Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Deku’s Day Date

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 43): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 45): [LINK]

“Nmmmmh!” Ochaco Uraraka cooed happily as she clung to Izuku Midoriya’s arm, deliberately pressing her big tits up against his body. Not that he minded, as it was a VERY pleasant feeling of softness.


The two of them were in the middle of Ginza, and it was Ochaco’s turn on the solo date queue of the harem of girlfriends Momo had put together for him. Not too long ago, the group of girls had gotten together and worked out a schedule of sorts for each of them to get some time alone with him. He didn’t have any say in the matter at all, other than to pick where they would go on said dates if he wanted.


Izuku turned to look at Ochaco and smiled. She was dressed in a casual outfit of hip hugging low rider blue jeans, under which she had on a black thong pair of panties. The waist straps of her panties stuck up out of the waistband of her jeans. From the way that they stuck up at a perfect angle over the curve of her hips, she’d totally done it on purpose. With that she wore a simple black t-shirt that left her midriff bare, exposing her belly button.


The end result made Ochaco look like a typical super cute girl out enjoying herself. She’d dressed so conservatively back when they had first met. But since Midnight had founded Busteez, her sense of fashion had definitely taken a BOLD turn.


“Hmmn…?” Ochaco murmured as Izuku extracted his arm from her, looking worried for a moment. But she then giggled as he slid his arm around her waist and hugged her closer. She turned towards him a bit more, resting her hands against his chest and standing up on her toes just a little to plant a kiss on his cheek.


Izuku felt his cheeks heating up just a bit from the simple display of affection. He kept his arm around her as they continued walking along the street. All around them, throngs of people milled about as they went about their business. Izuku was happy to see it. People were just going about their lives, most of them with a smile that this was a shopping district.


“So, what’s the plan?” Izuku asked Ochaco.


“New swimsuits for one!” she replied, then held up a small silvery card, “Sky’s the limit!” she told him. Ochaco’s family certainly wasn’t hurting for money. Not anymore. After the battles with All for One and Shigaraki, there was a TON of reconstruction to be done. Whole sections of the city had been completely demolished when All for One himself had rampaged in his one on one with All Might and then Kacchan. There were more contracts than companies for a while. Ochaco’s parents, having owned a small construction company, had made a very sizable fortune during that time. In fact, Uraraka Construction was now among the gold standards of construction companies in Japan, and now actively employed nearly a thousand people!


Of course it probably helped that Ochaco, or rather her heroic alter ego “Uravity”, was the public face of the company. Clients from all over Japan and even a couple other countries wanted to hire the company related to one of the rookie heroines who’d saved the world.


As such, Ochaco’s motivation for being a hero had shifted from giving her parents an easy life, to helping people for the sake of helping them. Stain would call her a “True Hero” now, since she wasn’t in it for the money. Not anymore anyway. Thinking of Stain, Izuku liked to think he would have liked the society that rose from the ashes of that fight. His remains couldn’t really be recovered after the battle, but All Might had given him a funeral, and even called him a fellow hero in his final moments.


“Deku, you okay?” Ochaco asked, drawing his thoughts back to right now.


He shook his head to clear it, “Yeah, I’m fine. My mind just wandered for a moment.”


“Talking to the others?” she asked.


By “The others”, Ochaco meant the former holders of One for All, who all resided in his consciousness alongside the Quirk.


“Nah, they don’t talk to me all that often these days. Told me they value my privacy.” he said. He then smiled, “I was thinking about Stain,” he confessed, not wanting to keep secrets from her, “And how you’d meet his definition of a true hero now. Not that you didn’t before. You only wanted money for your parents to be happy, after all.”


Ochaco became bashful, it was cute, “I don’t like HOW my family’s life changed, but I’m happy it did.” she told him after a moment. She was probably feeling embarrassed about how she was all about earning lots of money before. Something Stain really despised.


“Well, enough of the sad talk. We’re here to have fun!” Ochaco said, then moving to grab his arm again and pull it between her huge tits once more before half leading, half dragging him into one store.


The interior of the shop was brightly lit, and everywhere Izuku looked were displays of various clothes. The two of them had entered through the mens department entrance to the store. The place was full of the latest fashion trends all done in bright, sometimes garish colors.


