Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Match Made in Heaven

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXIV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXVI): [LINK]

“Hmmmnh… Capta- Er… I mean, Unoahana-sama! How much longer do I have to do this?” asked Isane Kotetsu, the current Captain of the 4th Division of the Soul Society, as she pressed her tits tight around Hanataro’s cock. “We’ve been going at it for hours!”


“And you’re both doing such an excellent job!” Unohana praised her. The black haired club owner and former Captain sat on a couch a couple paces away from the bed with her two subordinates on it and closely watched them enjoy each other’s bodies. “But we can’t end it just yet! Keep going!”


“Huuuuuungh… but… Unohana-sama… it’s so hard…!! I feel like they’re gonna pop any second now!” whined Hanataro.


The three Shinigami were currently in one of the ten “Busteez Diamond” rooms of “Unohana’s Palace of Harlots and Gigolos”. The only people that had access to these rooms were those who had a “Premium Platinum Plus Membership” in their possession. Currently, only four lucky guys, and one woman, were fortunate enough to get their hands on one of these cards back when the club first opened up. With this level of membership, the customer was allowed to do practically everything they wanted! From joining the girls on stage during their performance if they wanted, to taking as many employees with them to the “Busteez Diamond” rooms for free, and doing basically whatever they wanted as long as it was still legal and within the employees limit.


And it was in one of these rooms that Unohana decided to train her two most promising subordinates!


The first of the chosen two was Isane Kotetsu! The woman with the biggest boobs in the three realms! Way back, when Isane was still a baby, her parents went to the 4th Division and begged them for help. Isane’s tits were growing at such an alarming rate, she would have been unable to even stand up. Her spine would have been completely deformed because of the unnatural weight on her chest. And, in the worst case scenario, she could have smothered herself to death if the full weight of her ever growing breasts were to rest on her organs! It was a dangerous situation Unohana had to deal with, but she stepped up to the challenge. This led to the creation of a Kido Spell to drastically reduce the silver haired girl’s tits in order for her to live a normal life! This Kido Spell would later on also serve her well when she was confronted with a similar, albeit much less severe, case of the same abnormal growth when Rukia Kuchiki came to her one day. In fact, the Kido Spell she ultimately created to enlarge her own and the tits of other girls, was nothing more than the inverse of the Spell used to shrink Isane’s tits to a manageable size. There simply never was a reason to create a growth Kido of such proportions until this point!


And the second of the two subordinates was Hanataro Yamada! The man with a body that was made to fuck, according to Unohana’s own thesis! His dick might be smaller than even that of Renji Abarai, and he definitely didn’t look the part, but for that she could simply use the Kido Spell. Right now, his dick was even bigger than he himself was, standing proud in the air, way too thick for Isane to even remotely manage to get her shrunken tits around! Unohana theorized that, with the right training, he could become an absolute BEAST in bed that would make Ichigo Kurosaki look like a novice! She just needed to get rid of his inhibitions and uncertainty, and push him in the right direction.


Which was precisely the reason why she decided to invest some extra time into their training!


“Good! Keep it there! DON’T cum!” said the first Kenpachi from her place on the couch. She could see the veins all over his cock throb wildly, the red of his blood clearly visible through his skin. “Isane hasn’t even gotten serious yet. Isn’t that right, dear?”


“Ugh… I… I don’t know…” Isane moaned, “I… I’ve been stroking his dick for so long with m- my tits… I just want to have him inside of me! Please!” She begged needily. “I can’t take it much longer! It just feels too hot!”


Her pussy gushed, with her juices raining down on his monstrous balls. Each one of his nuts was twice as big as his head and practically boiling with cum, “Hrrrrrrrgh…” the black haired man groaned as the sweet ichor dropped on his highly sensitive jewels, prompting even more precum to ooze out of his cock. “Aaaaaaah… I- Kotetsu-samaaaaaa…!!”


“I’m so sorry!” Isane quickly licked up as much of his precum as she could, savoring the taste like it was the most delicious sweet known to mankind, “But… hmmmm… it just feels so good!” She slurred lasciviously, dragging her tongue up and down the side of Hanataro’s cock.


“Hnnnnnngh… NOOOOO!!!” Hanataro arched his back but wasn’t able to buck his hips at all. The sheer weight of his schlong made it impossible to move! Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried his hardest not to give in to the pleasure!


MMMMMMMHHH… DISH CAWK!!!! IT’SH PEWFECT!!!!” moaned the silver haired Shinigami, completely indifferent towards her partner’s predicament, while pressing her mouth tight against the red tip of his length. She kept her lips pressed against his cock as she moved her entire body up on the gigantic pole in an attempt to suck the precum straight from the source. “AAAAAHHH!!!! SHO BHIGGG… AND HAWT… AND… AAAAAAHH!!! I WAND IDDDD!!!! MUUUUUUAAH!!!


“U- Unohana-samaaaaaa!!!” he turned over towards his former Captain. “Please… it burns so much!”


But he didn’t find any mercy in Unohana’s eyes, “Hanataro-kun~! What kind of man would you be if you’d cum from something so simple like this! And without making your partner cum first, no less!” the older woman chided him. “Keep it in! No matter how much this turns you on! And, Isane…” She turned towards her protege. “You will try your absolute best to make him cum! Whoever cums first will have a private training session with me alone!”


Not sure whether or not to take this as a threat or as a potential reward, the two Shinigami gulped. Given Hanataro’s current situation, there wasn’t all that much he could do however, and thus was forced to watch as Isane continued licking at his cock like it was a cone of ice cream! She put her right leg around his length, stroking his lower half with the back of her knee and her thighs, while massaging the upper part with her insanely huge knockers.


