Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Turning Villains into Sluts

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 48): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 50): [LINK]

“Wow Mana-chan, that’s amazing!” said Himiko Toga as she sat across from Manami Aiba. The two of them were in the employee lounge on the 8th floor of the Busteez Hero Agency. The entire floor was made for the employees to all relax. There were a number of arcade style games, a full kitchen and even a pantry that was on par with the main one in the basement. Though the one up here didn’t have any wine stocked or fresh produce. The walk-in freezer had tons of high end microwave meals to cook that rivaled the stuff from the best convenience stores.


There were also massage chairs, vending machines, and a ton of other odd and ends all meant to help someone unwind. Only employees were allowed on this floor, and it took a keycard to press the button on the elevator to come here. And the entry from the stairs also needed a card. Though Manami guessed that Deku’s Gold Card might have been the sole exception, though he’d never tested it in that regard to her knowledge.


Right now, Manami and Himiko were the only ones up here. Both girls sat naked across from each other around a large coffee table surrounded by luxury seats. Manami had been telling Himiko about her love, who was her precious Gentle. She told her about how the two of them went on a crime spree and how Manami recorded it all to upload it to the internet later. She had just finished telling the blonde girl about how she used her Quirk to help them get away when things got too hot.


“So you confess your love, and then whoever you confessed to gets a super powered burst!? That’s awesome!” said Himiko excitedly. “Do you know how it works?”


“Not really, but I think it’s dependent on my own honest feelings. I can’t just say I love someone and power them up. Also, it only lasts a few minutes at most, then I can’t use it for a full day.” Manami explained. “Although…”


Himiko blinked her yellow cat-like eyes, “What is it?” she asked.


“I’m not entirely sure,” Manami said, “Remember the other day down on the seventh floor?


“Hnmmmm, how could I forget?” Himiko replied, practically purring as she leaned back in her seat, the backing tilted back for her as she put her feet up on the main cushion of the chair and spread her legs wide. Using both hands, she pushed eight fingers into her own pussy and pulled her cunt open wide. Manami’s pink eyes went wide. She could see all the way down to her cervix!


“My cunny is still all stretched out from Izuzu’s big cock!” Himiko said, sounding proud of that.


“Izuzu?” Manami said, blinking her eyes in confusion.


“Well, all the other girls have cute names they call him! I wanted one too. Ochaco calls him Deku, Set-chan calls him Dekun, Tsu and Momo feel close enough to him to call him by name, no honorifics. Ahh, I’m so jealous!” Himiko said with a sigh.


“Who all is he dating now?” Manami asked, she’d lost count a little while ago.


Himiko held up both hands balled into fists, “Momo, Ochaco, Tsu, Set-chan, Hagakure, and Rie-chan.” she listed out for her, holding up a finger each time she counted off a name.


“You should ask him to take you into his harem.” Manami said.


“That’s just it, I DID!” Himiko said with a pouty expression. “But the girls all said ‘no’. Well, I could tell Ochaco was on the fence about it though.”


Now THAT surprised Manami! From what she saw, Momo was eager to recruit women to Izuku’s harem. She had even offered Manami a spot! Which she turned down in an instant. She liked Izuku, and loved that he could help satisfy her physical needs with Gentle being away. But her heart of hearts belonged only to her Gentle!


Himiko sighed again and picked up a butter knife to spread some jam over a muffin she got from the table. She then licked the dull blade before somehow managing to balance it by the blunt tip on the end of her finger. She didn’t even have to steady it at all, she just held the blade up like that as if it were perfectly natural. It was then Manami remembered that like her, Himiko was here as part of a rehabilitation program. She had been a part of the League of Villains, and before that she was a wanted murderer.


The only reason she wasn’t rotting in a human warehouse somewhere was because doctors determined her somewhat twisted personality was due to how her Quirk worked. Many blood based Quirks generally were messy business. She didn’t really know how Midnight had gotten her released to her custody, but Himiko was very well behaved now. And she seemed to genuinely regret her actions.


“Did they say why?” Manami asked.