The next hour or so was mostly a blur as Ochaco led Izuku all over the store, as the two of them were looking at one outfit after the next. He felt mostly embarrassed when they came across some t-shirts with Izuku printed on the front in his Deku costume.


“Say Deku, do you get some of the proceeds from the sales of this stuff?” Ochaco asked, “This is a legit store. So they wouldn’t sell anything that’s a bootleg brand.”


“Yes and no,” Izuku answered honestly, “They DID offer me 5% of all gross sales with my likeness, but I told them I didn’t need the money. So it all goes into a fund for victims who lost their homes and such after everything.” he explained.


He saw Ochaco looking at the price tag for the shirt, which had 3,000 yen on it. It was a bit much, but most merchandise like this was. Ochaco then looked up at the ceiling and he could almost SEE the cogs turning in her head as she did the mental math. Those big brown eyes of hers then went wide at whatever number she had reached. She looked back at Izuku and moved to hug him tightly, kissing his cheek once again while doing it.


“Gosh Deku, you’re way too nice, you know that?” she told him.


Izuku didn’t wanna ask how much she’d given to charity, but from her reaction, it was probably a LOT. The two of them then moved onto the section where the mens swimwear was gathered. Izuku was worried she’d go straight for the speedos like Momo or Setsuna would have. Not that he thought he’d look bad in one, it was just that they were really hard to find in a style HE could wear. The codpiece section needed to be made of an extremely elastic material to house his huge dick even when it was soft. To say NOTHING about if he got aroused while wearing it.


Though, now that he thought about it, that was probably WHY Setsuna and Momo liked seeing him wear them!


To his surprise though, Ochaco picked out a more common pair of trunks with a long Eastern style golden dragon wrapping around both legs. After handing them to him, Ochaco took him all over the store, grabbing clothes both for him and herself before the two of them finally headed into the fitting rooms.


This store was a higher end one, so the fitting rooms were actual rooms with a large space and a door that locked. And not a cheap screw-in deadbolt either, but rather an actual locking knob that required a key to enter from the outside once engaged. The walls were all painted in a simple gray color, and the only decorations were two signs. One that read simply “TAKE YOUR TIME”, printed out on a sheet of printer paper and held to the wall with a piece of tape. Below that was a wall decal in the shape of a burning cigarette with a crossed out red circle over it. There was even a vending machine inside that dispensed soda and other drinks.


The printed sign seemed a little lowbrow for the rest of the store, but Izuku didn’t really think it mattered that much. Maybe people were rushing a lot or something, leading to a lot of returns? Ochaco hung some of the clothes she’d picked for herself on a bar that was bolted to one wall over a large plain black bench. Izuku smiled as Ochaco hummed to herself before she began stripping down.


Not very long ago, he might have begun panicking at the sight, getting all flustered in the process. But he’d already seen Ochaco naked on several occasions. He’d even had sex with her under a table while eating with Kacchan, Mirko, and Cassie. After that, he was actually fairly comfortable with seeing her take off her clothes! Honestly, he really loved seeing her and all of the girls naked.


As Ochaco pulled down her jeans, Izuku took a long look at her ass as she pushed the denim down. That black thong she had on made her ass look even sexier! He could already feel his dick getting hard at the sight as he moved up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist as she stood back up.


“Oh!?” she gasped in surprise, “Ooohh…” she then moaned erotically as he hugged her body against his, allowing her to feel the thick lump in his pants. She grinded her butt back against him as he moved his hands up to cup her huge tits, hefting them gently.


“I see you’re getting along well with Rie.” he said with a chuckle. Her ass and tits were both MUCH bigger than they normally were. Her breasts alone were nearly double the size of her head right now!


“Hehehe, boys like big boobs right? With all the other girls in this group, I wanna keep you interested, Deku.” Ochaco confessed. He gave her tits a squeeze, enjoying the squishy feel of them in his hands. Ochaco moaned again, only a little louder this time and began leaning her weight back against him.


