Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The XXX-Factor

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 02): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 04): [LINK]

“Man, Mineta, what’s gotten into you?” Denki Kaminari asked his purple haired classmate on the hospital bed.


“Ugh… don’t ask! It just… kinda happened, I guess! But can we please not talk about that? Answering Inspector Tamakawa’s constant questions is bad enough!” Mineta complained.


“For good reason! Have you seen the pics of what the McDonalds looks like now?!” Eijiro Kirishima asked as he showed them pics of the place. Not a single spot of the ground was left visible under all the cum. Even several tables and the counter weren’t spared. A group of firefighters, all dressed in protective full-body suits, waded through the white goo and tried to get rid of it in whatever way possible. “They say they probably won’t be open again for a month or so! The stench of all that… gunk will probably stay for a solid two weeks as well. Seriously, how did that happen?”


“Heh! I… I don’t know! Really!” Mineta answered awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. He looked towards Izuku. “Probably was the work of a Villain’s Quirk! Those guys still want to plunge society into chaos!”


Izuku scratched his chin in thought. “Hmmm… maybe. Did you notice anyone suspicious when you were talking with Utsushimi-san? Considering how it only affected you two, whoever did this had to have some way to target someone specifically. Or is it just from thought alone? That would be one dangerous ability to go up against! Or maybe it’s like with Stain and it only works on people who fit a certain criteria or something? In that case, what is it? Or it’s some kind of poison that he somehow slipped into your food… no, that would be dumb! Unless…”


All the other guys in the hospital room watched silently as Izuku began to walk in circles, continuously mumbling to himself about all the potential eventualities. They could practically see the steam coming out of his ears, only for it to get carried out of the open window. Mineta was currently the only patient in the room to not distract other patients from their recovery with the frequent visits of the police and his friends, who all wanted to find out what exactly went down the prior day.


“Nnnngh… Camie…!!” Mineta groaned silently, with his cock already once again beginning to grow and ooze precum just by thinking about her.


Her plump and pillowy lips, locked around his dick, sucking out his very soul! Her erotic curves, radiating lust! Her perfect and round ass, swaying and clapping hypnotically with every step she took. Her soft enlarged tits locked tightly around his cock, squeezing him so tight in their hot embrace…


“Is everything alright?” Hanta asked after seeing his classmate begin to squirm on the bed and drool running down the corner of his mouth.


“Y- Yes! Everything’s perfectly fine! Why you ask?” The purple haired pervert cleared his throat and banished all the thoughts about Camie’s mystifying presence from his mind. Or at least he tried to. “Erm… Camie. Where is she? Is she okay?”


“She’s still here in the hospital too. From what I’ve heard, they contacted that classmate of hers, y’know, that weird guy with the flesh manipulation Quirk, and he actually managed to… ahem, make her breasts small again.” Kirishima explained. “He wasn’t all too happy about this entire situation though, and constantly kept talking about how we as heroes can’t allow something like this to happen, yada yada yada.”


“That idiot really likes to hear himself talk! The way he constantly kept yapping about the responsibility we heroes have, now more than ever… God! He seriously doesn’t know when to shut the FUCK up!” Katsuki groaned from his place on a chair next to the hospital bed, with his legs resting a couple of inches away from Mineta’s still squirming body. “And, the most annoying of all, he ain’t wrong! That a dipshit like you can let something like this just happen and then don’t even bother to remember any details… You’ve gotta be shitting me!”


He lifted his right leg and let it crash down on Mineta’s knee. “AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!” The short man cried out in pain as his body folded into a V-shape. Tears rolled down his cheeks, while his dark eyes glared at Katsuki. “What was that for?! It’s not like it’s my fault all of this happened or anything!


“What’s with all the noise?” the concerned voice of Momo Yaoyorozu asked from the open doorway. Dressed in a casual cream colored shirt with a frilled hemline that accentuated her naturally big tits and a skirt so short, Mineta was SURE he would be able to see her panties if she walked, she was easily the sexiest girl of the four girls here. “Is everything okay in there?”


