Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Clashing Couples

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXVIII): [LINK]

“Mmmmh~! I never knew an ice cream parlor this nice existed in this part of the town!” Orihime moaned blissfully with a spoon in her mouth.


The orange haired girl was dressed rather casually in a lime green top with spaghetti straps that left her flat stomach exposed. Her crossed legs were framed nicely by skin tight ripped jeans that let anyone who looked at them catch a glimpse at her creamy thighs if they were daring enough to ignore her boyfriend sitting on the other side of the table. Separated from his girlfriend by just her banana royale ice cream and espresso, and his iced coffee and copacabana, Ichigo watched with a content look in his keen brown eyes as Orihime continued devouring her ice with an appetite that would put some Shonen protagonists to shame!


“You like it?” He asked while scooping up some of his ice. “I only noticed this place a couple days ago.”


I LOOOOVE ITTT!!!!!” Orihime squirmed in her place with her eyes closed after swallowing another spoonful of bananas. “But…” Her expression turned remorseful as she looked in Ichigo’s direction. “Now that I see yours, I kinda wish I ordered that instead! It looks seriously good!!”


Ichigo offered her a full spoon, “Hahahaha! You want some?” when Orihime looked from the ice in front of her and the ice on his spoon with uncertainty in her mesmerizing eyes, he added. “Come on, it’s my treat anyways.”


“Oookay…!” Orihime agreed, leaning forward and opening her mouth to take the spoon in her mouth, “OOOH… it’s so sweet!!” She then moaned again. Her body quivered, not only because of how good the ice cream tasted, but also because she realized that it was an indirect kiss she just shared with her boyfriend.


Despite being together for almost a whole month now, Orihime still couldn’t believe how lucky she was with Ichigo by her side. They didn’t live together (yet) and spend more time away from one another than together, but that only made her cherish those few moments together even more! Her heart might flutter and she might do and say awkward things, but everything just felt right! Like she had done everything right in her life. Picked every right choice in life and now could forget all about the hardships that lied behind them, to instead focus on the future that would await them. Together!


“Hahahahaha! You should see the look on your face!” Ichigo laughed while continuing to eat his ice cream again.


“I can’t help it!” Orihime pouted, “It just tastes too good!” She defended herself while also silently wishing to get more of a reaction out of Ichigo. It didn’t seem to bother him that he just shared an indirect kiss with her. “But… You know, I can’t just let you invite me like this! I’m earning my own money now!”


“Oh, come on. Let me treat you just this once!” Ichigo joked, not even addressing the fact that his girlfriend worked in a nightclub now. “Then you can invite me to some fancy place next time.”


“Mmmmmh… Deal!” agreed the orangette bombshell. The two continued eating in silence for a while until a thought crossed Orihime’s mind, “On the other hand… I wouldn’t mind eating some good and juicy meat right now!” She then suggested with a sultry look in Ichigo’s direction.


“Hungry again already?” Ichigo rubbed his full stomach. “Don’t they give you enough at work?”


“Hehehe! None of them compare to you!” She told him honestly. “So? What do you think? You and I are going somewhere nice an-!”


GOD! You two are so lovey dovey, I think I’ll get diabetes just by listening to you!” a teasingly rude and familiar voice interrupted Orihime.


The young couple turned to the side and instantly spotted a man in navy blue khaki shorts and an open hawaii shirt that revealed his muscular tattooed chest. The thing that made him stand out the most however was the big black pair of sunglasses covering his eyes and his flaming red hair, which he kept in a messy ponytail. He kept his left hand over the shoulders of a much smaller, black haired girl with a cheeky grin on her face. The girl, while only being marginally shorter than the average high schooler, still had a certain flair around her that made her look more mature and experienced than what she looked like. Her massive dump truck ass certainly helped in that regard, as it was highlighted to perfection by a two-sizes too small looking mini skirt. Nobody who’d look at her would think of her as just a little girl!


“Rukia! Renji!” Ichigo couldn’t help but laugh upon seeing his friends again. He rose from his seat and walked over to greet them. “What are you two doing here?”


Renji lifted his right hand in which he held a large plastic bag, “Shopping.” He answered matter-of-factly while also openly groping Rukia’s firm tits with his left hand.


