Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Copying the Horny Quirk

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXXII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXXIV): [LINK]

On the 6th floor of the Busteez Hero Agency, Rumi Usagiyama stood naked, or nearly so, in the middle of an open forest setting. Everything around her looked so incredibly real, it was hard to believe she wasn’t out in the open. The grass, the trees, even the sky overhead, was all so life-like. The only thing that broke the illusion was the smells. Her Rabbit Quirk gave her a slightly more sensitive nose than that of normal humans, but even then, she didn’t need it to know this setting didn’t smell like the outdoors.


Well, Mel did say she still had a few bugs to work out of this thing.’ thought Rumi as she walked around the area by the river. The sound of the water moving was right at least. She still didn’t understand exactly how all of this worked, even though Melissa had tried to explain it more than once. It was a principle similar to the prosthetic limbs she had made for Rumi as far as projections were concerned, just a lot more complicated. When she started talking about force fields and photons, Rumi’s ruby eyes just about glazed over and she changed the subject by grabbing the blonde girl’s fat sexy ass!


Still, she enjoyed this outdoor scene, as it spoke to the bunny in her, and made her feel relaxed. Something she needed to try and get used to was the slutty get-up she presently had on!


It was an outfit like a sling-kini, those “V” shaped swimsuits that were popular with the women with the bodies to pull it off. Rumi herself fit into that category, though she rather liked the teeny tiny bikinis herself, giving the boys that she passed by hard-ons with just a swing of her hips. The outfit itself consisted of several yellow elastic strings that wrapped around her body in the same shape as the sling-kini. But her nipples were left all but completely exposed, and the crotch dug into her cunt in an annoyingly uncomfortable way. The only reason any woman would ever wear something like this was because she was trying to arouse others.


But then again, that was exactly why she was wearing it! She wanted to start doing some more work in the main section of the Agency, prancing around naked on stage to the cheers of a bunch of horny off-duty heroes. It was an easy way to rack up some fast cash. Major incidents were getting fewer and further between with this new age of peace.


Not that she was hurting financially, but Rumi didn’t wanna let herself get lazy. Well, that was her OFFICIAL reason anyway. Very few knew this, but the main reason she went into Hero work wasn’t out of some sense of justice, though that did play a big part of doing it. No, her main reason was to keep her sanity! Her Rabbit Quirk was awesome. She could run, jump and had the agility of a rabbit. Not to mention it was sexy as fuck.


The downside however… She also had the mating drive of a female rabbit. When combined with the fact she was still a human being, it translated into being CONSTANTLY horny!!! 24/7/365, her pussy was screaming for dick! It started when she first hit puberty, and she was lucky the first boy she’d been with was smart enough to use condoms. Her parents had tried to mitigate it with medication, but those drugs made her feel like she’d downed an entire bottle of cough syrup. She hated it.


Thankfully, when one boy in school called her a slut, she’d beaten the snot out of him, and stumbled onto an alternative outlet for her sexual desires. A good fight was almost better than sex!




But it did the trick.


So long as Rumi could put all her frustration into fighting bad guys, she could keep herself from going full-on nymphomaniac. If she let that happen, she might as well go into the porn industry. Something she did briefly consider, until she found out how seedy the industry could be and how sex wasn’t really the focus, money was.


She took off at a run along the bank of the river. The platinum haired woman didn’t have to worry about running into a wall or anything. Something about the floor acting like a treadmill or something. It had to do with how this big room tricked the mind into thinking it was bigger than it actually was.


Her plan was to run around and work out a bit to get herself more accustomed to this ridiculous outfit. The thong back she didn’t mind, but the way the string in the crotch rubbed against her clit was annoying. She didn’t want to have it snag and chaff in the middle of her dance and have her break the mood by wincing. As she went through the forest, Rumi jumped and rebounded off several trees that were actually cleverly disguised support beams.


