is already gold standard as is as clearly shown here. Especially with a already future good plot with Kami Shinpo already

8 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Yep, more on that plot soon

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Yeah can’t wait on that because fully understand ppl not taking kindly to mocking stuff with the two lol

8 months ago

Is Hinata gonna be suspicious about how much better Naruto seems to be?

8 months ago
Reply to  Gii

No spoilers!

8 months ago

I’m just here for all the comments and reactions for right now. Don’t mind me too much. 😏🍿

All that, and really good work with this SE version of the chapter, by the way. 👍 🙂

Can’t wait to see what happens next. Especially with these three {Boruto, Hinata and Kaguya}. 😂

– Hiryu

8 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I think you’ll like my longterm plans for Kaguya!

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Looking forward to seeing them! 😎

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
8 months ago

Great chapter and i can see the changes you made with this story and the old story from before and it was kinda funny situation with boruto and I can’t wait to see more of this

8 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

There’s some good stuff coming soon, including more Hinata/Raikage

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I can’t wait to see it including the parts of Hinata and raikage

8 months ago

Well, I enjoyed it, I kinda wish there was more about Boruto bragging to himself or others about his dick being bigger than his idiot old man.

8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

In time man, wasn’t the right place for it here.

8 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

Glad there wasn’t. That’s never been good

8 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Boruto being with woman is already great stuff as is

8 months ago

Great job on this I wonder if she will be addicted to Naruto’s dick or will she notice it is not the same?

8 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

Wait and see. It’s complicated.

8 months ago

YESSSSS. IT’S HAPPENING! I been waiting a long time for this mini-arc again. I really hope for Boruto and Hinata sharing a good time. Thanks Enzo, thanks Sailor. Amazing story!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mich

Glad you liked it, I’m hoping to do more with this set-up later

8 months ago

Thought it was Naruto but it’s not. Sorry man your writing is great but I don’t like his son and it’s only been his son.

8 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

It HAS NOT only been his son. I really get irritated when people complain every time there’s a Boruto chapter. You act as if he’s been the sole focus of the entire series when he only just showed up a few chapters back.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Even if that was the case, the picture looks like it is Naruto, so why Is it not? Also I’ve not read any of the Naruto stories so I’m out of date

8 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

It’s the pubes isn’t, that’s why you thought it was Naruto.

8 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Again, he was in a disguise

8 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

You say boruto entered the story recently but it already seems like his going to be central to every thing and saying he got introduced recently doesn’t mean narutos been featured to the same degree as say ichigo or izuku in there stories and we all know we’re the series is headed anyway.not to long before it becomes centered on the rikage and boruto ,now I love you’re stories but it just seems like the same thing getting rehashed for the umpteenth time.