Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Voyeuristic Visions

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part XVII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XIX): [LINK]

(Roughly two months ago in the Ryugu Kingdom…)


The streets of Fish-Man Island were in turmoil once more as the merfolk living there found themselves in a divisive situation. About roughly a hundred fish-men, mermaids, and mermen were gathered in front of the Mermaid Café as they desperately tried to listen to what was being discussed inside. Of course, most of them already knew about the topic at hand.


What was still unknown, however, was the course of action and how to deal best with this problem.


“I beg of you, Madam Shyarly, please reconsider this whole situation!” said Fukaboshi, King Neptune’s first son and one of the island’s strongest fighters. “If you don’t go… it would make us the target of the wrath of an Emperor!”


Blowing out a cloud of smoke, Shyarly leaned further back into her plush velvet seat, visibly enjoying the unease in the prince’s body language, “No! I won’t go to this wedding. Although…” She licked her lips as a thought crossed her mind. “It sure would be interesting to see them again. Who would have thought that Sanji was related to those devils after all…?”


“Hmmm… Could it be that you saw something happening in the future-jamon?” King Neptune asked from outside, following the discussion from outside the window since he was too big to enter the Mermaid Café.


Fukaboshi turned towards the remains of the broken crystal ball that still laid on the giant clam, “What? I thought you said you wouldn’t look into the future anymore!” he said as a single drop of sweat rolled down his neck.


“One doesn’t need to look into the future to see something so completely predictable!” Shyarly replied coolly. She put her hands behind her head and looked at the ceiling above, “Something tells me that the Straw Hat wouldn’t just watch and let one of his crewmates be married to the daughter of the very woman he started a fight with! While on that…” she looked over towards King Neptune. “Isn’t Fish-Man Island basically his territory now? Why should we follow the whims of a woman who no longer protects us?!”


“Ma- Madam Shyarly!!?” the orange haired merman became pale as a ghost, “This… this is still Big Mom we’re talking about! Don’t you know what will happen to those who ignore the invitation to one of her Tea Parties-jamon?” he asked back, while sweating even more than his son.


A warm laughter echoed through the Mermaid Café as Shyarly arched her back, “Oh, I am more than aware of the consequences! Don’t think of me as some kind of fool who decides on such things willy-nilly!” The fair skinned shark mermaid said. “However… I trust my intuition more than I fear the wrath of an Emperor. Her era will come to an end soon enough. She ensured that when she took Sanji-kun away from the Straw Hat!”


“If you say so.” Fukaboshi sighed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’ll trust your senses, Madam Shyarly. Let’s just hope that this year’s Levely will at least provide us with a more stable ground in these increasingly tumultuous times!”


He and his father looked at the far away Ryugu Palace where Shirahoshi and her other two siblings were currently preparing their stuff for the impending departure. It would be the first time for Shirahoshi to travel to the surface, which naturally caused her to be quite anxious and giddy about the whole situation. And if her brother and father were to be honest, they felt the same way. Everybody was aware of her reputation among normal humans as a mermaid whose beauty rivaled that of a pirate called Boa Hancock!


What would those humans do once they actually saw her? Or the Celestial Dragons that actually resided in Mary Geoise? If the one who crashed down on Fish-Man Island so many years ago, or the one who tried to buy Camie back on Sabaody, were any indication, then… Both mermen shook their heads at the same time!


They would have to trust the humans if they wanted to see each other as equals! That’s something that Otohime had preached all the time and they would try their utmost to live up to her expectations! And it’s not like they were without protection up there, the Hero of the Marines, Garp “the Fist” himself, had promised to escort them personally all the way to the Red Port at the foot of the Red Line!


“I do believe in Luffy-kun’s abilities! He has proven his strength more than once, but…” King Neptune scratched his hairy chest as he looked at the madam with pleading eyes. “Even then I think it is far-fetched to say that he will topple one of the 4 Emperors so soon! And that’s without addressing the fact that she still has the Tamatebako! What will happen to Fish-Man Island when she finds out that we basically handed her explosives-jamon??”


“You want me to look in the future to calm your mind, is that it?” Shyarly asked the older man with a sigh. She flicked her finger to get Fukaboshi’s attention, “You, Prince, get me my crystal ball!” The dark haired beauty pointed at the broken pieces at the other side of the room. “If it helps your father and eases his mind, then I shall do my best. It’s my duty as a citizen of his kingdom, after all!”


Without so much as a hint of hesitation, King Neptune’s oldest child picked up the clam and carried it over towards Shyarly, while being careful to not drop even the tiniest shard of it, “Here!” he said as he placed the clam in front of her.


“Good boy!” Sitting up straight, Shyarly already began focusing, with her mind slowly slipping away from her as she looked deep into the crystal ball. “Dim the light as best as you can and make sure that no one will interrupt me! It’s hard enough with the ball broken, and I don’t need any other distractions!”


“Of course!” Fukaboshi hurried away to lock the single door that led into the room before pulling down the curtains of almost every window but the one through which his father looked through.