“And listening to a young couple helplessly trying to flirt with one another!” Rukia chimed in, pushing her chest out even more into her partner’s hand, “Hrrrmmm!! Listening to you two… I don’t know whether or not it made me horny or cringe!” She then purred.


Standing up from her seat as well, Orihime grabbed Ichigo by his arm and pressed her boobs around it, “Then why don’t you two come with us and watch some more before you decide?” the orange haired beauty suggested with a lascivious voice.


“Mmmmh~! You read my mind!” Rukia smiled, while she was watching as Orihime began grinding her upper body openly against her perplexed boyfriend’s arm. “Wouldn’t mind seeing for myself if what Renji told me about you was true!”


“Wait, wait, wait! Wait!” Managing to pull his arm out of Orihime’s cleavage, Ichigo took a step away from the others. “Why are you guys here? And why are you so chill about it, Inoue? Have you already met them?”


Renji, yes!” Orihime replied as she stepped next to him to hold hands again, “They’re both working for Unohana-san now, I think. Right?” She then said with a look towards the two Shinigami, who both nodded in silent agreement. “Urahara-san mentioned that Unohana-san managed to strike a deal with the Captain-Commander of some kind with which she could recruit many of the other Shinigami.


“Hm, I think I remember Rangiku talking about something along those lines.” Ichigo nodded slowly, still not sure what to make of this new information, “Did she make it into the club as well then?”


“Rangiku? Nah! That bimbo stood no chance against my little shrimp here!” boasted Renji, while continuing to sink his fingers deep into the firm flesh of Rukia’s tits, who in turn couldn’t help but mewl lewdly at his rough, but loving, grip. “But that old shop owner is pretty well informed, not gonna lie!”


“Yes… Harder… Grope me harder!” Rukia moaned as she leaned her head against Renji’s shoulder and opened her mouth wide. Renji obviously accepted the invitation, and soon enough, pressed his lips against hers. The two openly kissed each other, much to the delight of several other people who now cheered for the two of them to kiss and makeout harder.


Orihime put her hand around Ichigo’s shoulder and pulled his face next to hers, “What are you waiting for?” She whispered into his ear, while her eyes were glued to the display of pure lust in front of her. “Don’t you wanna show them how it’s really done, dar~ling~❤?”


Ichigo grinned before grabbing Orihime by her plump butt, “As if I’d let that little closet goblin and her redheaded boytoy get the better of us!” He then remarked with a grin. A grin that went even wider when he watched the other couple break their kiss to stare at him with comically deadly intent, “Or do you wanna prove us wrong?” Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow.


“You bet!” the two Shinigami replied instantly.



Just a few minutes later, the two couples found themselves in a mostly empty parking lot not so far away from the ice cream parlor they were in before. Luckily, it was so hot that any other reasonable person would stay inside an air conditioned building or in a cool body of water, be that a lake or a waterpark. Which meant that Ichigo and Renji had the entire place all for themselves to fuck their girlfriends in whatever way they wanted!


MMMMMHH!!!! SHOW HAWD ALWEADY!!!!!” Orihime slurred at length while bobbing her head back and forth on Ichigo’s cock. Drool hung from her lips and swayed back and forth with the motion of her body before landing on her soft tits. “HRRRRM, GUUUUGH, GUUUUGH, MMMHMMMMMM!!!!!


“Ahhhhhh… That’s it…!!” Ichigo groaned approvingly. His eyes were closed, with his hands on her head, and his naked back against a white pickup truck. “Aaaaaaaahh…!”


“‘ou wike id?” Orihime asked, looking up at him with those deep brown eyes that he loved so much about her. “UMMMPH, HURRRM, UGHUUUH, HUMMMMMM!!!!!! Doesh muh howt widdwe mouph pheel ghuud awound ‘ouw big and phat cawk?”


All he could do was to nod in approval of her blowjob skills. She didn’t even attempt to fully throat his length. Instead, she kept her lips tightly sealed around the upper half of his shaft while lovingly stroking the lower ten inches or so. Even with her two hands around the base of his cock, it was impossible for her fingers to meet each other; his dick was simply too fat!


