Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sucking Under the Sakura Trees

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Part X): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XII): [LINK]

“Aaah…!!” Mystogan sighed blissfully, while inhaling the mossy smell of the forest around him as he continued wandering on one of the lesser traveled paths of Magnolia. Even in this day and age, there were still places that humans rarely set foot in. He himself had found this trail more by accident on his way back to Magnolia after a mission.


It had been quite a while since he was allowed to enjoy one such simple leisure. Ever since he took over ruling Edolas after the former king, Faust, was banished, he never really got a good enough chance to just… enjoy life. Not that he complained, of course. Erza Knightwalker, his beloved fiancée, still made sure that he didn’t work himself to the bone, even while trying to fix the deep rooted issues of their realm after everything that his father did, which is one of the reasons as to why she allowed Erza Scarlet of Earth Land to “borrow” him for a couple days for something.


He never would have thought that she would want him, as well as his Earth Land counterpart, the former megalomaniac Jellal Fernandes, to have sex with two other girls however! Two girls who, as it turned out, were also members of Fairy Tail!


“Heheheh…” he chuckled to himself as he thought about what he could do next. His mind told him to head back to Edolas as soon as possible. He was the king there, after all, and neglecting his responsibilities for much longer wouldn’t be fair towards Hughes, Sugarboy, and all the other citizens of his kingdom who relied on him. On the other hand, his heart wanted him to stay just a little while longer, as well as to spend more time in the place that he once called home for so long, and to meet up with Wendy again!


Meeting Wendy again however would be harder than he thought, as she had left Magnolia before he arrived to go check out some kind of club near Margaret Town together with Carla. And Mystogan knew better than to interfere in a girls-only trip like that, so he declined Erza’s offer to go to the club. Fortune City was quite nice as well, after all!


Since he knew this part of Fiore like the back of his hand, he knew exactly what would await him as he walked around one particularly big tree, “Mmmmh!!” he moaned from deep in his body at the sight of a serene looking lake, surrounded by nothing but cherry trees in full-bloom!


Their pink leaves drifted through the crystalline water as a number of deer drank on the other side of the lake. Here, in the heart of the forest, he was the only human. The only sounds he heard were the lapping of waves against the mossy shore, the songs of the birds in the air and on the branches around him, and the wind in the air, carrying with it a dozen colorful scents that immediately put his mind at ease. Seeing this remote lake in all its pristine beauty, instantly made him forget about all of his worries as he was instead reminded of the fact that he walked with the same long dark cape that he always wore in Earth Land on the hottest day of the year!


After looking over his shoulders once, he stripped out of his cloak and put away the scarf and bandana that covered most of his face. How he didn’t notice all the sweat earlier, he did not know, but he more than welcomed the breeze on his bare upper body now as he laid down on the mossy ground underneath a cherry tree. He leisurely kicked away his long boots and dipped his feet in the cool lake.


“Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!” surrounded by nothing but animals and the sounds of mother nature herself, he closed his eyes and relaxed, ‘How much I missed this!’ he thought to himself as he drifted away into the realm of dreams!


It was perfect!




“Well, well, well… If it isn’t Jellal Fernandes!” a voice that was sharp enough to cut mountains in half woke him up, “Do you really think it’s wise of you to simply sleep like this in the middle of nowhere?” a woman asked of him as he opened his eyes, only to find himself face to face with the tip of a dangerous looking sword.


“Wha-!?” His sleep-drunkenness vanished in an instant, both because of the woman’s clearly hostile tone and the weapon pointed at him. It took him less than a second to figure out that this wasn’t just some run of the mill sword, but the legendary “Archenemy”, a weapon that he had heard much about on his travels throughout Fiore. “Who is there?”


“Hmph! You know, other women would feel deeply insulted if you didn’t recognize them! Especially after everything you did and the pain and destruction you caused!” the woman went on to say while lowering her sword to allow Mystogan to stand up.


“I think you might have gotten things wrong here!” Mystogan said carefully, while trying his best not to say anything that would upset the Mermaid Heel mage right in front of him. He, of course, had already heard about her from his time working for Fairy Tail, and thus knew that it wouldn’t be wise to have her blade point at him like this. “I’m not the man you think I am!”