Peace and tranquility! The mermaid got rid of all thoughts and emotions as she prepared to look into the future, “I see…” An imaginary and sickly green mist that only Shyarly could see spread from the pieces of the crystal ball, engulfing the entire room. “A giant bathtub. It looks like the royal bathroom in the castle. There’s Princess Shirahoshi a-!”


“You… you’re not gonna watch my daughter take a bath, do you-jamon?” Neptune’s voice rang to her through the thick veil that separated him and her.


SILENCE!” hissed the mermaid in a tone that caused both mermen to quiet down instantly, the future vision flickering due to the outside distraction. Beads of sweat ran down the side of her head and her neck as she put her hands right above the clam in an attempt to get hold of the vision again. “You are the one who wanted me to look into the future! Don’t complain when I’m doing just that!”


“Sorry-jamon!” she heard the king mumble in an apologetic tone.


“Hmmmmm…! The bathtub is slowly filling with water.” she informed the two men as the vision gradually came back to her once again.


At first she was only able to see the bathtub but one after the other she was able to make out more. By now, Shirahoshi had stripped out of the halter top she wore usually, laying carelessly off to the side as she went into the warm water while even more of it came rushing out of the shower above.


“Hmmm~mmm~mhmmm~♪” Shirahoshi hummed to herself while bathing her scales with a special body wash that was made solely for the purpose of cleaning the sensitive scales of certain breeds of merfolk.


In front of the window of the spacious bathroom, Megalo swam back and forth in the bubble that kept him flying in the air, bobbing his head in rhythm with the mermaid princess’ tune. “SHAA SHAAA~♫!!”


“You’re just as excited as I am, seeing Luffy-sama again, right?” the pinkette asked her pet as she moved her delicate hands over her dorsal fin, almost moaning due to jolts of pleasure coursing from there through her entire fishtail, “Mmmmmhh~♪ Father said there are reports about him being close to the Red Line again…” she looked through the window at her shark-friend. “Do you think he’ll come here again?”


“Shaa?” her pet leaned its entire body to the right, almost as if he thought about her question.


Shirahoshi lifted her with a completely foamy soap covered hand and looked at her pinky finger, “He promised that he would take me to the surface to show me an actual forest!” Tears clouded her vision, but she quickly wiped them away with the back of her other hand. “I… I hope that Luffy-sama remembers it as well!”


“Shaa!” Megalo nodded encouragingly from outside, showing her his large and sharp teeth as he grinned at her.


Hugging her own fishtail, Shirahoshi forced herself to stop crying, remembering the promise she made to Luffy to stop being such a crybaby once they met again. “Father told me that there are some bad rumors about him though… How he was responsible for kidnapping Princess… but I can’t believe that! Luffy-sama would never do something like th-!”


WHAT? Luffy-kun kidnapped a princess???” Neptune gasped in horror, “And he’s near Fish-Man Island? Does that mean he wants to…?” he shook his head before he even finished his own question. “No! He might be many things, but a kidnapper is not one of them! Though, hearing that he’s still alive and well does put my mind at ease a bit-jamon!”


“What did I just say, Your Majesty?!” Shyarly asked through gritted teeth, visually straining to keep hold of the already fleeting vision. “Looking into the future is quite troublesome with this broken crystal ball! I don’t need you to interrupt me from focusing on it even more! Be quiet or I won’t comment on anything that happens anymore!”


Not even listening to his apologies, Shyarly turned her attention back to Shirahoshi, who by now moved her hands all over her tail again, “Mmmmmhh…!! I want to see him again so much!” she said with a longing tone in her serene voice.


Unbeknownst to her, but clearly visible from her position in front of the bathtub, Shyarly could see a pair of hands suddenly appearing on the ledge of the window, ‘How convenient!’ the Madam thought to herself, already having a good idea as to whom these hands belonged to.


There aren’t that many people sailing the oceans who used such a weird way to enter a building after all!

-ocket!!!” Luffy’s voice startled Shirahoshi and Megalo as he came flying towards them from the streets below Ryugu Palace. He knocked out Megalo and sent him flying into the corner of the bathroom as he landed on the ledge without any problems whatsoever. His hands rested on his hips as he looked into the room without so much as a hint of shame on his face.


Not much of a surprise, given his carefree and childlike attitude most of the time. Shyarly could still very vividly remember the time that he asked her how mermaids pooped. Just remembering that made her blood boil all over again. She really liked the boy and couldn’t thank him enough for saving Fish-Man Island, but his personality is something she would probably never get used to. He certainly lacked the class and style that a certain other member of his Generation possessed, that much was for sure!


“Hi Wimpy!” the young captain greeted the oversized mermaid casually by waving at her, completely indifferent towards the fact that her massive nipples, which were almost half as big as he himself was, pointed straight at him. “There you are.”


“Lu- Luffy-sama!!” she gasped, far too shocked seeing him to actually try to cover her exposed breasts. “Wha- what are you doing here?”


Jumping down from the windowsill, Luffy wandered through the bathroom as if it was the most normal thing in the entire world, “Oh, we just landed on the island a few minutes ago and they were already setting up things for a celebration.” he explained with the wave of a hand, “Wow! What’s that?” his eyes widened with excitement as he ran over to a giant plush teddy bear at the wall.


