Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Futanari Failures

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXVII): [LINK]

“Hmmm…!” Kisuke Urahara, former shop keeper of a small convenience store and current owner of a state of the art nightclub/whore house that would soon open its doors to the public, leaned forward on his chair, “Why is that so…?” He asked himself.


Scratching his chin, he went over the videos of his employees that he took the other day on the beach. Despite having told them all that their time together there was simply for them to have fun with one another, Urahara had also hoped to get a few good shots of them that he could put on advertisements and screens all over town in order to win the hearts of those who were still indecisive about whether or not they should spend their hard earned money in his “Busteez, Mansion of the Carnal Arts” or Retsu Unohana’s “Palace of Harlots and Gigolos”.


On an objective level, the blonde man had to admit that his rival had the more impressive roster. Unohana used her close connections with the new Captain-Commander of the Soul Society, Shunsui Kyoraku, to pull some strings and to get many of the Shinigami there to work for her. Toshiro Hitsugaya, Hanataro Yamada, Isane Kotetsu, Lisa Yadomaru, Nemu Kurotsuchi, Rukia Kuchiki, and Renji Abarai all targeted specific kinds of kinks and fetishes that people would pay good money for in order to have them fulfilled. And those were only the Shinigami that he knew about and without mentioning the two Arrancar Queens, Tier Harribel and Nelliel Tu Odelschwank! Even he, with all his resources and connections, didn’t know everything about what else she had in her repertoire!


Suffice to say, it made him worry!


Not that there was anything to complain about when it came to his own roster of employees, of course. Kisuke was certain that they would be hits with future customers! The girls and one man he had in his club should be able to cater to anyone’s desires just as much. He just wished that Yoruichi would have had more success with her attempts to at least recruit Ichigo as the second man in his club. His monstrous dick would be enough to make any female customer come and cum over and over again!


But, alas, this didn’t happen, and so he came up with something else. If he couldn’t have Ichigo in his club, then at least he could come up with something that would let him get his dick! He scooped up as much of Ichigo’s cum as he could from Goro’s “XXXtra Large” store and immediately went to work. It had taken some trial and error, but ultimately, he was able to create a pill that would give any woman a cock that could rival Ichigo’s! And from the data he was able to obtain when Mila Rose tested it on Yoruichi, it worked just fine.


Then why didn’t they work right when Inoue-san and the little bee tried them out?’ He asked in his mind as he watched for the now twelfth time as the cock that should have appeared tall and mighty between Sui-Feng’s legs came out like a shriveled mess, before ultimately disappearing into thin air.


Meanwhile, when Orihime used the pill to fuck Jackie’s mouth the other day, her erection lasted only for a a few minutes before deflating and disappearing as well. Something was up, and he needed to find out what it was!


It works just fine for Mila Rose, but not for the others…’ He pushed himself away from the desk, rolling through the lab he had built even below the basement with the storage room and the dungeon. He was the only person with the keycard that allowed the elevator to go to this level. ‘Is it because she’s an Arrancar?


The former captain shook his head, discarding the idea almost immediately. That couldn’t be it. Afterall, the pills were created with Ichigo’s DNA/Spiritual Energy in mind. And since the guy is basically EVERYTHING (Human, Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow,…), it should work for people of all those races just as well! He stepped into the elevator and pushed the button that would take him to the lobby of the multistory building.


“Well, I guess it’s time for some experiments then…!” Kisuke decided as he hummed to the elevator music that. Then, after just a few seconds, PING!


The elevator doors opened again and he stepped into the luxuriously decorated entrance of his business, “Finally!” a voice greeted him from one of the black leather couches that stood around a small glass coffee table right ahead of him. He could only make out a pair of long and muscular legs hanging off of one of the couches’ sides, and a thick brown mane on the other. But that was already enough indication for him to figure out who was talking to him. “Took ya long enough! We’ve been waiting for ages!”


Mila Rose raised her head so that she could look at Urahara as he came closer. At the other end of the couch, Yoruichi gently massaged her girlfriend’s feet, completely indifferent to the other people around her. Sitting on the couch next to the two chocolate beauties were Yushiro, Orihime, Sui-Feng, and Jackie Tristan. Yoruichi’s younger brother found himself nestled between Sui-Feng and Orihime, who were both eagerly stroking his already erect dick. While the current Captain of the 2nd Division was mostly fixated on her idol next to her on the ground, Orihime made sure to press her boobs around Yushiro’s arm as she leaned her head on his shoulder, gently nibbling on his ear while working her hand up and down on one side of his length. With his dick as big as it is right now, both Orihime and Sui-Feng had to work together in order to rub his entire length, with their fingers barely able to meet each other around the thick girth! Jackie meanwhile stood behind Yushiro, with her big and soft brown tits serving him as a glorified head rest as he panted softly while thrusting his hips slowly back and forth against the hands of the other two girls.