“‘Cause I’m still technically in prison.” Himiko said, still pouting, “We can’t really go on dates right now as I can’t leave the building, or this thing’ll go off.” she said, pointing to a barely perceptible lump just above her left tit. When she touched it, there was a soft glow just under her skin. It was a combination of a high precision G.P.S. tracker, accurate to within a few centimeters, and an internal taser. The thing was capable of delivering a jolt strong enough to stop her heart if commanded.


Manami remembered, when they first began talking, that Himiko had told her she did plan to escape. But before she could try and find a knife to dig the thing out with, Midnight had caught her and… Manami mentally shook her head. Himiko could go into TOO much detail sometimes.


“Ah, and Izuku graduates in a few months, so he might not be coming here as often once he sets out as a Rookie Pro.” Manami said.


“Something like that.” Himiko said as she flicked her finger, tossing the knife up, making it flip in the air before she caught it on the end of her finger again. She then flipped it again, but caught the blade by its handle in the air before setting it back down next to the jar of jam. She then looked up at Manami with a beaming grin that startled the redhead.


SOOO, I offered to be his in-house cumdumpster instead! And they said okay!” she said excitedly.


Okaaaay…’ Manami thought, not wanting to pry into that one any more than she already had. “Anyway,” she said, returning to the subject at hand, “Remember when Izuku went a little crazy after I told him how much I loved his dick?”


Himiko again spread her pussy wide enough that Manami could put her whole fist inside and not touch the sides.


“Right,” she nodded, “I think that was my Quirk!”


“Huh, but I thought…” Himiko said as she sat up properly again.


“And I don’t think it was the first time either.” Manami said, telling Himiko about her first time with Izuku here.


“But you said it only worked on a person you loved. And the way you go on about your boyfriend…” said Himiko.


“I know, that’s why I was confused. I thought it was a fluke the first time, but the second…” Manami trailed off.


“Why don’t we find out?” Himiko suggested.


“What do you mean?” Manami asked.


“Let’s go ask Izuzu for his help!” Himiko said as she got up.



Himiko had the idea to use the Simulator room to test her theory. It would let them set up whatever they needed, and since it was one of the most expensive options, it wasn’t used all that much. Manami meanwhile, needed to find Izuku. She didn’t know if he was even here today, but even if he wasn’t, his contact info was in the main registry because he held that gold card. She was glad she’d bothered to at least put her boots on as the lobby was chilly, and she could only imagine how cold the floor would feel against bare feet.


All Manami needed to do was ask Rie for his phone number and call him from the Busteez main line. As she exited the elevator and walked to the lobby, Manami spotted Izuku walking around dressed in one of the bathrobes kept in the rooms upstairs. It looked like he’d just gotten out of a bath, his skin had that freshly washed glow to it.


“Just the man I wanted to see!” said Manami Aiba, “Listen, can you come to the simulator room? There’s something Himiko and I wanna try!” she explained in a rush.


“Huh?” was Izuku’s only reply.


“I discovered something new about my Quirk! Well, I think.” Manami explained quickly, “I noticed something in our last session up on seven, and I wanna test the theory!” she told him.


“Ha… Hang on, Manami-san, what’s going on?” Izuku asked her as she got down from him. Manami gave Izuku the cliffnotes version of her conversation with Himiko, and how they happened upon her current theory.


As he listened, Izuku touched his fingers to his chin in thought, “Interesting, Quirks like yours are very difficult to pin down entirely how they work as context is a major factor in how they function… Blah blah blah, blahblah, blah blah blah blah…” Manami lost track of what he was saying when he began talking about other Quirks similar to her own in how they were triggered.


“Uhhh, yeah, it’s just like that!” Manami said quickly. She’d gotten to know Izuku well enough that he could go on for hours if someone didn’t stop him. “So, will you come and help us test the theory!?” she asked, then winced, “Ooof, sorry about the bad pun!”


“Don’t worry about it,” Izuku said, “I’d like to help, but Momo and I are on a date tonight. Also we just um… Had some fun with Camie-san, so I’m a bit drained already, and I really don’t wanna use that stuff Mei made right now.”