“That… That’s Mr. Snuzzles!” Shirahoshi introduced the giant teddy to Luffy while hiding her face behind her hands so that he didn’t notice the giant crimson blush on her face. “Father gifted him to me on my seventh birthday.”


“Cool!” was Luffy’s only remark as he simply jumped on the stuffed bear’s nose to get a better look of the entire room, “That bath sure is big! You could get lost in here!” he then said, already having forgotten the teddy bear’s name.


Finally noticing that she was basically naked, Shirahoshi let herself sink into the warm water of the bathtub until only the very upper half of her breasts and her face were left outside, “EEEEEPP!!! Erm… I mean, you are in a palace after all.” she reminded him in a soft tone to distract him from the squeal that had escaped her lips. “Do… Do father and my brothers know that you’re here?”


“Hm?” Luffy raised his eyebrow at her as he stretched out his arm for a stuffed monkey that hung from the ceiling before swinging back and forth on it like it was an actual swing. “Kinda doubt it. The fish-men at the port told us that we should wait since they would probably want to greet us with some soldiers there. Just waiting around for them to show up would be boring though, so I just came here anyways. Hey, where’s the meat?”


Shyarly waved her hand in circles over the clam while shaking her head in disbelief, ‘That boy!’ she thought to herself as Luffy walked straight at her without even noticing. If he were to take a couple more steps forward, he would walk straight through her, given that they existed in basically two different levels of reality, ‘That reminds me, I probably shouldn’t tell King Neptune what’s going on here anymore. He’d only freak out and make things even more strenuous than they already are!’ the shark mermaid realized. ‘I’ll give him the rushed down version later.


“There… there isn’t any meat here, Luffy-sama.” Shirahoshi told him meekly, following his every step from her spot in the bathtub.


Shoulders low, Luffy let himself drop from the monkey to the tiled floor beneath, “Really?!” he asked Shirahoshi, his voice full of disappointment, “And I thought your father wanted to throw a party for us…!” his eyes then lit up as something came to his mind. “Nevermind. I’m just gonna head for the kitchen myself and see if there’s something to eat. See ya!”


“W- wait, Luffy-sama!” Before Luffy could sprint over to the gigantic doors of the bathroom, Shirahoshi reached out of the bathroom, clasping her hands around the black haired youth and pulling him closer to her again. “Fa- father said there are some bad rumors about you. That you kidnapped Princess Rebecca! Is that… is that right?”


HEY! Let me go, Wimpy!” he writhed around in her hands, poking his head through her fingers, but the mermaid Princess just wouldn’t let go of him. “We didn’t kidnap anyone! They came up with that idea all on their own! Or was it Kyros? I dunno!”


“They?” leaning her head to one side, Shirahoshi lightened her hold of Luffy a bit. “You kidnapped more than one Princess?”


A little vein popped on the young captain’s forehead. “We didn’t kidnap anyone! Didn’t you listen to a single thing that I just said?!”


WAAAAAH!!! I’m sowwy!!!” Tears streamed down the giant mermaid’s face after Luffy snapped at her. “I… I didn’t mean it, I promise.”


“It’s alright!” Luffy calmed her down, “Vivi’s with us as well. Oh! But that’s a secret! Nobody’s supposed to know about her being with us, so… SHHHH!!” he gestured to her to be silent, one of his hands stretching out through another two fingers of hers, while a wide grin spread across his face. “It’s plenty fun with them. The only one complaining is Usopp, because he apparently owes Nami some money.


“Vivi? But… during the Levely… didn’t she…?” Shirahoshi tried to ask, far too surprised to actually form any real sentences.


In typical Luffy-fashion, the scarred man simply waved it off, “I dunno. Fact is, she’s safe where she is now! And if anyone tries to take her away from us again, I’ll beat the person’s butt!” he declared firmly.


Shyarly listened closely to their idle talk, taking in as many details as she could. Apparently something happened to Shirahoshi before the Levely even began properly but she didn’t want to talk about it, despite how much Luffy urged her to tell him more. Luffy on the other hand informed her in surprisingly great detail about the recent encounters he had with other pirates and enemies. Most prominently of which were two of his biggest rivals in this day and age, Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law.


Hmmm… interesting.’ the Madam mused in her mind while allowing her to take a quick drag on her pipe. ‘It seems that at this point in the future, not only Big Mom will be defeated, but also Kaido… Who would have thought?


In that brief moment where she once again blew out smoke from her mouth, the image of the bathroom flickered turned into a blur of all the colors of the bathroom while the sound turned into a loud crackle that made it hard for her to understand anything that was being said between the two.


Once the vision came back to her entirely, Luffy was no longer trapped between the pink haired girl’s hands but instead laid back in the palm of her hand, his head resting in his hands as he kicked his feet up and down one after the other. “This is boring! You don’t wanna go to the Sea Forest, and you don’t wanna let me go to the kitchen. At this point, all we could do would be to fuck!”


F- FUCK!?” both mermaids echoed at the same time. Shyarly actually shouted the words louder than she wanted, causing Neptune and Fukaboshi in the present to ask her what was going on.


