Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Shino’s Slutty Seduction

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXII): [LINK]

Shino Sosaki listened to the thrumming beat of the base speakers as she stood in the main dressing room of Busteez Hero Agency. Tonight’s crowd was pretty average for a weekend, not that she was expecting some huge turnout or anything. She spotted a few familiar faces in the ballroom at various tables. All Might, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, just to name a few.


She did see a few of the newer faces out there as well, Lemillion and Sun Eater for example. Nejire had told her Lemillion had inherited the Nighteye Agency, though he refused to change the name. That said a lot about him as far as his ego went. A lot of newbie heroes who wound up taking over an agency after the previous hero either died or retired usually changed the name immediately. No one really held that against them, after all, name recognition was important for any brand.


As she looked at the area closest to the stage, she spotted a few of the other regulars, students from UA, Shiketsu, and some of the lesser known schools. One in particular she recognized quickly from the purple spheres in his hair. Shino had to admit she was rather impressed that he was still in UA, ‘Guess there’s more to him than meets the eye,’ she thought as she watched the purple haired youth cheer and hoot for Nejire who was currently dancing on stage.


“Hey Shino, which one you want?” asked a voice from farther back in the dressing room.


Shino turned to see Mina Ashido, another UA student standing behind her dressed only in a pair of teal blue thong panties and matching stockings with seven inch purple stiletto heels. Her breasts were easily twice the size of her head and had a pair of gold colored rings pierced through them. She held up two dresses from an expensive fashion line. One of them was a black cocktail dress with a slit running up the left side, the other was a powder blue dress made of some fabric Shino couldn’t identify. The surface of it sparkled in the light like glitter, but when she looked close, it wasn’t covered in the annoying substance. Shino never cared for glitter, it got everywhere and dresses that used it tended to shed worse than a cat!


The brunette walked over to Mina and ran her hand over the blue dress, it felt a lot like silk to the touch, but wasn’t as light. When Shino looked closer, she saw that there was some kind of metallic filament weaved into the fabric and that’s what was making it sparkle.


When she noticed Shino examining the fabric Mina spoke up again, “Not sure how it’s done, but that’s actual silver in the fabric, or so the tag said.”


“Huh, how novel.” Shino replied as she took the dress from Mina and held it up to take a look. She then smirked as she got a better view of it, “Is this seriously assless?” she asked.


Mina snickered, “Yep! You’re supposed to either go commando or wear something like these with it.” she told Shino, turning around to show off the thong she had on before spanking her own ass.


“Hmm…” was Shino’s only response as she turned the dress around to view the front. “Guess I’ll go with this one then.” she said as she moved to lay the dress over the back of one of the make-up station chairs. She then began stripping off her own clothes which currently was just a pair of jeans with a pink t-shirt and basic sneakers.


“Hey Mina, you got any more of that body powder, the kind with the perfume in it?” Shino asked the pink girl.


Mina blinked her dark eyes, “Hmm, yeah, I got plenty, wanna borrow some?” she asked her.


“Please, I ordered some for myself, but it’s not gonna be here for another couple of days. The post office still has a few issues with some of the heavier packages.” Shino explained.


Mina put the other dress onto a rack before she moved over to her locker and opened it, taking out a large bottle of a very fine white powder and an applicator brush. Shino gratefully accepted them after she finished undressing. She quickly placed her street clothes into her own locker before pouring a generous amount of the powder onto the brush. A rich scent like a mix of flowers and spices wafted up to her nose. It was a really stimulating smell that Shino liked. When Mina used it a while back while she was working in a room up on the fourth floor, Shino wanted to get some for herself. The stuff was fairly expensive and had to ship in from a place in Europe, making it take a good while to get to Japan.


She dusted herself all over with the powder, enjoying the way it made her smell along with taking away any unwanted shine on her skin. Once she was done, she set the bottle and applicator down on a coffee table and thanked Mina before she looked her naked body over in a mirror.


“Too sex~y!” she said to her own reflection and turned to gaze at her own butt, spanking herself.


“Yeah, work it girl!” Mina cheered her as she shifted her hips, positioning her butt at an angle.


Shino giggled and then moved to grab the dress again. Getting into it was simple enough, it was a basic pull on design, though positioning her butt in it properly took a little doing. Once she was finished getting dressed, the thrumming of the music on stage began to slowly die down, signaling that Nejire’s song was coming to its end.


