Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Boruto’s Punishment (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part LV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part LVII): [LINK]

Boruto felt his eyebrow twitching as his mother stared him down. β€œAhh, uh, hehehh…” he chuckled nervously as a cold sweat ran down his back. His body ached all over as Kaguya lay on the ground in front of them. Her big tits heaving up and down as she panted heavily. His dick felt almost sore, and his balls ached even more. His mother had him fuck the ivory skinned woman again and again, making her cum more times than he could count.


That part hadn’t been so bad, at first, but she wouldn’t let him cum! Every time he got to the point he couldn’t hold it in any longer, his mother stabbed her fingers into a spot just above his dick, making his cock seem to lock up on itself. And now, he felt like his balls were ready to explode!


Hinata then placed her hand on his chest and he felt her chakra bring his to a complete halt. There was a large plume of smoke as the Jutsu was undone and he found himself looking back up at her now that his height was shorter than hers.


β€œYou, young man, are in SO much trouble.” his mother said.


Boruto looked up at his mother, his left eyebrow twitching as he tried and failed to think of anything he could say right now. His mother smirked at him in that way she did when she knew he had nowhere to run. He called it β€œThe Look”.


β€œFirst, what in god’s name are you doing here? How did you even get here to begin with?” his mother asked him.


Boruto wanted to say it was a long story, but when he thought about it, it really wasn’t. Looking up at his still naked mother, with her big and soft tits, the nipples still stiff and erect, he gulped.


β€œEyes up here!” she snapped, gesturing to her Byakugan eyes, the veins around them throbbing menacingly.


β€œR-right, sorry mom!” Boruto said quickly.


β€œThat’s Hahaoya-sama right now, young man.” Hinata said firmly.


Boruto found that strange, basically, his mom just told him to refer to her in the most respectful way possible. He didn’t want to dig his hole any deeper though and nodded.


β€œY-yes, Hahaoya-sama.” he said.


β€œBetter, now, what are you doing on THIS island?” she demanded.


Boruto explained how he and his team came to the island to deliver a letter, intending to leave immediately after. But before they could, the ports were closed to all outgoing traffic, stranding them here. He then explained how one thing just led to another and another. His trip to the waterpark with Sarada, his more recent encounter with Sakura, and what happened with Wasabi and Sumire. He finished by telling her about what he did with Kaguya.


To his surprise, his mother listened attentively, seeming to hang off his every word. β€œThe Look” softened, and he thought he caught a hint of pride in her frightening eyes. She turned to look back at Kaguya on the ground, pushing her foot down on the ivory skinned woman’s cunt with a soft and wet squish.


β€œAhhhnnmmh…” Kaguya mewled weakly.


β€œYou used the Kami Chinpo with no training at all.” she said. β€œI really was wrong to be against training you properly. You clearly have a natural talent.”


Kami Chinpo, Kaguya had mentioned that before, but he couldn’t get anything about it out of her. His confusion must have been clear on his face, because his mother explained.


β€œIt’s a Sexcraft technique from your father’s side. I taught him how to use it after we got married. The Hyuga were friends with the Uzumaki, so we knew about it. Though figuring it out was a bit of trial and error.” she told him.


β€œSexcraft?” Boruto echoed.


β€œIt’s called β€˜Seduction Tactics’ now.” Hinata said, sounding amused.


β€œOh, what Hanabi Onee-chan wanted to train me in.” Boruto said.


His mother’s expression hardened again, but this time β€œThe Look” wasn’t aimed at him.


β€œOh, just what has Hanabi been up to?” she asked, looking at him again.


Boruto had no choice but to tell his mother what he’d been doing with Hanabi over the last year. Hinata looked both amused and annoyed at the same time, β€œShe’s gonna be mad.” he heard her mutter.


β€œHuh?” Boruto asked.


β€œNevermind. Get your pet and come with me.” Hinata said, β€œYour REAL training starts now.” She then turned to look at him with a nearly sadistic expression that made his blood turn cold, β€œYou’re NOT going to like it.” she said with a creepy giggle.



His mother led Boruto and Kaguya to a nearby Love Hotel. There was no shortage of them in the city. As they checked in, she grabbed something that caught her eye that was sitting on the counter. From the picture on the side of the box, it was some kind of strap-on dildo, though it looked like it was made of metal.


The room they had gotten looked like one of those rooms inhabited by the otaku character in some anime. An odd choice for a Love Hotel theme, but Boruto figured there was something for everyone. His mother probably just took whatever was vacant at the moment.