She ignored them however and focused more on Luffy who seemed more than dead serious about the suggestion, “Hm? Why not?” he asked back with a confused look on his face as he picked his nose. “It’s pretty fun once you get used to it. Although I still don’t get the whole “every big pirate is doing it”-thing that Nami insists on.”


What an interesting development!’ Shyarly said to herself as a barely noticeable smirk curled around her blue painted lips. ‘The boy is raunchier than expected!


Blushing from ear to ear, Shirahoshi turned her head from left to right a few times, “I… I don’t know.” she murmured silently while covering her face with one hand. “I mean, I would love to have… have sex with you but…!”


Ahhh… to be young again…!’ the madam’s smirk turned into a large grin that showed her many sharp teeth, ‘She wants to get fucked, but is too embarrased to actually say it out loud.’ she concluded in her mind as she watched the Princess writhe around in front of her.


“Come on, it’s really not that hard!” Luffy continued talking, “Here, I’ll show you!” The black haired captain threw the booger that he pulled out of his nose into a nearby sink before jumping up from her palm and onto one of her naked tits. “AAAAHUMPPPH!!!!


LUFFY-SAMA!!!” the young girl’s eyes went wide as he stretched his mouth comically wide to get the entire pink nipple that topped off her gargantuan breasts into it. “Wh- what are you doing?”


“Showing ‘ou a ghuud time! Hammock shaid thad if pheelsh weally good phor hew when aye go phor hew titsh!” he slurred around the nub of flesh, biting down on it with surprising tenderness, “‘ou shewioushwy nheed to rewax shome mowe!” he told her as he began licking the nipple with his flexible tongue.


Out of sheer instinct, Shirahoshi pushed her chest forward, “MMMMMNNNHG!!” she moaned cutely as all the body tension vanished in the humid air of the bathroom. “B- But…! OAAAAHH!!!


“Shishishishishi!” Luffy chuckled at her reaction while simultaneously stretching his entire right hand around the lump of soft flesh at which he hung, ensnaring and grabbing it firmly, “Sheemsh wike ‘ou can rewax aphtew aww!” he pointed out as he flicked her nipple even more causing her to moan louder and louder with every move of his tongue.


HMMMMM… LUFFY-SAMA!!” the giantess said, with her free hands opening and clenching several times as she didn’t know what to do with them, “This… this feels so good!” she admitted. “C- Can you do it more? Please?”


Instead of simply answering her question, Luffy bit down even more on her nipple, “MMMPH!!” he groaned as he squeezed her tit tight by flexing the muscles all over the hand that he had thrown around it. “Wike dish?”


OHH!!! OH, YESS!!!!” answered Shirahoshi, arching her back so much that she fell back into the bathtub. Water and foam splashed in every direction as her body broke through the surface.


“Princess Shirahoshi?” the unmistakable voice of the Minister of the Right asked from beyond the bathroom door. “You’ve been in there for a pretty long time. Is everything alright?”


AYEEEE!!!” Shirahoshi squeaked, undoubtedly afraid that he might have heard any of the lewd sounds that she made. “Erm… s- sorry. Everything’s OOOHkay!”


“That’s good to hear!” replied the seahorse merman, though Shyarly could hear that he doubted that statement. “Well, your father just wanted to inform you that the Straw Hat Pirates have just arrived at the harbor, if you want to meet them. Apparently all the things written in the newspaper about them are nothing but exaggerations, so it should be okay for you to meet them.”


MHMMMM!!!! I… I will hurry up then!” she told him.


“Very well! I will wait for you in the entrance hall!”


For several long seconds, Luffy stopped with his onslaught on the young mermaid’s nipple and let it pop out of his mouth, “Okay, he’s gone now!” he informed Shirahoshi, having sensed that the Minister of the Right was still waiting outside to check if there really wasn’t anything suspicious going on.


More considerate than I thought…!’ Shyarly’s forehead began glistening in the light of the lamps above as she began sweating due to the strain it took on her to keep this vision going. ‘Did I actually misjudge him in that regard?


Latching on to her tit again, Luffy continued suckling on the oversized nipple as if he actually wanted to draw out milk, “MMMMMHH!!! I… I never felt so go- good before!” admitted Shirahoshi as she lifted one hand out of the water and brought it over her free breast. She faltered for only a second before grabbing the mount of pliant and hot flesh, her fingers sinking in just as tight as Luffy’s entire hand as they both squeezed her tits. “AHAAAA…!!!


Louder than even the water raining out of the showerhead, the erotic sound of Shirahoshi’s moans echoed through the room as she began kneading her right chest while Luffy took care of the left one!


PPPHM!! SHEE?” Luffy’s words vibrated through the pinkette’s nipples and entire body. He spat it out again to instead stretch the digits of his left hand around the nub, pulling and tugging on it, “Isn’t this fun?” he asked her as he used a bit more force to play with her nipple.


YES! IT IS!” admitted Shirahoshi, her fishtail thrashing around uncontrollably in the bathtub as she got closer towards her very first orgasm, “IT… it feels really good! HAAAAAAAA!!!” looking past her breasts, her clear blue eyes met his. “I- is it weird that… MMMMMNGGH… I want this… this feeling to never stop?”


“Hmmm… I don’t think so!” he said after thinking about it for a bit less than a second, “I think Rebecca and Hammock said something similar when they had sex with me for the first time.


