Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Testing Out the Tits

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part VII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part IX): [LINK]

Damn, what was that woman thinking?!


Picking up his bags of groceries, Ichigo walked out of the park and onto the street that led him back home. Moths and other insects fluttered underneath the light of the numerous lamp posts that illuminated both sides of the road. Only a handful of other people were currently walking through the streets of Karakura Town.


After checking the time on his phone, Ichigo clicked with his tongue “Crap! I promised Yuzu to be back by nine…” he said out loud. After a quick call with his youngest sister, where he excused himself for coming back late, he put his phone back in his pocket and continued his way through the almost completely empty streets. Music came blasting out of a small bar to his right. Two men with cigarettes in their mouths were standing in front of its doors. Ichigo sighed and walked by, ignoring the stench of alcohol that emanated from them.


Aside from the music coming from the bar, it was a pretty silent night. A full moon overlooked the town, bathing everything in its silver light “And that stuff she said… As if Inoue-san or I would ever work as strippers at a club!”


“Oh? Now that is interesting!” a female voice suddenly cooed to his right. In an instant Ichigo spun around and saw a very familiar looking woman walking by his side. Dressed in a green turtleneck sweater, low cut shorts that left half of her enormous ass exposed and red ‘fuck-me’ pumps was Retsu Unohana. The first (and supposedly dead) Kenpachi linked arms with the orange haired man and smiled at him. “Are more women than me interested in you?!”


“Captain Unohana!” gasped Ichigo out loud, finding himself to be unable to pull himself free from the black haired woman’s surprisingly strong hold. “I thought you were-”


“Hush!” for the second time this evening Ichigo found himself silenced by a woman putting her index finger over his lips, “Dead? Doesn’t matter! Also, please don’t call me Captain anymore!” there was a certain weight behind her voice which made a shiver run down the orange haired youth’s spine as the older woman leaned towards him.


“Ca- Captain Unohana!” panted another voice to Ichigo’s left. He turned around to see a sweating and heavily blushing Isane Kotetsu jogging towards them. Her heavy tits threatened to hit her in the face with every step that she took. Both of the round orbs were twice as big as her own head. Unlike her mentor however, she wore much more skimpy clothes. A pink crop top left her under boobs and even parts of her areola exposed. A way too short skirt gave him an accidental and clear look at the black thong that dug deep into the folds of her pussy. Fishnet stockings covered her long and slender legs and ended in a pair of black high heels that made her even bigger than she already was.


“Ah, Isane! Glad that you decided to join us.” Unohana said in a sweet voice and waited for her protegee to catch her breath again. “Also, what did I say about that title?!”


“Sorry Ma’am!” Isane quickly apologized and bowed her head, almost burying her face in her own tits. “You just disappeared so suddenly and I-”


Still smiling, Unohana silenced the other girl simply by leaning her head to one side. “Now, now… That doesn’t matter! What does matter is that we have such a promising subject for me to recruit and for you to test out your skill on.”


“What?!” asked both Isane and Ichigo at the same time, their faces turning several shades redder.



Emojis were printed on a red carpet in the middle of the room. A single table stood right in front of a giant panorama window with a view over the nightly skyline of Karakura Town. Not much else decorated the spacious room as parts of it were still under construction, indicated by some open walls and masonry equipment. Buckets with mortar, brooms, wooden and metal floats and gauging towels leaned against the wall while fleece laid on the ground to prevent it from getting too dirty. Where this building was exactly, Ichigo didn’t know. They walked through so many alleys and streets that Ichigo gave up on trying to remember where they were. The moment they entered the building, Unohana guided them towards an elevator that brought them to the fifth floor of her night club.


Just like Urahara apparently, Unohana also came up with the idea to open up her very own nightclub to ease the tensions between the different races. And despite only Nelliel Tu Odelschwank currently knowing about it, Unohana was more than confident that other Arrancar would soon join her establishment as well.


The older woman’s tits pressed against his back as she told him about all of that, her fingers moving over his tensed neck area. This gave her the opportunity to hold him down on the golden chair with an intricate pattern and crimson red cushions that she had prepared for him. The massage proved to be an excellent way to help him feel a bit more relaxed as well as provide a demonstration for the kinds of services her club provides.


“Kurosaki-san, you really should relax a bit more.” she leaned her head towards the left and smiled down on the young man “You’re not feeling uncomfortable or anything, right?”
A single drop of sweat ran down his forehead, “Ermmm… N- no.”


Nodding in response, Unohana continued with her massage as her stiff nipples pressed against his back “But say Kurosaki-san, did you change your mind now about joining my humble little club? Having the man, who saved the world by defeating Yhwach, working with me would definitely help attract lots of clients!”