The three of them went over to the bed, and his mother instructed him to sit down. She then grabbed a bikini from the top drawer of the dresser in the room and had Kaguya put it on. It was kind of surreal, seeing his mother walking around naked, but completely at ease with it, like it was the most natural thing. Her expression was one of deep thought.


β€œI suppose I’ll start with a basic explanation.” she said. β€œSexcraft, also called The Carnal Arts, is a type of ninjutsu that focuses on sex based techniques. These techniques are as widely varied as the regular ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Though I suppose most of the more basic techniques are more closely related to taijutsu.”


Boruto nodded, following so far. It was a little hard to focus, what with both women in the room being almost or completely naked. Kaguya had taken to kneeling by Boruto’s feet like a loyal dog. Her milky pale skin was still slightly flushed from earlier, but she looked mostly recovered now.


β€œThere are also exclusive techniques and abilities, kekkei genkai, and family secret techniques. The Hyuga clan has a wide number of the latter, and the Uzumaki clan has at least one kekkei genkai that I’m aware of.” his mother went on.


β€œThis Kami Chinpo thing.” Boruto confirmed.


β€œYes, my father told me about it before your father and I got married. Seems he knew your grandmother fairly well. At least more than just a passing acquaintance. He learned about it from her before Naruto was born.”


β€œWhat exactly is it?” Boruto asked, β€œI’m still fuzzy on the details.”


Hinata looked at Kaguya, β€œI’m assuming you know more than I do?” it was an open question to the fallen goddess.


β€œIt is a technique that focuses chakra into the male organ,” Kaguya said, β€œThat energy then penetrates and melds with the chakra of the opponent, increasing pleasure by many folds. This energy makes even the strongest of aphrodisiacs pale in comparison. Instantly addictive, and completely irresistible.” she said, β€œThe size of the penis can feel as if it is getting bigger by pushing the chakra outward. Though, only an already large penis can handle this. An average one could be harmed by its power.”


Hinata was nodding the whole time, and Kaguya continued, β€œEven now, my p-pussy is screaming for my master’s c-cock.” she said, her voice and body beginning to shudder, β€œEven knowing that, even knowing the effect will only get worse with continued couplings, I cannot fight it.” she told them, then looked up at Boruto with an almost pleading expression, β€œI don’t care about vengeance or conquest anymore, I just want to be your cum dumpster, master…” The last part had been spoken in almost a purr as she stood up on her knees, grabbing Boruto’s cock and pulling it to her lips.


β€œAhhh, the smell… It makes me so weeeet…” she mewled, opening her mouth to try and suck it, only to yelp in a mix of surprise and pain as his mother grabbed her hair and yanked her back.


β€œWhich brings me to the next part.” Hinata said, β€œThe most important thing in all of sexcraft is controlling your own urges. In this instance, the one who cums first, loses. Ecstasy is a powerful weapon, an even greater means of getting information out of someone than the worst torture. Which is why the name was changed to β€œSeduction Tactics”.”


β€œNow, as to your training, starting with the basics, you need to control your orgasm. By that I mean you need to hold it back entirely. Anyone, man or woman, who can master doing that, will master Sexcraft. Though admittedly, this is incredibly difficult when up against someone else trained in carnal techniques.” Hinata told him, her gaze looking far off for a moment.


Boruto wondered what that was about, but didn’t have the chance to ask as he saw his mother grip Kaguya’s head by her horns and pull it into her naked crotch. β€œLick it!” she commanded authoritatively. β€œDo a good job and I might let my son have your pussy again.”


That was all the incentive Kaguya needed as she let out a muffled moan and moved her hands up to grab Hinata’s hips. She gripped them tightly, pulling her face hard against his mother’s crotch. She then looked at Boruto with an expression that could only be described as sultry as she dragged her tongue over her lips slowly. The dark haired woman then let out a soft, erotic moan as Kaguya slipped her tongue deep between the folds of her hairless pussy.


β€œOoooohhmmmmmmmmh…” she moaned at length, rubbing her crotch against Kaguya’s face as the pale woman let out her own lewd moan.


Boruto gulped, his cock shooting to a full erection in less than a second! His mother smirked at that, shoving Kaguya aside like she was so much trash and closing in on him.


β€œA very healthy reaction.” she said, β€œThough you shouldn’t let yourself get hard so easily,” she told him, β€œA proper shinobi can control their reactions, especially in a fight where sexcraft is involved. It’s very dangerous otherwise.”


β€œDangerous how?” he asked, his cock still throbbing in the air.


In response his mother shoved him back on the bed and mounted him, his cock sliding up inside her with ease, making her stomach tent upwards. Her pussy felt good, every bit as good as before in the forest, and he groaned at the sensation of her inner walls clenching around him. She let out the barest of moans as she settled on top of him and looked down at the young blonde with a sharp expression. Boruto then felt a sharp pain in his dick as his mother’s pussy tightened around his cock like a vice! He let out a yelp of pain and she pinned his shoulders to the bed as she leaned over him with a stern look.