Hammock?’ Shyarly raised an eyebrow as the scarred pirate captain began licking the entirety of Shirahoshi’s tit with his tongue in long strokes, ‘Does he mean Boa Hancock? And is he fucking Princess Rebecca as well? This boy continues to impress me today!’ she had to avow.


AAAAH… N- NOT THERE L- LUFFY-SAMA!!!!” Shirahoshi’s shrill voice brought her back to this future vision as Luffy squeezed her entire tit tighter than ever before, causing the veins on it to be more noticeable, while simultaneously drawing his tongue in large circles around her areola, “TOO GOOD!! I… THIS FEELING…!!! HAAAAAA!!!!! WHAT… WHAT IS HAPPENINNNNNNGH?????


Even though it was just a vision, Shyarly could clearly smell the sweet and heady, almost intoxicating, scent of the mermaid Princess’ juice. The water in close proximity to her pussy turned cloudy as she squirted the orgasmic fluid out of her!


“Oh, you came!” was Luffy’s only response to her wild thrashing and the water that kept flying off in every direction because of it.


“I… I came?” echoed the young woman, panting and breathing for air as if she just swam for miles on end. Her entire body was shining in almost exactly the same shade of pink as her hair, telling Shyarly that her reaction wasn’t just for show, but that she actually came just by having her breasts played with. “So… was this… s- sex?”


“Sex?” Luffy blinked a few times at that question, “SHISHISHISHISHI!!! That wasn’t sex!” he explained to her with a goofy smile on his face as he let go of her and stood on her flat stomach. The water of the bathtub made it a bit hard to find firm ground, but he managed to not fall over. “We haven’t even started with the real thing yet!”


“What? Really?” Shirahoshi asked in surprise, watching as the black haired man jumped from her belly button onto the edge of the tub, “But… but it felt so good.” she reasoned before a thought crossed her mind. “What does… what does real sex feel like then?”


Mmmh… the girl is asking the right questions!’ Shyarly thought, growing more and more amused by the antics between the two the longer she observed them. Even as she sweated more and as the crystal ball beneath her hands started cracking due to the strain she put on it, she couldn’t help herself but watch the things unfold!


Leaning his head first to the right and then to the left, the two mermaids could actually see steam coming out of his ears as he thought about it, “What does sex feel like…? Hard to say! If you’d like I can show it to you.” he offered without a hint of lechery in his words.


Whatever he said was simply the most childlike and purest response, mixed with perhaps way too much honesty for Shyarly’s liking. Nonetheless, she couldn’t help but respect him for his desire to show her something so wonderful. Though she wasn’t all that old, it had been quite a number of years since the madam received her last good pounding. The closest she had to that was a light affair with a member of the Worst Generation, back when he set foot on Fish-Man Island with his crew. And even then, she hadn’t managed to go beyond showing him her private quarters and one of the most romantic spots on the entire island the day before he sat off to head into the New World!


YES! PLEASE!!” Unlike Luffy, Shirahoshi’s eyes actually shimmered with and radiated pure lust as she leaned forward, clasping her hands in front of her chest while begging him to show her more. “I… please, you have to show me what sex feels like! Because… I want to make you feel good too, Luffy-sama!”


“Okay, okay!” the black haired youth undressed. He carelessly threw the red shirt and blue shorts to the side before scratching the back of his head as he looked her up and down. “Hmm… fucking you will be tough though since you’re so big! Hey, where do you pee from?”


LUFFY!!!!!!!” Once again both mermaids talked at the same time, though Shirahoshi added a silent ‘-sama’ at the end.


“What? What is going on, Madam Shyarly?” Fukaboshi asked in the present.


“Nothing! Everything is alright!” the fair skinned beauty grunted through her teeth while cursing herself for her sudden outburst.


Indifferent towards Shirahoshi’s shocked outcry, Luffy walked up and down on the edge of the bathtub, “You see, if you want me to fuck you, then I have to know where you pee from. Or where your poop comes out! Either one works most of the time!” how he actually managed to sound wise and knowledgeable while phrasing it so utterly stupid was something that Shyarly would probably never understand!


“Erm…!” Shirahoshi’s face shone as bright as the light from the roots of the Sunlight Tree Eve. “I… I don’t know if I’m… if I’m ready for that just yet. I’m sorry, Luffy-sama!”


“Nah, don’t worry. Nevermind!” he told her with a wave of his hand, “You can still suck my dick if you want. That’s pretty close to real sex as well. Let me just…” he stuck the thumb of his right hand into his mouth. “Gear Third!


His entire right hand ballooned outwards until it was ten sizes bigger than usual! It was her first time seeing him grow so gigantic, but Shyarly wasn’t surprised about it. She had read more than enough newspaper articles about the boy to get a good grasp of his skills and abilities. And just like she predicted, his hand returned to its original size as something else grew out instead!


WHAAAAAAA!?!?!?!” Shirahohshi screamed and watched with a mix of amazement, increasing lust, and shock as Luffy’s cock and balls grew gigantic in the span of a second!


