Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Mirai’s Ranko Initiation

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXIX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXI): [LINK]

Mirai Sarutobi had never seen a place like Ranko Island. Hell, she never imagined such a place could even exist! Yet, here she was, walking around stark naked (aside from her sandals) in the middle of a busy street, and no one even really so much as looked twice. A good number of men and a few women gave her some lewd prolonged gazes, but even then, it felt perfectly normal.


When the ship docked at the harbor, most of the women from Konoha scattered in all directions. She saw Hanabi, Ino, Hana, and the two genin with them head off in one direction as a group, but that was it. She easily found her hotel and checked in, where she found out her stay might be longer than she had planned. Something to do with the Festival of the Dead that she had come here to see. All travel away from the island would be restricted until the festival ended. When she tried to ask why, the concierge was suddenly called away for an emergency of some kind. The timing seemed cliche, but she knew genuine panic when she saw it, and the woman who had called her away was worried about something.


After leaving her belongings in her room, Mirai decided to explore the island a bit. After much mental deliberation and the steeling of nerves, she decided to just walk out of her room naked! It was an oddly liberating feeling, and also had the plus side of her having the ever elusive all-over tan when she went home.


She always could have sunbathed nude back in Konoha to get the same result. The backyard of her house was certainly big enough, but her mother would have given her an earful if she caught her trying to do it. She always had her mother’s overly fair skin, so she burned easily, but Mirai always wanted to build a nice tan over her skin.


The dark haired young woman happened upon a crowd of people cheering something on. Mirai managed to work her way to the front where she saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and huge breasts being fucked in the middle of the sidewalk! Her heavy tits swayed beneath her like the udders of a cow as she howled in pleasure. The man behind her was a skinny fellow with a rather plain face. How he managed to get a woman like that was beyond Mirai. Though even as she thought about how far above the man’s league the blonde woman was, Mirai got her answer when she noticed a moving lump in the blonde’s abdomen!


“Wow…” Mirai breathed as she saw what had to be the biggest dick she’d ever seen moving in and out of the blonde’s pussy. It looked to be as long as her arm from her elbow to her wrist and just as thick! The blonde woman’s stomach tented up visibly every time the man pushed his cock all the way inside her, making her scream in orgasmic bliss. The dark haired young woman gulped, while she was watching the spectacle with the crowd for several minutes until the man came inside the woman. The look of raw ecstasy on her face made Mirai’s heart jump in her chest.


Could it really feel that good?’ she wondered. She obviously wasn’t a virgin anymore, having given up that card during her seduction training. But she’d never really had what anyone might call a seriously passionate relationship. It was (a small) part of the reason she decided to come to this island. When the couple had finished, the crowd quickly dispersed like nothing had happened.


Continuing along the street, Mirai began making a mental map of the area around her hotel. The road just outside was a straight shot to the beach. If she went the opposite direction, it went farther into the city. There were a number of shops and the like dotted all along the road. Most of them were advertising for the upcoming festival in some form or another. She even spotted a public transit system several blocks removed from her hotel. She tried looking at the map outside the station, but it was a jumbled mess she didn’t feel like learning at that moment.


So Mirai headed off in a western direction. She quickly lost track of time as she browsed several shops selling all manner of questionable sexual paraphernalia. One odd one that caught her eye was one of those vibrating egg things, though this one wasn’t attached to a cord that connected to a battery pack. And from what she could tell, it didn’t take batteries either. The demo one on display was a smooth silver color with a seam running along the middle. When she twisted the object along that seam, it began vibrating with a very low hum.


It was pretty normal for such a device, but what stood out was she could tell it didn’t vibrate from a motor inside, but from something else. According to the box, the egg was made of a special material with a gravity Jutsu applied to it. There was then something about time dilation and hours of pleasure in seconds. Time Jutsu was something way over Mirai’s head, so she put the device back down after turning it off and moved on.


