Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Hard Dick Labor

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Kill la Kill stories)
Previous Story (Part X): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XII): [LINK]

The late morning sun shone high in the sky as Satsuki Kiryuin stepped out of the pink 1957 Ford Fairlane convertible onto the large farm she was to inspect. “Thank you Gamagori, you should find adequate parking behind the barn area. Please wait for my return there.” she told him pointing to a large red barn some distance away.


“Understood Lady Satsuki.” replied Ira Gamagori as he put the car back into gear and drove in the direction she’d indicated.


The farm was one of the Kiryuin Conglomerate holdings that was a subsidiary of Revocs. It was mainly used for the growing of wheat and other grains, with some cattle ranching. Satsuki could already see some cows milling about in the tall grass as they dumbly ate their fill and was glad she had worn a more plain outfit of a simple blue business skirt with a matching jacket over a white blouse. More recently though, Satsuki had repurposed the place for her own needs, growing a special kind of hemp to make fabric with. Unlike the kind advocated for legalization by the fringe communities, this particular hemp was useless as a mind altering drug, or even as a beneficial one used to ease the suffering of cancer patients and those with eye troubles. This hemp was only good for the production of paper, and more importantly, a fabric that could temper the interaction of the human body with Life Fibers. It was perfect for making all levels of Goku Uniforms with. Since tests with remaking the Three Star uniforms had gone well, having enough suitable fabric now was imperative.


The owner of the farm was more than happy to work for Revocs, as the competition for grains and meat was pretty cutthroat in Japan. Fabric production though, Revocs still controlled more than 90% of the world markets even after the company scaled back heavily after the battle with her mother. Satsuki had made the old man a very lucrative offer to change things, more than he could have hoped to make in a lifetime of competing in the food market. His only complaint when she told him how much she would need made ready and when, was that he didn’t have nearly enough staff to keep up with that kind of demand.


Ever the pragmatist, Satsuki solved the problem by loaning out students from her school. More specifically the students not enrolled in any of her “Special Courses”. They would make regular trips here, learning everything from the basics of Farming to the more complex areas. The farm owner got his labor force, and the students learned marketable trade skills in running the equipment and cultivating the produce. They were even able to help support their families as Satsuki made certain that all of them were paid an above average wage for their efforts.


Satsuki made her way to the southern edge of the farm where the hemp was being cultivated when her phone chimed. She pulled it out of her skirt pocket and tapped the screen on. It was a text from Rei, a simple reminder about the Quarterly Budget meetings coming up in a couple of weeks. Satsuki wasn’t looking forward to it, some of the company executives were worried about the sheer volume of money she was spending on her “Personal Project.” Others were outright objecting. She honestly didn’t have to worry about it, she alone controlled 75% of the company stock, her word was law. Still, the meetings and everything were becoming a headache. She was grateful to have Rei helping keep things organized as well as being a wonderful means of stress relief. It was gratifying that her goals went hand in hand with such, relief.


Her recent trip to one of the few places she’d ever been able to enjoy with her father brought a smile to her lips. Her ass still tingled with the way the dark skinned woman’s massive dick had pounded it mercilessly! She ran one hand through her once again long dark hair as the wind began whipping it about. An unexpected side effect of working to charge the life fibers was that it seemed to cause one’s hair and fingernails to grow quite a bit faster. Within just a few weeks of having cut it, Satsuki’s hair was back down to her shapely ass. Perhaps she could use that as a means of crowdsourcing the fiber charging as a means of hair growth treatments? It was possible, but getting it to be seen as something other than more quack medicine would be a challenge. She opened a reply to Rei:


[Noted, thank you. Please remind me of idea for hair growth outsourcing, will explain later.]


She tapped send and Rei sent back a simple thumbs up emoji as a reply. Not exactly professional, but faster and easier than wasting energy tapping out an acknowledgement. In a battle between practicality and professionalism, practicality won every time. As she neared the field, she saw several students from the university hard at work harvesting the current crop using the latest in farming equipment. Unlike in the United States, where many farmers used illegal or barely legal immigrants for cheap mass labor, Satsuki insisted on well paid and properly equipped labor. Here no one was at risk of suffering heat stroke or exhaustion, regular breaks were given every hour, food and drink was openly available, and with the addition of proper equipment, work ran as smoothly or even better by comparison.


