Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Bimbo for Big Bucks (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 30): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 32): [LINK]

Wendy nodded “And that was just a show… Imagine how much you would make if you joined the guild and provided ‘one-on-one’ services…” She ended with a cute wink.


Lucy’s face shifted through several different expressions and emotions, finally settling on uncertainty. “I don’t know,” she murmured. “Joining the new Fairy Tail guild and selling my body like that, and being a professional whore?” She squirmed at the thought.


Wendy bit her lower lip; Lucy looked like she was close. What could she say to help convince her? “Um, Lucy, you don’t seem to have any problems doing it with strangers, and you definitely enjoyed it…” she pointed out, blushing hard.


Lucy turned equally bright red, making Wendy hold back a giggle. Instead, the Dragon Slayer pointed at the ugly, overweight man she had been spending time with earlier. “He told me he wants to be your first customer,” she informed Lucy, before tapping her fingers together in a nervous gesture. “So, um…why not give it a try? You never know, you might enjoy it, and maybe make even more money.”


Waving the man over, Wendy turned back to Lucy, who was still looking unsure of herself. “I’ll be waiting at Fairy Hills tonight; you can give me your answer then.” Without giving Lucy a chance to reply, Wendy ran off. She had no choice but to end the conversation quickly on that note. It was risky, but Lucy had to decide this for herself. Besides, she was worried if she stayed, she might mess things up.


Lucy watched her friend disappear into the crowd, sweatdropping as Wendy nearly tripped and fell, then gulped as the man stopped in front of her. She did her best not to cringe at the sight of him up close, or at the way he openly leered at her.


“Heeheeheehee! Such huge tits and fat ass! Oh, you’re such a perfect slutty bimbo!” the man told her, almost drooling in his eagerness.


Lucy’s right eye twitched, but she took a deep breath and managed a shaky smile. “Um, hi. So…I’ve never done anything like this before. What do you want to do?”


“Everything! Anything I want, you do!”


Lucy’s eye twitched harder. “This seems beneath me… I’m not sure about this-”


“This is how much I’ll pay you!” The man pulled an enormous wad of cash, even bigger than the one Lucy had already received from Wendy.


For a moment, Lucy’s eyes bugged out and she gaped. Then, with a speed she didn’t even know she was capable of, she swiped the cash from his hand. “Anything you want, got it!” she said cheerfully, mentally rubbing her hands together.


Moving to don her swimsuit and clean the cum from her body, the man quickly stopped her. “No, just stay naked and leave the cum on your body. It makes you look even hotter and sluttier,” he told her with wide, piggish grin.


“Eh?!” Lucy faltered for just a moment; bolstered by the thought of how much money she was making, she made herself smile and latched onto his arm. “Whatever you say,” she cooed.


To her concealed dismay, he led her into the town, where, naturally, they drew a lot of attention. Lucy blushed harder and harder at all the stares, whispers, and catcalls. It got even worse when he dropped his hand down and groped her ass, squeezing it as hard as he could.


“Damn, you’ve got ass for days! Oooh, that gives me an idea!”


Following his gaze, Lucy’s stomach sank at the sight of the tattoo parlor. ‘Oh no…





Lucy did her best to hide her winces. Her ass was still sore and sensitive from the tattoo she had just received on it. At least she was wearing something now, even if it was the tiniest bikini possible. Then she yelped and jumped when he suddenly spanked her! “AIIEE!


“Smile, Lucy! Let everyone see how happy you are to be naked, covered in cum, and your new tattoo on display!” He was panting now, his erection a visible bulge in his trunks as he pulled Lucy into a kiss. He shoved his tongue into her mouth, groping and fondling her body without shame as everyone around them cheered and made obscene suggestions.


Lucy moaned into his mouth, squirming as she got hornier and hornier. What was wrong with her? Was all of this really turning her on?!


Abruptly breaking the kiss, he pulled her into a public restroom and pushed Lucy onto her knees. Lucy gagged when he freed his cock; he was almost as big as Gajeel, but the smell of it was terrible! And as he pushed his dick into her mouth, she found the taste of it was even worse! ‘UGH! Has this guy ever showered?!