“Besides, using my Quirk with hers, they don’t bother my back and shoulders at all.” she added, “Also, um… I kinda like it.” she said with a playful giggle, “I like the way you and the other girls look at me, haaaahmmmmm…! Squeeze harder…!” she said, while gasping and moaning as he gave those tits another squeeze. Ochaco didn’t have a bra on, and now the outlines of her nipples were poking through the fabric.


Izuku squeezed again like she asked, and she was like putty in his hands, melting against his body. She then leaned her head back over his shoulder, while turning her face to look at him. Her face was the picture of uninhibited desire, lids half-closed, mouth open just a little, and a soft shimmer in big brown eyes. The brown haired girl’s breathing was heavier now, making her breasts heave in his hands gently.


Closing his eyes, Izuku pressed his lips to Ochaco’s into a long kiss. She instantly deepened it, pushing, almost shoving her tongue between his lips. She tasted sweet, partially from the strawberry flavored lipstick she had on, but also because that’s just how she was. He kneaded and squeezed her big tits more, loving the feel of them in his hands as she rubbed her big butt back against his crotch more.


“Nmmmmmh, Dhekuu…” Ochaco moaned against his lips as he felt her hand against the lump in his crotch. He could feel her slender fingers closing around the curve of his dick as he moved to slip his hands under her shirt. Grabbing her breasts directly, he could feel her stiff nipples against his palms. She broke their kiss with a sharp gasp, with her tits heaving in his hands as she breathed heavily.


In an instant, Ochaco whirled herself around in his arms, turning to face him. The two of them locked eyes, with the both of them breathing heavily. Ochaco then reached her hands up, grabbing the bottom edge of her shirt and stripping it off. Her huge tits spilled out, BOING, BOING, they bobbed up and down slowly, like some kind of weird anime effect. It was her Quirk, as she’d made her tits weightless so they wouldn’t hurt her back and shoulders. While the intent was to spare her back some burden, it had the added effect of looking sexy as hell!


Standing only in her black thong panties now, Ochaco moved to grab Deku, pushing him back against the wall of the dressing room as they kissed again. Her body felt warm and she smelled so good. He moved his hands to grab her ass, giving it a firm squeeze and making her moan into his mouth. The brown haired girl held the kiss with him for several long seconds before she pulled back just a little and began helping him out of his clothes.


The instant she had his shirt off, Ochaco moved to his his bare chest, leaving lipstick marks behind on his toned pecs and abs along the way. She then worked to get his belt off and pants down, unleashing his cock from the now painful confines. She let out a happy sound, grabbing the thick length with both hands as it continued to grow now that it was no longer contained.


“Ahhh, so thiiiick…” she moaned, then kissing and licking his cock as she used both hands to stroke it. The huge phallic length was already thicker than his own thigh, giving a more literal meaning to the euphemism of a ‘third leg’. His cock throbbed and twitched in her soft grip, with the veins on the sides bulging.


“Oooh, that feels so good Ochaco…” he told her, encouraging her to stroke him even harder. Once she had him fully hard, Izuku’s cock was actually bigger than his entire torso, if only by a bit. Just looking at it made Ochaco shudder, and Izuku could already smell her dripping pussy as she opened wide and swallowed half that length in one motion. Warm, soft, wet, and slippery tightness enveloped his cock as it vanished into her mouth.


Izuku groaned, while leaning back against the wall as Ochaco began working to take his whole cock in her mouth! “HMMMMMMMPH, AGUUH, SHO BHIG AN’ HAAAWD! MUH JAW HURD’SH SHO GUUUUUD…” she moaned around his cock, choking and gagging on his length, but not stopping even for a second!


“Haaah, O… Ocha… Ochaco…” he managed to say as she had over two thirds of his cock down her throat now. Her usually slender neck was bulging dramatically from the size of his dick. Her brown eyes were nearly white as they rolled back in their sockets.


NMMMMMMH, GURK, HMMMMMMMPH, UGH, AGUUMMMMMMPH…!” Ochaco moaned from deep in her throat, making it vibrate around his dick. Her dainty hands moved to heft his cantaloupe sized balls, holding them gently, almost lovingly as he felt his cock pushing at the pit of her stomach! Her well toned tummy then bulged downwards visibly from the sheer size as Ochaco began rocking on the balls of her feet, moving his cock in and out of her mouth slowly.