β€œBecause it leaves you vulnerable to something like this!” she told him, her tone completely serious and devoid of any kind of eroticism. β€œDo you realize that if I wanted, I could use my pussy to castrate you right here and now?” she asked. β€œI can make it hurt, or feel heavenly with ease. This is something I personally taught the Raikage, twice!”


To further demonstrate, Boruto felt Hinata’s pussy loosen its painfully tight grip on his cock. Then, he could feel her body stroking his length up and down quickly, even though she wasn’t even moving!


He groaned again, β€œMo…” he began to say, but her pussy tightened painfully again and he hissed out, β€œHahaoya-samaaah…”


He then felt her pussy grow looser as she lifted her body off of him, his cock sliding out of her with a wet SHLOOOP sound. Her pussy remained gaping open as she got off the bed and moved to stand in front of him again.


β€œSex isn’t just a leisure activity in the shinobi world, it’s just another form of combat. And if I were your enemy just now, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” she told him.


The gravity of her words was like a giant boulder on his head. Boruto had no doubt his mother really could have just snipped his dick off with her pussy right now had she wanted. That knowledge made his erection deflate like a balloon with the air being let out of it. She smiled at that.


β€œGood, that means I have your attention then.” she said to him.


He nodded back to her as Hinata then picked up the box she’d bought down at the check-in counter. She tore open the top of the box and pulled out the contents. The inner and outer packaging fell to the floor and Hinata kicked them away before sliding the strap-on dildo around her crotch. The silvery fake dick wasn’t even a quarter the size of his own as it gleamed in the light of the room. Hinata then pulled Kaguya up off the floor and RIPPED off the bikini bottoms she had on before bending her over in front of Boruto and SHOVING the shiny dildo inside her.


Kaguya’s opal colored eyes went wide in an instant as she let out a howling moan of pleasure! β€œNHOOOOHHHH… OHHHHH… HOOHHH… PLEASE… MERCY LADY HINATA, AHHHH, I CANNOT TAKE IT, AHHH CUMMING, I’M CUMMINGGGGG…!!!” screamed Kaguya as she gripped the edge of the bed, her body bucking back and forth as her heavy tits swayed like cow udders.


Behind Kaguya, his mother looked down at her as she gripped the pale skinned woman’s rounded ass in both hands and swung her hips back and forth. Boruto could hear the SMACK SMACK SMACK of Hinata’s pelvis slapping against Kaguya’s backside.


β€œAHHHAAAH, PLEASE, DHOOOON’T!!!” begged Kaguya, panting and moaning as she bucked back and forth from the force of Hinata’s thrusts.


Hinata grinned as she brought her hand down hard on Kaguya’s ass, making her yelp like a dog as she let out another loud moan. β€œNot yet you little tramp, this is what you get for turning my son into a deviant!” she told her, β€œSakura damned near drove me insane with one of these, nice to see it works just as well on you!”


β€œNHOOOO…! IT’S TOO MUCH, AHHH GOOD, FEELS SO GOOD, AHHHH, NHOOO AYE’M CUMMINGGGGG, AYE’M CUMMING FROM A COCK THAT ISN’T MY MASTERRRRRS… AHHHHH, NHOOOOOOO!!!! MASTER FORGIIIIVE ME, NHIEEE!!!!” Kaguya moaned, her body bucking back and forth faster as Hinata began thrusting into her harder. β€œHIE~ CUMMING! AYE’M CUMMMMINGH!!!” Kaguya wailed as her body twisted in ecstasy as one orgasm was followed by another, then another, and another still.


Boruto gulped again as his mother turned her gaze over to him, β€œDon’t even think of looking away,” she told him, β€œI want you to watch this, and you are NOT to get hard, understand me, young man?” she said as she pulled Kaguya up and thrusted her hips against her again. Kaguya let out another howling moan, her big tits bouncing up and down from the force of her thrusts.


β€œPUHLEEEASE LADY HINATAAAA, AYE’M… AYE’M GOING MAD, AHHHH SO GOOD, TOO GOOD, AYE CAHN’T THIIIIINK…” Kaguya moaned, ropes of drool running down her chin with every panting breath.