She eventually found herself inside a small shop run by a very skinny man with long pale blue hair. His skin was paler than Mirai’s and he had a cigarette of some kind in his mouth. Seeing the cigarette reminded Mirai of the stories Shikamaru told her about her father. Though she could tell instantly that whatever was in the cigarette wasn’t tobacco as the smoke didn’t make her eyes water.


“Welcome. How can I help you?” the man said in a gruff but mildly friendly tone as he took a long drag on his cigarette. He was dressed in a pair of black pants that looked like leather and were VERY tight. She could see the outline of his dick going down one pant leg and seemed to be getting bigger. Mirai decided to take it as a compliment. After all, she was the one who decided to walk around naked.


“I got temps, tatts, and body mods,” the man said, “I can do piercings as well, but I don’t offer any of the fancy kind with the precious stones and metals. They’re too expensive, and they sit on the shelf forever. But if you have your own, I can put it in.”


“Thanks, but no. Though what do you mean by body mods?” Mirai asked.


Taking a final drag on his cigarette, the man extinguished the thing in an ashtray before grabbing a binder from a counter to his right. He flipped the pages to one with a green tab marking the corner. On the laminated page was a diagram with a naked woman’s silhouette. The woman’s tits and ass both had dotted outlines of varying sizes. It took Mirai a moment to understand what it meant. He was telling her he could increase the side of her tits and ass according to this chart.


“Had a heavier lady in here earlier today, had me give her tits a massive boost. Was easier than most since I could just redistribute her body mass in her case. This Jutsu works really well in those instances, and lasts longer too.” he explained.


Intrigued, Mirai asked for more details, and he explained how it worked to a point. From the sounds of it, the Jutsu was a variant of the Akimichi family Jutsu, though one that anyone could use. Maybe it was made by a branch family?


“Do I have to do both?” Mirai asked.


“Nope, I can do one or the other, easy. I’ll give you a good deal too. I have a weakness for beautiful brunettes.” he told her while looking at her naked flesh, though his gaze wasn’t lecherous, but more like one of admiration.


“Alright, why not?” she said with a smile.



After leaving the shop and doing some more wandering, Mirai began to feel hungry and spotted a bookstore with a cafe built into it. She could smell the unmistakable scent of espresso coffee coming from the inside. She quickly began walking towards the building, while her newly enhanced tits were bouncing up and down and swaying from side to side with her every step.


She had enhanced her breasts to more than ten times their original size. Each one was easily bigger than a beach ball and capped with a pink nipple that was bigger than a dinner plate. They were heavy, sure, but nothing Mirai couldn’t handle. And honestly, she liked it, as having such big tits made her feel unbelievably sexy! Mirai liked how the eyes of a lot of men were following her more intently now as she put a little more swing in her hips with every step she took.


The interior of the book store smelled of a mix of coffee and many many books. The latter was to be expected of course, but the smell of the coffee was top notch! As with the streets outside, while a few people turned to look at her with lecherous expressions, no one said anything about her nudity. Mirai went inside and found an empty table near the bookshelves and sat down. It was strange, the way her newly enlarged tits sat on her lap when she sat down, but she got used to it quickly enough.


A waitress dressed in a slutty french maid outfit that left her tits exposed and with a skirt so short that one might ask why bother came over to take her order. Oddly enough though, the whole look worked rather well. Mirai wasn’t uptight enough not to admit that the aesthetic was incredibly sexy. She ordered herself an espresso to drink with extra cream and it was brought to her in less than five minutes.


They work fast here.’ she thought idly as she sipped the drink. It was delicious, perfectly blended and at just the right temperature. Mirai sat in the cafe for a little while, slowly enjoying her drink. She decided to look around the store after to see if she could find books about the Festival of the Dead. The dark haired young woman almost didn’t notice when someone else sat down across from her. Only another shinobi would have been able to sneak up on her like that. Mirai felt a brief moment of worry, she wouldn’t be able to fight well with her tits the way they were right now, and because of it, her sense of balance was way off.