Knocks on the door saved Ichigo from having to come up with an excuse. Shortly after, Isane’s timid voice could be heard from the other side “Ahem. Is it… May I… May I come in now?”


“Ah, Isane. Please, come in.” said the black haired woman. The door creaked a bit as it was pushed open.


Isane stepped in and in a single heartbeat Ichigo’s head became as red as that of the silver haired giantess. In the few minutes that she was gone to get him some snacks on Unohana’s orders, she stripped out of every piece of clothing that she wore before. The effect this had on Ichigo was instantaneous!


A bulge formed in his pants as his cock immediately sprung to life. The fabric of his jeans was stretched to its limits, making the approaching Isane blush even harder. In her hands she held a plate with cake and other sweets, making her unable to hide any part of her body without letting go of them.


“H- Here!” the silver haired woman said quickly as she put the plates down on the small table. Immediately afterwards she put her hands over her tits and pussy “Can I please put something on now, Ma’am? This is embarrassing!”


Clicking her tongue, Unohana continued to hold Ichigo down on the chair. Her eyes were drawn towards his throbbing erection “Isane, what did we talk about? You need to let go of those inhibitions of yours in this profession!” she said with a firm voice and turned to look her former Lieutenant in the eyes “Now, why won’t you show me and Kurosaki-san here just how much you crave big and hard cocks?!”


CAPT- MA’AM!!!” Isane yelled embarrassed “I can’t just…”


“Isane?” Unohana’s kind and foreboding voice cut the other woman short, causing a shiver to run down both hers and Ichigo’s spine “You can! Because you know that it will make me and your potential new coworker happy!”


HEY! I never said that I will-”


“Yes, Ma’am!” Isane interrupted Ichigo and dropped to her knees. With shaking hands she unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. His cock sprung free and nearly hit her in the face! She gulped as a lump formed in her throat and looked at Ichigo’s face “I’m very sorry, but I have to do this!”


“What?!” asked Ichigo perplexed and slightly irritated, “You don’t have to do anything! I already told you that I’m not interested, so there’s no reason for you to-”


The very slight clenching of Unohana’s hand around his shoulders silenced the young man almost immediately. He gulped and looked up to see the scary woman smiling down at him. “Kurosaki-san, a true gentleman knows when to remain silent and just enjoy the show. After all, how often does an opportunity like this come around?!”


He nodded. Every form of resistance vanished and Ichigo simply watched as Isane started to stroke his dick in uncoordinated motions. ‘Damn! How do I explain this to Inoue-san!?’ he thought, trying to ignore the pleasure that began spreading through his entire body. Isane reluctantly started to lick and kiss his balls, leaving purple swatch marks from her lipstick all over it.


“Ma’am, am I doing this right?” she asked after a while, struggling to keep stroking his ever growing length.


“Not bad for your first time.” admitted the mentor, “Be more assertive! Faster and steadier hand movements! More tongue action! Suck his big, fat fucking cock! If you truly want to work for me again, you have to grow past your inhibitions and embrace your new self!”


“Embrace my new self…” echoed the silver haired beauty before nodding slowly. Her heavy chest heaved a few times as she breathed in deep through her nose and breathed out through her mouth. “G- Got it! I’m a horny little slut who can please her partner! I can take any cock regardless of size! I can do this! I can do this! FOR MA’AM UNOHANA!!!


Pumping herself up with her own mantra, Isane pushed her head forward, swallowing over half of Ichigo’s dick in one swift swoop! Her throat bulged as his shaft stuffed her face, “GUHG… HMMMMMUUUPPPPHHH… MMMUUUUUUHHHH… GUGHHHH… UGHHHH!!!!!!” tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she slurred and gagged around the thick meat.


“Grrrrrh…!” Ichigo’s fingers dug into the soft leather of the armrests of his chair. The tightness of her mouth and the feeling of her tongue moving all over it was even better than how he felt from Yoruichi, earlier that evening!


Unohana looked proudly down on her protege, watching how Isane bobbed her head back and forth. The lump in her throat moved with her head movements and her eyes started rolling back into their sockets. “You’re doing great, Isane! Keep it up!”


AY’LL TWY MUH BESHT!!! HUGGGGH, MMMMMMMPH, UGHUUUUGGGG, MUUUUMUUUUPHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” moaned Isane, her voice badly slurred and vibrating around Ichigo’s cock. Her breath became more and more irregular as she struggled to get enough air, “IP’SH TOO MUSH!! GAAAAAAAAAAPH!!!!!” after not even five minutes she pulled her head away, letting his cock spring free from her lips and letting it rest on her face. She panted and gasped for fresh air, her eyes slowly rolling back again “Haaaa… haaaa… haaaa…! Hard to breathe…!”


Letting go of Ichigo’s shoulder, Unohana walked around the young man. She sensed that at this point he no longer would try to get away, even if he wanted, “It’s all a matter of breathing, Isane. Here, let me show you!”