Manami puffed out her cheeks at the minor annoyance, but then shook her head as she realized something, “Actually, that’s perfect. It’d help me test my theory even more if you’re already spent!” she said excitedly, “Come on, pwease?” she asked cutely, giving him her biggest, saddest puppy dog expression.


“Go on and help her out Izuku,” said a new voice from the direction of the elevators. Izuku and Manami both turned to see Momo Yaoyorozu walking towards them. With her was Camie Utsushimi, the blonde gyaru girl who routinely turned the ordinary rooms on some of the floors into fantasy themes with her illusions. Manami hadn’t really talked to her much, mainly because she really wasn’t fluent in gyaru-speak, and most of the time, only understood half of what she was saying!


Momo was dressed in a robe like Izuku’s, while Camie was strolling around stark naked aside from some flipflops on her well pedicured feet. The dark haired young woman walked up to her boyfriend. Manami felt a pang of jealousy at how tall and beautiful she was with her almond shaped eyes, big, natural breasts, and a sexy butt to go with them. All without Rie’s help! Some women get all the luck, genetics just weren’t fair!


“I just got a call from my mother. She wants me to come home right away. Father is coming back to town on some emergency business, and wants me there to greet him.” explained Momo.


“Sounds hella heavy,” Camie commented, “Everything okay?”


“Should be,” Momo told the blonde as there was a sparkling light beneath the robe she was wearing. Momo then slipped out of the robe, revealing a freshly made and modest dress like you saw in business magazines.


Izuku offered to go with her, but Momo shot the idea down gently. Manami didn’t know for sure, but maybe Izuku hadn’t met her parents yet? That seemed unlikely, or maybe they didn’t know about the whole “harem” thing! That seemed more plausible. The role Izuku played in taking out All for One, no one would reasonably deny letting him have a harem on his own.


The two of them spoke about a couple things Manami had no context for before Momo finally convinced him to go with the redhead. Camie, meanwhile, excused herself from everything and headed off to do whatever.


As they got on the elevator, Manami thanked him for finally agreeing to come with her. Even if he was somewhat forced into it by one of his girlfriends.


I kind of owe you from last time anyway.” he said, “What did you want back then anyway?” he asked her.


Manami blinked her eyes in confusion, then remembered, she’d wanted his help with something a couple of days ago, and caught him when he’d come out of a date with Tsuyu. He’d turned her down then because apparently, the two of them made quite the mess up in the spa room.


“Actually, I don’t really remember what I wanted back then. But yeah, I’ll take this as cashing in a raincheck!” she said excitedly.



The two of them rode the elevator up to the sixth floor of the building. When the doors opened, it was as if they’d stepped out into a sunny afternoon at… A train yard? The VR Simulator Room, often called the Holodeck after a room with a similar concept in an old science fiction TV series from America, was just as it sounded, a simulator. Only this simulator didn’t need the users to put on fancy outfits or headsets. It was fully immersive without any of that.


Manami herself had ZERO idea how any of it worked. Something to do with force fields and projections. She did know that the smells in here were made by a massive collection of perfumes that were cleverly sprayed into the room. The redhead had learned about that when she saw this gigantic container filled with what looked like air freshener vials being delivered. She’d asked Melissa about it and the American girl explained that bit to her.


The two of them found Himiko waiting inside, looking as confused as she felt as she stood atop one of the train cars. “What’s with this set up?” Manami asked.


“I dunno, it was like this when I got here, and the controls won’t let me change it.” Himiko explained.


“Likely a glitch in the system,” Izuku said, “Melissa said she’s been having trouble with it as she added more environments to choose from.” she told them before looking at Himiko, “Hi, by the way.” he told the blonde.


“Hi Izuzu!” Himiko said cheerily, giving a cute wave as she rocked her naked body on the balls of her feet, making her big tits jiggle and bounce. Izuku gave no real reaction to the sudden nickname, nor the fact that the blonde girl was totally naked right now. But then, after thinking about it for a few seconds, Manami wasn’t surprised. Izuku had six girls he could call on for sex anytime he wanted! Seeing the naked female form had to be something he was used to by now.