“Oh, fuck! I overdid iiiiiitt!!!!” Luffy wailed with his arms through the air as his newly enlarged junk threw his balance off. He almost fell into the warm water a couple feet beneath him if it weren’t for Shirahoshi putting her dainty hands under his dick, “Phew! That was close! Thanks, Wimpy!” he said to her, his dick resting with all its weight in the palm of her soft hands.


“So heavy…!” she whispered, her eyes wandering up and down on the unruly monstrum of a cock!


Thicker than her waist and even taller than the human-part of her body, numerous veins throbbed in wild anticipation along the length! The musky smell of his scrotum caused her to whimper lustfully while simultaneously clogging her mind, filling it with funny thoughts and making her feel overall lighthearted. She flexed her fingers around the hard shaft, but found that they wouldn’t sink even one centimeter into the hard as steel skin! The balls that dangled off the side of the bathtub edge were even bigger than the mermaid princess’ boobs!


If Shyarly had to guess, then more than 300 liters of boiling hot spunk was just waiting inside of them, ready to shoot out!


“It’s so big…!!” Shirahoshi continued whispering as she hefted the dick with one hand alone while slowly stroking the very tip of it with her other hand, “AAAH!!!” she shrieked as the schlong suddenly twitched under her elegant touch!


“What’s the matter?” Luffy asked innocently, though a smug curled around the edge of his lips as he closely observed the pink haired girl’s every reaction. “Too much for you to handle?”


Nodding, Shirahoshi leaned in closer and traced one of the bulging veins with her index finger, “I never thought that… a co- a penis would feel like… this!” she said frankly as she followed the vein from the tip of Luffy’s cock all the way to its base. There, she instantly cupped one of the oversized testicles and gave it a light squeeze. “So full… and hot! MAAAAHH…!! I… I want it!”


Luffy chuckled as she inched closer and closer towards his crotch with her face, while also lifting his heavy ball sack as high as she could with her shaking hand. “Hehe! Go on!”


“C- Can I really? It seems a bit much…” Shirahoshi tried to argue, even though her face was only a mere inch away from his nut. One encouraging nod from Luffy later however, and her desire and curiosity got the better of her, “MWAH!!!” she briefly kissed his testicle before quickly pulling her face back again.


Shyarly knew that look on the other woman’s face all too well. She had expected his privates to taste different. Many of the mermaids in her Café had the very same reaction when they served a guest for the first time, having thought that tasting his cock would be gross or strange. Truth be told however, if the man actually took care of himself and took a shower at least every once in a while, sucking a dick doesn’t feel all that different from licking ice cream from one’s own skin.


“Hmmmngh…!” just by watching them, Shyarly felt her own need to get fucked or to taste a real cock again grow abnormally.


MMMMPH, HMMMMOO!!!” slurred Shirahoshi, her face now practically glued to her partner’s testicle as she licked and slurped at it like she never tasted anything better in her entire life. “LUPPHY-SHAMA… HRRRM, MMMMMHUU… THISH… THISH PHEELSH SHO GHUUD!!!


“Hrrrr, hrrrr, hrrrr! I thought that you would like it!” Luffy grunted as Shirahoshi’s tongue moved all over his nut.


HMMMHHRRRRMOOH… THISH… AYE LUV ID!!!” she moaned back, before pulling her face back from his ball, but not from his crotch as she rubbed her face along its side like a cat in heat. Thin threads of saliva connected her plump lips with his balls for a while before snapping, disappearing into thin air. “THISH CAWK… HAAA, HAAA, HMMMOAH… SHO HAWWWWTT!!!!!


“Heh!” the Madam chuckled. ‘Does our dear Princess have any idea how much of a slut she sounds like right now? Or is she perhaps more slutty than anyone would have ever thought?


Moving further back on his cock, Shirahoshi made sure to drag her tongue along the side of its length until she finally reached the tip, “You… you said that I could s- suck your d- dick, right?” she asked him, her eyes so filled with wanton lust that they almost resemble actual hearts. “AAAAAAAAMPPH!!!!!


She didn’t even wait for an answer as she instantly opened her mouth as wide as possible to swallow his cock. Despite that however, her mouth proved to be too tight to even get three inches of the burning red and mushroom-shaped head between her lips. Seeing her struggle, Luffy stretched out both hands and put them on the golden hair grip on the back of her head. “A little bit too much for you, hm? Here, let me help you!”


GUUUUUGHWEEEE!!!!!” Shirahoshi squealed as the young captain pulled her closer towards him, spearing her mouth with over half a meter of his cock, “GUGH, UUUUGH, URK, URK, URK, UGUUUUGH, GLEEGHE!!!!!” she choked at length, her eyes rolling further back in their sockets with each ten centimeters that went down her throat.


Even Shyarly, who had witnessed her fair deal of rough clients during her time leading the Mermaid Café, never bore witness to something like this, ‘Is her throat going to be alright?’ she thought as a distinct lump stretched the pink haired girl’s throat to comical proportions. ‘For him to be this rough on her…!