Though Mina with the pink crop top that left her stomach completely open to be leered at and crop shorts that seemed to be glued to her curves wasn’t a bad look either! Tsuyu was okay, but he was more interested in what that tongue of hers would be able to do. He squirmed and leaked precum just by thinking about it! Among the three other girls, Uraraka was easily the most plain and forgettable one. Even though she managed to look somewhat sexy in a basic white shirt with barely any v-neck to speak of.


“Y- yeah. No problems whatsoever!” Mineta said, while desperately trying to cover his rising cock from the four women. ‘AAAH! What is wrong with me?! Why do I wanna cum so badly just by looking at and thinking about hot girls??’ He asked himself. ‘Is that seriously all because of that strange deodorant? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?


“Oh. Hi Uraraka-san!” Izuku stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards the quartet of incoming girls. “We’ve just been theorizing about what the cause for this event might have been.”


“And? Ya came to any conclusion?” Mina asked idly. The pink skinned gal sat down on the bed next to Mineta and reached for the gift basket full with apples and other fruit on the nightstand.


If she was aware of her butt rubbing against Mineta’s hips, she hid it well! Mineta silently grit his teeth and tried his hardest to show no sign of arousal, even as his cock dripped more and more precum underneath the blanket.


“Nah, not really. We lack too much information at this point.” Izuku pointed out as he continued walking through the room. He looked at Uraraka. “Utsushimi-san also doesn’t remember or know anything, right?”


The brunette shook her head. “She’s still far too exhausted from the experience, and far too happy to get all that weight off her chest. Literally!”


“Heh! But would you believe me when I said to you that she asked that classmate of hers if she could keep all the flesh he just removed again?” grinning, Mina nudged Mineta in his side with her elbow while casually eating from the different fruits in the basket. “You really managed to get to screw with a baddie there! She’s a keeper!”




Being touched by Mina was too much for Mineta! As all his classmates watched, he ended up cumming again. And with the four girls so close to and in front of him, they’ve ended up getting blasted by the full force of his white watery goo! It shot out from underneath the blanket and left the men in the room with only a split second to jump out of the way so as to not get hit by it. The only man who wasn’t able to get out of harm’s way fast enough was Katsuki, who ended up getting some of the white stuff on his shoes and ankles.


AYO?! WHAT THE FUCK??” He exclaimed in a mix of anger and surprise.


AAAAAHH!! I’M SORRY!!! I DON’T KNOW HOW THAT COULD HAPPEN!!!” Mineta freaked out as well.


Midoriya, standing at the corner of the room and holding both Uraraka and Tsuyu in his arms, observed the flow of cum slowing down until it finally stopped. “Is that the Villain’s Quirk? Did you feel anything weird, Mineta? How did he target you?”



(At the same time, Okuto Island…)


A lonely warehouse rested on the steep cliffs of the northern side of the small island in the Pacific Ocean. Even several hundred meters high above the water and behind the thick stone walls, one could hear the waves crashing down against the rocks! Hidden inside the dense forests of the island, most people on the island weren’t even aware of the existence of this very building. It was a tightly kept secret that only a handful of people were aware of. After the war, this number only continued to shrink as many of the people knowledgeable about its existence were among the many casualties or in one of the many high-security prisons all around the world, with only one person still aware of its existence on the loose and clear of all charges!


And this one person currently opened the large metal door to the warehouse with the simple press of a button. With how unbearably hot it was outside, stepping into the building felt like entering a giant freezer.


“Brrrr…!!” Yokuboshi Merahegao hugged his muscular arms around him as he stepped into the single large and dark room that made up the entire warehouse. Still dressed in the white suit he wore during his hearing the other day, the tall man was woefully unprepared for the low temperatures inside.


He flipped open a switch to the right. One after the other, the artificial white lights above his head began to drive out the darkness with an annoyingly soft buzzing sound. Aside from a rundown brown leather couch in the center of the room, a small fridge next to it, and a large cylindrical object with a rug thrown over it, the warehouse was completely devoid of anything! Next to the cylinder were a couple less dusty spots on the ground that indicated that there had been other cylinders there before.


Yokuboshi walked over to the mini fridge and pulled a canned beer out of it. “Aaaaah~!” He sighed in relaxation as he let himself fall down on the couch, unbothered by the cloud of dust that rose into the air because of it. “That’s better!”