She spotted the farmer out in the main field supervising a group of students who were handling a harvester that had stopped working. The main engine compartment was already open and he was showing them how to fix what was likely a minor issue. Yet another skill they could learn here, mechanical engineering, to a mild degree. But one student seemed keenly interested in what was being taught, so maybe she would take up the study full time.


“Things are running well I see.” Satsuki said, announcing her presence.


The farmer looked up from the engine, his face smeared with grease. He was a middle aged man with rugged features and skin like someone who spent most of his time in the sun. His name was Soichiro Isshin. While his face looked rough, he had gentle eyes like she remembered in what few memories she had of her father. Maybe that was why she picked him out of the dozen or so candidates, or maybe because his name matched both her father’s real name and the assumed one he’s used to protect her little sister Ryuko.


“Lady Kiryuin.” said Soichiro.


“Lady Satsuki please.” she told him, “I have some personal issues with being called by my family name.”


He shrugged, “Alright,” he told her, “Gimme just a moment, this is a quick fix.” he explained before turning back to the students and explaining how to find and repair what was wrong with the harvester’s engine. Satsuki had to admit, he was a fine teacher, taking his time and explaining things slowly so everyone could keep up. The girl who appeared more interested in things than the others stopped him several times to ask relevant questions. Satsuki took a mental image of her face and made a note to have her introduced to the University’s Mechanical Engineering Club.


Once he’d finished explaining things, he allowed one of the students to make the seemingly simple repair before restarting the engine. The “class” then went back to work collecting the raw materials for future Goku Uniforms.


“I see things are running smoothly.” Satsuki said as Mr. Isshin approached.


“Better than smooth,” he told her, “Those guys from your gardening club had some ideas that really sped things up. We’re actually ahead of schedule.”


“Excellent, I’ll see to it you receive a bonus then.” Satsuki told him, “Tell me more…”



After her meeting with Soichiro Isshin, Satsuki was given a quick tour of the rest of the farm. The facility was as she expected, though it was interesting to watch the process of the hemp being prepared for processing into fabric. She enjoyed a basic, but filling lunch of marinated potatoes and green tea. Afterwards she was ready to return to the University. Nonon had texted her during lunch, telling her about a student she thought she might find interesting.


HEY, QUEEN BITCH OF THE UNIVERSE!!!” shouted a voice.


“Hmm?” said Satsuki as she turned to see a youth with brown hair glaring at her as he tossed down a backhoe he was wielding. It actually took Satsuki a moment to place his face since she hadn’t seen him in person since that day on the Naked Sol.


Mataro Mankanshoku, the younger brother of Mako Mankanshoku.


“Ain’t you ever heard of child labor laws!?” he shouted to her. He was dripping with sweat in the humid afternoon sun, dressed in a pair of tattered shorts and a loose fitting brown tank. Though still lanky by most standards, she could see he was in fairly decent shape. No doubt a result of Sukuyo’s healthy, if questionable cooking.


“What, the younger guys in school gotta do all your labor so that’s why you got us slaving away out here in the sticks? We not good enough to be doin’ all that kinky shit the upper classes are doing or something?” he asked her with a snide tone in his voice.


Satsuki approached the youth so as not to have to yell to be heard. “I would hardly call anyone with the skills to survive over a month underground while living clothes sought to devour him a child. Nonon told me how she found you in Honno town during the Covers’ rampage. You were seeking to rescue your sister, correct?” she asked him plainly. “Also, you were the only one smart enough not to wear the booby trapped clothes provided by Revocs for the Cultural Festival. So no, I do not see you as a child. And hard work is the bedrock of living life to the fullest.”


“Pffft! Yeah right! Say’s the bitchy chick born with a silver spoon up her ass!” Mataro said, “I just think a slut like you can’t handle the energy of someone younger. Afraid you won’t be able to keep up with a real man!?”