In the space of a heartbeat, Unohana stripped out of her clothes and squatted down next to the kneeling Isane. She grabbed the base of Ichigo’s dick with both hands, and even then her fingers were unable to meet around the dick who’s size rivaled that of a lamppost! Starting from the base, she began kissing her way upwards to the mushroom shaped tip of the man’s cock, leaving green lipstick marks right next to Isane’s purple ones.


Once at the top, she swirled her tongue around it to lick up all of the precum that kept oozing out of it. “Kurosaki-kun, please allow me!”


“You’re gonna do it, regardless if I say yes or no! So let’s just get it oOOORRRGHHH!!!!” his response turned into a deep groan as the entirety of his cock vanished between her green painted lips. Her fingers squeezed his two balls gently as she began to move her head up and down.


YOU SHEE, ISHANE…” began Unohana to moan around her partner’s cock “INHAWLE THWOUGH YOUW NOSHE BEFOWE YOU GO DOWN ON HISH CAWK…” she slurred and demonstrated it at the same time, burying her nose in his thick patch of orange pubic hair “THEN EXSCHALE THWOUGH YOUW NOSHE AGAIN WHEN YOU PULL BACK!


Isane watched with an open mouth as her idol, with seemingly any effort at all, bobbed her head back and forth. The medic’s green painted nails dug into the soft and sensitive flesh of Ichigo’s balls, amplifying his pleasure even more. After what felt like an eternity she pulled her head back, resulting in a loud and wet POP! Strings of her saliva connected her lips with the tip of his dick for a brief second before snapping.


“So Isane… Do you wanna give it a try again? Or would you rather try out something new?” Unohana asked after sensually licking her lips, making sure that Ichigo would get a good look at it.


“Something new?” echoed Isane and gave her master a surprised look. Unohana simply smiled back at the other woman and after a few quick hand signs both their tits started to glow in a lavender light, “What the- HNNNNNNNGH!!!!” Isane moaned as the electrifying sensation of a million volts coursed through her entire body.


Ichigo stared in silent awe as both their breasts first doubled in size, then tripled, then quadrupled… until they were both several sizes bigger than their entire bodies! Both their nipples alone were bigger than their heads and pressed against his chest, begging for attention!


“Mmmmmmmmh~ This always feels so goooooood!” moaned Unohana as she groped her own tits and gave them a firm squeeze “But to answer your question, this is a Kido that I developed shortly after leaving Soul Society. Over the last few weeks and months I further tweaked it until I perfected it.” she then looked up towards Ichigo and pressed her tits harder around his dick with her elbows, “I’m guessing that Urahara-san also has a way to augment his employee’s tits… At least that would explain your less than surprised expression!”


“He… does!” groaned Ichigo through gritted teeth. More out of reflex he grabbed one mammary from each of them to relieve his balls and knees from the weight. ‘God, they have to weigh a ton!


NNNNNNNGH!!!! Don’t worry ma’am Unohana!” Isane moaned, cumming just by having her now extremely sensitive tits groped. She clenched her hands into fists and looked confidently at Ichigo “It doesn’t matter if Urahara’s hussies can also expand their tits! I know that we can make Ichigo join the club!”


Laughing into the back of her right hand, Unohana grabbed her former Lieutenant’s painfully stiff nipple next to her with her left hand. “Well said Isane! Now, let’s rock this boy’s world! Together!”


“Working side by side with you was always my dream, Ma’am!” gone was the blush of embarrassment on the silver haired woman’s face; replaced by the admiration she had for her mentor and the confidence she felt by being close to her “Let’s show him that we are better than any girl that Urahara has to offer!”


Ugh… Why do I keep getting dragged into these kinds of things?’ Ichigo thought, rubbing his forehead while the two girls took turns licking and kissing his cock. Underneath her tits, Isane began to massage his nutsacks with her dainty fingers, swirling the two orbs between them in a steady rhythm.


Unohana meanwhile pressed both of their tits harder against Ichigo’s rock hard pole. The sensation of the rigid flesh rubbing against the sensitive skin of the four soft mounds was more than enough to send them into an orgasmic bliss. “Aaaaaah~~!” she moaned and rubbed her head against the shaft like a cat in heat. “I can’t wait any longer!”


She opened her mouth wide again and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. Unlike last time, she now took her sweet time going down on it. Stopping every few inches to let her tongue swirl all over the veins that covered his sword.


HHHHHHHHRGGGG!!!!!!” Ichigo groaned. The sensation of Unohana’s tight and hot little mouth working on his dick and Isane’s fingers massaging his balls was enough to bring him to the edge of orgasm.