Rukia, meanwhile, didn’t have such problems, “UUGH, GHUUA, HUUURGH, GHUUUA!!!!” her moans echoed over the mostly empty parking lot. Like possessed by some kind of succubus, time after time, she deepthroated her boyfriend’s cock in its entirety, “RENSHI!!!! ‘OUW CAWK ISH SHO DHEEP IN MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY!!!!” the black haired shortstack howled in ecstasy and with her eyes rolled back in their sockets so much that only the white was left visible. “HMMM, UUGH, UUGH, HMUAAAAH!!!!


SHIT! I can’t get enough of seeing your throat stretched like that!” groaned Renji. He was only one car away from Ichigo and Orihime, but in stark contrast to his orange haired friend, he eagerly watched Rukia moving her head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. “You look so SEXY!!!


“Tssshk…!!” somehow, and without even pulling her head back first, Orihime was able to click her tongue, “Don’t lishn to ‘em, dalwing!” She moaned with a sideways glance towards the other couple, “MMMMUUH!!! HUUUGH, GHWAAAAH!! SHE’SH JUSHD MOAWNING SHO WOUD BECAUSHE SHE NEVA SHUGGED A WEAL BIG DICK BEPHOAAAWH!!!!” The last sentence vibrated through Ichigo’s cock as she had shouted it out for Renji and Rukia to hear it loud and clear!


“Hurr… aren’t you… getting a bit too competitive there?!” Ichigo teased his girlfriend as he pushed her face a little bit more down his cock.


OOOOOOMPH!!!!!” Orihime’s eyes widened for a split second, her throat bloating out even more than it already was, “AGH, GHA, AGH, AGH… SHOO DHEEP… AYE PHEEL ID IN MUH SHTOMASCH!!!!!!” She screamed as she squeezed one of her own tits roughly, “PHUGG MUH PHASHE HAWDEWWWWW!!!! UUURGH, UUUUUUUHM!!!! AAAAAHHH!!!!! AYE’M CUMMING SHO MUUUUUUUUSH!!!!!!!!!!” begging like a desperate slut, she then began to stroke her dripping pussy through the thin and thoroughly soaked fabric of her pink panties; the only piece of clothing she still wore!


A musky, manly, and, beyond all, AROUSING smell filled the young orangette’s nostrils as Ichigo pumped his hips in rhythm with her face, “Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr… haaaaaa… You’re doing this so well!” He told her honestly as her mouth seemed to get tighter and tighter around his cock. With each thrust, it became harder for him to move his hips, almost as if Orihime never wanted to let his cock leave her mouth again!


“Horny slut!!” Rukia shouted at them from the side. By now, the new Captain of the 13th Division had her rather unspectacular sized tits wrapped around Renji’s cock and massaged him with them. What little of the dick poked out from the fleshy cushions glistened with saliva in the searing sunlight.


“What?! Cranky that she’s doing a better job cumming and making me cum than you do with your itty-bitty titties?!” Ichigo remarked in the same jovial tone as Rukia.


“Hurr, hurrrr… You should consider yourself lucky that Captain Unohana made Rukia promise that she wouldn’t use her special trick out in public like that!” Renji grunted as precum was added to the saliva that already coated his cock. “You two would be left in the dust if Shrimp here really got serious!”


GHUAAAA!!!!” Orihime gasped for air after having pulled her head back, “You… wish…!!” She panted while moving her jaw from side to side to get it back in place. “Doesn’t matter how many tricks she has, I’ll always be better at making men cum! Isn’t that right, Renji?!”


“You took me by surprise after I have already fucked Captain Unohana. That’s all!” Renji tried to defend himself, although his blushing red face seemed to indicate otherwise.


“Mhm. Sure thing, Renji-kun~!” Orihime continued to tease him more while rubbing her face against Ichigo’s pulsing and throbbing cock. Precum dropped on her head and made its way down her beautiful face. “Whatever you wanna believe!”


Pressing her tits even tighter around his cock, Rukia managed to get the red haired man’s attention again, “Don’t listen to her! She herself hasn’t even managed to make Ichigo cum once!” She told him while moving her tits up and down in an irregular rhythm.