“Ho?” Satsuki said with a raised eyebrow, “Very well, I accept your challenge Young Mankanshoku.” she told him as she stepped even closer. A sly smile spread over her lips as he flinched back just a bit. Her smile widened as he gulped when she unbuttoned her jacket before pulling her blouse open, baring her shapely breasts. She hadn’t bothered with a bra today as she’d yet to receive any new life fiber infused ones.


Mataro fell back flat on his ass at the sight of her naked tits and Satsuki continued to smile. “What’s the matter?” she asked in a sultry voice, “Lost your nerve already at the sight of my breasts?”

The brown haired youth gulped again, then glared back at her, “Not even!!! Go on, bring those big titties over here!” he told her.


Satsuki grinned now, shedding her blouse and jacket together, following them quickly with her skirt. Now clad only in a pair of jet black panties with a thong back, the dark haired girl sauntered over to him, swinging her hips with each step. Mataro actually managed to surprise her when he closed the distance of the last step and reached up to grab both her breasts in his hands.


“Mmh…” Satsuki purred as his fingers sank into the softness of her breasts. His smaller hands couldn’t hope to grip them entirely, but that didn’t stop him from trying. Young men were always so enthusiastic.


“Heh heh heh, I’m actually groping Satsuki Kiryuin!” Mataro chuckled as he squeezed both breasts, hefting each one in his hands.


“Hmmm, yes, you should feel honored to do so, but I wonder, do you have what it takes to back up your boasting from earlier, or are you still too immature to satisfy a woman?” she asked him before pressing her breasts against his hands, shoving his face into her cleavage. “Now, show me the depths of your resolve!”


“I’ll show you resolve you cheeky bitch!” said Mataro as he pulled his head back and opened his mouth wide before taking one of Satsuki’s fat nipples into it. She could feel his teeth biting down on it as he tugged back lightly.


“Hmmmmmm, yes, that’s the way boy…” she moaned, actually beginning to feel aroused as she watched him suck on her nipple roughly. His hands continued to paw at her tits, the fingers sinking deep into them as he moved from one nipple to the other. The dark haired girl moaned again as Mataro began sucking even harder, as though he were trying to fit her entire breast into his mouth.


As Mataro busied himself with her breasts, Satsuki took a moment to push her panties down and kick them away into the tall grass around them. “I hope suckling my breasts isn’t all you know, otherwise this will end far sooner than I expected.” she told him.


“A… As if!” he replied, pulling his face away from her left tit. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when he noticed she was now completely naked aside from her shoes. A lecherous grin then spread over his face as he stared down at her neatly trimmed pussy, the pink folds already wet with arousal.


“Hoooooh yeah, this is so awesome!” he said as he moved one hand down to shove three fingers into her. Satsuki let out a soft sound as she felt his digits wriggling around in her pussy, making her juices flow even faster, until his hand was completely soaked with them!


“Hmmmmmh, yesssss, more, put your whole hand inside!” she moaned, already wanting to feel something big and thick pushing into her. She moaned again as Mataro made a fist and practically punched his hand inside her, his arm sank into her all the way up to his elbow and Satsuki spread her legs wider for him as she began rolling her hips against him.


“Wow it’s so warm and squishy…!” Mataro said as he began pumping his arm back and forth, her belly stretching just a little with his movements. It wasn’t enough though, the youth’s arm was far too thin, Satsuki wanted something thicker and deeper! She craved to feel her entire pussy stuffed to the brim, feel a cock pressing all the way up into her very womb! But before that, she needed something in her mouth!


She allowed Mataro to fist her pussy only for a moment longer before pulling back, his hand withdrawing from her with a wet sucking sound. She then got down on her knees and made him watch as she licked her own fluids from his arm and fingers. Slowly dragging her tongue along his skin as she turned her gaze down towards his crotch. Her blue eyes widened at the sight of the bulge she saw there.


“Hmmm, perhaps you weren’t just boasting afterall.” she said as she reached up with one hand and deftly undid the front of the tattered denim shorts he wore. Mataro grunted and Satsuki took in a sharp breath at the sight of his impressively huge cock as it sprang free!