“So,” Himiko continued, “Let’s get started!” she said. She then took the two of them up onto the train car she’d been on when they came in. Once all three of them were standing on it, the simulation shifted, and suddenly they found themselves riding on the train through an open plain. Mountains could be seen off in the distance as the world seemed to zip by them. There was even a powerful breeze blowing, making it seem as if they were moving at high speed.


Izuku seemed to hesitate only for a moment, his face having a ‘Why me?’ expression that was gone as fast as it appeared. Truly, Manami was surprised he didn’t object to Himiko being there, as she’d forgotten to mention her earlier in her excitement. But again, when she thought about it, he must be used to it now.


“Hoh baby!!!” Himiko said excitedly as Izuku stripped off his robe, letting the “wind” carry it away and exposing his naked body beneath. The blonde girl was practically drooling as she checked out his horribly scarred arms. There were even more scars over his face and body for a while, made in his final battle with All for One and that Shigaraki guy. But they were gone now, from what she heard from the other girls, that Eri girl had rewound Izuku’s body to exactly one day before that fateful fight. She’d done it to completely restore One for All within his body. This had the added effect of removing the scars from that day.


The young blonde gazed lustfully down at Izuku’s cock, in awe of its size even when it wasn’t hard! Himiko moved her naked body in closer, pressing her flesh against his as she reached down to caress Izuku’s huge balls gently. As she did that, Himiko nestled Izuku’s right arm between her big tits, leaning over to whisper in his ear.


Manami couldn’t hear what she said, but Izuku must have liked hearing it as his cock began getting hard again. The blonde girl giggled, moving to stroke his gigantic length before she leaned herself down and slowly dragged her tongue across his length. She let out a low moan as though it were the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted!


“Nmmmmh, yummy wummy!!!” Himiko said happily.


Manami quickly stripped herself as well and moved to stand on the other side of Izuku’s cock, the two of them holding his length up with their hands and kissing its length all over. The redhead could feel his dick twitching in her grasp as it slowly began getting hard again!


“Ahhh…!” Manami gasped as it quickly grew to be as big as she was! The smell of it was what hit her most. A thick, manly odor like Gentle’s. She inhaled deeply, with the smell making her feel dizzy and wet! Her own love juices were already running down her thighs like little rivers.


“Nmmmmhmmhmhm, sooooo bhiiiig…” Himiko moaned happily, “I just wanna suck on iiit…” she cooed as she began swirling her tongue around the tip before taking the first few inches between her lips.


“Ahmmmmph, nmmmph, hrmmmmph… yuummy, sho guud! Id’sh gedding bhigger an’ bhigger in muh mouph!!!” Himiko slurred as Izuku’s cock continued swelling up, getting thicker and harder.


“Ahhh, so biiig…” Manami cooed. Moving to kiss and lick Izuku’s balls, she could almost smell the cum building back up in them. She then rubbed her face against them gently like a cat, loving the warmth coming off them.


“Ahhh, these balls… I love these balls…!” she moaned in a deep throaty voice, thick with her arousal.


The reaction was instant! A bright pink aura enveloped Izuku’s balls as his cock suddenly shot to full erection in the time it took to blink once. Himiko gagged loudly, her yellow eyes rolling back in her head as her throat was suddenly bulging from how THICK Izuku’s cock was.


PWAAAH!!!” Himiko gasped as she pulled herself off the gigantic dick so she could breathe again. She fell back on her ass gently and worked her jaw up and down then side to side a bit.


“Mana-chan, it’s time!” said Himiko, and Manami nodded, craning her head to one side as Himiko hugged her naked body to the redheads. She winced lightly as she felt Himiko’s sharp fang-like canine teeth sinking into her shoulder. It didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would, as Himiko didn’t bite down very hard, only just enough to cause a minor cut and draw some blood.


“Nmmmmhmmmmhmmm, sho shweeet… Wike shtrawverries…” slurred Himiko as she licked up just a little of Manami’s blood. When she let go she gave the light wound a gentle, almost loving lick. The bleeding stopped quickly as she stepped back. Manami turned in time to see Himiko’s naked body become covered in a thick gray sludge. She then seemed to shrink as the goop began to solidify and in a few seconds Manami was looking at a mirror image of herself!