Kisuke had to admit, ‘If they’re working this well with future customers, then I don’t know what I should worry about!’ He shook his head, discarding the thought that had crossed his mind instantly, as he instead raised his hands. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry for letting you wait. And thanks for coming so soon after I called you all here! There was something urgent that came up, and that was what I wanted to discuss with you.”


“Hmm? What is it?” asked Jackie Tristan. The Fullbringer crossed her hands on Yushiro’s head and raised an eyebrow at the middle-aged looking entrepreneur.


“Nothing big really. Just something that crossed my mind as I watched you all have fun on the beach the other day.” He told them while leisurely strolling over to the coffee table and sitting down on it, “To cut right to the chase, have any of you lovely ladies felt anything strange or weird while you had fun together? Namely you, Orihime-san and little bee?” He then asked them before reaching for the bowl with the bonbons at the center of the table.


Don’t! Call me ‘little bee’!” hissed Sui-Feng over Yushiro’s sudden whimper as she clenched her hand tighter around her half of his cock. “And, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t notice anything weird, aside from Yoruichi-sama desperately begging to be fucked from both sides!”


“Don’t be like that, little bee!” Yoruichi, who now rubbed her face against Mila Rose’s feet like a cat in heat, joked. “Don’t deny that you wouldn’t have loved to fuck my face while Rosy took care of my ass!”


“I… I would NEVER do something so… so… so vulgar to you, Yoruichi-sama!” the younger black haired girl attempted to deny the accusations. If the way she crossed her legs in order to hide her gushing pussy were any indication, then she did very much enjoy the thought.


Turning his attention towards Orihime, Urahara swallowed one of the strawberry bonbons. “And you, Orihime-san? Did you notice anything? Especially when you consumed the futa pill?”


A burning red blush spread across the orangette’s face, as her hands were now moving even faster as she tried to distract herself a bit from the personal and embarrassing answer, “W- Well… the pills lasted rather shortly. It also just kinda… vanished right in the middle, which made it feel a bit disappointing.”


“Ichigo’s dick? Disappointing?” Yoruichi stopped with her leg worshiping for a while to stare at her friend with a look of utter disbelief on her face. “That can’t be right! What kind of thing did you put together to make Ichigo’s dick feel disappointing?!”


“That’s actually what I wanna try to find out myself!” Kisuke answered candidly. He put one last bonbon into his mouth and pushed himself off of the table. “So, let me ask again, was there anything you noticed?”


“The pill works just fine on me!” commented Mila Rose. Fast as a snake, she wrapped her legs around Yoruichi’s head and pulled her towards her moist crotch. Due to her only wearing a flimsy excuse of a miniskirt, Yoruichi found herself immediately face to face with the neatly shaven womanhood of her lover. “Something that this little slut can surely affirm!”


MHMMMMM!!!!!” nodding as best as she could with Mila Rose’s legs locking her head tight, Yoruichi began slurping and licking at the other woman’s clit.


Still stroking Yushiro’s cock, Sui-Feng leaned forward a bit, “You don’t think it’s because she’s an Arrancar, do you? Maybe those pills just work on her kind.” she suggested.


“Nah. That can’t be it!” Kisuke answered, while walking circles around the room while his employees continued with their different perverted activities. He scratched his chin in thought. “The pills are made with Kurosaki-san’s Spiritual Energy in mind. Since he’s a little bit of everything, it should work on every single race just as much.”


“Then… hrrrrm… maybe it’s because they all fucked Ichigo before?” Yushiro groaned. Sweat pearled down his face as the two girls to his left and right rubbed his dick faster and faster. “AHHH!!!! S- slow down!!”


TSAHAHAHAHA!!! What kind of explanation would that be?!” Mila Rose laughed, while clenching her legs even tighter around the purple haired girl’s head, “And besides, little bee over there is such a closeted perv, she probably never had the guts to have sex with Ichigo in the first place!” She teased over Yoruichi’s gurgling and gagging noises.


HEY!” Sui-Feng grabbed Yushiro’s dick harder and slammed her other hand down on her lap with a loud SLAP! “Just because I have some sense of dignity when it comes to the person I sleep with, doesn’t mean that I’m a closeted perv!” Scratching her cheek, a single drop of sweat then rolled down her face. “But I never had sex with Ichigo before, so that can’t be it. She’s right!”