β€œThat’s alright, a slutty cum dumpster like you doesn’t need to think, just keep her legs parted.” Hinata told Kaguya as she spanked her ass again, the impact of her hand sending ripples across the baby fat of her butt. In spite of his mother’s warning, Boruto felt his cock shooting up to full erection again at the sight and sound before him. Kaguya looked almost mad with pleasure, just like before when he’d pounded her on the floor of the bathroom. She bucked back and forth with a loud SLAP SLAP SLAP as his mother fucked her from behind.


Kaguya let out a happy moan at the sight of his twitching erection, but Hinata pulled her back.


β€œAh ah,” she told her, β€œYou don’t get to have any fun with that right now,” she told Kaguya, then fixed her son with a death glare, β€œAnd if I see you so much as touch that dick, I’ll use this thing on YOU next!” Hinata warned.


Boruto gulped in fright as his mother gave him a wicked grin. The dark haired woman then turned her eyes back to Kaguya and brought both hands down hard on her ass. The ivory beauty let out another moan as Hinata began slamming her hips back and forth.




Hinata continued pounding the strange dildo in and out of Kaguya’s cunt. Even over her panting, wailing howls, Boruto could hear the woman’s pussy gushing and squirting.


β€œGHIEEEE! NGHIEE!! NHOOOO, NHOT AGAIIIINNN… AHHH CUMMING, AYE’M CUMMING SO MUUUUCH!!! PUHLEASE MASTERRRR, FORGIVE MHEEEEEE!!!” Kaguya moaned as her body rocked back and forth with Hinata’s thrusts. The look on her face was one of maddening ecstasy as her pussy sprayed like a faucet! Hinata pulled her upright again, grabbing the other woman’s heavy tits and ripping off the cowprint bikini top she had on and exposing her beautiful tits.


β€œAHHH, AHH, AH…” Kaguya panted as Hinata grabbed both her tits, pinching and tugging her already stiff nipples until they looked painfully erect. She then leaned her head down and began licking and sucking on her slender neck as she continued slamming that dildo into her.




Hinata laughed, β€œIt’s a little something they make on this island, I don’t know how it works entirely, but it’s basically like a vibrator on steroids!”


β€œAYE HAVE NHO IDEAH WHAT THAT ISSSSS… SO GOOD, CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING… AYE’M CUMMING SO HARRRRD, OH GAWWWD, SO GOOOD, IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOD!!!!” Kaguya screamed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth like a dogs now as her eyes rolled back in her head just as Hinata pushed her forward onto the bed. Boruto could only watch as his mother grabbed the woman’s hips and slammed into her from behind, her own heavy breasts bouncing and jiggling with every thrust. Boruto clenched his jaw, his cock so hard it hurt now as he could only sit and watch! The tip of it reaching up past his head as he gripped at the sheets of the bed.


β€œNHOOO, MASSSSTERRR, PUHLEASE LADY HINATA… LET ME SERVICE MY MASSSSTERRRRR, HE’S SUFFFERINNNG…” Kaguya moaned as her body shook with orgasm after orgasm.


β€œThat’s the point.” Hinata said, spanking her again.


β€œAYE’M CUMMINGGGGGGG!!!!!” Kaguya screamed as her hands clawed at the sheets of the bed. Boruto groaned with her, his balls aching worse than if someone had kicked them as his cock twitched with need. Kaguya tried to reach out for him, only to have his mother grab her wrists and use them like handlebars as she began pistoning her hips again!


β€œKaguya-san…” Boruto groaned, his cock twitching in tune with his pulse now. The massive appendage throbbed and turned an angry looking red. It hurt so bad, he couldn’t stand it as he groaned in pain while Kaguya moaned.


β€œMASSSTERRRRR, AYE’M CUMMINNNNNGGGGGG…!!!” Kaguya screamed. Boruto groaned again as his cock suddenly erupted, his cum spraying out as if from a fire hose! Hinata and Kaguya both gasped as they were both instantly soaked in his cum. His mother got the worst of it, covering her from head to her waist, while Kaguya’s back and butt were both thoroughly drenched.


The young blonde then fell back against the bed, panting with a mix of pain and pleasure as his vision turned cloudy for a few moments. It was only by sheer will alone that he held onto consciousness as he heard a wet slipping noise and a sigh of relief from Kaguya. Lifting his head, he looked over to see his mother pull away from Kaguya who now lay on her stomach at the foot of the bed. Hinata then stripped off the strap-on dildo she wore, tossing it onto the dresser with a light clattering sound. He hadn’t seen her flip and switch, and it wasn’t vibrating, which he found strange.


β€œHaaaah, master…” Kaguya said weakly as she crawled up to him on top of the bed. Her creamy skin felt hot against his own as she dragged her fat tits over his legs slowly. He could feel her still rock hard nipples scraping his thighs as she kissed her way up the underside of his dick.