“Ta-da!” Himiko said in Manami’s voice as she struck a pose like a magical girl in an old Shoujo anime, jumping up and down cheerfully. The fake Manami then looked down at herself, “Wow, being this tiny has advantages! You’re so light!” Himiko said as she bounced herself up and down several times.


“That’s why I like when Rie-chan gives me these!” the real Manami said, groping her own enhanced tits. The Oppai Heroine had boosted their size until they were each four times larger than her own head! Manami loved having such big tits, they made her feel sexy and they drew attention away from her height. Himiko’s copy of her however didn’t include the enhancements.


The fake Manami giggled before turning to look up at Izuku’s cock, with her mouth dropping in awe. It was kind of surreal, looking at herself with such an aroused, lewd expression as Himiko drooled with Manami’s face. Pink hearts throbbed in her eyes as she began breathing heavily.


“Soooo bhiiiiiiiig…” Himiko mewled in Manami’s voice. From the other side of the wall, both girls could hear Izuku groaning as his balls swelled as the aura from Manami’s Quirk enhanced them. The green haired young man’s cock twitched in the air, the veins along the sides visibly throbbing.


AHHHAHNNN!!! I LOVE THIS COOOOCK!!!!” Himiko screamed, “THIS BIG, MANLY, GODLY, TITANIC, BITCH BREAKING COOOCK!!! I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IIIIIT!!!” called Himiko as she jumped up and down in excitement, “I wanna feel it stretching my tiny loli-hag body ooooout!” she moaned.


H… HEY!!! Who are you calling a Loli-haAAAAAAG!!!” Manami began to yell when she suddenly found herself being lifted up off the ground as if she were a ragdoll!


“Wah!” Manami yelped as she suddenly found herself straddling Izuku’s giant cock which was now glowing along with his balls. The glowing red lines of One for All were spread over the skin like cracks as she felt it throbbing powerfully against her naked flesh. The heat coming off his cock was almost like a furnace as she pressed her body around his cock tightly. She could FEEL his blood pumping through his cock as she began humping herself back and forth against it.


Izuku groaned, almost in pain, and Manami wondered if they’d overdone it.


“Himi-chan, we were supposed to do it one at a time!” she chided Himiko.


“I’m sorry!! I couldn’t help it!” Himiko said with Manami’s voice, “Have you ever seen such a wonderful cock before!? Ahhhhnnn, I’m so in love with it!!! I mean it, I LOVE THIS GOD-COCK!!!! I wanna worship iiiit!!!” Himiko swooned.


It was a little off putting seeing her own face twisted with so much lust. It made Manami wonder if she got that bad with Gentle. She probably did, no, she definitely did! Being disgusted by Himiko’s reaction would be hypocritical. Manami shook her head to clear her mind.


“Nevermind, we gotta help Deku! This can’t feeEEEEEL…!!!!!” she began to say, but her words turned to a loud squealing moan as Izuku began to groan, his cock throbbing beneath her naked form as cum began shooting out his cock like a fire hose. The high wind of the train blew the gushing cum back into her face, thoroughly soaking Manami from head to toe in thick, hot, smelly cum!


“Ahhh, Manami-san, I…” groaned Izuku, his hands crabbing her shapely butt as he began thrusting at the air, still spewing cum out the end of his dick.


“Ahhh, this is amazing! So much cum!” Manami moaned, still holding onto his cock tightly.


HAAAAH, MY DICK! AHH, I CAN’T STOOOOP!!!” groaned Izuku as suddenly the tendrils of Black Whip lashed around her body, lifting her up like a human onna-hole and impaling her pussy on the gigantic cock! Manami’s pink eyes went cross before rolling back in her head until they were completely white as her pussy was stretched to the utmost limit! Her stomach was stretched up and out from Izuku’s raw godly size. Manami imagined this is what a condom must have felt like!


AAAHHHHHIIIIIYYYAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!” Manami screamed. “BHIG, TOO BHIG TOO SOOOOON!!! AHHHAAAA!!! MY PUSSY!!! MY PUUUSSSSYYYYYY!!! OHHHOOOOOOH….!!!” she moaned as the Black Whips continued holding her and began pumping her up and down the giant shaft.


AHHHHN, CAN’T STOOOOP! FEELS SO GOOOOOD!!!” groaned Izuku again, while his hands and the lines of Black Whip moved her back and forth on his cock. Manami could feel him STILL cumming inside her, her womb becoming over-stuffed with cum.


HWEEEE, HEEEE, AHWEEEEEEEGH!!!” Manami panted and screamed as she was pumped up and down again and again. Her body felt like it was being pulled inside out every time she was moved up, but it felt so good all she could do was moan.


“Ahhh, Mana-chaaan, your pussy looks so beautiful being spread out by Izuzu’s god-cock! Ahhnnn, I’m so jealous!” Himiko said as she moved to kiss and lick the underside of Izuku’s cock, with her tongue occasionally brushing against Manami’s clit.


AAHHAAA, AHHH, OOOOHHHH… SO BHIIIG, MY PUSSY, MY PUSSSSYY!!!” Manami screamed, her head bobbing up and down like she was nodding, “OOOHHH, SO GOOOOOD!!! I’M… I’M GONNA CUM ALREADDDYYYYY!!! AHH GENTLLLE, FORGIVE MY SLUTTY PUSSY FOR BEING SO EEEAAASYYYY!!! AHHHH, CUMMING! I’M ALREADY CUMMING!!! SO GOOOOOOD! HOOOOOH!!!” the redhead screamed, moaning from deep in her throat as she was slammed up and down faster and faster!


AHHH, HAAAAH… I CAN’T…. CAN’T STOP!!!” she heard Izuku groaning behind her as he pumped her back and forth like one of those life size sex dolls. The Black Whip lines then began moving her up and down faster and faster. Manami’s vision began to blacken around the edges as she teetered on the edge of consciousness until…


CAN’T, STOP, CUM… CUMMINGH!!!!!!” Izuku groaned, as more and more cum shot out of his cock and into her womb. Her belly had already become bloated and swollen, hanging beneath her like some flesh colored globe. She could feel all the cum sloshing around inside her as she let out a long moan of ecstasy.


HWEEEEHGH!!!!” Manami moaned as her stomach instantly swelled up to the size of a yoga ball as Izuku’s cock continued to cum with the force of a fire hose! “OOOOHHH… SO MUCH CUMMMMM!!! I FEEL LIKE A WATER BALLOOOOON…” Manami moaned at length as her belly continued to swell, growing even bigger than her whole body!


The fountain of cum eventually abated, and all of the Black Whip lines faded back into nothingness. Without them to secure her to Izuku’s cock, Manami’s own bloated body weight pulled her off his cock and she fell to the floor. She landed with a dull thud followed by a rude squirting noise as Izuku’s cum was finally able to eject from inside her. The wind then knocked Izuku onto his back, with his cock still standing upright and twitching in the wind.


“Ahha, haha… ahhh…” Manami giggled weakly, feeling like she might pass out at any second. All around them, the world began to turn into a distorted staticy mess, like when an old TV lost its signal suddenly. Then, all at once, everything vanished and the group found themselves in the grid-like room of the holodeck, with a massive puddle of cum around them.


“Me next, me next!!!” Himiko cheered, jumping up and down like an excited little kid. “Seeing Izuzu’s cock inside you like that made me love it even more!” Himiko said. She then let out a happy gasp as the pink aura around Izuku’s cock got even brighter, its size swelling even more. Manami heard Izuku groaning on the other end of the wall in a mix of pain and pleasure as the Black Whips shot out from the base of his cock. The aura around them this time was a bright pink and they moved with clear purpose!


“Yay!” Himiko cheered happily as she was lifted up. She didn’t offer a struggle of any kind as she flipped in the air so her back was towards the cum soaked floor before she was YANKED down onto Izuku’s cock!