HMMMMPH, GURK, NMMMMPH, GUH, MMMMMMPH, HUGUH! OH GAAAWD!!! AYE WUV DISH PHEELINGH!!! DHEKU’S CAWK! AHHHGUH, DHEKU’S CAWK ISH INSHIDE MEH!!!” Ochaco moaned in pleasure, almost as if she were fully getting off on just sucking his dick alone! He’d heard when their emotions were running high enough, a woman could orgasm from things like sucking dick, or even just being touched by a gentle caress. In some cases, it could even make her lactate if her tits were big enough!


NMMMPH, GUH, MMMMPH GUG, HMMMMPH HURK, MMMMMPH GUGGLEURK, NMMMMPH, MMMPH, MMMMMMPH!!!” she moaned erotically, working herself back and forth, fucking her own face on his cock!


Izuku could only let out a long, moaning groan at the feeling, looking down at her face as she pulled away from it on every backward stroke. “DOESH MUH MOUPH PUSSHY PHEEL GUUD DHEKU…?” she asked, with her words so garbled they were nearly unintelligible.


He nodded, “Haaah, ye… Yeah… Ahhh, your mouth pussy feels so good!” he told her, and she giggled happily. He felt one hand pull away from his balls, and then heard a tearing sound as Ochaco actually RIPPED off her own panties, tossing them aside like a used tissue. He could then hear a soft and wet squish squish noise as she began playing with her own pussy while she bucked herself back and forth still.


Groaning again, Izuku took hold of Ochaco’s head with both hands, and she stopped her own movements. He then began pumping his own cock back and forth in and out of her mouth! She let out a gagging, strangled moan, with her eyes almost completely white now.


YESH!” she moaned, “PHUG MEH! PHUG MY MOOOOUPH!!! AGUH GUH GUG GUH GURG GUGGLE HURK!” she told him, while gagging non-stop as he pumped his length back and forth roughly.


SHO GUUUUD!!! PHUG MUH MOUPH WIKE ID’SH A PUSSHYYYYY!” she begged, and Izuku could hear her pussy gushing as she said that, her body shaking in orgasm.


UGUH GUH GUG OBOH GURWEH HUCK BHUCK SOBUUU…” she gagged, with her words no longer making any kind of sense. He groaned again as he felt that delicious pressure in his balls and groin, thrusting his hips even faster and making his girlfriend moan even louder!


“Ahhh, Oh… Ochaco… I’m gonna…” he tried to warn her, but the look on her face was just too erotic, he came hard inside her stomach, his cock so far down her throat she wasn’t even given the option of swallowing or not!


“Aguh, guh, guh, guh…” Ochaco gagged softly, with her throat bobbing up and down in time with his dick as his cum shot through it and into her belly. Her big brown eyes were still rolled back in her head as her entire body shook. “Gwah! Hah, ahh, hah…” she gasped when Izuku finally pulled his cock out of her mouth, allowing her to take in big gulps of air.


He allowed her to catch her breath for a moment, but JUST a moment! Ochaco giggled excitedly as he reached down and pulled her back up to her feet. She straddled the insane length and girth of his dick as they kissed again. Ochaco moaned against his lips, then sucking roughly on his tongue as if she were trying to devour it.


“Dheku, Dhekuu, Dheekkuuuu…” she slurred, with her voice thick with lust.


Lifting Ochaco by her armpits like she weighed next to nothing, Izuku tensed his inner groin muscles, making his giant dick stand almost upright. Ochaco looked down at him, panting heavily as he pressed the wide tip against her tiny pussy.


“Hah, ah, ha… Hu… Hurryyyy…” she whimpered in desire. “UGUUUUUUPH!!!” she then grunted as he pulled her down, with his cock pushing up into her pussy with a soft, wet sounding squish! Her legs twitched in the air as her stomach immediately tented upwards from the raw size of his cock. Ochaco gritted her teeth, with a trickle of drool running down her chin as she let out a “HWEEEEEEEGH!” sound.


