Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The New Fairy Tail (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 15): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 17): [LINK]

Unusual for so early in the morning, the Fairy Tail guild hall was PACKED! with almost every member in attendance. Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe, Mest, Macao, Bisca and Alzack, Warren, Reed, the Strauss siblings, Porlyusica, etc… the only person definitely missing was Gildarts, who was in the middle of a 100 Years Quest in the western continent, supposedly battling primordial gods.


With so many people in one room, the sea of conversations was quite loud, especially with so many going on. In one particular table sat Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Juvia.


“Really!? There were two different versions of Happy?!” Natsu asked loudly, a big grin on his face. “No way!”


Erza nodded. “It’s true, although the Happy that came down with the rest of Edens Zero crew is actually a machine of some kind. They didn’t go into the details, and I think it’s something of a painful story for her companion Rebecca. Still, it was very interesting. Their Happy can split into two blasters, and Rebecca is very talented with them.”


“That’s awesome!” Natsu’s eyes were shining and small flames were appearing around his hands. “I can’t wait to meet them!”


“Right now, they’re staying at Fairy Hills for free,” Lucy informed, looking momentarily jealous, before blushing at the memory of her and Rebecca–


Hastily clearing her throat, she hurried on. “Their captain, I think his name is Shiki, used his Aether Gear, or whatever they called it, to move their damaged ship closer to the building.” She wrinkled her nose. “Honestly, it’s kind of an eyesore.”


“Are you fucking kidding me?!” an even louder voice than Natsu’s said from behind her, making the buxom blonde yelp and jump. Spinning around, she glared at a grinning Gajeel, who didn’t seem intimidated in the least. “That ship is awesome! I really want to get a closer look at it; I don’t know what kind of metal it’s made out of, and if they’re really aliens, that means it might be made of something that doesn’t exist on Earthland! Maybe I can learn to adapt the new metal into my magic abilities?!” His mouth suddenly starts watering. “I wonder if they would let me eat a little of it… I bet it tastes amazing…”


Gray, listening nearby, rolled his eyes, while Juvia giggled next to him. “Is he serious?” he asked her in a low voice, thinking Juvia would have better insight into Gajeel’s mindset than he would.


“Oh yes,” Juvia replied, still snickering. “Gajeel loves tasting new metal; you should have seen how happy he was when Juvia found a pewter mug and gave it to him.”


Shaking his head at the weirdness of his friends, Gray was about to reply back when Erza said, “It’s almost time for the announcement.” The scarlet mage then got up and walked off, presumably to get a better seat to talk to someone.


Gray then looked at Lucy, wanting her attention, he stretched out his legs under the table, rubbing his foot against hers, who twitched looking over at him. He grinned, making her blush. She was quick to retaliate though, blowing him a quick kiss with a wink. Now HE was the one blushing!


Let’s see how she handles this. Putting his hand over his mouth, Gray stuck his tongue out between his fingers, mimicking licking her pussy. That really turned Lucy’s face red, he noted with satisfaction.


Lucy then got an evil looking expression on her face. Glancing around until she was satisfied that everyone was busy talking, she gave Gray a seductive look before transitioning to a blissed out, well-fucked ahegao expression: eyes rolled back and tongue hanging out of her mouth, while bouncing up and down slightly in her seat. Gray’s face suddenly became as red as a cherry!


“What are you two doing?” Natsu asked in confusion, looking back and forth between the two of them. Why the hell were they making such goofy faces at each other?


Lucy and Gray froze in panic, sweat forming on their foreheads. “Uhhh…” they said in unison, both scrambling for an answer.


“Attention, please! And quiet down!”


Everyone’s attention snapped to the stage, where Erza was standing with Mavis. Breathing a sigh of relief, Lucy and Gray, along with everyone else, focused on the pair, eyeing the posters Erza was holding in each hand. There was some kind of writing on them, but they couldn’t quite make it out.


“Hello, everyone,” Mavis said brightly when it was as quiet as it was going to get. “I hope you’ve all been well and looking forward to my super special secret announcement!”


Smiling as the murmurs of agreement washed over her, she went on in a more serious voice. “As you know, one of the greatest aspects and strengths of this guild is that we are all family. But it’s not familial ties that connect us; it’s the bonds we’ve forged with each other that will last a life time.”


Holding up the first poster, Mavis displayed it to the crowd. It had the Fairy Tail symbol and the words ‘Fairy Tail’ underneath it. “As of right now,” she declared, “Fairy Tail is DISBANDED!


The entire hall became filled with gasps from the audience, but some people watched with suspicion, sure that there was more to the announcement.