“Relax, Konoha girl.” the man said. He was some years older than her, with bright yellow blonde hair and dark colored eyes. He had a decent build that showed routine training and a handsome face. Like her, he was completely naked save for the head protector he had on bearing the mark of the Hidden Cloud village.


“How’d you know I was from Konoha?” Mirai asked.


“The way you move, even with those ridiculously huge tits.” the man replied, “The Dogs of Konoha all have a certain way they carry themselves.”


“Dogs?” Mirai echoed, “That’s not gonna win you any points.”


“Apologies. Old habits. That, and the former Raikage has been spending a lot of time with a Konoha bitch lately. And believe me when I say that description is accurate, if you’ve seen the way she’s been behaving.” he said, now sounding at least partially sincere.


“I’m C, and I’m with the group accompanying the former Raikage for the Kage Summit here.” C explained.


“Huh, the Kage Summit was here?” Mirai asked.


“Over a week ago it was, but we all got stuck when they banned any ships from leaving.” C told her.


“Do you have any clue what’s behind that?” she asked him.


C shook his head, “No, the locals will only tell me so much. And I just spent an hour going through the books here, but there’s almost nothing on the local history. And the libraries are only open to natives or guests of natives.”


“Hmm, well thanks then. You saved me some time. One of the reasons I stopped in here was to research the upcoming festival.” Mirai told him before introducing herself properly.


“Sarutobi, any relation to the 3rd Hokage?” C asked.


“My grandfather.” Mirai confirmed.


“Quite the legacy to live up to.” C told her.


“I’m not my grandfather, and I have no designs on becoming Hokage someday. I am my own person and I will live my own life.” Mirai said proudly.


“That’s a mature perspective.” C said.


“My teacher told me it’s a pain to constantly measure yourself against those who came before you. Living my own life is much easier and a better use of my energy.” she explained.


C just nodded and Mirai saw his gaze drifting down towards her tits. Her mind flashed back to earlier, when she saw the couple fucking right in the middle of the street to a cheering crowd. She had only caught a glimpse of C’s dick, but she’d heard stories from some girls about the men of Kumogakure. Thinking of those rumors, she wondered if the man from before might have been from there?


“Aw fuck it.” Mirai said, and C blinked in confusion as she downed the rest of her drink in a single go. It had become only slightly hot during their chat, making it easy to gulp. She then stood up and leaned her heavy tits on top of the table before she asked point blank, “Wanna fuck?”


“I thought I was gonna have to try and woo you more.” C said with a mild grin. “The local women can’t keep up in most cases.”


“I’m in no mood for wooing.” Mirai said plainly.


C smirked as he stood up and Mirai gulped lightly when she finally got a good look at his penis. It wasn’t even hard yet, but she could tell it’d be big. Well, bigger than her sensei’s at least, which was almost the only thing she had to draw from, having seen him in the bath a few times when she was little. Any others Mirai had only seen in magazines, and they rarely showed anything erect.


In a display of impressive self control worthy of a shinobi, C’s dick went from soft to hard within three heartbeats. Mirai could tell it was three based on the way his cock jumped slightly every time it swelled. The final result was impressive to say the least! It looked like those rumors were true. C’s dick was nearly as long as Mirai’s arm and twice as thick! Just looking at the thing made her pussy tingle as she licked her ruby painted lips.


Not waiting for C to say anything, Mirai got down on her knees in front of him, grabbing his hard dick in her hands. It was softer to the touch than she imagined it would be, though that was just the surface. Beneath the skin it felt hard as rock as she leaned in close. Her tits were like a pair of perfect cushions for her to rest her weight on top of as she began kissing his waist and pelvis while her hands stroked his throbbing length. The smell coming off it was incredibly strong. It was a naughty smell that seemed to cling to the inside of her nose like it was trying to embed itself there. It wasn’t exactly a bad smell, but more like an animal’s musk than anything else.