“Now swallow my dick, slut!” he ordered, grabbing hold of her pigtails and face fucking her hard. His cock pounded her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and making Lucy gag. Bringing up her hands, she did her best to focus on fondling his balls, rolling them around in her palms.


The sounds of Lucy’s gagging can be heard outside the public restroom by passerbys and neighboring stores. The sounds of her rough facefucking lasted a good 10 minutes with brief intermissions of Lucy gasping for air and coughing, right before the extreme oral session resumed again.


“Now take my balls in your mouth!” The man ordered.


Lucy blushed before licking his sack and taking his nuts in her mouth one a time. Her cheeks puffed up in order to contain the man’s massive cantaloupe sized balls.


“Oh yes… That’s a good whore.” The man said with a lecherous grin. He then grabbed his massive dick and began lightly slapping Lucy’s forehead with it. The obese man chuckled at Lucy’s displeasure when she shot a glare at him.


Pulling Lucy away by the hair, he then shoved his dick back in her mouth once again and came without warning, his cum flooding into Lucy’s mouth and down her throat. Eyes and cheeks bulging, Lucy did her best to swallow, but it poured out from around his dick, spilling onto her tits and adding to her embarrassment.


However, she had no time to think about that; he pulled her to her feet and pushed across the sink. “OH FUCK!” Lucy howled when his still hard cock plunged into her pussy. Him grabbing her juicy cow tits was the icing one the cake: she came with a loud screech. “YES! YES! YEEEEESSS! YESYESYESYES!!! FUUUUUCK!!!




YESSSS!! POUND MY SLUTTY PUSSY! FUCK MY FAT, TATTOOED ASS! I’M A FAIRY TAIL WHOOOOOORE!!!” Lucy screamed, thrashing and writhing as another orgasm slammed into her. “MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!


(Later that night…)


Wendy dropped her sandwich, eyes wide and face red as Lucy stumbled into Fairy Hills. The blonde was clearly exhausted, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. The mage was topless and her entire body was covered in sweat and cum; her brown eyes were bleary and only half open.


Watching silently as Lucy stumbled forward, stopping in front of her, Wendy searched for what to say. “So…uh…how was your day?” She mentally winced at the inane question, but it was too late now.


“…I’ve made a decision,” Lucy told her, her voice matching her appearance.


Perking up, Wendy leaned forward. “Oh?” Behind Wendy, Erza, Levy, and Juvia all peeked around various walls; Wendy obviously didn’t see them, but Lucy did. All the blonde did was glance at them though. “And what’s that?”


Forcing herself to straighten, Lucy looked Wendy in the eyes. “When is the opening night for the guild?”


Wendy’s eyes lit up, but she kept her tone casual. “Tomorrow night.”


“…if I join, can we hold a party for Virgo tomorrow too?”


Biting her lip, Wendy looked around, gathering her thoughts in a panic, and nearly jumped when she spotted the watching girls. But, when Erza gave her a thumbs up, Wendy let out a sigh of relief. Her face lit up after getting Erza’s approval to move forward with the party. “Yes,” she told Lucy simply, watching her with baited breath.


Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Lucy reached into her cleavage, making Wendy blush, and pulled out the incredible amount of money she had made today. She stared at it for a long moment before looking back at Wendy.






“I’m in.”

Official Fairy Tail X Guild Roster:
Mavis Vermillion (Guild Master)
Erza Scarlet
Levy McGarden
Gajeel Redfox
Wendy Marvell
Jellal Fernandes
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Kagura Mikazuchi
Laxus Dreyar
Lucy Heartfilia (NEW!)

(Story by User: S22132)

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7 months ago

I love Lucy’s face and ass.

Though for a sec that Ugly dude’s design reminded me of Droy, lol.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
7 months ago

Hoping Mirajane and Ultear end up with this customer.

7 months ago

Super glad to see some more Lucy action going on, always been a fan whenever you drew her or included her into more stories! I remember reading the 1st one some years back before all of your original stores were deleted, it’s refreshing to see this one is finally back up again

7 months ago

a lot of lucy story recently… i can feel it a new lucy pic will be released soon ear me out