The woman, Kagura Mikazuchi, who was dressed in a white blazer and a white miniskirt that revealed her long and slender legs, hugged by black leggings that ended in white heels that made her taller than she actually was, raised her eyebrows, “Oh? What makes you so sure about that?!” she asked with a scoff, while she was still holding on to her sword, ready to attack him at a moment’s notice. “Among the few mages that are able to change their shape, none would be so stupid enough to turn into a wanted criminal just for the fun of it, you know!?”


“Rest assured, I’m not Jellal! And I didn’t transform into him!” he explained to the black haired swordswoman.


He then went on to tell her everything about who he was, why he looked like Jellal, and why he was here to begin with, which left her a lot less hostile, but now a whole lot more confused. Mermaid Heel’s most powerful mage had long since put her sword back in its hilt by the time he had finished his explanation and now sat in front of him. Her eyes were closed as she judged and processed the information she just received, preventing her from noticing that he actually got a good look at her white panties as she sat in with crossed legs, almost as if she was meditating. Mystogan, of course, didn’t look at her with any lecherous intent as he instead gave her time to come to a conclusion.


“I… believe you!” she said after a while, then opening her keen yellow eyes and meeting his gaze, “You seem… different from the Jellal that I know! And I don’t sense any lies in your words!” Kagura told him. “To think that Erza would call the king of another world for something so… carnal! I clearly misjudged her!”


A blush spread across Mystogan’s face as he silently cursed himself for going a bit too much into detail about their trip to Fortune City, “Please, don’t hold that against Erza. After everything that happened, this is probably the first time that she can have some time for herself, to truly relax.” he reasoned, only to be silenced by another stare and a raised finger.


“I won’t hold anything against her, don’t worry! If anything, I should be thankful to you for telling me so much!” she said ominously as she rose to her feet, “I knew that Fairy Tail was prone to have some… outbursts at times. That water park incident a few days ago clearly shows this! But for Erza to be this kinky…” she paused for a moment. “It truly surprises me!”


“Heheh!! Not just you!” Mystogan stood up as well. He then brushed his pants off from the pink petals and the moss that clung to them as he stretched himself, feeling a lot more at ease than before, now that he managed to break the ice between him and the dark haired woman. ‘When she did that striptease show for Jellal and me… that definitely was something else!


“Enough of all that!” Kagura then said, causing him to focus back on reality as she crossed her arms in front of her heavy chest, with her face taking on a light pink hue, “You’re not Jellal, but you certainly do look like him!” she declared. “And I think you could help me out a great deal with something!”


“Help you out? With what?” Now it was Mystogan’s time to raise his eyebrows as Kagura slowly began to unbutton the white blazer she wore.


Still blushing, Kagura continued stripping out of her blazer, revealing her tits that were barely kept contained by a white, frilly bra. “Well, I… I was kinda rude to Jellal and blamed him for… a lot of stuff! Even when Erza told me the truth and when we fought together in Hagreon… I still wasn’t fair towards him! For a moment, I was even content with watching him drown!” she went on to say while opening her bra and throwing it away in one smooth move. “So, I want to make up for it and show him that I’m truly sorry!”


“And you do that with me then because…?” Mystogan left the question open, instead staring past the branches and petals of the tree above him and into the clear blue sky.


“I… don’t know if I would be able to do this with Jellal just yet!” Kagura said after removing her skirt and panties as well, “I forgave him for what he did, but… it’s hard! So I want to try this out with someone else first, so that I can do this once I meet him and Erza in person again!”


“I see…!” Mystogan groaned softly as he found himself with his back against the tree behind him as Kagura approached him. “So that’s how it is!”


Kagura nodded, “Yes! I beg of you…” She then fell to her knees in front of him, “Please help me out in this situation! I really want to make things up to Erza and Jellal!” As she was talking, she already tried to unbuckle his pants, though her shaking hands prevented her from succeeding.