UUUUUNNNGH!! YOUW CAWK…!!” Shirahoshi gagged, her words barely audible as Luffy kept pumping her back and forth on his cock. Tears clouded her vision as the pleasure she experienced tenfolded, “IT’SH HAWWWD… SHO HAWD ‘OO PHINK…!!!! AYE’M LOOSHING MUH MIIIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!!” she choked lewdly, saliva dripping from her lips as Luffy continued fucking her face like an onahole. “AAAAGHE, GUUUPH, UUUGH, UUUGH, HMM, MMWHO, AAARMPH!!!!!


For what it was worth however, Luffy seemed to have a good grasp on Shirahoshi’s limits and never shoved more than this initial half meter between her lips, “AAAAAAHH… your mouth pussy feels so tight, Wimpy!” he groaned, thrusting his hips back and forth in rhythm with the movement of her head.


MOUPH… PUSSHY??” Shyarly could almost see the cogs inside the other mermaid’s head beginning to turn as she thought about that description. “YESH!!! PHUCK MUH MOUPH PUSSHY MOWWWWEH!!!” she then begged while hefting her own tits around his cock to stroke the parts of his length that she was unable to swallow. “MAKE MEH CUMM WIPH MUH MOUPH PUSSHY!!!!!! PLEASHE!!!!




Balls smacked wetly against the mermaid Princess’ naked tits as Luffy began pounding her even rougher, her tits providing him with even more pleasure as his cock slid through them “Sure thing!” he answered her plea.


AAAHUGH, MMMOOGH!!! LUV THISH PHEELINGH IN MUH MOUPH AND PHWOAT!!! GHWWWA, GHMMM, HMMM, HMMM, HMMM!!! CAWK…!!” she moaned around the head of his cock while the rest of it rubbed against all the sensitive spots of her breasts. “MUH TITSH PHEEL SHO GHUUD TOO!!!! AYE… AYE’M…!!!


Her entire body shuddered in pleasure as Luffy let go of her hair grip, knowing that she would be able to suck his cock on her own now, “SHISHISHISHI!!!! I’m pretty close too!” he then said, while once again grabbing her nipples and pulling on them.


HAAUUUUGH… GHUUG!!! AYE’M CUMMMMMMMMMMMMINGH!!!!!!” she screamed, her eyes almost completely white as they had rolled back all the way back in her head. Then, as Luffy twisted her nipples into opposing directions, her eyes suddenly snapped back to normal as she felt something surging through his entire length. “AUUUUGHUUUUPH!!!!


YEAAAAAH!!!!! TAKE IT ALL!!!!!” roared Luffy as he pumped gallons of hot cum from his balls, through his dick, and into her throat, “AAARRRRRRRGH!!!!!” cum with such a rich and thick consistency that Shyarly thought she could see it through Shirahoshi’s bulging neck shot straight into her stomach, while Luffy himself let out one long animalistic groan that could put Sea Kings to shame!




CA-RACK!!! The vision came to an abrupt end with the sound of Shyarly’s crystal ball turning into nothing more than dust. Last bits of green mist drifted out through the windows, taking with them the last parts of the future vision.


“Ma- Madam Shyarly? What happened?” Neptune asked from outside the window. “What did you see-jamon?”


Only now did Shyarly realize that she was covered in sweat and that she shook like a leaf in the wind, “W- water!” she croaked, with her voice sounding awfully hoarse, even in her own ears.


WATER!!” shouted Fukaboshi. He opened the door to the main part of the Mermaid Café where Shyarly’s employees were already eagerly waiting for what would happen. “Get the Madam some water!”



A couple minutes later Shyarly still sat inside her seat but had calmed down considerably, “And that’s what will happen!” She finished her explanation of the future events. She of course left out the sex scene entirely so as to not scare or freak out King Neptune any more than necessary.


“Then I am relieved!” the orange haired King told her with a shaky smile. “I guess that means you can stay on Fish-Man Island no problem then. And we don’t have to worry about Big Mom’s wrath or anything-jamon.”


“Oh, far from it!” she almost would have laughed at the perplexed expression on Neptune’s face as his smile turned into a look of pure disbelief. “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, Fish-Man Island is in no danger. Not yet anyways!” she told him, which calmed him down once again. “But I’m still gonna leave Fish-Man Island! Mero, Seira? Prepare my luggage!”


The two addressed mermaids bowed down, “Of course, Madam!” and swam off towards her room to do as told.


“So you wanna leave Fish-Man Island after all!” Despite the firm tone in his words, Fukaboshi’s sentence still sounded more like a question than an actual statement. “Why the sudden change of mind?”


Licking her lips, Shyarly put her pipe to her mouth and looked out of another window and towards the faraway edges of the island at the bottom of the sea. “Let’s just say, I saw something in the future that makes me long for more than what this place has to offer! And I just might know the man who can help me with this!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

it was a great chapter. I think a good continuation would be when Luffy arrives on the island and fucks Shirahoshi, as Shyarly is desperate to fuck Luffy, she decides to create an aphrodisiac stimulant to fuck him all night, her plan is to put it in her food, but accidentally He pours it all over the main course for dinner between Luffy’s crew and the royal family, which ends in an orgy where Shirahoshi exposes her most perverted and lustful family.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous28
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous28

Happy to read that you enjoyed the chapter👍

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous28

support the idea

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

I think she will be after kidd or zoro but I will seei it later in the story you write and I am sure that shyarly will fuck luffy some times if you make it a chapter out of it and keep up the good work

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Interesting guesses. I hope you’ll stick around to find out if they’re true or not.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah but shyarly will fuck luffy some time right if you have the artwork of it right? He may not be her type but I’m pretty sure she would want him to fuck her but I will see you it later in the chapters

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

When did you say you were interested in Kid or Zoro? He never said that, he just said that he found Luffy interesting, but he didn’t say that he wanted to fuck them. (And in fact, she is Arlong’s sister, and it was because of Luffy’s way of acting that she said that)

2 years ago

I love luffy and would love to see more of him as much as possible great chapter

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hey

Luffy will have more screentime going on! Glad you liked this chapter.