“I wouldn’t be so sure!” Kisuke called out after thinking about it for a while. The blonde club owner pulled an Ipad out of his sleeve and opened a video. “Maybe you didn’t have sex with Kurosaki-san directly, but you most certainly were involved in sexual intercourse with him before!”



MMMMMMPPH!!!!” Yoruichi moaned into Sui-Feng’s mouth. The purplette beauty kept hold of her protege’s cheeks, preventing her from pulling away as she pushed her tongue past the ruby red lips.


AHUMMMMH!!!!” Sui-Feng’s body went slack as she opened her mouth to accept the salty gift her idol was about to give her.


The dark skinned vixen grinned as she pushed the cum that she sucked out of Ichigo’s cock just a few seconds ago into Sui-Feng’s mouth. She loved the way the younger girl squirmed at the sensation of the sticky and hot cum washing over her lips and tongue. “Yeph! Tashde id, my shweed widdwe beeh!!”


“My, my. Such a naughty girl, isn’t she?!” commented Kirio Hikifune with a glance over her shoulder. Currently riding Ichigo’s cock, the former 12th Division Captain’s flat stomach stretched out noticeably with every upwards thrust of the orange man. “She’s doing surprisingly well, considering how much you messed her up with that gigantic meatstick of yours!”


“Heh! What can I say?! I think that horny little kitten had more than enough opportunities to grow used to getting fucked by now!” Mila Rose purred lowly to the side. The brunette lioness sat on a golden chair next to the bed with Ichigo and Hikifune on it and played openly with her tits and pussy.


DAMIT!!! Where did you horny sluts all come from so suddenly???” Ichigo called out as he clenched his hands into fists around the silky sheets beneath him.


Hikifune simply giggled, “I thought you knew Urahara-san enough by noOOOOOWH!!!! YES… THAT’S THE SPOT!!!!!!! POUND MY PUSSY HARDER, ICHIGOOO-CHA~N!!!!!!” the older girl’s reply turned into a hollering and ecstatic scream as her pussy gushed its juices around Ichigo’s dick!


HRRR, HRRRR, HRRRRRR…!!!! Don’t… don’t tell me that you guys have been watching me and Yoruichi the entire time!?” groaned Ichigo. “FUCK!!! YOU’RE TIGHT!!!!!


“What do you think?” Mila Rose asked with a nod towards the camera right in front of the bed.


AAAAAAAAHH!!!!! THAT’S THE STUFF!!!!! FILL ME WITH YOUR CREAM, LITTLE ICHIGO-CHAN!!!!!” ordered Hikifune, with her eyes rolling back into her head as she kept clawing on his chest. “EVEN BETTER THAN LAST TIME!!!!!! I’M CUMMING SO GOOD!!!! DON’T STOP WITH WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!!! RESHAPE MY PUSSY!!!!! MARK MY INSIDES AS YOURSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HMMMMMM!!!!” Yoruichi finally broke the kiss she had with Sui-Feng, “Now swallow!” She told her former subordinate and watched with open lust in her eyes as she did just that. All but a single trail of cum at the corner of her mouth went down her throat as she gulped. “Good girl!”


MMHMMMMMMM!!!!” cumming right then and there at the compliment she received, Sui-Feng kept looking into the older woman’s beautiful golden eyes and wished for this moment to never end.



“Now, unfortunately this also marks the last time that any of us have seen Hikifune, but right now, it also tells us that you did in fact have some of Ichigo’s Spiritual Energy inside of you!” Kisuke said after stopping the video.


YOU RECORDED ALL THIS????!!!” Sui-Feng shrieked, with her voice getting several octaves higher while her face blushed in a bright red light!


EEEEPP!!!!!” next to her, Yushiro squealed as he found her hand squeezing his dick even tighter, “S- Sui-nee-san…!!” He gasped with precum dripping down his length.


Mila Rose naturally ignored Yushiro as she instead arched her back at how talented Yoruichi was when it came to licking pussy, “That would at least explain why the little bee is unable to get that pill to work. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” She stroked Yoruichi’s purple hair and looked down on her. “Remind me to never get fucked by Ichigo then! No way in hell will I give up on the opportunity to fuck you senseless!”


YESSSSHH!!!!!!” Yoruichi moaned into Mila Rose’s pussy as she pushed her pussy in and out of the soaking hole between her chocolate colored thighs. The overwhelming taste and intoxicating smell made it increasingly harder for her to concentrate on anything else but to continue licking the deep folds and pearly pink clit of the other woman.