Sighing to himself, Mystogan helped her in her task and freed himself of the last piece of clothing he still wore. “Okay. I’ll help!”


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!” Tears filled the swordswoman’s yellow eyes as she instantly put her tits around Jellal’s half hard dick. “I promise, you won’t regret this!” she told him in a tone that made it clear that she genuinely meant it as she began to rub his dick with her soft and hot tits.


“Hrrrm…!!” the reaction was instantaneous as Mystogan’s cock twitched and growed in the embrace of the woman’s boobs.


MMMMMHHH!!!!!” Kagura moaned happily as she continued kneading her tits like they were a dough of bread, “Yes… this feels good, right?” she asked lowly, while putting even more pressure on the blue haired man’s erection with her mammaries.


“Mhmmm…” Mystogan nodded and grunted approvingly as he, against his own will, began to thrust his hips against her chest, ‘She’s… she’s good at this!’ he thought to himself. The bark of the cherry behind him rubbed against his back as he leaned back some more. ‘How often did she do this already??


“So hard…!!” purred the Mermaid Heel mage, “And BIG!!!” she then added as the tip of Jellal’s head poked out of her cleavage. “HMMM!! If Jellal is even half as well-endowed as you are, then I can definitely see why Erza wanted two of you around!”


Edolas’ king could only groan as Kagura pressed her tits even harder around his shaft while moving her upper body in slow, steady motions back and forth. Sweat soon enough rolled down the side of his face, and not only because of the hot temperatures of a typical Fiore summer day!


“You mind if I…?” Kagura didn’t even finish her question or left him time to respond as she instead began swirling her tongue around the head of his penis before opening her mouth wide to put him in her mouth. “UUUUUUUMPH!!!!


“Oh, god…!!!” Mystogan groaned from deep in his stomach as his partner quickly bathed his cock with her tongue. Saliva coated the part of his length that she had access to whenever her tits weren’t blocking the way, making every single stroke of her boobs feel all the more smooth and enjoyable. ‘Damn!! She’s milking me dry!


That was the only way to describe what was currently happening to him! The way her pillowy lips stretched behind the rest of her face whenever she pulled back was enough to send his heart racing and his cum boiling! It felt as if they were magnetically attached to his length, to provide him with pleasure beyond comprehension as she stroked his dick with her milk bags better than any prostitute ever could! Even the way she licked and sucked and caressed his cock with her tongue was way better than his time with Juvia! If he were to compare the two girls, then Juvia acted way more basic and lust-driven, whereas Kagura seemed to know precisely what to do, where to lick and when to suck in order to bring him to orgasm as soon as possible!


MMMMH, AYE LIGE DISH… ID PHEELSH GHUUD IN MUH PHWOAD!!!!” she suddenly began to moan out loud, all while her yellow eyes were locked on his face to watch his every reaction, “AND SHO HAWD!!! MMMH, GUGH, HMMMPH, MMMMH!!!!” she moaned and choked lightly at a static rhythm, each word and noise vibrating through his dick and sending him even closer to orgasm!


FUCK!!” he shouted, cursing himself for being brought so close to the verge of orgasm, ‘How? How is this possible?’ he asked himself as he felt an, by now, all-too familiar sensation in his balls as they got ready to shoot their load. ‘No! I can’t cum so soon!


HMUUU??” Kagura blinked at him as she suddenly found his arms on her shoulder, “UGHWEEEEEEE!!!!!!!” she then went on to squeal as he spun her around until she found herself upside down, his fingers sinking into her toned but soft ass. “OOOOOHH GAWWWDD!!!!!!!


GWWWWWRGH!!!” Mystogan grunted with her as her mouth tightened around his dick in response to her being now held in the air like this. With her pussy right in front of him, he knew exactly what to do!


GHUUUUUUU!!!” the dark haired woman gasped in shock as she found her pussy getting licked ferociously by the man she held at sword-point just a short while ago. She quickly regained composure again and grinned around his cock, “SHO THAT’SH HOWW ‘OU WANNA PWAY?!” she asked with her mouth-full. “BWING ID ONNNMM!!!