Taking a small sip from the beer, the man let his piercing golden eyes wander across the room, taking in every detail possible. Not that there was much detail to be taken in anyways. His eyes naturally found themselves drawn to the covered cylinder.


After a couple more minutes of silence, broken only occasionally by him loudly sipping from the beer, Yokuboshi finally pushed himself up from the couch. He first leaned his head to the right, then to the left. The popping sound of his sore neck echoed through the warehouse as he found himself standing in front of the large cylinder.


With one last sip, he reached for the edge of the rug and pulled it down. In an instant, a lime green light illuminated the corner of the building and caused funny shapes to dance over the wall. A naked young woman silently floated completely submerged in the bubbling green liquid. An oxygen mask covered her mouth and her eyes remained closed, as if she was sleeping, which wasn’t too far off from what was actually going on. If they were open, her piercing yellow eyes, not unlike those of a cat, would have scared away quite a lot of people. If they didn’t already know who she was beforehand!


Vitals are in good condition… she recovered pretty well, all things considered.’ Yokuboshi thought to himself as he checked a little monitor on the cylinder. ‘Let’s see if she’s still one of us…


With nothing but a single press of a button, Yokuboshi activated the tube. The liquid was starting to drain through a couple of holes at the bottom of the machine and the oxygen mask fell off the blonde girl’s face. She opened her eyes and wildly looked around. Before she could hammer against the glass though, it silently opened to the side and released her from her captivity.


Himiko Toga fell to the ground and coughed loudly as she laid there in a puddle of green goop. “Agh, ack! Where… where am I?” She managed to ask in between the coughs as the liquid dropped down her naked body.


“At a safe place.” Yokuboshi answered calmly, watching with cold and unmoving eyes as the younger sociopath struggled to get to her feet. “So, how do we feel about being alive again?”


“Alive again?” echoed Himiko, only slowly remembering who she was and growing aware of her surroundings. “Right… I died. Or almost did.” She looked through the empty room. “Given the circumstances, I take it that All For One or Tomura didn’t win the war?”


“You sound relieved… but you’re correct. Both of them died. In fact, almost everyone of the Paranormal Liberation Front died. You’re the last living, and free, lieutenant. Congratulations are in order!” The man said without so much as a single shred of sincerity or fanfare in his words.


“Hm… okay!” Himiko sat down on the cold and dirty floor. She hugged her own knees and pressed her tits against them as she stared with empty eyes against the wall. Without even looking his way, she then asked, “Who are you anyways? I’ve never met you before.”


Yokuboshi downed the rest of his beer before carelessly throwing the empty can over his shoulder. “The owner of this place.” He turned around and began walking towards the warehouse’s exit. “Now come. We’ve got work to do.”


“Don’t wanna. I don’t even know you.” The female Villain replied in an even tone.


“And I’ve never met you before, so we’re even.” Looking over his shoulder, Yokuboshi held in for a second. “Look, I just need a pair of intimidating and trustworthy muscles to get a couple of people to like me. Once that’s done, you can play dress up as much as you like and act as if you were just a normal schoolgirl with as many silly little crushes as you like. Deal?”


As if a switch was flipped, Himiko’s eyes went from empty to fierce. “I would be more careful about my choice of words if I were you!” She hissed at him as she got to her feet again. “I don’t care if you were a supporter of All For One or not. Nobody messes with and stands between me and the life I want to live!” The blonde told him, with her sharp fingernails flashing dangerously in the dim light as she twitched her fingers.


“I’m not standing between anything! Just do exactly as I say for a couple of weeks and hold that temper of yours in check. Afterwards you can do whatever you want.” Yokuboshi said with a sigh. He massaged his temples in exasperation. “Don’t forget, it was because of my subordinates who managed to get you away from that heroine without getting noticed! I saved your life and gave you a second chance at it! You’re a good girl who wouldn’t just ignore such kindness, aren’t you?!”


Like a cat that has found its prey, the young girl slowly stalked towards the tall man. “Guys like you are the absolute worst, mister! Thinking they can read my mind and trying to tell me how I should act…” Giggling in a drunken manner, Himiko leaned her head to the side and licked her lips. “It makes me wanna puke and rip your guts out!”