Satsuki licked her lips, “No, not just boasting at all…” she said in a low voice as she stared at the brown haired youth’s long and very THICK dick. Easily as long as her arm and as thick as her thigh, Matro’s cock was on par with Gamagori and Rei. Satsuki didn’t hesitate as she reached out with both hands and gripped it tight. It felt hot and firm to her touch, and Mataro shivered at the feel of her hands as she used both to stroke his cock.


“You just might be able to satisfy me.” she told him as she slowly dragged her tongue along the underside of his cock, tasting his virgin dick. If she didn’t know better, Satsuki would have said there was a distinctive taste to him as she let out a low whorish moan of wanton lust. Her pussy was actually aching with need now, she had a nice big, fat cock in front of her, and her cunt wanted it to be fed inside!


But first…’ she thought before opening her mouth wide, “Ahhhhhhguuuugh…!” she gagged as she took Mataro’s cock down her throat and moaned around him. “HMMMMMMMMMMPH…!!


“Oooooh, yeah, you really love sucking dick don’t you Satsuki?” Mataro groaned as the feel of her mouth and throat. Satsuki wouldn’t deny that, she relished the feel of a big, hard, and thick cock ravaging her body!


MMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMMMMPH, GUH…” she moaned and gagged around his cock, loving the feel of her throat swelling every time she took it in!


“Ooooohooohohooo…” Mataro shuddered and groaned, “Oh fuck that feels goood…” he told her as she continued moving her head back and forth. Satsuki took some pride in his words, but a virgin like him had nothing to compare with, so his praise only had a little value, like the price of silver compared to platinum. Both had worth, but the latter could only come from one far more experienced in the carnal practises. Though Satsuki did have one thing to look forward to, a virgin dick like this had to have a LOT of cum backed up inside his melon sized nuts!


AGUMMMMPH, GUMMMPH MMMMPH, GUGHMMMMPH MMMMPH…” Satsuki moaned as she moved her head back and forth faster, her lips slurping and sucking his cock with lewd wet noises.


“Saaaa… Satsuki-samaaah…!” Mataro groaned and the dark haired girl felt a welcome sense of liquid warmth filling her belly. She took his cock all the way down her throat and held it there, counting the number of spurts she felt through the underside of his cock.


HMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned around him, her pussy clenching and unclenching with hunger as she listened to him groan as he came from his first ever blowjob!


When she felt his cock spasms slowing, Satsuki lifted her head up, keeping her tongue pressed against the underside of his cock the whole way. She then pulled herself free with a soft gasp to fill her starved lungs. Satsuki let out a hot breath and from a few drops of cum leaking down the sides of her mouth. She quickly licked them up with a flick of her tongue as she grinned down at the panting youth.


“Hmmm, you just came and yet you remain that hard, color me impressed young Mankanshoku.” she told him. “As an admission of my misjudging you, I’ll allow you to have, this…!” she said as she turned around and knelt down on all fours like the bitch he liked to call her. She reached one hand between her long creamy legs to spread open the folds of her pussy for him. “Normally I’d choose to be on top, but I’ll make an exception since you’ve impressed me. Now, go ahead, shove that big dick inside me!” she ordered him.


“It’s okay? I mean, it’s really okay!?” he asked as he panted and drooled like that perverted dog of his family’s.


“Yes, perfectly, unless you’d rather stop?” she said to him.


NOT EVEN!!!” Mataro yelled as he moved to stand behind her, pressing the tip of his fat dick against her waiting pussy. Satsuki rocked herself back against him, forcefully pushing his cock inside herself.


HMMMMMMMMMMMMMH!!!” she moaned as her pussy practically sang with pleasure at having something so thick filling her up at last!


“Ooooohooohoohoooh…” Mataro moaned in a shuddery voice, “It’s inside, ahhh, it’s really inside!”


“So…? How does your first pussy feel young Mankanshoku?” she asked as she bit her lower lips to hold back her moans.