She finally let go of her tits, relieving him of the pressure that had rested on his balls up to this point, only to instead cup both of his balls, “Hrr, hrr, hrr!!” Mystogan groaned softly as she lovingly caressed his nut sacks while also swallowing even more of his dick than ever before!


Her neck stretched out visibly with his girth as she first managed to take him half-way, then ten inches, and then all the way to the base, “MMMMMMMHHH!!!! DISH CAWWWK… AYE CAN PHEEW ID IN MUH SHTOMACH!!!!!” she moaned at length into his blonde pubic hair as she clenched her thighs around his face. “ID’SH SHTWETCHING MEH SHO MUSSSSH!!


MMMHHN!!!” Mystogan moaned deep into her cunt. His world had become nothing but the powerful embrace of her legs as a steady trickle of her sweet nectar ran down his chin, “SHLL, SHLL!!” he poked his tongue deep into the moist hole, savoring the taste on his tongue and the scents that began making him feel dizzy.


Or was it her legs as she clamped them even tighter around his head? He wasn’t sure!


GUUH, HMMM, UGGGH, MMMH, MMMH, MMMH!!!!!” the female mage bobbed her head back and forth at a pace that would break the neck of normal people. For Kagura and Mystogan however, it only furthered their enjoyment and pleasure of the situation as his dick reached the deepest parts of her stomach with ease. “GAWWWWWWDDD!!! SHO CLOSHE… AYE’M ABOUD TO CUUUUUUMMMM!!!!!!


“Meh too…” his voice echoed in her pussy, while his cock was throbbing and twitching like crazy as he felt the cum in his balls practically boiling as it began rushing out of him!


AAAAAWWHHH!!!! YEEEEEEEPPPH!!!!” Kagura screamed at length as the sticky white liquid shot out of the blue haired king’s dick and straight into the bottom of her stomach. “ULLLGH, HMMMMPH!!!! SHOO… MUSH… CUMMMMMM!!!!!


How much time had passed? A minute? Ten? An hour? Mystogan didn’t know! He wouldn’t admit it, but the way Kagura’s thighs clenched around his head as she herself shuddered in orgasm was nearly enough to break his skull! If he didn’t have such a good hold of her, she would most likely have collapsed already as her entire body trembled and surged in orgasmic pleasure!


Before he himself could break down however, Kagura finally lowered the pressure on his head. For the first time in, god knows how long, he was finally able to smell clean air again as she also opened her mouth and pulled away from his length, “AAAAAAAAHHH!!!” she gasped, thin threads of saliva connected her lips with his dick as she licked her lips clean of any cum that might still be on there.


“Whewww…” Letting go of her buttocks and putting her back to the ground, Mystogan wiped away the sweat from his face with the back of his hands. “So, you think you can face Jellal and Erza like this?”


“Oh, not by a long shot!” Kagura answered without hesitation and much to Mystogan’s surprise. When she noticed the perplexed look on his face, she went on, “I mean, I came so quickly and only managed to make you cum once! What kind of apology would that be if I would gain more from it than he or Erza would?”


“That…” Mystogan gulped, already having a pretty good idea in his mind as to what she was up to next. “…makes sense!”


“I’m glad you see it like that!” she told him with a sincere smile on her face as she pressed her huge tits against his chest in order to kiss him on the cheek. With one hand, she began to stroke his softening dick while caressing his cheek with the other. “I hope you know what that means!”


Sighing, Mystogan once again put his hands on her ass and lifted her off the ground, “I do!” he said while aligning his cock with her pussy.


“Then do it!” she demanded, only to immediately let out a silent scream of pure bliss as she found her pussy spread so very wide by his invading shaft. “FUCK ME HARD WITH THAT BEEFSTICK!!!!!!! AND DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU EMPTIED AT LEAST TEN GALLONS OF CUM IN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” she squealed at length, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her eyes shimmering with pure lust as she dug her fingernails into his back.


Is this my life now?’ Mystogan thought to himself at the edge of his mind as the rest of his brain was flooded by the pure animalistic instinct to slam his hips against Kagura’s fat ass. ‘Having sex here in Earth Land until I die?