2 years ago

Not exactly sure why but I always feel bugged seeing a story with luffy in it. Is it because seeing luffy be associated with sex feels out of character for him (as I seeing in other works who depict luffy with sex becoming some sort of high above Casanova that everyone gravitates toward). Or is it a Raikage/Yushiro effect where I feel like every story featuring him will lead to the same repetitious motions and conclusion, hogging the spotlight from other possibilities from playing out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielian
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

I think I know where you’re coming from. I definitely had my problems with Luffy at first as well, which is why it took so long for him to actively appear in sex scenes. But after thinking about it some more, I came to the conclusion that, as long as the sex stays “fun” and without any lovey-dovey feeling stuff, Luffy probably wouldn’t mind.

He’ll never become some kind of Casanova, or at least, I don’t want him to become one. He fucks because it’s fun and the girls that love him do so because I think it serves the plot rather well and stays true to their character to a certain degree. All the princesses already adore and respect him after all, so it’s not too hard to imagine that they also love him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

what happens to you for sure is that you have other preferences, because luffy is a character who, due to his powers and simple way of acting, is a character that works in lemons, apart from your logic, kid, zoro, law and mihawk should not appear either Well, all of these are asexual or have something important, actually one piece is a manga with very asexual characters because Oda said that he hardly likes to draw or write romance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonimo

but it is obvious that luffy changes when he grows up, Roger is the same as Luffy and is seen in Oden’s flashbacks, and even so Roger had a wife and son so luffy will naturally have a wife.

(It could be that, as I said, you simply have another preference for characters, I, for example, hate Naruto in the Lemons because I feel that they have already over-exploited and burned him a lot, Naruto’s character is already boring me)

2 years ago

So Shyarly have fallen for Luffy? Honestly, I’m just happy to see Shyarly and knowing that she smwill appear again.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Huh, I was sure that I made it pretty clear that Luffy isn’t Shyarly’s type. That being said, Shyarly will definitely appear some more often in this series, I’d imagine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I was thinking the opposite, that she was going to get a piece of him after

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Yeah, that what I meant. Shyarly have fallen for Luffy’s sexual power and want a piece of his D. She not like in love with him or anything, she just want to fuck him (right now at least, I have no idea what coming up next for her)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

Already replied to the other person, but I’m just doing it here as well to clear things up. Shyarly isn’t interested in Luffy whatsoever, as indicated by her thoughts throughout this chapter. Looking into the future however made her realize that something was missing and so she heads out to have some more fun. Sorry if it wasn’t clear enough to understand.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Sorry to burst a bubble here, but Shyarly won’t be after Luffy. Watching him and Shirahoshi fucking merely spiked her lust for more/adventure. I actually hinted at who Shyarly will instead go looking for in this chapter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Ahhh I got confused, are you talking about the fanfic or the manga? In the manga she does say that Luffy seems interesting or funny to her but in this fic I don’t remember if she has other preferences because I haven’t read it for a long time and I’m just getting back to it

2 years ago

Well… I wasn’t expecting this…! Luffy could actually be a good teacher, and Shyarly looking into the future the way she had by request was certainly a surprise. 😳

Overall, this was a very good chapter. We not only saw what was happening in Fish-Man Island, including what Shyarly was up to there in addition to King Neptune and Fukaboshi, but also Luffy doing it with Shirahoshi in the vision of the broken crystal ball. All while the shark mermaid tried to focus on maintaining the power of actually seeing that vision with hilarious results. XD

But luckily, she was intrigued by what she was able to see, as it was as lewd and raunchy as it could get. All that was beautiful work. In addition, I also enjoyed what happened at the start with the Cafe and even what happened prior to the eventual sex. 😏

Overall, well done here. Very well done. 👏

Looking forward to seeing what’s next. 😁👍

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

From the looks of it, this chapter seemed to resonate with you pretty good. While I’m not sure about Shirahoshi herself, Shyarly will definitely make an appearance in the story pretty soon.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

Finally luffy using his gears and why did it took so long to upload it right now?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Happy to read that you enjoyed Luffy in this chapter. Don’t know what you mean with the upload though.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Normally there would a new chapter on Monday but you do it now on Tuesday

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

That’s not really for me to decide. Rtenzo is the one who publishes the stories and pics.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I thought that was you

2 years ago

Luffy with the wholesome teachings

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Luffy makes for a surprisingly good teacher, right? Deep and intense training sessions XD

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Akrononym