OHHH YEEESSSSSSSS!!! MY ASS!!! THE GOD-DICK IS IN MY ASSSSS!!!” Himiko shouted in Manami’s voice. Manami saw her own stomach getting stretched up again, and she wondered if Himiko had managed to copy the elasticity that Gentle had imparted on her as well! She really did look like a human condom with her body being stretched over Izuku’s cock like that. The look on Himiko/Manami’s face was so erotic it was disturbing!


OOOOH GAAAAWD!!! MY ASS, MY ASSSS, MY ASS MY ASS MY ASS MY ASS MY ASS MY ASS MY ASS MY ASSSSSS!!!” Himiko chanted again and again like a mantra as the tendril, no it was more appropriate to think of them as tentacles now! The tentacles of the Quirk affected Black Whip immediately began pumping Himiko up and down Izuku’s cock. The huge rod of flesh made a SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH sound as it moved in and out of Himiko.


OH YES IZUZU, REARRANGE MY INSIIIIIDES!!!! OH FUUUCK, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO HARD!!! USE ME AS YOUR CUMDUUUUMP!!! MY ASS, MY MOUTH, MY CUNT, THEY ALL EXIST TO SERVICE YOUR CAAAAAWK!!!” Himiko screamed in mad pleasure as she continuously slammed up and down on Izuku’s length.


“Aaarrrgh, I… I can’t make it stoooop!!!” Izuku groaned from the other side of the wall, “Haaaah, feels so good, it huuurts!!!” he groaned in pain.


NHOOOO, DHON’T STOP, FUCK MEEE!!!!” begged Himiko, “USE YOUR CUMDUMMMMP!!! OH, OHH, OOHHH…!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING MY BRAINS OOOOUT!!!” Himiko screamed as her Quirk timed out and she returned to normal, Manami’s form bursting off her body in a spray of gray goop. The ahegao expression looked so much more at home on her face as Izuku groaned loudly.


CUMMINGH!!!” he groaned again, and Himiko’s stomach instantly swelled up larger than Manami’s body! The redhead could almost see the cum sloshing around in her guts as Himiko opened her mouth wide and began projectile vomiting out his cum!


BLEEEEEEEEEEERGH!!!” Himiko wretched loudly, Izuku’s cum shooting out her mouth like from the end of a hose. The blonde’s entire body quivered like she was having a seizure, but the look in her eyes was anything but distressed. Eventually, the flow became too much and Himiko was practically launched off of Izuku’s cock like a rocket. She spun end over end three times in the air before landing with a loud SPLAT in the cum now flooding the room!


It should have been going down the drain, but it was so thick that it actually clogged it! The level was already up to Manami’s ankles and Izuku was still cumming. The glow around his dick had faded when Himiko lost Manami’s form, but his balls were still glowing brightly!


Just as she began to worry, the glow of Manami’s Quirk faded, though Izuku’s balls remained swollen. His cock went limp so fast it was almost comical before it withdrew back through the hole. Manami could hear him fall over on the other side and ran out to check on him, with her boots making big white splashes in the pool of cum!


“Izuku!” she called out as she went into the booth he was in. He laid flat on his back, with his eyes swirling in his head as he muttered incoherently.


Manami had learned to check vitals from when she and Gentle were on their crime spree. She wanted to make sure her Quirk wasn’t having any negative effects on his body. His pulse was high, but steady, and he showed early signs of dehydration, but other than that, he was fine.


“Ijah, hawah, ishibe, abuguh…” Izuku said as he panted heavily, still incoherent.


“Thank you Deku,” she said, now using his Hero name, “I hope you’ll help me develop my Quirk more soon!” she said as she leaned down to kiss his forehead.


“Ijah, hawa, yeah…” he gasped out.


“Great! I’ll hold you to that!” Manami said excitedly, then kissing his cheek this time, “I’ll go get Rie-chan to help clean you up!” she said as she ran off, with her boots making loud clicks on the floor of the holographic room.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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6 months ago

So… Manami is in love with Izuku too? She’s in love with both of them?
I hope Toga will join Izuku’s harem.