She kind of liked it!


Every time she inhaled, Mirai felt herself getting dizzier and dizzier as her pussy felt hotter and hotter. Within a few quick breaths she could already feel her juices dripping down her thighs as the urge to touch her privates became even stronger! Moments passed before she realized and she had begun peppering his cock with kisses all over, her lips leaving bright red marks all over his dick.


“Hnmmmmmmph, hrmmmmmph, ahmmmmmmph…!” Mirai moaned softly as she quickly found her mouth wrapped around his cock. It was so thick! Her jaw ached with the strain of being opened so wide, but it tasted good…


“Hmmmmmph, aguh, mmmmmph, gurgh, HMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Mirai moaned louder as she began sliding it deeper and deeper into her mouth. ‘Ahh, why does it feel so much better than during training!?’ she thought as she found herself taking C’s cock down her throat. It made her gag, and it was hard to breathe, but she didn’t want to stop!


NMMMMPH, GUH, HNMMMMMMMPH, GUG, HURRRGH MMMMMMPH AGUH, NMMMPH, NMMMPH, NMMMPH…!” Mirai gagged repeatedly as she moved her head back and forth. She could actually FEEL her throat expanding every time C’s cock slid through it and down towards her stomach. The sensation only added to the dizziness she felt every time she breathed in through her nose. But she couldn’t stop, she didn’t want to stop! To her own surprise, she was really enjoying this!


“Oooh, yeah… Fuuuck…” C groaned as Mirai managed to finally deepthroat half his dick, “Yondime-sama was right about you Konoha girls…” he said with another groan.


HRMMMMMPH, AGUG, MMMMMMPH, GUAH, MMMMMMPH… PWAH…!” Mirai gasped, finally able to pull herself off of the blonde man’s thick cock and breathe again. She let out a long moan as she dragged her tongue along the length of his rod before sandwiching it neatly between her huge tits!


“What do you mean?” she asked as she began stroking his length with her soft and squishy flesh melons.


“Something, I heard from him, the other day…” C said haltingly as Mirai stroked his still hard dick with her heavy tits. It felt surprisingly good too, as she found herself stroking his length faster and faster, enjoying the way it made him groan while she did it.


“H… he was talking about how Konoha women are really skilled at sucking dick. Though he sounded mildly annoyed for some reason.” C explained to her.


“Hmmmn, I see…” Mirai said, wondering who the former Raikage was talking about for all of one second before turning her attention back to the thick dick in between her tits. The wide dark pink tip peeked up between her pale tits and Mirai moved to take it back between her lips. C groaned again as Mirai swirled her tongue around the tip, loving the flavor of it.


“Nmmmmmmh, ur cawk ish philling muh mouph…” Mirai moaned, the thickness of C’s cock making her slur her words. She leaned herself forward more, with her tits spilling around C’s legs as she took his cock back down her throat and moaned deeply.


“Aguuuugh, it’sh philling my whole phroad…!!” Mirai moaned while loudly slurping the man’s dick. ‘Ahhh, I love this!!!’ she thought, ‘The feel of his cock in my mouth and throat, it’s so good! I might get addicted to it!


“Ahhh, fuuuuck, that feels great!” C groaned again as Mirai began moving her head back and forth faster before he grabbed her head with both hands and began roughly fucking her mouth and throat!


AGUUUGH GUG GUH GUG GUH GUG GUH GUUPH GURK GUG GURG…!” Mirai gagged loudly, choking on his cock. Long thick ropes of her saliva pulled away from her mouth every time his cock slid out. Every time Mirai felt it pushing back inside, her pussy would gush a little as she felt herself having small, but powerful orgasms!




HRMMM HURR HURR HRMM HURR!!!” grunted C as he continued violently fucking Mirai’s mouth and throat. Her vision turned blurry as her eyes rolled back in her head and her pussy let out a heavy gush of juices as she came hard!!!