Yokuboshi actually trembled after hearing that. “If you kill me, you’re only gonna make yourself a target again. And then what? Do you think society will accept you? Face it, you’re a maniacal sociopath through and through. At least try to think for once and let me help you. I’m sure we can come to an understanding.” He tried to save his skin, while slowly backing away from the Villain.


Despite his imposing appearance, Yokuboshi wasn’t a fighter. He never once had been in a fight before in his life, much less had to use his fists or anything to defend himself. He always depended on his wealth and smooth talking to get out of any situation. That’s what put him in All For One’s good graces and made him into a powerful supporter in the first place.


“I have a better idea. I’m gonna kill you and take your place with my Quirk until I come up with a better plan!” Himiko said with sadistic glee.


“Oh dear.” Yokuboshi turned around and started to run away right as Himiko jumped at him. Her sharp nails cut off a couple strands of his hair but otherwise missed him.


Leaving the warehouse behind, Yokuboshi ran through the dense forest in a zig-zag pattern, hoping that it would be enough to shake off the bloodlusted girl. He mentally chided himself for not leasing a rental car to get here, knowing that it would have made it easier for the police or anyone else to track him down if they wanted to. Right now though, it would have given him a good chance to get away from Himiko who was hot on his tail.


Even though he followed the quick path downhill and towards the beach, she quickly caught up to him. He already spotted the ocean through behind a group of blooming sakura trees when Himiko jumped on his back.


ACK!!” The added weight and force of her lunge caused Yokuboshi to stumble out of the forest and into the light of the beach.


“Hehehehe! Got you now, mister!” Himiko chuckled on top of him. In any other situation, having a naked woman sitting on your stomach would be enough to rile up any man. But not in this. “Now hold still, this will only hurt for a little bit.” She pressed her index finger deep enough into his neck to draw blood. “Mmmmh~! Itadakimasu.”


Like a vampire, she brought her lips to his neck and began to suck up the blood that was running out of the open wound. “So delicious.” She moaned happily. “Did anybody ever tell you that your blood is really sweet?”


“I’ve… never been in that situation before.” Yokuboshi answered honestly and as calmly as possible.


Himiko stood up again once no more blood was coming out of his neck. “Now let’s see if this wornnnnngh!!” She bent forward as her legs suddenly cramped. “What’s going on? I feel so weird. Like I’m being torn apart!”


“Huh. So my Quirk works on blood too, not just saliva and semen.” the muscular man concluded.


From his place below Himiko he watched her legs grow a fair bit longer and muscular. “Your… Quirk?” She managed to groan in a mix of strain and arousal.


[Quirk: XXX-Factor! Any person consuming his bodily fluids will gain a second Quirk. This second Quirk will reflect their deepest, more sexual-related desire and personalities. For example, some women will grow bigger tits, some men will have hair trigger orgasms and cum just by thinking about women, and some will gain thighs thick and muscular enough to kill people with. Physical changes aside, everyone under the Quirk’s effect will also receive a shift in personality, ranging from new kinks to a more drastic desire to live out this new side of them! Not only that, XXX Factor is contagious! People who have been infected by it will spread it in the same way they received it.]


As she got the Quirk and Yokuboshi’s plan explained to her, Himiko admired her new and improved long legs. Starting from her waist, she looked like a completely new person. Each leg was thicker than her upper body and so muscular, she was sure she could break boulders with them if she wanted to.


“So, what you’re saying is that you wanna turn the entire world upside down by making everyone obsessed with sex?” She recapped while gazing at her sexy legs.


“I don’t just “wanna”. I’m already doing it. That little hero twerp and Musutafu’s drinking water supply were only the beginning. And with you being able to copy my Quirk, we’d be able to change society for the better twice as fast! A world where no one has to be ashamed of their kinks. We’d have a society where anyone can fuck with whomever he or she just so happen to desire! Everyone would be “down to fuck” as the kids say.” He explained proudly.


“Even…” Himiko began.


“Yes. Even silly crushes on certain heroes and heroines.” Yokuboshi agreed. “Once they’ve accepted the truth as well, you can do whatever you want with them! They’d probably be okay with it!”