There would be a ten to twenty minute break between dancers for the crowd to calm down a bit, order more food or drinks, and possibly book VIP sessions. In that time, the girls would decide for themselves who would go out next. They had tried setting a schedule at first, but they recently ran into some trouble with a few girls not being able to make their curtain time due to doing their REAL jobs. So this worked out better and allowed an air of mystery to the routines. The music ended and the crowd outside cheered as Nejire walked backstage again, dressed only in a pair of high heels and powder blue stockings that matched her hair.


“Wooooow! That was seriously fun!” Nejire said, then blinked when she saw Shino, “Oh hey Shino, how ya been? Oooo, that’s a really cute dress, is that glitter, no wait, it isn’t, how is it all sparkly then?” she said in a rush as she began floating in the air and moving all around Shino almost like a butterfly.


The brunette only smiled, “Never change Nejire,” she told the blue haired girl as she answered her questions in order. She had just begun explaining what the tag on the dress said when Nejire completely lost interest and moved over to Mina.


“Mina, Mina! Hey I heard, Momo and Midoriya finally went out! Dish dish dish, what happened, did it go alright?” she said in a breathless rush.


Shino raised an eyebrow, “Oh, what’s this?” she asked. She hadn’t heard anything about Momo going on a date, “You mean a serious date?”


Nejire turned back to Shino, an excited expression on her face. “Yeah! Like a FOR REAL date! He asked her out and everything, even pointed out it wasn’t a Busteez booking! Isn’t that awesome, I’m so happy for Momo!”


Shino smiled, “Yeah, me too, good for Momo.” she said as she went over to a three ring binder and opened it. Inside was a huge list of songs that were available to the DJ manning the booth at the other end of the ballroom. Shino knew what she wanted to play, but since the list was updated almost daily, she wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything new that she might have wanted to try out. As she went through the list, her eyes drawn to the songs highlighted in pink, she heard Mina talking.


“Yeah, check this, he actually went and followed Camie’s advice, well he tried anyway, they never got as far as dinner.” Mina told the blue haired air-head.


“Oh noooo! Did it go bad? Oh poor Momo!” Nejire said.


“Nope, it went great!” Mina said, “According to Yaomomo, when they were heading out for dinner, some total d-bag tried to pick her up as though she were a common street girl. Izuku got totally pissed off and knocked the guy out in one punch!” Mina explained while shadow boxing, “According to her, he sent the guy flying and landed him in a big pile of trash.”


“Hey now,” Shino spoke up, “He didn’t hurt the guy, did he? He could get his provisional license revoked for something like that!”


Mina waved a hand, “Nah, guy was a… Um, what do they call it in boxing? Glass jaw! That’s it. According to Momo, Izuku didn’t even use his quirk, since it’s pretty obvious when he does. And as someone who’s seen him go all out, there wouldn’t be much of the guy left if he’d gone all out. Heck, even one percent would probably kill someone who isn’t trained in how to tank a punch.” the pink haired girl explained.


There was that, Shino didn’t know all the details about One for All, though she did know even at its lowest settings, it could take down a building if Izuku wanted. So for some untrained punk off the street, a low setting might have been enough to take off his head. Mina went on to explain how Momo took Izuku right to the nearest love hotel and they proceeded to fuck all night long. The punk who tried to grab her didn’t try filing any charges and apparently Momo texted an ambulance for him. She’d gotten a report back the next day saying the guy wasn’t really injured, just a black eye and a minor concussion. Considering what Izuku was capable of, he got off incredibly light.


“Oooooh, I wish I could have seen that asshole’s face when someone told him who it was he tried to snatch a girl away from, he probably pissed himself!” Mina said with a laugh.


Even Shino snickered a bit at that, even though she knew she shouldn’t have. She wondered how Izuku was feeling, knowing him, he was probably beating himself up a bit. That kid was nothing if not a paragon of what it meant to be a hero. Losing his temper like that probably was weighing on him. Mina and Nejire continued to gossip and Shino mostly tuned them out as she continued browsing the song catalog. When she reached the end, she decided to just go with her regular pick.


“Oh hey Mina, you see Setsie’s new video?” Nejire asked, grabbing Shino’s attention again.


“Hmm? Nah, why, anything good?” Mina asked back.


“Mmmhmm, mmmhmm! Yeeah, she totally hooked up with that guy from Shiketsu, the one with the buzz cut and the wind Quirk!” Nejire told her, “They sooo got all freaky, though I’m not sure how I’d feel about having an air dildo used on me, sounds really drying.”


“Huh?” Shino said, “Air dildo?”