The feel of her soft lips reenergized his cock, bringing it back to full mast again in just a few seconds. Kaguya let out a happy moan as she began licking his cock clean slowly.


β€œDon’t think you’re off the hook yet, Boruto.” Hinata said as she stood at the foot of the bed, β€œI’m only just getting started with your punishment. Next we’re gonna begin your stamina training. Every time you ejaculate, you’re going to be penalized!”


β€œOh crap dattebasa…” he groaned weakly.


β€œOn the bright side, Kaguya, you can help with that. My son will need a training dummy or two.” Hinata said with a grin.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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7 months ago

I know they’re plenty of people talented in the sex arts and we’ve seen some of them. But is there a god of sexcrafts, someone at the very peak and beyond of the canal arts. Who can make a woman cum like a broken sprinkler that won’t turn off just with the light-speed flick of a nipple and other miraculous things. If such a person exists have we met this person and they just have not shown the their true capabilities or have they not shown up in the series yet. Would such a person be some who already exists or an OC?

7 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Yes and no, but you won’t see him in this series. That character will be in a semi-spinoff series on my patreon

Sauce am
Sauce am
7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Does a ditzy, airheaded, stupid, bimbo Orihime Inoue sound like a good idea for one of you’re stories?

7 months ago

Didn’t you say Boruto is gonna fuck Hinata better than Naruto? Looking forward to it.

7 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

To add onto this, I hope Hinata mentions that he’s better than his father. lol

7 months ago
Reply to  acxvfd

He isn’t lmao. If it doesn’t get retconned the story made that clear why too

7 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

I’m the one writing the story thank you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Yeah, don’t know why this guy thinks he has any authority, lmao.

7 months ago

the sequel between Hinata and Raikage is coming soon?

7 months ago
Reply to  Ouap


7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


Roger Goga
Roger Goga
7 months ago

Great chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and when are you going to continue with bleach or fairy tail or the other series? Because it’s been a while that you updated them

7 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Soon I hope, I have plans for all of them

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Okay I was just wondering about it and I hope the next chapter would be about the raikaige and Hinata round 3 but I will wait for it and can’t wait to see what happens next in the following chapters

7 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

See image

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
7 months ago

It’s been a hot minute since I last commented on one of your stories; sorry for that. Let me just say, I’m a big fan of most of the things you did in them! From how Kushina actually climaxed with Sasuke, which was such an incredibly well-written contrast and reward after Sakura told us all about how a girl’s skin turns pink when cumming for realsies! To how the art of Sexcraft gets more and more prevelant and important. It’s really cool and gives this story a soul of its own that makes it stand out from your other ones. I also enjoy Hinata’s new role now. Sure, she still gets it on with Boruto, which is YUCK on so many levels, but you explained it really well and the you did it, it actually makes kinda sense.

Good stuff all around! I’m impressed!

7 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, many have been asking for it for a good while now. Because reasons, I couldn’t go a lust driven reason behind it, so I went with her training him, and not being nice about it. I’m using lore from LA Blue Girl and Taimanin series for the sex based techniques, which both blend well with this series.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I’m confused, are you a fan of incest or not?

7 months ago
Reply to  Gii

I am in fiction. I said because reasons, meaning I don’t wanna go into it.

7 months ago

If I learned anything about this chapter, it’s that Hinata can be a really wicked woman if and when she feels like it. But at the same time, she can also be a equally effective teacher too, especially being a mother these days. 😳

Though ironically enough, I feel like this will make her getting eventually fucked for real later on all the more satisfying and anticipated! Or at least that’s how at I see it. 😁

Anyway, great work with this SE version of this chapter. Not just with the overall redesign of the story, as well as the strap-on sex itself with Hinata and Kaguya, with Boruto being forced to watch everything as punishment, but also her actually teaching him how to really use Sexcraft, as well as explaining some things Hanabi might have missed. Though if they meet each other on the island, it’s gonna be awkward, I’m sure. πŸ˜…

However, it looks like she isn’t done her son OR the new family pet yet. I can’t wait to see how it goes from there. πŸ€“

Looking forward to seeing your next entry! πŸ‘ 😎

– Hiryu

Last edited 7 months ago by Hiryu
7 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Hinata makes the drill Sargent from hell look like a kindly old grandpa

7 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

And then some…! πŸ‘€

7 months ago

Honestly, i dont get hinata’s punishment idea if hes just gonna bang her and kaguya, sounds like double standards on her part.

7 months ago
Reply to  Matthew

Sounds great on the surface right? Until fatigue sets in, and he still has to keep going. Like the snu-snu episode of Futurama. Spirit is willing, but the body is spongey and bruised!