OH GOD!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!!” the young man groaned in a mix of pleasure and strain. Sweat pearled down his body in large streams and mixed with his tears, making the mattress underneath him feel all kinds of damp and wet!


HMMMMMPH!!! UMPH, MUUUH, MMMMH!!!” Isane moaned at length, while lapping up as much of his delicious precum as possible. “SHO… GHUGH!!! MMMMMNH… PWEASHE… CUM PHO MEEEEEEHH!!!!


HAAA, HAAA, HAAAAAAA!!!! I CAN’T!! NO!!! Nonononononononononono!!” Hanataro shook his head frantically from side to side as he writhed on the bed, which caused his cock to follow the movement of his body like the pointer of a metronome.


The gargantuan piece of meat smacked wetly against Isane’s several times and spread the precum all over her body, “WAAAAHH!!! ST- STOP THIS!!!” Due to his frantic moves, his dick wasn’t simply rubbing against her inner thighs anymore, but also against her nude and positively soaked pussy. “YOU… YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME…!!


YES!! PLEASE CUM ALREADY!!!! I CAN’T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER!!!!” He screamed, trying his absolute hardest to buck his hips against her. Her pussy felt so hot and wet against his member, she was basically steaming!


OOO~NLY AFTER YOU CAME, HANATARO-KUN!!!!” She clung to his cock for dear life in an attempt to stop him from shaking so much against her cunt. “IF YOU DO… I… I’LL LET YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH ME AFTERWARDS!!! JUST… PLEASE!!!! GIVE ME YOUR CUM!!! I NEEEEEEEEEEED ITTT!!!!!


AAAAAOOOH!!! NO!!! FUCK!!!” Hanataro trembled and cried. Unohana saw his entire body getting stiff and motionless and his eyes rolling inwardly as he found himself unable to hold back anymore. “I’M CUMMING!!!!!!


YESS, YESSSSSS!!!! CUM FOR ME!!! QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRBBSSSSSSHHGLUUUURAAAK!!!!!!” With her face right above the tip of his cock, her words quickly turned into a lewd and obscene gurgling as gallon after gallon of cum was pumped through Hanataro’s meatsword and shot high into the air!


Thick globs of cum that had the consistency of molten cheese and sour cream hit her straight in the face, clogging her nose and mouth, and splashing straight into her eyes. Even when she pulled her face away, she wasn’t fully safe as Hanataro kept on pumping even more cum! The white babybatter rained down all around her, landing in her hair, on her tits, her back, and her butt from which it slowly found its way down her legs.


GUUUURK!!! SHO MUCH!!!!! IT’SH… URRRK… GETTING EPHYWHEWE!!!” Isane gagged, her words barely understandable between the constant coughing and all the cum in her every orifice. “PHUUUUUUK!!!! AYE’M CUMMING THOOOOOOOOOUUUUK!!!!!!


“I’m sorry! So sorry! I CAN’T MAKE IT STOP!!!!” Hanataro whined. “Cumming feels so good… It’s making me cum AGAAAAAIIIIIIIN!!!


YUUK!!! DON’T… DON’T SHTOOOOP!!!!! FEELSH… UUUUUUUUUMPH!!!! CUM… MOWE CUM!!!!! GIMME MOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!” shouted Isane, even as all her energy lost her body. She let go of her tits and slided down Hanataro’s length until falling face first into his nutsack! “AYE’M LOSHING MUH MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!


OOOOOOAARK!!!!” roared Hanataro after the impact of her head on his balls squeezed out yet another five gallons worth of his seed.


It took another ten minutes until both of them finally stopped cumming. Their chests heaved with every breath they took as they slowly calmed down. On the other side of the room, Unohana threw an umbrella she had brought for exactly such an occasion to the side and admired the aftermath of their little session.


“Not bad…” She admitted, nodding approvingly. The former Captain walked over towards her subordinates and patted their heads. “You two have earned yourselves a five-minute break. Afterwards, I wanna see an even better performance! More initiative and control from you, Hanataro. And more situational awareness and adaptability from you, Isane! Okay?!”


UUUUUGH!!!” both Shinigami groaned like zombies before falling asleep, foolishly hoping that Unohana was only messing with them.



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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8 months ago

Surprised more people haven’t talked about this chapter yet. But I have three things to say about it:

Point #1: This was just insane! No penetration was needed, but Isane and Hanataro match up surprisingly well. 👍

Point #2: Any of those who have the platinum membership card are allowed to do pretty much whatever they want to in those diamond rooms {within reason, mind you}. 😏

And point #3: If Unohana asks or tells you to do something when you work for her, then you better fucking do it. Fortunately, there is a method to her madness {if one could really say that about her}. 👀

Either way, while it was short, it was really intense chapter. Let’s see how the next one will fare when it pops up. 😄

Looking forward to seeing how it works out! 👏

– Hiryu

Last edited 8 months ago by Hiryu
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yo! It ended up a bit shorter than expected, unfortunately, but I’m glad you like the end result.

8 months ago

There needs to be more Amazons bullying hyper cocks.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  JustaMann

Preach, my brother! Preach!

Sauce am
Sauce am
8 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

am gonna repeat myself, but here’s some ideas!

1. Bimbo Orihime: At a friends get together at Ichigo’s house Yushiro Shihoin shows up and ends up getting deepthroated by, facefucking, titfucking, assfucking, and pussy fucking Orihime Inoue! Orihime Inoue doesn’t think a blowjob, titfuck, or anal is cheating because she’s stupid! Oh yeah portray Orihime Inoue as a very ditzy, airheaded, dumb, bimbo!

2. Giselle gets their dick sucked by Bambietta basterbine and has sex with Bambietta. Bambietta is very submissive!