“Mmmmmh… Izuku destroying my ass while Ochaco’s cute little face is locked between my legs and she eats out pussy~! Me fucking Ochaco’s cunt and claiming it as mine while Izuku watches from the side, tied up to a chair~!” Himiko dreamed in broad daylight, with her yellow eyes gazing off into the distance. She felt her own pussy juices already running down her thighs as she bit on her lips. “I want it so baaaaaaad… I’m in!”


“Fantastic!” In his mind, Yokuboshi praised himself for being able to win her over in the end anyways. “Now, all we need to do is-!”


“Not so fast, mister!” Himiko interrupted him. Her shadow fell over his face as she presented herself in all her nude glory above him. “You didn’t give me these gorgeous thicc legs and expect me to not test them out on someone?! Hehehehehe!! Silly mister!”


With a single slash of her fingers, she ripped off his pants and suit. Yokuboshi’s cock, already half hard from seeing her all naked the entire time, rose to even greater heights once it was freed.


“Oh yeah~! Nice and fat, just like I want them!” She didn’t give him any opportunity to object as she swiftly squatted down on his lap. “In there you goOOONNNNNNGH!!!!


“Mmnh!” Yokuboshi grunted as her tight and soaking pussy eagerly embraced his dick. Her inner walls hugged his length lovingly as she began to bounce up and down.


OOOH!!! I CAN FEEL IT GROWING BIGGER AND BIGGER INSIDE OF ME!!! IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE!!!” Himiko screamed up into the clear blue sky. With each bounce, the man’s cock grew bigger and bigger inside of her. She wasn’t sure if he had reached his full size yet, but he was already as long as his arm from the elbow to the tip of his fingers, and, “I LOVE IT!!! THIS BIG COCK INSIDE OF ME IS THE FUCKING BEST!!!! I CAN FEEL IT DESTROYING MY INSIDES!!!!


Yokuboshi could only groan as he held on to her ankles. Each downward thrust, marked with a loud and wet “PLAP!”-sound, pushed him deeper into the sand. PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP, PLAP, PLAP, PLAP, PLAP!!! PLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAP!!!!!


AAAAAH!!! I COULD DO THIS FOREVER!!!! MY LEGS… IT’S LIKE THEY’RE MOVING WITH A WILL OF THEIR OWN!!! I CAN’T STOP THEM!!! DON’T WANNA STOP THEM!! WANNA CONTINUE FUCKING!!! WANNA RIDE THIS DICK FOREVER!!!” The blonde Villainess shouted in obscene lust. Grabbing and rubbing her hands all over her face, her eyes began spinning in their sockets while her tongue hung out of her wide open mouth. “MY MIND!!! THERE’S NOTHING LEFT BUT SEX!!!! GETTING FUCKED BY A FAT COCK… OH GOD!!! IT’S MAKING ME CUM SO HAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!


As she said this, her pussy released a warm wet rain on Yokuboshi’s chest. Her pussy constricted around his cock like a python, as if she wanted to squeeze him dead. If he’d lay on a more solid surface, the constant impact of her hips on his body would have undoubtedly already broken his hips!




“You want me to keep fucking you?!” The second that Himiko went up again, Yokuboshi managed to stand up as well. Still holding on to her ankles, he managed to throw her off of him and spun her around, making her tits press down on the sand underneath her as he held her in a wheelbarrow. “Then let’s see if your ass is as sensitive as your cunt!”


WHAT??? MY ASS?? I’VE NEVER BEEN FUCKED IN MY ASS BEFORE!!! I WANNA TRY IT!!!” Himiko screamed from the top of her lungs, even as Yokuboshi already shoved his dick into her even tighter second hole. “FUCK!!! THIS FEELS EVEN BETTER!! YOUR DICK… DICKS BELONG INSIDE OF ME!!!!


As Yokuboshi kept ramming his cock into her from behind, Himiko clenched her thighs around his waist and held him in place. He could almost hear the cracking of his own rips through her orgasmic howling and the sound of flesh smacking against flesh.




“Hrrr, hrrr, hrrr…!! You’re crazier than I thought! Makes me wonder if I even needed to use my Quirk on you!! Yokuboshi grunted. His body was covered in sweat from all the exertion, whereas Himiko looked as if she hadn’t even warmed up yet. “Grrrr, I’m cumming!!!”