Almost as if she had heard his thoughts, Kagura answered. “YESSSS!!! FUCK!! FUCK ME MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND…



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Another great story Akrono, came out great and it had Kagura in it which I’d a bonus considering she to I’d also not seen much which is a shame since she had a great design. The only small negative thing and it’s very small is just Mystogen. Before im attacked just give me a reason to explain. There’s nothing wrong with Mystogen however he and Jellal are just..waaaaay to similar in characters and that’s not because of the Edolas arc. Everyone else counter part acted somewhat completely different, except Jellal and Mystogen they acted completely the same which idk made think Mystogen is just Jellal. The story is still a 9 out 10 though.

Last edited 1 year ago by DevilSlayer666
Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Thanks for your support. Perhaps I could have made Mystogan and Jellal act more different from one another during sex. Ultimately though, I didn’t do it which, admittedly, led to two really similar feeling characters.

1 year ago

I liked this. In fact, I liked it for a few reasons. Allow me to break it down:

First, nice to see Mystogan be the male focus here. More so as he provides a bit of a change of pace. Not to mention show off how different he is from Jellal, mannerisms, mindset and all. 🤔

Second, the setting for this sounds and feels serene. Quite different from a lot of the usual backdrops we’ve been seeing. This also highlights Mystogan’s appreciation for nature and the outdoors. Which is good. 😊

Next, there’s Kagura. Suffice to say, I really liked how she was utilized here in the story, not to mention going after Mystogan as she initially thought he was Jellal, and luckily he took the time to calm her down and explain. Plus I liked how she didn’t just got made to fuck him right away. If anything, she needed help with making things right with Jellal and Erza. But not in the way most would expect. 👀

Which leads me to the sex itself. I liked the fact that Kagura was no novice or rookie, which was something Mystogan picked up on very quickly. As for him, I also liked how he held on as long as he did. So it was pretty even. And yet, she only wanted more. 😅

Overall, well done. I eagerly await your next entry. 😎👏

P.S Let’s hope we get more of these two later. 😏

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I think it would have been to simple and basic to simply use Jellal for this chapter. If I remember correctly, then there have been up to five Jellal X Kagura chapters in S22132’s old Fairy Tail story, so I wanted to switch it up. And since I don’t have any plans for Mystogan anymore, I thought this would be a nice way to send him off and away from the story (for now).

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Unfortunate, but I understand it.

Still, it was a good little change of pace seeing him around. 😊

1 year ago

Mystogen undefeated

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

The boy’s been getting it on with three girls in three days… calling him undefeated seems about right.

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
1 year ago

I’m glad that she actually heard him out lol- and I’ve been fishing around for some more lighthearted friskiness for a while.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Can’t have Kagura beat Mystogan when I need them to have passionate lovemaking XD.

1 year ago

What a great story, you really write your females with slutty personalities really well. I loved the foreplay between the two in this it made them fell like equals and maybe even a little in love, at least during sex which I find extra sexy. This was a great chapter 10/10

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Happy to read that it resonated with you so well. I thought to make this Mystogan’s last appearance in this story (for a while at least), so I thought it had to be a bit special.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

If I could give my opinion on the last chapter here, the reason I didn’t was because there were a lot of negative comments I didn’t feel comfortable stating my own. But I thought it was good, still not a big fan of UB but you wrote it good and you wrote Lucy’s sluttiness really well, my only gripe is that you may have made it sound that she was TOO addicted to his cock. As in you made it seem like she can only be pleasured by that one dick from now on and to me that feels like it breaks a character in a story where everyone is a slut for any cock. I know this is your story and the fact that you have to create these from specific pictures alone just shows the talents you authors have here. I know you care very little for ships but going forward, I would recommend being careful about this when using your characters especially when involving main girls like Lucy, Erza, and Juvia who people like seeing with a certain pairing. I’m just saying this because I feel this is where you lost most people in the chapter and I would hate to see more negative comments because I do enjoy this series even with my minor gripes here and there. But anyways hope this was somewhat helpful and I hope to see more amazing content from you.