Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Welcoming with a Meal and Anal (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 17): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 19): [LINK]

“I’m home!” Gajeel called out as he opened the door, worn out but satisfied with his day’s work. He had passed out all the fliers advertising the New Fairy Tail guild, and he had the feeling he could have kept going for hours if he had more fliers and more energy; there was a lot of interest.


“Welcome home; dinner is almost done,” Levy told him, peeking around the corner of the wall. Seeing her wearing nothing but an apron, Gajeel perked up, in more ways than one.


“I think I’m in the mood for dessert first,” he told her with a leer, getting a fond roll of the eyes in return.


“Food first, then we can have some fun,” Levy promised him with a grin of her own.


Gajeel could agree to that, especially as his stomach chose that moment to remind him how hungry he was with a loud rumbling growl. “How was your day?” he asked as they sat down to eat at the dinner table, licking his lips at all the delicious foods his partner had prepared.


“Busy, but fun. I spent most of the day with Mavis-sama, helping her redesign the guild hall. It’s going to need a lot of remodeling; we’re going to change it to something called a ‘strip club,’ and there will be private rooms and a ‘casting couch,’ whatever that is. She also wants some specially modified Lacrima orbs that record and broadcast our sessions. She’s wanting us to make ‘Pornos’” The bluenette said using air quotes, not entirely sure of the foreign concepts the First had in mind.


Levy took a breath. “She’s almost certainly been planning this out for a while. She has all kind of plans and ideas.”


Gajeel whistled softly. “I’ll say. Sound like a lot of work though; how long will all of that take? The fliers I passed out to everyone said the grand opening is in ten days. That’s not a lot of time.”


“All of the changes will probably take a couple of months, but Erza says she can renovate the entire guild hall in a little less than a week. She’s very good at rebuilding things,” Levy assured him with a smile.


“Gihihi, That’s no surprise, considering how many times we have to repair buildings and other people’s property from the collateral damage of our brawls,” Gajeel snickered, making Levy giggle.


“How did passing out fliers go?” Levy asked. “I notice you didn’t bring any back, so you must have given them all away or thrown the extras out.”


Gajeel made a face at her. “No, I didn’t have to throw any of them away. People were almost snatching them out of my hands; I think we’ll have big crowd show up for the grand opening. Oh, and I saw the rest of the guild. They were having one last party before the disbanding and going their separate ways.”


“It’s a shame no one else wanted to join the new Fairy Tail,” Levy sighed wistfully. “It would have been fun to have everyone involved.”


Gajeel waved a dismissive hand. “Eh, it’ll be fine! Once we convince one of them to join, the rest will follow, I’m sure of it.” He frowned, drumming his fingers on the table. “That reminds me of something I saw today at the beach party… something shocking… but I can’t remember what…damn it, what was it?!”


“Did you get distracted by something?” Levy asked slyly, putting her much smaller on hand on top of his. “Or maybe you’re still distracted by someone?” She leaned forward, giving Gajeel an even better view of her cleavage.


Eyes lighting up, Gajeel gave her an eager grin. “That’s right: dinner is over, and time for dessert! What are you hungry for today, Shrimp?”


Cheeks puffing out in a brief pout at the persistent nickname, Levy didn’t let it bother her too much; she was too horny for that. “I want you to fuck my fat ass,” she told him bluntly, blushing even as she leered at him. “I want to feel your huge dick pounding my tight asshole until I can’t walk anymore. And I want it right here, right now.”


…GIHIHIHIHI! I love the way you think!” Gajeel was out of his chair in a flash, pulling off his clothes even as Levy jumped him, kissing his face and then his chest as she tore at his clothes. It didn’t take long for both of them to be naked; Gajeel lifted Levy up and pulled her against his body as she dry humped him.


“Do it!” she gasped, tilting her head back to stare at him with bright, almost desperate eyes. “Fuck my huge slutty butt!”


“Sure you can handle it, Shrimp?” Gajeel teased, sliding his dragon dick through her legs, rubbing her pussy and ass. “Because once I start, it’ll be hard to stop!”


Levy kissed him with bruising force, growling deep in her throat. “You let me worry about stopping; now shut up and fuck my ass!”


Laughing, Gajeel lifted her up just enough to position his cock before slowly lowering her down onto it, reveling in the tightness of her asshole as it squeezed his cock in the best way possible.


“Ooohhh, shit it’s so big!” Levy half moaned, half groaned, squirming against Gajeel’s body as her asshole was penetrated. The metal piercings on his cock rubbed her sensitive skin, driving her to distraction. “I love it!”


“Don’t get too worked up too fast; we’re just getting started!” He stepped out onto the balcony of the room holding onto Levy; under other circumstances, he might have spent some time admiring the view of the city at night. Right now though, he had something much more interesting to focus on.


Gajeel sat down, Levy in his lap with her legs wrapped around his body. He began bouncing her up and down, loving how her fat bubble butt jiggled each time.


AH! OH! MMM! HARDER! C’MON, POUND ME LIKE YOU MEAN IT!” Levy demanded between her gasps and squeals. She clawed at Gajeel’s back, knowing he liked the mixture of pain and pleasure.


And luckily for her, he knew that she enjoyed the same kinds of things.




Levy’s shriek of surprise almost deafened Gajeel, but he thought it was well worth it for the pleasure of spanking her big bubble butt. Her asshole tightened with each spank, nearly driving him over the edge were it not for his iron control.


“You like that, slut?! Love getting your whore ass spanked while I ream it out with my huge cock?!”


YES! FUCK MY ASS RAW! SPANK IT UNTIL I CAN’T SIT DOWN! MORE MORE MORE!” Levy demanded, writhing against his body, squeezing his torso with her surprisingly strong legs, and kissing him anywhere her lips could reach.


YOU GOT IT!” he shouted back, throwing everything he had into making Levy feel as good as possible. Using his magic, Gajeel dotted the entirety of his dick with fruit-sized ball bearings that drove his partner wild. The Dragonslayer’s hand rained down on her fat ass as his hips pumped like pistons, driving his dick as deep into her hole as possible. His other hand roamed her body, stroking and fondling it all over.




The two fucked for what felt like hours and when they came, it was together, Levy’s screams mixing with Gajeel’s roars. His cum and her juices squirted everywhere, covering their bodies and most of the floor. They collapsed against each other when it was over, both panting and sweating.


“I think you get kinkier and sluttier each time we fuck,” Gajeel commented after a few moments, idly stroking Levy’s hair, back, and ass.


Levy snorted, giving him a half-hearted punch in the chest. “I don’t hear you complaining.”


“Gihihihi! Hell no. C’mon, let’s get to the shower.” Easily lifting and carrying Levy, Gajeel carried her into the bathroom. Getting the shower going while holding her was tricky, but he had plenty of experience at this point; soon they were both enjoying the hot spray of water.


Suddenly, Gajeel snapped his fingers. “Oh yeah! Now I remember what I was going to tell you earlier! You’ll never believe who I saw having sex in public today!


Levy blinked up at him, curiosity plain in her expression. “Who?”


Snickering, Gajeel opened his mouth to say, “Salamander and J—,” but suddenly a loud knocking at their front door interrupted him.




“Gajeel? It’s Juvia; there is something important Juvia wants to discuss with you in private…”

(Story by User: S22132)

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6 months ago

Good chapter. If you don’t mind me asking, will we see more of Gray in the future chapters of this role play? I just hope that he’s still a prominent character of this role play and doesn’t become invisible or anything.

6 months ago

Man Gajeel and Levy are always the best in any of these series, they fit in with the sex guild very nicely.