YES!! FILL ME UP!!! DROWN ME WITH ALL YOUR CUM!!!!!!” Himiko welcomed each and every drop of his seed into her butt. The distention in her stomach grew ever so slightly bigger as a solid gallon of cum flooded into her. “SO!! MUCH!!!! CUUUUUUM!!!! I’M CUMMING AS WELL!!!! ALL YOUR CUM IS MAKING ME CUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!


Even as Yokuboshi was too spent to even move a finger anymore, Himiko moved his body for him with her legs. As if he was nothing but her doll, she continuously rammed his cock deeper into her asshole, despite his thick baby batter already streaming down her thighs and turning the entire sand around them into a muddy mess.


“What is going on here?” a frightened female voice asked through all the lewd noises.


Himiko looked up to see two young girls, just a little bit older than her, standing a couple of feet away from them next to a big blooming tree. Both of them were dressed in adorable small bikinis that highlighted their tits. Himiko licked her lips. “Perfect! You’re the perfect candidates to help us with our plan!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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Justa Mann
Justa Mann
1 year ago

Nice so Mineta just dosed the girls of 1A and possibly Katsuki?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Justa Mann

Yeah, Mineta can’t keep his shit together. When talking about the possibility of some people under the effect of the XXX-Factor getting hairtrigger orgasms, I was talking about Mineta. He’ll have a really hard time from here on out.

1 year ago

This is definitely the informative chapter, as well as a major foreshadowing one. We, the readers, now know exactly what Yokuboshi Merahegao is actually planning and more importantly, what his quirk really is. 👀 Hell, we also see how Himiko is factored into this master plan of his too. But we’ll get to that. 😏

Let’s start from the beginning. The immediate response and aftermath to what happened in the last chapter, with a good bit of class 1-A {or is it 2-A or 3-A here in this storyline?} grilling Mineta about his cum soaked escapade with Camie. They was a very revealing opening, including the use of some students who we don’t usually see around here, like Kirishima, Kaminari and Henta for example. But visualizing the cum splattered mess they left behind was something {even with photos} and Mina’s prodding towards Mineta didn’t exactly help. 😆

This ultimately leads us to the real meat of our story, which is Yokuboshi meeting and freeing Himiko, then explain his goal to her, plus getting herself unintentionally infected with his quirk, and most of all, what it is and how it actually works, including how it changes people both physically and mentally and it acting almost exactly like a virus. And well, it perfectly fits. Plus it also being the name of the chapter itself is also a very important aspect in my view. 🤓

In addition, before I go any further, I have to say that I really enjoyed how you handled the characters themselves. That is perhaps the best aspect of the story so far. Especially Himiko in particular.👏 And lastly, while the sex was incredibly short, it really served a far bigger purpose, including showing what they would be capable of. At least in my opinion. 😅

That said, this honestly really intrigues me even more now. And well I’m really looking forward to seeing how far you intend to go with it. So I can’t wait to see what happens next. Until next time. 🤠

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

As always, I’m beyond happy to read your responses. Really makes me feel that I did at least something right with these stories I write lol. And while probably not everyone is as hooked with the idea of a completely new and original character getting so much focus, I did find it necessary in this chapter to set up future events, as well as lay the ground work for what the general theme of this series will end up being.

1 year ago

Bien , buen capitulo el que se ve aqui en esta nueva historia de MHA con mas detalles de a donde apunta la historia osea el rumbo que lleva y que deja al lector algo enganchado con las menciones como el plan del villano a base de su Quirk y todo eso y ya la gota que llena el vaso el plan de Himiko con Ochaco e Izuku no me sorprenderia que vieramos el sueño del trio en fin este capitulo se lleva un 8.8 nada mal el comienzo de esta nueva historia 

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  AL-720

Happy to read that you enjoy this chapter so much. There’s definitely more fun stuff planned with the guy’s Quirk and how it will affect other people. We’ve already got a couple new cases of “infected” ones in this very chapter as well, after all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Es cierto Bakugo , Kirishima , Momo , Mina , Kaminari, Tsuyu cualquier que haya estado en la habitación puede ser el próximo claro el que más tiene posibilidades es Bakugo por estás expuesto pero de aquí en adelante todo puede pasar