The loud pulsing techno music was something Shino was VERY familiar with. The song was fairly old, written when the techno genre was still pretty new, but in her opinion it had aged like wine. As it began, Shino marched proudly out onto the stage, her blue dress glittering in the bright spotlights as the crowd cheered and hollered. She had added a pair of black arm length gloves to her outfit alone with a pair of matching heels. Her footsteps clicked loudly against the stage, but she was likely the only one who could hear them over the music.


WOOOOOO, MANDALAY!!!!” cheered one of the onlookers nearest the stage.


Shino smirked and wasted no time as she jerked her hips left, then right, and back again as she moved toward the dance pole at the center of the stage. She turned to make sure everyone had a clear view of her bare ass before she began moving her body to the rapid beat of the music. Shino closed her eyes and smiled as she let herself just move, shifting her hips from side to side in a way that made her ass jiggle. She then thrust her tits forward, enjoying the feel of them bouncing. She then grabbed the pole on the stage, wrapping one leg around it and spinning around in a wide circle. Her training with the Pussycats made stuff like this so easy it was almost laughable.


Another loud cheer from nearby drew Shino’s attention as she turned to look and saw the pervy boy from UA waving his arms as he tossed a few high denomination bills on stage. If she remembered correctly, his name was Minoru Mineta. Shino smirked and turned so she could show off her bare ass. She gave herself a spank while slowly bending over. The brunette knew just how much the dress would allow him to see from that angle.


WOOOOOO!” Mineta cheered for her and Shino grinned at the sight of the impressive rise in his pants. He was dressed in civilian clothes, some of those new super stretching pants that looked like regular slacks. Shino could see why he chose to wear them, the tent in his crotch looked like it might have been uncomfortable in regular clothes.


Shino turned to face Mineta more directly. Then she ran her fingers down from her chin and between her breasts then down over her stomach as she looked down at him with what she liked to call “Bedroom eyes”. She moved away from the dance pole and got down on all fours, crawling towards the edge of the stage where he sat, making sure that her breasts hung down in a way that showed off her cleavage!


“Oh yeah, yeah, that’s a good kittyyyyy!!” Mineta said, actually panting and drooling lightly as she drew near.


“Nyah!” said Shino, doing a beckoning cat gesture with her hand as she winked at him.


The tent in Mineta’s pants twitched back and forth, the top of it turning slightly dark as he actually jizzed his pants just a little. ‘Geez, it’s not THAT sexy!’ she thought with an inward roll of her eyes, though she was a bit flattered by it. Shino moved to sit up on her knees, reaching her hands up and hooking her thumbs in the top of her dress. With a simple tug, she pulled it down, exposing her tits. Mineta and the crowd went wild and Shino jumped back up to her feet with the grace worthy of a cat. Her big tits jiggled and bounced as she again moved her body to the beat of the music, swinging and swaying her hips erotically.


She then began working her dress down bit by bit until eventually it pooled down around her ankles, exposing her naked body for all to see. Shino loved being naked like this in front of a crowd, there was something both empowering and liberating about it! Her pussy was already wet enough that it glistened in the spotlights as she pulled off one long glove and tossed it out to the crowd.


More money fluttered about the stage, making Shino have to watch where she stepped slightly. The newer bills were actually pretty slippery on a smooth surface. She’d already seen Yu take an embarrassing tumble on one.


The brunette took off the other glove, she moved down into a squatting position, spreading her legs wide so everyone could see her hot and wet pussy. She then easily threaded the glove between her legs. Next, gripping it with both hands, she began “flossing” the glove between her legs, genuinely moaning at the feel of the pleather moved against her clit.


MMMMMMMMH, NYAAAAH!!!” she mewled loudly, humping her crotch against the glove as the music reached a crescendo. She rolled her hips faster and faster, pulling the glove back and forth in the opposing direction each time. Hot juices began flinging away from her pussy, making a puddle on the stage as she chewed her lower lip lightly. Then, with a loud moan, Shino made herself cum there on stage in front of everyone! She flung the soaked glove out into the crowd as the song came to an end. As the music faded and the spotlights dimmed enough not to be almost completely blinding, Shino looked out on all the smiling faces of the crowd. She always loved it when they looked satisfied like that.


A quick glance at the floor of the stage showed what had to be a few hundred thousand yen spread out around her, maybe more. Special vacuums built into the stage instantly sucked them all up. They would go into a bag that would be given to her at the end of her shift. Shino averaged usually about a hundred thousand per dance on a good night, good money to save for a rainy day.