HAAAAAAAAAH!!!” she shouted as she rebounded off another “tree” and moved into a flying kick. “WOAH, SHIT!!!” she then shouted, pulling herself into a ball and altering her trajectory to avoid someone that had stepped out in front of her. Grunting on impact with the ground, Rumi rolled for several feet end over end. When she finally came to a stop inside the fake river, she picked herself up and stood in the ankle deep “water”. Thankfully, the grass and dirt were all just projections and she hadn’t gotten any in her mouth.


“What the hell, punk! That kick could have sent you into next month!” Rumi snapped at the young man who’d interrupted her training. He was definitely young, likely a third year at U.A. Best case he was a rookie sidekick, fresh out of a hero training course. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. His face seemed smug somehow, though he wasn’t wearing a smug expression.


He was dressed in a simple pair of bluejeans and a plain t-shirt that was dyed black. The young blonde did a theatrical bow as he spoke, “My apologies, it is difficult to navigate in here when exiting from the elevators. I didn’t mean to step out into your path.”


He had a point. Melissa had warned her something like that was possible if you walked onto this floor while a program was running. There was supposed to be a warning issued when someone came onto the floor from outside though. Rumi made a mental note to tell her girlfriend about the bug in the system later.


“Alright, so, whaddaya want kid?” she asked as she moved to doing some stretches to keep herself loose while she listened.


“Ah, yes. Well, my name is Neito Monoma, a 3rd Year in UA’s Hero Course.” Neito introduced himself. He had to be from the B-Class, ‘cause Rumi hadn’t heard of him, at least, not at first. The name clicked in her mind after a couple of seconds.


“Wait, you’re the copycat guy, right? The kid who helped keep Shigaraki in check during that big dust-up with him and All for One?” she asked while snapping her fingers trying to dredge up more details from her memory, “The Phantom Thief! Gutsy, putting a criminal term in your hero name. I thought Bomber Boy was the only one who did that.”


“Who?” Neito asked.


“Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.” Rumi said, using the entire thing. Most people shortened it to just Dynamight for simplicity’s sake. Rumi didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was likely gonna go down as just Dynamight in the history books for the most part. Only the die-hard scholars would commonly know the full version.


“Ah, Bakugo, yes.” Neito said, “And you are correct, I played a vital role in that conflict.” he said with another bow, while sounding smug about it.


Supporting role,’ Rumi mentally corrected him. Normally she would have said it out loud, but the fact was she was still alive in no small part thanks to him copying Aizawa’s Quirk and keeping Shigaraki’s powers mostly pinned down. So she offered that small bit of respect in keeping it to herself.


“Right, whatever, kid. Why are you here again?” Rumi asked, wanting to move the conversation along after she noticed a mild pause. Though it clicked in her mind after a moment that the kid was staring at her tits, which were all but fully exposed in her revealing get-up. To say nothing on how her cunt was on display as well with the dental floss crotch of her outfit. Rumi could honestly care less that he was ogling her, that was pretty much the entire point of this outfit anyway. Plus, she knew she was hot, so why not flaunt it?


“Oh, right. I was hoping you might accompany me on a date. Say, dinner and a movie?” Neito asked.


Rumi stifled a laugh. What, did this kid lose a bet or something? Was that why he was asking her out? Wouldn’t have been the first time something like that happened. More than a few sidekicks tried the same thing for the same reason in her rookie days. She decided to give him the same reply she’d given them.


“Go out with you!?” she asked with a smug expression as she moved to pop her left shoulder, “Maybe if you defeat me… I’ll consider it!” she told him. She then held out her arm and waved her fingers in a “Come at me” gesture.


Most of the time, this was where the people who asked her out chickened out and gave up. But to Rumi’s surprise, Neito leapt at her! She was so surprised that she only barely managed to dodge him, and he still was able to slap the side of her shoulder. In a split second, Neito’s ears elongated and grew blonde fur that matched his hair, a bushy rabbit’s tail then poked out from a hole in the back of his jeans. He was already wearing pants meant for people with heteromorphic tails!


“That ought to even the odds a bit!” he said with a grin as he landed in a crouch and used the ground like a springboard and leapt at her again, only he was faster this time!