“But why wouldn’t the pill work on those who have been fucked by Ichigo already?” asked Jackie, while playing with Yushiro’s nipples as she thought about it a bit more. “Also, wouldn’t that mean that the pills now also don’t work on me, considering that, back then, his Fullbring powered me and the other Fullbringer up?”


“Hmmm… It might be something like with magnets!” Kisuke then suggested as he pulled a pair of magnets you would put on fridges out of his sleeve. “When there is only a little bit of Spiritual Singularity, i.e. if you ‘only’ have the Spiritual Energy of a Fullbring for example, your body will accept the pill.” He explained and let the two magnets stick to one another, “But if there is too much Spiritual Energy of too many different species, your body will reject the pill.” The blonde man pulled the magnets away from each other and flipped one of them around, so that their south poles pointed at each other.


“I… I think… I think I got it.” Orihime said after listening to Kisuke’s explanation. Though, if the smoke rising out of her ears was any indication, then she didn’t completely grasp it just yet.


Putting the magnets back in his sleeves, Kisuke looked up at the ceiling and sighed, “Well, this is only a hypothesis right now. We’d need to conduct some more experiments before I can claim anything for sure.” He then clapped in his hands. “So, which one of you lovely girls would be willing to help me out with this one?”


Just a few minutes later, they all found themselves in one of the rooms on the 4th floor of the exclusive night club. Unlike the swamp room where Yoruichi and Mila Rose had their second “date”, this one was a bit more on the plain side, featuring not much of note, besides a grassy ground and a couple of bushes here and there. What the room did however was able to accomplish was to perfectly depict the sunset that currently put the room in a myriad of orange and yellow shades. The countless cameras in the walls made sure that it truly felt as if they were standing on an open field that stretched on for miles on end, and not just a twenty square meter big room.


“If the pill, against all odds, does work, don’t complain if I mess you up as big and hard as I can!” Yoruichi bragged as she massaged her lover’s firm ass before giving it a quick spank that caused it to ripple in the orange light.


Both girls were currently naked and at the center of the room, with their colleagues and boss standing at the side to see the effects, “Try your worst, little kitty!” purred Mila Rose while grinding her ass against the purple haired Shinigami’s hips. “But if it doesn’t work, I’ll just have to teach you a lesson for being so cheeky!”


“We’ll see!” Giving Mila Rose her best Cheshire cat grin, Yoruichi threw one of the red pills into her mouth. “Here we go!”


Kisuke watched intensely as a cock began growing in Yoruichi’s crotch. It started as big as her pinky finger but quickly grew as long and thick as her entire arm, ‘So far, so good!’ He thought.


HA! Maybe the pill does work after all!” the former Captain laughed as she shoved her cock into Mila Rose’s tight and unprepared ass before it even had grown fully erect. Mila Rose cursed, as her muscular stomach was tenting outwards, a clear outline of the other woman’s new dick showing through the brown abs. “Prepare yourself for the pounding of your li-!”


Kisuke raised an eyebrow, Yoruichi suddenly getting stiff while leaning on Mila Rose for support, “OAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! IT’S GETTING BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKK!!!!!!!” Yoruichi screamed.


Almost as if she was punched back by an invisible force, she then fell on her back, panting and sweating like an animal in labor. For a brief moment, Kisuke could see the outline of the dick in her stomach as her pussy gushed around nothing but thin air.


“Yoruichi-sama!” Sui-Feng called out as she rushed over to pick up her climaxing idol.


“Haaa, haaa, haaa… Seems… seems like the pill doesn’t work on me after all!” was Yoruichi’s only reply as she shuddered in the aftermath of her orgasm. “But damn! That felt good!”


Sitting down next to her lover, Mila Rose patted Yoruichi on the back. “Seems like I’m the one getting to fuck your brains out later after all!” she remarked with a grin while scooping up as much of Yoruichi’s sweet nectar as she could with her index and middle finger before licking them clean.


But why did she scream like that? And even came from it? Neither Orihime, nor Sui-Feng had the same effect!’ Kisuke thought. “Hmmm… Okay, Orihime. You next, please!”


“Oh! Okay!” Orihime nodded, whilst pushing herself away from the wall and accepting one of the pills that Kisuke offered her. She now stood in front of Mila Rose and Yoruichi as she swallowed the pill.


For a good second, nothing happened. Then, a cock started to grow. Instead of reaching the size that Yoruichi’s dick had earlier, however, this one only got as big as Orihime’s entire hand from the wrist to the tip to the finger. It also was covered completely in thick and pulsating veins that throbbed faster and faster with each passing second. After just a few more seconds, though, before any of them had even the chance to make something out of this completely different looking cock, just like with Yoruichi before her, something happened.