“But I’ve cum more often than you do!” boasted Orihime, “And besides…” She slowly rose to her feet so that the heat wouldn’t get to her head. “Once he pounds my slick, tight, perfect, and hot little pussy, Kurosaki-kun will cum in no time! Let me show you how it’s done!”


“Oh, hell no you don’t!” Rukia shot back, instantly stopping with her paizuri to rise to her feet as well. Due to her standing up a lot faster than Orihime did, she ended up swaying and staggering over towards Orihime. “No way in hell will I sit back and let you get your pussy fucked like that!” She declared while standing next to Orihime. Her own thong dug deep into the moist folds of her puffy pink pussy as she spread her buttocks apart. “RENJI!! Get over here and show these lovebirds how we fuck!”


Orihime pointed at Rukia with her thumb over her shoulder, “You want them to get the better of us, Kurosaki-kun?” She asked while beginning to finger her pussy with the other hand.


“Hehehe! No way!” Ichigo replied as he walked over towards his girlfriend. Before he reached her however, he was intercepted by Renji. The redhead gestured to him to stop, then pointed at himself, and then at Orihime. Then, he pointed at Ichigo, and then at Rukia. A silent gesture for them to switch partners, to which Ichigo instantly agreed with a nod and grin on his face.


“What’s taking you so long, Renji?!” Rukia asked without looking back as Ichigo already stood behind her. “Fuck my ass hard and make me scream my lungs out!”


“You hear that, Kurosaki-kun? Kuchiki-san, you might be a slut at heart, but I’ll be the one cumming and making Ichigo-kun cum like crazy!” declared Orihime even as Renji readied himself to lift her up.


“And… HOOOOOP!!!” the two men shouted at the same time as they lifted each other’s unsuspecting girlfriend off the ground, only to impale them all the way on their cocks simultaneously!


Instantly, Rukia’s stomach distended outwards as the clear outline of Ichigo’s cock became visible, “OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!! CU-” her eyes crossed as she climaxed instantly. “CUMMMMMMMMMMING!!!!!!!!!!!


“My… MY ASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! R- RENJI-KUUUUUU~NN…!!!!” clear, heady smelling juices dropped to the ground as the tattooed Lieutenant grabbed her by her creamy and thicc thighs for better leverage. “WHAT… WHAT ARE YOU DOOOOOIIIINGG?????!!!!” Orihime asked with her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her tits were squished around her own legs.


“Revenge!” He hissed sardonically into her ear as he began thrusting his hips against her. “Try to not lose your mind!”


OOOH… GODDDDDD!!!!!!” the orangette moaned while Renji’s balls slapped wetly against her ass with each and every thrust. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!!! And despite not even being half as big as Ichigo, he somehow was able to hit each and every spot of her ass. “DON’T… DON’T STOP!!!!! I’M CUMMING… IT FEELS SO GOOD AND I’M CUMMING SO HARD!!!!!! FUCK!!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!” Orihime begged and cursed in primal ecstasy. “CUMMING FROM MY ASS FEELS SO GOOOOOODD!!!!!


S- SLOW DOWN!!!!!! YOU’RE GONNA SPLIT ME IN HALF, ICHIGOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Rukia screamed as the distention in her stomach rose and fell every time Ichigo shoved his dick in, or pulled it out.


The former substitute Shinigami laughed, “All I heard was, ‘gooooooo’, Kuchiki!” He told her while speeding up even more! His lower body became a blur of motions as he slammed against her like a beast!


NNNNGH…!!! MY CUNT IS GONNA BREAK!!!! IT’LL LOSE ALL SHAPE IF YOU CONTINUE FUCKING ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!” the shortstack in Ichigo’s arms moaned as she as well got fucked in a full nelson, “AND I LOOOOOOOVE ITTTTT!!!!!!!” She arched her back and looked up at Ichigo’s distinctive and manly face. “POUND MY SLUTTY CUNT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!!! MMMMMMPH!!!!!!


HRRRRMM!!!!!” the two old accomplices moaned into each other’s mouth. Ichigo easily pushed his tongue past her lips and began exploring the insides of her mouth while groping her left tit. “God… you’re tight!”