Rumi let out a small yelp as she actually had to put in some effort to dodge him a second time, his speed and reflexes were now almost on par with her own. Quickly, Rumi backflipped several times, wanting to put some distance between the two of them if only for a moment. Her fighting style generally made others mistake her for impulsive and not prone to planning. And while mostly true, she did that only when she was planning to kick ass first and think second. Here though, she didn’t actually want to hurt her opponent TOO much.


To her continued surprise, Neito was keeping up with her quite well, not allowing her any breathing room. She found herself annoyed at the way he grinned at her when he noticed she was struggling a bit.


“I can see why this is a useful Quirk for a brawler. My body feels so light, and jumping is so easy.” he told her as he launched a high kick in her direction. Rumi barely managed to evade him by bending her body backwards so his foot contacted only empty air.


“Don’t get cocky, kid!” she shot back, while dropping into a crouch and sweeping with her leg, meaning to knock the other out from under him. “You might have copied my Quirk, but that doesn’t come with knowledge of just how to use it!”


Neito managed to leap out of the way on one leg, flipping over Rumi and landing behind her. He then brought his leg up high and brought it down on top of her. She rolled to her left, narrowly avoiding him again.


“You’re quite right. That’s why I’ve actually devoted a lot of my training in hand to hand combat as well. Not a lot of people know it, but I AM a fourth degree black belt in Karate and a brown belt in Jujitsu!” he confessed.


“Well la-de-fucking-da! That might mean something in competitive circles, but it won’t help in a proper street fight!” Rumi said as she decided to go on the offensive. Jumping to her feet, the platinum haired bunny girl launched herself high into the air, or as high as she dared since the sky overhead was just a projection. As she came down, she extended her right leg to deliver a powerful dropkick onto the blonde man’s head.


He quickly countered by bringing his arms above his head in an “X”, catching her attack and stopping her entirely. The young blonde then countered with a high kick of his own, delivering the blow straight to her stomach. Rumi felt half the air leaving her lungs as she was knocked back. Tumbling end over end until she slammed against one of the walls of the 6th floor.


Suddenly, she found her arms pinned over her head as Neito stared into her face. Both of them were breathing heavily now, Rumi because she’d just had the wind knocked out of her, but Neito…


NMMHMMMPH!!!” Rumi gasped when the young blonde pressed his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss.




The sound of her own heartbeat echoed in Rumi’s head as everything suddenly felt like it was spinning! ‘Huh, what… What’s happening!? Suddenly, ahhn, I can’t think straight…’ Rumi thought as her brain suddenly felt like it was stuffed full of cotton. Her body felt hot, hotter than she could ever remember. The heat seemed to radiate out from her pussy and spread through her entire body like a fever!


AHHHMMMPH NMMMMPH HRMMMMMMPH!!!” Rumi gasped and moaned into the kiss as she and Neito both began ripping his clothes off! His shirt came away easily, being made of basic fabric. She peppered his face and chest with kisses, leaving behind several marks with her very light pink lipstick.


“Haaah, mmmmn, ahhh…” Neito gasped into the kisses as Rumi wondered why he suddenly smelled so GOOD! Every time she inhaled, it seemed to make her feel dizzier and dizzier. She already couldn’t think of anything other than getting his clothes off. The heat in her pussy was like a furnace in her crotch, like she’d gone a month without a decent fuck or fight as she squatted down on her haunches.


When she tried getting Neito’s pants off she fumbled with his belt. It had an annoyingly complicated latching mechanism and she growled in frustration while struggling to get it undone. She figured it out eventually and once the belt was out of the way she tore open the front of Neito’s pants, unleashing his dick!


An animalistic moan escaped her lips as she looked up at the rigid pole of manflesh. At that moment, Rumi had never seen or smelled anything more wonderful in her life. It wasn’t even all that big, she’d seen bigger at least. But right now, she could care less, as she had to have this thing inside her! Now! She kissed and licked at his cock, covering it in lipstick marks before taking it into her mouth.