Erza handed Mavis the other poster, which turned out to be exactly the same. “The guild will now be reformed as… FAIRY TAIL!” the founder of the guild proclaimed.


As expected, mutters of confusion filled the hall, with people looking at each other, silently wondering if Mavis had lost it.


Waiting patiently for them to quiet down again, Mavis explained. “We are entering an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity, mage quests are no longer being offered as frequently as they used to be; making a living is thus getting much harder, especially with the constant need for repairs and renovations needed for the guild hall. This is its fifth iteration!”


Several members of the audience looked sheepish, avoiding the accusing looks of their friends.


“So!” Mavis clapped her hands, beaming at the audience. “We will no longer be a mage guild, but rather a…. SEX GUILD! We will earn our income taking on ‘quests’ and engaging in sexual acts with other people!”


…WHAT?!?!” they all bellowed in disbelief.


Mavis, not noticing the looks on their faces, continued happily. “This will be an exciting opportunity for everyone to spread the love of Fairy Tail across Magnolia! So, whoever is interested in joining the new and improved Fairy Tail, please stay!” the guild master said cheerily.


After a moment of appalled silence, there was a mad stampede for the doors; soon the only ones left were Erza, Levy, Gajeel, and Mavis herself.


EVERYONE LEFT?!” Mavis shouted, eyes comically bugging out.


“Sorry First,” Erza said apologetically. “I don’t think a lot of our guild members would openly whore themselves out like you wanted.”


“But…but…everyone has been having so much sex lately…” Mavis mumbled, comical tears running down her face as she sank to the floor, her body comically deflating.


Briefly panicking at the sight, Erza’s gained a determined look. “Don’t worry, First! I swear, I will recruit others to join the Fairy Tail sex guild!”


“And I have the perfect spell to help with that,” Levy said smugly, walking up to the stage and then to Erza before spanking the redhead hard on the ass.


Erza yelped and then yelped again when her ass visibly expanded a few sizes. She looked back over her shoulder and stared in shock as Levy giggled happily.


Mavis cheered up slightly, though she was still frowning and pouting. “I hoped everyone would have loved the idea…” Hearing footsteps, she quickly looked around.


“Um, where did everyone go?” Wendy asked in confusion, having just come out of the bathroom.


Mavis leaped off the stage and tackle-hugged Wendy, making her stagger back. “Wendy! Join my sex guild!”


EEEEHHHHHH?!” Wendy squeaked loudly, her entire face turning crimson.


“Please please please please please?!” Mavis begged, comical tears once again rolling down her face.


“Um…uh…I don’t have much experience!!” Wendy managed to stutter, still blushing hard.


Mavis’ face lit up in a beaming smile. “That’s okay! I’ll teach you!”


Erza and Levy tilted their heads and asked in unison, “You have experience?”


“How rude!” Mavis told them with a pout. “And for your information, I’m VERY experienced, more so than both of you combined.” Mavis said, beaming with pride.


Exchanging looks and then nods, Erza and Levy looked back at Mavis. “Then it’s decided,” the redhead said firmly.


“We’ll definitely recruit others to join the new guild,” Levy added, hands fisted in determination.


“Gihihi! Count me in too,” Gajeel said with a smirk. “I’ll go around and do some advertising so we can start getting customers!”


A smile building on her face, Mavis looked back at Wendy. “So…what do you say?”


After a long pause, Wendy slowly nodded.



(One Hour Later…)


“All right, this field should give us plenty of privacy,” Mavis declared, looking around in satisfaction. It was a nice place about half an hour north of town. The trees were strangely beautiful, with scale-like bark and leaves of a very light lavender color. The grass grew in patches, with good sized stones scattered around the ground. “I’m going to teach you one my secret spells no one else knows; I think you’ll really like this one.”


Wendy nodded. She was still apprehensive and embarrassed, but learning spells from the founder of Fairy Tail? She was looking forward to this, a lot.


With rapid chanting and a display of magic sigils, Mavis’ chest grew…and grew..and grew, until they were even bigger than Lucy’s and Erza’s. Due to Mavis’ small size, it made her breasts look so much bigger. Wendy gaped at the sight, starry-eyed; one of her biggest dreams was finally within her reach!


“This,” Mavis wiggled her chest, “is called ‘Fairy Body’. Using it, you can manipulate your form to however you want it. It’s kinda like Brandish μ’s matter altering ability but much more powerful! Interested?” she finished with a smirk.


“Please teach me that spell!” Wendy begged. “Please, I need to know how to do that! I’m always surrounded by bigger breasted women in this guild and it sort of makes me feel… inadequate…” Wendy frowned while staring down at her A-cups, trying to grasp them.