OH GAAAAAWD!!! SO BHIIIIIIG!” Ochaco screamed, and Izuku was glad for the way these high end store dressing rooms were soundproofed for added privacy. “HNMMMMMMMGH, MY PUSSYYYY… IT’SH SHO FULLLLLLL, AHHHHN, FEELS SHO GUUUUUD…!” Ochaco moaned as she grabbed her own tits, and suddenly felt a LOT lighter as she negated gravity on her entire body now.


HNMMMMMMMMGH, DHON’T HOLD BHACK DHEKUUUU… AHHH HAH, AHHHNN… USE ME LIKE AN ONNAHOOOOLE!!!” she moaned, then screamed as Izuku moved to grab her sexy hips for an easier grip, moving her weightless body up and down quickly, with the huge phallic distention in her stomach moving up and down in synch.




Izuku groaned as he pumped her up and down faster, with her juices flowing freely down the length of his dick every time he pulled it out. The soft pink lips of her pussy clung tightly to the length of his shaft, as if her pussy were trying to pull it back inside. Ochaco’s face looked like something out of one of Mineta’s eroge titles. Eyes crossed, and mouth hanging open with her tongue lolling off her lower lip.


“Ahhnn.. O… Ocha…co…” Izuku groaned, still pumping her up and down on his dick as if she were a life sized masturbation sleeve. The wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH of his cock moving in and out of her was all but lost over her cries of pleasure.




SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOOOOD! BEING FUCKED WHILE WEIGHTLESS FEELS SO GOOD! I’M GONNA GET ADDIIIICTED!!! AHHHHNNN, I’M CUMMING DEKUUUU!!! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, I’M CUUUMMMIIINNNGGGH!!!” she screamed as her entire body seemed to tense up as her pussy gushed violently, with her juices spraying out and floating around in the air in little amorphous globules. They were rendered weightless within her, and didn’t return to normal once separate from her body.


Izuku gritted his teeth, as the red lines of One for All began spreading over his naked skin like glowing cracks. Green energy sparked all over him as he began moving Ochaco up and down even faster! Ochaco let out an almost warbling moan from the speed of his movements as he pumped her body harder, with her head bobbing like a bobble-head doll.


OOohHH GaAWdd…! I’M cUUmmIInnGGGH!!!!” she screamed again as he felt her entire body tensing again and again, every time more and more hot juices gushed out of her, filling the dressing room with little floating spheres that glittered in the light like stars.


HNGH… C… CUMMINGH…!” Izuku groaned, while shoving his entire cock inside and stretching Ochaco’s stomach even higher as he began cumming hard! The thick fluids pumping into her womb with a SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT sound!


HWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!” Ochaco hissed through clenched teeth, with her body suddenly feeling heavier now as his cum wasn’t affected by her Quirk. He actually had to put effort into supporting her as he continued holding her up in the air.


“Sooooo… Fulllll…” she moaned weakly as his cum continued pumping into her.


The two of them then fell down to the floor with a soft THUD sound. Izuku panted lightly to catch his breath, Ochaco sliding off his cock with a sticky wet noise. What looked like gallons of cum came rushing out of Ochaco’s weightless form, shooting her across the room comically.


“Wah!?” she yelped, “Re… Release!” she said, then pressing her fingertips together and negating her Quirk. With a light splishing sound almost like rain, all the droplets that were floating in the air came falling down. Using One for All to give him energy to move, Izuku went over to Ochaco and lifted her up Princess Carry style. Cum came rushing out of her with a GLUB GLUB noise. Her pussy was gaping so wide he could have fit his entire fist inside her and not contact the sides.


She put her arms around his shoulder, pulling herself upright and pressing her mouth to his, “Nmmmmmmmh…” she cooed into his mouth as her tongue felt all around inside it. There was then a soft chime as if from nowhere, and a small square shaped hole opened in the floor. Inside was a brass drain cover as the floor seemed to slant just slightly on its own. All of the copious fluids then began draining down into the hole.


Then, with a sound almost like a toilet flushing, some water began flowing over the floor from several hidden faucets, effectively cleaning the entire area.




Once the floor was clean, there was a soft hiss and the smell of sex was gone! Replacing it was a sickly sweet strawberry scent like the kind used in public restrooms to cover the more offensive smells.