As she got up to begin moving backstage again, Shino spotted Mineta again. Her soaked glove had landed right on top of his head, the long back end flopping down over his face! The purple haired youth was panting so hard Shino worried he might hyperventilate and the tent in his stretchy pants looked uncomfortably hard as it strained against the fabric. The strain was actually so tight that she could make out the veins throbbing along the shaft!


Smirking down at him, Shino instead casually walked down off the stage and over to where Mineta sat down, “I believe you have something that belongs to me.” she said in a husky tone as she leaned down over him. She giggled at the way his eyes seemed to triple in size at the sight of her swaying breasts. She then reached out a hand and pulled the glove away from his face. It pulled away surprisingly easily, confirming a theory about the spheres on his head that she had. They didn’t turn sticky until he removed them.


The glove slid away easily, flopping down onto his erection with a slight ‘plap’ noise. Mineta was still breathing heavily, as he stammered several unintelligible words. Shino braced her hands on the armrests of his chair and said, “Oh my, is that for me?”


Mineta just nodded numbly as Shino knelt down in front of him. Licking her lips, she reached her hand up and pulled open the zipper of his pants. She let out a gasp as the purple haired youth’s dick sprung free! It was easily as long as her elbow to her wrist and just and thick! Shino had never seen one this big personally. She’d heard stories about Midoriya from some of the other girls, but she figured they had to be exaggerating. Mineta’s cock looked painfully hard, the veins along the side were so swollen they looked almost like they could burst at any moment!


While most of the really lewd stuff was done in the private rooms upstairs, there was no rule against it in the main ballroom. And Nemuri had specifically told them they were free to do as they pleased with willing clients.


Still smirking to herself, Shino licked her lips slowly before opening her mouth wide, “HAAAAHMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned as she took Mineta’s cock down her throat!


OoooooOOOoooHHHH!” Mineta said with a shuddery moan, his cock throbbing in her throat.


HMMMHMMMHMMMPH!!!” Shino moaned around Mineta’s cock as she felt her throat bulging with his thickness. She began bobbing her head up and down quickly, drooling purposefully as she did. Mineta only groaned in pleasure as she kept a tight seal around his cock as she moved her head up and down. At the same time, the brown haired woman moved a hand between her legs, stroking her already soaking wet pussy! Shino moaned in pleasure at the feel of her own fingers dipping back and forth inside her pussy, making even more hot juices flow down her creamy thighs.


MMMMMPH, HMMMMMPH, MMMMMPH, NMMMMMPH, SHO PHIICK, AHHGUH, PHEELSH SHO GUUD IN MUH MOUPH!” Shino moaned, barely able to understand herself as she began moving her head up and down faster! She heard gasps and murmurs from the other patrons nearby, but she didn’t care. She hadn’t felt this turned on in a long while! She pushed three fingers into her pussy easily, making a lewd wet SQUISH sound as she took Mineta’s cock all the way down to the base. The purple haired youth let out another groan as he thrust his hips slightly, making Shino moan deeply around his cock!


She then slowly pulled her head up before going back down again, loving the feeling of fullness in her throat. She never really had much of a gag reflex as she moved her head up and down several times with no difficulty.


“Oooooh yeah, keep goinggggh, that feels, so gooood..!” Mineta groaned, and Shino suppressed a giggle at the goofy expression on his drooling face as she turned her attention back to the task at hand.


NMMMMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMMMPH HMMMMMMPH, YESH, SHO GUUD, PHEELSH SHO GUUD IN MUH MOUPH, WANNA SHUCK MOAR, MORE CAAAWK…!” she moaned lewdly, her fingers moving in and out of her pussy furiously now. The wet squishing noises her pussy made could even be heard over the thrum of the music playing between dance sets.


AHHHHH! AHHHHN!!! Mandalaaay, ahh, you’re mouth feels so wet and waaaarm…!” Mineta groaned in pleasure. “I can feel your tongue coiling around my diiiick!!!” he said as she felt him shuddering in pleasure.


HMMMPH HMMMPH HMMMPH, IT’SH OKAAAY, CUM, LED OUD ALL UV DAT DHICK JUUUSH!” Shino moaned around his cock, suddenly eager to feel his cum washing over her tongue.


Mineta groaned again as Shino pulled her head back until just the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Her cheeks then puffed out like a chipmunk’s, a bitter salty taste filling her mouth as a huge amount of cum surged out of Mineta’s cock! There was so much, Shino couldn’t believe the sheer volume of it all. She could barely manage to swallow before even more came out, puffing out her cheeks again and again.


