Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Cum on Cedar Shores

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 16): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 18): [LINK]

GNIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!! Who knew Cedar had such lovely beaches?” Gajeel asked, with his eyes wandering over the many beautiful women who strolled over the beach or played with one another in the azure waves.


Each one of them was bustier than the others, with their tits bouncing invitingly in way too small looking bikinis that only served to attract the attention of the many men around. They also all had asses for days! Their bikini thongs dug neatly into their delicious looking rumps and all but disappeared behind their ass cheeks.


He lifted the ray-ban from his eyes and winked at a particular sexy girl whose outfit consisted of nothing more than a sling-bikini, similar to the one Erza wore a while back in the waterpark. The only notable difference was that the bikini of that girl here left even less open for imagination. The brunette girl blushed and waved back at him, with her huge tits wobbling from side to side ever so slightly with the motion of her hand. Her already stiff nipples poked against the red fabric of her bikini, making it only a matter of time until one or both of her tits created a well appreciated and welcomed case of wardrobe malfunction!


GAJEEL!” Fairy Tail’s black haired Iron Dragon Slayer winced slightly as the stern voice of his girlfriend reminded him once more of her presence.


Her shadow fell over his face as she leaned forward, holding a cone of ice in each hand. Behind her, he spotted several men, all giddily rubbing their hands together and swaying their bodies from side to side as they swooned over her. Little cartoonish hearts rose from their bodies high into the air, while blood ran out of their noses and down their faces in response to seeing her shapely butt move from side to side in the golden bikini she wore on her way over to her boyfriend.


Like every other woman here on the beach, Levy also wore only the bare minimum to enjoy the hot rays on her skin as much as possible. Unlike those women, however, Levy didn’t have that big tits to offer. Her petite body would go mostly unnoticed in the sea of much more endowed women, even though her butt made her stand out at least a bit when you consider her much smaller frame overall, if it wasn’t for one single thing…


“I swear… I’ve seen her before! She’s DEFINITELY that dancer whore in that club in Fortune City!” one of the men behind Levy said.


“For sure!” one of the others confirmed. Drool hung from his lips and dropped onto his gut as steam rose from his nostrils. “There aren’t that many girls with such a sexy little body and such blue hair!”


“Yes! I’d recognize that phat bubble-butt everywhere!” another one stated.


“Hey, Gajeel!” Levy snapped her finger several times right in front of his face to get his attention back from the leering men behind her. She offered him the cone in her right hand, which he gladly accepted, “Seriously! I’ve been gone for not even ten minutes and you already look at other girls!” She chided him with the sharp tongue he loved so much.


“Gnihihihihi! Can ya blame me?!” He asked as he pulled her down on the blanket next to him and put his arm around her waist, holding her close to him. He nodded towards a pink haired girl in the water who bounced back a large multicolored beach ball a girl with blue hair, the color of the night sky, had thrown at her. “Just look at her huge ass wobble like that! It’d be a shame to not appreciate something like this!”


GAJEEL! You’re the worst!” Levy told him, though there was no animosity in her voice. Resting her head on his muscular chest, the shortstacked bluette licked at her ice cream and sneaked her hand underneath the black trunks he wore. She quickly found what she was searching for and began to fondle one of his fat nuts.


“Hrrrrrrrrr… just like that!” Gajeel groaned, almost purred, as his girlfriend squeezed his nut ever so gently. In just a couple of seconds, she managed to get his cock almost uncomfortably hard, with the tent he was pitching clearly visible to anyone who looked in their direction now. “Also, it’s not like you are without blame either! Don’t think I don’t know about the stunt you pulled with Lucy and Mira the other day. Or how much you enjoyed getting screwed by Jellal and Mystogan!


“And who’s the one responsible for all that in the first place?” She hissed into his ear, while grabbing his ballsack way harder than before and making him wince in pain.


“Haaaaaaa!!” His fingers dug deep into the sand as she switched from his right to his left nut, only to torture that one just as much, “Obviously Natsu’s!” Gajeel said, arching his back as her palm pressed harder and harder against his testicle. “He’s the one who wouldn’t admit that I’m the better man between him and me!”


In response, Levy only clenched her hand tighter, “Wrong answer!” She said, smirking at Gajeel’s reaction.


AAAAHH!!! Okay, okay! You can stop now! I’m sorry!” the black haired man apologized, writhing in his place much to the amusement of his girlfriend.


“See? Was that so… hard?” Levy now teased him, switching from destroying his nut, to rub his erection underneath his swimming trunks. Even after she tortured both his balls, his dick was still rock hard and throbbing against her hand.


Gajeel let out a sigh of relief as the pain quickly made way for pleasure. With just a couple swift strokes of her hand, he completely forgot about his aching balls after she tormented them not even a minute ago.