6 months ago
Reply to  Belkaka

No, not emotionally at least. Toga’s place is still in flux.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Doesn’t manami’s quirk have to work on someone she loves?

6 months ago
Reply to  Belkaka

Read the story more closely. This is a newly discovered facet of her ability.

6 months ago

I was waiting for this one to come out. And honestly, it’s one of my favorite chapters in this storyline overall. Not to mention a fun one that was really heavy with the use of Manami/La Brava. 😍

So to get right into it, it was a really impressive chapter, and the characters that were there don’t overstay their welcome. Not to mention explaining what’s with the magenta haired shortstack and exactly why she needed Izuku’s help. In addition to how Toga fits into this. 👀

I also liked how the employees floor of the BHA is explained and detailed, as well as how the holographic area was used further. Pretty good moves there. 👍

And naturally, the sex is probably the highlight here. And for good reason. Instead of going over it in detail, I’ll instead just simply say that it was pretty crazy. But also really good. And it doesn’t look like Manami is done with Izuku just yet, given the ending. Though it looks like Himiko needs a little while to recover, or even move around. 😏

Overall, well done. Can’t wait for the next one. 👏🤩

– Hiryu

6 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, that idea was from a fan of my stories.

As to the layout of the building, I had to make a list of the floors and what was on them so I could keep it all straight.

Here’s the Busteez Hero Agency layout for those interested.

First Floor:
Main Ballroom
Employee Apartments
Low Cost Rooms
Midnight’s Office
Glory Hole Room

Second Floor:
Tattoo parlor
Plain Rooms – Non-illusioned

Third Floor:
First Luxury Rooms
Two Suites

Fourth Floor: First Roof Entrance
Luxury Rooms – No Suites
Tanning Salon

Fifth Floor:
All Suites
Luxury Bath House

Sixth Floor:
VR Simulator – Entire Floor

Seventh Floor:
Photo Studio – Entire Floor

Eighth Floor:
Employee Lounge
Rec Area

Ninth Floor:
Melissa’s Lab
Mei’s Lab

Tenth Floor:
Full Spa
Mud Baths
Herbal Baths

Eleventh Floor:
Themed rooms!  Rooms built to cater to fantasy settings without Camie’s illusions.
Doctor’s Office
Dirty Back Alley

Twelfth Floor:  Roof
Observation Deck

S&M Dungeon

Smiling Fiend
6 months ago

When I saw the train I thought the setting was going to be a date on those murder mystery dinner trains or something, but on retrospect that’d be tricky to write about, and we have a room that can replicate any ambient on the story anyways, so no reason to not use that.
Don’t get me wrong, the story is still very interesting. Deku fucking villainesses (or any woman from MHA) into submission is such a power move, I always love to see it.

6 months ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

A “Who done it” story wouldn’t fit where the story is right now.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That said, I am not opposed to the idea, would just need a proper lead-in.

Smiling Fiend
6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Perfectly understandable, the story doesn’t really need something like that. I was just trying to imagine what was going to happen but it was only a wild guess.

6 months ago

I think Yui Kodai from Class 1-B join in his harem! A silent but knows what she wants and a needful woman would be perfect for her to join.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ted

I will consider it, though it would help if someone were to commission Enzo to draw her!

6 months ago

Love it and keep it up

Okay then, relationships recap for those left in the dark or not up to date with this series


1. Momo

2. Tsuyu

3. Uraraka

4. Setsuna

5. Toru

6. Horie

Sex Friends (Not In The Harem):

1. Mina

2. Kyoka

3. Itsuka

4. Mitsuki

5. Cassie

6. Mirko

7. Melissa

8. Camie

9. Manami

10. Toga

11. Manami

6 months ago
Reply to  N0bod4

That is correct!

6 months ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Though I would note, Ochaco is the #2 in the Harem.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Ojalá una de las “Amigas Sexuales” pasen al lado del Harem. Saludos y buen capitulo Sailor-sama.

6 months ago

Eyyyyy. Always love a good old la brava story

6 months ago
Reply to  Random

She’s fun to play with.