The purple haired student just let out a satisfied groan as she felt his balls draining themselves into her mouth and throat! Shino then moaned with him as she felt herself cumming hard with him, her pussy letting out a hot spray of juices as she moaned around his cock! Taking all the way down her throat again, Shino allowed him to cum directly into her stomach. It was like drinking a thick milkshake all at once, she loved it!


“Mmmmwah!!!” Shino gasped as Mineta’s cock stopped throbbing in her throat. She pulled her head back and away, long white ropes of cum and saliva stretching away from her mouth. She wiped them away with the back of her arm and stood up. All around them, other patrons were cheering and hooting at her as Shino held up both hands in a double V sign! She then grinned at the crowd as she moved back up on stage and casually walked back to the dressing area again.


“Well, that was unexpected.” Mina said in greeting when she got back there. “I’m sure the little perv is happy too.”


“Eh, I thought he could use a little relief is all.” Shino said simply.

“Uh huh, right, I thought it was Pixie Bob who was the one always in Heat.” Mina said with a snicker.


H… HEY! That’s mean, Mina!” Shino said defensively, “She’s not ALWAYS in heat, just most of the time.” she told the pink skinned girl. Both of them then laughed and Shino could almost hear Ryuko sneezing back at their Agency.



Story by Sailor Io

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1 year ago

I wonder if Shino may find out about Midoriya’s gene size for herself to confirm if it’s true or not.
Maybe even Ryuko by chance join Mandalay to help deal with in the heat problem.

2 years ago

Ah, nothing better than a dummy thicc Mandalay to make the day just a bit brighter.

Stories pretty damn good, too.

2 years ago
Reply to  FXCF


2 years ago

Buen capitulo de esta semana 7.8/10

Algo extenso eso sí pero estuvo entretenido el capítulo viendo el debut de Mandalay no estuvo mal al igual que la aparición de Mina y Nejire fue justa y no muy extensa espero ver algo de ambas ya sea en equipo o de forma individual pronto al igual espero que la próxima semana volvamos a la trama

2 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Afraid not, minor spoiler, the next few chapters don’t involve Deku too much.

2 years ago

9/10 quick question is Mandalay going to have regular appearances or are we going to see her once in a blue moon

2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge

I can’t say.

2 years ago

This was a fun chapter to sit down and read off, as well as actually edit when I could.

Like I said in the last story on the site, my reactions and thoughts on chapters will remain completely separate from my editor stuff. So rest easy. Anyway, let’s get on the action! 😀

Good to see Shino, better known as Mandalay, get in some screen time here. In addition, nice to see Mina and Nejire pop up in this chapter too as well as the interactions they gave out.

Plus, really good work with Mineta too. Didn’t expect his scene with Shino to work out as well as it did, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it did. Too bad it was rather short. But I also enjoyed how she worked at the pole dancing stage too. That was fun as hell. XD

Now with this said, I really wonder what’s next for the grape boy. XD And I hope we see more of Mandalay sometime.

Overall, a very good chapter. Nice work. Can’t wait for the next. 👏 😎

Last edited 2 years ago by Hiryu
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks. Sorry about chapter length, that comes down to several factors. The image, level of inspiration I feel at the time, and motivation I feel that week.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

I hope we get to see Izuku x shino and when is that gonna happen?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Don’t ask me, ask Enzo.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

When will you know that we get to see Izuku x mandalay?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Man, Mineta really got lucky here. Doing nothing in the actual story but wealthy and fortunate enough to score with a girl like Mandalay… I have to give him that though: he makes for quite the interesting character to read. And honestly, I can’t be mad at him. I mean, if I were in his situation, I probably wouldn’t act all that different myself either. The sex he had with Mandalay, albeit short, was still really entertaining and a joy to read through.

Yeah, lucky SOB.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, he needed a win, no matter how small.

2 years ago

Could I get a izuku and rie todoroki

2 years ago
Reply to  Magmashock

That’s not up to me. I don’t control the images produced like I’ve said over a hundred times by now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Well… that depend on the pic. But no need to have a pic of Rei and Izuku, it could just be a pic with Rei and you write a story about it. I know there the old Rei pic for the first mha story.

2 years ago

This was a fun read! I didn’t know I’d enjoy Mandalay/Mineta but now I want more of them together, especially in front of a crowd.

2 years ago

Thanks, no idea when I’ll be able to do it again though.

2 years ago

I hope we also see izuku x mitsuki somehow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Not up to me.