“Ohhh, it’s great… It’s great… It’s really fucking amazing…!!!” Mataro groaned as he immediately began swinging his hips.


YESSSSS, THAT’S IT!!! HAAHHHH, DON’T STOP, MORE… POUR ALL THAT PENT UP VIRGIN ENERGY INTO MEEEEE…!!” Satsuki moaned, her body bucking back and forth from the force of his thrusts. Her pussy felt so good, so full!


MMMMMMMHMMMMM… AHHH HAHH AAAHHH, YES, YES YES YES, MORE, FUCK ME!!! POUND THAT GIANT FUCKING SHONEN COCK INTO MY PUSSSYYYYY… AHHHH YESSS, JUST LIKE THAT!!!” screamed Satsuki as she began rocking her body back against Mataro, loving the feel of his giant cock moving back and forth inside her.


The wet SLAP SLAP SLAP of their bodies colliding echoed over the field along with Satsuki’s howls as she clawed at the dirt beneath her. She felt her shoes slipping off her feet as her toes dug at the ground as well. Mataro’s hands gripped her hips for support as he continued slamming his giant cock in and out of her. Hot heady scented juices poured steadily from her pussy as she felt herself beginning to cum already!


“Oh fuuuck, this feels so good!!! I’m plowing Satsuki Kiryuin!I got the Queen Bitch of Honnoji University bouncing on my dick!!!” Mataro groaned.


Satsuki let him have that as she continued to moan, rolling her hips against him and savoring the feel of his cock stirring around inside her. “HMMMMM, YESSSS, DON’T STOP BOY, HARDER, POUND THAT MASSIVE FUCKING DICK INTO ME HARRRRDER!!! AHHHH YESSS, I’M CUMMING, YOUR BIG FAT VIRGIN DICK IS MAKING ME CUUUUUMMMMM!!!! AHHHHAHHHAHHHAHHH, SO GOOD, FEELS SO GOOD INSIDE MEEEE!!!” screamed Satsuki as she arched her back up, her fingers digging deep gouges into the dirt. She then yelped as she suddenly found herself rising upwards as Mataro gripped her hips and actually lifted her into the air!!


“What… AHHAAAAh, WHAT… AHHHHHH!!!!” Satsuki moaned as she found herself held aloft entirely by Mataro’s hands and dick as she slammed his length up into her! How!? How could he do this, he was less than half her size, and yet he was holding her up by her thighs with her legs spreadwide. Anyone walking by would see her being fucked by this paupers son like a cheap whore!!!


And the very knowledge of that only served to excite Satsuki even more as she screamed and howled like one of these farm animals! “HUUUUUUUHN… UUUUUUUHNNN… HUUUUUUUUNMM… OOOHHHH, AHHHAAH HAH AHA HAAAHH…!” she panted and howled, as several of the farm cows came over, drawn by the noise.


One brown and white heifer let out a bellowing noise that joined with her own moaned as she screamed in ecstasy. “FUUUUUCK, FUUUUUCK, FUUUUUCK, I’M CUUUMMMING, CUUUMING, CUUUUMMMINGGG…!!! MORE, MAKE ME CUM MORE YOU PIG IN HUMAN CLOTHING!!!” she screamed. “AHHHH, YESSS, THAT’S IT, FUUUCK, SO GOOD, AHHH, MY PUSSY IS SO FUCKING FULL, IT’S DRIVING ME WILD!!!!


Beneath her, Mataro grunted and groaned, “Heavy… What was I thinking…” he groaned with the strain of supporting her weight.


DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING STOP FUCKING MY HOLE!!!” Satsuki moaned, “YESSSS, THAT’S IT, I… I’M GOING TO CUM, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUUUUMMMMINGGGG!!!!” she screamed at length as her body shook and convulsed in perverse pleasure.


Mataro groaned below her again, and Satsuki could feel his cock throbbing inside her as he pumped another load of his thick cum inside her! She could feel her belly bulging from the volume of it as her womb was filled instantly.


AHHHAAAAH!!!” she moaned as she came again before the brown haired youth’s strength finally gave and the two of them fell over in a panting sweaty heap!