AHHMMMMMMMPH!!! HMMMMPH, NRMMMMPH GUHMMMMMPH HRMMMMMN!” panted Rumi as she easily throated Neito’s dick. She barely even gagged as she bobbed her head back and forth, coating his cock in a thick layer of saliva. It tasted and felt so good in her mouth! Rumi couldn’t make herself stop if she wanted as she buried her nose in his blonde pubic hairs, holding his cock in her throat.


Neito then groaned, grabbing Rumi by her ears and yanking her head back. She let out a plaintive sound as she stuck her tongue out, trying to get one final taste. Normally, she’d openly kick his ass for grabbing her ears like that, but she couldn’t think straight at all anymore.


Ahh, dick, cock, fuuuuuuck…’ they were the only words she could think of as Neito tossed her back in the water with a splash. Distantly, she was aware that the water didn’t feel exactly right on her skin. It was wet, and somehow not at the same time. But she didn’t care anymore as Neito came down on top of her, pushing up her legs and stabbing his thick, hard, throbbing cock into her burning cunt! Her pussy felt so full she couldn’t hold back her moans if she tried.


YES!” she howled in a deep throaty voice as the feeling of his cock sliding into her brought more relief than pleasure, like she was taking in a breath of air after holding her breath for too long. Her pussy gushed like a ruptured water pipe as Neito began jamming his cock into her again and again with wild and reckless abandon. His technique was terrible, just thrusting his hips like that, but her body was so amped up right now that every motion of his cock inside was making her cum!


OH YES!!!” she screamed again, with her toes curling inwards as her hips bucked against his, making his cock stir around inside her. Neito just groaned as he continued slamming his cock into her pussy again and again.




The wet slap of flesh smacking against flesh was like explosions in Rumi’s ears as she screamed in pleasure, cumming again and again. It just felt so good! Her pussy felt incredible as she let out long wordless moans of pleasure as she bucked herself against him.


BREED ME DADDY! DON’T STOP!” she cried out before locking her legs around his waist tightly.


HAAH, AHH, HAAAAH!!! CAN’T STOOOOP!!! MY HIPS, THEY’RE MOVING ON THEIR OOOOWN!!!” groaned Neito as he slammed his cock into her again and again with a wet SMACK SMACK SMACK noise. “MY DIIIIICK!!! MY DICK HURTS IF I DON’T KEEP GOOOOINGH…!


YES!!! FUCK ME MORE! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!!” Rumi begged, “UOOOH! COCK! COOOCK!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH! MORE! MOREMOREMOREMORE!!! BREED ME! AHHHN!! BREED THE BUNNY, BREED THE BUNNY!!! AHHN!!! BREED! THE!! BUNNYYYYY!!!!” the platinum haired woman screamed, while slamming her hips back against his thrusts. She could feel the tip of his cock pressing against her cervix with every thrust and she loved it!


HURR HURR HURR HURRGH!!! AHHHGH, IT HURTS, BUT IT FEELS GOOD!!! AHHHHHGH, I’M GONNA POUND YOUR PUSSY INTO MUUUUSH!!!” Neito groaned, his long rabbit ears folding against the back of his head as he thrusted into Rumi even harder.




CUMMING! I’M CUMMING!! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING!!! I CAN’T STOP CUMMING!!! I’M GONNA CUM MYSELF INSAAAAAANE!!!!” Rumi shouted at the top of her lungs. Her brain felt like it had turned into so much mush along with her pussy as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging his body against her even harder.


Their mouths connected again in a raw and hot kiss. The heated dizziness in her head kept getting worse and worse. Rumi couldn’t even tell which way was up anymore.


HAAAH, AHHH, HOOOH!!! I… I’M GONNA… I’M GONNA CUMMMMM!!!” Neito groaned as Rumi felt something thick and warm flowing into her.




HURR… AHHH, HAAH, AHAHAHA… SO TIIIIIIGHT!!! AHHHH, PUSSY!!! PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY!!!!!” Neito groaned as the two of them somehow moved into a doggy position with him holding onto her wrists tight as he pounded his cock into her from behind. Rumi could feel his cock still cumming inside her! The thick and sloppy mess of their combined juices was already overflowing from her pussy and running down her thighs in sticky clumps.