“Oh god! I’m… I’M CUMMMMMMMMMINNNNGH!!!!!” Orihime howled while spurting not even an ounce worth of cum over Mila Rose’s and Yoruichi’s tits.


WHAT THE FUCK!!!” Mila Rose snapped. “Why the hell is that gunk so damn cold and watery?!”


Another failure!’ Kisuke noted to himself, shaking his head as he almost lost all hope. “Okay, next!”


Aside from Mila Rose, none of the other girls were able to make the pill work like intended. Soon enough, the Arrancar and her lover found themselves as the only two left in the room as their colleagues had already gone home or, in Kisuke’s case, went below in his laboratory to find a solution for the problem he now had to deal with.


What to do? What to do?’ He kept on asking himself while turning around in circles on his swiveling chair.


A pen balanced on his upper lip, his eyes glued to the data on the screen in front of him. To most people, it would be an incomprehensible gibberish. A random mix of numbers and words with no real meaning. To him however, it was the code that allowed him to create a pill that allowed girls to enlarge their tits or asses, and the pill that gave them a dick of their own. The pill to enlarge one’s assets was an easy one. It didn’t require a specific species or kind of Spiritual Pressure; its functions were universal. The pill to give girls a cock on the other hand…


“The easiest way would be to find another person who would be kind and willing enough to downvote some of their Spiritual Energy…” Kisuke surmised. “But where do I find someone with such a diverse amount of it…? His sisters wouldn’t work; they don’t have a dick… Hmmm…!!”


The room heated up to roughly 50°C as Kisuke found his medical knowledge pushed to the limit!


Maybe if I pull a Kurotsuchi and create myself a Nemu of my own that would have the Spiritual Energy of every species…? Nah. That would take too long! I don’t have the time to go through so many tests and experiments until a fitting and living body comes out!’ He thought, now biting down on the pen in frustration, ‘And asking Kurotsuchi or Unohana for help is obviously out of the question as well! Aaah… what to do?’ His eyes wandered to the live feed of what was currently happening in the room several floors above him. “What to do?”



YESSSSS!!!! CONTINUE DOING JUST THAT!!!! YOU’RE SPREADING MY PUSSY SO DAMN WIDE!!!!” mewled Yoruichi as she was pounded mercilessly and lovingly from the other dark skinned girl. “MY PUSSY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!!!! YOU’RE STRETCHING ME TO MY LIMIT-NYA!!!!


DAMN RIGHT!!!” Mila Rose growled while holding Yoruichi in a headlock. Her eyes twitched dangerously as she pressed her tits hard against the other woman’s back with each thrust. “Take my dick, you horny little kitty!”


Y- YES!!! I… I’M YOUR HORNY LITTLE KITTY!!!” the purple haired beauty replied. Held in the air by Mila Rose’s arm around her throat, she could only dangle her legs as her pussy clung tight to the invasive phallus that poked against her stomach with every thrust. “NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!


“Good kitty! Cum just like that for me!” Mila Rose pushed her cock all the way into Yoruichi’s very womb, “And you know what good kitties get?” She then whispered into Yoruichi’s ear while stopping with her thrusts for a second. “THEY GET ALL THE CREAM AND MILK THEY COULD EVER DREAM OF!!!!!!!


NYAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAA!!!! CUMMMMM!!!!!” With her eyes rolling back in their sockets, Yoruichi’s entire body twitched as a gallon of searing hot cum was pumped straight into her womb. “SO!!!! MUCH!!!!! CUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!” It seemed as if countless earthquakes all hit Yoruichi at once as her body trembled in mad ecstasy after cumming over and over and over and over again. “AND IT’S ALL FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Her body went slack in Mila Rose’s arms, with cum gushing out of her helplessly twitching cunt. With surprising grace and care, the Arrancar sat down on the grassy ground and kissed her nigh unconscious girlfriend on the cheek. “That’s my good little kitty-babe!”


MMMMMMMMMMHRRRRMMM!!!!!” Yoruichi couldn’t do anything else but smile.



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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10 months ago

To be honest, i expected more. You had the opportunity to change a fetish for some people with the artwork in mind, but this story really just ended up with a hole lot of nothing happening, I was really excited for this, to maybe have some sph, but no

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
10 months ago
Reply to  adam_hornyRP

Sorry to read that it wasn’t to your liking. Not sure what kind of fetish you were talking about, but Rtenzo isn’t a fan of futa stuff, so I had to come up with something that prevent every character from being able to transform into one. This chapter just happened to focus more on this aspect of the story instead of raw, steaming hot sex.

I hope the others will be more to your liking.