“You’ll feel MORE than adequate in no time! Let’s begin!” The guild master declared.



(Noon, Several Hours Later…)


“I did it,” Wendy whispered, staring down at her big new boobs in amazement. “I did it!” She jumped up in joy, only to almost fall down as her enlarged tits pulled her down. She wobbled back and forth for several frantic moments until she finally got her balance.


Mavis nodded, looking impressed. “And it only took you several hours to learn it. That’s really impressive; you really are a prodigy.”


Wendy blushed slightly at the praise, still wiggling her chest around happily.


After letting her have some fun for a while, Mavis cleared her throat to get her attention. “All right, let’s move on to the next part: practical testing. We’ll solicit some strangers for sex; with our looks and new bodies, it shouldn’t be that hard.”


EHHH?!?!” Wendy instantly turned red again, but after a moment’s hesitation, she slowly nodded. Though she didn’t say it aloud, she was eager to see what her new body would be like during sex.



(5 Minutes Later….)


True to Mavis’ prediction, it didn’t take them long to find two very willing partners.


“Just lay back and relax,” Mavis purred, smiling seductively as she slowly wrapped her huge boobs around her partner’s dick. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing; you’re in for the experience of your life.”


“Can’t fucking wait!” the man panted.


“Um, I’m really new at this,” Wendy reluctantly admitted, awkwardly hefting her big tits in both hands and pushing them around the large cock in front of her. She almost fell over again. “But I’ll do my best, I promise!”


Her partner blinked and then chuckled. “Smoking hot and cute. Damn, this really is my lucky day! And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do fine.”


Mavis expertly moved her tits back and forth, then up and down, and then all at the same time. Every so often, her tongue would flick out to lick his dick, making him groan each time. And each time he groaned, she would flash him a smile.


“Holy shit, this feels amazing! You weren’t kidding, this is amazing!”


Watching Mavis from the corner of her eye, Wendy did her best to imitate the blonde, her hands and boobs occasionally slipping and making her blush in embarrassment. She had a hard time keeping his erection between them as well; her boobs and her breasts were getting so sweaty and slick. The man didn’t seem to mind too much, and she could feel his cock hardening against her tits. It was a heady sensation, and she squirmed slightly in place.


“You’re doing great, love; just a little more,” he panted, digging his fingers into the ground.


Now Mavis started planting kisses up and down the length of his dick, letting her lips linger as she sped up the pace. When she kissed the tip of it, she could feel him shudder.


“Oh shit, you’re driving me crazy…”


Wendy did her best, but her lack of experience showed again, as her kisses were sloppy and a little too quick. It didn’t help that she was blushing so hard, she felt faint.


“Not bad, love, not bad at all…”


Judging the time was right, Mavis suddenly increased the speed of her rubbing and bouncing; at the same time, she sucked his cock into her mouth, using her tongue to caress it lovingly.


OH FUCK!” the man screamed, arching his back as ecstasy shot through him.


Wendy tried to the same, but her breasts kept bouncing out of her hands, and she had a hard time keeping her partner’s cock in her mouth. It kept slipping out, causing her to trying and suck and back in with her lips.


GREAT SPIRITS!” he exclaimed, eyes wide as he watched Wendy desperately suck on his dick.


Needless to say, it didn’t take long before they were both cumming, shouting at the top of their lungs; Mavis and Wendy did their best to swallow it all, but still ended up messy. As Wendy and the men lay there, panting and hearts hammering, Mavis turned to Wendy with a grin, looking fresh as a daisy. “So, what did you think?”


“…I think I’m going to enjoy the new Fairy Tail.”


“Heehee! And you won’t be the only one!”


Official Fairy Tail X Guild Roster:
Mavis Vermillion (Guild Master)
Erza Scarlet
Levy McGarden
Gajeel Redfox
Wendy Marvell

(Story by User: S22132)

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10 months ago

hey the fairy tail gallery page 5 is empty could you check it out?

10 months ago

So much NTR…

10 months ago

Ah even when being a whore Wendy is still a total cinnamon roll I love it.

10 months ago


And Wendy!

10 months ago

Always a surprise seeing just one of these two. Guess this makes it a double surprise

10 months ago

Are mirajane and Laxus bf and gf in one of the fanfic series

10 months ago

And here we are again, the main fun of the story. Honestly this is a fun chapter and I love how Wendy is begged into joining the new sex guild! From here I’m definitely excited to see all the recruiting chapters and I hope we even get a few more joining than we did last time. I also really hope we get more Wendy in stories she’s always fun to see even though I know it’s difficult to add her. Mavis as well is super fun being a guild master for a sex guild. I’m really enjoying how we’re getting more of these chapters.