Both Izuku and Ochaco blinked in surprise, “Huh…” Izuku said in surprise.


“I guess this kinda thing happens often?” Ochaco surmised.



“Annnnnd there!” Ochaco said, pulling up the long and white stretchy leggings she’d picked out. They were made from a fabric like the kind Mt. Lady wore, meaning one size really did fit all. Only the material turned more transparent the wider it was stretched out, letting Izuku see the creamy skin of her big ass. With it, Ochaco had put on a dark blue sports bra with white trim. The bra was made from the same material, but the brown haired girl had only pulled it on so half her big tits were covered, leaving a heavy amount of underboob exposed!


“Whatcha think!?” she asked with a smile, while turning around to show off her butt and the way it jiggled when she flexed her glutes. Before he could answer though, Izuku’s body did for him as his dick began stretching out the fabric of the swimming trunks he had on, pushing them out and exposing his lipstick covered dick!


He chuckled nervously as she smirked, “It looks great!” he told her with a wide smile.


She then turned to look at him, with an expression of both amusement and arousal on her pretty face, “Shall we go again?” she asked, already knowing the answer.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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7 months ago

I’m surprised that Ochaco’s enhanced breasts haven’t smack her in the face, especially when she uses her quirk.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lander

Who says they haven’t? 😉

1 year ago

Bravo! 👏 👏 👏 Great work! 🙌

This was a fun one to read and work on. Not to mention how well it was built up. So let’s get into it really fast. 🤓

I really liked how it focused specifically on the two characters themselves, but I also liked how it got into recent events in the canon MHA story. Though I’m not going to say anything about it here {for obvious reasons}. 😅

On the flip side, I do like how things changed for Ochaco and her state of mind. Not to mention being with Izuku and the harem. Not much really needs to be said there. 😁

As for the sex itself, that was really nice. And I like how gradual and consistent it became. But this shows how comfortable Izuku has become, and how much of a freak Ochaco can be. 👀

Either way, good to see this MHA storyline back online once again. Let’s see what happens next time. 😎

– Hiryu

1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I had a great deal of fun doing this one. The part I enjoyed most was showing Izuku accepting and enjoying the harem lifestyle. I hope to do some Yuri stuff between the harem girls later as well. Them getting along with each other is an important part of Momo’s fantasy as well.

1 year ago

Will you post a chapter with midnight and izuku in the near future?
Or more chapters of of your old MHA Story?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’ll see what I can do

1 year ago

Primer historia del año y que buena historia por parte de MHA nada mal el como se llevó a cabo la cita de Izuku y de Uraraka y siendo honestos no se porque sentía Deku más honesto al momento de tener sexo junto a Uraraka porque cada cosa que uno de los dos decía el otro lo responde de forma adecuada y hace que manos se entienden bien en este capítulo que ya tenía ganas de verlo desde el día que se libero el arte.

Pero al final una muy buena historia entretenida

9.5/10 🌟

1 year ago
Reply to  AL-720

Thanks, it was fun having him be less shy and awkward. Of course it helped having several girlfriends who LOVE sex!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Tal vez si por tener tantas novias aunque en lo personal creo que es porque Izuku si conoce bien a Uraraka y ella a el desde el día 1 claro no voy a negar que desde tuvo su primera vez con Momo y se formo el harem fue lo que empezó el cambio poco a poco de Izuku pero reitero esto es más por lo orgánico del shio original del anime

1 year ago
Reply to  AL-720

Yeah, that was my train of thought as I did this chapter

Uzumaki Gekk
Uzumaki Gekk
1 year ago

Yes, he´s finally back hehe… i hope to see more of Izuku with his girls or also with other ladies fucking them hard, good chapter

1 year ago
Reply to  Uzumaki Gekk

We will, so glad you enjoyed the story!

1 year ago

Genial, volvemos a ver MHA, al fin con la cita de Ochako e Izuku, me gusto el arte de este capitulo, el sexo fue genial y divertido, epsermoa que sigas subiendo mas capitulos de MHA amigo…. 9/10

1 year ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

More are coming soon, promise!

1 year ago

This was very sweet and sexy, I love this couple and I’m glad they got a chapter together.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blank

It was a lot of fun to do, thanks!