AWWW GAAAAWD!!!! GUUUMMMINGH!!! GUUMMING GUUMMING GUUMMING!!!” she gagged repeatedly. “HMMMMMPH, GUUMM IN MUH MOUPH, PWEASHE!!! AGUH GUG GUH… PHILL MUH CAWKSHUCKER WIPH HAWT JIZZ!!!!” she slurred in pleasure even as she felt C’s cock throbbing in her mouth as a thick, warm, liquidy sensation filled her stomach. It was like she’d just drunk a gallon of warm cream, as her stomach felt heavy and slightly bloated. But it felt so good she didn’t even care!


GWAAAH!!!!” Mirai gasped as C pulled his cock back and spurted another thick load of cum all over her face. It felt hot! Hotter than she imagined, and it was thick like yogurt as it ran down over her nose in thick clumps. Mirai gasped several more times as she recovered herself. Her pussy was still tingling, and she hadn’t even touched it! If just a basic blowjob could feel that good, she then wondered how full on fucking must have felt. Just imagining it made her understand the look on the face of the woman in the street earlier.


C helped Mirai to her feet and handed her a napkin from the dispenser on their table. She used it to wipe the cum off her face before dumping it in the trash. When the scantily clad waitress returned with the check, C surprised her by paying for her coffee.


“Thank you,” Mirai said gratefully.


“Beach?” C asked.


“Beach.” Mirai agreed to the impromptu date.


The two of them then left the bookstore/cafe together, and Mirai found herself looking forward to her time there even more!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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11 months ago

I know I’m late talking about this chapter, but I’ve been really busy lately. So let’s get right into it now. 😅

This was a pretty nice chapter overall, and also a pretty good debut for Mirai, the daughter of Kurenai and the late Azuma Sarutobi. She really didn’t get much to do in the actual story but thankfully it’s a different story here. And we also learned why she’s in Ranko in the first place. Very nice choice. 👍

It only went further the more she walked around the island, including watching that public sex a couple had for other people to see and visiting the same tattoo and piercing shop Samui went to earlier in the story, tattooist and all. Very nice work on that. On a side note, I actually like the tattooist, as well as his thing for brunettes. 😏

Which brings me to her meeting and titfuck/blowjob with C, one of the Kumogakure shinobi on A’s detail. This was a fun exchange between the two of them, as well as further details on the differences between Konoha women and Kumo men. Not to mention demonstrating Mirai’s mindset on living her own life and being her own woman. That aside from the sexual side of things was really well done. 👏

I can already imagine how she’ll get when she eventually gets a cock inside her. Haha. Hopefully it’s not the only time we’ll see her here. 🤔

Good work. Looking forward to seeing what’s next. 😀

– Hiryu

11 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks man, I’m glad you noticed the tattooist being there. Some people liked him when he appeared last time, so I figured I’d use him again. I based his appearance on a VERY old OC of mine I designed WAAAAAAAY back in the 1990’s. Imagine Sephiroth with pale blue hair and less genocidal. Mirai was fun to write as well. I hope I get another chance to use her someday. Looking forward to your comments on some of my other stories recently.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Learn something new every day. XD

I’m getting to the others now.

11 months ago

Nice chapter and great to Mirai. Looks like her Konaha horny genes activated on time and it was great to see her adapt to the island usual life-style. Good luck for Sumire and Wasabi when their hormones in that plac, especially near Hanabi

11 months ago
Reply to  Shadowdragon

Hehe, yeah, I decided to go with her being one of the kind of women who make the world a better place to live in. A woman who loves nothing more than sucking a dick!

11 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Kurenai would have to arrive to see if she has better skills than Mirai

11 months ago

I wish we saw more of Mirai throughout Boruto, instead shes just a background character

11 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

True, she really only appeared once that I can recall. A shame since her bacl story with her parents is rather compelling.