Satsuki waited a full three minutes before her legs felt strong enough to move again. She then stood up as though nothing had happened and collected her clothing.


“You are correct, young Mankanshoku, you are wasted in the less advanced courses. I shall see to it that is rectified immediately.” she said calmly before placing her fingers in her mouth and blowing a loud whistle. In an instant Gamagori appeared in his car, the passenger-side door open. Satsuki moved to sit naked next to her shield and placed her now neatly folded clothes at her feet.


“Let’s return to the university.” she told him.


“At once, Lady Satsuki.” said Gamagori as she closed the door.


“Oh, and see to it Mankanshoku’s younger brother is placed in one of the advanced curriculum’s.” she added.


“Yes Milady.” he said before the two drove off.


Still standing with his pants down, Mataro Mankanshoku said, “Jeez, I don’t think I’ll ever understand that chick.”

Story by Sailor Io

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1 year ago

Also being hooked up to a special breast pump and possibly milked by hand.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
4 years ago

Something, Something, Satsuki is going to get milked.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Possibly getting pregnant and having her breasts swell up do to being said pregnant and full of beast milk.

4 years ago

This was an unexpectedly fun chapter. Not because of Satsuki herself, but rather because of Mataro, her partner for today. Unexpected choice.

That being said, I really liked what I saw here. Including the start of it and the character Isshin.

The sex was very well done too. As one would expect for a story like this. Though being KLK, it being over the top helps it further. XD

Either way, this was fun. Can’t wait to see more. 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, KLK is all about crazy stuff. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Writing Mataro was tricky, I’ve recently rewatched the entire series, and I know he was mouthy, so replicating that wasn’t easy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Well he definitely changed after the covers came into play.

4 years ago

Was not expecting satsuki to be a shotacon but then again this is kill la kill. Nice story and art btw!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anon

I wouldn’t say that, more she took on his challenge

4 years ago

I give 10/10 for history and 10/10 for art. Everything is very good, the characters, the scenery.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dart008

Woo-hoo! Finally got a 10/10!

Smiling Fiend
4 years ago

Maybe exibitionist people think they can get away doing their stuff in front of animals, but these cows are looking at them like they’re judging their souls… or they’re just pissed because they want to chill but there’s some loud chick moaning lmao.

4 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Lol, they just some dumb cows, they don’t care in the slightest

Smiling Fiend
4 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That’s what most people thought too in the movie Back at the Barnyard, just saying…

4 years ago

Before someone bothers to ask, cock size group ratings biggest to smallest.

#1. Rei, Jai, Gamagori
#2. Marcus, Mataro, Iori
#3. Mikisugi, Sanagayama, Inumuta, Mohawk guy
#4. Boxing Club guy, “Dr.” Mankanshoku

4 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Don’t forget that the biggest dick wielder of all is Senketsu hahahaha.

4 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

So be it!

4 years ago

This one is a little odd. From an art standpoint, I will say the background is more distracting than beneficial to this piece. Something about her face seems off as well, not sure what though.

Story wise it was fine. I actually forgot who this character she’s fucking even was at first hahaha. One critique I have, which is funny coming from me, is that it seems like everyone is getting giant cock sizes now. The issue with this is that it doesn’t reflect as such in the picture itself, but also that it lessens the impact of the huge dicks if 5 characters have basically the same giant cock size now.

Was the farmer at the start just some randomly created character? I can’t recall if there was someone like that in the anime.

Last edited 4 years ago by Unskilled
4 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

Farmer was a random oc, but I used the first named of Ryuko and Satsuki’s father. Soichiro was his original name, Isshin was his assumed name as Ryuko’s father.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ah, I couldn’t recall his name at all hahaha. So if they’re growing hemp there, is he also a cow farmer?

4 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

He was raising cattle and regular produce at first. Switching crops is easy, but livestock is trickier unless you just wanna slaughter all of your stock immediately. So he just kept the cows as well.

Smiling Fiend
4 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I got confused for a sec when I first read it. I legit thought he got revived or something lmao.