HWEEEEEEEEEEGH!!! YESSSSSH, MOAR!!! AHHH, CUMMINGH, I’M CUMMINGH SHO MUSH…” Rumi hissed and panted through clenched teeth as drool ran down the side of her chin.


HURRRRRGH!! HAAAAAAAHH, I… I CAN’T, AHH, IT’S STARTING TO HUUUURT, BUT I CAN’T STOOOOOOP!!!! MY BALLS, AAHHHHHGH, MY BALLSSSS….!!” Neito groaned in a mix of pain and pleasure as he continued slamming his cock in and out of her as they moved to lay on their sides. He held her left leg high in the air as his cock jammed in and out of her with a rude, sucking, wet sound.


AHHHHN… YESSS!! YES YES YES YEEEEESSSS!!! BREED ME, BREED ME HARDER!!!! BREED ME, BREE…” Rumi stopped as Neito’s movements suddenly stopped and he fell away from her, with his cock sliding out of her pussy with a wet ‘pop’ and going soft instantly.


“Huh, hey! What’s the big deal!?” Rumi demanded as she sat up and turned to face him. Neito lay on his back, his eyes spiraling in their sockets as he foamed lightly at the mouth. His body twitched slightly as he breathed heavily. Before her eyes, his ears returned to normal and he lost a little muscle definition.


“Huh!? You can’t be out of steam already!?” she shouted at him as she grabbed him by the shoulders and began shaking him. “HEY! WE’RE NOT DONE YET! WAKE UP!” she shouted at him, slapping his face with the front and back of her hand. “YOU CAN’T GET A BUNNY GOING LIKE THAT AND FIZZLE OUT LESS THAN HALFWAY!!! GET UP!!!” she shouted at him, but he was completely unresponsive. Neito’s head hung to one side, as limp as his dick now.


Growling in frustration, Rumi got up and slung the naked young man over her shoulder like he weighed nothing. “I’m taking you to that crazy pink haired chick Mel is always competing with. Maybe she has some more of that funky stuff she gave Deku that gave him a hard-on for a week!” she said as she carried him over to the elevator and pressed the button for the 9th floor.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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8 months ago

Great story but I have a burning question. Why did she get so horny all of a sudden before the sex? I just want to know because I still don’t get it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nen

Did you read the entire chapter? Your question is answered there.

The downside however… She also had the mating drive of a female rabbit. When combined with the fact she was still a human being, it translated into being CONSTANTLY horny!!! 24/7/365, her pussy was screaming for dick!

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nen

Bunny meets other bunny- breeding instinct kicked in.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Jujdging by the cover pic thought the guy was Bakugou but was suprised that it ended up being based Monoma! I actually like his character so the inclusion was pretty genius more male variety in general is always nice to see!

8 months ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Thanks man!

8 months ago

Nice job on this and now it’s Neito Monoma from class 1-B getting involved now! I did enjoy the fight before the sex began too.

I’m not a huge fan of him, but I do think he’s kinda underrated though.

8 months ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

He did deserve at least a second in the spotlight.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Oh alright. I completely understand and some other obscure male and female characters from MHA deserve more appreciation, like Nejire, Jirou, and Lady Nagant.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mad_Max
8 months ago

Neito Monoma truly is HIM bro got the No 5 calling him Daddy. I wish I was him

8 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

For one, brief, shining moment, he was able to keep up with her. Then his own stamina petered out. A major case of the spirit was willing, but the body is spongey and bruised!

8 months ago

Rumi necesita un poco de la polla de Deku :3

8 months ago
Reply to  Evildark

All in good time.

8 months ago

I enjoyed this chapter. Personally I’m not too big on Monoma as a character (not hatred, just severe indifference.) Rumi however, is always a joy to see in these stories.

8 months ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

Monona was the choice I went with mainly because it fit the dialogue best among other reasons, also it allowed me to do the joke at the end