“Mmmmh~! You like that?” his girlfriend asked, listening to the beat of his heart with her head resting against his chest. “Doesn’t that feel nice?”


The studs along the side of his cock quickly warmed up as her hand moved over them. And yet, his dick kept on growing, getting thicker and bigger with each stroke. By now, it was simply impossible to fully grasp his impossibly fat cock with one hand alone. And even with two hands, she would have a hard time letting her fingertips meet around the hot shaft. So, instead of even trying, she moved her free hand under the triangular shaped bikini that covered her nipples and started to knead her nipple.


“Yeaaaaaaaahhh!!!” Gajeel growled, with his heartbeat slowing down as he relaxed more and more. His head sunk back and rested on the sand beneath as he let his girlfriend work her hand all over his cock. The circles she drew with her palm on the red burning tip of his dick sent shivers down his spine, as well as precum to run down the side of his cock.


“But you know what would feel even better than you fucking my hand?” Levy breathed seductively into his ear. The movement of her hand got faster and faster, made all the more easier with all the precum that now covered it all!


“If I…” Gajeel set on to answer, only to stop mid sentence when Levy pulled her hand out of his trunks and jumped up.


Gajeel watched with a baffled look on his face as she seemed to pull one of her trusty markers out of thin air. Still laying on the towel, with his dick dripping needily, he and the other people on the beach followed the movement of the marker as she wrote something in invisible ink on her tits and ass! She must have written something really lewd on them, as they instantly doubled, then quadrupled, in size!


The golden bikini top was blown away by her rapidly growing tits and hit Gajeel in the face. He quickly pulled it away, unable to stop watching as the bikini thong completely vanished between the cheeks of her butt! Said ass bounced with each step she took as she went into the hot ocean. How she was able to walk upright, with both her tits and her ass so much bigger now than her head, Gajeel couldn’t even begin to fathom. But he decided that it didn’t matter, as long as he could just fuck her like this!


“If only I had someone to ravage my slutty pussy!” She now declared in the water. She let herself float on her stomach, resting her hand on her giant tits and her huge ass rising high up into the air behind her head. “If only there were one or a couple of big and strong men to fuck me senseless with their fat cocks!”


Before Gajeel even had the chance to rise up to the challenge, he was run over by a stampede of other horny beachgoers, “AAAGH!!” He only laid there as one pair of feet after the other trampled over him, just as if he wasn’t there! They all only had eyes for Levy. One after the other, they tore their own swimming trunks off and jumped with her into the ocean.


“Take me! I’ll definitely be able to fill you up good!”


“No! Me! Can you see how big my dick already is for you?”


“Scram you fucking losers! It’s clear as day that I’m the only one good enough for her!”


“Uff…” covered in bootstamps and dirt, Gajeel rose to his knees and watched through the cloud of dust and sand he found himself in as the other men got closer towards Levy, who welcomed them with open arms and gyrating hips that caused her ass to shake like jello, “You…” he groaned, then clenching his hands into fists. “Iron Dragon’s ROAR!


A silvery gray light blasted from his open mouth. A couple of the male beachgoers had at least time to turn around to the incoming attack, but found themselves completely unable to do anything against the powerful attack!


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!” they all screamed in unison as the attack landed in their midst. The attack broke through the water’s surface, causing an explosion that blasted all of their bodies in every direction!


EEEK!!” due to her now weighing a whole lot more, Levy wasn’t blasted away. Instead, the shortstacked bookworm spun around in the wildly splashing waves, shielding her eyes from the water that now rained down on her, “GA- GajeEEEEEK!!!” She ended up yelping in surprise as she found herself getting picked up by Gajeel who put her on his shoulder, as if she was a giant sack of potatoes, with her ass right next to his face!


“That’s MY ass to tap, ya hear me!?” He told the many unconscious perverts, who floated motionless in the water around him. He accentuated this claim with a firm spank on one of Levy’s buttocks, resulting in a loud PLAP sound that echoed across the entire beach and a red imprint of his hand on the creamy skin!


AYEEEEE!!!” Levy yelped once more, her ass wobbling and aching after the quick spank.


“As for you, shrimp…” the black haired man looked over his shoulder and into Levy’s wide open eyes. He licked his tongue at the anxious, yet needy, shimmer in those dark brown eyes he lost himself every so often. “I think I need to teach you a lesson and remind you why we came here in the first place!


Levy’s eyes went even wider when she understood the meaning behind his words, feeling the tip of his erect Dragon Slayer dick poke against her fat ass. “Gajeel! Wait! Not here out in the ope-!”


TOO LATE!!!!” Gajeel declared. Then, in one swift move, he pulled her down on his cock, burying the entire length so deep into her ass, not a single inch was left out!


AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!” the short girl screamed, her eyes rolling so far back in their sockets that only the white was left visible. Gajeel felt her pussy squirt its juices against his abs as she came right then and there! “FUCK!!! YOU… YOU’RE TOO BIG, YOU BRUUUUUUTE!!!!!


GNIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!! You say that, but your body is telling a different story!” he argued before wrapping his lips around one of her stiff nipples. At the same time as he began to suck on the pink nub, he also started to move his hips back and forth and her body up and down!”


OOOOH!!! OH GOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!” Levy moaned in maniac bliss. The way her boyfriend’s fingers sunk into her fat ass as he absolutely manhandled her defenseless body made her go insane with pleasure. “AAAAHH!! HAA!! DON’T… STOP!! KEEP FUCKING!!!! FUCK ME FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, YOU BIG AND STUPID OAF!!!!!


“That’sh mowe like id!” slurring around her nipple, Gajeel bit down on her areola, making her writhe and shake in his arms.


HNNNNNNNGH!!!! YESSSS!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! EAT MY TIT AS YOU DESTROY MY ASS!!!!!” begged the bluette. One after the other, the perverts regained their senses and watched with broken hearts and blue balls as the girl of their dreams was bounced up and down in the hands of another man!


Saliva flung from her lips and landed on Gajeel’s chest. It ran down his muscles and mixed with her pussy’s juices before disappearing between their nude bodies, “SO GOOD!!! MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD WITH YOUR COCK IN IT!!!!” screamed Levy, causing her to get the attention of every living being on the beach and in the ocean. “RESHAPE MY BODY!!! MAKE IT SO YOUR COCK IS THE ONLY ONE TO EVER FILL ME AGAIN!!!!! BREAK ME!!! BREAK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


“Wiph pleashure!” Gajeel happily obliged. He spat out one nipple to suck on the other, while also giving her another quick slap on her butt, this time on the other cheek.


GAJEEEEEEEEEEEELL!!!” Levy shouted into the heavens, cumming over and over again as the black haired man rammed his dick in and out of her ass. Each time he thrusted back into her, he seemed to push more and more of his cock in. The bolts scraped over her inner walls and muscles, providing her with a mix of pain and pleasure as he hit all her sensitive spots at once!


CUMMING!!!! I’M CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING SO GOOD!!!! CUM!!! CUM!!! CUM INSIDE OF ME!!!! CUUUUUUUMMMM!!!!” She screamed shamelessly and loud enough for everyone to hear, “I NEED YOUR CUM!!!! YOUR WHITE DICK-JUICE!!!!! YOUR THICK AND STICKY BABY BATTER!!!! YOUR WOMB-STUFFER AND MOMMY-MAKER!!!!” Levy moaned as her tongue lolled out of her open mouth. “GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! COME ON!!! FILL ME UP!!!! DO IT!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!


“Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr… You asked for it!” He let go of her nipple before licking it one more time. His grip on her ass tightened. His thrusts slowed down, but became even more forceful. “GET KNOCKED UP, SHRIIIIIIIIIIIIMP!!!!!!


YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!” Levy’s body shook and trembled as though she were in the epicenter of an earthquake! Her inner muscles clenched tighter than any vice around Gajeel’s member, locking him inside her ass as he emptied his balls!


The dick milk flooded her insides. The two lovers held on to each other for dear life as they both climaxed harder than they ever climaxed before. Levy’s fingers dug into Gajeel’s back and actually drew blood from him while her toes curled inwardly as her legs cramped. Gajeel’s legs trembled and he almost fell over, but managed to remain standing upright!


After almost an eternity, Gajeel pulled his cock out. PLOOORGH!! The rude sound that followed as all the cum he shot into his girlfriend rushed out of her ripped open asshole and dropped into the ocean felt like music in Levy’s ears and actually made her cum right then and there again.


Gajeel grinned as he looked over the speechless audience around him. “See?! THIS is how you fuck a slut right!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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6 months ago

Love that this storyline is back!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Happy that you like it.

6 months ago

This was great! I especially loved the description of Levy’s figure, both before and after the solid script boost. Can’t get enough of the blue haired, bubble butt shrimp!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago

In my eyes, she already has one of the biggest butts in the entire Guild. Her magic is just a little extra bonus to make everything more fun!

6 months ago

It’s nice to get more story with Levy

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Happy that you like it. Levy and Gajeel are a fun couple to work with.

6 months ago

good job… next gray and lucy for christmas plz 🙏

6 months ago
Reply to  gray

Then he we get a Natsu and Juvia for New Year

6 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Better Natsu and Erza

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
6 months ago
Reply to  gray

I can’t make any promises. I can only work with the artworks that I can get.