Watching her idol with open admiration, Isane moved back a bit to give the other woman more room. Unohana immediately seized the opportunity and put both her tits on Ichigo’s lap, squeezing them tight around the base of his shaft while she bobbed her head up and down again “MMMMMMH… HHHHHHHM… MOAWWWWWH… GAWD, DISH PHEELSH SHO GOOOHOOOD!!!!!!!!!!” she moaned, her pussy spraying her juices everywhere as she came time and time again. “NO WONDA UWAHAWA ISH SHO INTERESHTED IN YOU!!!!


“Unohana-san… I think I… ORAAAAAAH!!!!


SPLORGH!!! BLORP!!! SPLORGH!!! BLORP!!! The sound of his cum pumping directly into Unohana’s throat was even louder than his own guttural roar. In a last second attempt, she managed to pull her head away.


Both women watched in awe and with open mouths as the white jizz erupted straight into the air and against the ceiling, only to rain down upon them afterwards. Within minutes the entire room was flooded! The jizz reached all the way to the midriffs of the two kneeling Shinigami!


“Wow…” cooed Isane, her voice was barely more than a whisper. She shuddered at the sticky, warm sensation of the white fluid moving all around her.


Raising to her feet, Unohana waved her hand and made her tits shrink back to their original size. She hefted one of her own breasts towards her lips and drunk from the cum that dripped off of them “Wow indeed! Such an exquisite taste and texture.” she looked down at the heavily panting Ichigo. His eyes were closed as pleasure continued to surge through his body “Okay, it’s set! Warm ups are over! You’re not allowed to leave until you join my club!”

(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
3 years ago

More Ichigo and Matsumoto, Hiyori, Harribel, Nelliel, Unohana, Yoruichi, Sode no Shirayuki, Chiba Kukaku, Tobiume, Ying and Yang please

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

I can only write what’s seen in the artworks. But sure, Matsumoto, Harribel, Unohana and Yoruichi will definitely appear more often.

3 years ago

Ichigo/Retsu/Isane combo! Great art and fun new chapter. Well, he managed to survive, and keep up with Rangiku in the old ‘timeline’ and kept on doing for repeated sessions. Man, I’m going to miss the Ichigo/Rangiku stories. Let’s see how he fares with Isane and Unohana (considering I never really saw him do it with either) and hoping he avoids the cliché drained husk scenario. GO Ichigo!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kino
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Kino

Guess we will find out as the story progresses. Glad to hear that you like the chapter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I did, and I’m looking forward to more. I have high hopes. He dealt with Yoruichi last time, and is still kicking with Isane and Retsu going down on him. Waiting for that ‘Fuck it, moment’ he had with Rangiku in the deleted stories and goes to town on anyone who keeps jumping him…and thrives!

3 years ago

Oh man, I can’t wait to see how Ichigo gets out of this, also what about his sister that he was thinking about at the beginning of the fanfic, how will he explain this to her if she asks him why he was gone for so long.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  IchigoStud25

I’m sure that Yuzu will understand when Ichigo gives her a very rushed down explanation of events.

3 years ago

10/10. So Unohana and Urahara have found ways on augmenting a woman’s body, the question is are they finding ways to augment a man’s boy and if so who will be their test subjects. What if instead of competing Unohana and Urahara decide to pool their knowledge and join their businesses, one can only imagine the kind of debauchery and depravity those two can create working together.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Both Urahara and Unohana will come up with lots of interesting ways to spice their rivalry up.

Thanks for the high score! I appreciate it.

3 years ago

So After dealing with the thirsty Yoruichi ichigo must now find a way to escape from the depraved cougar Unohana who is set on making him her premiere attraction with his terrifyingly oversized cock, how is our hero going to get out of this one, stay tuned and find out next time on Bleach: The Rise of Busteez.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Flinchin

Very nice description lol.

3 years ago

Thank you for using my favorite women in bleach Unohana is the best

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  AxelRayne44

Unohana definitely is a fine girl to work with. Glad you like her.

3 years ago

Not gonna lie, I kinda feel bad for Ichigo here. Especially since he’s now being forced to join a nightclub and escort service whether he wants to or not.

And all he wanted to do was just get back home… Too bad Unohana and Isane won’t allow it anytime soon. XD

Well, I can only imagine how it goes from here, including when both he and Orihime find out they’re now likely on opposite sides of this insane rivalry Unohana and Urahara got going on here now. LOL

Very well done here. Can’t wait for the next part. 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Hiryu
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Don’t worry, Ichigo will most definitely be able to sneak himself out of this situation.

Happy to hear your thoughts as always!

3 years ago

This was a damn good chapter

Felt a little bit bad for ichigo at the beginning

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Han

Feeling bad? For Ichigo? Dude lucked out with three incredible busty women row on row! XD

But yeah, thanks for your kind words.