‘OU’WE JUSHD TOO BHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGG!!!!!!!” Rukia moaned back. The two of them dueled tongues for a bit longer, with their saliva running down Rukia’s face as her entire body shook uncontrollably due to Ichigo having full control over the pace at which they fucked. “SHO DHEEEEEP!!!! MY PUSSHY… AYE CAN’T PHEEL MUH LEGHS ANYMOWEEE!!!


AAAAHHH… HAAA, HAAA, HAAA, haahaahahahahaha!!!” Orihime laughed at Rukia’s reaction, “Look at her… HMMMMMMMNN!!! LOOK AT HER GO!!!!! FUCK HER EVEN HARDER, DARLING!!!! MESS HER UUUUUUUUPP!!!!!” She ended up squealing as Renji nibbled on her overly sensitive ear.


He then went further down to suck on her sweaty neck, “I wouldn’t be so concerned about my babe if I were you! You still have me to deal with!” Renji told her while also starting to gyrate his hips.


HOOOOAH!!!!” the younger girl moaned as the dick in her ass managed to hit every right spot. Her pussy cried tears of joy and lust as she came over and over again. Her painfully stiff nipples rubbed against her legs as she was used like… “AAAAHH!!! YES!!!! TURN ME INTO YOUR ONNAHOLE!!!! MAKE ME YOUR FLESHLIGHT AND CUMDUMP!!!! GIVE… GIVE ME…!!




Both girls looked at each other and took one last breath, “GIVE ME YOUR CUUUUUUM!!!!!” they shouted with one voice!


At the exact same time, both Ichigo and Renji shoved their dicks all the way into their quivering and climaxing partners, “OAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!” they roared as their balls pumped out every single ounce of cum inside of them!


HAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEYY!!!!!!!” In just a matter of seconds, their bodies were filled with searing hot jizz. It leaked out of Orihime’s ass and ran down Renji’s cock and balls before dropping to the ground in thick globs. However, on the opposite side, due to Ichigo’s much bigger dick, his jizz remained inside a heavily breathing Rukia’s womb, sloshing around from side to side as she hung motionlessly in his arms.


After a while, Orihime was the first to lift her head again as Renji carefully put her to the ground again, “So…” She looked over towards Ichigo, who just laid Rukia down on a nearby bench for her to rest. At this moment, her stomach looked almost three times as full as it was when they started fucking. “I guess that means Kurosaki-kun and I won!”


Rukia weakly turned her head to the side and looked into the shaking Orihime’s brown eyes before whispering. “You wish!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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9 months ago

So Ichigo is still somewhat of a prude but he is slowly losing it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

He’s far from prude. He just doesn’t want to work for Urahara or Unohana in any of their clubs lol.

9 months ago

This was great! 👏 Well done.

Not only was it good to see Ichigo and Orihime together, it was also just as good seeing Rukia and Renji together as well. But having all four of them interacting with each other at the same time brings forth a different kind of energy. And honestly, I’m all for it! 😁

Overall, this was a fun one to read and to edit. In addition, I really liked how it had those four play to their strengths character wise. Not to mention them trying to one up each other. Although it’s clear which couple won the battle. 😏

Best of all, the sex itself was very intense too. Though I have a hard time who, apart from the guys, got more out of it: Rukia or Orihime? 😅 Though I did enjoy how they switched up halfway through, especially with Ichigo and Rukia and Renji and Orihime round 2.👌

Overall, well done with this one. Until the next. 😎

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
9 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I REALLY hope this chapter was to your liking. The dynamic between them was relatively easy to nail and I seriously enjoyed writing this chapter.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Oh I can say that it was! 👏 👏

9 months ago

Imagine when you make stories of their kids give them the sexual genes of both of their respective parents but perfectly normal sex drives. When their parents think that their kids are screwing their brains out behind their backs in reality whatever sex they do have is perfectly vanilla despite how “stacked” they each are. Even when they have sex with other people they don’t know how to be rough they can be the gentlest lovers you can write preferring intimacy over ferocity even if they respective sexual features could break most regular people if underestimated.

In fact they may better enjoy just cuddling while kazui’s penis is inside ichika not even bothering to move just enjoying the closeness.

Last edited 9 months ago by Kielian
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
9 months ago
Reply to  Kielian

Unfortunately, I’m not really a fan of involving their kids into this. That’s a bit more up Sailor’s alley, as far as I know.